Forbidden Chapter 16

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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Forbidden Chapter 16 -- Don't Hold Back

"So...what are the rules here?" Jasyn stood near the foot of his bed, his eyes shifting between Alex and Luke.

His ears pinned down, Luke nervously adjusted his tenting pants and hoped his blush wasn't showing, "Rules?"

Jasyn looked at the raccoon, "Y-yeah. Delicate situation and all. Gotta' make sure no one's feelings are stepped on..."

"Don't you mean mine?" Alex smirked, leaning against the closed door to the wolf's room.

"Yeah." Jasyn nodded. "I doubt me and Luke are in any danger of being hurt..." He motioned between himself and the raccoon.

Luke gulped, " what are the rules, then?"

Both furs' eyes on him, Alex stood up straighter. "I guess there aren't any, really."

Jasyn blinked, "None? Like...we'd be able to do whatever we want? Anything?"

"Just about." Alex nodded, "I mean...that's what this is about, right? You...or we can't really enjoy this if it's all...pinned down with rules, right? And it's not really worth it if we can't be comfortable and enjoy ourselves..."

"I don't know." Jasyn rubbed his neck, "What if I do something to make you feel like I'm paying too much attention to Luke, and not enough to you? Or...Luke, too, for that matter: I don't want him to feel left out."

Luke shook his head emphatically, "I won't! Don't worry."

Alex chuckled, "You're forgetting, already: I'm still a little uneasy with...y' in general. I'm not looking to be that involved, remember?"

"Yeah..." Jasyn rubbed his neck again, finding it hard to keep his eyes off of Luke's tent.

"So really..." Alex continued, "I guess that's the only rule. Don't, like...force me to get more involved than I'm comfortable with...but make sure I can be if I want."

"I can agree to that." Luke's paw continued kneading his tent, with a shy smile, "I'm certainly not gonna' stand in the way if you want to participate."

Jasyn reflexively licked his lips, looking at Luke's bulge, "I really hope you decide you want to, too. But there's no pressure."

"Looks like I'm holding you two up."

Both furs eyes snapped back to Alex, and Jasyn smiled with his ears down, "Sorry."

"No, please." Alex smiled back, "Don't let me keep you waiting."

Luke's head hung slightly, "I'm...just waiting for someone else to lead."

"I uhm..." Jasyn looked back at the raccoon, "I guess that means me."

"I think it does." Alex nodded

Jasyn took a step away from his bed, slowly closing the gap between him and the raccoon. The wolf's ears rose and twitched as Luke's pinned themselves down again.

As Luke's paw fell away from his tented crotch, Alex's paw lit upon his own, "Don't hold back: Just enjoy yourselves..." His sheath tightened under his touch, "I know I will."

Giving the fox one last cautionary glance, Jasyn, again, gripped the raccoon's bulge. Luke shivered at the touch and leaned, involuntarily, into the wolf. With a smile, Jasyn slipped his other paw to the raccoon's waist, gripping him tightly as he kneaded his throbbing tent.

Luke whimpered and looked up at the wolf pleadingly...his voice eeking out just loudly enough for Jasyn to hear, "It hurts..."

"Sorry..." The wolf whispered back, their muzzles almost touching.

Across the room, Alex had leaned back against the door, his paw stroking the entire length of his bulging pants as he watched Jasyn's fingers grip Luke's zipper. Carefully, the wolf unzipped the raccoon's pants, and let his slick, dripping cock out into the open air.

Luke let out a sigh of relief, but it was cut off in a moan as Jasyn's paw encircled his freed member. Lightly stroking the younger fur's dick with one paw, the wolf slid his other up and under Luke's shirt, scratching and rubbing through the fur of his side and back.

Feet away, Alex had pulled out and was stroking his own red, twitching foxhood, its knot half engorged, and its tip leaking. He watched as his boyfriend held Luke's cock in one paw while his other pushed the raccoon's shirt up, revealing more and more of his gray and white fur.

Much to the raccoon's disappointment (and relief), Jasyn released his shaft and slipped that paw, now sticky, under his shirt as well. Matting his fur along the way, Jasyn slid his paws up Luke's sides, lifting the shirt. The raccoon silently complied, and lifted his arms so the older fur could pull his shirt up and off.

