Untold Pleasures

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Untold Pleasures

-Chapter 1-

"Max! Wake up honey, breakfast is almost ready!"

Max awoke to his mothers voice and the sweet smell of strawberry pancakes. The sun was just barely starting to appear on the horizon as he slowly sat up and stretched himself out.

"My god it's early...." he thought, "leave it to mom to know how to get me up though."

After he finished with his stretching he walked over to his closet and eyed his wardrobe. He wondered which outfit best suited his mood this morning. Eventually he narrowed it down to some blue jeans with a white T-shirt and red sweatshirt or a pair of nearly black jeans, a black T-shirt with a sweet anime grim reaper on it, and his favorite black Fender sweatshirt. After a bit of thinking, he decided that the more black attire suited him today. After all, he did wear black very well. He got dressed and went to look at himself in the mirror to make sure his fur was in order. As he gazed into the mirror, there was a very handsome fox staring back at him. About 12 years old, he had black ears, the most gorgeous sea-blue eyes, mostly orange facial fur with a small exception on the top of his muzzle, one little spot was white. He could see his white belly fur through the little dip the neck-hole of his shirt made. Behind him he saw his big and bushy tail swaying slightly.

"Man I look good today." he said with a satisfyed smile.

Just then his mothers voice floated up the stairs again, announcing that breakfast was now ready abd getting colder by the second.

"Alright ma!" Max yelled back to her, "I'll be down in a jiffy!"

Slowly he turned around once to get a good view of his whole body, then he dashed down the stairs and towards the kitchen. When he got to the kitchen, his mother was already at the table and eating one of the strawberry pancakes.

"Well hey there sleepy head!" she said with a smirk, "You finally decided to crawl out of bed eh?"

"Hey! Perfection takes time ma!" Max joked.

"Heh, perfection my ass!" she snorted.

Max just chuckled and sat down next to his mom and gave her a big hug. "Thanks for making breakfast mom."

"Anytime dear." she said, kissing his forehead gently.

"Mmmmm it all smells so delicious!" Max said, sniffing the air vigorously.

"Well what are you waiting for? An invitation? Dig in!" his mother said.

"Gladly!" he replied, taking three pancakes and throwing them onto his plate.

After breakfast he ran back upstairs and grabbed his bookbag, took one last look in the mirror, and then dashed down the stairs and out the door to his bus stop. He was hoping Michelle was feeling better today, she had broken up with her boyfriend last week and she still wasnt quite over it yet. As he neared the stop, he saw the usual people there, Andre, Fred, and George, but there was no sign of Michelle.

"Damn..." he said to himself, "I hope shes alright."

Just then the bus came and he was forced to depart for a very boring day in school, not like he could focus anyway. Everytime he got focused on somthing his thoughts always seemed to shift back to michelle and why she could have missed school today. In the end, to appease his troubled mind he decided he would go and visit her right after school. Even so, that only helped a little and he eventually just gave up all hope of focusing on anything that day. By the end of 4th block, he had no homework, all the time in the world, and only one objective in his mind: Get to Michelle's house. The bus ride home seemed to take forever as yet again he found himself worrying about Michelle.

"Damn...what is up with me?" he thought, "I have never obsessed over Michelle like this before."

After what seemed like an eternity the bus stopped near his house and he dashed off and didnt even bother to go to his house and drop his bookbag off, he jsut kept running all the way to michelle's home, which happened to be 6 blocks from his house. He slowed to a walk, panting slightly as he neared her door. The house seemed dark and empty from the outside as he peered into the small window by the front door.

"I hope she didnt move away without tellin me..." he said aloud.

Quckly he knocked on the door rather hard and waited for any slight noise from inside. Eventually he heard footsteps, shuffling slightly indicating that whoever it was was dragging thier feet or wearing slippers. Slowly the doorknob turned and a rather slim figure was standing in the doorway. It was indeed Michelle and she was in her favorite blue pajamas with her favorite purple slippers on. When he first saw her, his first impulse was to hug her tight because he was so glad she wasnt gone, but he thought better of it.

"Max?" she said, "What are you doing here?"

Before he answered, Max took a second to look her over. she was about 5"9', same as him, She was 12 just like Max, she had the same blue eyes as him too. There was a difference though, in fur color, she had gorgeous pink fur and lighter black ears than max had. But her underbelly was still white just like Max's was and her tail had the same white tip as his did.

"Oh, I was just really worried about you today in school, i couldn't focus on anything." he replied.

"Well its good to know somone cares about me..." she said gloomily.

"Hey hey! Lots of people care about you!" Max assured her.

