Sisters - Part II

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#2 of Sisters

Thirteen year old Elizabeth has been jealous of her elder sister, Kylee, for as long as she can remember. Unable to avoid her hormone-induced frustration at the noises of her sister's sexual escapade, she spends her days touching herself and fantasizing about what it must be like to have sex. Everything changes one day though, when Elizabeth finds Kylee's door open and gets caught spying by her sister's newest fuck buddy...

[ This is the second part of the Sisters series and I'm very very happy with it. :) Please forgive any typos--for some reason, NOTHING on my computer would spellcheck this. A friend did a quick run-through with word for me, but as I've been working on this for the last 7 hours, I haven't had the best of chances to edit it. Hopefully in the next few days I'll get an opportunity to sit down and work everything out properly. While I do have plans for the third portion of the series, don't expect to see it too quickly! I have some exams to finish before I waste away any more days writing. ]

I was twelve the first time I touched myself listening to my sister fuck a man. That was also the first time I had an orgasm and the first time I felt I was ever able to forgive Kylee for being the ruthless bitch that she was?after all, she provided a lot of entertainment in years to come. I spent many nights and afternoons laying on my back as I fingered myself to her moans, listening to her being taken by all the men that walked through her life and our household. I never took much notice of them, since most of them I only ever saw for a single night, except one...

His name was Jacob: he was 19, recently graduated from high school, and my sister picked him up shortly after her 17th birthday and a little before my 14th. Jacob, much to my fascination, returned several times after his first visit and the more I got to look at him, the more I liked what I saw.

Jacob was the perfect complement to Kylee, forming a couple with her that seemed straight out of a cheesy teenage movie. Of course, the two would never be more than sex buddies, but looking at them, you couldn't guess it. They giggled and flirted just like young lovers, always behind the blind eyes of our parents. Jacob was tall, dark, and handsome. The young tiger's head was covered in messy, chocolate brown hair that fell around his eyes, often obscuring his vision, although he never seemed to notice. His body was gently tanned beneath his light, creamy fur and his form was muscular: clearly he was an avid player of some sport, or at the very least, he worked out. His touch was gentle and he knew all the right words to whisper in to my sister's ear. Although I had only caught sight of them a few times, his eyes were an intense, deep green. He made my heart flutter and my stomach tighten. Later, when I was alone, he made my body do much more than that.

In the weeks that he was around, Jacob was the sole subject of my fantasies. In the past, I had imagined my sister, sometimes with another man, sometimes by herself. Often, I didn't think of anything at all and just listened to Kylee's moans. With Jacob's arrival in to my life, however, I had a new spark of creativity. I imagined Jacob touching me, kissing me, biting at my neck as I had seen him do to my sister so many times. I envisioned him lifting my shirt to ease the aching in my breasts, delving a hand into my pants in place of my own. Although I knew it could never happen, I desperately wanted Jacob for my own and it didn't stop him from intruding nightly on my dreams.

I fell asleep on the living room couch one lazy Saturday afternoon while my parents were out shopping. When I awoke it was late afternoon, evening quickly approaching, and in the bleary-eyed haze of sleep it never occurred to me that a guy might be around, even though my sister's ritual of "acquiring" someone in the house as soon as our parents left had been going on almost as long as I could remember. Yawning and tossing the couch's light afghan across its back, I stumbled in to the kitchen for a glass of water before padding lightly up the stairs. I only made it up a few stairs before I heard it. Kylee had someone over--from the sounds of it, Jacob.

Biting my lip, I stood there for a moment, undecided. Slowly, my eyes trailed up the stairs to Kylee's door which, for the first time ever, had been left open just a crack. Swallowing, my breathe speeding up as I imagined Jacob in that room, naked and having his way with my sister, I gave an inward moan. I knew I shouldn't do it. I knew I should go back downstairs to watch T.V. or creep past the room quickly and shut my own door for their sake, turning up my music to drown out the noise. At the very least, I should just move on. I also knew that wasn't going to happen.

