Internal auditor 9

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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#9 of Internal Auditor

Tiger fucking over a rhino while the brother watches.

Many apologies for such a long hiatus. Taking up a professional course as a final stepping stone out of studying is a real pain in the a$$ and I'm not kidding when it's a pain. Anyways, I do hope that this following chapter brings some light and more fucks in between.

Internal Auditor 9

The ominous streets were quiet for the night and with two more hours before midnight, the rest of the city folk began to dissipate into their own humble abode. As for Blake, he was slightly exhausted from the work load. Shaun had gone out of his way by pushing the rhino into being more than just some bodyguard. Running errands for him was tiresome and a chore and he'd never expected that in his job description. He had to accompany the wolf into a bar as he made business contracts and dealings with some high corporate ranking fellow that he didn't know of. Rather than standing at attention and keeping a lookout, he had to fetch multiple items for him and tasks that even required filing up reports for the hour.

As demeaning as it seemed to his profession, it was the wolf that held his paycheck. Blake sighed to himself and scratched the back of his neck. The night has yet to end here. As far as he could remember himself, an appointment awaits him in his hotel room and he was hopeful that Black didn't do anything degrading to his guest. Judging from past experience with his twin brother, he half expected the rhino to make a fool out of Speedy.

He gingerly held his phone and dialed the number on the screen. It rang once, twice and by the third bell, it was answered.

"Hello, Black?"

"Hello back to you, dear brother." Smooth and coy, just the way he is.

"Did Speedy arrived in?"


"You know who he is," Blake growled when he was asked a stupid question. "Now is not the time for games. We've got to hand in the document."

"Ahhh... that sexy tiger. Yeah, he's here."

"You... didn't play any tricks on him, right?" He raised an eyebrow inquisitively, walking down the streets back home as quick as possible.

"Nnnnooopppeeee! No tricks. He's just sitting here, reading a book."

"Alright. I'll be back in 10 or 15. Just don't scare him, okay?"

"No worries little bro, I've got this."


He hung up. Blake placed the device back into his pocket and nearly broke off into a run to get to his destination. There goes the lake and followed by the huge park, empty except for a few couples but nearly empty. Along the journey back, something clicked on his mind and it made the rhino contemplate on his encounter back at the bar. Shaking his head over, the mere thought of that man made him growl in annoyance. Somehow, one way or the other, a few minutes talk with a certain wolf that he didn't find pleasant in his eyes. It wasn't Shaun per se but a wolf that he had never met before; a stranger that initiated a conversation for no reasons what so ever.

It was dark and chaotic at the bar, a typical one at that and there was little to no light surrounding the area. The rhino had no idea how Shaun managed to do business under such conditions but after running a few errands and performing one or two paper works for him, he was relieved of his duty till they were done for the night. As he waited, unexpectedly, he delved himself into a conversation with a complete stranger. He had no idea who it was but all he knew was the gruff and husky voice that belonged to a wild and undomesticated canine. The area was poorly lit and a few glimpse from flashes of light determined the gender and species of him. As he patiently waited for his boss, they broke off into a light conversation and after their talk, the wolf made a very good point.


"Wealth and money are artificially created items that controls and rules mankind... that's what monetary value are nowadays," the unknown wolf sipped on his drink and stopped midway.

"It is true that wealth and money are just items but they are the ones that govern the lives of the people. Without them, what are we?" Blake tried to defend that notion.

The wolf was silent for a few minutes, "This planet... has enough resources, don't you think?Mankind don't need money to measure these values."

"But these 'resources' you speak off are finite. It must have a value in order to gain what it is and the world demand these resources. The demands are there but the supplies are insufficient. That is why we need to have monetary policies and - "


"Excuse me?" The rhino eyed at him warily. He wasn't quite comfortable with the wolf by now as their argument was quickly becoming a wild debate.

"Do you not agree that mankind like to control?"

He stopped and thought for a while. "Yes..."

"You agree with me. I'm glad." The wolf continued sipping, twirling his drink in a circular motion "Do you not, also, agree that these resources have so much potential to develop and evolve?"

"Y-Yes..." Blake wasn't quite sure where this was leading to.

"Do you not..." He stopped and sat at the edge of his seat, looking straight into the eyes of the rhino. Even through the darkness, Blake could practically see the eyeballs that pierced right into his soul. "...believe that these things will develop into something meaningless in the future? Think about it. All these development, are they useful to us when their value has been depreciated? Before you start arguing back, think about what you have to say for yourself. Why are these resources quickly depleting. There must be a reason. Simple. Mankind wants more. Mankind is never satisfied with what they have and with the resources and supply, they would want to make more objects that do not bring a single value to us."