For a moment, his head was trapped in the fabric, and while his vision was obscured, he felt something else wet and hard against the side of his dick. As his head popped free, he found Alex's face inches from his own. He and Jasyn were no longer alone, and it was the fox's twitching cock that was now resting lightly against his.

Alex finished pulling Luke's shirt away, for Jasyn, and dropped it on the floor with a smile as he moved even closer to the raccoon.

"I figured..." The fox touched his nose to the younger fur's, "...since Jasyn got to..."

Alex's dick slid along the side of Luke's as he pressed forward, closing his eyes and locking his lips with the raccoon's. Luke, like he had with Jasyn, let the fox lead. His head was spinning from the feeling, thoughts, and smells of everything around him, and he just parted his lips, letting the fox's tongue into his muzzle.

Jasyn stood only a step back, smiling as he watched his fox invade the raccoon's mouth. His own pants were stretching tight and his breaths came out as a deep, subtle growl. As the two smaller furs deepened their kiss, Jasyn stepped forward, brushing his paws teasingly across their intertwined dicks on his way to Luke's waistband.

The two teenagers separated their waists just enough to give the wolf access, and Alex, though his embrace had loosened, continued to lightly run his fingers through the gray fur of his back. Jasyn unbuttoned Luke's pants, and they fell immediately around his feet, leaving him only in his underwear, which were already doing little to hide him.

With a frustrated huff, Luke broke his kiss with Alex and looked down. At first, the fox looked disappointed, but when he looked down, too, he found the raccoon had simply gotten caught in his pants and was trying desperately to pull his feet free.

Jasyn's footpaw stepped on them to help, as he hooked his thumbs under the waist of the raccoon's underwear, and tugged them down. In a matter of moments, Luke was bare before the two, and he grinned shyly. His cock still twitched with excitement, but with the rest of his body he sunk into himself, as it dawned on him that, save for Alex's dripping member, he was the only naked one in the room.

As Luke hugged himself, the fox moved closer to him again, wrapping himself around the younger fur. "A little cold?"

Luke just gulped, "Mm-hmm..."

"Isn't that cute?" Alex looked back at Jasyn with a grin, "Normally we can barely get him to hush."

His ears pinned again, Luke sunk into his friend's arms, blushing.

"He's just embarrassed." Jasyn grabbed the bottom of his own shirt, slightly muffling himself as he pulled it up and over his head, "Maybe I can help."

As the wolf dropped his shirt to the side, his eyes set back on the naked raccoon, and on Alex's paw tracing the boy's stomach and groin before cupping his balls. Jasyn's eyes were sharp and narrowed, locked on his lithe gray prey, as it murred, nuzzling against the fox.

Alex's paw trailed up from the raccoon's sack and slid along his shaft, making Luke almost hump against him. Jasyn just smiled a toothy grin at the sight of Luke losing himself in all of this. Wasting no time, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, shedding both them and his underwear in one quick fluidic motion.

Time for teasing had passed.

With his free paw, Alex reached out and took hold of Jasyn's dick only seconds after it came into view. Jasyn smiled and growled, and Alex smiled back. As the fox's knees bent, he already felt proud of himself. And as his knees touched the carpet, his nose touched the wolf's cock tip. This was no farther than he'd already been with Jasyn, but only minutes before, he hadn't even been sure he'd be up for this much. He was pleased with how comfortable he was, but assumed Jasyn would be more.

Behind him, Luke watched as the fox's muzzle opened, swallowing Jasyn's cock to the knot. Luke's dick was still in Alex's free paw, and it twitched and flexed as he looked on. He'd only seen this in porn, never in person, and it only now dawned on him that this was really happening. All the touching was one thing, but any minute now, whether he was in Alex position, or Jasyn's, he could be doing exactly what they were.

Alex bobbed his head along Jasyn's shaft, helped along by the wolf's eager, but still gentle paws. Jasyn's growls grew louder as Alex's muzzle and tongue lavished his every inch; the wolf had never been insensitive enough to ask if Alex had learned to do this from Peter, but whatever the cause, he was good.

Luke nearly yelped as he suddenly felt Alex jerk down on his dick. He wasn't sure, but he assumed the fox wanted him to kneel, so he did, and dropped to his knees before Jasyn, just as Alex had.

