A rising storm

Story by Stu on SoFurry

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#1 of Recollection

ok, been quite a long time since i have posted anything up story wise, needless to say my other story will continue but putting ideas down is a bit of a stretch, here is an action orientated story certain aspects are deliberately undisclosed after all it's no fun if you tell the reader everything in the first chapter.

anyway though, i have drawn various influences into this story from various things i have read, seen, heard or just had rattling around my noggin.

please enjoy.

Names, locations and organisations are purely fictional and any similarity is purely conicidental and should be taken as such.

It should be noted that this is set in a fictional city within the United States, accents to be taken as american unless otherwise noted.

The clack of high heels was barely heard over the noise of the deluge as she walked along the dirty pavement the cheap umbrella barely keeping the rain away. A hooded head appeared round a corner 30 yards behind her and a figure stepped out of an alleyway and into line behind the woman his pace drawing him steadily nearer to her, he had observed her passing on her way home from work for the past week plotting his best plan of attack. Halting at the next crossing she looked back down the road seeing the figure dressed in a heavy duty raincoat, arms stuffed in the front pocket and the hood blocking out all but the bottom of his face, paying little attention she stepped out and across the road now only ten yards spread between them. Inside the coat pockets he flicked the blade out on the lock-knife grasped in his left hand, as she approached an alleyway on the left he closed the last 10 yards his right hand drawing across to clamp her jaw shut whilst the knife came up to tickle her throat, not even a gurgle was emitted as she was pushed brutally into the dark alley and slammed up against a dumpster. Keeping the knife in place he slid his right hand down and under her blouse to cup her breast, "mm" he whispered into her ear his hand drifted back out and slid down her abdomen and just as he was about to push into her underwear he stopped.

The cold feeling of steel against the back oh his head held steadfast as a hand appeared and prised the knife out of his left and drew it against his neck drawing him back away from the woman, she quickly scrabbled for her things and ran back to the road picking up her fallen umbrella and disappearing away.

He was suddenly spun around and a boot came up and kicked him square in the abdomen sending him careering into the wall before slumping down onto the floor, the knife suddenly shot down stabbing into the concrete less than half an inch from the crotch of his trousers, the rank stench of piss filled the air as the front of the jeans darkened his hood fell back revealing the face of a boy, barely 18 years old, a look of abject panic as he looked up to the hulking figure above, a long hood completely obscured the figures face on the long black cloak that covered its body. Large hands, clad in what looked to be crocodile skin gloves, emerged from the sleeves holding a suppressed handgun which was left looking small for the figure.

Been observing this cretin as he had been stalking out the woman and that he had chosen this alley had been a stroke of luck. As I stood there, my Browning handgun aimed straight at his chest I dug into my pocket and withdrew a set of plastic cuffs, cuffing one of his wrists I pulled the boy up whilst holstering the gun. The kick to the shin was expected and I merely hauled him up off his feet whilst my right hand grabbed the bottom of the emergency ladder and pulled it down slightly. Slipping the empty cuff through the bottom run I then put his wrist through the opening and drew it shut. The boy was left standing on tiptoes as I collected the blade and folded it up before shoving it into a pocket on his coat, drawing back into my own pocket I withdrew a pad of Post-it notes and scrawled 'I am a rapist' onto the top one before grabbing a small stapler from the other pocket and fixing it firmly to the tee-shirt under the coat, patting him lightly on the cheek I dialled the emergency services and placed a finger against his lips to silence him. Waiting for the response I held the phone open long enough for them to announce that they were "sending a car to the location of the phone and to not panic and to try and stay on the line" before I closed the phone and shoved it into the same pocket as the knife.

Walking back out of the alley I crossed the street and made my way across several blocks the wailing of a police siren in the background, beside another alleyway a black Mercedes saloon was parked, walking into the alley a man in a black pinstripe and cotton cloak held an umbrella in one hand and a rucksack in the other.

"Been busy?" he asked "saving damsels in distress from terror, don't tell me you have gone soft" my only response was to let out a muted growl "oh yeah" he mocked "I keep forgetting, you can't" a shit-eating grin plastered onto his face before, as if operated with a switch, his face sprung back to a stern glare. "Funds, payment for your previous and details for your next job" holding out the rucksack I took it, slipped the straps over both shoulders and turned back out onto the street and started making my way back to my squat.

The suited man walked back to the car where the driver stepped out and opened the rear door; folding his umbrella he ducked into the back where luxury leather and alcohol were prevalent.

The driver turned "where to sir?"

"Home" was the response before the man drew out a phone and selected one of the numbers from the list; it rang twice before the call was picked up.

"Any problems?" the voice on the other end asked

"None, though we may be loosing control."