Blake balled up his fist and tried to strike back but he just couldn't think of anything else. What this man said was right and he had pulled out his final trump card. There's no way he could rebuke those points. Albeit, there must be something but he had to admit, he's not quite a smart rhino to start talking back on issues like this. Most of the time, he kept quiet and absorbed whatever information he could find.

But this? This was something else.

"Naïve fellow... Where I grew up at, the federation had everything else free and so were we. People were happy and everyone worked in order to support and care for others... not for profits... money were almost nonexistent. Everyone had food... clothing... house... car... and things like transport, telephone, electricity... they were all free..."

"That is not possible..." Blake hissed.

"It is and you need to research this yourself. My country was happy... till the corporations came in. They envied our system and just had to corrupt it..." The wolf growled. "They destroyed everything and finally, our economy was changed into a capitalist."

"Every country is a capitalist! How can you deny that?" The rhino slammed on to his seat.

At those words, the darkened wolf stopped debating against him. Blake was slightly irritated with him and had a deep urge to take hold of the canine and punch the daylights out of him. Then again, what use was it to do so? Because he lost in a debate with another man? Was it worth it all? No... this was childish.

Even through the flashing lights, he somehow managed to capture the image that made out of the canine and he tried to remember that deadpan expression. He had yet to set eyes on the rhino but just to the crowd near the band. Before he knew it, Shaun was up and ordered him to move on. He was relieved of duty and was free to return home.

"Why the fuck did I argued with him!" At the present, Blake rode through the elevator and started collecting the events that unfold hours ago. It was a pointless argument and most of what the wolf said didn't make any sense at all but after a deep thought, his words did click on to a certain subject matter. Corporate are greedy... They are only interested with profits and that is what they do. No matter the consequences, they will try to gain more from the people; irrespective of what others thought about them.

It was true that resources of the world were manipulated by them in order to gain attention and these are getting scarce by the year. Scratch that, by the hour. Each dig for mineral could be the down fall of this world and what are they going to do about it? Nothing. These companies want to control and be large and by the end of it, bowed and kowtow by millions. Blake couldn't believe that he was considering the words of an unknown stranger, at a messed up bar. What was he even thinking...?

The rhino reached to his destination and unlocked the door leading to his sanctum. He'd hope that by the end of the night, he would have achieved something and let things smooth down with the current situation. This stupid 'war' between auditors and company is getting way too old. He has seen how things happened first hand and the last encounter wasn't something he'd want to remember. If possible, he'd want that horrible bloodshed memories to be wiped away. Then again, it taught both him and Black something valuable in life. This time, he would end it, personally.

Blake hoped that Speedy didn't have to wait long for him since it was nearly an hour after their promised time. As the rhino entered into the living room, the heavily scented musk of male bachelorhood assaulted his nostrils and he puffed out, enjoying the flavor that made this place his temporary home. His eyes roamed around the area but instead of a happy sigh of being home, he was greeted not with the sight of the tiger. Instead, piles after piles of unwashed clothing. He remembered clearly at the right corner of the room, that pile was yesterday's fuck moment. Meanwhile, the other side was the remains that they held on two days ago before rutting each other brains out.

The thought of receiving and fucking his twin brother made him hard under record second but he knew that now wasn't the time for that. Furthermore, he couldn't just make it for tonight. Even if his brother forced raped him, he'd just let it happen. There's just little to no strength for him. Blake trudged himself to the counter table to retrieve the document. It was as how it was few days ago. Just like new and still couldn't track the person who sent this file. Whoever it was, he must have inside information or some sort. The amount of numbers and information in it was far too complicated for the layman and from his previous dealings with high ranking officers; the rhino knew one or two subject matters that was laid out in the paper.

Taking a peek into the file, the rhino double checked on the papers, examining if it was the right document. Black might have took a sheet out and left it somewhere; it wouldn't hurt to check. He took off the whole stack of papers from inside the envelope but accidentally dropped one or two pages off. He growled to himself for having butter fingers. Get a hold of yourself!

The stack was place on to the couch as he tried to retrieve the parchment. Evidently enough, one landed to Black's door. From his vantage point, he could have sworn that the door was slightly ajar and someone was in the room. He bent over to retrieve the paper but curiousity got the better of it. Even if he barged in to the room, Black wouldn't have minded one bit but at this moment, peeking through the door seemed like a good option. Furthermore, he was curious as to the presence of the tiger. He was supposed to be here by now but neither a hair nor shadow was seen ever since he got back. Perhaps he was in his brother's room.

