Love Beyond Borders: The renuion

Story by niruham on SoFurry

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#2 of Love Beyond Borders

Second installment of Love Beyond Borders.

Chapter two. The story continues as Aterial awakes. Please rate and fav if you like. Criticisim is welcome. Characters are mine, sergal race is (C)Mick39 Enjoy ^.^

I stirred several hours later. I was alive, somehow I was alive. I coughed up the remaining water and rolled to

my front. I Perked my ears as I heard the feint crackling of a fire. I looked aside me and saw the remains of

rope bindings and a familiar black hood. Aside them was my own armor and mask. All of my armor cloths were

drying on the ground.. I was bare upon the earth. My black and white fur damp still and cool. "Good you're

up," came a welcome old voice. "I had to strip off your armor. You were going through mild hypothermia. I

needed to get you dry." I smiled immediately as my ears were caressed by his soft voice. His words alone

warmed me up a tad. "Jale, I...I mean y-your alive?" I tried saying, suddenly pierced by a sharp pain in my

chest. I gripped my heart and curled on the ground. "Shh, easy Aterial. You need to try and stay calm. Your

heart needs to calm down or you'll pass back out or worse. I did some looking over you, seems to me you had

a minor heart attack. I...I think you might have some permanent damage. Take it easy from here out. I owe

you quite a considerable amount." He went silent for a moment then, showing me a brief moment of silent

respect. "You saved my life friend and quite frankly I don't see how you managed to swim with all your armor

on, with one arm, and with me tucked under your other arm. Your a super sergal Aterial." He said as he stoked

the fire a tad. I chuckled softly as I laid back, sore as all hell from the sheer strain upon my body. "Heh... well

I guess love gives you strange abilities. It gets in your head and makes you do things you wouldn't normally."

I returned with a weak smile. "Love?" He asked, looking back over to me. "How do you mean Aterial?" I sighed

and chuckled once more. "I know it's not the most romantic scene Jale, but I view you more than a friend. You

and I were always close. I never told you how close I felt. It wasn't about the sex, nor the games. I wanted

you to be my mate in those days. After what happened I thought fate had other plans. Now though I see the

gods wanted us together, so I'm not loosing my chance. I want you to be my mate." I returned friendlily but to

the point. Jale looked back with a deep blush. "A proposal?" He asked back. "Not much of one I apologize. I

don't have a ring and well I can't exactly move to well. Still this is a proposal. Maybe we'll have time to fetch a

ring for your paw. I'd find you the best I could...." I returned weakly. He smiled and laughed a small bit. "I've

seen what you can do when determined Aterial. I'm sure you'd go to the end of Birousu and back for a golden

band. Spare me the ring, I don't need one to influence my decision. For some time I've pondered our meeting

again and have drawn a similar conclusion. Our lives our linked and clearly we experience only pain without

one another. It takes us together to feel complete. It would be a honor to become your mate Aterial." He

returned with a low purr. I smiled widely and closed my eyes. "If only I could move for a lips long to

caress yours once more my love. My life has felt much more boring without you. Sure enough the moment

your back I'm jumping into rivers and swimming through perilous rapids. You seem to have an effect on me." I

returned with a more hardly laugh. I stopped when it hurt to laugh anymore. "Luckily I can move mine to

yours then." He replied with another happy purr. I looked up to him as he crouched over me. I let out a soft

purr of my own to accept. His lips pressed gently into mine and my world froze. All things ceased to matter

now. I closed my eyes and pushed back gently. His heart seemingly slowing to match mine. Our embrace split

the universe in two and divided all realty. Every problem that existed this morning were now gone. All that

mattered now was that our love was finally accepted, that we had accepted fate's ruling. Our tongues caressed

within our maws. It was the most beautiful silence. I pulled my arms up painfully to pull him to a hug. Who's to

say how long our kiss lasted. It might as well been a year's worth of time passed from start to finish. Whether

a year or a minute the power was immense. What happened next was mostly out of instinct, as neither of us

were too horny all things considered, yet as our feelings overflowed our bodies were in contact. Our bare fur

rubbed against one another, both were naked sergals in love. Jale hushed me with a small smile and kissed my