Curiosity overwhelming logic, my ears tinted with embarrassment, excitement and nervousness racing through my veins, I set my water down at the edge of the stair I had made it to and crept up the remaining stairs slowly, as silently as I could manage. All I could do was pray that Kylee and Jacob didn't hear or see me, that they were too distracted to notice the small form and wide eyes that peered through the crack in the door. For a while, they would be.

As I pressed my body against the cool wall and stared in to the room, my fingers clutching the door frame, it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Kylee often slept late and disliked bright atmospheres, so several years ago our parents had installed a rather nice light-blocking curtain over the single window in her room. Although I was rarely invited to enter my elder sister's room, I knew what it looked like from a combination of sneaking about and memories of earlier years. Thanks to this, I was able to locate Kylee's bed quickly, even in the murky darkness. Kylee was propped against a pile of pillows, supported by the wide headboard of her queen-sized bed. Her clothes were completely gone, discarded in a haphazard pile with Jacob's jeans and crumpled t-shirt, exposing her slim body. In truth, it was the first time I had seen my sister naked in many years: she often kept some semblance of modesty when parading around the house, always making sure she at least had an oversized shirt or towel to cover her form.

Blushing, I examined her for several long minutes before I ever took notice of Jacob, settled comfortable between her legs. Kylee's body was, of course, incredible. I had been made to get glasses earlier than year and I knew that I never stood a chance at looking like my older sister, who was a Goddess in my eyes and many others. Despite being mussed and sweaty, her golden-brown hair cascaded along her shoulders, pushed away from her breasts and tucked in many places behind the graceful curve of her back. Although I could hardly see it in the lighting, I knew that Kylee's hair easily reached mid-back and that it was something she took great pride in. My sister had inherited many of my mother's characteristics, her fur a beautiful sun-kissed tan, fading to a playfully light brown around her paws and near the tip of tail. Her face was, for the most part, fox in nature. Where my father's canine muzzle had served only to make my own face wide and ugly, Kylee's face had been given extra length, making her maw long and elegant. Her neck followed a graceful line to her small collar bones and large breasts, which rose out of her body to perfect domes, each topped with one rosey nipple. The femme's stomach was flat, curved in and out in all the right places, soft and smooth despite the amount of athletic activity she was subject to. Her legs were long and lean, made for running and movement. I felt a familiar, painful pang of jealousy rise as I stared at her, with her perfect body and incredible figure.

My eyes shifted to Jacob and I began to take note of what was actually going on. The attractive young tiger had my sister on her back and was on his own stomach before her, one paw on either of her legs, pushing them aside to expose her soaking mound. I stared in wonder as a bit of light caught the glint of metal on my sister's cunt and my eyes widened: she had it pierced. When had she gotten that done? Mom and dad would kill her if they ever found out... As I stared, I vaguely wondered if that was even legal. Perhaps if I ever got the courage up, I would ask her about it some day.

My skin aflame with excitement, I continued to peer into the room, watching as Jacob lowered his muzzle back to Kylee's mound. His eyes rolled up towards hers for a moment before his large feline tongue snaked out between his lips, licking lovingly at her. My sister gasped in pleasure, her legs quivering against the tiger's firm paws as he teased her. I had never imagined being licked there... But if Jacob had asked, I would've let him do a lot of things to me that I had never imagined. Many things made more sense though: especially why my sister sometimes yelped in pleasure but I heard no sound of a man nor the thumping of the bed against the wall. I continued to watch, now truly enthralled as I watched my sister being eaten out, watched her with another man, for the first time. I could hear Jacob's vibrating purr from my position and I imagined what it must feel like to have those vibrations, that tongue, against my own feminine parts. The feline completely ravished Kylee with his tongue and she seemed to enjoy every second of it. After he had lapped at her cunt for some time, he would lock his lips softly around the tiny mound near the top that I had (through several books) discovered was her clitoris. Soft, wet sounds drifted between his lips as he sucked at her, the result of which was that my sister's moan grew so desperate that she looked like her incoming orgasm would be as intense as my very first one. Her claws clutched desperately at the sheets (when I thought back later, I was moderately impressed that she had never managed to rip them) as Jacob restrained her legs, forcing them down against the waves of ecstasy that wreaked havoc against my sister's body. When she had finally stopped twitching and her moans had been reduced to tiny exclamations in the aftershock of her orgasm, Jacob shifted slightly. Moving one hand to her fluid-covered mound, he slid his finger along its edge, Kylee squirming as he did so. Without warning, he thrusted not one, but two digits deep inside of her, moving his hand swiftly as my sister yelled out in surprise. After torturing her for a moment, he withdrew the fingers and slapped her leg softly, sitting up and backing away from her. "Now it's my turn, so be a good girl and get ready for me."

