The Prizes of War

Story by Zack_Wolfe on SoFurry

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#2 of One Shots

This is a little RP between myself and Xandie. It is a little bit different then my usual stuff. It takes place a short time before the Meiji restoration in Japan. This is the period in time when there were feuds between different clans. It was also the time of the Samurai. The two characters in this are Hikaru, the son of the general, and Miyamoto, the opposing General. This is going to be a little more agressive, but Feudal Japan was also a little more agressive.

Miyamoto had awoken, today was the day he was to go to the neighboring clan to take his payment for the debt of Lord Kageya. Miyamoto was a powerful and legendary warrior. If things went wrong today there may be war.

Miyamoto got up from his bed roll and began to change into his white hakama and kimono. The man was a general, renowned for his fighting skills. He had become a General of his own clan at the young age of 25. He then walked to his small room with the view of the courtyard. He sat down, one of his female servants brought him some tea. Miyamoto tasted the wonderful tea focusing on its flavor. He looked out at the cherry tree which was now in bloom as it was spring time. Miyamoto knew that this could be his last day in this world, but a samurai always welcomes death with open arms. It was nothing to be afraid of, in fact it was craved. He becan to write on a piece of paper looking into the beauty of these things he found inspiration. "Do not regret what you have done." Is what he wrote on that paper.

He got up and walked into another small room. A set of red armor sat in the middle of the room, it was his. Two servant women helped dress him in the armor. He picked up his katana and wakasashi, bowed to them and said "Thank you my friend.". He put the swords in their rightful spots. It was almost dawn. Miyamoto walked into the main room where the others would be waiting. He was greeted by twenty of his men, they were also ready to depart. "Good Morning Ookami-san." They all said and bowed. One man approached Miyamoto. "Koga-san, are the horses ready?" Miyamoto asked. "Hai, Miyamoto." Koga said. All of the Samurai got onto their horses and rode off. The Sun was rising, Miyamoto stood out in his blood red armor, he wore his black hair down and wore no helmet.

The younger Lord Kagaya had been summoned only just that morning, where his father told him he was to be taken as a tribute, a hostage for an enemy feudal lord in order to keep the shaky peace between the two clans. Being the third son, it was no surprise that he would be chosen instead of his elder brothers, both generals in his father's army, one of which his direct heir.

The sun had now risen a bit over the horizon bringing its warm glow to the darkness stretched across the land. The shadows had begun to hide in their places. The general and his samurai had been riding for about two hours. The village had come into view, several guards at the gates ran around talking to each other. The group slowed their horses and rode up to the gates. "Ookami-san..." One of the guards said very frightend. He open the gates as the group rode inside. They dismounted their horses and only Miyamoto walked through the walkway. His feet clacking on the cobblestone path. The villagers bowed as not to have their heads cut off.

Hikaru sighed as he leaned over one bent knee, resting one arm on top of it and his chin upon his arm. He wasn't exactly looking forward to being treated as a tribute, knowing that he may end up adopted into the opposing clan and potentially become the enemy of his own family, but he did not have any choice. The sound of hooves against the cobbled street caught his attention, deep crimson eyes searching for the source. He remained still upon the ledge he sat on.

Long, silvery web-fine strands of hair fluttered in the breeze as Hikaru's scarlet depths found the target in the distance, sensitive ears picking up the sound of the dark-haired male's voice. He wasn't talking to Hikaru and did not acknowledge him in anyway aside from a cursory glance, obviously more interested in meeting with his father. Miyamoto walked up to the palace of Lord Kagaya. He started up the steps when his attention was caught by something. His eyes looked over to a boy who had cat ears and a tail. Miyamoto looked over the boy

The youth was relieved at the lack of interest. Perhaps his time in the foreign general's clan would be at least peaceable. He would not have to worry about anything anyone taking place. He closed his eyes, listening to the sounds as the red-armored Lord Miyamoto made his way into his father's estate to negotiate.