"Stopped on the way here to rescue some bint that decided to get herself raped"

"Any blowback?"

"No, spent minimal time securing the perp before moving on to the meet"

"Any concerns, regarding the job?"

"Yes, if control has dropped to the state I think it has then we may need to intercede, though that could be problematic, on the plus side though we got 5 years out of this one."

"Well standard procedure is that you should get informed on his final plan, you move in execute the targets and deal with the problem. After all we do still have the fallback, if you have to kill it then do so, just ensure you recover the body."

"Yes sir, I included in the data that he was to inform us of his plan. I put in the excuse that it is to prevent collateral damage and witnesses."

"You never cared about that before, won't he be suspicious?"

"Doubt it, it's a complex mission with high risk of exposure it should be assumed"

"Okay then, contact me when details are confirmed"

"No problem sir, good night."

The luxury car pulled out onto the street and drove off into the heaving downpour.

Hours later I was settled down in my current squat reading through the various briefing documents associated with the task at hand the subjects (two of them) were high priority targets both marked for elimination, a CEO of a large multifaceted corporation and his daughter, the easiest method of taking them down would have been to take them as they exited their home the problem being that there were no direct lines of sight at that target location. Taking them out in traffic would again be another problem as the car was armoured and there were three decoys, each taking a different route each day to get to their destination. That left one final option, the difficult one, taking them out in their offices, security would be a major factor and opposition was both unknown in numbers and skill, the only way to take both out would be to get them in the same room. Luckily they routinely met up on each Thursday for a lunch in the fathers' office at the very top of the building.

The thing that threw me most of all though was the request for the preliminary brief for review, acknowledgement and approval, this had never been done before so why would they start now, suspicious I started drawing up an audacious plan of attack for submission whilst I looked over various blueprints to build my real plan.

After several hours it was all coming together nicely the only variable was the date, which was dependant on procurement of equipment for the job, reading back through my notes I nodded, satisfied with the details, and put the original files and the faux plan back into the folder and put it back into the bag before burning my plan and writing up a list of equipment, some was exceptional specialist and if my contact couldn't obtain it I would have serious issues.

Unfolding a blanket I sat against the wall, placed my gun on my lap and covered myself with the blanket.

The following morning the weather had cleared and I collected up my belongings before making my way out into the debris of what had once been a huge manufacturing plant, I had a good two hour tab to get to where I could make my order.

Pushing open the door to the Irish pub I was greeted by a smell of cigarettes and Guinness, the first time I'd been here I had met an unfavourable response from one or two of the lads regarding my appearance, after one of them ended up with a rather sudden visit to the emergency room they adopted the practice of ignoring me as I came and went, only the stupid or new ones would try to pick a fight though typically sense was talked into them before I needed to open my dental surgery. Stepping through to the gent's toilets a knock on the condom machine led to the 'out of order' stall being opened and my passage through to a hidden back room.

Sean was a full on paddy who seemed to be able to pull guns and equipment out of thin air and had, on more than one occasion, been responsible for some excellent machining and modification work, I had been visiting him now from pretty much day one, everyone bought their guns from him from the small time hoods to mob enforcers. He's forgotten more about guns than most people will ever know,

"Hey lad, how are you doing today?" he called out in his typical Irish brogue, my response was a fairly non committal grunt.

"That bad eh? Well come here for some new gear, lets see the list"

He sat there and read through the notes I had made.

"Looks pretty straight forward. Typical sneak, peek and observe?"

Flipping over to the next page he stopped and rolled his eyes up at me before his head followed.

"That's somewhat unusual, you sure you want it?" my growl was his only response "well if you are sure, it will cost extra to find, certainly with such ammo your going to stick out like a sore thumb. I'm assuming you want a virgin as well" I grunted and nodded my head.

"Well I will see what I can do, if I can't find it though I may have to sub for something more common." I gave a deeper growl and shook my head "fine I'll have to really dig into the old republic to find one of those but I should be able to do it, call you when I have it all" I grunted again and nodded and he slid over an estimate of the cost whilst he ran through he typical salesman speech.

"10% now and the rest on delivery, same as usual" nodding I dug out a bundle of notes flicking through until I pulled out the right amount, I always insisted on paying in whole numbers for kit so he had long since given up on trying to give me change, he provided good wares so I counted it as a tip of sorts.

Two weeks later and he had found everything I had asked for, and sent me a text with payment amounts and asked for the location of the exchange, he called me back five minutes later.

