Her Flygon

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#8 of Poke'mon Lovers

"Oh come on," a young Pokémon trainer spoke while looking at her friend while he took a drink of his tea. "You know you want to do it like you did before!" Azera, flicking her black hair behind her, folded her pale skin hands on the table she sat before; her green eyes watching one of her oldest friends, and her only human 'partner' in her line of work. Brandon sighed, putting his cup down as he opened his own green eyes, his black hair pushed down and straighten today; giving up his usually spiked up hair, his highlights long gone. He watched as his friend smirked at him, tucking her hair behind one of her ears as he frowned, her white shirt slightly dirty already for the wind was picking up, causing the dust around their little town to pick up in mini twisters; not enough to stop people from enjoying the great outdoors.

"That part of my life is over now Azera," he spoke plainly taking another drink. "Beside, I could never live it down between Tundra and Twilight that I..." he lowered his voice so the others did hear. "That I...use to do Pokémon porn videos to get money!" it was true, Brandon did get money from his last fighting match when he training under his Master Lucario, though at one time, the bank had to hold his money, something about a banker stealing money form others, so for a while; money was hard to come by. He did work at the Pokémon Center at times on end, but only doing small time jobs since he wasn't really a Pokémon doctor. Azera got him into the world of 'film making' when he walked in on her and one of her Pokémon Zack, a shiny Flygon; having sex while having cameras around the room. The first time Brandon walked in on them, he was so shock that he dropped the pizza box he had in his hands, Zack just shrugging it off and still went at his trainer as Azera just smiled and asked Brandon to move the camera a little to the left. After that, she explained that she made good money doing this sort of thing, this being before the law passed for trainers and Pokémon to be mate, so she had to make sure not to show her face on the video and use a encrypted computer address that made her Wi-Fi bounce off and make it look like it was coming from everyone in the sate! Knowing that her friend was in a tight squeeze, she asked if he wanted to be in a few of her movies. At first he flat out refused, he didn't care about Pokémon and humans having sex with each other; though he never said this sort of thing out loud at the time, but he didn't want to be part of something like that! But after seeing how he and Tundra were about to lose their home, he sucked it up and did what he had to do.

Azera had six Pokémon, five of them being male, and the only female was an Umbreon named Midnight, and since Brandon didn't roll with the males so to speak; he and she got along with each other quite a lot. This being the time before the Pokémon Blood, for the humans to understand their Pokémon, Midnight and the others had ways on telling their lovers of the movie what they wanted.

"Oh come on," Azera covered a giggle as Brandon turned away blushing, remembering all the videos he did, half of her site still held his time with Midnight which he begged her to remove, but those videos of the two were still getting hits, and still ranking in money; which he got a profit still at times. "Like I said, you know you wanna, plus," she smirked even wider. "I think miss Midnight misses you."

"Now don't you even," he scolded her pointing a finger at her. "Don't try the guilt trick on me; it's bad enough Tundra and Twilight do that to me on a daily basic to get me to do stuff for them!"

"How do they do it?" she asked with the tilt of her head as Brandon sighed.

"You know how Twilight is lazy, she would moan and say she can't move as much because of the baby, saying it was my fault for putting it in. But Noooo," he shook his head. "Once she wants sex she's all bang, bang choo choo train!" Azera laughed at his choice of words as the human male sighed covering his eyes, his long sleeve shirt falling down his arm to show a few scars that he refused to tell her how he got it. Even though he told Chad after his little outburst, he didn't feel right telling everyone that knew him. "Plus, didn't the prince of your videos go down?" she smiled as she leaned closer to Brandon as he backed away.

"And how do you know that?" she asked. "Looking at my videos again?"

"Hardly," Brandon scuffed. "Just, now that Pokémon and humans are openly showing the world their mates, I would think that your..." he coughed at what he was going to say. "Line of work, would flutter."

