Raisin' the Roof

Story by Geoffbunny on SoFurry

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"Raisin' the Roof"

by Geoffbunny.

The first week of college was over, finally. Classes had been pretty lackluster thus far, and roommates were making their obvious problems voiced with each other by switching dorms. Among all this, though, Sigma Sigma Phi fraternity was having the most bitching party of the semester.

"Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug..."

The chants and cheers of the crowd on the frat house's front lawn could be heard around the block, a beer bong hanging from the third floor balcony funneling its way all the way down to the grassy yard below, where there was a tiger accepting the alcoholic liquid into his mouth, swallowing every last bit of the cheap, thin beer. He was a sizeable tiger... a senior, obviously able to take a large amount of alcohol.

"Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug..."

His name was Byron, but, being as this was a party, his nickname came through.

"Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug!!!! YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Byron "Chug" McGuire had just finished five beers in less than a minute. And none had ever looked healthier about it.

Across the lawn, a much smaller by comparison fox stood with a smirk on his face as he watched the proceedings along the outside edge of the crowd. A freshman and business major, he really had no desire to mix himself in with the general drunken stupor that seemed to be the overwhelming majority of the partiers present. Nonetheless, he wasn't one to miss out on free beer; a red plastic Solo cup occupied his hand, roughly three quarters of the way full with the same cheap beer Byron had just downed so quickly. He took a sip and let out a small sighing laugh, heading inside to see what was going on in there.

Twenty minutes and a beer later, the fox found himself sitting at a bar inside the first level of the house, a stool on either side of him empty. He spun around on the stool slowly to watch the door, seeing the new faces come in and leave. This wouldn't be so bad, his father and mother had drilled into his head that if they ever caught him at a party, they'd cut off their payment of his tuition, and he'd have to handle it on his own. Fuck them. What they don't know won't hurt 'em.

It was about that time the tiger made his way into the house, announcing his entrance with a loud belch, followed by a few raucous cheers from the more intoxicated patrons. Chug made his own way to the bar, leaning over it slightly. His eyes were a little glazed, but if he were to put on a pair of sunglasses, he'd appear completely sober. Having a seat next to the fox, the tiger leaned over with a cup identical to the fox's, pulling the handle and filling the vessel with a fresh round of beer.

"You must be Chug. Byron, right?"

The tiger jerked his head to the side, as if noticing the fox for the first time. "Yeah." The smell of the beer on his breath was apparent.

"That was pretty cool out there. The beer bong, I mean."


The fox smirked again. "I'm Steven. I'm a freshman this year, and..."

"I really don't give a fuck."

"...Okay." Steven looked a little disappointed. He turned back forward, letting the conversation die for a while. "I was just trying to make conversation..."

"It's a fuckin' sausage fest here. Where're the bitches?" Well, it was conversation, at least.

Steven allowed himself a laugh. "Good call, good call."

"You got a bitch, Scott?"

"It's... Steven..."

"Whatever. You got a bitch?"

"No..." Steven gave the same excuse he gave everyone else. "I like to keep my options open."

"Faggot. I have to piss." The tiger stood from his stool and made for the hallway. A few seconds followed, and a door slammed shut.

Upon hearing this noise, Steven growled to himself. What a jerkoff. He definitely has this coming to him... He dug into his pocket, taking out a small plastic baggy. Looking around himself to make sure nobody was watching, he took the baggy and shook it upside down, a small blue pill falling into his paw. Doing a scan of the room again, he made a stretching motion, and swayed back and forth, like he was drunk. On one of these swaying motions, he dropped the blue pill into the tiger's beer, leaning over again with a sway, peering into the cup, seeing a few more bubbles resembling beer foam make their way to the surface. Straightening himself in his chair and chugging down the rest of his beer, he began to fill up his cup, looking over his shoulder as the tiger made his way back in to grab his drink and immediately gulp down a quarter of it.

"Feel better? You were in there for a while." Steven couldn't help but smile widely as the tiger willingly drank up the altered beverage.


"You part of Sigma Sigma Phi?"


"All four years?"


"Great party, huh?"

"Sucks. Had a better one last year. Like, a hundred bitches there. Fuckin' rocked."

"I see." Steven watched the tiger carefully. Byron clutched his cup tightly, and tilted it back, chugging the rest of the beer down. If any part of the pill hadn't dissolved, he just swallowed it whole. "What's your major?"

