Technological Advances

Story by DiablodonWrath on SoFurry

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Another night for Diablodon and Syraph... Or IS it?

This is something I did between uploading the two parts of A Well Made Mistake. This was just a wild-hair idea I got about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I finished it in three days, but wasn't sure if I should wait until both parts of A.W.M.M were finished or just upload for the hell of it. Anyways, this is probably my best work to date; hope whoever reads it agrees!

Technological Advances

Late night at our den, after we'd had our fun. Xeino was finally getting used to how we did things around here. Surprisingly to all of us, even he himself was growing to like our little games. The odd thing about bondage is it grows on you. Most wouldn't suspect after being captured and teased against one's own will, would that person actually want to stay for more. Xeino, on the other hand, became corrupted within a few minutes. I have to hand it to Syraph: she can persuade even the most unwilling minds, given a little time, and the occasional help from me. One way or the other, we made a perfect team, whether we were working, playing, even relaxing. Having Xeino around will add to the occasional fun; however Syraph and I will always be the best for each other.

We settled down for the night, our eyes heavy and bodies half numb from that post-sex exhaustion. We let Xeino out of his restraints to go sleep where he felt like, since we didn't exactly care whether he left or stayed. Syraph and I found a comfortable spot with plenty of straw and lied down next to each other. She slipped one hand between my chest and my leather harness, and threw one hand over my back to pull me close to her. I coiled my tail around hers and threw my leg around her waist as my body made contact with hers. We formed an inseparable bind with one another and, at this point, she intertwined her tongue with mine. We closed our eyes and continued to do this until we couldn't physically stay conscious any longer. We lost track of Xeino right from when we settled down into the bed, and were still unaware of where he was when we drifted off to dreamland. We knew where we were though: right where we belonged, where we wanted to be. We could even sense one another's presence in our own dreams, as if we never fell asleep. It felt unnatural, yet normal in a certain way...

We slept rock solid through the night, tight in each other's embrace without a care or worry in the world. One might say we had a mutual feeling of being in bondage when we did this, but it wasn't the typical, high-energy and high suspense kind of bondage. This form of it couldn't be described with a name. There was just some sort of feeling to it that made it stand apart from any other feeling known. Even while asleep, I felt Syraph's warm scales against mine and her never-loosening grip on me; it was a feeling to die for. I remember having at least 8 hours of solid sleep with her, but for whatever reason, I don't remember anything involving her after that. When I awoke, I had no idea what I was in store for...

My eyes slowly opened, and I didn't see, or feel Syraph. I became erratic very quickly, trying to bounce up on to my feet, but to no avail. I looked around after failing to stand up, and realized my hands and feet were shackled to the ground, making me stand in a canine-like position. My mouth was left alone, so I yelled out, "Hey! Who's there?" A figure slowly formed in the dark on the other side of the room. The first noticeable features were a pair of glowing, pure white eyes. As the figure moved into the light, I realized who it was - Nhylos.

Nhylos had been my enemy for many a year. He was both a scientist and warlock, so he was very well rounded in devising traps and gimmicks. I asked impatiently "What is it you want from me THIS time?" (He had interfered in my past before, always for different purposes.) He looked away and said "Diablodon, you believe in, change, do you not?" I responded "Depending on the subject, yes, I do." Sighing and looking around his lair, he returned, "I've, had my mind on a lot of things relating to 'change' lately; mostly relating to the physical attributes of things." "What are you talking about?" I asked with great curiosity. He explained, "Anybody can change the way they appear to think or act... But what if we could change how we look and even function? Better yet, what if this could be at will, and temporary? Just imagine the possibilities..." I still wasn't sure how this concerned me, so, to clarify, I asked, "I can understand that, but what does any of it have to do with capturing me?" "Because," he responded while turning back to me, "I need a 'volunteer'..." My eyes grew, as did my curiosity, so I turned all my attention toward him. He said "This experiment took me three years to develop" as he walked around the corner and quickly came back with a collar. This collar was of the darkest, purest black I've ever seen. It almost looked like black liquid latex the way it gleamed in the light. He showed it to me and said, "Here it is, after three years of research and failures." Closer inspection did, in fact reveal that it was a collar. The thing that struck me as odd about it was the fact it did not have a buckle or latch of any sort; it didn't even appear to open. "I... Is that a collar?" I asked him. Right about then, he placed two hands on it, pulled in opposite directions, and ripped the collar between where he was holding. My eyes flared at the sight, wondering what he was doing. I asked, "Wait, if that took you three years to create, why would you just rip it in half?" To which he replied "Don't worry about it. It's made of self-regenerative latex. Even if I do break part of it, it will automatically fix itself when it makes contact with the damaged area." Almost immediately, thoughts of how a creation like such could be used in Syraph's games popped into my mind. I quickly dismissed them, seeing the situation I was in.