True enough, the tiger was there but not in a situation that one would have thought of. Blake elicits a short gasp and clamped his mouth from going louder. His eyes were fixated at the tiger... a naked one at that. If that wasn't enough, Black was down at the edge of the bed with his ass spread open, legs hoisted towards chest level and a cock embedded deeply into him. It was Speedy's lengthy malehood that was up there! It wasn't his but another male!

Blake wasn't jealous at that thought but he wouldn't have expected him! The man that lead the audit engagement team to indulge himself into gay acts. His gaydar, as some might have expected, never once blinked on to him as one to fuck another ass but now, he was proven wrong. Speedy was acceptance of fucking a male? The rhino gulped a mouthful of saliva and continued watching. His brother's melodious voice of sex reverberated through the room and it got louder by the second. Perhaps they have yet to realize that he was back home and continued ravaging that ass out, making the other mammal to moan and groan in pleasure. Black's substantial cock was pressed against his wondrous abs and kept slapping against them, matting pre all over his hide.

The same could be said for Speedy. He was growling and snapping like a wild animal and on instinct, began bucking his hips inwards and giving off short thrust. "Take it like the bitch that you are." Growled defiantly.

"I'm not a bitch dammit!" Black cursed but stopped at that point. He couldn't have agreed more to what the other male was saying because he was practically enjoying it. Even with his brother gone for that night, he couldn't stand it anymore. It seems that his libido shot right through the roof and the only available outlet around was the tiger. Each slam and thrust massaged against his prostrate and fills him up with glee. Heck, he was willing to spread his ass wide open and take it all in.

"You're not as tight as you claim to be. Been fucking with your twin brother, huh?" Speedy slapped both paws on to the rhino's barreled chest and began groping about, gaining the feel of the muscled male. He loved a good well-made man and this bodyguard was just the perfect example of it. At the back of his mind, he knew that what he was doing was wrong since both he and Smith were just starting out lovers but he couldn't resist the temptation. It was too good to let off.

As this session unfolds before the very eyes of Blake, he couldn't believe how intense and hot this looked. Voyeurism was something he had long left during high school since he had Black to fuck around with and reliving the past of such sinful act... turned him on. He exhaled with bated breath, replaced by short airs in between as his hormones acted up; seems that his own malehood talked differently with the rest of his body. Paw gingerly placed on to his crotch and the first touch of hardness made it complete. He knew that there's no turning back now and it's now or never.

Looking down between his thighs, a wonderful frame of an enlarged cock spoke through the fabric. He didn't know how long he could keep himself from being seen but it didn't matter. If he was caught, it changed nothing. The tides have been set and this is where it would flow. Black wouldn't mind it one bit and despite his concern over the tiger, he knew that Speedy was a better man to be close-minded about issues like being gay. His eyes continued to fixate itself on the tiger and took his time to admire the man's physique. He was... quite the specimen. Who would have thought a male like him could turn out to be such a hunk underneath that suit.

Even so, Speedy was quite gifted in the male department. If that wasn't proof enough, the rhino below was moaning like a slut. Black was rarely the guy to moan and submit towards another so easily besides Blake. With how he was handled by the tiger, it was safe to say that this wasn't Speedy's first time. His thrust and pounds were relentless but he did stop occasionally to pet against that rounded butt. Blake hissed at his action, caressing gently against the ass that was supposed to be his to claim.

Am I jealous for that...? He turned away. The retrieved paper lay on the ground and revealed numerous numbers and charts that must have been crucial in the tiger's current findings but... now...? At this moment...? He turned once more and just couldn't help himself. Why am I turned on by this. That ass... that cock... fucking... pounding...

The rhino quietly panted and groped against crotch level, knees on the ground and eyes unable to pry away. Speedy ceased his fucks for a moment and as he pulled off, Black was left with a gaping hole, a wide open tail hole that could have been his at this rightful moment. He cursed silently to himself and began to unbuckle his pants, unable to contain the lust that coursed through his veins. Once more, the rhino watched as the hole clenched and unclenched by itself, trying to tighten back up but to no avail. Soon enough, the tiger was back into his routine humps; this time, a better position than the last. Blake was thrown to the ground and settled on his back immediately. Both legs pushed upwards and without hesitation, Speedy went right back in.