nose. I blushed as I looking into his deep blue eyes, seeing a bit of my purple orbs reflecting off of his. His paw

slipped low on my body and fondled gently at my balls. I let out a murr of pleasure and laid still. We didn't

speak, didn't need to. Now we let our bodies work, Jale knew I was too sore to take the dominant role. He had

his plans for getting me off inside him though, perhaps in a way consummating our new union. His smaller paw

stroked my northern sheath with care. He'd pawed his own enough to know how to work a sergal. I groaned

faintly as he pulled back my sheath, forcing my flesh to the air. He erected me in no time, gently teasing my

shaft. I had a small canine like knot as well that he played with every so slyly. It was not as big as a true

canine's but it had the same function and tied a little smoother. I closed my eyes and almost yelped in

surprise. My member was suddenly engulfed by a warm and moist maw. I let out a continuous moan as the

submissive southern bobbed over me professionally. His maw was heaven over me. I felt his tongue wrapping

round and around my cock. He was being a little tease and he knew I loved it. I held still, mostly from my

already weak body. He sucked me happily. With every murr I made he responded with a teasing suck. His free

paw was fondling my sack with curios enthusiasm. He was trying to get me off easily and without any effort on

my end. The sneaky sergal even slipped a finger round back and entered ever so teasingly in my tailhole. I

shivered and bucked up. This was apparently what he was looking for and so he pull off and out of me. I felt

on edge, so close to filling up his maw with my sergal seed. In a second though he was climbing over me

carefully and straddling me with a squat. I watched his erection bob eagerly over me as he watched me. He

lowered down without warning and applied pressure. I sighed in desperate pleasure as he tried to take me in.

The tension was killing me, knowing we were seconds from mating. It happened swiftly, the pressure made his

pucker spread and open and I slipped up. He put no intention of making it slow or gentile for himself using

gravity to hilt myself inside him totally dry. Jale left out a whine on the drop as I cried out in overwhelming

pleasure at the sudden full and dry hilt. I couldn't help but to pant. The sudden pleasure had rewired my

mostly level headed instincts. It had been months since I had any contact like this. The heat of his body

around me now was immense, "Jale...I...I" Came my voice, trying desperately to combine words in an attempt

to communicate. The southern sergal kept his weight over me and licked my cheek. His gaze was so gentle

and determined all the same. Jale wanted this, and I couldn't deny in my own mind that I didn't. It was

impromptu, spontaneous, spur of the moment, and all together the most romantic few moments I'd ever

experienced. Our lips met back up and continued their caress. Soon he started to ride my length. Jale's

movements were slow, methodically smooth. He was teasing the both of us. It was so long since we had mated

after all. It was clear from the speed he took he wanted our embrace to last and I put up no protest. I had

hardly any energy to spare anyway. My body was thankful for his slow pace. As he rode my member I purred

steadily. It became easier and he sped up as a portion of my own pre acted as a lubricant. His sighs and purrs

were comforting, just as much as the act itself. I pushed up to meet his rump now, matching his riding with

my own thrusts into him. His tailhole started teasing my inflated base and at this rate he would tie me in

seconds. I was more than ready and gripped his hips with eager anticipation. He let out a loud howl of glee as

my knot slipped in with a quiet pop. I joined in his howl as my knot started inflating more with blood. The

pleasure was overbearing and my body gave it's seed into Jale's. I let in a few hardy ropes of pent up sergal

cum. He let out a cute sigh and lowered his paw down to his own eager member, hard and twitching with

eager need. "D-do you mind if I.....?" He shyly asked, since I was in the line of fire. I smiled back and giggled

softly. "Go ahead Jale." He eagerly used his paw to tie behind his waiting knot and relieved himself over my

chest. The hot seed was welcome over me. I purred in delight as we had our time of afterglow. He laid down

while we were tied and I hugged him close to my chest. Our hearts beating steadily aside one another. I

drifted off again, this time out of a happy exhaustion. Our lives were now one again, and the world was at our

backs. With my heart problem however, our adventure was far from done.

Love Beyond Borders: Chapter 1

Disclaimer and stuff. The following story is the first installment in a series. Though this chapter depicts no true yiff, it will in later parts. I don't like opening a serious story with sex right off the back. I hope you'll read it for the content....

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