DreamCloud's Café (Part 1 of 3)

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#1 of DreamCloud's Cafe

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. Try not to get caught. If you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!


"A twinkling night in heaven is what I needed...Too bad all I got was this lonesome

clouded night..."

A wolf, who was just barely into college, sat with his ears fallen against his head,

peering up to the glowing balls of magic that were staring back at him. Inspiration

hadn't shown up that night, which left him just sitting there. Alone.

"If I had... just one wish..." He thought as he closed his eyes and lay back, parting the

grass behind him. "I wish for someone to be here with... I mean... someone to share all

this space with... even if we only take a fraction of it... I wish for you..."

He opened his eyes and sighed, once again looking at the wide-screen view of the sky.

"I've been wishing on these stupid stars for the last few years and I still go

unanswered... Why can't I find you?"

Picking up his jacket and slinging his backpack over his shoulder, the wolf headed

towards the opposite edge of the field where his lonely apartment waited for him, and

when he got there he opened the door and locked it behind him.

His apartment was nothing special. Just a one-bedroom with a kitchen, living room,

and bathroom, all of which he kept spotless. He didn't understand it. When he lived with

his folks he hated cleaning, but ever since he moved he kept everything as clean as he


"Well..." The wolf whispered as he head straight for his bedroom, turning out the lights

from the living room on the way. "Another test tomorrow... Another night alone..."

He crawled under his ice-cold sheet and sighed again, staring at his ceiling.

"If I had...just one wish... I'd wish for someone to be here with... I mean... someone to

warm up my sheets at night... even if we only take up half of them... I wish for you..."

Monday's class was creative writing, starting at 10:30 A.M. sharp, which meant a

certain wolf's alarm clock was set to go off an hour before. At least, that's what he had

planned before the sandman came and sent him to dreamland.


"...ugh?" A shaky arm slithered out from under its blanket and hit the snooze button on the apparent annoyance.


"What the hell..." A now aggravated wolf threw off his cover and stared at his alarm

clock. "8:00...?" His attention was then brought to the phone that was ringing just next

to it. He snatched it up and placed it up to his ear, clicking the "talk button".

"Solemn...?" A voice came through the earpiece that he recognized, which only made

the situation more aggravating.

"Hi mom..." Solemn yawned as he stretched out everything except the arm he was holding the phone with.

"You sound like your still in bed?" His mother said as if he was supposed to be in class an hour ago. "You know what I always say..."

"Yes mom," He interrupted her. "I know what you ALWAYS say... So why did you call so early? My first class isn't until 10:30..."

"I thought you should get a head start, that's all," His mother told him. "Like I always say, breakfast is the best way to start the day." She giggled a little after that, probably because she felt clever for rhyming.

"Kay..." Solemn groaned as he picked himself out of bed. "Well I'm going to have a shower then... Bye mom."

"Love you!" He heard her say before he took the phone away from his ear, hung it up, and threw it back on his bed. He then proceeded to his bathroom, where his shower sat, waiting to be drawn.

"A shower fit for a king..." He thought as the water warmed under his paw. The steam stroked his face as he pulled the tab that sent the water to the showerhead, and he stepped in, closing the curtain behind him.

By the time 8:45 A.M. rolled around Solemn was washed, dressed, and bored. There was nothing on TV and the only thing he had to eat in his small apartment was the powder that lay at the bottom of his latest cereal box.

"Guess I'm goin' out for breakfast..." Solemn sighed as he threw his jacket and

backpack over his shoulder and grabbed his car keys off of the counter. He then

proceeded to his door, locked it behind him, and headed down the stairs to the parking


"Oh!" The wolf jumped as a vixen opened the door that lead to the stairs and knocked

him right in the muzzle with it.

"I'm SO sorry!" She screamed as she swished her flowing tail and offered her paw to

help him up off his rump.

"It's ok..." Solemn said as he took the friendly offer and got back to his feet. "It sure

beats a cup of coffee, that's for sure." He checked his nose with his paw and was

relieved that there was no blood.