I had never heard a man sound so predatorial and I shivered as I watched my sister slowly drag herself into a sitting position. Her hips thrusted into the bed for a moment before she began to climb on to her hands and knees--directly facing the door. For a moment, panic bubbled and I quickly snaked behind the wall, pressing my back flat against it as I waited for a chance to look back into the room. I heard Jacob moving and when the movement had finally stopped, replaced by a soft slapping sound, I peeked my head back in the doorway.

Jacob was now poised behind the slender canine I called my sibling, and although it was hard to make it out from the angle, he appeared to be teasingly slapping her mound with his cock. I couldn't much imagine what sort of pleasure the two of them got out of this, but I didn't much care, deciding instead to trust Jacob's expertise on the matter. Kylee's ass was in the air, her chest and face almost flat against the bed as she clutched the bedsheets around her, further pulling and tangling them up. The tiger, having had his filled of the soft smacking motion, shifted again. Although I couldn't quite see what he had done, I presumed from a bit of research that he was pushing himself inside of her. My eyes widened as I saw the second thing I had never imagined that day--it made sense, of course, for reproductive purposes, but I had never imagined having anything inside of me. I had never imagined having Jacob inside of me.

My sister's eyes widened for a moment as Jacob thrust his cock between her slick lips and for a second, I feared again that she would see me. She proved to be far too preoccupied though, instead moaning as her lover buried himself inside of her body. His hips began to move slowly as he placed one paw on each side of Kylee's rounded ass, fucking her slowly and grunting softly as the pleasure of it. I listened for several minutes as he increased his pace, my sister bouncing and gasping as he took her.

Then everything went completely wrong.

By some stroke of fate, perhaps on an instinct or perhaps merely by luck, Jacob looked up--straight at the doorway. His eyes locked with mine and my entire body froze. He had seen me, there was no doubt about it. I wanted desperately to run away, to run into my room, lock the door, and lay on my bed, pretending to sleep forever. I would ignore their knocks?I would ignore both of them until mom and dad got home, knowing that only then would I be safe from Kylee mentioning it.

I couldn't move, though. I couldn't do anything except stand there like a deer caught in the headlights... Or perhaps like the child I was, caught with her hand in the cookie jar, crumbs of guilt covering her maw. Jacob's movements ceased as he laughed, slapping Kylee's ass in his mirth. Giving a grumpy mumble, she asked what was wrong and looked up. She didn't need to complete the glance over her should to notice "what was wrong," though. "BETH!" Her outrage was apparent, but still I stood there. Jacob was still looking at me.

The tiger smacked her ass yet again, this time somewhat reproachfully. "Come here," he demanded. I hesitated for only a moment, then walked forward, pushing the door open as I padded in to the room. The two had not yet moved and I now stood before them, Jacob still filling my sister to the hilt as they both stared at me.

"What do you mean "come here?" Tell her to get the fuck out and close the door behind her! I swear to god, you little brat, if you say a word or if I ever catch you spying on me again--"

Jacob cut her off, his claws digging in to the fur of her backside. "Let her stay." His voice was utterly commanding and as if to emphasize his point he gave a rough thrust against Kylee's hips.

"Knock it off! This isn't okay--this is illegal--"

He cut her short yet again, continuing his thrusts at her and ignoring her protests. For a moment, she struggled to move, but he shifted his hands and pressed their thighs together, holding her firmly against him. "She stays." His tone was final. "So, little one... Thought you'd get a good show, didn't you?" He paused for a moment, but the only answer I could give was a squeak of horror. Speech was far beyond my capabilities at this point. "Well, by all means then... Watch on."

