Riku: Chapter 5

Story by whitepawrolls on SoFurry

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#5 of Riku

Chapter 5: lessons to learn

Its been a few months now since I had arrived at the school. As they had said I was given a whole battery of tests to determine what I did and did not know. History, or what I personally recalled of it was no longer even thought of. Their history started at the end of mankind only mentioning them briefly as to how they caused the end of humanity, and the rise of the anamorphs. Math I was always strong in so there was no problems there. In fact it seems that my knowledge of mathematics was far beyond what was normally taught at a school like this. Even the instructor was stumped on what to do with it, so it was pretty much booted from my schedule. Spelling, language, and writing were all my worst due to learning the new language as I have had to. My skills with my little communicator were only enough to just get me by. Science I was not too bad on. It was another subject I was quite strong in, but unlike math some things were not universal, so while I knew quite a bit about the subject I had to relearn a few things, and unlearn others. Biology being one of the biggest parts since the anamorphic race was a mix of different anatomy's unique to each species. So it began with four subjects, and one day of what would have been called pe. I couldn't very well go outside though for that with all the other students here so my free days were adjusted so one of my weekend days was used for that since the students were all either gone for the weekend, or restricted to the dorms section. Thus it became that tuesday threw friday I had english, science, and history/social studies. Since my language needs were the worst I had two days for that.

Things settled in fairly easily. The instructors varied from curious at first to uneasy about my appearance, but that didn't last long. Other than a break in the morning, and afternoon for a snack, and one for lunch my days were filled with sitting at my little desk. The Mondays that I had been given off were spent either reading an almost endless supply of both physical books that began to fill my shelves to electronic ones I could just order from my reader. Other times were watching the students going back and forth, or out on the exercise areas. It didn't take that long for them to notice me either. The third week I was sitting out on my little balcony in my cloak as I was told to do when outside of my rooms I was spotted by one of the students. They must have thought I was the latest curiosity, and started watching for me because the next week as I went to sit outside with a book one of them pointed up to me getting the attention of others. It seemed that looking for me had become a bit of fun for them and once in a while they waved to me. Being polite I waved back only to snicker as they sat off into a chat between themselves looking up once in a while. One thing it did as well was distract me from the rest of the area. I happen to look around one day and saw that my little fan club always was in one particular area, but in another there was a small group of older girls that just seemed to want to watch me. This got my curiosity up because they always seemed so calm, and proper unlike my little fan club that seemed all bubbly. It hit me then that I knew one of them from my ride in. The Headmistress had pointed her out. It took me a moment to recall her name as Miss Anaya. The closest thing I could think of as a title for her would be student president, or something similar. She and her two friends always seem to be together, and they always seem to be trying to set the best examples. That made me smile a bit.

PE though turned out to be a bit of a challenge both for me and my instructor due to my unusual nature. Turns out they had to bring in a second person to help due to my lower half being primarily feral in nature, and needed different things. Again it brought up a bit of embarrassing feelings when I found out that this person was a pet fitness trainer. They gave me no time though to think about it swapping out this for that. Pullups, situps, running, climbing, etc. We found that with my shorter fingers and digitigrade legs climbing rope was almost impossible while running seemed to be my best. It was another good thing that I was out here alone too since it made cleaning up after a lot easier. Sure I had a private bath unlike the others who had shared baths in there dorms, but as sensitive as my new nose was the less time I spent smelling the better. It only took one day of waiting for me to start keeping stuff in my own locker.

As fall flowed past it seemed it soon turned into winter. I shouldn't have been surprised, but my coat started to thicken with the winter chill, and I found it increasingly uncomfortable to stay in a warm room. I did slowly adjust to the new climates, but many a days were spent with me in shirt and shorts while the instructers were bundled up. Sitting on my balcony became my new favorite place to read even when the first few flakes of snow started. Thats when my next little surprise poped up. Coming in from pe one day and sitting up on my balcony as usual I saw my little bubbly fan club, and the little group that Miss Anaya was in hanging around the gym. It was then that it hit me. Snow plus paws equals prints. I had to grin a bit as they pointed at them, then followed them around trying to track whatever it was that made them, but always got confused when they went into a building or something. I brought that up to the Headmistress the next time I saw her.

"Yes that is a bit of a problem" she said thoughtfully "though one easilly fixed. We will just have to keep you indoors or clean where you were after. For now though its getting the time of the year that the students have a two week vacation from school. I see no reason why you can't be given the same holiday."

I brightened up a bit at this little bit of news. Sure I couldn't go to a home like all the other students, but it would give me time in town to do a bit of window shopping. Usually when I go I already have a list of things I want, and get shown around to get them by an escort. This time though I think a nice day or two of just visiting shops would be nice. One more week of study's, and it was time for pe again.