A loud pop was heard and Black cried out with both arms around the tiger's waist, clinging on to his very life. In and out he went, ball sac slapping like a pair of rock hard pendulums. As his thrust gained momentum, so was his inevitable pleasure of cumming. Louder and faster he went, growling and snapping like feral beast, pre seeped off by the side of that tail hole and didn't minded one bit.

"Damn you fuck good!" Black trembled.

"And you've got a good hole here. Been practicing with a manufactured dick?" Speedy panted.

"Fuck those toys. This is the real deal."

The tiger slowed for a moment, enjoying the feel of having his dick enveloped in a hole that was as good as this male rhino. "You got that right. I bet you and your twin brother fuck like there's no tomorrow."

"Shut it. That's our business."

"Ohhohoho! You admit." He thrust back in and lodged deeply.

"Argh!! I-I admit nothing!"

"Where's he now, huh?" The tiger snide.

"How the fuck do I know!" Black was at his edge. By now, a few good humps would have made him explode. "...g-gonna... cum..."

Fuck he's gonna cum... Blake watched and listened attentively at their conversation. This was just unbelievable. What was he even thinking! Fucking with a guy like him! But oh so good... Another quiet hiss and that was that. His zipper went down and out popped his rhino cock, hard and erect like a steel bar, ready for hammering. He was afraid to even touch it; the slightest sensation could have set him off and he wouldn't want to cum that early. No, he would wait for his brother. If he came... so was he.

Paw cautiously wrapped against the base and hissed with pain and pleasure. The head oozed massive amount of pre and if he didn't know any better, would have been enough to create a single cup of lube. He leaned backwards with weight supported by his arms, unveiling his hard and thickened hide that was etched with pure muscle. Cock throbbed and reacted by itself, having a mind of its own and the scene of his brother getting fucked made him shudder in need. It was only a day, no; scratch that, this morning that they have had a potential release. Was he in much needed of release? Perhaps the tension that was built up with work had finally resurfaced and this was the only outlet to let loose.

Whatever it was, Blake was at the point of no turning back. He leaned backwards to the wall and spread his legs wide open, giving full view of what he had to offer. Balls were cupped and played with while the other paw giving off small strokes of wondrous pleasure. The rhino was tempted to cry out and give voice to his unlimited pleasure of lust but no... He would allow them to cum... he wanted to watch his brother getting filled.

He was about to get his wish.

Speedy was starting to tire out as his drive began to tapper from long and deep to quick and short jabs, hitting each nook and cranny of his brother rhino, turning him into a bitch. This went on for a few minutes, the tiger's tail swished and swayed seductively, his voice snapped and roared, the room literally shook from the vibration. Violent torrents of seed splashed and seeded into him, implanting his essence and marking the male as the property of the other. Each pulse and shot gave a tingling sensation to Black and it spurred him to explode just the same. Few seconds before the tiger, he unleashed wave after wave of manly scent that matted all over his tanned hide, relishing in the joy and sensation of orgasm.

On the outside, down on his knees - as expected - Blake couldn't help but gave hard and long strokes on his own malehood. Each spurt that both male produced, combined and equaled couldn't have leveled with his. Whining and biting his bottom lip, the rhino tried to hold back his voice but the more he tried, the quicker the gates opened; and so it did. Heavy ropes shot up and brandished on his body like a menacing weapon, splattering obscenely like he used to. In the end, the male sighed heavily as the following spurts trickled down to the base and seeped off from the head, travelling along the length of it before staining the floor. Blake looked at himself, blushing at the sight and back to the pair, enjoying the afterglow that overwhelmed their bodies.

Speedy still had his cock stuck in there and he didn't look like he was about to take it off any time soon. However, Black stirred momentarily before pushing the male off, grunting at the same time. His fingers deftly inspected at the damage that was done and a single digit went in with an audible slop, making him shudder. "You sure fuck like a horse. Ya' sure ya' ain't part horse too?"

The tiger sat on his rump and stared at him. "Pure breed of tiger. None horse."

"Right. Just saying." He shrugged. "Just wondering but where the hell is that brother of mine?"

Speedy looked at his watch and growled at the time. It was nearly midnight and he had yet to show up. "I guess this was just a trick to get me to come here." He patted against the rhino's well-used ass. "At least I got a good ass to fuck."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Black was about to retaliate when the door gingerly opened by itself. Both males yelped and scrambled to get their clothing, if not, whatever they could take hold off to cover up. They failed and Blake came in without a sign of shame. He looked at both of them. "Had a good fuck?"

His twin brother kept quiet and faced away, embarrassed at being caught like this.

