Greens for thought! -C- Greenwing

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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A sexy story about a dragon longing to find a place to belong, only to find it in the most unlikely of places. (If not most deadly too! Also had a bit of fun with the final fantasy universe with this one. See if you can notice what materia is used ;) )

Around 5k words.

Chazori © chazori

Greenwing © greenwing

Story © xinnova2

Warning: Contains zoo, yiff, and oral vore as well as mild mind control and rape.

Story is below, enjoy! ^.=.^

Greens for thought - Written by Xinnova2

Traveling from town to town, wondering through the cities when I could was my way of life. Never settling down and keeping to a nomadic code for survival. I was never one for treasuring an area for too long, fitting in wasn't my strong suit. Even among those of my kind I was looked upon as different; sometimes even being shunned by them. A dragon of mixed blood was one thing but when you were barely as tall as a human the world of dragons seemed scary. Then there's the fact that I was born without wings, the world just seemed to be a rather cruel mistress indeed.

A dragon of green tinted scales made it easy for me to cloak myself in the various forests to aid in my escaping. Strong tail and ear fins made me a rather good swimmer if need be. Small bone like stubs at my shoulders showed off my slight snake like bloodline. It wasn't so bad being without wing, often though I would gaze into the sky and just wonder what it was like for a moment to be able to reach the heavens. Sadly I didn't survive on dreams and I didn't allow myself to daydream long as I moved on to my new destination.

People of this world seemed to easily overlook me as I passed through their little pieces of civilization. A dragon smaller than a thorough bred horse made me just the right size for becoming a mount, some even trying to catch me on occasion only added to my pain. Though dealing with such tasks just seemed to keep the thrills of living around longer for me. Who was I to complain; often many saw my size as an interesting distraction from the normal ways, sometimes even coaxing me into their nesting grounds. It was times like those that made me grin so wide whenever I thought of them, a wingless dragon mate for such a perfect mount they would say.

Calling me submissive wasn't true to whom I was but rather it was a position I was used to at this point. Often being seen as a toy by those of greater size than me, barely making it out by the skin of my teeth! So far I have survived, always using my cunning to get me out of the most strange and bizarre occasions. Who would have thought that my venture to a new city for a strange new race would prove to be my final downfall? I certainly didn't see it coming that day as I casually strolled into the massive stone gates.

The city was known for its resources and wealth though the name escaped me. Most of the time I only stayed around to see a few sites before moving on; so names were never really remembered only the sites. After all my knowledge kept me alive and I couldn't exactly afford to take time to learn each name. The streets seemed littered with the residents of many towns and cities I have visited before. Each with its own structure in this modernized bazaar, I took in the items of each merchants treasures just to end my curiosities desire. One interesting item this town produced was the strange glowing rocks known as materia. They seemed to give the one who possessed them magical abilities even if they did not have a talent for such things.

It was the site of the great stone and metal dome that took my curiosities reigns next. The great structure lit up the evening sky with its flamed torch light. I drew closer to the building only to be met by more crowds, dragon and man all lined up for whatever show this was. Who was I do deny myself the show they all wanted to see? A small size made it easy for me to slip under larger of my kind, moving between humanoids and ferals a like to make it upon the entrance. I had just a moment to take in the two great guardian statues that lay on either side of the massive entrance.

Between the stone monsters stood a long creature upon a great wooden pedestal from which it called out its catch lines. A small chubby and rather fuzzy looking white critter most would no doubt see these as food. Even I admitted to myself the value of the creature as a meal and then I saw the cute pink ball floating above its head and nearly chuckled. How this creature was able to allow massive dragon kind by without fearing death was beyond me, then again they all knew the laws of this land. Knowing such great kin had honorable values made me proud of what I was.

Moving past the adorable critter into the area everyone wished to be a part of I noticed that inside it was filled with rolls of great stone seating. I even took notice of a great area just for dragon kind of great size but something inside me knew that going to sit with them would be my downfall. Honorable as they may be, they were still only partially civilized and I highly doubted the town would supply them portions of food big enough to sate their hunger. So I took this time to move into one of the normal seats, perhaps this too was the worst I could have done. It wasn't apparent to me at first that as I moved to settle down among the humans and humanoid like that I stood out like a sore thumb.

