The feeling you get..Part 1

Story by KittensXclaw on SoFurry

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Hello..this is my first sorry that I wrote in my spare please try not to rag on me too hard. Well I hope you enjoy it, oh yea..*sighs and takes a deep breath* if your not 18+ dont read not your mommy but you can call me daddy if ya like snickers* Please feel free to let me know what you think of it..enjoy.


I was only a child when I first heard of these new creatures that had appeared on earth. They themselves did not know how they got there but as usual humans were very quick to capture some of them so they could do research on these humanoid creatures who seemed to be a mix between humans and animal. No one ever thought much about it until these creatures started to organize in small communities or tribes and wipe out entire city's at a time. Our military was just a joke to their superior animalistic hunting skills, it was not long before most humans had to run and hide like animals anywhere they could. By the time I was nineteen my brother had been killed by the creatures and my mother had passed away of natural causes. Life was hard, almost impossible under these conditions, it was not "if" but "when" they found you and killed you. Every night when I went to sleep I could remember of how life was, so simple and calm. Working on the farm, and taking care of small things, not running for your life.

It finally happened one night when we went to sleep they came for us. I was awaken by a loud blood curdling scream that was quickly cut off by a gurgling sound. My eyes had not adjusting to the dim light of the dirty little hole we had taken shelter in. I could not do anything but push myself deeper back into my hole trying to get away. Suddenly I felt a warm burst of liquid rush over me, it was blood. I didn't have time to think about it before he was ripped out of the hole by a powerful clawed hand. Laughter filled the pitch black night air, it was cold dark laughter. The next thing I new I was laying propped up against the bars of a huge metal cage along with about twenty other humans. I jumped up and looked around, already my chest was heaving from fear and adrilin, one of the human men quickly jerked my back down to the seat that lined the edge of the cage and shook his head. Everyone else in the cage looked small for some reason, the tallest one was a few inches shorter than I, but that was not even an issue at this time.

The human that pulled me down quickly and said "Keep your head down, stay quite and you might make it to the arena" he said. "What's going on?" I asked him, still looking around now noticing a three of the massive creatures that seemed to be a mix with bears. "They pull the survivors here to battle for entertainment, they studied our past and they seemed to be interested with the Romans. If you live then you get to go free, until they catch you again." He chuckled and shook his head now looking me in the eye "What's your name? I might as well know the name of the man that im going to spill blood with." "I..Im Rigs..."

Suddenly the huge iron bared gate was swung open and one of the female occupants of the cage was pulled out and drug past a set of huge doors. Before very long there was a huge eruption of roars coming from the crowd and it was not very much longer before another occupant was taken from the cage. One by one were taken from the cage and finally my new friend turned to me and said "Im Josh...good luck to you" before he was pulled out of the cage. I was one of the few left in the cage by now, I thought I was going to throw up, my heart was racing and it seemed like everything was going so fast.

Again the door of the cage swung open and one of the massive bear creatures slid into the cage now dragging me out by my neck. Once we passed threw the huge double doors he threw me heard first into a long dirt filled hallway. The doors closed behind him and all that was left was a bright light at the end of the hall way. As I neared the end of it I could see the stands which were full of creatures of all types and sizes, in the middle of the dirt arena stood a small and young looking male wolf. He stood ready and swaying from side to side, his leather armor stood out as opposed to my own cloths that were already tattered and torn. I knew what was expected of me, as I made my way into the arena tears started to flow from my cheeks and I could not stop myself from sobbing. The crowd erupted into laughter as did the young wolf who now made his way to me, my entire body seemed to go limp and my eyes closed. My tears had stopped and it seemed as if a few second had passed because the young male wolf had came a great deal closer before I opened my eyes again. I could not help but laugh, softly at first then louder and louder laying my head back letting out a loud booming laugh until I felt something wrapped around my neck and cut off my oxygen. The young wolf had roped me around my neck and was pulling hard on the rope, I could feel the rough rope rubbing against my skin burning. My actions were not my own, the adrilin had taken over by now easily pulling the creature to me with a quick jerk on the rope. The next thing I knew the crowd was in a roar and the wolf was under me growling and yelling, my arm was bloody lined with bite marks and I could feel blood all over my face, again I started laughing and I leaned down wrapping my arm under his neck now sitting on his back. I whispered in his ear "you know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you know you really fucked up" before he could even gurgle up some of the blood that dripped from the sides of his mouth, I leaned back as hard as I could pulling his neck up. I could feel his spine cracking and breaking under me, when I was totally content I stood and held by arms up looking out onto the now silent crowd "WHERE ARE YOUR CHEERS NOW!!! " I screamed. I would have been better to keep my mouth shut, three of the massive creatures that had pulled me out of the cage now rushed the field grabbing me and easily taking me down. One simple punch is all it took to knock me out.