Alex pulled his muzzle free of the wolf's cock and paws, and looked back at the raccoon, "Well?"

Luke just stared at the shiny, wet, and twitching wolf-dick in Alex's paw and licked his lips, " turn?"

"If it's not me...SOMEone's gotta' take care of my wolf." Alex moved aside and smiled up at Jasyn.

The eldest of the three furs smiled back at his boyfriend and watched as Luke moved in closer. Alex's paw was still gripped tight around the wolf's cock, just behind the knot, and pointing it right at the raccoon's nose.

With a glance up at Jasyn, Luke tentatively licked the tip. His tongue lingered there and his eyes fluttered closed, as the raccoon let out a louder murr at the taste than the wolf did at the contact. Eyes still closed, Luke pressed on, Jasyn's cock sliding into his muzzle, still guided by Alex's paw.

Jasyn watched his meat disappear into the raccoon's maw as his fox leaned in to the raccoon's ear. The black ear perked up as Alex whispered into it. Jasyn couldn't hear what was being said, but soon felt the results.

Alex released the wolf's dick as both of Luke's paws replaced his one. The raccoon cautiously squeezed Jasyn's knot, but Alex shook his head. The whispered something else and Luke tried again. The raccoon squeezed more firmly, elicited a soft, happy whimper from the wolf, and a grin from the fox.

Alex smiled, first at Luke, and then up at Jasyn, before returning to the raccoon's ear. Again, Jasyn couldn't be sure what his boyfriend was saying. But whatever was going on in the young teenager's upturned ear, and for that matter, in his muzzle, was working. Jasyn's knees grew weak and he slumped forward, having to use Luke to steady himself.

With a smile, Alex backed away and stood, to look down on the spoils of his handy-work. Luke was going to town, squeezing and rubbing Jasyn's knot, and playing every little trick with his tongue that Alex had suggested.

"Quick learner. You two keep that up." Alex stepped around the two and sat down on the edge of Jasyn's bed, "Don't forget to put on a good show. Remember you have an audience."

Panting, Jasyn turned his gaze on the playfully smirking fox, but only for a moment, before looking back down at the raccoon. There, on his knees, Luke's muzzle was buried in the wolf's crotch, hungrily swallowing his cock. But that's not where Jasyn's gaze fell; his eyes were on Luke's tail, twitching happily and brushing the carpet behind him and.

Right there, just under that tail: that's where Jasyn really wanted to be.

Luke could barely breathe, but he didn't care; he'd dreamed of this forever. Though maybe not with a canine specifically, he'd wanted to taste another guy's dick for years: ever since he was a cub. His own cock was sore and begging for attention, any attention, of its own, but he wasn't going to complain. This was already more than he'd ever dreamed would come out of today.

Above him, though, Jasyn's moans and growling breaths were grow louder and louder, his eyes still locked on the base of the raccoon's twitching tail. The warmth of the raccoon's muzzle around his cock, and the friction of his exploring tongue were driving Jasyn over the edge, already...but this still didn't compare to what he'd felt two months earlier.

Jasyn gripped the raccoons' headfur as he ground lightly against his suckling muzzle. There, under that tail, was what he really wanted. It was what had convinced him, all those weeks ago, that he could be gay and enjoy it. No muzzle -- or even girl -- compared, and today was his chance to feel it again.

Luke swallowed reflexively, as Jasyn's tip teased the back of his throat and squirted out little streams of pre deep inside of his maw. He wanted to pull away, before it gagged him, but he stopped himself. Not only was he afraid to do anything that might end this...but he also remained eager as ever to please, and wanted to be as good a friend for the wolf as he could manage.

That bit of torture wouldn't last long, though. Without warning, Jasyn jerked Luke away by his headfur, pulling his cock free, and finally giving the raccoon room to breathe. Mouths agape, the two furs looked at one another. Pre strung from Luke's mouth, and both he and Jasyn panted as they caught their breath...but Jasyn's breaths soon rose to a near frightening growl.

With a snarling grin, the wolf bent low, grabbed a hold of the smaller fur, and lifted him roughly to his feet. Nose-to-nose, Luke's eyes went wide as his ears, yet again, flattened out on his skull.


Jasyn cut the raccoon off in mid word, locking him in a deep kiss and pulling his small body hard against his own. Luke snapped his eyes closed and his voice trailed into a soft moaning into the kiss as he gripped at the wolf's back fur.