Miyamoto continued up the steps and entered the palace. Miyamoto walked up to the large throne where the other Lord sat. His eyes peered at Miyamoto. "Where is the payment?" Miyamoto said an impatient tone in his voice. The Shogun sat there. "Do not worry, Miyamoto you will have your payment soon enough!" He said. The guards were ready to fight if was necessary, the tension in the air grew thick with each passing second.

Hikaru could not hear what was being said within the walls of the large house, but he had no doubt that negotiations were taking place and his life was in that balance. A tear slipped over a pale cheek, only to be swiped away quickly upon the back of his unoccupied hand. Tears were not becoming of a samurai and certainly not of a lord's son.

Lord Kagaya looked at Miyamoto and knew his patience was growing very thin. "What are your demands?" Lord Kagaya asked. "It has taken quite some time but I have decided. I want 100lbs of gold, two hundred of your finest swordsmen, and the land beyond the southern mountains." Miyamoto declared. "Miyamoto! Don't be unreasonable!" Kagaya bellowed in disbelief. "What about 50lbs of gold and the southern fields?" Kagaya proposed. "Do you think me a fool, Kagaya!?" Miyamoto yelled. The guards were ready to fight. Kagaya raised his hand to stop them. Kagaya knew it might come to this. "Miyamoto, I will give you 100lbs of gold and my son." Kagaya purposed feeling bad for it to have to come to this. "All of that and the eastern forests beyond the god's mountains." Miyamoto said glaring at the Lord. "Fine, it is so." Kagaya said with a somewhat defeated tone, although it was better then war with Miyamoto.

Slowly, Hikaru pulled himself to his feet as he heard the doors open once more. He stepped out, long white locks tumbling over his shoulders. "My son, this is Lord Miyamoto. You will be accompanying him back to his land," he said, gesturing to the red armored man. The youth swallowed, teeth clenching just a little. He knew of Lord Miyamoto, had heard the stories about the young general, about his honorable victories, his unmatched strength. The samurai was ruthless. Hikaru did not want to go, but he stepped towards the other regardless. "Lord Miyamoto, this is my third born son, Kagaya Hikaru. I leave him in your care."

Miyamoto walked back to the group of his men. The samurai got back on their horses. The samurai Koga looked at Miyamoto then looked at the boy. Koga said nothing but had a puzzled look about his face. The boy just stood there. "Get on." Miya moto said calmly. The boy did not move. Miyamoto got on the horse and grabbed the boy's wrist and lifted him on the horse as the group rode off.

Hikaru was numb, completely numb as he was yanked unceremoniously onto the horse with the other male, like a woman... Why did he not have his own horse? Was it not his right as a lord? He could feel blood rush to his face as the horse picked up speed and he had no choice but to wrap his arms around the other man to keep from falling off. It was truly humiliating. He didn't know how long they rode for, but by the time they could see the houses of their destination, his backside was numb and sore and his legs ached, thighs chaffed an raw, unused to riding such distances without the proper attire.

Miyamoto had passed through other villages on their ride back to his home. The sun had not stayed in the sky long. As they arrived back at Miyamoto's home they dismounted the horses. The boy got off the horse, but had trouble standing. Miyamoto frowned and literally carried the boy back to the home. Miyamoto's home was very large. Once they had arrived after the small walk Miyamoto put down Hikaru, he had some of his strength back. Hikaru had followed Miyamoto to a small room. Miyamoto opened the sliding screen and walked inside. "This will be your room." Miyamoto said. The room was decent sized, with only few things inside it. There was a bed, a small bath outside, a fireplace, and a small table. "I have some fresh clothes for you on the bed. Remove your old ones and put it on." Miyamoto said leaving the room. Miyamoto went tho his armor room where he removed the heavy armor and dawned his black kimono and hakama.

The albino grit his teeth as he looked over what the other had ordered him to put on. "This is for women..." he stated, unwilling to dawn the garment. It was an insult. Being a hostage surely did not mean he had to endure such humiliation. He was a man, a warlords son. He could use a sword and fight as well as any other samurai and he would not be emasculated in such a way. It had been bad enough when he'd had to be carried from the horse. His legs and rump still ached and his face burned in a dark blush.