"Business." The tiger looked incredibly bored.

"Hey, me, too."

"Great." His voice dripped with sarcasm.

"I've always been interested in business. How about we go upstairs and talk about business?"

The tiger turned his head to Steven, as if he were contemplating this question. "Am I drunk?"

"Probably." Steven looked the other way. It needs more time.

"Fuckin' sausage fest... Look at that shit. Look at that shit. There's two fuckin' faggots grindin' on each other. That's just fuckin' disgusting."

"Well, that tends to happen when you play Frankie Goes to Hollywood over the sound system."

The tiger started swaying back and forth... Oddly, in time to the music. "Relax... Don't do it..." He stopped, and looked to the fox. "There's nothin' wrong with this song. I fucked to this song once. Upstairs." Byron's eyes seemed to have lost their color, and a goofy half-smile crossed his features. Steven noticed.

"Upstairs? Why don't you show me the room?" Steven looked genuine enough. Byron stared at the fox... It looked like he wanted to say no. But he just stared.

"...Okay." The tiger stood up, and the fox followed after. Byron was walking quickly, Steven had to almost pick up a light jog in order to keep up. They climbed the stairs to the mostly unoccupied second floor. At the end of a long hallway was a closed door. Byron opened it without hesitation to show a sparse room, dimly lit by a lightbulb that hung a few feet from the high ceiling by insulated wiring. A wooden desk occupied its corner, its drawers completely gone and its surface riddled with small nicks and holes. A bed lie against the wall, pillowless, with white bedsheets turning yellow and brown with age, and with the several acts that may have gone on in the room over time. The floor was covered in dust and dirt, cobwebs owned the corners, and portions of the wallpaper were either hanging off or missing completely.

"Nice place..." Steven murmured under his breath. Byron, by now, had made his way into the room, about twice the distance as Steven. "Take off your clothes."

Without second thought, Byron started undressing himself, wrapping his paws around either side of his shirt and pulling it over his head, lacking any semblance of sexiness or seductiveness... It was as if he was undressing to take a shower, or for the doctor's office. He hooked his claws on either side of his mesh basketball shorts, and bent over to pull them down along with his boxers. He stepped out of the clothing, and followed an order from a flick of Steven's head and a gesture of the fox's paw to sit on the bed. The fox walked up to him and spread his legs, stepping in between the large, muscular thighs. "Undress me."

The tiger looked a little confused at this order, but the effects of the roofer had taken away his ability to make a decision on his own. Byron wasted no time in efficiently unbuttoning, unzipping, and pulling down Steven's jean shorts and underwear, and after the fox kicked them off, the tiger hooked his paws under the fox's shirt and pulled it over his head, Steven aiding the effort by raising his arms up. Both fox and tiger were now completely in the nude.

Steven walked around and climbed on the bed behind Byron, draping his arms over the tiger's broad chest. The fox leaned in close to the tiger's ear, and whispered, "Get on your paws and knees, on the bed." The tiger obeyed the command, and got in position. Steven made his way to the tiger's head, and stuck his crotch near the tiger's mouth. Deep in the back of Byron's subconscious, it clicked as to what was happening to him. All the same, he wasn't capable of any independence. So the tiger stuck out his tongue, and started licking at Steven's sheath.

The fox leaned his head back and gasped, his paws resting on the tiger's back as his sheath began to fill out, and the tip of his pink member poked through his slit, followed by inch by inch of his entire length. Clenching and unclenching his paws while the tiger licked over his furry pouch, Steven sighed and gasped alternately, small incoherent murmurs escaping his lips. Finally, though, he pulled back. Byron looked up to him, looking almost confused. However, Steven replaced his furry sheath with his fox member, and the tiger stuck out his tongue to lick again.

Steven's knees buckled at the feeling of the rough feline tongue over his naked shaft, each long lap sending shivers up and down his spinal column. He eventually saw an opening, and pushed forward, his cock entering the tiger's hot mouth. Byron looked up, confused again. "Pretend you're a female," Steven ordered, and Byron opened his mouth up a little more... He obviously knew how it felt to have teeth drag over his cock. Steven began thrusting in and out of the tiger's maw, the feline tongue playing and twirling over the length as it entered and exited his mouth.