"Are you new here?" She asked him, dusting off his shoulder. "I've never seen you

around here before."

"I usually just stay in my room," Solemn said as came back to reality, stuffed his paws

into his pocket, and began to blush. Here he was, talking to a stunning vixen that

bopped him in the nose. And yet, there was this awkwardness that he saw in her eyes.

Like when you put on your lucky pair of boxers, expecting to feel great about it, but then

you realize that it's a very unlucky day and that they're so out of place it wasn't even funny.

"Well..." She shattered the silence between them as she slung her purse back over her should and walked passed him. "I guess I'll... see ya around..."

"Yeah," Solemn said as he held the door ajar with his paw. He watched her start to walk away and debated on stopping her, just to ask what her name was, but it seemed too out of place again. He defiantly didn't want to give off the wrong message to her, so he decided to just let her walk. After all, he had a belly to fill.

He descended the concrete stairs and listened to the sound of his steps rebound off of every concrete wall and ceiling, and when he reached the door that lead to the main floor lobby he waited for a couple seconds. His arm was extended, ready to turn the knob, but he waited to see if anyone was on the other side of the door.

Satisfied, he turned it and walked into the lobby of the building. It was lit with a chandelier that was covered in fake crystal that wrapped around plastic candles with light bulbs for flames. Solemn had never seen it shut off, so he found himself wondering how many light bulbs they must go through a year just to keep the damn thing lit.

He wondered about it all the way to his Jeep and when he got in and started the ignition, he felt like an idiot for doing so.

"Whatever..." He thought as he pulled out of his parking space. His thoughts then turned to his nose, which was still pulsing from the bash the door had given him.


"What's your order, then?" A waitress spoke, breaking the thin line of concentration that took Somber, a fox, forty-five minutes to achieve within a rowdy, overcrowded breakfast café.

"Ugh..." Replied the obviously frustrated fox. He pushed his sketchpad and pencil kit aside and took a quick glance at the menu. "Would you give me like... ten more minutes please...?" His tone was shaky and upset.

"You've been sitting there with that pad for the past hour and a half," The waitress replied, rubbing the fox on the head. "And all you've come up with so far is two lines holding up a box..."

"I know!" Somber shouted into the table as he put his head down. "I can't think! All I can do is sit here and lose myself in this STUPID piece of PAPER!" He shoved his sketchbook to the wall and put his head down again.

The waitress reached over and grabbed the book and started from the beginning. What she found inside the ragged, used pad was nothing short of amazing. Pictures of forests, knights and dragons, and boys holding hands flipped by as she leafed through.

"You..." She started to speak still amazed. "...you drew all of these?"

"Yes," She heard him reply without looking up. "But ever since I've left home I can't focus on anything... My inspiration's gone..."

"I'll tell you what you should do," She smiled, handing him back his sketchbook. "You should look through this menu on your table, find anything you want, and it'll be on the house."

"Why the generosity?" Somber asked as he began to actually look at the menu. He had to admit, some of the stuff they served did look pretty tasty.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind," She giggled as she walked away. "So I'll be

back in ten minutes, and you better be ready to order."

"Yes ma'am," Somber called after her as she walked away. He moved his right paw under his jaw and supported the weight of his head with it while he turned the couple of pages the menu.

Once he figured out what he wanted, he looked around for the waitress, but she must have gone to the back of the café.

He sighed and turned to stare out of the window, but was caught by someone who had

walked in just that second. It was a wolf with a bag on his pack and a jacket slung over his shoulder.

"Strange..." Somber thought as he eyed the wolf that stood at the front, waiting to be

seated. "Judging from the jacket and bag, he doesn't look like he's from around here..."

The fox kept his eyes on him as a waitress took him to a booth that wasn't to far away from his own and further analyzed him, but when the wolf sat down he began to

look around and caught the eye contact he was giving him.

Somber looked away as quick as he could, but knew he had already been noticed,

which made him blush violently.