Miyamoto was in the large dining room eating with his men. They had a large assortment of food and drink. They all were eating and drinking sake. Many of the men were laughing and telling stories.

"Why must I wear something like this? Are you insulting me? I am a son, not a daughter..." Hikaru said. The youth crossed his arms over his slim torso, glaring at the offensive yukata. It was even pink for kami's sake. Was the general really expecting him to put such a thing on? And it was indecently short for a man to wear. He pursed his lips, grinding his teeth slightly. He did want to change his attire after the long ride, but the women's clothing was too much... He peered around the room for an armoire or chest of some sort that might hold other clothing more suitable for his gender and his status.

Miyamoto drank his sake and after a few minutes he grew a little impatient. He got up to go check on Hikaru, he had no idea what was taking him so long. Miyamoto arrived at Hikaru's room. He slid open the door and walked in, he seen the boy had a frown on his face and his arms were crossed defiantly. "What is taking you so long?" Miyamoto asked.

Hikaru let out a very soft gasp, quickly covering it with a snort. "These are women's clothes..." He said, using one hand to gesture at the clearly feminine yukata that had been set out for him. Snowy ears flattened against his silvery hair, a blush still heating his pale cheeks as he confronted the general over the injustice. Yes, he knew the other was a ruthless man, but this was too much.

"If you don't like it you can go naked then!" Miyamoto joked. "SAKURA!" The general bellowed. A women came in. She was petit and wore a floral yukata. "Yes my lord, what is it?" She asked bowing. "The boy doesn't like his clothes, find him something else." Miyamoto said. "Yes my lord." she said scurrying away. She came back with a similar women's short silver silk yukata.

The silver kimono was also made for women, but was a little less feminine than the pink and it was longer. "Fine, I will wear this. It is better than being naked, but why do you only give me women's clothing? I am not a woman and this is not appropriate for a samurai of my status," the neko said, already beginning to undress, thinking nothing of the other's presence. They were both men after all. Miyamoto walked up close to Hikaru. "Maybe another time you can wear the pink one." Miyamoto said into the Neko's cat ears. He shivered when the other spoke in his ear, his breath stirring the fine hairs. He blushed, not quite understanding what Miyamoto meant by his statement. It didn't sound as if he wanted him to wear such a garment to ridicule him...

Being the youngest son, barely past the cusp of sixteen, Hikaru was not yet familiar with the intimacy between men and women, let alone what could be done between two male's. He quickly pulled the silk over his shoulders. There was no hole in the back of the kimono to accommodate his tail, so he had to make a conscious effort to keep it from hovering to high up behind him, lest the kimono be lifted and his bare bottom show in his fundoshi. The two walked back to the dinning room, many of the samurai had finished their meals. They were now in the adjacent room laughing, gambling, and picking out their women.

Before the negotiations today all of the men had been at war for two months. Miyamoto recalled the many battles and villages he had won. The general was young and powerful, but he rarely had women to service his mortal flesh needs. Miyamoto looked over at the sixteen year old catboy. Thoughts of claiming his war prize came into his mind. "Here have some sake." Miyamoto said pouring a generous cup.

Hikaru ate and watched the samurai around him, his gaxe straying back to the dark-hair general more often than not, but he averted his gaze just as quickly. He sipped the alcohol, cheeks flushing, having never drank before. He didn't notice the other male's heated stare, the interest burning in his eyes lost on the innocent youth. He was kneeling before the table, tail hovering behind him idly, lifting the kimono slightly to show a brief glimpse of creamy thighs and a pert rear before he realized it and forcibly lowered the furry appendage.

He had no idea that the general had plans for him, was thinking of using him in place of a woman to gain some relief. He had not ever been told of such things, always having lived in the sheltered house of his father, had not even seen the battlefield yet. Miyamoto got up after finishing his rice. "Well it's about time to sleep." Miyamoto said stretching. Hikaru got up but almost fell over in the process. The catboy stumbled around, Miyamoto grabbed him helping him walk back to his room. The cool breeze passed over their faces as the walked along the courtyard.

