CH4 Consequences

Story by Faustus723 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Day Doesnt Last

CH:4 Consequences:

The young slave Breeze has been thrust into a situation that leaves him confused and utterly lost. Unaware of the consequences of his actions with his master, Breeze finds himself at the point of no return. However, Breeze will soon find that consequences of an action are not always white and black. That consequences are both rewards and punishments, unseen as they may be. Will the slave realize the rewards of his fraternization or will the punishments of what could have been haunt him forever?

Author's Note

FINALLY!!! Damn did this chapter take fucking FOREVER to finish! At long last I can say goodbye to chapter four and fianlly look ahead towards the other chapters. In all honesty this chapter was pretty painful to write, the dialogyue and last few paragraphs being the only really enjoyable part where I found my unconscious working faster than my conscious as words just seemed to appear before me as I typed. As I have stated before, I have had many issues over the past month, but I believe I'm finally getting past the stress of it all and can start writing for fun once more. That's not to say my schedules completley free, chapters will be coming slower than they used to which hoefully means they will be of better quality. Well, I'll leave rambling to journals or my personal diary (I promise I don't have a diary...). I'm not making any promises for when Chapter 5 will be up, but I can promise that it is already in the works. So without further interruptions here is chapter four in all it's cheesy, romantic glory.

P.S. As always your comments, votes, and favorites are always welcome and greatly appreciated!


The fullness. The warmth that spread throughout his body. The feeling of his master inside him made Breeze moan in both pleasure and pain, although the pleasure far outweighed the pain. Even with the constant burning at his rear, the thrusting shaft continued to move rhythmically in and out of him.

When Master Ri'ka first started to push his tip against his sphincter, Breeze panicked at the implications. After fondling his master's most sacred parts he knew full well how big it was. The thought of organ trying to drill its way inside of him seemed impossible. However, after gentle coaxing from the white lupine, the human gather all the courage he could muster and put all his faith into his master. As the wolf-like penis slowly slid into him, thanks to his saliva, the pain only escalated as his small backside was, what Breeze held it akin to, ripped in half like fresh fished trout. An almost comical thought presented itself to Breeze in the form of a cooked turkey. He had cooked turkey many times, and the process usually involved stuffing it through its backside. In his present situation Breeze was the turkey and his master, the cook. The inkling of a thought was quickly pushed aside as the pain continued. _I don't know how much more of this I can take... _As hard as Breeze tried he could not stop as the tears started to roll down his cheeks. When he squint his eyes to clear them, Breeze felt a slick feeling on his face. Opening his eyes he saw the pink tongue sensually lap at the falling tear drops. Blue, caring eyes stared directly into his while the lupine maneuvered himself to face the human.

"The hard part is over. That's all you have to take in for now." Ri'ka lapped up the rest of the tears. The huge knot that threatened to puncture him made Breeze tense up, which in turn made the lupine moan. For Breeze's sake the knot never went in, Ri'ka making sure that it only hinted at entering. This managed to garner even more respect for the lupine. He doesn't want to hurt me...

When his master began to pump in and out of him, his knot being the only thing left out, Breeze felt the pain start to cloud as pleasure completely overtook it. In time he found himself moaning in time with the lupine's thrusts. Momentarily after that, Breeze took it upon himself to start moving up and down the shaft instead of relying on his master to impale him on it over and over again. The results brought his master more pleasure as he reached his paws around to fondle Breeze's own tension. The sweaty paws ran up and down the length of his own shaft, bringing him even closer to climax. The human slave was completely swept up in the moment as he harshly started to drop himself onto the Master's shaft, his paw the only thing blocking the knot's passage into his sphincter.

The intense humping lasted for a few moments before Breeze felt the pent up tension cause his body to tense up entirely. The loud, desperate moan that escaped his lips was as animalistic as the lupine that was inside him. Breeze briefly looked down at his own penis to see a mess of white goo over his crotch, his master's hand, and on his thigh. However, he had no time to examine it as Ri'ka clenched the human's depleted shaft and shot his own load into the human, the howl hurting the human's nearby ears. Breeze gasped as the warm liquid filled his backside cavity...