And watch I did. Unable to leave the room and still secretly fascinated by the "show" my sister and her lover had been putting on, I stayed glued to the spot where I had ceased walking into the room, only a foot or two from the bed. Kylee's complaints eventually faded in to nothing as Jacob continued to ram his cock inside of her until her discomfort faded and she presumably forgot that I was even there. Meanwhile, I stood obediently where I had been left, staring with wide eyes at my sister and her lover as they fucked. Jacob gradually increased his pace until the sound of his hips slapping against my sister's filled the room, forming a rough rhythm with her moans of pleasure beneath him. The room filled with the smell of sex and sweat as he took her, his grunts hinting that he was coming closer and closer to release even as she did. Occasionally, he would look up at me again, ensuring that I hadn't gone anywhere, renewing the connection between us and making sure I did as I was told.

With a final thrust, the tiger thrust himself into Kylee and she screamed out in pleasure even as he quietly moaned out his own. I watched her squirm in pleasure as he came with his shaft still buried inside of her, his hips twitching softly as the orgasm took had it's way with both of them.

After a few minutes, he pulled out of Kylee and gave her side a soft push, causing her to fall over playfully on to her side. For the moment, pleasure had made my sister forget about my presence--but the look in Jacob's eyes told me he had not. Staring at him with wide eyes, shame and embarrassment mingling with arousal behind my eyes, I saw him slide a small piece of what looked like plastic off of his cock. He tied a deft knot in it before flicking it across the room like a slingshot, presumably toward a trashcan hidden in some corner somewhere. Jacob seemed extremely aware of how nervous I was and perhaps he was enjoying watching me squirm, knowing what he had done to an inexperienced child. He wasn't finished yet, though.

"What's your name, kid?"

"What does it matter, you asshat? Let her go. You had your fun." Kylee had rolled over now, her fur sticky with sweat and her breathe still rising and falling a bit swiftly within her chest. She flashed me a glare that said she was clearly annoyed that I had even gotten this much out of them. Her eyes also reminded me, as they always did, that I had better not say anything. Jacob ignored her and repeat himself, sitting down cross-legged on the bed, his cock still semi-hard and fully exposed between his legs.

I stumbled over my words for several seconds before finally muttering a nearly silent; "Beth."

"Well, Beth... Did you like what you saw?"

Kylee shot him a warning glance and I gave an almost imperceptible nod. I suddenly became aware of how small I was.. And how aroused I had become. My nipples had hardened to the point of pain beneath my shirt and my panties were so wet that I could feel my thighs slide against one another as I squirmed with discomfort.

"Have you seen us do that before?"

I shook my head gently, whimpering at his questioning. Please, just let me go, I prayed. I knew I could have walked away--I should have walked away the moment I heard them--but he held me captive with his eyes. I could never have left the room without his approval.


"Do you want to know what your sister tastes like?"

I began to shake faintly then, both from arousal and fear, unsure what to say. Jacob gave my sister a look that easily could've silenced a woman much older than she and I saw her mouth close tightly as she sat up, her body tensing. Jacob took my silence as "yes."

"Come here, Beth." I did as I was told, walking to the edge of the bed and returning to my stiff standing position. Jacob smirked and shifted, standing up and gesturing grandiosely toward the bed. "Get on the bed, Beth." I scrambled on to the bed as Kylee watched in silence, obviously unhappy with the situation, proving that this had not been planned or discussed. I sat with my feet hanging off the edge and looked up at him, my heart racing in my chest. What was he going to do?

"No, Beth. Put both your feet on the bed. Sit on your legs, like you're kneeling." When I moved appropriately, he rewarded me, his tone almost soothing; "That's a good girl."