I didn't know where they had taken me, I didn't know how long I had been there but by the time I had woken up I was strapped to a cold metal table with all kinds of things hooked up to me. It seemed like I could feel pain all over my body, threw every inch of my being. Every time I would wake up from blacking out from the pain one of the creatures would be hovering over me never saying a word just writing something down on a clip board. Im not sure how long things went on like that or for that matter what went on. For the next two weeks I stayed in a cold dark room, there was no sound, no light..after a while it seemed like when I spoke in my head it echoed in the room. The sound of a key sliding into a look boomed threw the room and the first sight of light felt like someone poured gas in my eyes. I was quickly drug from the room and sat down on a table, before I knew what was going on the equivalent of doctors to these creatures were taking my tempter and looking at my hands and my head for some reason. I tried my best to cover my ears from their loud voices, so I could not hear what was said. Instead of now being drug everywhere I was now gently carried to a room where I was fed and offered cloths by the same creatures that had before tried to kill me and torture me. Even if I wanted to I could not turn the food down, it didn't matter what it was I crammed it into my mouth not even bother to chew if I could help from it. Once my belly was full a young female feline made her way to me offering me a pile of folded cloths. At first I did not know what to make of it, I was ready to fight again, ready to defend myself against anything. She saw that I was scared and simply sat the cloths down and made her way from the room closing a set of huge wooden doors behind her. The room was dimly lit and had a sensual feel to it. I pilfered threw the cloths taking time to tear the sleeves from a small black shirt before slipping it on. The shirt fit me skin tight, but it was soft and it had been so long since I had felt clean cloths on my skin. The only pair of pants that were brought to me were at least a size to big for me. I still tried them on and looked around for something to use like a belt.

Threw the doors that the feline that had brought him his cloths now came another female feline. This one was jet black and had deep glowing jade green eyes that seemed to burn against her silky fur. Again the fear rushed up in me, my heart raced and my eyes shot around the room looking for anything to use as a weapon. The young feline held up both her hands and smiled a sly little grin laying his ears back against her head speaking in a soft soothing voice "calm yourself....I mean you no harm" I found this hard to believe, but she did seem different that the others, she did not wear the armor or carry weapons. She was dressed in a long flowing dress that was slit on either side all the way up to her hips, allowing for a view of both her long legs. She was tiny, well most of her was, except for her marvelous chest. I could go no where else, I had backed myself up against a cold stone wall, and now here was this feline making her way to me. Still she held her hands up in the air, but once she was close enough she reached out too my hands in her own. Her soft touch made it very clear that she really did not mean me any harm, but since she did take my hands into her own, there was nothing left to hold the loose pants to my hips. Being mostly nude was the last thing I was worried about at this point though, she just grinned and gave me a quick look over before she looked back into my eyes. Her fingers made their way up to the ends of my pointer finger on each hand before she squeezed at the tips of my finger. All of the sudden there was a pain in the ends of my finger, like someone was slicing them open, all I could do was pull back and let out a loud yell, but she held me there and just grinned at my yells. A stream of crimson flowed down the tips of my fingers onto the palms, finally I look down to see what she was doing to me an I could see was a pair of claws sticking from the ends of each of my fingers. I did not understand, what was this? Where did they come from? My mind shot back to the time when I was laying on my back in the lab, it hit me...they mixed my DNA with their own.. They must have done sugary to put the claws in, and who knows that else they had done to me. The female soft soothing voice again caressed my still sensitive ears "you're a cross breed now.." She giggled girlishly pulling my hands up once again, now letting my finger tips go, so my newly acquired claws to retract. She slowly licked at the palm of one of my hands, I could not believe it, she was licking up the blood from my hands and all the way up to my finger tips. She acted like I should be happy that they changed me to one of them, like I should thank them for making me a creature of hell like them.