Even now, three days after, the images of the night with Ri'ka echoed through Breeze's head as if it were a cave. The feelings of pleasure, simply resulting from thinking about the night, caused the tea to start to spill over the rim of the cup. Before Breeze became aware, his master's paw quickly stopped the flow of tea by grabbing his hand and angling it.

"I think that will do, Breeze..." the lupine remarked, manipulating Breeze's hand until he became mindful of his mistake. When Breeze saw the overflowing tea he quickly put down the tea pot and bowed apologetically.

"Please forgive me Master." Breeze apologized regretfully. Ri'ka smiled softly, only nodding at the human. The morning sunlight that shown through the large window at the opposite end of the dining room only served to enhance his memories of the morning after. Waking up in a bed more comfortable than his designated one should have been his first clue as to the oddness of the situation. However, the human peacefully continued to sleep, rubbing into the soft bedding around him. It wasn't until a furry arm draped itself over his chest and pulled him closer that Breeze realized he wasn't in his own bed. Breeze remembered swiftly getting out of the bed and kneeling at the foot of it, panicking over what his punishment would be for sleeping in a lupine's bed.

After three days to think on it, Breeze still found himself hopelessly confused. The only way Breeze could rationalize the situation was that the act pleased his master. For Breeze that was enough.

When he was done cleaning the mess he had made, Breeze stepped off to the side, taking his usual position near the wall, as his master continued to eat the small amount of pork still on his plate. After his experience with Ri'ka, Breeze noticed that his own image of his master changed, although he couldn't understand how. It was odd. Ri'ka was still his master and he lived to serve him, but... Now every time he gazed at his sheen, white coat and caring, blue eyes he felt... something.

"Ah! Good morning Geraz!" Breezed glanced toward the Slave Warden as he walked into the room.

"Good morning Ri'ka." He replied, levelly regarding the other lupine.

Geraz... After everything that had happened with his master, Breeze had almost forgotten about Geraz. He had many questions for the Warden, but he could not ask any of them. Breeze told himself that it was because slaves were not supposed to question their masters. However, the fact that the Warden avoided contact with him spawned further inquiries that Breeze felt polluted his mind. The best he could do was ignore the incessant feeling of curiosity. If he needed clarifying on the events then the Warden would give them to him... wouldn't he? Breeze recalled that over the past few days the Warden looked somber... sad even. Not only did his stagnant tail give off signs of this, but his usually focused eyes were replaced with empty imitations. The only other emotion Breeze noticed was the small fire that ignited in his eyes whenever the Warden looked at the barely visible bite mark on Breeze's neck. As his thought's veered toward the bite mark, his hand instinctively managed to find itself rubbing at the same area.

"Night explained that he had an important message yesterday. I assume it got to you..." Geraz said, sitting down in front of his own arranged breakfast.

"Of course. Apparently a slave ship arrived in port last night with some... interesting cargo." Geraz's ears twitched toward the other lupine with interest.

"'Interesting cargo'?" Asked the Slave Warden, maneuvering a fork with pork attached into his muzzle after.

"Slaves." Geraz cocked his head to the side in question. Breeze couldn't help but find the act adorable. However, he quickly shook his head, regaining his composure and stared off into space once again.

"Slaves from the north. From Tarsis." Ri'ka explained, continuing to enjoy his breakfast. Geraz visibly jerked his head back in surprise.

"Tarsis? The one that has been sealed behind that wall for over a hundred years?"

"Unless another human tribe has decided to adopt its name then yes, that Tarsis," Ri'ka took a long sip of his tea before continuing, " The message explains that they ran into the Tarsis vessel in the middle of the Fogstorm. The crew bordered the slowly sinking ship to find the Tarsis... 'military' aboard." Ri'ka set down his cup, folding his arms across his noble attire.

"All of the human crew were either killed or taken captive. The Tarsis ship sank into the ocean." Ri'ka moved his arms from his chest to behind his head as he leaned back.

"The Slave Warden, Irune, thought it would be in my best interest to be notified first as Commander." Geraz stared at Ri'ka expectantly.

"So what is the Commander going to do?" Ri'ka sighed softly.

"Nothing. This is simply a navigation error on the human's part. If they were going to attack they would have sent a force of at least five ships to scout us. The human 'nation' will believe that their ship simply went missing. Only if they even care about one ship. However," Ri'ka shot Slave Warden Geraz a smile, "this does allow me to have an earlier look at the slaves they brought back." Ri'ka laughed mischievously.