"Doesn't matter to me," Blake walked towards the tiger and placed the documents beside him. "Take it, it may help."

Speedy blinked not once but twice at him, clearly surprised at his calm demeanour. He just fucked his brother; doesn't that bother him? Rather than giving off an explanation, Blake smiled back and pet at his brother's head. "It's alright. All of us have urges. I'm fine with it. Just don't go telling anyone about it."

Speedy chuckled to himself and took hold of the document, unsealing the opening and took off whatever papers that was in it. "Where did you get these?" The papers were skimmed and he found each pages useful enough for his team's finding. There were plenty of invoices that they've never seen before and evidence of transaction that came through between the company's subsidiaries. In between inspection, he was expecting an answer from Blake but none came. "Where did you..."

He trailed off... and watched absentmindedly as his eyes set sight on the two brothers.

Their hoofed paws were interlocked with each other, personal space invaded but that wasn't what made the tiger stop dead in his tracks. It was what they were doing with their lips. They were practically kissing like lovers and if that wasn't erotic enough, this went on for a few long minutes. Their lustful kiss couldn't have broken apart even if they tried and this went on for the longest time. Speedy sat there with the files in his paw, eyes set on them and the image seared into his brain. This was, by far, the hottest kiss that he had ever laid eyes on. Incest wasn't big on his books but these two were just identical and perfect for each other.

Shaking his head, it was probably best to leave and let them work things out on their own. As for him, he got dressed as quickly as possible and was eager to analyze the data that was given to him. Picking up the file, he gave one final confirmation from it and tried to get a few words in between their lips. He got a better look at them and wondered how long they could have lasted in this position and frankly enough, he wasn't surprised if this lasted till morning.

In the end, he sighed in defeat. He may have a better chance in the morning where they were slightly disengaged from their passion and hopefully, a few words from Blake. Stealing one final glance, the tiger smiled and walked off, not a word to say how things should and shouldn't be. As soon as he stepped out of the hotel room and into the elevator, he felt a sense of achievement and pride soaring through his veins. This may be the final evidence to break Shaun up and the ultimatum. If this couldn't break the case, nothing would.

The door opened wide and the cool breeze of the night brushed along the stripped cat's fur, having to place both paws into his jacket pocket. "Better get some sleep and be prepared for hell tomorrow."

"You have to be joking..." Smith was appalled at the information. "This isn't right and there are no inventories on it."

Largo slammed the table hard, clearly unhappy about it. "Both of us have checked the inventories and no such transaction existed. Inspection has been done, the analysis ready and the procedure written down. I do not believe that such an absurd amount of inventory existed within the company. Even so, it's not even the company's raw materials. How could they produce such items when they do not have the specialty?"

He had a valid point but numbers don't lie. Speedy was back in the office with both Largo and Smith present. They were in charge of inventory counting in the morning as all transactions has yet to be moved and once lunch was done, so was the report. It was a rather quick count since nothing much was available but now, Speedy had shown a substantial number of raw materials and work in progress that the company had ordered and made but that wasn't the unusual part. The raw materials ordered had nothing to do with the company. This was a small company with minimal amount of shareholding and capital but to at least hold millions to billions dollars of raw materials? Something was wrong...

...and Shaun knew why... better yet, what.

It was hard enough to prove to these two that the newly found documents were genuine since it came from the twin rhinos themselves but to convince a large sum of money were invested into inventories? That was hard to believe. From their day to day sales and purchases, there was no substantial grip that such transaction could have worked out. Then again, Shaun was a sneaky bastard. He could make a mountain out of a molehill. For now, they were out of leads and these were the only ones available.

Largo cross analyzed the inputs and outputs of the company and things just didn't match up. By now, it was probably the best time to ask and confront the wolf himself. "We need a representation letter done." He spoke vehemently.

"You would think that Shaun would agree to that?" Smith crossed his arms. "A letter like that usually means getting approval from him, saying that these dealings are true and being able to present a fair view of these. Ya' think he would tell the truth?"

The bull shook his head in defeat. "No... probably not but what choice do we have? Qualify the report?"

"My head will roll within seconds. A qualified report meant a bad report."

"And I will not allow that to happen." Speedy punched the wall with force. "Alright. I think we have at least enough evidence and proof that things do not comply with what we have here and the ambiguity of each transaction just doesn't add up. If Shaun does not give a reasonable explanation, this will be the end."

"But..." Smith clenched his fist into a ball and anger welled up from deep within. "What about me...?"

