Adopted Collie Part one

Story by Daniel Swiss on SoFurry

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#1 of Adopted Collie

Hi there. This is part one of a cool new series story. Please send me emails telling me how you like it :) There will be sex in the next part I promise :) Hang in there. Yes yea Blea blea must be over 18 to continue. If you aren't I know who you are and I will get even :D Enjoy and write to me:) Adopted Collie Josh Collie wakes up from his deep sleep. The young 16-year-old collie stretches and is shocked that the house is silent. He gets out of bed and adjusts his pajamas. "Hello?" He calls out as his brown and white tail twitches in the cold house. "What the hell is going on?" he thinks. Normally his brothers and sisters would be barking and yelling and barging in to wrestle and humiliate him. Sure he's a runt but still. He pads outside and is surprised how EMPTY the place is. "They didn't move away?" he whimpers as he looks around. Sure enough the place is empty and they are all gone. "Oh my!" he whines as he runs from room to room. The place is completely empty. He looks outside and fights the tears that are welling from inside. "Why? Did they hate me that much?" he sniffs. Just then a Blue Minivan drives up the driveway. "OH shit!" he yips as he runs into the bedroom and hides under the covers "If they see me," he Whines as he covers. The thought of being found is too scary. The Roberts are a fun loving Fox family. There's Roger, the father. Susan, the mother. Bobby, the 16-year-old male. Sally, the young 12 year old (who's clutching a collie doll). And Beverly, the 17 year old. Roger pulls up and announces, "We are here." as they all cheer. Bobby whines as he is still half asleep "Why are we here so early." Roger sighs, "I hate no idea. That collie family was rather weird I must say." Sally peeks out the window "I think I see someone inside." Bobby teases "OO A ghost." Sally sticks her tongue out "I'm serious!" Roger calms them down "Now! Now! We are all a little tired. Besides our stuff won't be dropped off until later so, let's just check the place out and see what's what." Roger has to admit, as they all get out of the mini van, that the former owners were rather strange. They left so soon. Roger opens the door to the lovely house. "Boy they have a rather perverted Collie fetish like I do. We love our collies." Bobby runs inside. "Now there's Bobby." Roger thinks "I know Bobby has some collie porn in his box of books. Heck I know I read them and they are good porn. With naked collie males and stuff." Sally clings to her collie doll as she runs upstairs. Roger grins as "I remember my Collie dolls. I think I still have some in storage. I better get them cleaned soon." Susan sighs and hangs up her coat. Roger admits, "It took some doing to lasso Susan to get married. She just went from one collie male to another. It took some doing (and a promise for a three some with a collie) to get her to marry me." Beverly comes in and plops in an old chair left behind. Roger thinks, "Now Beverly doesn't want to talk about it. Damn! I mean I want her and me to talk this out and get close. This is so important. Seeing her isolated like that really hurts." Sally and Bobby run downstairs scared and crying "There's someone upstairs!" Susan and Roger gasp "What!" Beverly gasps, "Shall I call the police?" as she pulls out her cell phone. Roger runs upstairs "I'll handle this!" Roger runs upstairs as Josh pokes his nose out of his room "Don't hurt me!" Roger crouches down "Well hello there!" Josh whines as his face shows how scared he is. Roger sees poor Josh and his mind thinks sexual things "What happened? Did you get left behind?" Josh nods "Well we are a nice family called the Roberts. Care to meet us?" Josh whimpers, "Don't hurt me!" Roger assures him "We won't we just want to love you! Promise! Cross my heart hope to die!" Josh smiles "OK" as Roger picks him up. They go downstairs "Hey look we got a new son here!" Susan looks shocked "Hello?" Then she sees Josh "Well hello!" as she kisses Josh. "Such a big boy!" Bobby Goes "Cool can we keep him!" Roger grins, "Sure it's a secret!" Beverly brightens up "Well hello there handsome!" as she kisses Josh on the lips. Josh blushes and buries his head in Roger's neck. Everyone goes "Awwe." Sally Yeas and clings to Josh like a second doll. "I love him He's mine!" Bobby goes hey "He's all of ours." Josh Whispers to Roger "I never had this much attention before." Roger whispers back "We love our new son!" he winks. Josh clings tight to Roger's neck and thinks "I better now blow this new family!" as he kisses Roger's cheek. Susan takes Josh from Roger and holds him "Yes we have a new son to play with and keep safe. So what now." Bobby nods "Food!" as Josh's stomach growls. Josh asks, "This isn't like where you fight for food is it. My last family did that. I didn't get much to eat." Susan laughs "Nope. We share here." Josh phews. Susan puts Josh down "OK Get dressed we will go to a restaurant and fatten you up. She pats Josh's ass as he runs upstairs. Roger grins, "I know what you all are thinking. I'm thinking it too!" Beverly and Susan have twinkles in their eyes as they think of how to seduce that young collie. Bobby grins as he thinks of his new playmate. Plus he has to admit how horny as hell he has gotten in the past few minutes. Sally just wants to cling to Josh and squeeze him like a doll. That and smooch his cheek over and over.

Sex Club

Hello. Blea blea ITs a sex story. You better be old enough or else. Yada yada There s sex in the story Blea blea blea . You get the idea Enjoy and write to me Sex club Part one I am sitting here on my brown couch. I am staring at the...

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