"I can only imagine how much of a handful they'll be." Ri'ka taunted as the Slave Warden sighed.

"Probably," the gray lupine laughed mirthlessly, "They're only human though and there is always Camp Asora." Ri'ka patted his muzzle with the equally white napkin before standing up from his seats. The movement caused Breeze to snap back to attention.

"I am actually planning on going down there right away while the picking is ripe. I'm assuming you will be able to keep the place in check?" The white lupine questioned, giving a side-long glance to the eating lupine.

"I'll do my best," Geraz stated, giving a soft smile, "Would you like me to get your carriage ready?" Breeze smiled at the Slave Warden, noting the subtle change in mood from the previous three days.

"Already taken care of."

"It's nice to know that you can still make arrangements yourself."

"I thought I would grant you some leniency with all the work the new slave will be." The near silent whine from Geraz was enough to make the white lupine laugh heartily as he started towards the door. However, before he got halfway there he stopped suddenly.

"Remember to have the... 'tools' ready when we get back. Just as a precaution." Geraz simply nodded.

Ri'ka looked at Breeze, motioning toward the door that would lead them to the main foyer. Breeze followed the lupine promptly out of the dining room, leaving Slave Warden Geraz to eat on his own. Another pang of guilt shot through the human. Why am I feeling guilty? I have not done anything wrong... have I?

"We are heading down to the docks to browse through the slaves, but I also have something I need you to retrieve as well." Ri'ka explained as the two entered the large, circular, entrance lobby. Breeze nodded, quickly opening the front doors and holding one. His master affectionately ruffled his blonde hair when he passed the threshold and onto the stone porch.

The front of the manor was expertly designed. Two paths diverged around a large fountain with a few small gardens bordering the cobblestone them, leading to a large, horse-drawn carriage. Breeze swiftly trailed his master as he neared the transport.

The human that sat on the driver's bench flashed the two a smile before addressing them.

"Good day Master. Breeze. Where will I have the pleasure of taking you today?" Dot asked politely, as usual. Ri'ka opened the carriage doors before replying.

"To the slave markets." Dot nodded and turned to tamper with the reigns in his hands. Breeze stood loyally at Ri'ka's side as he started to climb the steps into the elaborately gilded stagecoach. Breeze attempted to follow, but found the lupine sized stairs difficult to manage. Ri'ka noticed the human's trouble and softly chuckled. Two white furred arms grasped Breeze underneath his own arms and hoisted the smaller slave inside. However, the lupine neglected to put him down as Breeze found his body pulled into the furry chest of his loving master. Ri'ka sat down onto the cushioned, satin bench and maneuvered the human so that he was sitting on his lap.

"Master, shouldn't I be sitting on-" A padded finger interrupted him by pushing against his soft lips.

"Shhhh... You shouldn't question your master." Ri'ka advised quietly, putting his arm around Breeze's waist and pulling him closer. Breeze felt his face flush and cheeks redden with the intimate contact with his master.

"Forgive me Master." Breeze apologized, although not recalling his question, as the paw on his mouth moved to his shoulder. The lupine's eyes gazed up and down his body, the blue orbs appraising him. The familiar citrus smell his master radiated caused the human to shift closer to him. Ri'ka began to massage the human's shoulder, using his other paw tap the roof of the carriage signaling to Dot to begin moving. Breeze felt himself getting tired as his muscles relaxed with the constant, pleasing pressure on his shoulder, firmly massaging it. He barely noticed the calming thumping of Ri'ka's tail.

"I've smelt your confusion. Your... inhibition," Master Ri'ka brought his muzzle down to Breeze's cheek, gently tapping it with his cold, wet nose before licking it reassuringly, "However, I promise you those feelings will soon be forgotten." Breeze expected the lupine to initiate another... intimate situation between the two, though Ri'ka pulled back and simply lay against the carriage's comfortable seat. Breeze felt a wave of disappointment, but pushed the feeling away, instead focusing his attention on the moving landscape outside the window.