"Erm, this drop point. You sure you got it right? It's in the middle of downtown." I grunted "well ok, tomorrow then, evening?" again I grunted "well see you then, I'll be in a high cube van, down by the service entrance"

The following evening saw me walking through down the streets of downtown passing between the towering structures of glass and steel, turning into one particular building I walked down the ramp to the service entrance where true to his word a large van was parked with Sean sat at the wheel enjoying a cigarette, seeing my approach he opened the door and hopped out before walking up to the loading platform the truck was backed up to. Unlocking the door and hauling it up he pulled out a bergen and tossed it to me before pulling out a very long padded rifle case, unzipping it I looked to see everything was in order.

"You have spare ammunition in the bergen, back pouch, most of your gear is in the main pocket, side arm is here though." He handed me an injection moulded holster and I released the1911 style Kimber and pushed the slide back just enough to see that there was a round in the chamber, shoving it back in the holster I took the spare magazines from him and put them into clips on my belt. Digging into my rucksack I pulled out the right denominations and handed it over to him.

"I sighted that in for you as well" he said gesturing to the rifle case.

Nodding I shook his hand and turned into the service elevator and ran it up to the 35th floor. The building had been under construction when the land owner went into liquidation and since then the construction had stopped, some of the lower floors were leased out as simple offices which was enough to get power to the building but whilst construction of the building had finished, nothing above the tenth floor was furnished and my boots left marks in the thick layer of dust. Walking up to the window I surveyed the scene before me, dug out my laptop and sent through the 'plan' to my employer, the job would occur 4 days from now at 1400 hours.

Taking the rifle case I slid it within reach into a wall partition and pulled a work table over towards the windows and stuck my bergen on it, rooting through the main pouch I was satisfied that everything I had ordered was included and unzipping the rear pouch I pulled out two boxes of .45 and one larger non descript box, both checked out fine and returning them to their home I stuck the bag into the void along with the rifle case, turning and leaving I rode the lift back down to the service entrance and made my way 'home'

Two days later I returned to my perch at mid day, pulling out my bags I pulled a chair up to the worktable beside the floor to ceiling windows and laid the zipped case onto the table, digging into the burgen I withdrew a pair of binoculars and a directional microphone, the tall windows of the building across the street was an excellent resonator and allowed me to listen in on conversation in the office.

Everything I observed provided little source of interest, I sat there listening to various business chats and phone calls and whilst the odd thing perked my interest there was little to interest. My watch ticked over to 1400 and I unzipped the rifle case but left it shut, something didn't feel right about this job, the was no evidence pressed as to why these two would be targets, over the past two weeks I had trawled the net for the slightest bit of dirt but there wasn't anything, both were heavily involved in various charitable schemes from the police and fire service to hospitals and orphanages, and whilst my research had unveiled defence contractor work it was almost entirely dedicated to body armour and less-lethal. Some work of theirs in pharmaceuticals and micro technology was fairly ground breaking but there was no reason why my employer should go for this target, they weren't a competitor, whilst they shared some work areas the actual areas of study were totally different, certainly this company didn't pose as a threat at all.

Suddenly I heard a crash through my headphones, turning to look back across the street to see men dressed in black streaming into the room rifles held high, I was confused when I saw a familiar figure step forward before five of the armed men moved forward and took aim.

I turned and flipped the case open, opened the hatch on the bottom and inserted a five round clip and locked it shut, grabbing the carrying handle I heaved the two meter long rifle out, flipped the bipod down and braced it against the table looking down the 4 floor difference between myself and the other room I cocked the weapon and took aim.

Squeezing the trigger it broke cleanly, the bullet erupted through the window in front of me before speeding across the street and blasted straight through the window hitting one of the black clad men square in the chest, all before the casing had ejected, the bullet hit the sternum having lost almost no energy as it passed through the ballistic resistant glass of the office and split him in half, the blast from the muzzle was enough to lift all the dust for ten meters. The next shot took the man to his right, the deflection from the glass carrying the round into his head and then into the abdomen of another stood 20 foot behind him, I fired off the remaining three rounds in the clip and the five whom had been about to open fire were all spread across the carpet, shoving the rifle case into the bergen I slug the rifle across my back slipped on the bergen and stepped back from the window. Once I was ten meters back I dug the toes of my boots into the floor and sprinted leaping at the last second I arced across the road, seeing this more of the armed men turned from firing at the up turned desk (which had been flipped over in the distraction when I opened fire) and opened up on the glass their bullets doing nothing but weakening it. Bursting through the window I hit the floor and rolled bringing my sidearm up I took out two more before a sudden pain shot straight through my skull, I curled up on my knees and looked over towards the formerly pinstripe suited man, he was now wearing tactical gear and was holding up a simple remote with his hand held firmly on the button. Releasing it I started to rise before he twisted a knob on the front and mashed the button again.

I started to rise, pushing though the pain, he twisted the knob all the way to its maximum setting and hit the button again, this time I screamed, the only sound to have come out of my mouth other than a grunt or a growl and it was a scream, my pupils went to pinpricks before they suddenly dilated.

