Super Task Force: Defensive Task Force, Yrysaranger Ch. 2

Story by Rowan Nero on SoFurry

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#2 of Super Task Force: Defensive Task Force, Yrysaranger

It's been a while since Ch 1, but here is ch 2.

Something to note, As i state in the story I will be writing PoV from a important character from now on. I will identify the color of the ranger the PoV is in at the start, and very rarely when the PoV changes.

I don't think I was that good at PoV in this chapter, but it will evolve in the next chapter as I play with it. Critics are nice, please and thanks!

Yrysaranger Ch 2

The team divided

From the bands on their wrists, a white and dark purple light wrapped around them as the creature released a blast of energy from his blade. It hit them as the light solidified, and the two where pushed through the wall and into the open air. The colors became suits over them as they fell covering all but their head and for the case of Marcus his tail. The suits where black and white respectfully, with a gold stripe going down from the silver covered neck to the silver belt like a jacket. The gold continued around the neck where the silver met the rest of the suit. Over the hearts on the chest was the symbol of Earth, the right side had what looked like a military name plate with their respective colors on them by name. Their right shoulder had a number in roman numeral, IV for black and V for white, on a patch. Their left shoulder had a rather plan patch with the word Yrysaranger along the top of the patch. On the right side of the belt a gun that was mostly silver, but outlined in the ranger's appropriate color was attached. The gloves and boots where silver, and the original morpher was embedded into their cuffs on the left arm. On ranger white, a skirt was over the suit as well.

They landed with a large thud, the ground cratering lightly where they landed. Marcus and the woman landed on their feet, and she sighed saying "Good thing I broke protocol." as Marcus turned to her saying "The hell is this?"

She took the gun off her side saying "No time, incoming!" as the creature jumped down and made a bigger crater when it landed. It looked up as she took aim, and shot a white beam at it. It growled in pain and staggered back from the shot as she smirked. "Use your ranger arm against it, it's on your belt." She'd say as she kept her firing up. After ten shots it stopped shooting, to which she cursed. The creature advanced as Marcus drew his and tried to shoot, nothing happening. He looked to her, and she said weakly "They're not charged, we're in trouble....not." as she drop kicked the ground, making it break apart and off settling all three of them.

The creature recovered first, and slashed it's blade into her and sent her flying back. The suit held, but damage could be seen on her chest as a darker smudge. She hit the wall, and sunk into the building hard. She grunted in pain, and found herself stuck. As she struggled the creature went to strike Marcus, who stopped the blade with one of his arms. He smirked and said "Please, you need to push harder." as he pushed against the creature. He forced it back two steps, then a third before the creature recovered from it's shock and shot a blast of algae green water into his chest that sent him flying back.

He recovered on the ground next to the woman, who was still struggling, and said "I feel much stronger than usual, what the hell is with this suit?"

Before she could answer, three beams of energy shot the creature from the side. They where colored Red, blue, and yellow. They turned their attention that way to see three more rangers of those colors walking forward slowly. These rangers had helmets on, the red one armor over his feline tail. The helmets where black from where they where on the bottom of the helm, and was black as they went around the back. When it got to where the eyes would be, reflective visors of the rangers colors where there (Think of Power Ranger's Time force on the shape of the helm, and just a basic visor for the visors.) and for the mouth plates they had silver lip plates that had what looked like a microphone leading into the helm. They each held their ranger arm, and stopped to stand beside the three. The red one looked to the woman, who said "It's about time you got here! I had to activate the ra-"

"That's enough, you'll answer to commander Mai when we finish here." he said coldy, and continued on walking. The blue ranger huffed and said "High and mighty are we, just two minutes ago you where a scared kitten." in a light female voice. She smoothed out her skirt as Yellow stayed quiet, his aim focused on the creature. The large rock creature stood, and as if sizing up the fight, turned and said "I won't kill you this time." Before the other two rangers could raise their arms, it rushed towards the sea. Yellow managed to get a good shot on it's shoulder, breaking off a piece of the rock. The creature didn't even register it, how ever, like it felt no pain.

After it was out of range, Ranger yellow lowered his side arm slowly saying "Staying focused on target is priority number one." He kept the arm in his hand as rangers red and blue put theirs on their belts. As Marcus stood, he punched the wall Ranger white was stuck in and broke her free. She sighed, and stood as both her and Marcus's suits lost power and disappeared off their body in the same kind of light show that happened before. Ranger red walked to them and said simply "We have to take you into custody, hold out your hands so I can take you in. Struggle, and you know the price."