Skyden rarely changed. Even though Breeze only left the manor sparsely the city of stone stayed the same with only tiny changes to its stone buildings. The Commander's Manor was at the south end of the Alpha District, the district housing the major politicians and generals of the city. As Breeze stared out the window of the carriage, observing the passing stone building, the slave noticed that the lupine's breathing had slowed. Smiling softly at his master's tiredness, Breeze continued gazing out at the passing city.

After around ten minutes the carriage got all the way through the Alpha District and started to cross one of the many stone bridges that extended over the large Cliffside. Breeze marveled at the large river that flowed below the city, hundreds of feet down the ravine, trying his best not to wake the sleeping Ri'ka.

This was why Skyden was named as it was. The stone city had been mostly carved out of the tall cliff face, with more stone walkways to get around the precarious town. The newer buildings were the ones at the top of the more western cliff, known as the New District. Bridges, dwellings, and walkways protruded from the rock face, all the way down to the wide and strangely placid Grenning River below. However, as amazing as the stone city was the oldest part of the city, the harbor, was the most impressive.

Breeze watched as the carriage started to make its descent along the cliff face, passing many other lupine citizens, even some guards. Most of the building's that were dug into the ravine were residential building's belonging to the middle class. This observation was proven true by the amount of middle class inhabitants that walked along, going about their daily lives, the clothing they wore evident of their social standing.

Once the stone disappeared and the clopping of the horses' hooves against the now wooden walkway, Breeze knew that they were nearing the docks. Being at the bottom of the ravine, just barley over the river itself, the large indent in the western cliff face was obvious. At the bottom of the city was an indent in the rock face large enough to house the spacious harbor. Most would say that building a dock on a river would be foolhardy. However, the Grenning River was unique in the fact that it had barley any rapids or currents to impede the progress of passing ships. This allowed for the boats to easily traverse into the cove-like harbor without smashing against the deadly rock wall.

As the horses drew the carriage over the river and into the shadow of the overhanging cliff, Breeze gently tapped the sleeping lupine's shoulder, taking the moment to marvel at the blue, extravagant robe that he wore.

"Huh...?" Ri'ka mumbled, straightening his posture.

"Master, we are nearing the docks." Breeze informed.

"Oh, yes. Of course we are, just when I was finally getting some sleep." He growled under his breath. Over the past few days Breeze noted that many messages were brought to and from his master's study. This had Night running about almost constantly which in turn had Ri'ka extremely busy. Breeze felt concern for his master's lack of sleep, the subtle yawning giving it away. However, Breeze felt it was not his business, so instead diverted his attention to the bustling world outside of the carriage. The echo of voices filled the cave-like harbor as the horse pulled the stage coach in. Ships bobbed in the water like floating beehives, with countless lupine, and even some humans, buzzing in and out of their hulls. The docks themselves bordered around the cove like a thick crescent moon. The human thought that the soft lighting from the lanterns that lined the edge of the water gave the place a surreal feeling. As if the place never saw the sunlight, but was never in total darkness. As the carriage rattled past the stone buildings carved into the rough rock, Breeze observed that many of the buildings seemed to be offices, shops, or warehouses. However, the slave also noticed that many other shadier businesses lined the docks, forever in the warm glow.

Breeze's musing on the passing world were interrupted as a large paw found its way to the top of the slave's head and started to pet it, refocusing Breeze's attention on Ri'ka.

'Oh, I am sorry! I didn't mean to scare the little lamb. I only wanted to introduce myself to Commander Ri'ka's pets.' Sickle's greeting whispered into his mind as the petting continued.

Pet. The more he thought about it the more Breeze realized his role was comparable to that of a domesticated animal. The slave recalled a moment when he accompanied the master on a visit to another general's abode. The general had many slaves at his estate, though one of them stood out to Breeze. This one was always at the general's side as a leash hung from his collared neck, leading into the paw of his master. Breeze had seen this type of thing before, which was not what surprised him. What shocked him was the way the slave acted. At dinner the slave would sit on his knees right by where his master was seated while the others stood off to the side normally. During the relaxing hours after supper, the slave would lay splayed out, starkly naked, on top of his master's lap as the lupine scratched his belly like... like... Like a pet. A simple, mindless, obedient...