The pain was gone, instead replaced with a slight burning sensation and euphoria, my movements felt slow and sluggish, looking towards one of the mercenaries who was walking towards me his movements were exceptionally slow, bringing the gun up I put a round through his neck and put rounds in the heads of the others, one towards the back had a ballistic face shield which shattered the slide of the gun locked back and the man turned and fled taking the mercenary who was now bleeding heavily from the face with him and they disappeared around the corner.

Suddenly everything appeared to speed up; I dumped the empty magazine and inserted a fresh one. Security personnel flooded into the room screaming at me to drop my weapon, the last thing I remember was doing so before everything went black.

Gradually I became aware of the beep of a heart monitor and quiet conversation near and felt the distinct lack of clothing on my body (apart from underwear), I decided to see what I could pick out about where I was.

"This is unreal, I haven't seen anything like this, ever" said a male voice. "He has human physiology but also reptilian physiology, which is certainly more dominant, we tried cross matching DNA but whilst the human parts came out fine the other doesn't there is not one single match in the catalogue"

"it's the mammalian features which astound me though" a female voice cut in. "the presence of nipples, a belly button and external genitals along with him being endothermic which are really surprising. Look at these pictures from the MRI as well, his organs are all in the same place and he even has an appendix, the area of concern though is the brain."

"Why, is there something unusual about it?"

"Look at this." I heard the rustling of plastic as the result was held up to the lights.

"What is that?"

"It looks to be some sort of metal cradle around the brain, look there are contact points in certain places"

"And scar tissue too..."

"yes, looks like there is damage to the long term memory sections of the brain, that appear to have been caused by the device, whether or not it was deliberate I cannot tell, what does surprise me though is the density of the brain matter."

"What is so special about it?"

"well there appears to be around 10 to 15 times the number of neurons compared to a human brain, but look at his neural activity, it's nowhere near that level it's as if that device is holding him back"

"So you are saying that without that 'cradle' there would be more neural activity?"

"Yes, just look at where some parts of it are as well, part of it routes to the pituitary gland." There was a shuffling of notes before the male scientist spoke up again.

"look at the blood work, hormonal levels are off the scale, certainly testosterone is through the roof and look at the adrenaline levels, the first batch had well over lethal levels but our last ones were still very much elevated and have not dropped. The boss said about him being curled up on the floor in pain, apparently from his head, I wonder if this is some sort of compliance device."

"Well if it is, that could explain the neural activity, maybe it is leeching in order to charge the system"

"Christ what have they done to you" I heard the male say, sadness flowing in his voice. "His neural activity is still the same; he's been in this coma for two days now."

There was more rustling of plastic sheets. "You know he's got a tail right?" the woman said

"Well yeah it is fairly obvious as it is longer than his legs, how did he keep it hidden anyway, I would have thought that would be really obvious"

"Special pocket in the back of his cloak, quite a clever idea, kept it out the way and was probably comfortable, though I do wonder how this guy even got clothes..."

My tail twitched slightly, evidently they were facing away as neither of them seemed to notice the sudden movement. She continued, "Well there is another feature that we missed, look here" more rustling and the click of a switch flowed by the buzz of a florescent tube. "No his back between his shoulders there appear to be two joints, poking backwards, I wonder if the pituitary limitations have stunted his development, your probably going to think I'm crazy but I think this guy is supposed to have wings. It could also explain why he can't talk; his vocal cords are in a semi developed state as well."

"right... so this guy is supposed to be some sort of dragon then?"

"is that so far-fetched? I mean dragons exist in global mythology at roughly the same time periods, could it be that all evidence of them was lost."

"yeah possibly, look i want to get a look at a good skin sample, if your delicate with a scalple you should be able to collect one without disturbing him."

I sensed movement, as the woman moved round to my side, as she drew close I suddenly tensed my body and flipped backwards off the bed, catching it with my tail and hurling it across the room, grabbing the woman across her neck I plucked the scalple out of her hand and held it against her throat, the man called out and security flooded into the room, guns aiming in my direction. I growled threateningly at them and moved the needle closer, "easy, we don't want to hurt you, just let here go and we can sort this out, no problems." Still I held her tight, thought the armed me across from me started to relax and a couple even lowered the weapons, suddenly I felt a sharp blade pressed right up against my neck, at the perfect angle where a slight push and the blade would slip between the vertebrae, I'd be dead before I hit the floor.

Epilogue to Humanity: Prologue

OK, i'll admit that this isn't the story that i had put part of up as a journal but currently i have run dry on ideas and i am unsure how to execute it properly. but here we have a new story the basis of which has been building strength within my mind...
