Treasure in Eygpt

Story by kardking on SoFurry

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It was a dark cool night. Kard stepped out of the shadows and looked at his surroundings. All around were the remains of a once great Egyptian city. Kard was a slender fox with a solid jet black coat of fur. He stood just below standard height at 5 and ½ feet. With deep blue eyes that would give him away in any darkness, if he should look in the wrong direction. He wore a loose pair of cotton pants with pockets all the way up both sides, and a matching loose shirt the was open in the front to acuminate more pockets. In his many pockets he held small tools, random amounts of food, a water crystal designed to give off water, a map leading to a forgotten tome of an old king, and a large verity of things.

Smiling to him self, Kard walked quickly along the old roads coming to a run down hut. Pulling the map out of his pocket, and finding a ray of moon light, he looked at the hut and then back at the map. "This looks like the place" not able to hide his full row of teeth from shining in the darkness. Walking in to the hut he walked slowly to watch for traps. Once he was curtain no such traps could be found, he located the south wall. Taking from his pocket a veil of black liquid and a quill. Writing on the wall a series of symbols and chanted a few words. This went on for a few minutes.

After the ceremony was complete the sand in the middle of the room started to cave in on its self. "I can't believe this actually worked", he watched as a stair way appeared in the sand. Once the sand had stopped moving kard walk quickly tords the stairs then running down them.


Deep in the tome a pair of golden cat eyes shot open. With a shaosher smile gleaming in the darkness, a soft voice said "finally a new toy". Moving quickly, the eyes disappeared in to the darkness.


As kard walk through the tunnels light was given off by torches that seemed to light then self's. Not caring and enjoying the light kard quickened his pace down the hall. Reading the walls as quickly as he could, hoping to catch a warning of a trap before he would set it off. Never seeing any signs of a trap he never slowed his pace, but he did catch a gleams of 7 dark figures bowing to tall man with a black cat by his side.

After working through the halls for an hour he finally came to a room that was lit by 7 fires in every corner, each fire being held by a tall jackal looking creature carved from black stone. The only color on the was a solid gold ring with a dark purple gem inlayed, that was strung by a gold threat around the statues neck. The rest of the room had piles of gold, each pile containing small statues and gems. The only part of the room with out gold was at the center, where a pit was placed that seemed bottomless. Eyeing all the gold he couldn't keep his eyes off the rings around the necks 'those must be pretty valuable to be put up there like that', stepping over the piles of gold he stepped up to one of the 7 statues. Pulling out a knife from this pocket he tried to cut the string, but to find the threat uncut able. ********************************************************************************

The pair of cat eyes reappeared in a chamber above the gold room, looking though the whole he saw his pray. Trying to get the ring of greed off one of the statues "They always go after that thing" chuckling to him self. He hoped down from the whole and froze in mid air. Saying aloud "You are trespassing on my masters tome. I am here to make sure you don't disturb any of his belongings." Watching to see what the wolf would do.

Freezing at the sound of another voice, he held tight to his knife as he slowly turned to see the tomes guard. When he saw the foot and half tall black cat floating in air, he had to stop him self from laughing. "You, You are this tomes guard. What are you going to do, scratch me?" Not able to keep his self from laughing at the cat any more.

With a smirk the cat gave off a blight yellow light, blinding the wolf. When his site came back to him, he saw a 6 foot tall black cat, standing up right. Now wearing a dark purple robe with a hood over his head. "I think I can deal with you now" smiling widely at the wolf.

With a flash of fear he hurled his knife at the cats face. Only to be met with a raised paw that froze the knife in mid air. With kard speechless the cat went on "like I said, I am this temples guardian, and you won't take any thing." Smiling at the still frozen in fear. "Oh and where is my manners, may name is Ace and this tome was that of my great owner. You have not a clue what he did do you."

Finding the courage to speak, "no, why does it mater, your going to kill aren't you" with his eyes wide he never took them off the cat that just hung there. Trying to think of a way out of this, but only coming back to the thought of his death.