"Well it doesnt seem that way lately..." she said, "My parents are gonna be gone for two weeks so that doesnt help either."

"Why?" Max asked.

"Some buisiness trip or somthing...anyway they wont be back for a while and i was already really depressed so i just skipped school today." she replied.

"Oh ok....well as long as you are okay then im happy..." Max said as he turned to walk home.

"Max wait..." she called after him, "Will you please stay here with me for a while? I need some company right about now."

Max turned and smiled at her, "Well why didnt you say so! You know i'll stay with you for a bit if you want!"

She smiled and opened the door wider to let him in, "Yeah, I spose I did know." she said.

Once inside, they headed into the living room and sat on the coutch to watch some TV, although they didn't really watch it because they were so busy just talking about the events of the last few days. After a while they decided to cook some popcorn and watch a movie, the question was, which one? After some debating and a bit of whining from Max, they decided upon "A Lovers Dream". All that was left to do now was to go and make the popcorn. Max volunteered to go do that while Michelle put in the movie. Max went into the kitchen and after a bit of rummaging, he found a pack of Micro-buddy brand popcorn, stuck it in the microwave and started it up.

"Hey Michelle, did you get the movie started yet?" he called.

"Yeah, I did, is the popcorn started?" she called back.

"Yup, i'll be there in a second!" Max said.

"Alright." she replied.

Max tapped his foot impatiently as the timer slowly ran down on the microwave. It seemed that each single second took ten seconds. Finally the timer hit zero and there were three loud beeps as the microwave shut off. Quickly max pulled out the bag ripped it open, spilling a few kernels on the floor, and poured it into the big popcorn bowl. He added a few of his own special touches like a dash of extra salt and butter and then he ran out into the living room and hopped over the back of the coutch, landing with a thud right beside Michelle.

"Well hey there stranger!" she said with a smirk as she popped three or four kernels of popcorn into her mouth.

"Yeah i know, long time no see eh?" Max replied, chuckling to himself.

Just then the sound blared on the TV, "OHHHH! It's starting!" Michelle exclaimed excitedly.

She then scootched up next to Max and leaned on him slightly, occasionally reaching a paw over to grab some popcorn. Max didn't know what to think, Michelle had never gotten this close to him before, close friends though they were. To tell the truth he felt like an idiot sitting there so stiffley and he could feel himself blushing deep red. So, to ease how stiff he looked he pulled his arm up and put it around Michelle lightly so they were in a more comfortable and cozy position.

Max's sudden movement surprised Michelle at first but when she felt his arm go around her shoulders she relaxed and sighed happily. She knew she was blushing but she didnt care, this was exactly the kind of comfort she wanted, no, needed now. As the movie went on, michelle continued to scootch lower on Max until she had her head resting on his chest. She was really enjoying herself and getting a really strange feeling within her body that she had never felt before.

Every time Michelle shifted down, Max looked over at her nervously. She was getting much to close to his already stiff member. The last thing he wanted was for her to accidentally touch it. Oh god, how embarrasing that would be. On the TV, the two main characters had just arived home and they were headed up to the male racoons room, the female, meanwhile, was giggling to herself giddily.

"Whats she so happy about?" Max thought.

As the scene went on, the walked into the males room and he closed the door slowly and slyly locked the door. the female, meanwhile, had gotten onto his bed and was bouncing slightly as she began removing her top.

"Uhhh...Michelle...what exactly are they gonna do?" Max asked nervously.

"Well, i heard from the friend i borrowed this from, that when the main characters come to this scene, they do what is called yiffing. I was really curious about this scene so thats why i picked this movie." she explained.

"Yiffing huh?" Max said, "Apparently it involves getting naked.."

"Yeah, i spose so." she replied, the strange feeling growing as the scene continued.

By this time the male and female were in an awkward position, both licking the others private areas tenderly and murring in pleasure. This was not helping Max's situation at all, he had begun to slowly shrink but now he was hard as a rock yet again and still getting harder as his pants became uncomfortably tight. Luckily, Michelle was too transfixed by the scene unfolding on the TV to notice.

"Err so far this yiffing thing looks...wierd" she said.

"Yeah it kinda does...but it looks like they are loving every second of it." Max replied.

Suddenly the male got up and moved the female onto her back as she spread her legs wide, revealing her wet slit. what they did next set off a bombshell inside of Michelle. The male positioned himself over the female and slowly worked his cock into the female's slit. As he did this she moaned rather loudly and griped him tighter, curling her dainty toes and wraping her legs around him tighter and tighter. To Michelle, it felt like somone had lit a match inside of her and just set her insides aflame. She started to pant slightly and she held Max a bit tighter.

