Double Dog Dare

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#2 of Pregnancy Pact

The party continues - will Darryl really go through with it??

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Siobhan lead the nervous-looking border collie down the stairs, saying encouragingly, "Come on, Boxie, it's okay."

Boxie was a lot smaller than Gotham. She was almost as tall as the malamute, but not even half his weight. For that matter, she was a lot smaller than Darryl, who'd volunteered to have first go at the young pure-breed. The girls hadn't planned it, but the collie was in heat at the same time they were, which was convenient and inconvenient at the same time.

To keep the boys from asking uncomfortable questions about the condoms, Siobhan had essentially agreed to breed her border collie with Joseph's malamute. Gotham would have a condom, sure, but the boys didn't know that each of the rubbers had been sabotaged, and considering the amount of cum the malamute could put out, a good fucking was all but guaranteed to knock the bitch up.

The other girls couldn't say anything without giving away their game. Julie sighed, but figured that Siobhan's parents were going to be mad enough that their daughter was pregnant to overlook a batch of cross-breed puppies.

Boxie's entrance certainly piqued Gotham's attention. He'd just raped a young cougar girl, but already the scent of a bitch in heat had him ready to go again. He'd have to wait his turn, however. All eyes were on Darryl as the border collie was led up to the gangly cheetah.

Siobhan held her hands out, palm up, and said, "Alright, buddy...since you're so eager to fuck a dog..."

He certainly seemed to be. Despite his audience, his tapered, barbed cock was hard. "I'll show you guys how it's done," he boasted, kneeling next to the smaller dog. Joseph kept a firm grip on Gotham to prevent an interruption by the whining malamute. The cheetah petted Boxie, saying, "It's okay, girl." She looked over her shoulder nervously at him, but stayed put.

He didn't bother with a condom. He just kept stroking the collie's pretty black fur, his hands trailling further and further back until he massaged the base of her tail. The other kids all watched quietly as Darryl slid his hand under that tail, eliciting a cute whimper from the feral dog. Not only that, Boxie held her tail rigidly to the side, apparently more than interested.

"Good girl!" he said, his hand brushing up against the collie's excitedly bouncing, triangular mound. "C'mon girl!" he added, patting the large ottoman next to the Laz-y-boy. Boxie hopped up onto the low furniture, waving her hips with her tail raised.

"Oh man," Steven said, "She really wants it!"

Siobhan nodded and said, "She's at the stage where she'd offer herself to anything that moves."

Darryl moved up behind her, his bare cock now at a convenient height for the young dog's raised rump. "Maybe she just knows what a good time she's about to have," the cheetah said, grinning as he placed his hands on Boxie's thighs. The border collie trembled, the only virgin left in the room. Darryl wrinkled his muzzle as he sniffed, saying, "God she smells good..."

Siobhan sighed. "We don't have all day."

Joseph stammered, "He's really going to do it!"

Julie wondered why they were so shocked. Cathy had just let Gotham fuck her; why was this any different? Still, she had to admit the scene before her surprised and turned the doe on. The cheetah had all but demanded a chance to fuck Siobhan's dog! Darryl carefully lined himself up with her, his tip pressing up against Boxie's wet pussy. The collie just whimpered and wagged her tail. Julie had to envy the dog, so willing and ready without any worries or conflicting thoughts about what was happening.

"Alright, here goes," he said, and shoved his hips forward.

The small, virgin collie was tight, but wet. Darryl's thrust slid his glistening cock deep with a satisfying squelch, making the cheetah groan, "Oh God she's tight!" He didn't have time to say anything else, as Boxie jumped immediately into wild, rocking thrusts, her mouth gaping as she yipped and moaned. Darryl grabbed the collie's hips for dear life, just trying to stay inside of her.

She met his every thrust with a backwards push of her own, sliding all the way down the cheetah's length. Darryl groaned, forced to snake his hands around Boxie's slender hips just to keep her squirming around his throbbing cock. He grunted with each thrust, gritting his teeth.

The wet sounds of sex were smothered in an instant as Gotham began to bark. Was he jealous? Joseph held him back, visibly struggling, and Boxie began to bark back at the malamute, as if to say he should wait his turn. Darryl ignored her barking fits, humping the feral dog steadily in front of everyone, looking almost proud.