"Oh sure," she answered with a nod. "I use to get five hundred bucks per video I made, seven hundred for the live show, now I'm only getting two hundred for the videos I make, and two-fifty for live ones." She giggled then. "Sure it's a pain, but the boys don't mind, they get all the sex they want from little old me!"

"GAH!" Brandon cried out throwing his hands up. "Really, how can you talk about this shit so openly?!" after a brief pause the two started to laugh loudly, not caring who heard them now. "Look..." he told her drinking the rest of his drink. "I'll think about it, and then I'll ask the girls what they think about it, if they want to make...a...a video, we'll come over and see what's what. But let me be very, very, VERY clear." He raised a finger. "The dudes do not touch them, they are my mates, not theirs', two, I don't do sucking or get ass fucked by them, if we do a video, it's me and the girls only, and three; they can't masturbate if they are gonna watch, last time that happened I had to take a long..." he shuddered. "Long shower."

After saying their goodbyes, and Azera making sure for Brandon to tell the girls her good wills, the two left for whatever they were going to do that day, Brandon going toward the Gym to train with Mewtwo of the up coming fighting tournament that he gladly said he would help Brandon with, and Azera, returning home. Coming to her large two floors home, three if you counted the basement where she did all her work at, she unlocked the door and came inside. The house was of normal, white walls, pictures of family members as well as her six Pokémon, but in each corner of the room, a single camera was seen, the good kind that held great HD and lots of charge time. The house was surprising silence, usually the males of her group would be ether watching TV, or out back battling to keep in shape, but it was so quiet, that if you were to drop a pin, the sound could be easily heard throughout the house. Getting a little worried about the welfare of her Pokémon, she went around the house to look for them, stopping when she was about to go upstairs when she heard running water from the kitchen. Walking in, she smiled as she saw her first Pokémon, in both the porn videos and as a starter there, washing the dishes.

With his back to her the Flygon's lighter then normal body was easily seen as his blue top half of his head and horns were seen as he placed the dirty dishes from the sink to the dish rack, where he let the soap slowly drip off. Where a darker green would be seen on his tail, the same shade of blue were seen, his wings on the inside the same color as his body, the outline a almost gold color, as well as the glossy 'goggles' around his eyes, the inside is deep green eyes shining. He stood taller then his human mate, standing at a height of six foot seven. His wings fluttering at times, the sounds sounding almost like a women singing, giving his kind the nickname 'The Desert Spirit' for the sound of their wings made when whipping up sand storms. Azera shoulder touched the doorway of the kitchen, watching with a small smile as her Pokémon lover washed the dishes. It wasn't rare that they helped out; in fact they always cleaned the house somehow before she would wake up in the morning, or when she left to get some things for supper. She finding out from Midnight that they thought if they cleaned the house more, they get more sex time with her. She laughed to herself after thinking about this, making the Flygon Zack turn around with a plate in his claw.

"Oh you're back!" he exclaimed, Azera easily affording the Pokémon Blood needle. "How was your lunch with Brandon? Last I heard he just got a new Gym badge the other day from the new leader."

"Yeah," she answered with a nod walking up to him, she looked up a bit, she only being a little more the five foot three. "Had all his badges with him all polished up, still...truth be told I don't think a lot of people are going to be Pokémon battling anymore."

"What's makes you think that?" asked Zack drying his hands and then sitting on a chair, wrapping his tail around her waist and then putting her on his lap.

"The world is changing Zack, for once, for the better, I mean; remember how we were so worried if we got caught, they would send you all away and put me in jail for 'abuse'." She shook her head. "I even heard of that Leo guy, one of main party leaders who passed this law, is going to do a test around here where Pokémon can work and be treated more as if us."

"I wouldn't mind that," Zack told her, his chest on her back as he rubbed her shoulders softly with his claws. "I mean, I kinda always wanted to work with humans...beside that of porn."