Either my green scales or my two great ivory horns gave me away to her. My soft yellow and green pupil eyes fell upon a gaze that was piercing me, from down in the center of the dome was a large open field. Dirt was laid out in a circle that covered the outside; on the path of the outside circle was a large stall with multiple pens. Inside the middle pen she resided, although it wasn't apparent at first but those eyes looked upon me as if they were summing me up.

She was a beautiful bird, standing a proud eight foot tall she was the biggest bird I have seen. Strong legs and a frame that would make her a tough prey for any of the larger dragons here today. Upon her chest she would a silver mantle with four beautiful gems each of a different color. Blinking a bit I noticed that these were indeed materia of some kind, wasn't that cheating to use such in a race like this? I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful form, instead of yellow she was different shades of brown. Her beak bore the brown symbol of a lightning bolt with small amethyst stones engraved into the bone right above her nostrils.

Then I noticed it, the first stone was glowing a yellow haze as she gazed at me. Her eyes never left me while we continued to gaze at each other. Was she able to 'sense' what I was? The stone stopped glowing as the sounds of horns were blown; everyone grew quiet as the riders began to mount their large birds. I began to wonder a moment about the elements of such a site, before finally speaking up out loud.

"So the birds run in a circle for sport, fascinating though it seems pointless" I commented to no one in particular.

"It's a game of betting; a man can either get rich or go broke, and their chocobo's mate not birds. They get rather offended by being called mere birds." A rough sounding voice came from behind me as a man filled me in.

"A Chocobo, I've heard of such things but never seen one personally. They are rather beautiful creatures." I exclaimed with a bit of a smirk as I heard the sound of gunfire as the race began.

"You've probably seen the wild ones outside the city. The ones we have here are a special variety; they've been enhanced with materia. Making them smarter, faster; you get the idea" He added, seeming to wish to teach me everything about the birds.

"Thank you for that information friend, I shall have to take a closer look myself" I spoke with a soft purr; I was becoming a little fond of the bird that had caught my eye.

The Chocobo all seemed to be so strong, running as if their lives depended upon it! Though the one I fancied seemed to have a strong pair of legs that could crush me if they wished. I could only admire her even more by the determination she used to win the race. I couldn't help but catch that look from before as she moved to the pen, showing off her form a bit to the crowd before being rewarded a collar of flowers. A trophy given to the rider as the others began to photograph them together; it was rather marvelous to see how they reacted to the winner. Oddly though I realized that she didn't use any of her materia in the race, perhaps there was something more to this chocobo?

My mind was made up even before the races had finished for the night as I stalked the chocobo back to her stables. I had no real interest in the other birds; I had to meet this one and I knew I wouldn't be able to do so till night fell. I had been known for my stealthy ways, keeping out of sight when needed. Hiding in the rafters of the stable was the easiest way of doing such; silently I waited for the celebrations to start and the stable hands to leave. All the while she starred at me; she seemed to have a lock onto me no matter what I did. Did she know I would come to meet her? Was I just playing into some sort of game with a once wild creature?

I had a bit of time to think on this as I gazed over her frame a bit and marveled at how powerful she was up close. Then I noticed that the second materia was now glowing a soft blue. When my eyes moved back up to gaze to her own the same soft blue coloring was present for only a moment. My wanting to be closer to her was growing as if she was using some kind of 'lure' on me to bring closer the one she desired. My mind began to race at this point, was she really wanting me to be closer to her as well? I almost lost my balance high above her as I realized this; she wanted something from me and at first I really didn't understand.

But then she moved to the other side of the stables to a pile of greens. Bending down it would only appear she was eating as her head turned to me, was that a grin on her beak? She began to ruffle her rear feathers towards me as my sensitive nostrils took in that familiar scent of a female in season. My eyes widened in surprise as she demonstrated to me just what she wanted! I couldn't believe it at first, nearly falling out of the rafters yet again as I tried to comprehend what was happening!

Night couldn't have come sooner for me, finally I would be able to slip down into her large pen and meet her for the first time beak to snout. I really didn't know what to expect as I slowly slipped down the large support beam and into her pen. She carried at grin even more so now as she greeted me with a wark and then something more.