From the bed, Alex watched his boyfriend eclipse the smaller raccoon, gray fur on gray fur as they locked themselves in a deep, lustful kiss. Although he was enjoying the show, however, Alex soon had to release his grip on himself, and scramble out of the way toward the head of the bed.

In a sudden burst, Jasyn broke the kiss, turned, and strode forward, slamming his prey back first onto the bed, his own body still atop the raccoon, just shy of hitting the fleeing fox. Gripping the sheets, the wolf pulled Luke and himself farther onto the bed, as he buried his muzzle hungrily into the younger fur's neck.

Though he'd been shocked at first, now, Luke only moaned aloud. Jasyn's claws raked his body, his teeth dug into his neck, and Luke's cock ground against the larger fur's thick fur. He was at the wolf's mercy, and, though on some level it was frightening to lose so much was exhilarating.

Alex was unsure if Jasyn may have been moving too fast for the little coon, but Luke didn't seem to mind. And before Alex could return to stroking himself, a blindly groping black paw beat him to it. Eyes closed, Luke fondled at the fox -- his leg, stomach, and balls -- before finally finding his mark and grabbing a hold of Alex's throbbing dick.

Though it wasn't quite in line with his only rules -- 'don't force me to be involved' -- the fox couldn't exactly say he had a problem with Luke's friendly paw. Accommodatingly, Alex moved closer to the two, giving Luke's paw better access.

Though part of him would have appreciated a bit more control, Luke was in heaven. Above him, a wolf was chewing on his neck and hard, slick rod was in his paw, and another was grinding against his thigh...and his own twitching erection was buried in the wolf's stomach fur. But it, again, wasn't to last long.

Suddenly, Jasyn gripped him and roughly began maneuvering him, lifting him from the bed and forcing him into a new position. Luke let go of Alex's cock, and put up no attempt to fight the wolf. In a moment, he was on all fours, his ass in the air, and his nose was against the fox's white-furred balls.

Behind him, Jasyn smiled and growled, gripping his Luke with one paw, while moving his gray and black ringed tail aside with the other.

Luke looked back nervously, "J-Jasyn? I...I'm not sure if..."

"Shh..." The wolf smiled back, rubbing his thumb against Luke's pucker, "You'll like it...I promise."

Luke shivered and murred at the feeling, turning his muzzle back, his nose brushing Alex's tip.

"Beautiful?" Alex looked up at his boyfriend as he petted the raccoon's cheek, "Don't be too rough with him. Remember, it's his first time."

Jasyn's eyes were locked on the pink pucker in front of him, and he didn't even look back at the fox, "Naw..." He moved his thumb away, replacing it with the oozing tip of his wolf-hood, "He's a big boy...aren't you Luke?"

Luke nodded hesitantly as the wolf patted his rear.

"See? He can take it."

Gripping the raccoon's hips, Jasyn leaned forward, covering Luke with his weight as he pressed against his hole. The virgin hole resisted at first, but Jasyn didn't let up, and it only took a moment for it to open up and accept his tip.

Luke winced.

The wolf continued on, spreading him with the tapered tip until the beginning of his shaft began to invade.

"Ah!" Luke gasped, "Jasyn, it hurts! Slow down a little, I-"

Mid word, the raccoon's open muzzle was forced down, closing around the fox-dick before it. Any protests Alex might have had, any words of defense for the younger fur, washed away as the warmth surrounded his twitching meat. He'd never had his cock in anyone's muzzle, and all he could do was moan aloud.

"Thought he might quiet down if he had something in his muzzle..." Jasyn smiled wide, his paw on the back of the raccoon's head, and pushed forward more until his knot was against the boy's hole.

Luke stowed his protests away, distracting himself from the pain of the wolf in his ass by focusing on the fox in his muzzle. Behind him, Jasyn was already riding him, wasting no time thrusting into him...sliding his pre-soaked rod in and out of the tight, but relenting hole.

Luke squeezed the fox's knot as he winced, focusing on Alex's earlier instructions to take his mind off of the pain. Again, he tried every little trick with his tongue that the fox had suggested, as he kneaded the knot in his paws. And for Alex, it was too much. He'd never had this happen to him before, and he was already on edge. He had, after all, spent the entire rest of this 'threesome' teasing himself.

