A Queen's Love Pt. 2

Story by Kerilus on SoFurry

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#1 of A Queens Love Collaboration

After trading art for stories with my online buddy Eragon, ( http://www.sofurry.com/user/view/profile?id=77118 ) We decided to co-write a little bit of a story! Read it, comment, fave, check us out, tell us what you think! Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!

A Queen's Love Pt. 2

Adapted from Eragon13666's story, written by me!

"It sure was nice of your friend Brandon to let us stay at his place tonight." Nidoqueen spoke as Chad closed the door behind them.

"Yeah he's a pretty cool guy. I hope I'm as strong of a trainer as he is someday, but I have a feeling I'll need more practice." Chad replied before sitting on the bed.

"...Chad? Can we talk about some stuff before we go to bed?" Nidoqueen asked as she tried to tune out the giggling from down the hallway.

"Sure Nidoqueen! After all, now that I understand Pokemon, I bet you have a lot more you want to talk about!" Chad said as he took off his shirt.

Nidoqueen's eyes grew a little wider as she saw her master undress down to his boxers. She did like mating with humans better than her own kind, but she felt bad to pressure Chad into sex, considering they hadn't known each other long. Besides that, she had only just evolved before being handed over from her previous masters, leaving her new form to be completely untouched by both human and Pokemon. She became even more excited at the thought of losing her new virginity to him, and taking his as well. Once she realized he was staring at her and she wasn't saying anything, she began;

"I know you call me Nidoqueen because that's my race, but I was wondering if you ever thought about giving me a human name, like Brandon did with his mates." she said as she blushed ever so lightly before sitting on the bed next to her master.

"Well I never thought about that until now, but I think I may need some time before I give you a name." Chad replied as he crawled under the sheets.

"Oh... okay. I was also wondering if... if you ever thought about making me your mate? Like what Brandon did with his Pokemon?" Nidoqueen said almost in a low whisper.

"...I...I think we should just go to bed Nidoqueen, I don't want to talk about that kind of stuff right now." Chad said as he rolled away from Nidoqueen, trying to hide his massive erection from her.

"I'm sorry Chad, I didn't mean to upset you, it's just that my heat is approaching and I'm having a hard time trying to hide it." Nidoqueen said as she rolled her body to face Chads.

"It's okay, try to get some rest." Chad replied to his one and only Pokemon.

Nidoqueen laid in bed that night finding it very hard to fall asleep. All she could think about was her old trainers and how they used to please her when she was in heat. After she had evolved to a Nidoqueen, her masters said she was just too big for them and they couldn't keep up with her. She was sad that they would take care of her and mate with her, but once she was too big; throw her out the next day. She had only grown to 4'8, but she had also gained a few pounds. About an hour of thinking had gone by before she looked over to find Chad fast asleep with a little smile across his face.

He was a nice trainer, but very new to the world of Pokemon. She was thankful that it was a new trainer with no experience rather than a trainer that would work her very hard during battles. He was kind, gentle and compassionate, but at the same time funny and playful. Although he was only 17, she knew he would soon mature into a very fine man. She then began to think about the first day she met him. She thought that he didn't want to be a trainer because he wasn't excited or happy when her old masters gave her away. Then she remembered that that was the day he had broken up with his girlfriend because she was cheating on him with all of her Pokemon.

Then it clicked to her. He didn't like the idea of mating with Pokemon because he felt that they had betrayed him. She felt terrible about asking him to mate with her, but she wanted to prove to him that she could care and love him just as Brandon loved and cared for Tundra and Twilight. She was going to mate with him and only him, and prove to Chad that she could be a great Pokemon.

"I promise I'll never let you down Chad..." She spoke softly before kissing him gently on the cheek and falling asleep.

When Chad awoke the next morning, he took one look at Nidoqueen and saw how peaceful she looked while laying next to him. He felt bad for being snippy with her the night before, but he promised himself to make the best of the day that he could and treat her like the queen she was. As the sunlight burst through the clouds, it set itself upon her light blue scales, making them shimmer in the light. It was then that he realized the perfect name for his Pokemon.

"My sweet Angel..." He whispered before gently caressing her light blue armored arm.

"What was that Chad?" Nidoqueen asked as she let out a yawn and rubbed her green eyes of sleep.

"I'm going to name you Angel, because you are my angel, and my queen." Chad said as he continued to stroke her arm gently.

"I love it! Angel... and I always will be for you!" Angel said with excitement.

Chad gave her a quick hug and climbed out of bed, putting on his pants and shirt before leaving to go to the bathroom. Almost as soon as Chad closed the door to the bathroom, Twilight came in with a bright smile across her face. She stared at the happy Nidoqueen in the bed and giggled a little.

"You look happy! Did he cum inside you last night?" Twilight asked as if there were no boundaries between them.

"No... I couldn't get him to mate with me, but I will soon! He named me Angel, and I love it!" Angel said almost ready to burst with tears of joy.

"That's such a pretty name! After last night, Brandon told us about his recent ex, and why Chad wasn't so gung ho about mating with Pokemon. Honestly, he's the exact opposite of me really. I couldn't trust a single human after my old master raped me every day. But after Brandon took care of me, he showed me love and compassion that I yearned for." Twilight replied as she sat down next to Angel on the bed.

"How did you get Brandon to mate with you?" Angel asked as she picked her nails nervously.

"I talked to Tundra first, and she allowed me to be the Beta mate. I think I just kind of joined in on the action, with permission of course! Maybe you should just rape him like Tundra did!" Twilight said giggling.

"It would be his first time ever, and mine in my new stage for that matter! I'd rather him show me affection before we trade virginities..." Angel replied still with a little nervous shaking in her voice.

"Well you can always do that too! All I have to say is when the time comes, don't be afraid! He is a whole foot taller than you, so he's probably going to be a little big for you too if you know what I mean!" Twilight giggled out.

"Oh don't torture me with these thoughts Twilight, I'm almost in heat and I can't take it anymore! I want to show him how much I love him, but I'm just so scared..." Angel said softly.

"Don't worry Angel, When time goes by, what's meant to be will be. Now let's go downstairs and meet up with the rest of the gang." Twilight smiled as she helped Angel to her feet.