Julie noticed that every time the cheetah pulled back, Boxie would yelp and shudder. The whitetail doe had read about the barbs on a feline's cock, and by the collie's dangling tongue, Julie regretted that her own turn with Darryl would be blunted by a condom. Boxie's eyes had rolled back in her head, whimpering in delight as someone finally satisfied her urges.

Darryl was grinning, panting desperately for breath. "She's squeezing so hard around me!" he gasped, dragging his barbs backward again. Boxie yipped and humped back. "I don't think I can..." Darryl began, his words fading into a growl.

"Oh God, Boxie!" he yowled, pulling so hard on her rump that he lifted her all the way off the ottoman. He ground his cock inside her hot, tender mound, and the spurt was hard to hear over her wild barking. "She's milking me!"

Julie got her first, really good look at one of the boys cumming. His white balls tensed and pulsated, but not as firmly as Gotham's had. Darryl was no match for the malamute, but he still managed to give his bitch seven or eight loud splurts before he collapsed on her, whimpering as she continued to clench and convulse around him. She kept shuddering until Darryl could take it no more, pulling his hyper-sensitive cock from her tight cunt. Darryl groaned, otherwise speechless.

Evidence of his deed was readily available, white cum dripping and leaking down the border collie's leg. The scent seemed to only drive Gotham even more mad, to the point where Joseph said, "I don't know if I can hold him back much longer!"

Siobhan slid her hand out from between her legs, blushing sheepishly and saying, "Well, Darryl, you'd better be ready - I'm not about to miss my turn with you."

The cheetah dropped his jaw, but the mere thought of fucking the beautiful, golden-furred fennec was already having an effect on the cat. Maybe Julie had heard right that a feline's stamina was...impressive.

He grinned at her and said, "I'm always ready for you." He pointed at Joseph and said, "Get a condom on him and let him at her." He leaned against the wall, beckoning to Siobhan.

She walked up to him, placing her hands on his chest, while Joseph fumbled with a condom. Siobhan knew that the rubber would be useless anyway, so she didn't bother watching the kangaroo slide it over the malamute's cock. Gotham didn't even seem to notice, but he sure noticed when Joseph released his collar. In a split second, the massive malamute was at Boxie, his snout under her tail. He was lapping quickly at her dripping pussy, gulping Darryl's excess seed without hesitance.

Joseph shrugged, putting on his own condom before heading over to Cathy. Julie realized that the time had finally come...she had to sleep with Steven. She blushed and looked up at him. He'd already put his own condom on.

Julie was so nervous about Steven she completely tuned out the loud yips and barks as Gotham placed a tentative paw on Boxie's back. She'd jumped down from the ottoman and was spinning around in a circle, making it difficult for the larger dog to get a good grip. She'd only stop spinning when the malamute managed to get a good lick in below her tail. Finally, after the third try, Gotham managed to make the transition from licking to mounting. Boxie's fumbling dodge was too slow, and the hundred-pound dog wrapped his muscular paws around her hips, pinning her in place. Just like that, he pounded into her, his gigantic cock making the smaller dog whine helplessly.

This time, the teenagers paid Boxie little mind, concentrating on their own partners. Darryl had grabbed the golden-furred fennec, lifting her into the air as he leaned against the wall, and even as Julie watched, he lowered the whimpering fox onto him for the second fucking of her short life. Julie couldn't help but feel a little resentment as she cast her gaze to Cathy and Joseph, watching her crush as he lay on his back, watching the Dalmatian's back as she crouched, lowering herself onto the Kangaroo's cock. He didn't seem to hold back at all, grabbing her slender hips and thrusting upward; the first boy to claim the fourteen-year-old's cunt.

Julie looked at Steven, not knowing what to do or say. The red fox smiled gently and said, "It's okay. Let me..." He made the 'roll over' motion with his hand, and the doe was grateful to mindlessly comply. She rolled over until she was lying face down on the couch, her cute flag tail quivering in the air. Julie gasped as Steven rubbed his fingers through the fur of her ass, his thumbs pulling her apart to get a nice look at her vulva. She spread her legs as much as she could on the couch.

