the storm full verison now updated :D

I get up and close the door and lock it then i walk to the bathroom to take a shower crying while walking sadly towards it.the news lady says"storm has been caught and brought to jail the jury has centensed him to death with 50 days of prison before the exicution

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Holy Crusade

As the glorious day came to an end the holy warriors sat down to a feast and a show of all of the surviors being exicuted. ========================== hope you liked my story i will write more as i have more time on my hands i am sorry about all of


As the glorious day came to an end the holy warriors sat down to a feast and a show of all of the surviors being exicuted. ========================== hope you liked my story i will write more as i have more time on my hands i am sorry about all of

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Downfall: Prologue and Chapter 1

Petrov knew he was to be exicuted, and that was fine; he probably deserved it. petrov watched as the begging officer was forced to the ground and shot like a dog.

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TSB chapter 3

"well long ago i was exiled for refusing to take the life of a captured ice dragon, although banished i set back to free the ice dragon before her exicution......

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Torture then Death to the Black Wing

We could always through her away under lock and key" the women stood again "turban you are young and inexperienced, i say we capture, we torture for the information we need on other worlds then we exicute before she has chance to attack us!"

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Love Beyond Borders: Chapter 1

Disclaimer and stuff. The following story is the first installment in a series. Though this chapter depicts no true yiff, it will in later parts. I don't like opening a serious story with sex right off the back. I hope you'll read it for the content....

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