"Pick something yet, hun?" The waitress said as she returned with her notepad in his


"...Waffles, thanks." Somber mumbled as he continued to stare out the window.

"What's gotten in to you?" She asked, almost laughing, as she collected the menu

from the table. "Ten minutes ago you were sitting here like the world was about to end,

but now you're as pink as newborn pup?"

"Nothing," He said, blushing even more now. "Everything is fine, now where's my


"Is it that cute wolf that just walked in...?" The waitress whispered with a giant grin on

his face.

"NO!" Somber said as quietly as he could, showing his anger, but not loud enough for

the wolf to hear. "Where would you get an idea like THAT?!"

"Well..." The waitress took the sketchbook and turned to a page that showed two boys

holding hands and giggling to each other. "That kind of gives it all away, hun."

"SHHHHH!" Somber snatched the book out of her hand and slid it in his bag that rested

in the floor. "Don't... tell anyone..."

"Oh calm down," She replied as she ruffled his headfur playfully. "It's cute, you should

go talk to him."

"... can't, I just have my waffles..." The fox groaned, once again laying his head down

on the table.

"Oh alright," The waitress said as she took the menu and he notepad under his arm.

"But I still think you should talk to him."



"DreamCloud's Café?" Solemn read the street sign as he squinted his eyes. "Where dreams come true...?" He scratched his head as he flipped his blinker, signaling he was tuning right.

When he got into the small parking lot, he took the last space available, even though it was the farthest away from the building. It didn't matter though, seeing as he had an hour and half to kill before he had to be in class.

The door opened with a jingle which a nice touch to the overcrowded scene. There were furs laughing all over the place and the atmosphere was overall inviting.

"Can I get ya a table, then?" A waitress, dressed in a black dress with a white trim,

smiled and held out a rather thick menu that she pulled out from the podium by the


"Yeah, sure," He smiled, feeling something inviting that dragged him to his booth. It

wasn't the waitress, or maybe it was, but something felt good here. Maybe he was


Either way, he looked around this place. There were pictures on the wall of furs

holding up bottles of beer, laughing with each other, and smiling. Trophies sat beside

them, along with other things that looked valuable.

Then something caught his eye. Someone was staring at him to his left, and when he

turned to look at him, he quickly turned toward his window. It was a red fox who seemed to have a lot of paper and pencils in front of him.

"Wonder what his problem is...?" Solemn thought as he turned back to see that the

waitress had returned.

"Find out what ya wanted yet?" She asked him with a smile.

"Ummmm..." Solemn replied, finally looking at the giant menu. He winced when he

could smell the strong smell of cigarettes on her and tried to hold back a cough. "Could I

have a couple more minutes, please?"

"Sure," She said graciously, walking away with a happy spring in her step, eventually

stopping at another table.

Solemn opened the menu but couldn't concentrate on the words or the food it showed.

He just wanted to turn around again to see if that fox was looking, but he couldn't or

else he would risk embarrassment.

"Hmmm... Maybe..." He grinned as he used his menu's lamination as a makeshift mirror,

and to his surprise it actually worked. He could see that the fox was now talking to his

own waitress, and they seemed to be talking about a couple things more then food.

"Damn it..." He thought as he put his menu back down, along with his ears. "Why

would I think he was looking at me? Why did I even get my hopes up...?"

"Figure it out yet?" The waitress said as she came back, notepad in paw.

"Yeah," Solemn said in a depressed tone. "I'll just have waffles or something." He

then sighed and put his face in his paws.

"Rough morning?" She asked him she put his menu under his arm and began writing

down his order.

"Yeah I guess you could say that..." He replied without looking back at her. "I just hate

the feeling of a new city, ya know?"

He waited for her cheery voice to register, but nothing replied, and when he looked up

she was smiling her pearly white teeth at someone else's booth across the room.

"Damn it..." He thought again as he opened his bag and took out his favorite notebook

and pencil. "Maybe I can find inspiration here.."