As the male and female racoons continued this wierd process, the male thrusting into the female fast and faster and audibly groaning and moaning in pure ecstacy and the female screaming out his name repeatedly, he noticed Michelle panting when she tightened her grip.

"Is somthing the matter Michelle?" Max asked.

"I....I dunno...its like....someone set my insides on fire...but it doesnt hurt." she replied.

"Thats wierd....do i need to call a doctor?" Max asked, worry in his voice.

"No no....I like how it feels..." she said, her grip tightening again.

"Alright if you say so..." Max said, still unconvinced.

Suddenly the male stopped thrusting and let out a cry of pleasure as the base of his cock visibly started twitching inside the female while the female cryed out and bit his shoulder as her body started convulsing. It was....truely beautiful seeing them there like that, they had caused each other such pleasure and happiness. Max looked at Michelle again and wondered if she would ever trust him to do that with her.....but he quickly shoved those thoughts to the side and blushed.

"What am I thinking? We are just friends!" he thought.

Michelle looked up at Max and slowly moved up to meet his eyes, she didn't know what she was doing anymore, all she knew was she needed Max at this point. Max noticed Michelle start to move up towards his face and he caught a very...strange scent. Whatever it was, it was making his mind fog slightly and his erection five times harder. As Michelle met his eyes, she smiled and slowly leaned forwards, getting so close he could see her feverish red blush clearly. Realizing just what she was doing, Max closed his eyes and pressed his lips to hers, wrapping his arms around her tightly so he could hold her close.

The kiss seemed to last forever as they sat there enjoying the moment...until finally thier lips parted and Michelle looked away from him.

"I'm sorry Max, I don't know whats coming over me." she said, still not looking at him directly.

"Michelle, it's okay...I've really wanted to do that for quite a while now, but i didn't think you felt the same.." Max replied, lifting her chin so he could gaze into her eyes again.

"R-really?" she asked him, her eyes seeming to light up with happiness.

"Yes...and I want to do it again...but this time..lets try like the two racoons did it." Max said, leaning forwards again.

Michele practically squealed with joy as she happily let thier lips meet once again, only this time, Max worked his tongue into her mouth, which surprised her at first, but she loved the feel of it probing around the inside of her mouth so she suckled on it gingerly. Max was beside himself, this was the absolute best kiss he had ever had, so full of passion and lust, he never wanted it to end. As the kiss continued, Michelle found her paw slipping down to her small virgin sex and fondling herself as she got wetter and wetter. The kiss finally ended and as they slowly parted, a thin strand of saliva still connected thier lips.

"Oh Max..." Michelle said, slowly rubbing his thigh, "That was...just simply amazing.."

Max couldn't help but agree as he pulled her into a close hug and closed his yes lightly. But then, his eyes shot open as he felt somthing slip into his pants and wrap around his member gently. He looked down to find that Michelle had unbuttoned his jeans and was now slowly stroking his member seductively.

"M-michelle....what are you...?" Max started.

"Shhhh..." Michelle placed a finger on his mouth, "I need to do this...that feeling is getting unbearable."

"O-okay...." Max said reluctantly, wondering what was going to happen if she did this.

Slowly Michelle wrapped her mouth around his member like the female racoon had done to the male and began licking the head gingerly while bobbing her head up and down slightly. Instantly there was a reaction from Max who arched his back and gripped the cusions tighter. To Max, it felt as if somone had set off a bomb in his mind, his whole body was tingling slightly with pleasure and he loved it. Slowly he took one paw and placed it on the back of Michelle's head as she worked up and down, aiding her bobbing motion slightly. Senseing Max's pleasure, Michelle began to suck harder and bob her head faster while using a free paw to paw max off with each bobbing motion. After a few minutes, Max couldn't stand anymore, his balls suddenly gave out and he felt his warm seed begin spraying in wave after wave into Michelle's open maw.

Michelle went wide eyed as a slightly salty white substance flooded her mouth and she was unsure what to do with it. Eventually, she decided to just take a deep breath and swallow it whole, so she did, and she felt the warm substance all the way down to her stomach and she liked it. By this time, max was panting heavily and smiling almost deliriously it seemed.

"Oh...Michelle that...was....wonderful.." Max panted.

"Really? I'm glad you liked it Max." she replied in her best sexy voice.

"Yeah...now i think it's my turn to return the favor." Max said with a grin.

