Fridge Raid
Looming in front of the fridge stood the were-dog as he pondered on what he should eat. Wearing his black tank top with his exposed heavy rump and lower section, he started looking from shelf to shelf undecided on just what he wanted to fill his belly. "So many choices," eventually his eye caught what seemed to be a slice of pie. The big doggy reaches in a grabs it, "I thought this had all been eaten. It will be now." He doesn't grab any utensils and tilts the plate having the thick piece slide into his mouth and down his throat. "That was yummy but not gonna fill me," he continues his search by grabbing about a pound of mac n' cheese, 3 leftover slices of lasagna, a coupe pieces of pizza, and a half gallon of chocolate milk. "This should do."
Staying next to the fridge with the door swung wide open he begins his fridge feast. Starting with taking a few chugs of milk and letting out his manly belches and then followed by stacking the pizza slices on top of the other and finishing them in just three bites. "Oh yeah, this is starting to do the job," letting out a few more heavy belches he rubs his belly feeling it start to push out some as he stares at the lasagna. "I remember how good this was for dinner the other night. It's gonna taste much better tonight." He grabs a huge piece in each paw and takes alternating bites on each. The sauce gushes over his furry muzzle and stains it with its red color with bites of pasta falling down, "Fuck yeah! This is the best..." From him eating his sheath starts to thicken and throb, "Easy big fella. Gotta save you for when I'm done," the stuffing canine pats his sheath and softly groans. He finishes off the pieces and takes a few more chugs from the milk jug.
Feeling his belly now starting to push out heavily and stretch some he pulls his tank and rubs it, "Oh fuck yes.... gotta complete this meal though...." When he goes for the bowl of mac n' cheese from the corner of his eye he spots a half a cheese cake, "That wolfsky said he ate it all. Trying to hide things for himself." Grunts and pulls it out as his belly begins to show its weight, "Gonna save you for last." Turning back to his favorite food he grins happily when a wet belch erupts from him, "Damn that was loud but... gave me more room." Picks up the bowl and using his paws scoops up the dish and shoes it in his muzzle. Some of the cheesiness sticking to his paws with the akita not worried. As his belly swells so does his sheath with is member starting to poke out some. Not noticing it he rubs his sheath instinctively as he finishes off the bowls contents, "One last order of business."
The canines belly now looking fully swollen and round as he rests his back against the inside of the fridge door and the coolness of it sending a shiver over him. It doesn't stop but instead makes him push further ahead with his meal. Look deeply at the cheesecake his cock finally pushes out with him letting a horny moan fall from his lips. "Almost done....," the gorge happy pup says. With him releasing his member and taking both sides of the pie he pushes it into his muzzle making sure none of it escapes its fate. Lifting his head back and standing fully straight his belly could have been mistaken for the moon with how full and round it had become. As he gulped the last part down into his stomach, the male chugs the last quarter of the milk. Dropping the jug onto the floor he again falls against the fridge door this time it almost breaking off from the force as he erupts with heavy wet belches one after the other. His cock leaking with pre as it taps on his lower belly, "Fuck... that was... incredible." As he finally hefts himself from off the door he leaves it open and waddles towards his bedroom belching and moaning gleefully, "Gonna have to wake up the man who inspired this." Going inside the room as the door closes all that's left in the kitchen is the bright glow from the fridge with its contents sprawled out.