When Blue Eyes Turn Green

Story by Thaine DaWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Geminis Atlantica

Slightly further down the timeline, when Evan has gotten a boyfriend. Of course Ethan is a little jealous that his brother isn't spending those intimate moments with him as often.

Originally submitted to Heat for publication, but was rejected.

When Blue Eyes Turn Green

By: Thaine T. Stephens

Ethan's feet tapped against his bedroom floor impatiently. It was almost time to put his scheme into motion, but his nervousness left his resolve shaken. After all, he didn't want his brother to be angry with him; he just didn't want him fucking someone else. Heat flushed his ears as he thought about someone putting their paws on his twin, which he suspected was happening now. Or, judging by the lack of noise coming from the living room, was about to happen very soon. With a ragged sigh the wolf stood and ran a paw through his black head fur. If he didn't address the issue now then he would just lie in bed and wallow in self pity. He had done that every night since Evan and Bryce had started dating, and he was just sick of it.

Carefully opening his bedroom door, Ethan slipped from his dark room into the hallway. He could see the flickering light from the television filtering down the hall, but aside from that none of the lights were on in the apartment. To his right the door to Evan's room was closed, but he knew they weren't in there; the wolf's keen ears would have picked up their steps past his door. On his left, towards the living room, was Connor's bedroom, door closed and just as empty. It would have been easier if their roommate had been around. Connor didn't get along with Bryce, and would have eagerly joined Ethan's plot. If Evan got angry over the planned intrusion, he could try to shift some of the blame to the otter. Unfortunately he was visiting family, leaving the wolf to act alone.

As he approached the living room, Ethan could start to make out the sounds from the television. Evan had turned on his favorite sports highlights show. As his eyes adjusted to the light, Ethan could make out his twin's silhouette on the couch, but his head was laying back. A quick sniff confirmed that Bryce was still in the room, and all it took was a soft moan from the sofa to tell him where. Moving closer to the couch, the wolf opened his muzzle to speak, but stopped before the words formed in his throat. He was already here...why should he deny himself a peek?

Holding his breath, Ethan stepped closer, peering over his twin's shoulder. One of Evan's paws was draped over the end of the couch while his other rested on the back of a raccoon's head. His slacks were unbuttoned, allowing the raccoon perched over his lap easy access below his waist. Bryce, Evan's boyfriend, was kneeling on the couch next to the wolf, taking his erect member into his muzzle. The bushy, striped tail flicked about restlessly as his head bobbed up and down slowly. One paw helped support himself while the other switched between holding the lupine's shaft to teasing his soft furred sac.

Ethan watched, entranced, as his brother was getting blown. With his heart pounding in his ears, he couldn't do anything but stare as the narrow muzzle pulled up, barely keeping his lips over the tip, before plunging back down again. Evan moaned again, his back arching up slightly as his manhood was assaulted, but never opened his eyes. Ethan felt a stir in his sheath at his brother's audible ecstasy. His shorts became increasingly uncomfortable as he watched those lips swallow Evan's length again. He exhaled softly as he felt his full sheath throb, straining against his bicycling shorts. It didn't feel right to be spying on his twin like this, but the more he watched, the longer he wanted to stay. I want to see him cum, he admitted to himself, placing a paw over the bulge in his pants and giving it a slight squeeze. The nights that he had spent alone, missing the other wolf's touch, were fueling his desire. It had been weeks since he had seen Evan in erotic bliss, and he hadn't realized how much he had missed it until now. I want to see his face when he cums...it's been too long. It was then that the raccoon opened his eyes and looked up and stared directly at him.

The instant that Ethan caught Bryce's eye shine he froze. He hadn't exactly been subtle while observing them; but he had been caught and didn't want Evan to know he'd been watching. Bryce paused briefly, but he didn't stop. Instead he kept his eyes on Ethan as he continued his oral treatment. Watching as the raccoon pulled his lips off the wolf's shaft and began to run his tongue around the swollen tip, realization dawned on Ethan; he was being teased. Heat rose to his face as he watched Bryce lick up and down his twin's length.

Flustered, the wolf stepped away from the couch and turned his back to it. "You have a bedroom for a reason," he growled loudly, taking small delight in the shocked gasp and frantic scrambling he heard behind him. "You should probably get to bed anyway. The coach wants us at practice early," he lied, hoping that mentioning Coach would douse some of Evan's libido. He admitted it wasn't a great argument to interrupt them, but the last time Bryce had kept Evan up late he had been worthless at practice the next morning. That hadn't gone over too well with their coach. He didn't wait for a response before marching angrily back to his room and slamming the door.