"Do not worry. We will place you under security," Largo stacked the pile of papers and looked at him with concern, clearly knowing what he was doing. "Under my security that is. You will not be harmed. I promise. However, you will be placed under supervision and a trial court will be held upon you."

"What?! I can't go to court!"

"Smith, you have to and we will make an appeal to lighten your punishment. The code and integrity of your profession has been tarnished, we cannot let you off the hook that easily."

Smith wanted to retaliate but held on to that truth. Yes, what Largo said was true and he probably deserved it. It was a lose-lose situation for him and nothing could have saved his ass right about now. If anything, he might have his license revoked rather than spend a few years in prison. He shuddered at that thought and wouldn't want to dwell into that nightmare any longer. However, what were they going to do about the current situation now? There were so much ambiguity on this information and Speedy himself doesn't know who gave this particular document to them. Albeit, he was angry and hurt that the tiger went to approach at their call alone but he forgave him.

Up till now, he wasn't about to trust Blake or Black on whatever grounds they hold on to. Even on such vital information, there might be a possibility that the intention to throw us off tangent arises. They were close... so close to closing the case but with this, it doesn't make any sense at all.

"Guys... just... calm down, alright? I can't hear myself think with both of you gripping at each other's throat." Smith pinched the bridge of his nose.

Largo, defeated on his terms, sat back and sighed heavily, catching up with his breath. "I do not know what's going on. I've never encountered such a case before."

"Perhaps there is a hidden meaning to this... somewhere," Speedy flipped through the charts and invoices on the table. "Perhaps we've been too straight forward with our approach. Have we ever taken on the possibility that these documents and transaction has nothing to do with the company, at all? Perhaps these are just fakes? In fact, perhaps this whole company is just a medium? It never was meant to be audited."

"No...I don't think so..." Smith silently walked to the window, gazing into the streets down below. "I've been in this profession for quite a while now and even though I've only been placed here for a few months, probably six or more but I do know one thing for sure. This is a trading company. It's listed in the Stock Exchanged. Whatever listed company must have gone through strict procedures."

At those words, they were silent. As painful as it sounded, Smith was right. They were too strapped within the box and never outside of it. Each day to day basis of purchases, sales, invoices, notes, memo and others; they were significant proof that trading happens daily. But... how would one explain the high inventory count of materials that were not even under their production? Surely this worked on something.

Speedy was frustrated and immediately stood up, paws in his shirt. "Do we have any other leads? A simple clue? Some overheard conversations?"

"Conversations...?" The other stripped feline muttered to himself and at the right moment, he snapped. "Greg... That guy from the remuneration committee!"


Smith rushed to the pile of papers and started flipping through them in frenzy. "Greg! He was one of the workers here. He was in the remuneration committee, since I last saw him. I... I remembered him saying something about a vessel; the vessel is the main key point or something." More pages were flipped but he couldn't find what he wanted and needed.

"What are you talking about? Vessel?"

"Yes! Vessel!" Papers scattered everywhere, flying through each marked folders as he tried to keep track. "Where is it?"

"Smith! Where is what?!" Largo roared.

He stopped and breathed heavily. "Greg, a guy sitting in the committee, he was involved with Shaun's fraudulent activities. He helped him get through and he took some dividend from it."

"Where is he then?"

"He..." Smith bit his lower lip, trembling at the crucial thought. "He left the country, fleeing from being discovered."

"That's a cowardly thing to do." This time, Speedy laughed.

"No... he's not. Greg was trying to tell me something but I don't remember what it was..." He had finally given up on search from the messed up pile, a sweat broke off. "Vessel... what does that mean?"

They kept quiet, unable to answer that simple question. This time, no one spoke a word. Things were beginning to gain a deeper complication and they had two more days before handing over the report to Shaun. They would have known that a qualified report would have to be issued out for them but on what grounds, they have yet to discover. The more he thought about Greg's words from weeks before, the harder it was to grasp the meaning behind it. It didn't make any sense at first but somehow, he was compelled to bring this further. Smith looked at the messed up papers, eyeing nothing in particular, unable to dissolve their findings.

Largo cleared his throat. "I do not know what you're getting at but it seems that the pressure is too much. Look, Smith, I know this is too much for you. Perhaps... you would like to draw off from this team?"

"I can't. Shaun threatened to kill me if I didn't help him get off from this mess but I think he knows better. I think he knows that I'm double-crossing him." The tiger walked off and poured himself a cup of water, sipping at the clear liquid. Things weren't going well, not at all. He knew from the beginning that he was fighting a losing battle but... the small glimmer of hope spurred to move forward and fight.