I could feel the rage building in me, burning deep inside me, my lips started to curl as a loud growl passed my lips. I could feel the sharp tip of my newly acquired fang like teeth pressing against my lips. Instantly the felines eyes grew large and she knew what was coming, my right hand flew up threw the air connecting with her neck. When my fingers wrapped around her furry little neck this pressed upon the muscles that now sent my claws threw the unpentrated skin at the tips of my fingers causing a steady flow of crimson to trail down the side of her neck where the tips of my claws now pressed against her. A new unknown strength rose up in me, with ease I lifted her off the floor and held her there against that cold stone wall. I could not make out a single one of her strained breathless words, but words were not needed, she expressed herself in very clear actions. Her hands flew up to my arm and she dug her own long claws deep into my flesh now sending blood splashing down onto the floor. My hand left her neck and grasped at the open wounds upon my arm, I was expecting a brutal attack to come once I let the feline down and also let my guard down but none came.

When I finally looked up to her she just stood there smiling licking my blood from her finger tips. She smiled down to her purring while she spoke "I think im going to like you." There was nothing I could do, a warm stream of blood trickled down my arm and onto cold floor which I quickly found myself laying upon. My eyes fluttered closed no matter how hard I tried to keep them open. Blood loss is a hard thing to fight against, needless to say it was a loosing battle. When my eyes opened again I was in a dark room laying on a soft bed with furry sheets wrapped about me. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the dark room, this was like nothing I had ever experienced before. This room was almost pitch black yet I could make things out threw the darkness, it was amazing. I went to roll over to slide out of the bed when suddenly I felt my "furry covers" move, these were not blankets at all but when I looked down it was the same female feline that had gave the beauty marks on my arm. Soft vibrations from her purrs now caresses my belly where her head rest. This was mind blowing, I had tried to kill her then she takes care of me and sleeps with me. I didn't know what to do, my mind raced in different direction coming to many different conclusions. It was like there were fifty little angel and devil guys on my shoulders all screaming something different in my ears. My dilemma was quickly solved when I felt a furry hand slid over my stomach and down between my legs caressing my inner thigh at first then move up to slide back up my belly just barley grazing my shaft. Unless she was a very frisky sleeper she was starting to get friendly with me, I must admit the thought of passing this up never even crossed my mind. Those simple actions dismissed every one of my shoulders buddies. I looked down to her only to see her burning green eyes looking up at me with a sly little grin on her lips. She looked so very evil with her sharp toothed grin, but she smelled so sweet. I could not help myself, I laid back down in the bed sliding a hand down her furry body all the way down between her legs. She was already sopping wet and more than ready to have her fun, even though the fur between her legs was short just like the rest of the fur upon her body, it didn't seem to bother me like the hair on a human woman would. I slid a finger down either side of her slit teasing her at first, every time I pulled my fingers back up I would spread her allowing more of her scent to spill out into the room. I was hardly in the mood to play around, I wanted her, I wanted to hear her whimpers and her screams of pleasure. I moved both my hands up wrapping my fingers around her wrists thighly pulling her hands away from me while I rolled over pushing her with me. I pinned her arms down beside her head and moved my hips around positioning myself between her furry thighs. Already my cock was rock hard and felt like it was throbbing, she was willing but I could feel her trying to close her thighs. A growl was all it took to warn her of this, her ears laid back down against her head and her eyes looked down but still she smiled. For the first time I looked down over her small tone body, she was amazingly fit and her breasts were perfect. Her pert pink nipple pushed upward just begging for attention which I was all to happy to give. I leaned down wrapping my lips around one of her nipple sucking at it, at the same time I nipped at the end of it giving it a soft tug from time to time. Her purrs soon became moans of pleasure that seemed to just echo around