Caza del zorro Episode 1 (pilot)

Story by Makeria Stein on SoFurry

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I worked hard on it, but i need input, its not gona be in chapters, but episodes, each havign a main purpose to fufil a specific goal, i hope to get input for ideas.

In a world were humans and furs live, furs have been subjected to unfair treatment. As civilization progresses to the middle aged time, were castles of royals stand tall, furs remained below the humans, constantly rounded up and sold as slaves. If given a case of a trial between a fur and a human. The human would win, unanimously. Furs we often preached about as sin and carnation. Amongst the furs, lived 2 major well known races, Foxes and wolves. Typically foxes and wolves are treated the same, though wolves still fought back against human control. But this story isn't about just the conflict between humans and furs; it's about a sadistic little royal child. A human teen, which will soon realize he is destined to become something entirely different, and so the story begins, in the land of Vale.

"Devlin! Devlin, its morning Devlin, wake up" a women called, rushing into the noble's room.

"Common boy, you've had almost half an hour of extra sleep" the women shouted, walking into the room, wearing a classy maid outfit. She walked to the bedroom window and undid the curtains, the light pouring into the vast room.

The room consisted of a kind sized bed, and a vastly open tilte floor. Made from marble, and the window that fountained the light, was masked with luscious red curtains. The bed had red silky covers, which covered a certain Noble child. The teen known as devil waved his hand as the maid tugged at his covers, trying to force him awake.

"Devlin! Your father's waiting for you to be out of bed and dressed. Now lets move that rump" she said, tugging the sheets.

Devlin smirked under the covers and let them go as soon as she tugged the second time. As she went to pull, she flew back and landed hard on her kiester.

"MMF, damn it Devlin," she said, getting up slowly, rubbing her bum, abit frustrated as she noticed the mess on his bed.

"And please refrain from making a mess, you don't need any mice sleeping with you in your bed" she said.

"OH HUSH IT WOMEN!" I said, uncovering myself.

"Does though really want to push me, my father can wait for my presence abit longer" I said glaring at her.

"Watch your tongue child.....just be clothed and meet your father in the dining hall, he wishes to speak with you" she said, laying some clothing out that she took from his closet.

"I shall" I said, flashing my junk at her, making he turn around and walk off, holding the temples of her head as she walked out, showing me that I was indeed frustrating.

I snickered and slid out of bed, scratching my chest as I looked at the full body mirror opposite of my bed. I stood before it, the human teen staring back. I wasn't very muscular, but I was defiantly far from fat. I was almost too slim for a man, my eye eyes scanned the rest of my body, my bright blonde hair making them pop. I turned around, facing my bed again, I walked over, looking at the laid out clothing, wondering what I've been given to wear today. I saw the colorful garments, thinking how ridicules they were. I picked the shirt piece up and stared, cocking my eye brow.

"Am I to wear such prude clothing, I think not" I said, dropping them back onto the bed. I turned around and walk to the closet and opened the doors with both hands. I looked inside and saw a many fancy cloths. Personally I'm the kind of guy that likes living on the norm, wearing all that color comes off tacky to a lot of my friends. I grabbed a simple red tunic with some gold at the edges with black wool pants. I slipped them on and slipped the sandals on my feet. Now I know you wondering, what the fuck, why is this kid wearing middle class clothing. Well fucking deal with it, I'm not some high nose punk looking to get mugged every time I walk down a alley. I prefer decent clothing, and besides, my father could care less as long as I wear the seal of our family on whatever I wear. That and no cross dressing. I walked out of my room and passed the maid, she rolled her eyes.

"So you let me pull out yer cloths and decide to wear sumtin else, well fine, just go meet your father. Someone needs to clean that mud pile of a room you bed in" she said, walking down the hall to my room.

"Thanks Ms. Cloth" I said, a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

As I walked down the halls I noticed the fresh new flowers and leaned in and smelt them. They sat on a small side room table in the hall, resting in a nice glass vase. I leaned in and smelt them and grinned.

"Such a delicacy" I said.