He touched his pencil to the paper and waited for words to flow out of it, like the good

old days, but nothing came to mind. Everything just pointed back to that feeling the fox

gave him when he stared. Now there was nothing be loneliness again.

"Oh! A writer!" A feminine voice came from over Solemn's shoulder as he stared at the blank paper, which seemed to be the purest of white.

"Hmmm?" The wolf questioned as he looked to see the very same waitress that was

talking to the fox. "Oh... Yes..." Seeing her only made him feel worse about the current

situation. He blamed the whole feeling of disappointment on her and just wanted her to

take her cheery attitude and jump out the closest window.

"You've gone a pretty blank page?" She told him as she walked over and sat in the

chair across from him. "I guess you're a bit deprived of inspiration as well then, eh?" She

gave off a wink and then moved in closer, whispering as if she had a huge secret to tell.

"You seem a lot like that fox over there."

"You mean the one that was hitting on you...?" Solemn felt his heart sink deeper as he

resisted the urge to get up right then and leave.

"Hitting on me?!" She laughed at him as he just sat there and took it. "He was trying

as hard as he could not to blush because you know he exists, hon!" Her smile was wide

and the room got some color back as Solemn's ears rose.

"Really?" Solemn began to smile and blush, feeling like the worlds biggest idiot. Here

he was, sitting in a booth feeling sorry for himself for assuming that this fox wasn't

actually staring at him.

"So are you going to go talk to him?" She asked, that giant grin still plastered all over

her face.

"If I may ask," Solemn said, now hosting a smile of his own. "Why are you doing all of


"What do you mean?" The waitress said, taken aback.

"Well," The wolf said as he started clearing the table for his waffles that he saw his

waitress holding. "You could have just witnessed this entire story draw out, like reading

a book, but you got involved and became... well I guess you could be called our narrator."

"Narrator?" She asked, sipping the coffee that Solemn hadn't touched yet.

"Yeah," Solemn said, not caring about the coffee. "You're the one who controls how

events happen and interact."

"You have to be a writer..." She smiled as she got up just as his waffles were being

served. "You talk like one anyway."

"Thanks..." Solemn said as he looked at the waitress's nametag. "... Sierra?"

"That's the name," She smiled and started walking away, but before she could, she

turned and winked. "Better be on your guard, though. It looks like your fox is leaving."

Solemn swung his neck as fast as he could and noticed that the fox had already slung

his bag over and was headed out the door.

"Crap..." The wolf said as he slid out of his booth and walked as swiftly as he could out

the exit, and when he got outside the sun welcomed him with a blinding glare. When he

adjusted, he saw the fox take out his keys and unlock his car, which was coincidentally

right beside his own.

"HEY!" The wolf shouted as he waved his paws in the air. He got the foxes attention

and started jogging over to the red Pontiac that the fox was unlocking.

"Yes?" The fox asked as if he didn't remember who he was.

"I..." Solemn panted, trying to form complete sentences with his short breath. "I saw

you looking at me and I was wondering..."

"I apologize," The fox said without a hint of sincerity. "I didn't realize that it would

offend you and I would like it if we didn't make a big deal about this."

"No, No!" Solemn said, raising his paws in defense. "I was wondering if you'd come sit

with me for a while."

"Is this a joke?" The fox narrowed his eyes, still seeming not to trust him. "Because if

it is, it's not funny..."

"No!" The wolf said, finally getting his breath back. "Just listen. I'm new here and I

wanted to find a friend... someone to talk to, ya know? And seeing as you're the only one

who seems interesting in that damned cafe, I was wondering if you wanted to come sit

with me for a while."

"I have an arts class in fifteen minutes," The fox said with a grin, looking at his watch.

"But if you're free for lunch...?"

"Lunch sounds swell," Solemn said, giving him a stunning smile of his own. "How are

we going to meet?"

"Meet here at noon?" The fox asked, writing something on a scrap piece of paper. Once

he was done he handed it to the wolf and got into his car.