Breeze shook his head. His master treated him more than just a pet. He educated him, to a degree of course. He gave him a job to do, something he prided himself in doing. Suddenly a disturbing thought came to his mind. Was being a slave... worse than being a pet? Am I less pleasing than that slave that the general carried? Am I... inadequate? Even so, I live to serve master any way he thinks is best. And if this is what he wants than that is what I will provide.

The clopping of the horse's hooves ceased as the carriage rolled to a standstill. Ri'ka opened his great muzzle in a long yawn while stretching his muscular frame, the blue, silk robe barley containing furry muscles. The slightly sleepy eyes of the lupine focused on Breeze. With a mile, Ri'ka grabbed the human and placed him on the cold wooden floor of the carriage.

When the two stepped out of the stagecoach the first thing Breeze saw was a large ship tied along a lengthy dock. To the left of the dock was a large building that jutted out over the calm water of the cove, large wooden struts supporting it. Breeze hardly registered Ri'ka as he strode over to Dot. Two guards stood posted outside of the double doors that led inside the building, trying to look as stoic as possible.

Ri'ka finished conversing with Dot, ending their exchange in a nod before returning to Breeze. The white lupine walked forward, grabbing Breeze's hand in his own paw before pulling him alongside him protectively as he headed toward the building.

Above the guarded doors was a wood sign written in common, "De'sira Imports". Breeze remembered that one of the garden slaves had been bought from the same company. Ri'ka nodded to the two lightly armored guards as he passed. They returned the friendly gesture before gradually setting their gaze upon the smaller human. Breeze simply looked down at his feet as he followed his master past the double doors and in to "De'sira Imports".

When the slave strode past the threshold of the building, the immediate smell caused him to grimace. Glancing up at his master, Breeze inferred that he felt the same way as his snout scrunched up and his ears went flat against his skull.

"I see that the abundance of new slaves has become more of a burden than anything else." Ri'ka muttered to himself as he brought his paw up to cover his nose. The white lupine continued into the building, passing the many cages full of human slaves that filled the otherwise empty warehouse. As they passed the pens, Breeze saw that there were about three to five humans per cage, not allowing for a lot of room for each. The human's that found themselves inside the containers were dressed in simple loincloths. Most of them looked disheveled and tired, although some looked as if they were cursing the very ground Breeze walked on, giving him looks of disgust and hate. The human slave felt uneasy under the glaring eyes of them, deciding to nervously look away, trying to avoid eye contact.

The warehouse itself had only a few other lupines inside, the majority of which were browsing through the rows of cages that held the stock. However, Ri'ka continued walking down the row until he came to a long desk with many papers scattered across its length. As Breeze caught up to the lupine's longer stride he noticed a large wall behind the desk with many keys hanging from small hooks. All of them looked exactly the same, the only thing indicating their difference was the number that was written above each hook. To the right of the two was a large brown-furred lupine dressed in a set of what Breeze guessed was leather armor standing behind the long desk conversing with a smaller lupine in elegant green finery on the opposite side. Ri'ka leaned against the desk using his elbow to prop himself up as he looked at the lupine amusedly.

"... Just make sure they get sold. This place is starting to smell like a sewer." The smaller lupine ordered, shielding his nose as he mentioned the foul smell. The larger lupine behind the desk bowed apologetically.

"Sorry sir. It is hard to keep the slaves clean when there are so many. Not to mention a few are very belligerent." The short lupine waved his hand dismissively.

"Even so, the stock this time is extremely exotic. People from all over are going to crowd around to simply catch a glimpse of the mysterious humans of the north."

The brown lupine sighed, "Of course sir." As the two talked, Breeze pondered on the brown lupine's behavior. He found it odd that the much larger lupine was acting submissive to the shorter one. The tail between his legs and the ears against his head were evidence enough of his subordination. When the brow one bowed, Breeze gently smiled at the familiar action. It seems so out of place for something so powerful, he thought, the short lupine storming off irritably. Ri'ka rose slowly once the short lupine was out of sight and started to walk towards the brown lupine, cutting off his long sigh. The brown lupine's neutral expression morphed into one of happy recognition when he beheld the Commander.

"So, the highborn Commander didn't ignore my message after all. Oh how the spirits bless me with your presence!" the overly desperate cry earned him a grin from Ri'ka.

"Not enough to get your boss off your tail though." Ri'ka retorted standing in front of the comparatively sized lupine behind the desk. The brown lupine's ears fell.