The following monday though I could barely contain myself. Only a stern reminder from the headmistress to properly represent myself and the school kept me from running to the buggy like an over eager child. We actually left early enough that we arrived in town just as the shops were starting to open. I had my usual list of things I needed like personal care items, books, and some form of entertainment or two since I spent a great deal of time to myself. A tiny amount of loneliness crept in at that thought, but I had learned to put it aside after all these months. It was during lunch though that my next major experience was to happen, and it was probably going to be my biggest yet. My escort had excused themselves while I was eating to run a quick errand of their own a few shops down leaving me to munch on my sandwich alone. I was about half way threw watching people come and go with the occasional curios glance at my cloaked form when a certain little group walked in. I recognized them right off. And just about had a panic attack. It was Miss Anaya, and her usual two friends. Now one of my standing instructions was that I was not supposed to interact with the students, but here I was kind of stuck. Usually I could count on being in town on days when they were not around, but with this holiday it seemed that I had forgotten that point. I kept my head down eating, and hoping they just didn't notice me till my escort returned. That relief though never happened and next thing I know someone was standing next to me clearing their throat.

"Hello there. Mind if we sit with you" they ask.

I looked up to see the people standing their waiting patiently for me to answer that I was hoping to avoid. Now though they were here, and it would be considered rude by both my own standards, and the standards that the Headmistress had impressed on me that I should uphold. "Be my guest" I said.

With only a momentary delay at hearing the mechanical voice they sat. Anaya sat across from me whole one of her friends sat beside her, and the other beside me.

"Ahh I had heard something about you not being able to speak normally" she said smiling. "Its nice to see you again though I am curious why your usually only seen from afar."

"Because that's what the Headmistress tells me. I'm not supposed to be interacting with the students" I say looking back to my meal now mostly forgotten

"Oh, and why is that" she asks while the three start in on their own lunches.

"Because I am different" I state plainly.

"And how are you different" she asks between bites of her salad.

"I'm ....not supposed to say" I reply going back to my own sandwich now more as a detraction than hunger.

"Who told you that" she asks all but done now.

"The Headmistress" I said while eating. One benefit of an electronic voice is that I could eat and talk at the same time.

"Hmm.... ok then. How did you get out here then today" she asks.

"I have an escort that brought me shopping today as part of my school vacation" I said finishing up my plate.

"Ohh a shopping day. That sounds wonderful" one of the other girls said.

"What are you looking for" the other asks.

I only give a little shrug. "Nothing in particular. Just anything I might need as well as getting a bit of time away from the school."

"Hmm" Anaya says seeming in thought. "Well I can recommend one thing at least. A change of cloths."

I stop and have to think a moment on that one. In all the time that I had been shopping here I had never thought of that. I had gotten so used to wearing the same thing all the time.

"This cloak for example. Your always wearing it" she said fingering it.

"The Headmistress said I always have to wear my cloak when I am going to be seen, and my necklace when I'm in public" I said fingering the said necklace with the seal on it.

"I smell loophole" the girl beside me says with a grin.

I can only tilt my head confused between them before Anaya Speaks up again.

"The loophole is you didn't say she told you HOW you had to wear it" she said while reaching over to push the hood off letting it fall back on my back with my head now uncovered. My long frost blue hair still inside didn't stay long either as the girl beside me reached back and pulled it out so that it laid flowing over the back. "Much better" she said smiling.

If I though I was going to have a panic attack earlier now I was going to have one for sure. The one bit of logic though that seemed to stick was she was right. It was indeed a loophole that I couldn't really get in trouble for.

"Well then" she said as my plate was whisked away by a shop worker. I think we have out hands full then" she said as they started to get up.

I had one problem though that kept me in my chair though. "I can't go. I was told to wait by my escort"

"Hmm" she said and they all sat back down again.

The next ten minutes or so was spent between them talking about this shop or that shop for different things, and there was even one tossed in there for hairdo. My head was swimming a bit as I just looked from one to the other as they spoke until I caught movement at the door that I was expecting long ago. My escort came in, looked at me, and seemed to panic as much as I did the first time. She quickly composed herself though and walked over to our table.

"Ahh Miss Anaya we weren't expecting to see you here today. I thought you would have left this morning for your family's house.

She looked up at her and smiles. "Hello Mrs Kabs. I take it your Riku's escort. Yes I was going, but weather was not favorable so I was delayed by two days."

"Ahh that would explain it then, but I seem to be at a loss here. I had instructions for escorting Riku today, and those instructions partially meant that she would not contact students" Mrs Kabs said still looking a bit panicked.

"Oh that will be ok. We were planning to take her shopping with us since we were delayed here and she was out already anyway" Anaya says again looking between me and here

There again was that reference to me as a she that I had not heard in a while, but I guess that in this circumstance I had to deal with it. In fact the best thing I figured I could do at the moment is just keep my mouth shut so to speak.

" I'm sorry Miss Anaya, but I don't think that will be possible" Mrs Kabs says still looking a bit nervous.