"Damn him," he hissed under his breath, envisioning the way Bryce had taunted him. He sat on the edge of his bed, holding his face in his paws while he listened. Ethan's erection was straining against his shorts, but he ignored it until he heard footsteps pass his door. "Damn him," he sighed, slipping off his shorts and laying back on his bed. Though he hated to admit it, watching Bryce suck off Evan had really gotten to him. Closing his eyes, he let his mind drift to Evan and his paw drift below his waist.

His erect member escaped its confines of his sheath with ease as he pulled it back. Clear drops of pre leaked from its tip as he took the firm shaft in his black furred paw and closed his eyes. The scene from the other room began to play in his mind as his fingers worked over his eager flesh. He envisioned the warm muzzle sliding up and down his brother's shaft, the paw fondling his heavy sac, and the tongue running over the sensitive head. His other paw moved lower to cup his balls, rolling them gently as his fingers teased his hard cock. More pre leaked and the wolf quickly put it to use, wiping it over his palm to aid in his fervent stroking.

He envisioned Evan's face, the soft moans that escaped his lips, and the flat chest his open shirt had exposed. As his thoughts lingered on his twin, the scene in his mind began to shift and change. The living room became Evan's bedroom, the couch became his bed, and Bryce was replaced by Ethan himself. He envisioned himself kneeling over the other wolf, taking him into his muzzle just as the raccoon was doing now. In his mind he could see two wolves that looked exactly the same, from their tan chest fur, to the grey that covered most of their body, and even to the black stripe down their back that branched at their hips, running the length of the tail and down their outer thighs to connect to their black boots. Licking his lips, he traded the paw that was stroking his member with the other one, bringing the pre coated fingers to his muzzle. Ethan inhaled heavily of his scent, the same scent as his twin, and delicately ran his tongue over them. As the sensations washed over him, the scene in his mind became more vivid, as if the scent and taste gave new life to his fantasy. Now as he saw himself taking Evan into his muzzle, he could smell, even taste him, as if it were really happening.

Slipping a finger between his lips, Ethan began to suck and lick at is if it were something far more intimate. Teeth gently raked over the bit of flesh, and in his mind Evan moaned, causing Ethan to moan along with him. The paw stroking his throbbing shaft sped up, grinding against the top of his knot on the down strokes before moving back up to tease the pointed tip. Clear, sticky precum flowed steadily from the tip's slit, coating the second paw as it had the first. Ethan began to writhe on his bed, groaning around his finger as the tension began to build up in his loins. He could feel the same tension building up in his fantasy as Evan put his paws on his head, pulling him down onto his shaft. Ethan moaned into his paw as the pressure built up in hips, his knot swelling, as his climax neared...until a knock came at his door.

Dammit! "J-just a second!" he stammered, hopping up from the bed. Tugging on his shorts, Ethan realized how futile that attempt to cover him was; his knot was too swollen to let his sheath envelope his length, and his hard member was poking up through the waistband of his shorts. Swearing softly, he dove for the closet and whipped the doors open. Hanging next to his soccer jersey was his bathrobe, and the only thing he had that would make him decent. After it was slipped on and the belt was tied, it was more than enough to conceal any indecency.

Brushing his dark bangs away from his eyes he moved to the door, but hesitated. Was it Evan? Had he come to confront him about interrupting him and Bryce? Holding his breath the wolf reached for the door and opened it just enough to poke his head out.

"Can we talk?" the raccoon said. He was standing in the hall shirtless, his belt undone and his head fur a wreck, with a sly curve in the corner of his mouth. That smirk made Ethan want to hit him, but instead he just shrugged and turned away to hide his erection. "Evan's worried that you're mad at him, and I said I'd check on you. It's my fault we were fooling around in the living room." Bryce paused, waiting for some response, but Ethan gave him nothing but a cold glare. "Connor wasn't here, and Evan was afraid that we might wake you if we were in his room." He tapped his knuckles on the wall for effect. "Your rooms share a wall and they don't filter out much." The raccoon shifted his weight from foot to foot while he waited for a retort. "So...if you're mad, take it out on me, not Evan." The curve in the corner of his mouth spread into a wicked grin. "And by the way you watched us I'd guess you would love to take it out on me."

Ethan could feel the heat rising to his face, but whether it was anger or embarrassment he wasn't sure. "It's not my fault you were putting on a show in the living room!" he said, his voice just a little louder than he intended it to be. Lowering his voice he continued, "What was I supposed to do? Pretend it didn't happen? Just ignore it and walk away?" Join in? A small voice whispered in his ear. Hide in your room and fantasize about it? His anger wavered as the inner voice asked the questions that he dare not ask aloud.