"Unfortunately not. The pestiferous scum is having me clean out the warehouse by the end of this week because of all the fleshies I brought in," the lupine glanced at Breeze, "Which means I can't help you if you're looking to sell." Breeze's face dropped at the word "sell". He felt his body stiffen and his blood pressure rise as he unraveled the implications of the statement. A warm, large paw rested itself on his shoulder as his breathing escalated.

"Don't worry Irune, I don't plan on selling him, " Ri'ka's words wiped the discouraging thoughts of being sold away, "I do think I can help you with that human issue you seem to be having." The brown lupine's grin grew even larger.

"Well then, you have come at an impeccable time. I'm assuming you're here about the new slaves I spoke of." Irune leaned forward on his elbows as they met the wooden desk below. Ri'ka took his own position leaning against the desk, looking out at the many human's in confinement.

"Yes, I can say that I am interested in them. I have never seen a human from Tarsis before." Irune grunted.

"I don't think any have," the Slave Warden tapped his claws against the counter, "and if they had they probably would have simply killed them then and there with how defiant they are." Ri'ka shot him a skeptical look.

"Though you have dealt with humans from the south. It's hard to believe they can be worse than those barbarians."

Irune sighed, "Then they will definitely surprise you. While the southern humans are just as defiant, these humans harbor a sense of pride that would put yours to shame." The brown lupine lightly elbowed Ri'ka, emphasizing the verbal jab.

"Oh really?" Ri'ka chuckled.

"Not only that, but they are much better equipped than their southern counterparts," Ri'ka's ear shifted forward in interest as Irune continued, "some of the mongrels were covered from head to toe in steel. The same steel that we use. Suffice to say capturing them was more than a simple southern raid." Ri'ka's eyes grew concerned.

"Did you have any casualties?" The brown lupine snorted.

"Of course not! You forget who you are talking to," the two shared a laugh before Irune drew back into the conversation, "although there was one that almost got me, if you can believe that." Ri'ka looked taken back by the information. Even Breeze was surprised. A one on one fight against a human and a lupine was inevitably in the lupine's favor.

"You mean you were almost bested in combat by a single human?" Irune looked around embarrassedly.

"Yeah," the brown lupine mumbled quietly, the slight pink that reddened his cheeks barely visible, "though we got him in the long run. It hasn't tried anything since." Ri'ka slowly got up from his leaning position.

"That is indeed... disconcerting." Irune gave him a mischievous smile.

"Hope that's not putting you off on the idea of buying one." Ri'ka returned the smile.

"Of course not, just mean that Geraz will have his work cut out for him." Irune laughed wholeheartedly.

"That aging sack of fur needs the challenge. Can't have him growing too complacent can you?"

"Of course not. Now why don't we take a look at these dangerous slaves?" Irune nodded and began to walk around the long desk. Ri'ka turned and knelt down to Breeze.

"Now, I'm going to browse through the selection, but I want you to do something else." Ri'ka put a paw against the slaves head and turned it towards the doors of the warehouse.

"There's a boutique across from this warehouse which sells a few slave necessities. I want you to go over there and tell the shopkeeper there that you are there on Commander Ri'ka's orders. Once you receive it wait there till I come to retrieve you. She will take care of you from there." Breeze nodded and started to walk towards the doors. However, Ri'ka stopped him with a paw on the shoulder.

"If anyone tries to stop you give them the same explanation." Another nod from Breeze and he was out of the stinking warehouse and into the clean air of the harbor.

At first, Breeze thought nothing of the order from his master. The only thing that was abnormal about it was the fact that he was walking around the city unaccompanied, but he pushed that worry to the side, thinking of it as trivial. However, when the slave stepped out of the warehouse the large current of lupine, humans, and carriages that walked along the wide street made him feel enclosed. Never had Breeze ever had to deal with a group of people this large and compact. After analyzing the crowd, Breeze concluded that there was no easier way to get around. He would have to go through them. As he took a step forward the heat of the crowd itself caused him pause. How can I get through all these people? There's just too many, I'll get carried away or lost or- an image of him suffocating to the heat of being enclosed by so many people only served to prolong his hesitation. The idea of not being able to move. Not being able to breathe.