Anaya didn't even bother to reply other than just to hold her hand up to Mrs Kabs. With her other paw she reached in her purse to pull out something I had not seen before. With a quick swapping of seats with the girl sitting beside me she turned on the device so I could see too. I was surprised. It was a small video communicator After a brief pause the Headmistress appeared on the screen.

"Hello Miss Anaya. I wasn't expecting a call from you today" the headmistress said.

" Hello Headmistress. I had gotten delayed from leaving this morning by weather along the rout, and was spending the two days in town locally. That however is the reason for my call though" she says.

"Oh" she asks confused. "And is there anything that I can help with?"

"Well yes there is" she says. "I seem to have met a new friend today, and her babysitter is about to panic" she says turning the device to me before I even had time to think. The look of surprise on the headmistresses face seemed to tell all though.

"I see" she says regaining her composure rather quickly. "I have to admit I was not anticipating this problem when I gave Riku the time off. I also see that Riku is not dressed as she is supposed to be."

"That was my doing Headmistress." she says coming to my defense. What came next was a recap of the loophole and where I am now.

"Well you certainly got me there, However there are reasons that you are not aware of for Riku wearing them as told" she says as Anaya turns the device back to herself.

"Yes she has told me they were because she is different, but not why. However you know one of my jobs at the school is seeing that new students are settled in and made comfortable. We have watched her for a while now, and noticed that she seems to be rather lonely up there when we are outside."

The headmistress seemed to think a few moments before responding. "Yes I can say that I agree with you there, but again there are reasons."

Anaya thinks for a moment before getting up. Excusing herself she grabs me and almost drags me into the girls bathroom. I had no chance to voice a complaint a she turned and locked the door behind us.

"Now then Headmistress you know about my record of responsibility, and my ability on sensitive things. There is no one else here with us right now, so you can tell me."

"The headmistress was deep in thought again. This time it was a bit before she looked like she was going to say anything. "Well seeing as you are trying to help Riku, and I have to admit I have no better idea to help with the loneliness I will tell you part of it that you will run into if you spend any time together. First off though I have to say that this goes no further than you, First off........"

That started a fairly long winded explanation by the headmistress about first and foremost my actual gender as tiny as it was. That got a bit of a look from Anaya, but she just kept it in stride. Then my embarrassing need for the diapers. That seemed to surprise her more than my gender enough that before I could actually respond she had her hand in my cloak, and down my shorts to feel the lining of the daytime diaper I had on. That led to her discovery of my rather unusual digitigrade legs just as the Headmistress was about to explain them. Last was my apparent age vs my mental age though she couldn't tell her why.

"Hmm" Anaya said in thought. Is her being different the only reason she is being hidden away?"

"Yes" the Headmistress reply's. The powers above me in this situation thought it would be best. Its also why Riku is in our school and not in a more public place."

"Hmm so fitting in is the only issue then" Anaya asks looking at me then back at her video com getting a nod from the Headmistress. "In that case I may be able to do something about that as well as give her some time away from the school."

"And what might that be" the headmistress asks.

"Simple. I take her home with me" Anaya reply's.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea" the Headmistress says.

" It will be fine after a bit of shopping and preparation" Anaya says. "If she is to be seated into a position of higher society she needs lessons that the school can't teach her."

The Headmistress seems to be in thought for a few moments before looking back. "I'm not entirely sure about this idea, but as you said it may be the best thing for Riku at the moment. Very well. I'll leave this in your hands" the headmistress reply's before turning her attention back to me. "Riku you go with Miss Anaya, and do as she says."

"Yes ma'am" I say getting a nod in return.

"Very well then" the Headmistress says. "Please inform Mrs Kabs that she is free to leave then."

"Well then lets go Riku. Time to get you outfitted before you leave" Anaya says leading me out the door.

"Yes Miss" I say as I follow making her turn and look at my arm device.

"That should be the first thing we change" she says looking at the bulky keypad on my arm. "a neutral mechanical voice is not fitting of a young lady."

"Yes Miss" I said out of reflex before the entire statement hit me. Young lady? Just what were they going to do?

Next thing I know after a brief word with my escort to excuse her as well as her friends I'm being almost pulled down the street until she found what she was looking for. It was an electronics store. The last thing on my mind before being tugged inside is what have I gotten myself into.

Riku: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: As the wheels turn. The buggy ride turned out to be no where near as bumpy as I had thought it would be. Having grown up in a rustic country area in my own time I had rode a few of the older types of wagons that just had wood and metal...

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Riku: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Journey to a new home. Ok as a reminder I am NOT a professional writer nor do I have a proofreader other than my spellchecker so there will most likely be errors. I am getting better though. The next morning while I was having...

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Riku: Chapter 2

Ok as before I am not a professional writer so there will most likely be grammar errors, and my spellchecker may have failed in spots so BE nice with comments please. I don't need lots of those "you screwed this and that up" comment.. All parts of the...

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