Nhylos explained, "I'm 99% sure it will work, but I need you to find out whether it does, or if I must revamp my design once more..." "What does it even do?" I asked under my breath. He came closer to me, "Glad you asked..." He reconnected the broken collar behind my neck, where it almost immediately reconnected. "You will see for yourself in a few moments, but I may as well explain: this individual collar didn't take me three years to create, but the technology used within it. I've created a few little gadgets using this technology, each with a different function, but this one, I mainly made for you; for revenge..." As he finished that, I felt the latex collar around my neck actually creeping down around my neck, and up to my face. My heart started to race a little bit, and I shivered from the cold substance slowly covering me. As Nhylos started to crack a small, evil smile, he further elaborated, "Have you ever thought about 'role reversal'? If you have, or even tried it, this should be less of a surprise to you." I turned my attention from him to myself to see what was going on. By now, the latex had made it down to my cock. I slowly got hard, but not by my own will; it was drawing me out with small vibrations and pulses of pressure. Once I was fully erect, it quickly enveloped my hard shaft from base to tip, and then forced it up to my belly, where a thick layer of latex hid it almost entirely. From there it went to my tailhole where a small amount of it forced its way in, and what remained outside formed a slit-shape over it. It formed a small, hollow balloon shape once inside, and left a small hole in the end furthest in. Meanwhile, the suit was crawling up around my head, leaving the eyeholes, nostrils, and mouth uncovered. It was still about a quarter-inch thick in the thin spots. Under my belly and around my cock, it was around 4-5 inches. It was quite heavy, especially seeing what material it was made of. After the suit finished doing its job, Nhylos cracked a grin and said "Well, you may as well get used to that thing; it will only come off when I give the command, but for now, I might as well finish explaining what I started earlier. Specifically, this suit is designed to reverse the role of male dragons. By now, you must understand what I mean by that. If you're curious as to why I would use pure black latex instead of something else, it's because the elastic properties of latex are far greater than that of rubber or leather. I've already made a few experiments with those two materials as the base, but they'll be for later purposes." I angrily asked, "So, what does this accomplish? There isn't anyone else around besides you and me, and if I know anything about you, it's that you wouldn't touch me." He retorted, "You are correct, but I wasn't intending on touching you. Even though you're my enemy, I won't lie: you do look damn good in that. Now come with me, unless you'd like to go home to Syraph in that..." I didn't want to let her on to what was happening, so I obeyed him for the time.

Nhylos lead me to a small ship, about the size of a personal plane, except with a large interior and one locking area, which is where I was for the trip. We landed about 30 minutes later in a desert area. It was still rather early, so it wasn't too hot yet, which is a good thing because the heat inside the latex on me would skyrocket. He got out of his chair and let me out of the locked area of his ship. Walking was still odd because of the high resistance added by the suit, but I was getting used to it. It forced me to walk on all fours, due to its heavy weight. It also kept me hard by using a slight vibration; almost enough to be annoying, but way less than I would need to ever get anywhere near cumming. After we walked out of the ship, Nhylos started to explain, "Now, we're at least one hundred miles from either of our lairs. It would be a hellish trip back on foot, and if you're thinking you could somehow fly back, you may want to rethink your plans. That latex binds your wings in place, and on top of that, good luck trying to fly with over two hundred pounds of extra weight." I growled a little as I tried to move my wings; just to ensure what he said was true. After a moment, he continued, "So my experiment is to see how effectively this suit serves its purpose. It is simple; you will just spend a day out here. There is plenty of water and food around if you need. I will be back the same time tomorrow to pick you up, and then you will report to me, in detail, how things went. Sound clear?" I reluctantly nodded in agreement. "Ok then, I will see you in 24 hours" he said as he walked toward the entrance of his ship. Before he left, he added, "Don't worry though, you won't be alone; there are plenty of dragons around that are just as horny as you... Possibly, even worse..." My heart skipped a beat when I realized that was why he brought me here. And with that comment, the door to his ship closed behind him and he took off for his lair.

I knew Syraph would be awake by now, but it's not like I could do anything about it. My only other priority at the moment was finding some food and water. I still couldn't shake that last comment Nhylos left me with. If there really were more dragons roaming around out here, I was practically a sitting duck. Being as weighted down as I was, fighting would be out of the question, and appearing to be female, I would attract even more attention. I wandered around for about twenty minutes before I found a small pond, so I'd found some water; and where there was water, there was bound to be food. I approached the pool and looked down into the water to see my face, covered in featureless, shiny, black latex. I took a deep drink, walked back a few feet and rolled over onto my back. I looked down where all my dragonhood was, and saw nothing more than the featureless, thick armor of bondage that had been forced on me. I reached one hand down to see if I could paw off, and all I could feel was the flat surface of the thick coating over me. I sighed in slight depression, and at the same time, pleasure because of countless past experiences like this with Syraph, but without her here to enjoy the time with me, it seemed almost pointless to be here.