Miyamoto's hand drifted from Hikaru's hip to his ass, giving it a little squeeze. Hikaru gave a startled jolt as the hand that had been around his waist, assumedly helping him back to the small room that was given to him moved from his waist lower to grope his rear. "What are you doing?!" he exclaimed, pulling away from the other male, the blush darkening on his cheeks. He didn't understand what the other was thinking. Why would he touch there?

"Don't you like it Hikaru?" Miyamoto slurred. "Doesn't a pretty neko like you get a little attention?" He said. The two were now in Hikaru's room. The general could no longer disguise the lust growing in his body. His prize was the only thing that could quench the fire burning in his body. Miyamoto gave a devlish smile as he began to remove his kimono and hakama.

The neko's crimson eyes went impossibly wide, fear and confusion swimming in their depths as the man began disrobing, his erection springing forth. White ears dropped flat against his hair as he backed away, ending up pressed against the wall, the general blocking the path to the door. He swallowed hard. "W-What are you going to do? I- I don't want to..." he didn't know what it was exactly, vague half-formed notions of what the other male had in mind taking shape in his head. His tail curled under him, between his legs, the tip stilling just beneath where his naval would be beneath the silken kimono, clearly uncomfortable and becoming more uneasy by the moment. "You look so pretty." Miyamoto laughed. His hands began to feel the soft porcelin skin. "Dosen't feel good?" Miyamoto said.

The neko's ears went completely flat, trying to escape the caressing touch, blinking in confusion as the other male pressed his lips against his own. What is going on? Certainly, he can't mean to... he couldn't finish the thought, the blush on his cheeks spreading over his neck and down his pale chest. "Your father may not have wanted you but I do." Miyamoto said kissing his lips.

"That's not true! It's my duty as a warlord's son to be a tribute if necessary for the good of the clan. I-I am honored to help my family this way..." his voice was filled with trepidation, as if uncertain of his own words. He shivered, body reacting instinctively as the older man's hand ran over him intimately. The touch caused an uncontrollable reaction in his lower body, making him erect. He tried to pull back, hands pushing at Miyamoto. "S-Stop! This isn't what I am here for..." Hikaru stuttered out. Miyamoto began to stroke his erect flesh. Miyamoto seen the boy's face flash a smile even if for a second. "You love this don't you?" Miyamoto whispered in his ear.

The albino squeezed his eyes shut, "N-no... I hate it..." he denied even as his hips made shallow thrusts into the other man's hand. He couldn't help it... It did feel good, though his mind was screaming that it should be stopped. The general had enough of playing with hikaru, now it was his turn. The general pushed down on his shoulders.He felt shaky, unable to refuse as he was forced to his knees in front of the general. He turned his face away from the weeping member, swiping the sleeve of his kimono over the fluid that had dropped onto his lips and chin, trying desperately not to taste it. I don't want this... I don't... Father... he thought, humiliated tears brimming behind dark lashes. How could his father have known this would happen? And if he had, why had he not offered another to the ruthless general, why his son?

"I don't want this, please..." his voice wavered, fear colouring the tone though there was a note of husky excitement as well. This was not how his first intimacy was supposed to take place, not like this... At the hands of an enemy lord while living under his roof as a hostage... Miyamoto kissed him deeply. He made a muffled noise into the kiss as the other pressed his tongue inside of his mouth and his body stiffened, hands pushing at the other, trying to dislodge him , but unable to do more than leave small red welts on his skin from his nails. Miyamoto laughed at his attemps, Miyamoto stood up and began to push his member against the neko's lips.

He pursed kiss-bruised lips, screwing his deep scarlet eyes shut, resisting against the hand on his jaw, forcing him closer to the heated rod. His hands scratched at the elder male's hand and wrist, trying desperately to make him let go of the neko. Miyamoto couldn't take it anymore he needed the pleasure, he needed relief. Miyamoto pinched the boy's shoulder very hard. The youth cried out, his jaw forced open. He forced himself to breath through his nose as the other's erection was pressed into his mouth, filling it forcefully. The tears that had been threatening spilled over as his jaw ached and his face burned with heat. His tail curled around his waist tightly. He didn't dare bite down, knowing it would probably end his life if he did.