One large paw slid around his waist, gripping his cock gently between his fingers. "You're going to taste me now, Beth. If you go deep enough, you might even get a taste of your sissy, too." I had never called Kylee "sissy," but Jacob clearly didn't know that. He clearly didn't know much about either of us. I swallowed and looked at my sister for just a moment, his feline member inches from my face. Kylee gave a small grunt of disgust and looked away. I didn't really know what to do, so I leaned forward a bit awkwardly and Jacob, catching on, continued to "help me" along. "Open your mouth, Beth." He said my name like a mantra, as if every time he said it brought him more pleasure. A small part of me realized that the way he said my name made me feel dirty. I did as I was instructed, opening my mouth and closing my eyes tightly as he slid his mostly-hard shaft between my lips. He wasn't horrifyingly large by any means, but as a thirteen year old girl who was still growing, he easily filled my mouth. The first time, he didn't put himself all the way in, partially to save me the trouble of choking, but I still had to strain to fit him in my small mouth.

I had no idea what I expected to Jacob to taste like, but I was still surprised at what he did taste like. I sat still with his cock between my lips for a moment, licking softly at it and trying to find the best way to breathe around the new intrusion. Jacob was salty, his shaft was slick and hardened without provocation, growing in my mouth and forcing me to open it even further. Behind it all, there was the faintest bitter taste--which I eventually learned had been from the condom he had worn for my sister. After he felt I had adjusted appropriately, I felt his paw grab gently at the back of my head, grasping a handful of hair between his fingers. He pulled just enough that I got the idea and began to move my mouth back and forth along his cock, never going very far. Although I couldn't have been that "good," Jacob still murred with pleasure: the idea, not the action, was what appealed to him.

"Enjoying yourself, Beth?"

I would've have mumbled a "yes," for obedience's sake had he allowed me to pull my mouth away from his shaft, but the moment I began to do so, he gently pushed his cock back into my mouth. He muttered a "good," making it evident that he really didn't care much about my opinion. It wouldn't have been a terrible lie, all things considered. Although I wasn't really enjoying myself per se, I was learning a lot, and the experience wasn't horrible. Jacob didn't taste as bad as many men in the future would and although he was very commanding, he was also very gentle. I continued moving my mouth along his throbbing member, hoping that he would do to me all the things he had done to Kylee minutes earlier... I closed my eyes, imagining it, when his voice suddenly broke my thoughts.

"Kylee, why don't you make yourself useful and get over here to get your sister ready." His voice held the faintest edge of disdain--a tone I had never heard him use around my sister. He seemed displeased with how much resistance she was giving him on this entire situation.

"No! Jacob, no. This isn't okay--you cannot be doing this." Kylee had been leaning back staring at the wall in displeasure, but now she had sat up and was staring straight at me. I wanted to tell her that it was okay, that Jacob was going to reward me for how good I was being, but I knew already that the tiger would allow me to speak only when it suited him.

"Kylee," his voice lowered to a threatening purr and for a moment I stopped to look up at him in surprise. His ever present paw pushed my mouth back down his cock, however. "You will do as you are told." From the corner of my vision, I saw my sister look up at him, then back down to me. Her face had softened and she looked almost upset. Jacob changed tactics.

"Kylee, sweetie... Look at how much fun she's having. She wants this. I've seen the way you look at her--and you've heard the noises she makes when she thinks we aren't listening, after we've fucked." His voice quieted, his eyes narrowing slightly as he smiled. He could see that he was winning. "I know you want this too."

My sister hesitated, her weight shifting on the bed as she stared at me, her little sister, sucking her lovers cock as he prepared to take my virginity. He was right, of course. I found out later that Kylee had imagined me joining them many times, but never dared ask for such a thing, never dared to try and take it. I wasn't the only one who had been fantasizing about my sibling.

Slowly, still looking extremely uncomfortable, my sister moved to her hands and knees and crawled behind me. Her voice was more tender than I had ever heard it as she slid my pants and panties down to my knees, leaving them there for now, but exposing my ass and pussy to the room. She realized, as she eyed my soaking lips, that Jacob was right; clearly, I was enjoying this or I had at least enjoyed the initial show. "Elizabeth, I'm just doing this so that he doesn't hurt you when he..." Her voice trailed off for a moment and I felt her slender fingers trace their way softly up my thighs, encouraging me to spread my legs for her. "If you want me to stop--if you want him to stop--tell me. Say something."