the room. A loud gasp silenced her purrs when I pressed the tip of my cock against her soaking wet cunny. Her eyes shot down to my own and I gave her soft playful little growl before I pressed a little harder against her slit. Before I knew what was going on she was growling and was lurching upward trying to bite at me. Stupidly I let her hands go, as soon as I did my eyes shot open wide and I pushed back as hard as I could with my arms and legs sending myself back onto the floor. I hit with a loud thud and hurt my ass but it was better than having those claws cutting deep into my chest. My mind was racing and before I had time to gather myself she was ontop of me growling right in my face, I could feel her hot breath upon my flesh. Her hands now held mine down against the cold stone floor, fear actually stuck me for a moment while she spoke "You think just because we made you a half breed your a big shot now?!" My fear quickly turned in to rage, my head slammed forward into hers, out of reaction I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes tight, I could feel that familiar warm liquid flowing upon my face now. When I pulled my head back and opened my eyes blood flooded them but I could make out her face and see blood dripping from her mouth and her nose. That sly smile still caresses her lips and she actually purred at me, my chest heaved and my heart pounded inside my chest. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know if she wanted to fight or fuck. Just in case she decided to carve me up while she was playing I tried to take hold of her hands and she let out a loud hiss now dragging one of her clawed hands down over my shoulder. I let out a loud yell and without even thinking I pushed myself forward and up off the floor, blood trickled down my shoulder and onto the floor and when I connected my body with hers forcing her down onto the ground a bit of blood trickled onto her chest. I scrambled to find her hands with my own pinning them onto the floor and positioning my face right above hers growling louder. She just laid there smiling and suddenly she kissed me. Im not sure what surprised me more..the kiss or the taste of my own blood upon her lips. I kisses back slowly still a little Leary of her and what she might be planning on doing. Just about the time I thought she was going to try and bite me again her legs spread open wide and she purred into the kiss pushing her rear off the floor to rub her still moist cunny against me. I loved the way her fur felt upon my skin but the sensation that took hold of me when I pressed me cock against her slit was nothing compared to her caress. I was not going to take any chances of missing this again, I pushed my hips forward hard enough to slam her rear back onto the cold floor and fill her slippery cunt with my hard throbbing cock. Right then the kiss was broken and she let out a loud roar like scream that filled the room. She was so tight and warm, even though she was not a virgin she was nevertheless tight and welcoming. The pleasure I got from just being inside of her was amazing, at first I didn't even want to move but before long I could feel her nipping at my chin and whimpering, the message was clear. I started to rock my hips slowly at first, I guess this was not enough for her because I felt her legs wrapping around me and she started trying to push herself roughly onto me. My once slow pace quickly speed up into a quick rough pace. Again moans of pleasure filled the air now from both of us, the sound of flesh slapping again flesh accompanied the moans and whimpers. Shivers of pleasure shot up and down my spine not only from her tight cunny but ever time I slammed back into her the soft fur upon her lips rubbed up and down my cock, I didn't know how much longer I could last like this. Without warning her back arched and a flood of her hot cum washed over my dick, that was it, that was all I could take. I only got in one more good thrust deep into her before I exploded deep inside of her coating her walls with my seed. Even though I was done I didn't leave her warm cunny but before long she again kissed me and pulled her hips back away from me letting me know she was done, I didn't not want to fight with her again, especially after exerting so much energy. I let her hands go and sat up off of her pulling my dripping cock out of her. The room felt like it was freezing compared to her warm embrace but I did not have to deal with the cold for very long. Unexpedily instead of just getting up and leaving she sat up on her hands and knees and took my cock in her mouth sucking away the mixture of our cum. I was in heaven, but it didn't last long, she just cleaned what she could off and smiled up to me still purring.