Hikaru's mouth was more delightful than anything the general could have imagined. It's warm, tight, moist flesh made him grunt over and over as he pushed deepier in. His hps began to buck. Fat tears slid over flushed cheeks as Miyamoto thrust into his mouth with little regard for his discomfort, the tip pressing against the back of his throat several times, making it burn. He wanted to throw up and yet his body betrayed him, an erection of his own straining beneath the disheveled silk of his kimono. He choked when his mouth was filled with hot semen and he was forced to gulp it down, a dribble slipping from the corner of his mouth. He coughed when the other pulled back, and he leaned on his palms heavily, kneeling on the tatami floor, panting and dizzy.

Miyamoto took the intiative. Hikaru was dazzed on the floor, Miyamoto went behind him rubbed the soft butt, He licked one of his fingers and pushed deep inside the pink pucker before him. It was hot and tight. "This should be nice." Miyamoto said smiling.The neko panted, "S-stop!" he shook, fingers curling against the tatmi beneath him, nails scraping. Tears dripped from his chin onto the floor beneath as he knelt on hands and knees while Miyamoto pressed fingers inside his most intimate place. Hips moved unconsciously, first trying to escape and then when the wriggling digits brushed something deep inside and lit fireworks behind his eyes, his hips pressed back of their own accord. He didn't want this, but... "Please stop... This is not right..."

"You are enjoying this, I can tell. Your words may say stop but you and your body beg for more." Miyamoto said rubbing him harder in the special spots that made him whine out. Snowy hair fell like a veil as his arms gave out, chest pressing flat against the tatami matting and he struggled to breath as the other male thrust fingers in and out of him erratically. He panted heavily, tail curling up over his spine in a sign of submission as the general lined himself up, removing his slick fingers before driving his thick member inside instead.

Miyamoto pushed deep inside, it was good, not nearly as good as some of the women but it did the job. He thrust deep inside, feeling it's emense tightness. Hikaru cried out loudly. It burned, but his body was already craving more, even though he was still fighting against it in his mind. How could he get any pleasure from such a dishonorable thing? But it didn't matter because his body moved on it's own, tears pouring over smooth skin as his breath hitched with each rough thrust and he could feel the heated rod pulse winthin him, pressing against sensitive inner walls, brushing nerves that made him unable to speak coherently anymore. "Nnn... ah-hah... ah..."

"I am so close Hikaru, you are truly wonderful." Miyamoto said half panting. "It's happening." Miyamoto said. He pounded even harder as his seed began to fill the tunnel. The words barely registered in his flustered mind as the other male pounded into him. He cried out loudly when he felt heat fill his insides, making the length slide in and out of him slickly, excess semen sliding down his inner thighs in thick rivulets. Without warning, the youth came, heated seed pooling on the tatami beneath him, a stream or two managing to hit his stomach, staining the silk bunched around his waist. He whimpered, his inner walls contracting uncontrollably around the other male's cock.

"Didn't I tell you it was wonderful?" Miyamoto said. Hikaru nodded. "I want you to stay here with me. Your father may not have cared about you, but I do. I have no children, I shall make you my heir." Miyamoto said. "Thank you Miyamoto." Hikaru said kissing him.

A Strange World Chapter 9 (Final)

Chapter 9: A Strange World. John walked about the apartment gathering up various things, his time on this world had come to a close. A long and incredibly interesting year has passed. He began to put the various items into the bags. Krystal had...

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A Strange World Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Burning Anger Inside. The leaves of the trees began to fall, floating along the breeze. The forest was colored with the beautiful, vibrant hues of autumn. It was slightly cool out, just that perfect temperature to git rid of the summer...

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A Strange World Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Medicine. Light rolled around in his bed. It was so hard to sleep. His thoughts were rampant with the thought of John and all the ways he would please him. He smiled, in only a little while he could do all the things with him he so eagerly...

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