"Greetings and Salutations my dear stalker, it's a pleasure to finally get to see you alone." She exclaimed with a soft innocent tone.

If my eyes could have gotten any wider I would have lost them. Jaw dropping open a bit now as the tall chocobo stood a good couple of feet taller than me. Her great size and the realization she could speak only made this worse on me. Hell her beak alone was easily as big as my own head if not a little larger.

"Y-you can speak?!" Was my reply through a rather shocked expression, I must have been louder than I thought because of the stern reply I received.

A wing coming to my snout and pressing me easily off to the side now to keep me quiet. The power she used was almost overwhelming for a large bird! My eyes locked with her now stern ones as I tried to recap on what I had done while being overpowered by the great creature before me. She moved her head back to glance around in quick turning motions typical of a bird before glancing back down at me with that same stern expression.

"Are you seriously trying to get us both caught? Calm yourself; keep your voice down before they find you." She spoke with such care and something more like tenderness for something you've always wanted.

I couldn't place the feelings that came over me when she spoke so possessively of me. I was relieved to know that she cared so much for someone she just met; at the same time I was concerned.

"Please forgive me, I'm normally not so loud but you have to admit meeting a bird that can talk is rather amazing." I explained without really thinking as she warked out with fluttering wings almost threatening now!

"B-bird?! You worthless little lizard, I'm a ten time champion and worth more than your whole family combined!" She spoke out in rage, making much more noise than even myself as I backed up against the walls of the pen.

She seemed to catch herself and lowered her wings almost to portray that she was better than this. Calming down dramatically now she flattened out her feathers a bit and just dug her clawed toes into the ground of the pen a few times. I could only gaze over her form now with that same awe as when I watched her race. Then my mind finally remembered the man behind me on the stands told me to never call them birds. Was it such an offence that it would anger such a majestic creature, I would have to think fast if I wanted to stay in her good graces.

"Miss, forgive my insult I didn't mean to offend you" I reasoned softly as she just glared at me.

Slowly I rose to my feet, my eyes meeting the cold glare of the avian once again. Wishing only to have a pleasant evening with this interesting character, I decided to try and make amends. As much of a wonderer as I was, I knew a few things about how to treat someone who was previously scorned. Bowing my head now I began to adapt the methods of addressing someone of royalty into this situation. A paw moving to take the only appendage I could think of, this being one of her strong taloned feet and lifting it slowly up to give the backside a gentle kiss.

Admittedly I was regretting this once thought up great idea, lips pressing against dirty feet wasn't the intended result. The idea held firm; receiving a soft churr that sounded so sweet knowing the actions were the correct ones. I held the kiss for a long moment before settling down the foot again as my paws slowly began to rub along that strong leg. The churr seemed to soften into a bird like purr; she was finally starting to ease up now. I could feel her tension easing with each caressing motion over the leg, before I found my paws now upon her strong body.

She warked in surprise as my paws took a turn that wasn't in the direction she wished. Our eyes met once more now, silently gazing to each other now as all motions were paused for just a brief moment. I wasn't one for just taking what I wanted from others, so I held my ground allowing my paws to just slowly rub over her feathers. Gently I began to coax her and then I saw her gaze change as that pleasant look turned into a scornful one. It seemed as if she didn't like to feel out of control at this point, I could only brace myself for what was to come!

First came the powerful leg I was so fond of, rising quickly to strike me in the chest! I felt a slight pain as my form was tossed against the wall. My back against the wooden structure as the rest of me slide down a bit. It took me a moment to recover as my ear fins twitched hearing the movements of the bird. But before I could react she was already looming over me with a smug look upon that large beak of hers. Groggily I rubbed a paw on the back of my head trying to shake off the daze before I felt something cool rubbing against my groin.

Eyes focusing once more I could only gasp as my hind legs had spread apart upon the impact. I was exposed towards her; both penes were erect against my hide as the cool beak caressed against them. Nudging at them slowly now as I just looked to her in a state of confusion as she continued to toy with my twin cocks; it didn't take long for them to stand at attention! She just gave me another coy look as I began to rethink who the stalker was and just who was the prey. That beak skillfully parted now as I felt that tongue grace over both my fully erect members to let them slip into her maw! At first I feared she was going to snap them off, but just as my paws moved onto her beak she went down on them causing me to moan out!