"So instead you just watched, fondling yourself?" Bryce accused, and the flash of his eye shine reminded the wolf that he had been seen. "And then," he continued, adding a loud sniff to emphasize his point, "you go hide in your room and paw off? I just had my nose buried in your brother's crotch and I can smell your arousal from here." He took a long stride forward and swept his paw inside Ethan's robe before the wolf could react, feeling warmth radiating through his shorts. "What turned you on more, Ethan? Watching me suck dick, or watching your brother get his dick sucked?" He gave the firmness a light squeeze before his paw was quickly smacked away.

Suppressing a snarl, Ethan pulled his robe tighter to himself. He already knew the answer to that question, but he wasn't about to admit the truth to Bryce. "Just because we are twins doesn't mean you can touch either one of us at your leisure. You're Evan's boyfriend, not mine." He took a step back, turning dismissively away from the raccoon. The conversation was turning in directions he didn't like, and he needed to end it before he let anything slip. "I didn't know what you two were doing in the living room. And what I do in my own room is no one's business but mine," he said firmly, turning to face the raccoon. He crossed his arms over his chest mimicking Bryce.

"Oh, I think you knew what we were doing alright. And I think it just drives you crazy." Bryce stepped further into the room, grinning as Ethan took a reflexive step back. "You've got green in your eyes whenever you see us together, Ethan," the raccoon said as he closed the bedroom door. "What makes you so jealous? Is it that I know your brother in a way that only you do," he said with a smirk, "or maybe that he knows me in a way that you don't?" His heart skipped a beat at the accusation; either Bryce had figured it out on his own, or Evan trusted him enough to tell him just how intimate their brotherly bond was. Before he could respond, Bryce stepped towards him. "There is only one gap in the formula," he paused, moving just inches from the wolf. "Maybe," he whispered breathily, "it could all balance out if...you knew me the same way that Evan does." Not giving Ethan a chance to respond the lusty raccoon slipped one paw inside Ethan's robe, his palm pressing against the firmness under the cloth, as his other arm wrapped around the wolf's back.

He wasn't as tall as Evan, standing at least a foot shorter, and not nearly as muscular. But his arms were strong, and he smelled like Evan, even if it was just from the close contact they had shared minutes ago. If Ethan closed his eyes he could almost feel his brother pressing against him, whispering the soft words that Bryce had spoke. The wolf let his guard down for just a second, and that was all it took; the raccoon had opened up the belt on his robe and slipped inside, their chest fur brushing together and sending little jolts of electricity through Ethan. The paw around his waist pulled tighter, and when he didn't resist this time, the other returned to the band of his shorts to grope at the firm flesh that strained against the elastic. "What about Evan?" he asked, getting another whiff of his twin's scent from the raccoon's breath.

"I'm sure he won't mind," he said softly, his intrusive paw slipping inside the wolf's shorts. "Brothers can share a lot of things." His voice had abandoned all of its animosity, and was becoming laden with desire. The sudden change caught Ethan off guard, but it quickly started to make sense; Bryce was a lustful creature, and if one lover hadn't sated him, then another that looked exactly the same would do just as well. Nimble fingers tugged at the front of Ethan's shorts, and he didn't resist as they were pulled down to set his manhood free. He won't mind...

_ _

The shorts slipped from his thighs easily, leaving him naked under his robe. The same paw that had helped undress him moved up the wolf's side, claws digging lightly into the area where grey and tan fur blended, before continuing to his shoulder. Without a word, Bryce began to work the robe down Ethan's arm, slipping it from one shoulder and then the other. It fell to the carpet as Ethan stood exposed to the raccoon's wanton gaze. Brown eyes full of desire traveled up and down the body toned from years of exercise and competitive soccer matches; his gaze lingered on the still hard shaft and hanging sac before moving up to meet the wolf's soft blue eyes. "You two really are identical..." he said with a husky voice, running both his paws over Ethan's exposed chest.

Ethan felt a stirring in his loins at the raccoon's touch. He grinned and placed his paws on Bryce's shoulders. "Then you should already know all the steps," he said with a low rumble in his throat. Ethan started to make a move for his pants, but Bryce was quicker than he looked. With a gentle, yet firm push, he sent the wolf tumbling back onto his bed. "Hey, what the-"he started, but was unable to finish as the raccoon clambered on top of him and pressed their muzzles together.

Bryce had delicate features, and his slender muzzle felt strange against Ethan's broader one. But the smell of Evan still lingered on his breath, and that served to only fuel the wolf's lust. The raccoon still had his pants on, but he was grinding his hips slowly against Ethan's, the weight and material teasing his achingly hard member. A soft whine slipped past his lips and into Bryce's mouth as the raccoon's tongue parted his lips and wriggled inside. Ethan's paw moved to the back of Bryce's head, his fingers running through the short gray head fur as his hips pushed back against the teasing assault. A bushy, ring striped tail brushed over his thigh, flicking back and forth excitedly.