"Oh you know you like it," Azera teased looking up at him, her right hand going behind his head and pushed his lips to her own, kissing softly. Zack smiled as kissed her back, his eyes closed as his wings fluttered; making the same sound like he always did when he was happy, like a dog with wagging their tail. When they broke apart, Azera looked around for a bit. "Where is everyone else?"

"Midnight went out for a run," he told her as she nodded. "The others went out ether to do whatever they wanted, or even try out the new Gym themselves. When they heard that Brandon won, they wanted to see if they could win as well."

"I see...and when did they all leave?"

"About ten minutes ago," he answered rubbing his claws downward. "They won't be back for a while, meaning we have the whole house to ourselves." He grinned as he leaned closer and licked her neck, causing her to smile and lean her back on his chest more. "Maybe we should work on that video hrm? You know where those horny humans wanted to see you and me do it in the living room."

"I don't think the humans are the only ones that are horny, huh mister dragon?" she mused already feeling his harden member slip from its hiding spot. "But I do believe you are right, how about you go get the camera set up while I get changed alright?" he nodded as she slipped off his lap, looking back to indeed see his blood red tip, unlike most dragons types who would have the cone like shape, he had a shape more of a human in a way, though his head not as easily seen, he did have a knot on the base which they just loved when they were tied together. It was a surprised that Azera haven't gotten pregnant with any of the other fours Pokémon as well as Zack, she found out that only if the Pokémon themselves got the needle done like Tundra and Twilight, known as Human Blood, same reaction to the Pokémon as would happen to the humans, if both parties had the others blood type, they would have a higher chance of conceiving. Not that they didn't want to, if she did ever find out she was going to have one of their children, she would be all too happy to have one with them; this making their love all the stronger. Zack watched as her hip swayed out of the kitchen and up to the many rooms upstairs, he and she shared a room since he was her first, in three ways in one if one knew, but on some nights he didn't mind if any of the other males, or Midnight, wanted to sleep in the bed with her, he would just go to their room, or sleep on the sofa. Nine times out of ten he was with her in bed more then the others anyway.

After making sure all four cameras were in place, one behind the sofa where he would sit at to show whatever the human would do to him, the curtain closed so no one could see, one on ether side of the sofa's arm rests, and one on top of the living room sofa, to watch from behind whatever Azera would do. After each rump, she would take the video and edit it, making it look more like a movie then a single position film where the viewers wouldn't be able to see a lot of stuff. If the others were there, one of them would hold another camera, walking around the two having their fun while zooming in on different places, giving it a more; real feel. Blowing on one of the lens, he cleaned it with a rag and made sure it was straight and clean so not to miss a beat, looking over himself to see if he was clean and ready, and when he thought so, turned each on and pressed play, sitting on the sofa, leg spread and arms along the back of the sofa as he waited for his lover. She came soon after, climbing down the stairs wearing only a pair of black panties and bra, at once Zack's dragon member slowly growing out as his breathing increased slowly. No matter how many times he saw her naked, it still took his breath away. She made her way into the camera's range, her hands going to the Pokémon's knees as she rubbed them up to his waist and back down, Zack's head leaning back as he closed his eyes, the tail hanging below him on the sofa twitching slightly as he wings fluttered once more. They barely spoke when making love on the camera, knowing that not a lot of people would understand Pokémon speech, though the will to have one understand them was there, not a lot of people could afford it. she smiled and then slowly brought her hands back down his legs, coming inside his thighs as she rubbed the inside of his legs softly, before climbing on the couch as well, kneeling over him, her knees between his legs as she brought her hands up to rub his chest. More and more of his member came out; soon all of it was out, hanging slightly hard, a little floppy, being at close to eleven inches. Smiling, Azera took the cock in her hand, causing it to jerk as she softly rubbed it up and down, watching and feeling as it got harder and harder, before a drop of precum fell from the tip onto her hand. She reached her fingers up to her mouth, slowly licking the cum off as it was all caught on tape.