My resolve was finally broken; her beak lifted then slowly began to fall again now. I could only bite my lower lip to keep from being too loud. The feeling of the wide tongue caressing over the underside of my penes with the roof of the slick beak making it feel almost like the warmth of a tight cunt. Pre was easy to milk from me at this point; she eased up though as the taste of it touched her tongue. Once again our eyes met in silence to just wonder what the other was possibly thinking at this point. Then she made the unknown painfully clear as she released my penes from their warmth into the cool night air.

It was then that I realized what kind of avian she was, one of those large feet came down on top of my tail hard and grinded slowly. I Bit my lip harder as my eyes shut tightly to keep from roaring out! She held the stance over my tail for a drawn out moment as if daring me to make a sound, my twin cocks remained hard if not pre'ing even more from the experience! This caused the bird to wark deeply at me as I once again heard that sweet voice of hers.

"Make a sound, try to run, and I will rip it off and savor it like the snakes I enjoy on my walks." She kweh'ed out coyly; it wasn't till now that I noticed just what kind of creature I was locked in with.

She was wilder than she let on and I was at her mercy right now. Whimpering out softly I gave a gentle nod showing that I understood what she wanted. I could only race through my thoughts as she spoke of eating snakes, eyes widening as I realized this was no ordinary bird! I had locked myself in a closed pen with a wild massive bird that ate meat. Panicking a moment I glanced around for any sign of escape, but before I could even react she was upon me. Her whole body descending down upon me as I felt her broad chest against my own! Those strong legs keeping us pinned up against the wall of the stall. I finally realized just how strong she really was, easily forcing me to stay where I was while her body moved down upon my penes!

My mind couldn't escape the fact that I knew she could possibly devour me and so I kept trying to claw at the wall. Then I felt it for the first time; those feathers pressing past my cocks to let them press into the folds she hid so well! My head jerked back against the wooden posts as I felt the tight cunny taking on both of my large members at the same time! My world spun around at this point, finding it hard to concentrate on anything but the hot, warmth and wetness of that confined sex!

Moving slowly as the chocobo churred softly beside of my head now as the beak was right beside of it. She didn't take me too fast nor did she wait up for me, her body pressing down onto me as that cunt of hers easily stretched to meet the demands of my cocks. Panting heavily I couldn't contain myself as I gently pressed upwards into her. In retaliation for my actions I felt the foot press harder onto my tail causing me to nearly cry out as she put her weight down forcing both my cocks into her! Pain mixing with my own pleasure now as I held back from reaching my climax in that moment; then she began to ride me like the wild chocobo she was!

To know such a style would have meant this wasn't her first encounter with someone not of her kind. She was riding my twin's like a professional stripper at a club or bar! All I could do was lay there and accept that I was being mated as she now controlled me with just her sheer power. My hands moved to grab hold of the wooden planks that made up the pen's rails, gripping my claws deep into the wood as she continued to force herself onto me! Eye's rolling into my skull now as her powerful cunny lips gripped me like a vice, she didn't stop when I whined out softly only proceeding to continue harder onto me to show she meant what she said. I just decided to close my eyes and let her have me at this point as I felt my world being lost to me and filling only with the thoughts of the brown bird!

It didn't take us long; through soft whines and panted breath she showed me just where my place was in her world! My mind was now more on escape than it was on being friends with this wild creature, but as I felt myself giving in to my own climax my eyes met the ones of a coy chocobo indeed. She panted softly into my face as I could take in the smell of the breath from such a creature giving a soft whimper. For the first time I got a clear picture of the inside of that great massive beak, only to cause a shiver to run down my spine from the words before. She took in this feeling of being in power for a bit longer or perhaps she was just enjoying the feeling of my twin cocks still throbbing within her as they poured their seed deep within hir womb?