Solemn gave him a "thumbs up" as he back out, and the fox returned it with a wink

before driving off and turning left.

He opened the paper and read it inside his head.

"Don't forget. Noon. And by the way... The name's Somber."


"3...2...1..." Somber counted down in his head. He had been sitting in that art room,

with its billions abstract art canvases that lined the wall, for about two and a hours now,

and he wanted out so he could get to his apartment, shower, and get ready for his


"Alright class," His art Professor, Mr. Lavish, said as he put his own paintbrush and

canvas aside. "Today was a good lesson, but I'm sorry to say it has to be drawn to a


"Thank you..." Some fur behind him sighed as he started packing his things, just like

everyone else in the room. Somber just checked his watch and got up, checking that his

keys and cell phone were still in his pocket.

"Half an hour..." He thought as he pushed past all the passing bodies that congested

the doorway. "Just enough time for a shower." He grinned and walked down the hallway

with a new spring in his step, ready for, what seemed to be, a new chapter opening in

his life.

He made it to his apartment within record time and had ten minutes to shower, then ten minutes to get back to the café.

"Piece of cake," Somber snickered as he closed the door behind him and threw his keys

on the hook beside the couch. "But first...!" He said as he clicked the answering machine

that was on the table beside the couch.

"First New Message..." It started to speak in its robotic monotone voice, which was

then followed by a hideous beeping noise.

"Ummm..." Came a female voice that made Somber freeze.


"Hi Somber... I know you've moved away... and that you're... ya know... gay and all... I

was just calling to tell you... that..."

"Second New Message..." The robotic voice interrupted, followed by another beeping

sound that made Somber want to smash the thing.

"Sorry about that..." Grace's second message began playing. "My phone died... but

anyways what I was calling to tell you... Was that I'm pregnant... and I think the baby

may be yours... Goodbye Somber..."

"...Fuck..." Somber said as he collapsed to his knees. "It couldn't possibly be mine...

She's had too many boyfriends over the time that we've been apart..." He looked to the

clock and realized that he just wasted about seven minutes listening to his messages,

which made him jump up and run into the shower.

"Even though that just about ruins my week..." He thought as he hurriedly threw off his

clothes and ran into the shower. "I still have that wolf to go see... And that's better then

anything else that I've been given these past few years..."

After about eight minutes, the fox emerged with a cleaner feeling about that whole

situation and hurried to his room to put on his clothes.

"Now..." He said as he opened his massive wardrobe. "What to wear on this splendid

occasion?" He thumbed through a couple of pre-made outfits that he put together in his

hours upon hours of boredom.

He didn't want to look to out of the ordinary, though. After all, that wolf DID just say

he wanted to go as friends.

"Is that all he thinks this is...?" Somber questioned as he decided to pull out his

favorite jeans and a plain white t-shirt. "What if he just needs a friend?"

Somber could have sat there and pondered this all day, but a swift glace to the alarm

clock that sat beside his bed made him throw on his clothes and rush to the door. He

slipped on his shoes and grabbed his keys, locked the door behind him and ran towards

the exit to the left.

He had three minutes before noon, and if he could help it, he wasn't going to be late.

Sadly, though, it took him a good fifteen minutes to find his way back to that café,

and by this time there were only a few cars in the parking lot.

"Ah crap..." Somber sighed as he pulled into the third closest spot and shut off the

engine. "Let's hope the boy found us a table..." He got out of his vehicle and locked it,

then shoved the keys in his pocket.

Walking up to the entrance, he felt that calm, inviting aura that had drawn him here

in the first place. He smiled for no reason and opened the door, seeing the same scene

he saw that morning, but only this time a few furs were scattered around the booths and


"How many?" An exhausted looking waitress asked him as she went to go grab him a

menu from the podium.

"I'm kind of..." Somber said as he looked around the room. That's when he saw the

wolf from before, sitting in the same booth he was in this morning. "... meeting someone

here, and he's right over there."