Another image flashed by, but this one was of his master. Of Ri'ka. Of his... Breeze braced himself as he stepped toward the rushing current of people.

The feeling of being pulled by one of the strongest ocean currents was comparable to the feeling of the crowd. As he forced his way past the lupine's that found themselves in his path, Breeze found himself growing anxious at the enclosed feeling of the many people surrounding him. Waiting for a small stagecoach to pass, the human took the small opening that followed as a gateway to move further into the mass of people. Breeze felt himself sweating as his breathing intensified. Keep calm. You're fine. You've made it this far already. Just a little more. Even through his self-motivating thoughts, the human slave couldn't stop his heart from continuing to beat at rapid speed. Fear encircled him in the form of the horde of people that continued to bump into him, trapping his arms against his side. I'm stuck. Breeze attempted to gain a steady pace through the throng of people, but found himself in a worse situation than before. There's too many. The human's vision started to blur and his head started to feel hazy. I'm going to be stuck here forever! Panic had begun to take hold. With a renewed vigor originating from fear, Breeze wildly pushed through the crowd, his heavy breathing drawing the attention of some citizens. "Hey!" s and curses were issued his way as he tried to overpower the constantly moving crowd. When panic finally took hold of his very core, the human started to fear for his very life, the overwhelming heat and feeling of not being able to move spurring his desperate escape. Suddenly, Breeze found himself weightless as he fell through the air. The hard wood below met his hands as he caught himself, raggedly breathing in and out, trying to regain any composure he could.

Slowly looking up from the ground, Breeze saw a stone building in front of him. The crowd was behind him, continuing to go about their rushing lives. A heavy sigh left the young human. Thank you spirits. I'm alive. Looking around, Breeze quickly got to his feet, the guards and other pedestrians starting to take notice of his incident. The shop in front of him was called "Slave Emporium", specializing in exactly what Master Ri'ka said they did. Collars, leashes, and many other slave objects hung in the window of the shop. Taking a moment to calm his still rapid heart rate, Breeze began making his way up the small set of stone steps and into the intricate stone building.

The "Slave Emporium" was nowhere near as big as "De'sira Imports" had been. Instead of a multitude of filthy smelling slaves to greet him, the human was relieved to find that the building smelled of lavender, with rows of shelves with many different objects on racks. The shop was bare of any other customers as he passed through the door. To the far left of the rows of goods was a counter top with other slave items upon it. However, what caught Breeze's eye was the lupine that stared directly at him from behind said counter.

The lupine was lithe and elegant looking, even more so than his already graceful master. The lack of any sort of muscles and lean body further pointed toward her gender. One of the biggest differences between a female human and a female lupine was the distinct lack of breast on their chest. Instead, from what Slave Warden Geraz had said, they had eight nipples running along their front. This was obviously the shopkeeper Ri'ka was talking about. The female lupine looked at Breeze with a cocked brow as he quickly scurried over to the counter.

"Um, I'm sorry, but are you the owner of this shop, ma'am?" Breeze asked awkwardly. The lupines soft red fur moved with her body as she put her paw on her hip and a soft smile appeared on her face following his shy question.

"Yes, what brings you to my shop, little one?" she questioned welcomingly. The red-furred lupine's friendly front allowed for Breeze's wariness to slowly dissipate.

"My master, Commander Ri'ka, said that I was supposed to retrieve something from here-" The human slave was cut off as the lupine interrupted him.

"Ah yes, of course. He mentioned that he would be coming down today for your fitting." Breeze tilted his head perplexedly to the side at the mention of "fitting". The lupine looked Breeze up and down, assessing him.

"I can see why too. You are indeed lovely to look at," The lupine's eyes widened when she saw his eyes, "And your eyes! Spirits above! They match perfectly." The human blushed heavily, looking down at the floor as the lupine came around the counter. The female lupine grabbed his forearms in her paws as she turned him to face her.

"Hmmm... I hope the fit is correct." She said to herself as she started off, Breeze in tow, towards a door at the back of the shop. The red-furred lupine hurriedly dragged Breeze through the door and into the small workshop he found himself in. To the right was a simple bench with many tools and metals. On the left wall was a large mirror that took up most of the wall. The female lupine ordered him to sit in the single stool that was in the middle of the room. Breeze obeyed, still confused about what was going on. All he knew was that he was supposed to pick something up from this place and now he was being taken to a strange back room for a strange reason. The slave just wished this was what his master wanted.