"Whatever it is, it's in there." He pointed on scattered documents. "It's in there."

With a sudden slam, the door shook open and two females came in. As shock as they were at the sudden intrusion, Largo and Speedy was happy with the return of their fellow colleague. Chamil, the energetic raccoon, was the first to greet her fellow males and smiled brightly at their presence. Not far behind, Alice gingerly came in and closed the door. "Sup' guys? Missed us?"

The bull stifled a hearty guffaw and immediately grab hold of them, pulling into a mighty hug. "You're back!"

Chamil had to push herself off from the large bull. "Yeah and we intend to be back. You're crushing us."

Largo dismissed and gave another laugh. "It's good to have you two back on the team. We've been having hell loads of problem recently due to some developments..." From the corner of his eyes, he stared at Smith.

"Meanwhile, we have our own developments." A magazine was pulled off from Alice's bag and placed on the table, revealing the front page of a handsome canine. "Wall Street Journal. I found this while browsing through some magazines at the doctor's office. Quite a read, in fact."

Speedy took hold of it and browsed through a few pages. Some were particularly interesting but mostly irrelevant to their field of practice. There wasn't anything helpful in there but somehow, the middle of the page roused his interest more than the others. A front full fledge picture of a well dressed canine, posing for a picture perfect shot and a cigar by his left paw, a wine glass at the other, smirking to the camera with dignity and pride. Looking closer, the man did look slightly familiar but somehow, it didn't click.

"Don't recognize him?" Chamil pointed to the said man in the page.

"He looks awfully familiar... like I've seen him before."

"It's Basil, one of the richest and influential CEO." Alice answered.

"And that helps... how?" The tiger raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

Chamil took the magazine and peered to the door, making sure that no one was listening. "Basil has a son. You want to bet whose next in line for the throne?"

At that, the guys had to stop breathing for a moment, pale written on their faces and recovered from the shock in minutes. Speedy had to pinch the bridge of his nose and groan away. Largo was baffled at another piece of information and this had proven to be bigger than they have thought it would be. As for Smith, well, he said nothing and stood rooted to the ground. This was supposed to be a medium firm with minimal profits but with the involvement of Basil's son, it's quickly turning the tides over to something bigger than expected.

If things were going as Shaun had expected, this could practically ruin the whole investment of the business. Basil himself is one of the richest and influential men around and he practically holds more shares in the whole industry than one should. Whatever available investment there is, you name it, and he has it. This was awfully familiar and Smith was beginning to piece the puzzle back together. This wasn't about his work any longer. This was about total economic downfall.

What was surprising was the realization that Basil had not revealed his offspring. That man has been up in the corporate ladder for years and never once did he unveil a strand of fur from his boy. Perhaps it was to protect his own welfare or maybe, his only son but regardless of the circumstances, that would place Shaun in a deeper hole than he now is. Imagine, a father, practically denying the existence of him and never once showed him around town. He must have been lonely but what is he doing now? Why is he doing this?

What Smith didn't get was what he was planning to do but throughout the past years in this company and serving faithfully as an internal auditor, this was his first ever experience of something so personal and yet... devastating. If he didn't know any better, Shaun was either planning to dethrone his father or perhaps trying to outperform him by taking over a company. If that is so, his method was uncalled for. He needs clarification from him... he needs to talk to Shaun, personally, without hesitation. At this point, he didn't care if he was turned to shreds by those massive bodyguards but he just wanted explanation.

The tiger clutched on to his mobile and looked around, eyeing at the auditing team. Chamil and Alice had begun discussing their extra findings and Largo and Speedy has to be filled in. He gulped a mouthful of saliva and excused himself, turning away from the four, heading out from the office. As the tiger left the room, Speedy realized the male's anxiety.

Smith was out of the office by now and gazed into the open air by the rooftop. Strong gust of wind lashed through his fur, powerful enough to topple the muscled tiger but he couldn't be bothered by that. After he had left, an immediate call was given to Shaun and they were to meet face to face - finally - after much digression, at the rooftop with no one around. The wolf happily agreed and from the sound of his voice, he was entertained at that thought.

And now, here he is, waiting for the man that changed his life, forever. If things went as Shaun had planned, the whole economy would have come crumbling down and not even Basil, his devoted father towards business, could stop the downfall. Another blast came through and the howling wind pushed through the tiger. If he didn't arrive soon, he might as well give up. Despite his pessimism, Shaun actually appeared, alone, as he had asked him to be.