While lying on my back, I heard the wings of something nearby landing. I knew it was another dragon; the sound was highly distinguishable. I leapt onto my feet and tried to run behind a nearby tree, but in my way was a branch, which I stepped on and broke, emitting a loud "crack". I stopped quickly in my tracks and slowly turned my head to see the new dragon staring at me. I just stopped where I was, since there was no point in trying to hide. He slowly walked down the small slope that leads to the small pool toward me. I could sense his arousal already, merely in the way he was walking. I tried to back up, just out of reaction, but noticed something that did not happen when Nhylos was around: the suit had locked up, immobilizing me. I tried to tell the dragon that I wasn't female, but before I could speak, the suit also filled my mouth with latex down to my throat, gagging me to near silence. The suit must have been programmed to lock up and turn into a bondage toy when in the presence of an aroused dragon. I also noticed my tail go up in the air a little after it locked up, giving the dragon easy access to my tailhole. My heart raced a bit when this happened. Gagged, immobile and exposed, I watched him get closer as my heart raced and I started sweating.

The dragon, out of the bright sunlight, appeared to be a dark red color. He was a bit bigger than me; probably about twelve feet tall at the shoulders if he were on two legs. He was within contact distance now, where he sniffed around my nose, face, and body. I was worried he would find out my unwillingly hidden secret, but he never seemed to bat an eye at it. I looked underneath him to see if he was here for what I thought he was: I was right. He was almost completely hard after only a few moments of inspecting. The suit began to squeeze all over me a little bit, trying to make me more aroused, and surprisingly it was working. The red dragon made his way around behind me, and slowly pressed up against me. I tried my hardest to move, but the substance held like concrete. The dragon slowly and teasingly entered my body, pressing all his weight into me. I let out a quiet moan of surprise and slight pleasure as his 18 inch length entered me, grinding past my G spot. He let out a moan of pleasure as his full length was finally in. I could still feel latex between him and myself even when he was fully in. I wasn't sure why the suit did this, but it strangely felt good. The dragon started thrusting into me, using most of his length and bringing his weight down hard with every thrust. With my wings bound under latex, he could lie partially on top of me and wrap his arms around underneath me. Between him and the suit squeezing me, and the throat-deep gag in place, it became difficult to breathe. Of course, after past breath play experience with Syraph, this only further excited me. Due to the combination of multiple of my favorite fetishes coming together here, and the big dragon grinding at my other end, I was already in a great deal of pleasure, even if it wasn't exactly due to my own will. I was letting out one muffled moan and scream after another, but they meant nothing to anyone, since they barely ever left my mouth. Being bound helpless and gagged oddly reminded me a lot of being with Syraph, except this time I hadn't volunteered to do such. Even if it wasn't with Syraph, I still couldn't help feeling at home where I was. I would moan in both pleasure and slight pain as the red dragon continually thrust into me, feeling his tight embrace. I wouldn't have allowed this to happen if the choice was mine, but I won't deny the fact that it felt good; as against my preferences as it was. The dragon began to thrust faster and harder. This meant one of two things: either he was coming up to the edge quickly, or he had a greater endurance than even me, and was just intending to tease me even more.

The red dragon held this faster pace for probably ten minutes. I was moaning loudly, biting down hard on the gag in my mouth, nearly falling limp from exhaustion. The dragon must have finally heard me make a noise from deep within my armor of latex, and took it as a sign of enjoyment; which it was. He slowed his thrusting a bit, but went deeper and pressed harder than before; drawing from me long sighs and moans of near-nirvana. This dragon was experienced, I could tell but I suppose if it came down to it, I'd rather have an experienced partner than a less knowledgeable one. I felt the edge nearing, even at the slow pace at which he was currently moving. I roared through my gag a few times, feeling the powerful edge drawing closer by the second. He heard me again, and this time, pressed into me as deep as he could go and rested there for a minute or two; letting my buildup fade away. While still holding to me with a burly grip, he rested his head above mine and made long strokes of his tongue across my neck. I couldn't feel it with all the latex blocking most sensitive contacts with me. After the few minutes of rest, he spoke for the first time since he showed up, "You ready to go to heaven babe?" My eyes widened a bit, and even though this wouldn't be the way I'd prefer it, after being kept hard all day and on the edge for the past twenty minutes, I needed an orgasm, badly! I whined loudly with desperate acceptance to make sure he heard it. If he felt as good as he did the first twenty minutes, I knew he could give me what I wanted...