Marcus sighed, then said "Just get it over with so I can find out just what I need to do to get as far away from the government as possible."

At this, Ranger yellow nodded, held his hand over his morpher and said "I'll need to take your ranger braces as well, as precaution." to which the scientist lady nodded and took hers off, then swiped Marcus's with little effort as she handed them to Ranger red, who shuddered "H-hey I'm in charge here don't.." who was cut off by Yellow just cuffing the two saying "We're equal until you had your training, besides, I'm going off of Captain Mai's orders."

Red sighed, and lowered his head defeated as he said "Yeah what ever, lets just get back to HQ." as Blue snickered.

PoV change: Ranger Red

(From this point on, all the chapters will be in the point of view of a single important character. I will always say which Character the view is on at the start of the chapter.)

'I can not believe two rangers are wasted!' thought Namko as he walked in between Zen and Tim through the hallway. The three of them where still in ranger form, and where going to report to Commander Mai on what happened. His vision through the visor was tinted red, light being perfectly filtered like the helmets on Yrysa did. In the side of his screen it showed a body lay out of his suit, which would show damage to the suit and the bar beside it showed energy levels, his being at about one fourth right now, and the left side showed a small square map. Beside his center red dot there was a blue dot on the right, signifying Zen on his right side, and the yellow dot representing Tim on the left of him where he was.

He stopped along side Zen and Tim at Commander Mai's door, and nodded to Zen to push the call button. The second it was pushed, the doors opened as her court voice said "Enter." Namko walked forward, leading his team into the large office. It was modeled after the oval office of the old President of the United States. Along the left wall was pictures of Mai's family, some personal trinkets like crystal cats, and her various military awards from the United States. The right wall had a monitor displaying information on the current active rangers, including rangers white and black as -recharging- and -no vitals to display- with red ! Over their pictures. The center of her office sat her oak desk, where she was waiting with her hands folded over another waiting. Namko stopped in front of her desk, and saluted her by standing at attention and bringing his right arm to hold in front of him with a closed fist, his fist stopping over the center of his chest. Zen and Tim copied this motion as Professor Az walked forward, her blue feathers popping out with the white lab coat and clothes she was wearing.

Mai said simply "At ease." And Namko lowered his arm to his side. Tim placed the report they wrote for her on her desk, and Zen cracked her neck almost casually while waiting. She then opened the report and said "You may also power down, save energy."

Namko looked to Zen, then to Tim, then to Professor Az and said "We had to rush out before we learned how to power down ma'am."

Professor Az then chuckled and said "Same way you morph, except you say ranger color power down." as she waved her feathered hand as if it wasn't a big deal.

Namko nodded, and said "Ranger red, Power down." As he pressed the button on the morpher that he pressed to morph in the first place. The morpher beeped, he was covered in a red light for a moment and then stood there in his military uniform he was wearing before he had morphed before hand. Zen and Tim copied him, replacing their colors in the command, and stood in front of Mai as they waited for farther instruction.

She skimmed over the report and said "So you where able to chase the creature off, and break off a piece of it in the process. The sample you took from Ranger White and the sample you gained was sent to the lab for testing and Rangers Black and White are now waiting me to brief them, correct?" as she looked back up, Tim placing their morphers on her desk as well.

Namko blinked, then lowered his ears saying "To...To be briefed? That makes it sound like they are a..part...of..." to be cut off abruptly by Mai "A part of your team, yes that is correct. There is no way to break the DNA bond in our computers so they are your team mates unless I kill them in cold blood."

Namko stood in shock for a moment, then opened his mouth to be cut off again by Mai. She said sharply "I will remind you captain that I am Commander, and they did what they had to to save their lives and protect the morphers. Ranger Black, Marcus, will be thanked for doing a citizen act above and beyond to protect Earth, and asked to stay on as Ranger Black. Ranger White did her job as she was instructed by her Superior to protect the morphers at all costs, which was a order from Commander Yrsial. Ranger White will most defiantly join our cause, Ranger Black is the only one I'm concerned about. Until farther notice you are dismissed to more Ranger Arms training with Professor Az."

Namko gulped a little, intimidated and said "Y-y-yes ma'am!" as the three saluted her, turned and walked out with Professor Az leading the way. After they made it into the hall, he sighed and said "I can't believe we have to put up with team mates like this, Professor is there not anyway besides killing that we can get real qualified people for the jobs?"

Az chuckled at him, then said "Quite simply, no we can't. The suits themselves bond with the DNA unless the suit registers the body as dead. Then it can be cleared. Anyway, we are moving on to get your training on weaponry done."