"With an excited squeal Michelle turned and got on all fours, lifing her sexy pink tail to reveal her extremely wet panties. That overwhleming scent that flooded over Max was all he needed, he bent over and pulled her panties down slowly, revealing her tight virgin cunt. Max took a deep breath one more time before licking around the outsides of her slit. Michelle's whole body shivered as she felt his magic tongue lick around her vaginal lips slowly and she began to pant heavily. Noteing the reaction, Max suddenly dived his tingue into her quickly and shoved it as deep as it would go just like the male racoon had done in the video. At this, Michelle cried out in pleasure and moved one of her paws down and began to finger herself as max licked her.

As Max's tongue got deeper into her hot slit, it was as if a sea of hot juices flooded out to meet it. they tasted so sweet, he hungered for more and more and licked at her more and more vigorously. Michelle was moaning in pure ecstancy and squeesing one of her small breasts tightly, but she knew that this wasn't enough to quell the fire burning within her...she needed Max inside of her now.

"Max, I...I want you to put it inside of me...like the male racoon did to the female...please...I really need it." she said.

Lifting his head up from her folds he said, "Really? You really trust me enough for me to do that Michelle?"

"Mhmm..." she replied.

"A-....alright then...I'll do this for you." Max said, slowly positioning himself behind her.

Michelle squealed again as she prepared for his hot member to be inside of her at last, the wait was almost too much for her to take. She felt herself shiver as Max pressed his cock's head into her folds slowly and began working his way in, inch by inch. Before long, Max came to a barrier and couldn't go any farther. Michelle's body twitched in pain as he pressed and she wimpered slightly.

"Michelle are you ok?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah..im fine..it just hurt when you pushed on whatever that is.." she replied, "But i want you to push through it..no...i need you to."

"So you are sure then?" Max asked.

"Yes, i am." she replied hotly.

"Ok...lets try this then.." Max said as he pulled out a bit.

Michelle braced herself, she figured that since him merely pushing on it hurt, this would hurt even more. Max readied himself, counted to three, and then thrusted into her as quick and as hard as he could, ripping her hymen to shreds and taking her virginity away. Michelle screamed in pain and felt the tears flood her eyes as she collapsed, twitching in pain.

"Shit! Michelle! Are you okay?" Max asked.

"Y-yes..just please..hurry and do this...the pain will go away im sure..." she said, obviously still in great pain.

"Alright." Max replied.

He slowly began thrusting in and out of her, each time he hilted himself with the full 7 inches. Slowly, the pain Michelle had felt died away and was replaced by pure pleasure and she moaned long and loudly. As Max thrusted, he felt her tight walls convulsing around his cock, trying to hold it inside of her. It was the best feeling in the world to him and he showed this by speeding up his pace to increase both of thier pleasure further. As Max sped up, Michelle began thrusting back into him slightly and moaning with each thrust. She felt somthing rising deep within her, somthing massive and with each thrust the feeling got bigger and bigger until she was crying tears of happiness mixed with pleasure as she yelled out for Max to fuck her faster and faster. So faster Max went, he felt the same pressure in his balls as before and with each passing second it got bigger and more powerful.

Finally, Max felt his knot form and he pounded it against Michelle hard, his instincts taking over him. Michelle felt this new mass pounding at her and tried to relax jsut a bit more to allow it in. With a bit of difficulty, Max finally slid his knot in, tieing the two together and locking them in place. That was all Michelle needed, with a cry of pure ecstacy, her vision whited out slightly and she hit her first powerful climax. She felt her vaginal walls convulsing around Max's thick member and knot and she collapsed on the coutch, body twiching powerfully. When Michelle hit her climax and her walls began contracting wildly around his cock, it set him off as well. He felt his most powerful climax he had ever hit wash over him like a train and his balls once again unleashed thier torrent, spraying his warm seed deep into Michelle's waiting womb. He cried out Michelle's name as again and again he felt his cock throb and spray even more of his seed into her and he collapsed on top of her. Finally after what seemed like ages, both of thier climax's passed and they lay there in a sort of stupor for what felt like forever.

Finally Max spoke up, "Wow...Michelle that was...amazing..."

"Yeah...why would our parents not tell about somthing this pleasurable?" she asked.

"I dunno, perhaps i'll ask about it when i return home." he said thoughtfully.

"Hopefully that isnt too close to now.." Michelle said with a yawn as she closed her eyes and sleep quickly overtook her.

Max simply smiled and kissed her cheek lovingly, "No...it isn't close to now..."

Max slowly closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around Michelle lightly, and thought to himself, "You are my angel..." and then found himself saying aloud, "I love you Michelle."

Then as he lay there, his breathing deepened, and the black curtain of sleep slowly took him as well.