I nodded, moving Jacob's cock a bit awkwardly in my mouth as I continued moving my head. "You have to suck it, Beth," came his words, laced with a newly conjured patience and feigned compassion. I nodded again, sucking in gently with my mouth, my cheeks caving around him as his cock slid between my lips. Slowly, subtly, he worked his way deeper into my throat while my sister "readied me."

I had no idea what to expect, but my sister knew exactly what she was doing. Once I had spread my legs she laid an elegant paw between them, slipping a finger between my lips and finding my clit immediately. I gasped as she teased at it, her deft fingers immediately figuring out what it had taken me a few tries to perfect. I moaned softly and rocked against her hand, using the motion to fuel my sucking of Jacob, who grunted with pleasure as my young voice echoed around his cock. "Keep going, Elizabeth... You're doing very, very good..."

My sister needed no further persuasion. After a few minutes of teasing me, she slid her hand upward, her perfectly manicured finger teasing at my entrance. "I promise I'll be gentle, little sister..." Her voice was a whisper as she kissed one of my ass cheeks softly before slowly sliding her finger between my lips. I gasped as I felt the digit enter me, yelping with surprised pleasure as I felt it curl inside of me, hitting some unseen inner clitoris that I had no idea existed. For a moment, I stopped sucking as her finger remained inside of me, flicking against the nickel-sized place as my hips rocked roughly against her. I felt pleasure building quickly inside of me and I knew that it if it continued, I would cum within minutes. Jacob noticed too, eyeing Kylee intensely as he pushed himself back down my throat. "Don't let her cum yet, idiot..."

Kylee sighed and withdrew her hand, changing the motion instead to a gentle thrusting. Unsure what to do with her mouth and potentially just a bit bored, she leant forward and surprised us both by flicking her tongue teasingly against my tail hole. "Nya--Kylee--" My protest was cut short by Jacob pushing his cock farther down my throat. "Suck," he muttered commandingly. I obeyed, continuing my attention to his cock with lessening skill as my sister teased at my ass with her tongue, subtly slipping a second finger into my pussy as she fucked me. The two of them continued with me for several more minutes, Kylee's fingers drawing more and more arousal out of me until she was able to comfortably slip a third finger in and I thought I was going to explode. Jacob had no intentions of letting me have my release, though.

"Stop." His tone was final, as always, and Kylee removed her fingers from me as he removed his cock from my lips, smirking as he grasped my muzzle softly in his hand. He leant forward so that our noses were inches apart, his voice pleased. "You've been very good, Elizabeth... Would you like to know what it's like to be fucked?"

Gasping with pleasure, my tight pussy aching with the foreign need to be filled, I nodded. "Please, Jacob, please..." Words tumbled out of my lips now as my vocabulary expanded to include the new words I had picked up; "Please fuck me like you fucked my sister... Please..." I stared up at him so desperately that he laughed and ordered me to turn around, which I did--leaving me face to face with my older sister. Kylee scooted back, giving me room. I only had seconds to admire her body before I felt Jacob's shaft teasing at my entrance, though.

I bit my lip as he slid the tip of his rock hard cock along the edge of my slid, soaking himself with my fluid. It slipped my sister's mind that he had never bothered putting on a new condom, but he hadn't forgotten. He was fully aware of what he was doing, and as long as no one caught him, he was going to fill my virgin body with his seed.

Jacob spoke again, stroking my ass lovingly as he continued to tease me, looking up to meet my sister's eyes. "Beth, I bet you didn't get a very good taste of Kylee, did you?" I muttered a soft "not really" and he continued; "Well then, Kylee, why don't you give her a better opportunity to do so." Biting her lip with embarrassment, my sister obliged shifting so that her own abused cunt was within reach of my lips. Jacob continued sliding his cock along my slit as he watched me lean forward, my tongue darting out tentatively to lick at my sister's soaking mound. I did as I had seen him do, lapping up her juices and teasing her clit with my tongue until she began to squirm beneath me. Just as I had closed my eyes and leant forward to suckle softly at her sensitive nub, Jacob began to enter me.