"Dear Arceus," gasped Zack watching her lick his own pre off her hand. "That's always so hot." Azera grinned and pressed her clean fingers on her other hand to his lips. He smiled, knowing not to talk too much, but they knew later on they would be crying each other's name, no matter if anyone could understand.

"So should we skip the foreplay?" she asked looking down at him. "And just get right into it?" he answered her question by grabbing onto her ass with his claws, squeezing and kneading the flush as she gasped under his touch.

"That answer your question?" he answered as she gave a coy look. With the film still rolling, the Flygon took off her bra first, watching as her breast bounce free of the black prison, licking his lips before capturing one of her nipples into his mouth, slightly suckling on them like a newborn baby would. She gasped as his claws went to her panties, slipping the claws inside to rub her bare ass; her moaning as one nail went inside her already went pussy, the wet sloppy sound easily picked up by the cameras high sound system.

As he slipped off her panties from her hips, the video caught the side of her glisten pussy, she moaned as his laws opened to lick at her nipples roughly, smacking his lips as he grinned at the taste of her bare flesh. He one time joked that he would have to eat her one day, but she knew that wouldn't happen. Picking her up slightly, she spread herself for her mate, looking down at him as she grabbed the tip of his cock, rubbing her fingers around the tip before slowly he lowered her onto it. Her hands moving to his shoulder as she moaned with eyes closed. His bud like tip slowly opening her up to his will, as he placed his claws on her hips once more, then thrust up hard, making her take him in one single go.

Both shuddering at the feeling of filling and being fill, they stood as still as they could, though Azera was grinding her hips, feeling the head of his cock inside of her womb. They got to work at once, Zack helping her raise and lower her onto his now wet cock as he leaned back on the sofa, eyes slightly closed as he watched as the female human before him, slowly rode his cock. He loved this sort of mating that she showed him long ago, not only did it prove that she could take him to the hilt every time, but it let him see her for all her glory, her perky breast that would bounce, her lower lips yielding to his breeding tool; it made his wings flutter even more. Cupping her face with his claws he leaned forward and pressed his lips to her own, she moaned as his tongue slowly snaked its way into her mouth, his hips thrusting up when hers' came down on his. At the base of his cock, his knot started to slowly grow into a ball of flush. Soon he couldn't hilt himself fully inside of her which made him groan in slight anger. More and more of it grew until he now had the choice of forcefully making hr try and take it, but he was nowhere close to cumming yet, so he would just have to wait until he was ready.

"Starting the party without us huh?" both blinked and turned their heads to the door. Zack grumbled when he saw the rest of their little family standing their. Tyranitar also known as Quake stood there with his arms crossed and grin widely at the two on the sofa. His dark green armor looked to be a bit dirty from when he and some of the others came back from a battle with Mewtwo and Alice. Black holes and spikes along his back were seen as he slowly shook his head. He easily towered over Zack, being the tallest of the group. "I though today was my day to make a video?"

"You said that yesterday you horny fuck!" the Altaria named Cloud for reasons everyone knew. Fluttering his cloud like wings, he stood a little smaller then Zack did, white cheeks twitching as well as the flowing blue ears on his head, five feathers coming from behind, making everyone think if he truly was a dragon like Pokémon. "Fridays are always Zack's days, Saturdays are yours, Sundays are mine, and Mondays are Doom's Tuesday's are Terror's Wednesdays are Midnight if they want to; and Thursdays are our orgies!"

"Well excuse me mister Calendar," Quake went on. "I happen to like to mate with our mate, is that a crime?"

"When you try and make her yours all the time; yes it is!" Doom, a Houndoom and Hydreigon, named Terror, sighed and shook their heads slightly. Doom looking like all his kinds were, a dog Pokémon with long curved horns on the top of his head along his body where a little skull on the base of his neck, his tail looking like something the Devil would have. While Terror, being the newest member of the group, just being under a year with them, easily a doubted to being used to make videos with the human, thinking it was weird at first that people would watch, it changed when he saw how some of the female Pokémon on town that knew it was him wanted to have a little fun with him as well. He looking to have mouths for hands weird feet's and weird colors for a dragon Pokémon, but he didn't mind, for it was his body.