"On your way then," She said as she handed him a menu.

Somber chuckled as he snuck behind the tables. He was a fox, after all, and he always

loved the thrill of sneaking. And he wanted to appear playful to the wolf, just so he

could see what his real intentions were.

He was right behind him, and that's when Somber closed in, placing his muzzle not

even an inch away from the wolf's ear. His smell was overpowering and made him want

to drool. He took it in with his breath and sat there for a second... just enjoying his



Solemn had been in DreamCloud's Café since 11:55, and still there was no sign of the boy he had met a couple hours earlier.

"Maybe it was too good to be true..." He thought as he read the menu he had been

handed. "What if he took it all as just a joke...?"

He tried not to second-guess himself, but it was hard not to, seeing as he was all

alone in that cozy booth, built for two. Thoughts of doubt kept running through his head,

and a cold draft of feeling crept up through his spine.

Suddenly, there was a warm sense of happiness that seemed to loom over this entire

place. A presence, which seemed so close it was behind him, made him feel at home

here, and made him feel secure with the thought that his friend would come any second.


The air on his ear made the wolf jump more then the suddenness of the word, but

either one would have made him turn around with the same speed, and there, right

behind him, was the fox he had met this morning. Somber.

"Hey there," Solemn croaked out. His throat had gone dry from the sudden scare and

his heart had sped up from the sudden closeness.

"Hi," The fox smiled slyly, looking at the empty seat. "Mind if I... join ya?" His voice

was innocent and playful.

"But of course," Solemn smiled back, adding his own hint of smoothness to the

conversation. "It's funny, while I was sitting here waiting for you I looked through the

menu and noticed something I think we should split."

"And what would that be?" Somber asked, intrigued. He moved with liquid grace to the

seat in front of him and peered over to the special the wolf was pointing at. "The meat


"Yeah!" The wolf replied, almost drooling as he read the special out loud. "A salad full

of tender, juicy red meat, cooked or raw. $8.90 for one, $14.90 for two."

"Sounds swell to me," The fox grinned, pulling out his wallet. "I've got enough for half,

is that ok?"

"Duh!" Solemn laughed as he pulled out his own. "I've got enough for half too. That's

why I thought it was a good idea for us to split. And we get so much food."

"Now there's just one more question," Somber said, raising one eyebrow. "Cooked... or


"Do you even have to ask?" Solemn laughed as if there was no choice in the matter.

"You have to have raw meet if you want the flavor and texture."

"My thoughts exactly," the fox grinned. "That's one point for you, Mr. Wolf."

"Figured out what you guys want yet?" The waitress that Somber had met a couple

minutes before arrived, once again with her notepad in paw. Solemn looked at Somber,

just to see who was giving the order, and then took initiative as he handed her the


"My friend and I would like the meat supreme," he said in a stout voice, just to show

he could order their food for them.

"Cooked or raw?" The waitress asked him in a monotone voice like she had heard the

same order many times that day.

"Raw, thanks." Solemn swiftly replied, almost sticking his chest out.

"It'll be about 10 minutes," She said before finally taking the menus and walking her

slow pace back to the kitchen.

"So," Somber said, placing his chin on his two paws. "Now that that's done, I believe I

should get the honor in knowing the name of the fur who just ordered my food for me."

"It's Solemn," The wolf said, holding out his paw. "Yours is Somber, right?"

"Solemn?" Somber replied with a grin and a nod. "That's a very nice name, Solemn. I

envy you for it, along with your ice blue eyes."

"Is he hitting on me? Already?" Solemn thought as he smiled awkwardly, trying to

think of something to say in return. "Ugh... Thanks Somber. I quite like your name too."

"Whoa, Somber," The fox thought as he smiled, sensing the sudden change in the tone

of Solemn's voice. "Calm down with the hits for now, eh? Get to KNOW him first."

They sat there for a couple minutes while each one took his turn to stare as the other

looked away. No words were exchanged, but it didn't seem like there needed to be. The

world only consisted of them and only them, but something kept pricking at Somber's

mind until he finally came out and said it.