Watching the frantic look in the wolf's eyes, Ace knows exactly what he was thinking. "You can't get away from me." With those words the door that kard came in was replaced with a giant stone block. Ace continued to talk "And don't worry I'm not going to kill you. My owner found pleasure in controlling things, and as do I. Look around at these 7 statues," Gesturing to the 7 black stone being on the walls "do you know of the 7 sins. They were all sealed in the rings around there necks. And with them..." Stretching out his digits, and focusing on the rings on the necks. Each ring lifted off the chest of the statues and was pulled tight against there gold thread, with a quick tug of the mind the rings phased through the gold leaving not a mark. The rings rushed to the cats digits and set on perfectly. "...I can control the evil powers in side. Can you guess my favorite ring?" lets a moment of silence to fall, then going on "its lust." Smiling he pointed the ring at Kard. Every once of fear that was in side him just before was replaced with the need to fuck and be fucked.

This sudden need over taking kard, he suddenly found the strength to talk in an enraged voice. "What the hell have you done to me?" Snarling at the cat. But as he looked at the cat all you could focus on was his smooth waist. Wanting to get that robe off him.

Fallowing the eyes of the wolf, Ace smiled. "You like what you see?" Pulling a tie on the top of his robe, allowing it to fall, leaving the cat with nothing on but his rings. The cat still floating was solid black from head to toe, with a black member already out 6 inches. Floating over to the wolf, he landed just a couple feet in front of him.

With the chance being perfect to attack, all Kard could do was focus on the cats member. Grinding his teeth he asks "what did you do to me?" Smiling Ace walked closer and put a hand on Kards shoulder. Then saying "You should be able to figure it out, its pure lust. The need for yiff, my master's greatest gift to me. Now it will go away when you please your urges." Moving the his paw quickly to the back of Kards head and forcing Kard's mouth to his member.

Under complete urge he opens his mouth and takes the member in his mouth. Not caring any more what was going on, he just loved this feeling. Taking is as much of the sweet black member as he could, sucking long and hard. Ace was making sure to get all he could out of the new sex slave. Grabbing the back of the head and pulling him back hard. Moaning with every thrust.

Once Ace got his fill of the wolfs mouth, he snapped his fingers and ordered "that's enough, now lets go for the tail, If you would, take off your cloths and get on all four." Not missing a beat Kard was striped and ready to be fucked in a matter of moments. Once Ace knows he was ready he got behind the wolf, knowing he wanted sex, it didn't matter how hard or gentle it was. So he dove deep and hard on his first thrust. Getting a yelp from Kard. Smiling at the sound he pulled out and shoved back in, asking kard "you enjoying this?'

With tears streaming down Kards face he answered "yes master I love this." With that Ace grinded his ass hard. With each trust a moan and yelp filled the entire tome. Ace quickly approached his climax and shot deep in to Kard. Once completed, he pulled out and allowed kard to clean his member with one more blowjob. Catching a glance of a 7 inch member between kard's legs, Ace chuckled and said "you can relive you self now." With that kard grabbed his member tight and slid up and down his member at eye blurring speed. It wasn't long before he released on to a pile of gold in front of him. Once he caught his breath, realization hit him like a brick. "Now what are you going to do to me.... kill me." He said the last words with great fear. Hoping he wouldn't die.

With a smile Ace started to dig through a pile, not looking at kard he answered "You have 2 options, one, you stay with me as a sex slave tell the end of days, or two, I kill you right now." Knowing the rings effect was still in the wolf, there was no way he turn down being a sex slave.

Hearing those words made him just, he didn't was to be a sex slave; at least he didn't think he did. But he certainly didn't want to die. So he stood up, with his member still erect, bowing and saying "I'd be glad to be your slave." Even though he hated the idea, a strange since of pleasure rushed through him.

Pulling a ring from a pile, that looked like those Ace wore but the gem was green not purple, and touched it to his ring of lust. Then throughing it to Kard, "then wear this, I think you'll enjoy it"

Not wanting to disobey and be killed he slid the ring on. Once the ring was in place, a strong erge of pleasure flowed through his finger, though his body, and in to his member and tail whole. "This feels great master, thank you very much, is there any thing I can do for you?"

Glad the power took effect so quickly, Ace pointed up the shaft in the middle of the room, "With that ring, you'll be able to get around easer in this place." Then Ace floated up in to the whole and was gone. Kard stared up that the whole and wondered how to get up there, and then as if following his command, he started to float after his new master.