"Uh hello guys?" they all looked over at Zack who looked to be a little pissed. "Mind taking this in the other room, we are trying to have a moment here!"

Azera only slightly laughing as the others rolled their eyes.

"Whatever," Doom sated. "I'm going for a nap anyway, have fun," he turned to leave as well as Terror who followed behind. Cloud left after giving Quake a stern look as he gave him the middle nail. Midnight was the last to come in, only standing up as higher as Azera knees, black fur with yellow rings and deep red eyes; she walked over seeing the two joined by the hip.

"Hiya!" she cried looking at the two. "Hey did you enjoy your lunch with Brandon?"

"Yeah," her trainer answered. "I tried to get him back into making videos, who knows, he might too."

"Good, cause these brutes are boring when we mate!"

"Hey, my dick is better then his!" Quake answered as Midnight rolled her eyes.

"All you do is made yourself cum, you don't think of the female you're fucking, that's why he's better then you!"

"Guys!" Zack was getting more upset now. "Leave now!"

"Somebody is pissy," Quake joked as he walked away as Midnight nodded following as Zack grumbled. Azera just laughed and rubbed his chest softly. The Pokémon looking back at her, slightly smiling a bit as he leaned forward to nuzzle her neck.

"I hope you edit all of that out."

"Don't worry I will," she answered as she started to move on him again, and soon, what just happened was forgotten.

His dick slowly growing harder inside of her again, they moved as one, she would raise and lower herself, while he would thrust up into her, moaning out softly as her tunnels rippled around him, trying to coax his seed into her womb. He then turned and rolled them both, so that Azera was where he was, and he where she was, still thrusting hard as she moaned and cling to his neck tightly, gasping her bliss into the ear as his tongue went to lick at her neck again. Faster and harder he thrust into her wanting body, his pre coating her insides as his tail rose high and higher, a sure sigh that he was about to cum and claim her as his once more. A low growl was easily heard coming from his lips, his eyes closed as he gripped the human's hips tightly in his claws, before trading speed for power. Every time he would thrust forward, he would leave Azera gasping and grunting, her legs spreading out more and more.

"Put it in me!" she nearly screamed clinging to him tighter to the point her nails almost dug into his skin. Only grunting his answer, Zack held her hips tight; pull all the way out before thrusting in hard.

His legs shaking as his knot at full size tried to push its way in, Azera screaming as she felt the ball of meat slowly spread her out before a loud pop was heard. Zack let out a small roar as he was now tied to his mate, but yet he did not come, picking her up slightly and plating her back on the sofa with him over her, he moved her to her side with him behind her; draping her leg over his back as he took her on her side and from behind her, gripping her leg as he huffed and panting in her ear. This sending the young trainer of six over the edge as her pussy clutched and squeezed at his invading member, her lighter cum flowing out as she held on to whatever she could and made it known to everyone in the house that she came. Zack grunting at the feeling of her cumming over his member, as he thrust harder and faster with just as much as he could since he was tied to her, and with one last push, he roared again, his cock throbbing inside of her and twitching, before letting loose his sperm. Azera moaned and panted as she felt wave after wave of his cum entering her body, her hand drifting down as she felt the warm dragon dick spit flowing up inside of her and into her womb. Zack's eyes twitching closed as his back arched, his whole body tensed before falling limp behind her, his arms around her body and wings as well as he nuzzled and licked her sweaty body with his tongue. Azera felt weak in the knees, and soon fell asleep inside his protected arms as he smiled and rubbed her hair softly. He heard Quake return in the room and turn off the camera for them, and once he removed them, he turned and looked at the two before grinning.

"Do I get my turn now?" he asked with a grin as Zack growled at him and gave him his own middle nail at him.