"Solemn...?" The words were dry as they escaped his lips. This was either going to

make the situation very good... or very awkward, so he decided to approach this from a

different direction. "What exactly made you come up to me this morning?"

"Ugh..." Solemn almost choked on the saliva he was currently swallowing. "Well... As I

said from before... I'm new here and I need someone I can talk to and hang out with...

Someone I can just call and someone that will be there, ya know?"

"So..." Somber replied, now regretting knowing the truth. "All you wanted was a


Solemn sat there and thought about it for a second, then folded his ears over again.

"Can you keep a secret...?"

"Well," The fox said, looking directly into the wolf's blue eyes. "I have been known to

hold a couple things in my vault."

"Ok," The wolf smiled and got an idea. Although cheesy, he figured it would get the

point across. "I need to you to come closer, so I can whisper it to you."

Somber listened and leaned closer, closing his eyes.

"Ready?" Solemn giggled.

"Yeah." Somber smiled, getting closer still.

No words came after that. All Solemn did was give the fox a swift lick on the cheek,

which gave him a shock of electricity that made him feel as warm and cozy as he could

ever remember. It felt amazing.

"Oh good one," Somber replied with a grin as wide as his face would allow. "I had

hoped the real reason you talked to me was because of that. You're gay, just like me."

"Well," Solemn said as he held up his paw in defense. "Bi, actually. But you get the

idea. I liked you... and I had to make a move."

"Bi?" Somber giggled. "Ewwww. How can you stand females? Seriously that's kind of


"Sometimes," Solemn giggled back. "But I dunno. I'm attracted to both, and I kind of

like it that way."

"So," The fox nodded. "This is a date then?"

"I'd like to think so," The wolf replied with a nod of his own. "You're to good looking for

it just to be a regular lunch." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh thank god," Somber sighed. "I was actually worried that you just wanted to be

friends... And that would have been inconvenient."

"Why?" Solemn asked him, noticing the waitress coming with their plate full of meat.

"Because you're so cute," He replied as the waitress came up to their table.

"Food's ready," She said in her usual monotone voice. "Enjoy it." She then strolled

towards the door, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket.

"Let's eat," Solemn said, feeling his mouth water.

"Sounds swell," Somber replied, also beginning to drool.

And there, they ate their first meal together. Each munched with a giant smile on their

face as the stared at each other, now not worrying if the other one saw it.

The day looked bright after that meal and they giggled for no reason when they

walked outside after paying the bill. The sun shined and blinded their unadjusted eyes

as each of them walked to their cars, which were coincidentally parked right beside each


"Well..." Solemn said as he pulled out his keys, not wanting to leave. "I guess I'll see

you another time then?"

"How about tonight?" Somber smiled, leaning on the hood of his car. "Here," He

reached into his back pocket and handed him a folder slip of paper. "That's my cell


"Alright," The wolf took the slip, then took out a blank one of his own and scribbled his

number onto it. "Dinner and a movie sound good?"

"So a second date?" The fox giggled again. "Wow. Two dates in one day. We're really

hitting it off, eh?"

"I guess so," Solemn nodded. "I'll catch you at around seven then?"

"Seven's perfect." Somber got into his car and waited for Solemn to do the same, and

when he looked he blew him a kiss before turning the key.

The wolf caught it and placed it on his cheek with a giant grin, then pulled out of his

space. He flipped into drive and headed to the intersection, turning on his blinker.

He could still see Somber in the rear-view-mirror, and it made his cheek feel as

warmer then the rest of his entire face, which only ended up making him smiled even


"I wished for someone to be here with... I mean... someone to share all this space

with... even if we only take a fraction of it... I wished for you... And now... You're finally



My New series everyone. Im giving Runaways a break and i cooked this number up over the coarse of 2 days so i hope it doesn't seem rushed. Thanks for read friends =D

Love ya