Shaun walked to the tiger in a mocking manner, both paws in his pockets while sporting a malicious grin of victory. Soon, the CEO of the company meets face to face with its internal auditor. Their eyes glared upon each other and none wanted to look away.

"Why meet up here and without my bodyguard?"

Smith scoffed. "And why shouldn't you?"

"Because I'm an important person, that's why."

"Cut the crap, Mr. Shaun. I know your origin."

The wolf's eyes bulged open but within seconds, his face changed from shocked, an immediate fake, to a wacky grin of his choice. "Took you long enough! I thought we had to end this even before you knew who I am!"

Smith had to sigh in defeat. He had to admit defeat. The wolf was right, the ball is now on his court and he could do anything he wanted. No matter what he did, it was probably the end of the road for him. He was threatened to help Shaun out of this mess and rather than making it into one of the 'greatest escape' of all time, he fought against him. Knowing his fate, it was probably the end of his life by the time he walks out of this place.

As he stared at the wolf with resentment, he thought of the time he had spent with Speedy and the rest of the audit team; the amazing furs that he had known and befriends with and the pleasurable, not to mention intimate, love that he shared with another man. The utter feeling of expressing one's undying love for another was something he was grateful to mutter out and the man of his dreams, alive and battling a losing battle. Clenching both fists together, the tiger turned back to the wolf and growled aloud, not wanting to show his miserable defeat.

"What more do you want? What is your plan? You're rich enough. Why make more?"

A scowl broke through. "You still think this is about money, don't you?"

"Money is probably a bonus to you but there is something else that you want from this company, what is it? Please, tell me."

"Tell you? Mr. Smith, do be professional," Shaun walked towards him and placed a gentle grip on his shoulder, giving his signature smile of malice. "Don't think of me otherwise, Mr. Smith. I'm just..." a pause momentarily and came down to a whisper, bringing down a message that he has been holding off till the end. "...proving myself."

Smith shrugged that shoulder off, pointing towards the canine. "Proving yourself worthy in the eyes of your father, is that it? Is that what this whole fraud is about? By... manipulation of a single company?"

"Smith... think big... think outside the box. Think away from just one company," his words slurred from his mouth like a string sarcasm. "Why go for one when you can go for all?"

A fist came out of nowhere and the wolf was shot with a single blow, flying a good few feet away from the tiger. Smith was slightly panting and anger welled deep within his soul, his eyes flared with fiery passion to pummel the man down. It came much as a shocker to the wolf as it was to the tiger. Both had not expected a violent move. Furthermore, Shaun was bruised from that punch itself. He snarled and snapped at his assailant but quickly composed himself, crouched and soon, standing on both feet, fixing on his slightly disheveled suit. Glaring daggers towards him, Shaun had to be on the alert for any following assault that might have been missed.

Circling and staring at the man, the canine continued to hiss. "Unexpected."

"I-I... Tsk..." He looked away.

"No matter..." The back of his paw wiped against his face as a drop of saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth. "Stop whatever you're doing, and leave. That's all I can tell you. You cannot fight me. Pack your bags, leave, resign and go elsewhere because I will release hell in a few days."

"Stop talking in riddles!"

"I'm not riddling, Mr. Smith and that tone will get you nowhere," Shaun walked off to the door that led down to the building. He was done, this conversation is done. "I spare your life, Mr. Smith. If you continue to fight me, I will not guarantee your life and I can assure you that you will not live a happy life after. With that, I bid you... farewell..." With a final bid, he was off, door closed with his departure.

And now... the tiger was left to be alone with fist balled up, immediate blast of wind crashed towards him but he stood rooted to the ground, not moving an inch. His stripped fur followed to the wind's direction, as per his garment, wafting and waving on its own. Looking to the other end of the world, clear blue skies greeted him and groups of puffy white clouds formed above. As he gazed far and beyond, Smith allowed himself to reminisce on the several occasions where his work was easy and filled with joy and happiness. But now, he was abandoned with neither hope nor victory; he has lost.

The door peeked ajar, peering at the man that stood at the edge of the rooftop. With a soft creak, a pair of eyes seeks refuge in the darkness, eyeing towards a tiger as he looked forlorn and distance, unaware of the presence of another. "Smith... do not give up... there is still hope. Grab hold of it and use it to fuel your determination."

As if the words had gotten through the whisper, Smith held on to himself, hugged deeply, eyes closed as his soul wrapped around the thought of defeat... and shed tears of despair. "... Where is the hope when you need it most...?"

And done. Please, do review and comment on this story. It's been a long time since I've written and it has really given me a huge writer's block.