Good Boy Part Two

Story by Samuel Clemintine on SoFurry

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#2 of Good Boy!

Chapter Two

I still remember my first day with him; The day was the perfect summer day, warm and dry, the sun shining across our palaces long, green and perfectly trimmed lawns, sparkling off the lakes surface like diamonds on dark navy fabric. I remember wandering the palace, small as such places go, showing him all the hidden and recessed locations, and all of the major features. I didn't notice at the time, but in hindsight I realized I was clinging close to him, his fur and the fabric of his uniform soft and very tactical, and I know I was very excited, probably jumping up and down at some points, probably talking to loud. He was especially interested in our armed retainers, of course; I thought they were quite dashing in their light green uniforms, with their short capes lined with red, and tall black boots. He later said he did, but he slipped into a personality that I never thought some one like he could posses; When he 'inspected' the men, he was commanding, harsh, and loud, barking (Literally) in their faces, snatching their weapons and growling deep in his throughout, his hackles up on end. I must have been white with shock; He gave me quite the fright, but after he marched out, he was just the same. When I asked him why he was so mean, he shrugged, his tail wagging slowly.

"Its another bad habit I picked up in Prussia. Those men, while very well dressed and equipped, most likely your brothers fault, they are still poorly disciplined and poorly trained...They will not hold up well in combat." Stunned by his synopsis (I had always considered our guards the very best), I asked how he knew.

"I'm not sure, I just know. The way they react...They are better than the Russians, of course, and better than the French, and probably the Italians and Spanish, but they can not match Prussians." He said the last part with great pride, and I hugged up to him.

"So German! Come, I tire of this military stuff...Lets have a picnic!" He looked to me, and his tail wagged a little slower.

"Picnic?" he asked, miss pronouncing the word. I giggled and leaned on him.

"A picnic, silly. You have heard of them, haven't you?" He continued his stride, walking arm in arm with me, but looked confused." I mocked socked surprise, putting a lace trimmed glove over my mouth and gasping. He turned to me and smiled.

"What's a picnic?"

"You don't know? Well! You must find out! It's the greatest!" He shrugged.

"Okay. Ill try anything." I smiled back, and drug him off to the kitchen. I had a quick conversation with our cook, and he provided the nessiscary supplies for our lake side expedition. We talked for a few moments, and then the cook took us out a large pack and a folded blanket. I lead him down to the lake shore, before the grass gave way to snow white sand, were I spread the blanket. He looked at me curiously.

"Are we going to sleep?" The utter honesty in his words caused me to laugh out loud as I fell to my knees.

"No! We're going to have lunch!" He plopped down next to me, wagging his tail. We had a long, talkative lunch, and I remember talking to him about many things; I was particularly interested in the girls in Prussia; He had many bits of insight into their lives; They, apparently, lived a life like a double edged sword: In the day they were bored and simply sat around and read, and were incredibly orderly, but they became women of notoriously loose standards at night, were they enjoyed elaborate balls and dances, with party's given for nearly any reason. According to Rya, the parties were luscious, rich Victorian affairs, with formal music and dancing, and great meals.

After that I revealed more about my life, and he went into great detail about his homes Tectonic beauty; the great alpine mountains, peaked and capped with snow, the bitter cold winter in which his thin fur came in so handy, and the great forests around were he was raised, and the endless valleys of wheat and rye. His descriptions were acute and breathtaking; I don't remember how I spent the rest of the day, but I was completely in his spell.

At one point, we were laying down on the heavy quilt together, talking and looking at the clouds, when I reached over and gently began to stroke the soft fur on the side of Ryas muzzle. I have no idea why I did it, but I simply did; Although he pretended not to notice, he began to whap his tail up and down. I giggled and he rolled over, looking at me. He had a sort of dopey look on his face, and as I began to scratch behind his ear, he rolled on his back, moving one of his legs around while his tail slammed down like a rolling musket volley. (Now I am using military terms? I surely have been around my brother and Rya for too long...) I continued scratching, and he finally rolled away happily, and then lay back down by me.

"Do you enjoy it?" I asked him, and he looked away, half smiling.

"You do, don't you?" He still hesitated. Then he nodded. I giggled, and he blushed, and I instantly felt sorry for embarrassing him.

"I'm sorry, I wont do it anymore..." He looked me in the eyes.

"Well, at least around anyone?" I laughed.

I cant remember what we did for the rest of the day, but I remember what happened that night; After he tucked me in, and disappeared into the side room, I fell asleep quickly, and I dreamed. I was thinking about Rya, I know that, but I cant remember why. I was in one of those half asleep dazes when I brushed my hand over myself, and the feeling was something new that I had never experienced before. As I slowly awoke to the incredible sensation building between my legs, I gasped at what I was doing. Still, I brushed my finger over my clitoris again, and I slowly began to probe my vagina. I had always known about what that organ was for...but I never new how well it felt.

I started slowly probing myself deeper, arching my back into my hands. I heard rustling in the next room, Ryas room, and as I thought of him the heat and dampness between my legs grew, and I realized I was moaning. Suddenly, I felt an explosion blossom from between my legs and I let out a small gasp, and I turned towards Ryas room, and in horror, I saw him standing there, his sword belt in hand.

"Are you...Okay?" He asked. I covered up, blushing bright red, and he looked backwards.

"Oh, I interrupted, I'm sorry M'lady, yell if you need anything." I felt a swirl of emotions inside of me I had never felt before, and I sat up, clutching the covers to myself.

"No, wait...Come here." I used a dog command, and he instantly obeyed. He wiggled his nose ever so slightly, and I patted the bed.

"How did I wake you?" I asked curiously.

"Ive got a dogs nose..." Rya said with a grin. I did my best impression of a roughish smile.

"And tongue as well?" He hesitated, and I put an arm around his neck and pulled my sheets off. He looked at me and hesitated, and then spread out over my bed, his head between my legs. The feeling of his tongue on me was like nothing I can describe; It was bigger than a humans, but rougher, too, and he was gentle and slow, hitting all of the right places with it, and I climaxed again and again, until he finally began to slow. I made myself descent again, and he climbed up next to me, still on top of my fine satin sheets. He rubbed up against me and I rubbed back, draping an arm over him, and he rested his head against mine, and I felt his re assuring warmth and the fuzz of his nude body even from onto of the sheets.

"You're my property, aren't you?" I asked, slowly, still unsure of myself. There was a brief pause, and his voice came back through the dark luxurious room.


"Then we will make amendments for that tomorrow..."