I paused mid-motion, my eyes tearing up as his cock found its way inside of me. I felt as though my body were tearing, although the sensation faded quickly, a tear still found its way down my cheek. Kylee looked down at me sympathetically, her 13 year old sister being fucked for the first time, my maw covered in her juices, but when I said nothing, gave no indication to stop, she merely stroked my hair comfortingly.

To say that Jacob filled me would be an understatement. Although I was growing and was larger than most girls my age, my pussy was still not meant for the hardened shaft of the 19 year old tiger. Beyond this, he knot had already begun to grow, making the fit even tighter as he grew nearer to the base. Clearly, however, he was enjoying my tight, virgin body, because I heard him groan in pleasure in a way I hadn't yet heard. His head was thrown back as he sank his cock inside of me, completely filling my hungry cunt, but even as he did so he muttered; "Keep licking your sister, Elizabeth. Be a good girl..."

Swallowing, my small, chubby fingers digging into my sister's thighs to stabilize myself, I returned my attention to her. My tongue delved between her pussy lips as she gasped with pleasure, one paw softly stroking my head as she watched Jacob take my virginity with heated eyes.

The tiger was slow at first, never quite pulling all the way out of me in order to make the transition a bit easier. However, as my body adjusted to his length and girth, he began to speed up. With each stroke, I felt my pleasure grow, and I understood why Kylee did what she did. I could get addicted to this too--I wanted to be addicted to it. Having Jacob buried inside of me felt better than I ever could have imagined it would. I felt whole. I felt complete ecstasy.

I brought Kylee closer and closer to orgasm with my muzzle while Jacob fucked me across the bed. His motions quickly lost their gentle touch as he grew more and more desperate for release, his mind on one goal: filling me with his seed. Kylee had long ago broken her gaze on him, her own head tilted in pleasure as I sucked at her aching cunt, eating her out with a passion I had never been able to show before. All the while, Jacob's knot grew larger and larger, forcing my tight pussy to stretch more than it had ever stretched before. He took my innocence with each thrust even as I broke the barriers between Kylee and I with my lips and tongue. When I finally lost all focus, Kylee slipped her hand between her legs in my place, fingering herself to an orgasm while her lover brought us ours. She watched as she touched herself, squirming and occasionally thrusting her hips toward me without meaning to. I hardly noticed, so lost in pleasure I had become.

Jacob brought managed to bring me at the same time he came, causing my claws to dig harshly into Kylee's thighs as he shot his load into my body. I felt every stream of seed from his strong body, his cock shivering and convulsing in my pussy until I was so filled with him that cum squelched out around his cock, leaking out of my body and dripping onto the bed beneath us. Within seconds of our orgasms, Kylee screamed out her pleasure as well, watching as I writhed beneath her, subject to the best orgasm I had ever had. Ecstasy crashed across my body in ways I never would've thought imaginable, my slit tightening against Jacob as if eager to milk every last drop out of his body. Even when we had finished, Kylee panting against the headboard and me close to passing out, my ass still trusted in the air, it was several minutes before Jacob finally pulled out of me. When he did, I collapsed on the bed and felt Kylee pull me closer to her, holding me like the big sister she was for the first time I could remember. I closed my eyes and the world faded around me, leaving me to sleep off the adventure.

When I awoke, I found that I had been put back into my bed, much like the first time I had ever touched myself. I never remembered anyone taking off my clothes last night, but I knew it had to have happened--and I was now naked, my clothes nowhere to be found. I never saw Jacob again and Kylee, for the most part, resumed her dismissive attitude the next day. The one difference, however, was that every time I mentioned having a stomach ache, she got overly worried and bombarded me with questions about how I was feeling.

This continued for the next month, until finally Kylee sent me into the bathroom with a small white stick, ordering me to pee on it. Confused and finding the task exceedingly difficult, I managed to get some urine on the stick and brought it back out to her, wrapped up in toilet paper, since my aim had been so exceedingly bad.

After several minutes, Kylee gave a sigh of relief and tossed the stick into her room dismissively. Patting my head lightly. This was the last mention we had of the event, although it would be many years before I understood that. Her tone turning serious, Kylee bent down in front of me, meeting my eyes. "I swear to god, Beth, if I ever catch you spying on me again, you are dead meat..."