I felt the pressure of the tail beginning to ease up as she slowly removed her foot as she began to rise off of me. Taking in my breath as I regained my senses; I needed to get away from this crazy bird! If I didn't get away from her now it was unlikely that she was going to just let me leave. Soon as she stood up fully I was already up, my body moving quicker than I could think now almost on reflex! Trying to escape the same way that I had come in, only to suddenly have the strange feeling of 'manipulate' about me; slowly turning back to her as my body stood firm. I could see the glowing purple materia on the chest armor glowing brightly now, my movements weren't my own as I started to slowly move back into the pen with her.

She seemed to have a sort of grin to her expression, almost as if she knew all this time that I was going to end up become her slave or worse! Quietly I slipped down back to the hay as she stalked forward to allow her eyes to meet my own as she gave a soft chortle of laughter.

"Where do you think you're going my little friend?" She mocked me, nudging my chest with her beak now as I was forced to fall back once more onto the pen's flooring!

I tried to retaliate and call out for some kind of help but my mouth wouldn't open! I blinked and muffledly screamed into my own lips now as I just looked upon the bird with great fear and panic, the blue materia still shining a bit.

"Aww does the birdy got your tongue? Well now, we don't want the rest of you going to waste do we?" She chirped softly as the last final material on her mantle began to shine a soft grin.

My heart raced now as I tried to make sense of all that was happening! My body began to glow a soft green to match the color of the last materia, my whole world began to change. The pen, my surroundings and the massive bird all grew even larger than before as my body writhed and squirmed for its own freedom as I felt so 'mini'! This is why I hated magic, how I loathed and wished it was all done away with as I lay cursing the world now being no bigger than a foot tall! The Glowing ceased from both of the materia now as I regained control of my body, I knew that I needed to run and run fast! Standing on my feet again I made a mad dash towards the wooden post from before, but before I could even think of what the bird was doing; great saliva filled beak descended upon my body!

A farmers hand had heard a little disturbance coming from their prized chocobo's stall and wished to check on her. With lantern in hand he made his way to the stall but what he saw only made him blink as he watched the chocobo's beak consuming a large green lizard of some kind! She paid no head to the man, knowing quite well that he was there as the beak held the small dragon around over half of his body now! The small creature desperately kicked and flailed outside of the beak now as she lifted her head high and began to down the prized catch! Covered in saliva and being pressed against the roof of the beak the poor dragon could just squeak out a plea for her to stop. This caused her to immediately bite down a bit to silence him from drawing too much attention as the farm hand watched closely.

Pressing the beak against his still exposed twin pene's she began to rub across them to use it against her prey as she began to press him on the edge of her throat! He could do nothing but moan out softly as his words soon became even more muffled as the fleshy throat soon claimed his whole head. Jerking her head skyward she began to thrust her beak forward letting gravity aid in her meal as the green dragon soon found himself forced into the tight confines of her throat. Only his hind paws and tail thrashed weakly outside of the beak, but like a giant rat that too was soon gone as he became nothing but a large lump in her throat.

She didn't treat him any different than any other meal sadly; he was always just a piece of meat for her diet to keep her coat shiny. After all everyone knew that dragon scales helped rejuvenate feathers and give them their shiny appearance. From the moment she saw him in the crowd of humans she knew he was just the right size for everything she wanted. But now sadly for the curious and lonely dragon his new home would be inside of this great chocobo, feeding her and making her coat shine for her audience. The lump slowly rolling down her throat in one powerful gulp as she finally fully claimed all that he was. His body was forced to slowly coil up inside of the first stomach chamber, squirming a great deal now as he beat on the fleshy prison.

Giving a gentle kweh now she just began to relish in the feeling of the dragon inside of her. He would be in the first stomach for a bit of the night as it churned and began to tenderize the poor still alive dragon. Then he would finally meet her second and rather strong stomach that would claim him forever, her eyes moved to the farm hand with that same coy look about her beak. Then the purple materia began to once again glow as she gently scratched at the pen's flooring, the man began to strip his clothing not even sure why as the stall door began to open. She knew the night was still young and her appetite left her craving more food, just how many would she feast upon this eve? None would walk away to be able to say for certain and that was just the way this predator liked it.

The end, or is it? ^.=.~

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