He shuddered and fell back against the headboard as he came into Luke's suckling muzzle.

Surprised at the eruption, Luke pulled away. He coughed and let the last of the streams splash against his nose and muzzle. With whine, the raccoon slumped forward, laying his sticky head in Alex's lap as Jasyn's thrusts rocked him and drove him against the fox's groin.

The wolf bent over farther still, his paws gripping the front of Luke's thighs as he drove his hips against him fast and faster, and harder and harder. His breaths had all given way to panting and growling, and his eyes were closed as his hips pistoned, tapping against the raccoon's ass.

Alex looked down at Luke, his headfur rubbing against the fox's sticky, subsiding cock. The younger fur's face was twisted and contorted in pain, and his bottom lip was gripped between his teeth. With every thrust, he grunted, holding back a whine or a whimper, and the corners of his eyes were damp. He was in pain...but more than that, he was just waiting for it to end.

It was a look Alex had never seen, but one he definitely recognized.

"Jasyn." Alex spoke softly, but direct, "Maybe you should slow down. You're hurting him. Ease up."

" He'll be okay; he'll be fine." Jasyn panted as he barely managed to speak between thrusts, "I'm almost done. He'll be okay. Just let me finish. Let me finish."

The wolf's thrusts slowed, growing determined, deliberate, and stiff, until he finally rammed forward in one last, brutal thrust, and forced his knot into the raccoon with an audible pop.

Luke yelped, finally unable to hold back. Alex held his head, petting him and whispering reassurances, as Jasyn tensed and shook behind the boy. Inside of the raccoon, Jasyn swelled, twitched, and throbbed, shooting rope after rope of his seed inside of his little friend. The wolf's eyes were still closed and his tongue lolled out of his muzzle, while, beneath him, Luke's damp eyes had given way to open and unrestrained tears.

Before his orgasm has even subsided, the wolf pulled back, another pop sounding off that he'd pulled out of the raccoon. As Jasyn released him, Luke collapsed to the bed, and the last streams of the wolf's cum shot out onto his ass and tail.

Jasyn fell back, leaning heavily on his arms and panting in his afterglow. When his eyes opened, he was looking at his ceiling, and it took him a concerted effort to wrench them away, and to point his gaze at the furs in front of him.

There, on his bed, Luke clung tightly to Alex's waist, his face wet and his breaths heavy and shaking. Above him, Alex stared wide eyed at his wolf. It was a look Alex had never given him before, and Jasyn couldn't place it.

Alex's eyes, in the past, had always shown admiration for the wolf -- love, pride, nearly a sense of awe -- but this was something different. And as Jasyn's afterglow ebbed away, he felt his stomach begin to knot.


There we go! The soap opera, Forbidden, continues!!

This has been a complete and total re-write. I wrote this, from beginning to end over the last couple of days, because it was one of a small few chapters of Forbidden I was unhappy with. The original was recieved well enough, but I wasn't happy with it, so I wanted to see if I could make it better this time around. In the process, though >.> it became two chapters...

Anyway, that means that I wrote the lines and actions of all the characters involved this time around. This time it wasn't an RP. So, the following credits are for the ORIGINAL version...the story that I based THIS version off of.

* Starring: F. R. Borealis as Alexander Collin Moen and Lucas Joseph Trammel Cecil B. North as Jasyn Aiden Fuller *

Cecil was a writer here as well, back in the Yiffstar days. If you want to check out the stuff he wrote back then, go ahead and look him up. His username on here is: Cecil_88

A buzz-kill AND a cliffhanger? I don't know how you guys put up with me... So what now? What got into Jasyn? Was this a bad idea? Does Alex regret his decision, or even his forgiveness? Is Luke okay? Are Alex and Jasyn okay? Is our wolf in trouble? And where are Matt, Sirrus, and Chris? When did Alex and Jasyn hijack this story? When will we see the other half of the cast again? We haven't seen them since chapter 12 (two months ago for the characters)! Tune in next time for the (hopefully exciting) conclusion of Book 1 of Forbidden!

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at] I'll also be getting myself a twitter and a facebook dedicated to Borealis soon.

See you for the next 41 chapters of Forbidden! ^_^