After the three was shown the ranger arms in detail, on how to change the arms from a gun to a sword and it's workings, they where asked what second ranger arm they'd like for their weapon. Namko answered with Bladed Tonfas, a popular weapon on Yrysa with the feline population. Tim requested a sniper rifle that would also work as a assault rifle, and Zen asked for a large sword. Az took down their requests and told them it would be a few weeks before they where finished. She then dismissed them after going over complicated workings of their morphers, how to enhance their abilities in the suits, and how to best conserve energy for maximum performance.

After they where dismissed, Namko went straight to his room and walked in. It had white walls and the covers, lamps, curtains, and carpet where red. He took his morpher off the base it had, it slid off of the arm holster when you pulled a switch, and locked it into the charging station that was integrated into the wall. It instantly beeped, signifying it was on a full charge, so it took it off and put it back in the base on his wrist. He'd lay down on the bed, it was a nice firm yet comfortable mattress, and sigh.

"Why the hell are things going like this. It's a major honor for me to lead the Yrysarangers, but I have no qualifications to be a captain. I don't know what Commander Yrsial was thinking putting me as the leader. I should have declined." He thought to himself, twitching his tail under him. He always scored high on the exams that got him into the army. He was a good study, and always followed procedure. After a minute of dwelling on this, he started to doze off when the alarm sounded and his overhead light turned red. He got up and said "It won't end for a while I guess.." And ran out the automatic sliding door and to the main office where Mai would be.

He was intercepted by Zen who was on her way out, Tim behind her, and she said "Rock head is back, he's attacking the shelter ten miles from where we picked up Marcus. We need to go now."

He nodded and ran with them to the loading bay chutes. They opened, three of the five installed, and they slid down them. They slid out into a vehicle bay, and each took a motorcycle. After getting their helmets on, they peeled out of the bay's open door, turned on their sirens and drove the ten minutes to the location of the attack.

As they got close, Namko said to them "Lets morph on the bikes and use them as a push for a ranger arm sword attack."

Zen and Tim nodded, and he called out "Ranger red, report in!" As he tapped the morpher on his wrist. Zen and Tim copied him, morphing themselves, and they where covered in a light that cleared a second later. They all drew their ranger arms, changed them to swords, and drove right at the monster. It chuckled, and sprayed a sticky green foam on the ground that melted the tires and wheels right off the bikes of the motorcycles, sending the rangers flying at the monster's feet.

Namko lost his ranger arm in the chaos, and as soon as he hit the old pavement, the monster had kicked him hard in the ribs sending him across the ground. He lost his breath in the helmet, his ribs aching. The suits where suppose to withstand a force of at least 5 tons! Yrysians where built physically stronger than humans, and if that did that much damage to his chest he knew his team mates couldn't be hit.

"C-careful, he packs a punch." Namko coughed through the radio link they had.

Zen got up, and turned her arms into a gun as Tim did the same. They started shooting at the creature, dodging it's sword while up close. Every time they shot, the blasts where met with a blast of sickly green water stopping it in a burst of steam. Tim and Zen managed to work themselves against a wall, and the creature shot out a blast of water that they barely dodged, and that cut through the steal frames that where behind them cleanly. Namko spotted his ranger arm away from him, and ran to grab it. As he got near, it was kicked away by a smaller rock monster. The same ones that where reported to them by Serena as foot solders.

Namko growled, and punched this one squarely in the chest. He used about 5% of his power, being left at 90% from the events so far, and the creature had a hole in it's chest from the punch. It looked like it struggled around his fist, then busted into sickly green sea water and foam. Namko then noticed a horde of them sneaking around the area, and realized something simple. This place was deserted, they had ran into a trap.

Super Task Force: Defensive Task Force, Yrysaranger Ch. 3

Yrysaranger Ch 3 Choices 'I'm glad I keep this with me.' Marcus thought to himself as he bounced an old tennis ball off the floor, into the wall, and back to him. It was soothing, to hear it bounce and to have it come right back at him to...

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Super Task Force: Defensive Task Force, Yrysaranger Ch. 1

Wow, It's been sometime since I've uploaded a story. Before I start I want to thank anyone who takes the time to read this story. I have been working hard and diligently on it, and I do believe it is by far my best work yet. I have taken a huge love to...

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As I lay back in the grass, I look above into the sky Dark thunder clouds swirl above me, the air tense with it's rage. I'm not sure, and as a result I cry My tears are hidden by the falling rain, my fur being pelted and soaked by the tears of the...

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