Instead of diving right in, as Julie had expected, the red fox knelt behind her, his hot breath blanketing her wet, heat-swollen folds. His warm tongue engulfed her, making her writhe and moan, but also fear. What if he tasted Joseph's cum? Would he recognize it? As much as she hated it, Julie had to say, "We don't want to fall behind. Just fuck me!"

The fox chuckled, pulling his tongue from her and climbing up her body. "Who could refuse such a pretty request?" She felt his chest against her back, and then his arms sliding around her. His hands inched in between her and the bed, until she felt him suddenly clasp her budding breasts, as if they were handholds. The whitetail groaned, her tail arching instinctively to the side, even though it provided very little obstacle to the horny fox. Could she take his knot? She'd soon find out.

His chubby cock tickled her pink, tear-drop opening, but only for a second before he plunged his full weight into her. Julie dropped her jaw and moaned; this penetration was nothing like the pain she'd experienced when Joseph had popped her cherry. This time there was only pleasure. He rammed himself into her slippery pussy, tugging sharply on her breasts for extra purchase.

He was much larger than Joseph, but from what the doe had seen, still only half again as large as Gotham. She didn't know how Cathy and Becca could have taken such a large dose of canine cock! Her trembling lips stretched and trembled as he plumbed her depths, his knot resting just outside her pussy lips as a constant reminder of what was to come.

Bleating, the young doe bucked her hips around the fox, idly remembering all the times Steven had made fun of her in school, pulled her hair, tried to humiliate her. Julie didn't know what Siobhan saw in the red fox, but the whitetail marvelled: that little boy she'd never liked was now humping away inside of her, grunting as he prepared to fill her willing-and-waiting fertile womb. Julie squeezed down around him, fully prepared to give birth to Steven's kits.

Together they moaned, the fox's black-tipped tail wagging furiously. Even with Steven's mouth right beside her ear, Julie could hear the sounds of the other teenagers - wet slaps and moans, and the heady scent of sex. Cathy was bouncing up and down, her cum-drenched pussy slurping around Joseph's wet rubber. The kangaroo groaned, thrusting his hips up to meet the Dalmatian, his hands snaked around her hips to help pull her down. Siobhan had been in complete control on top of Steven, but now, with Darryl, she was completely at the cheetah's mercy. He rocked her up and down on his cock as he leaned against the wall, the fennec's arms draped lazily around his shoulders.

But the loudest noises by far came from the copulating canines. Gotham didn't seem to mind the condom constricting around his genitals, pinning the smaller border collie down and humping wildly. Boxie's jaw was permanently gaping, the young dog experiencing a full, swollen dog cock for the first time. She barked and yipped, whining pitifully as Gotham had his way with her, but at least her tail was wagging. The collie's heat had surely driven the bitch mad until she finally had a chance to be satisfied. The malamute pounded the much smaller female every bit as roughly as when he had claimed Cathy and Becca, tongue lolling in pride as he added a third bitch to his harem. Little did he realize he'd be taking two more before the night was over.

Julie watched the fucking dogs, moaning as she spread her legs. Steven was leaning his full weight into her now, his swollen knot pushing painfully against her soft lips. She bleated again, tensing her body to prepare for a smaller sampling of canine cock than she'd soon be taking from Gotham. "Oh God, you're too big!" she whimpered to Steven, who only grinned at the compliment.

Rather than slow down, the fox jabbed harder and harder, his fingers digging painfully into the doe's tender breasts. Her netherlips stretched painfully, making her wince and yelp. She wanted to flee, but just as she considered it, she felt Steven bite down hard against the nape of her neck, holding her tightly in place. With a yiff, the red fox shoved forward, spreading the doe's legs further apart to accommodate his huge knot. Julie's eyes were wide as she felt her pussy stretch, creak, and finally engulf her mate's knot, sealed inside of her with a massive bulge.

On cue, Gotham drilled into the yipping collie, wedging his knot deep inside of her. Loud splurts filled the room as the malamute came yet again. The three girls glanced over at him, well aware that his damaged condom was no use: even as the girls watched, Gotham was erupting inside of his bitch, her clenching, sucking cunt milking him of his fertile seed. Julie wondered what malamute/collie pups would look like. Boxie whimpered and shook beneath him, her bulging vulva massaging the large dog's knot.