The woman was busy tinkering with something, making small comments to herself as she did so. Breeze sat in the chair for a good five minutes before the female lupine was finally finished.

"Ah hah!" She exclaimed, turning to the human as he slightly jumped. She put her paw behind her back, hiding whatever she was holding from Breeze's sight.

"Alright, now I'm going to need you to close your eyes until I tell you to open them." The lupine ordered with a wink. Breeze nodded, still clueless of what was happening. The gentle, soft paws of the lupine were around his neck as his eyes closed, darkness surrounding him.

"Not only are you adorable but your obedience is of superb quality too." She stated as her paws massaged his neck with slight movements. When her paws left, Breeze found himself missing the soft pads and warmth they provided. However, when the paws left another object fitted itself around his neck. The female lupine maneuvered the object so that it totally covered his neck, front and back, clicking the object so that it sat snuggly around his neck. The object was tight, but not tight enough to become uncomfortable. If anything the relaxing material that touched his neck was entirely welcome.

"Wow... He was right. The color is perfect," a lupine paw was placed on his shoulder, " You may open your eyes now." Slowly the small room appeared once again as his eyelids pulled back. Breeze's hand went up to his neck as the paw released his shoulder. What his hand touched was metal. He slid the appendage along its length realizing what was around his neck as his fingers passed over what he felt was a jewel. Breeze was transfixed with the feel of the object as the red lupine coughed to get his attention.

"You may look in the mirror if you want." She said, stepping to the side alongside the wall. Breeze got to his feet and started to the mirrored wall. As he neared it he saw the light reflect of the metal surface.

Around Breeze's neck clung a gold, jewel adorned collar. The crystals that were notched into the holdings were violet, almost identical to the color of his iris. On the front was a small name plate reading "Breeze" in common. The comfortable cloth that was inside made sure that the gold the collar was made of did not cause any discomfort for the wearer. Breeze was not a vain person, but the way the gold accentuated the violet jewels, his eyes, and his blonde hair made him feel... handsome. Obviously the female lupine thought so as she looked at him with a sense of adoration.

"You know, your master must be absolutely smitten with you." The red-furred commented, continuing to appreciate the handsome slave in front of her. The slave turned to her, his soft cheeks reddening at the remark.

"That collar was not exactly a bargain. Cost him nearly five thousand nobles. You should be thankful to have a master that cares about you so much." She paused for a moment.

"Or maybe it's the other way around." She laughed opening the door and holding it for the smaller slave. Breeze lead the way out of the room and back into the main area of the shop. Breeze was still blushing even when they reached the counter.

"My master told me to wait here for him." Breeze mumbled, still stunned at the gift he had around his neck. Master bought this for me...? Why would he...? Images of the night Ri'ka had spent with Breeze flashed in his mind, only serving to intensify the hot feeling in his cheeks. Breeze silently pondered on what had occurred over the past week. His life was particularly normal up until that night. First it was Geraz, then Ri'ka had taken him and... Now he was wearing a collar that would make the Alpha himself jealous of him. Breeze was about to chide himself for the mental remark, but decided that while it was rude, it was also true and only strengthened his loyalty towards his master. Master Ri'ka had taken care of him that night showed him something truly incredible, something pleasurable. Now he had bought him, a lowly human only fit for serving, a collar that proclaimed to the world that he was his master. A magnificent collar that would make all of the slaves at the estate jealous. A collar that signified his master's love for him.


That word. The word that had been in his head since the day Ri'ka had taken care of him. At first Breeze had not been able to place a meaning to it. However, with all that has transpired over only a few days, Breeze could feel the significance and meaning of the word slowly meaning. Now he knew what it meant. With the gift of the gold collar Breeze finally understood the word. It expressed how much his master cared for him. How thankful his master was for his serving of him. How protective of him his master was. How much... How much Breeze cared for his master.


Yes! I love my master! With those warming thoughts of devotion and proclamation, Breeze felt a large smile creep up to his cheekbones. The human slave continued to wait eagerly for his master's return as he planned just how he was going to repay the one he loved...