It was Bryce who broke the kiss first, giving the wolf's bottom lip a little tug with his teeth as they parted. With a wicked grin he slipped his head out from the wolf's grasp and began to slide down his body, placing small kisses and tiny nips down his chest. As he moved lower, he trailed one paw above his head, dragging his claws through Ethan's chest fur. When he reached his waist, the raccoon gave his belly a playful bite before delicately taking the hard shaft in his paw. "So hard and eager," he teased, giving it a few slow strokes. "I didn't interrupt you, did I?" Before Ethan could retort, the raccoon dipped his head down and placed his lips over the pointed tip.

A sharp gasp that quickly turned into a moan escaped Ethan's throat as his manhood was enveloped in warmth. A tongue that felt like silk slid along the underside of his length, making his back arch. Slender fingers wrapped around his swollen knot, gripping it firmly as the muzzle began to move up and down the wolf's cock. Ethan spread his legs wide, giving Bryce room to settle in between them. He moaned again as fingers began to massage his tender sac, rolling the heavy orbs within mischievously. The wolf propped himself up on one elbow briefly to catch a glimpse of more of his manhood slipping between Bryce's lips before laying back down on the bed. He shut his eyes and let himself become lost in the sensations, his tail thumping lightly against the mattress.

Bryce began to make small rumblings in his throat as he bobbed his head rhythmically. He would move all the way up to the tip, stopping just long enough to flick his tongue over it, before plunging back down. The paw he kept on the knot moved up to stroke the length that he couldn't get between his lips as he moved his other paw lower. "Hey, what are you..." the wolf started, squirming as deft fingers parted his rear. The probing finger found his tail hole with ease and began to make delicate circles around it.

Moaning loudly, Ethan pumped his hips upwards as he felt his tail hole being teased. He was beginning to understand why Evan was dating the raccoon; even if Bryce was a bit of a jerk, he knew how to use his muzzle! The tongue flicked over his tip again, this time teasing at the slit, causing him to writhe on the bed. There was a familiar tension building up in his loins as the paw teasing his sac moved under it to tease the sensitive flesh beneath. If this kept up, he wouldn't last much longer.

Teeth gently raked over Ethan's member as the tongue stroked the underside. His own tongue hung from the side of his mouth as he let the sensations take over. He's teasing me again, he thought, groaning as the raccoon's fingers harassed his tail hole. They moved in tight circles around his opening, massaging and stimulating, but denying him the last bit that his body craved. "P-put one in..." he stammered breathily, "I'm not gonna l-last..." Much to his relief, Bryce was quick to respond.

Ethan let out a slight yelp as he was violated. The combined sensation of the raccoon's skilled muzzle and the new intrusion under his tail was too much for him to handle. Biting his lip to keep from howling, Ethan gave one last thrust with his hips before spilling his seed into the hungry muzzle. Waves of ecstasy shuddered through his tense body, draining what energy he had as the raccoon's fingers coaxed all they could from him.

Bryce swallowed everything he could offer without any hesitation, not removing his muzzle until Ethan's body began to relax. "Ah!" the wolf cried out as the intrusive finger was removed. He tried to sit up but couldn't seem to muster the strength. So instead he just laid still and waited for the room to stop spinning. He turned his head to face the raccoon as he crawled from the bed and crouched at his side. Bryce wiped his muzzle with the back of his paw and smirked. "What?" he rumbled, sleep starting to call him.

The smirk became a smile as Bryce reached out and rustled the wolf's chest fur. "You two are more alike than I thought. Evan starts to drift off quickly too." The mention of his twin's name sent a small jolt through Ethan; surely he'd be able to smell him on the raccoon. When he started to voice his concern, Bryce chuckled and put a finger to his lips. "I'll take care of it," he said. "Brothers should be able to share, right?" Even though he nodded, Ethan wasn't entirely sure. How would he feel if, when he finally got one, Evan slept with his boyfriend? His thoughts were interrupted when the raccoon opened the bedroom door. "Oh, by the way, next time you could just join us instead of storming off in a jealous fit. Evan would rather share with you than have you upset."

Ethan couldn't help but grin as the raccoon's eyes sparkled behind his dark mask. "I'll keep that in mind," he said, watching until Bryce's still flickering tail disappeared behind the closing door. Join in, huh? He thought, his tired muscles protesting as he reached over to turn off the lamp. Maybe next time I will... The green numbers on his alarm clock changed again as Ethan gave it one last look before rolling over and shutting his eyes. "Maybe I will," he muttered, drifting off to sleep with a smile on his face.

The End