A warm, wet splatter brought Julie back to her own situation. Steven was groaning and filling her tight cunt. The doe could swear she felt the high-pressure streams of his cum splattering out of the holes in the condom, joining Joseph's cum deep inside her. Her stretched and aching pussy held his trembling knot up against her clitoris, sending the doe into spirals of squealing, shuddering orgasms.

Joseph thwapped his large tail up and down as he came inside of Cathy, the canine whimpering. Poor Cathy. She'd wanted William's pups, but first she hit the very tail end of her heat, then the German Shepherd hadn't shown. The Dalmatian's plans had been ruined, instead getting fucked by a real dog. Now, Julie's choice, Joseph, was dumping his cum inside of the bitch. If Cathy was still in heat, the kangaroo had the first crack at her fertile womb. Julie admired the Dalmatian for taking it all in stride.

Darryl had slammed the fennec down onto his tapered cock, yowling as he splurted inside of her. Her voice yiffed eagerly, her entire body quivering, suspended on the cheetah's dick and taking the second load of hot spunk into her unprotected uterus. Darryl, having fucked Becca, Boxie, and now Siobhan, was the most experienced male in the room unless you also counted Gotham. His extra experience seemed to be paying off, judging by Siobhan's desperate, panting thrusts.

By the time Gotham finished the first course with Boxie, turning rump-to-rump to unload the second, the teenagers were all panting in each others' arms.

"God, your'e so slick!" Joseph moaned, his curved cock still buried in Cathy's pussy. Julie couldn't help but feel a little dejected.

The Dalmatian looked over her shoulder at the prone kangaroo and winked, saying, "That's because I'm dripping in dog cum."

Joseph groaned, murring softly as Cathy began to massage his large, flat tail.

Julie heard a whisper in her ear from Steven. "How'd you like that?"

Like Gotham, the fox was still knotted inside of his mate, still making Julie tremble and moan. If she were being honest, she'd have said the sex was great, but that she didn't much care for Steven. Her orgasm had been phenomenal, but everything felt more...right with Joseph. She wished her final two rotations were with the kangaroo. She said, politely, "You're so big!" He grinned, satisfied.

Together, the girls quickly disposed of the used condoms, so that once again the boys wouldn't realize the game they were really playing. Julie had to wait a little, for Steven's knot to finally subside, but even so the teenagers had to wait for Gotham to stop spurting into his condom. He came so hard and so fast that even the leaking condom couldn't keep pace, finally allowing a flowing waterfall of cum out through the base of the rubber, spilling down Boxie's thighs.

A loud squelch and accompanying tug was all the ceremony the malamute cared to give his smaller mate, walking away from her without another glance before licking his own genitals clean. Siobhan was ready, grabbing the swollen, dangling condom from the surprised malamute's dick and tossing it into the wastebasket beside her.

Steven groaned and said, "I think we all need a break after that." He was right. Julie felt exhausted, and the lust that had been filling her heat-crazed mind had faded. Or maybe she just wasn't that excited...Darryl was next, and then Gotham. The whitetail felt a twinge of nervousness, looking at the wolf-like animal. Maybe it was just instincts, but she still twitched her ears, eyes wide.

Siobhan nodded absently, looking over at Boxie. The poor dog had had quite an introduction to breeding. Darryl's smaller cock couldn't have truly prepared her for Gotham's fierce humping. The fennec also knew that the torrents of dog cum were probably already taking root in Boxie's fertile womb, so Julie was surprised when Siobhan went over to the collie, while everyone watched. On her hands and knees, the fennec grabbed a startled Boxie's hind legs, and without hesitation, slammed her tongue inside of the border collie's tight, wet pussy.

Julie guessed Siobhan hoped to lick out as much of Gotham's cum as possible. Would that work? Becca might have known, since her dad worked at the clinic. It was worth a shot, she guessed, even though the three boys looked dumbfounded.

Darryl said, "What are you doing?"

Siobhan halted her licks just long enough to take a deep breath and say, "Maybe you guys need a break, but we don't." She returned to Boxie's cunt, her wide, canine tongue making the collie whine, thrust her hips, and wag her tail. Julie was surprised to see Siobhan wagging too. Maybe there was more to her motive than simply hoping to save herself from her parent's wrath.

But what none of the teenagers realized was the effect Siobhan's naked, wagging, heat-soaked rump was having on Gotham...