His grip on me tightened, his tail wrapped around my back legs, and he began drilling. Even after a few minutes of rest, I was brought back up to the edge almost instantly. I had remained calm throughout the whole ordeal; however his warm body heating up the suit made me sweat. He picked up speed faster than before and started going deeper and slamming back into me harder. The feeling was amazing, and only got better as he went faster. I wasn't going to last long at this rate, and as desperate as I was, I was that much more anxious. I smiled under my hood of latex while groaning with pure amazement and pleasure. Increasing speed still, the dragon would bring himself out about a foot, increase his grip, and then slam into me again, nearly causing me to tear up from the sheer incredible nirvana. I hadn't even cum yet, but it almost felt like it the entire time after the short break a few moments ago. He started groaning a bit as his speed increased; he too was getting close. I grew excited and closed my eyes, knowing the best he had to offer was yet to come. I fought my own orgasm back until he had his; I knew it would be all that much more worth waiting for if I did.

I curled my toes a bit as the dragon increased his speed to his maximum. He let out one final roar before he climaxed, so I stopped fighting back my own. He gripped me tight, squeezing almost all the air out of my lungs, forced himself deep within me and came with unbelievable power. I couldn't fight back anymore, so I let myself go as well, causing me to roar with one of the greatest feelings I've ever experienced. I came inside my suit, so he couldn't detect it except for the loud roars I was letting out. I'm not sure where my seed went, but it didn't stay in the suit with me. I couldn't help but shiver from the pure energy and power going into and out of my body. The dragon was obviously enjoying his end too; he was roaring loudly and launching white-hot flames high into the air. We came for about a minute straight; besting my old record by more than a quarter minute more, and forcing every bit of energy out of me. During that one minute, I would compare the pleasure to something only Syraph and I could achieve. He pumped me as hard as he could the entire time; in fact, I nearly felt full after he finished.

After he was finished, he walked around in front of me, licked my face once and took flight. When he was out of sight, my suit freed up and I fell limp onto the ground, tired and hot. I fell on the ground where I was, belly down, arms and legs out. I could only say to myself "That was almost too much..." before I passed out. I slept under the shady tree next to the lake for about 10 hours until nightfall. I had dreams about coming home to Syraph and how I was going to do so. I wasn't sure how I was going to do it, but I had to find some way. I knew she would be worrying about me, or maybe even out looking for me. One way or another, I was going to get out and find my way home.

I woke up in darkness. It was late, and reality slowly started coming back to me. Where I was, what had happened and how I was going to get out were the only things on my mind at the time. After a minute of thinking to myself, I turned my head, hearing the flapping of wings again. I started breathing heavily and my heart raced at the thought of reliving the experience I just went through. When the new pair of wings landed a few feet in front of me, I noticed my suit didn't lock up this time. This dragon's eyes glowed with a blood-red hue and shined brighter than many a star. He wasn't horny; he was here for something else; a meal perhaps? As I pondered this thought, he took a few steps toward me. I couldn't see any of him but his eyes. He must have been pure jet black for the way he blended in with the darkness. I turned my head in defense, expecting an attack, but what he did surprised me in many ways: he slowly put his mouth over my neck, sank his teeth into the latex as deep as he could without touching me, then flung his head back. The latex ripped as I flew a few feet out of it and rolled over once upon hitting the ground. I looked over toward him, and for a few seconds I only saw his red eyes before a massive burst of flame. A few more seconds passed and the smell of burnt latex came upon me. He had just done the seemingly impossible: he ripped off the indestructible latex suit and destroyed it in the blink of an eye. My mouth fell open as I felt his intense power in the air itself. He turned toward me and started walking in my direction, but I didn't feel intimidated when he got near. He spoke to me, saying "You looked like you needed some help." I returned, "Thank you. No way could I have gotten that off myself." "You may call me Xor. Let's just say, I'm always there when a friend needs me..." he told me. "Wait, a friend? Have we met?" I asked curiously. He said, "Perhaps; perhaps not. But your Syraph is probably worried by now; maybe you should focus on getting home to her." I was surprised at the fact he knew the name of my mate, but he was entirely right; I needed to get home. As much as this new dragon intrigued me, it was one of the least important things on my mind currently. Before I took flight, I told him, "You're right. Normally I'd ask how you would know her, but I'm in a bit of a rush. I thank you again, and farewell." I leapt into the air, flew up a few hundred feet, and focused every ounce of my power to flight. I didn't intend on stopping until I reached my destination, and most importantly, the wonderful mate that made my trip worth making: Syraph...

A Well Made Mistake (Part 1)

So, this is my second story uploaded. Again, it is Diablodon and Syraph going at it, but you can't blame them; they seem to have a lot of fun. Part 2 of this should be out relatively soon; I'd estimate it's about half finished, or more. Anyway, this...

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The Game

**The Game** It was just another night at the den. Both myself, and Syraph were feeling rather worn and sleepy from a long day roaming the lands. We had our little competition of looking for the biggest, single-animal meal. We would do this once a...

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