Steven moaned and quaked with each thrust, the feeling of the humidity inside the tiger's mouth bringing ecstasy to the fox. Byron's tongue still swirled over the shaft, licking at every inch. Finally, Steven took a step backwards, pulling out of the tiger's maw. Grinning evilly, he climbed under the tiger, and began licking at his sheath. Byron started a bit at the feeling, giving a grunt of pleasure and surprise. The fox took one of the tiger's sizeable orbs into his mouth and sucked, causing the delirious tiger to whimper and let out soft moans.

The feline's cock had begun its ascent from its sheath, and Steven's paw moved up to circle around the thick shaft, stroking up and down at its base. His mouth still wrapped around one of Byron's balls, the fox began to stroke the full length, squeezing and lightly brushing over the spines, and running his thumb back and forth across the head. The tiger shuddered and let out brief purrs as Steven continued, and when the fox had stopped, a whine was audible from deep within the tiger's throat.

Byron was now fully at the will of the fox. Steven slipped out from beneath the tiger, and crawled on the bed to place himself behind the feline. His cock, still slick from saliva, was placed at the tiger's tight entrance. This caused Byron to whimper and whine, something inside his mind sending signals that said "No!" but his body both incapable and unwilling to follow those messages.

Steven placed his paws on either side of Byron's hips, and pushed his head in slowly, savoring the tightness of Byron's virgin entrance. Inching his foxhood into the tiger slowly, he listened to the tiger's whimpers of pain as he was stretched open for the first time. Grunts of pleasure were let loose from Steven's throat as he hilted himself within the tiger, and immediately began to pull out. Steven wrapped his paw around the tiger's member, and began to stroke it again, in time with his thrusting, which had by now built up a steady, medium-paced rhythm.

The feeling of the cock pistoning in and out of his ass caused Byron to cry out. For his first time, this was rough for him, and he rocked back and forth with every time Steven pounded his own crotch into his ass. The fox's paw kept stroking the tigercock, squeezing and massaging the length at intervals. Steven picked up the pace of his thrusting, leaning over the tiger's back a little to give him better positioning. With every thrust, a little more pre dribbled out, helping lubricate the tiger's tight inner walls.

Several minutes passed, and Byron and Steven were both panting and gasping, nearing exhaustion from the long, hard fuck. The tiger had begun to learn how to enjoy this, his eyes were closed and purrs of ecstasy came forth each time the fox's balls slapped against his ass. Steven kept his paws at work over the tiger's cock, sensing every time the feline was close to climax and slowing down, sometimes stopping. The fox's own stamina was wearing thin, and the thrusts became shorter and more rapid, causing Byron to moan in slight pain at the burning sensation inside him. Steven's knot had fully formed, and pushed against the tight entrance with each time the fox drove deep within the huge tiger.

Finally fed up with the torture of holding himself back, the fox thrust deep within the tiger, the knot slipping inside the virgin hole, causing the tiger to roar loudly and finally blow his seed all over the fox's paw and the already stained bedsheets below him. The tiger's orgasm made his ass muscles ripple and squeeze around the fox's knot, as Steven gave a few short final thrusts and emptied his load deep within the tiger, yips of pleasure and ecstasy filling the hot, musky air around them. When both cocks dripped the last of their fluids, Steven leaned over the tiger, still tied to him, running his semen-covered paw up and down the tiger's chestfur, making sure to rub it in completely.

Creak. The door swung open. "What.. the fuck?! Holy shit!" A lion had walked into the room, dropping his beer in drunken surprise. "What the hell?!" All Byron could do was stare back dumbly... But Steven sneered, grinning victoriously. "By... Byron?!" Steven, as a good measure, reached his paw up high and spanked the tiger, causing him to shout in surprised pain. The drunk lion stepped back a few steps, then ran down the hall, then the stairs. "Chug got fucked! Holy shit! Chug got fucked... by a Freshman!"

Steven heard the laughs, and this caused him to only feel better. When his knot had lost its swell, he pulled out. By then, a few of the more curious drunks had made their way up to see if it was true... And there Byron "Chug" McGuire was, on paws and knees with cum dripping out of his tailhole. Grabbing the tiger's shirt and wiping himself clean quickly, he gave a quick nod to the astonished onlookers, got dressed, and walked out, mostly unnoticed by the rest of the party downstairs.