I stood up and yawned stretching out my arms and laying my head back letting out a soft yawn. By the time I pulled my head up she was on her feet and was half way across the room looking back over her shoulder at me beckoning me to follow her. She was headed for another dark room, at first I thought that she might me luring me into a trap of sorts but even if she was at least I would die happy. I shrugged my shoulders and started to slowly make my way across the room. For the first time I noticed that there was something different about the way I walked and my feet, I had small pads upon the bottoms of my feet and my legs seemed to press softly and quietly upon the floor even though it was not trying to be quite. I didn't focus on this for very long since there was a very attractive young female now pulling me by the hand into a dark room. It seemed that I was wrong about her wanting to harm me, the room she was dragging me into was a bath room. When she flipped on the bright florissant light I could not help but close my eyes for a second, the bright light reflected off the white tile that was all over the room. She let go of my hand and make her way behind a waist height tile wall that blocked off the area except for a small entrance. Above was a large shower head which soon poured water down over her form when she turned on the knobs. Her fur was pushed down against her form as the water washed over her, I was all to happy to follow under the warm water standing close to her. When I tilted my head down to let the water run over my shoulder I looked down to the floor watching a swirl of red liquid circle down the drain, it took me a second to realize it was my own blood. What pulled my eyes away from the swirling crimson was the feel of her paw like hands upon my chest, I took this as a sigh she wanted to play a little more and of course I was all to happy too. When I pulled my hands up to her hips and tugged her forward she just shook her head and said "later, for now we have places to be." With a sigh I shook my head and pulled my hands away from her now washing up with her help. When they were both washed up she pointed a finger to the still open door of the room and said "Go ahead and get dressed." Again I nodded and made my way out of the room looking back over my shoulder watching her combing out her fur. I was expecting to just put the cloths I had just taken off back on but upon the bed was a pile of new cloths and on top sat a thick oversized black leather collar with a heavy metal 'D' ring in front. With a chuckle I pushed it aside and started laying out the cloths on the bed, the only way they could have knows that I wore boxers what that they took the other cloths, and sure enough when I looked for them they were gone. I had not even heard another come into the room, but then again I was paying more attention to the felines body that anything else. The clean fabric felt so good against my clean flesh, and the baggy black silk pants that followed them were no acceptation. The black shirt was another story, it was skin tight and hugged every part of my body, every though it made me look strong and cut I didn't like it. I of course did not protest very much when the young feline made her way back into the room and tugged it down snugging it against me, she didn't spent much time with this when she saw the collar sitting on the bed. One of her hands slid to my hip and with the other she picked it up holding it in front of my with a raised brow, again I just sighed and started to reach for it only to have it pulled away. Her slender fingers unbuckled the silver buckle and purred pulling it up to my neck wrapping it around. She left it very loose fitting so it only touched the back and the sides of my neck, it almost made me feel powerful, since they had to collar me just to keep control of me..or so I liked to think, I was just looking for a reason not to protest.

For the first time I now looked her over seeing what she was wearing, an amazing long flowing Japanese style dress with long slits up both sides showing off her long tone legs. I was not allowed to view them for very long since she took me by the hand and led me out of the room down and into a huge white marble hall..this place was massive and amazingly built. The beauty of the hall was not the only thing that caught my attention, but the fact that there were no was just her. From time to time we might pass another furry but they just smiled in a way that made his stomac turn, they looked at him like he was a pet, like people once looked at them. Huge pillars lined the walls, here and there would be a huge carving of a large furry that always held out large dangling plates of burning oil lighting the dim hall, finally we walked into a room full of furies. When we walked in the room was filled with chatter but as soon as we walked in, it went silent and all eyes were on stomach churned but I fought back the fear...this was bad..very bad..