I then kicked the table and watched the vase plummet to its shatter death, I walked away, the vase laid, shattered in many pieces.

"hehe Ms. Cloth must love me when I make a mess" I said, whispering to myself as I entered a large room. In the room was a vast staircase. I stepped down the staircase straight into the main foyer. I turned left to see my father, reading a book, apparently waiting for me. I walked up to him, a grin on my ace as I stood on his right side, looking at what he was reading.

"Good morning Devlin" he spoke, his eyes still observing the pages of his book.

"Good morning father, Ms.Cloth said you wished to speak with me?" I asked, looking at you.

"Indeed I have" he said, flipping through his pages of the book.

I stood there, waiting for a few minutes, guessing he was just finishing a line in his book. I waited for abit longer before purposely coughing.

"Father....What is it you need me for?" I asked, ready to just get up and walk off.

"Hmmm.....there is an auction taking place today. I'd like you to attend" he spoke, his eyes still focused on the page of his book.

"An auction? For what?" I asked, taking a seat beside him at the large dining table.

"A fur auction...a good group by the looks of the ads. Its this evening." He said, his eyes leaving the paper and looking at me.

"The way I see it, I was thinking of getting you a butler, perhaps ease and take some yeas off Ms.cloth." he said, placing his book down.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my old man, wondering what world he lived in where I would accept a animal as a house servant.

"Father I don't want a fur for a servant, they smell, they require mantinece. Not to mention shed fur" I said, trying to prove my point.

"My decision is finally, Ms.Cloth needs ease, so I shall take us both to the auction this evening and your attendance is mandatory. After all you will be selecting it to be your servant." He spoke as he stood, arching his back to stretch before walking away, leaving me to the quiet.

I uttered some words beneath my breath so any listening ears wouldn't hear me.

"Gee thanks .....I get a useless animal as a servant." I mumbled as I stood and walked over to the kitchen, were the chef was silently dicing up some vegetables.

"Good morning young Master Devlin, how are you this fine day" he spoke.

"It's decent, what is for breakfast Chef Andy?" I asked, the rather bubble some chef showing g a gratitude smile for using the word chef before his name.

Chef Andy was an ok guy, although he always talked about his child hood as a farm hand and part time cook for a famous noble, I always enjoyed his meals and his company.

"So.... Couldn't help but over hear you and the master, talking about going to an auction for a butler?" he asked, walking over to the wooden stove, pushing bread into the oven. I watched as the flares and crackles of the fire toasted the bread.

"Ah yes....Father has recently suggested that he and I participate in said Auction, though I am in no need for a butler, especially a fur. I have Ms.Cloth for that." I said, looking at him with a smirk.

"No offense to you Young master, but Ms.Cloth has reached her limits. She grows old, and has become almost too weak to continue. The master is kind enough to allow her residency here, so she shall grow old in a well-earned home." Chef Andy said, giving me a look of concern.

Ms. Cloth and Chef Andy were both loyal servants for my father, always pleasing us. My father wasn't the kindest of men, but had a heart for those whom earned both his trust and Empathy. Ever since my mother passed, He has become more kind and loving to his workers, allowing them time off for their needs. Andy and Ms.Cloth in my personal opinion were kind and caring, though I've always noticed they had a thing for each other. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to see them flirting about, or discussing more private topics.

"My apologies Chef Andy,....I understand how you feel for Ms.Cloth. It's just furs.....well the rumors are quite sound about them." I said, remembering how my friends spoke of them.

"That may be true, but I'm sure these servants are broken spirited, I doubt they will try to return to their ways." Andy said, pushing a bowl of bread and fruit towards me.

"Thank you....." I spoke, before sinking my teeth into the warm bread, enjoying my breakfast.

After a few more conversations with Andy, I finished my plate and walked back intot he diinign room to see my father no longer there. I guessed he would be in his study so I took this time to visit some friends in the nearby mansion. My best friend Helix was also a noble. He lived with his mother and father, known for their rich history as nobles of the land. As walked into the stables outside, and mounted a horse. I rode few miles west of our land and stopped before a large Iron gate. Two Gaurds stood and looked at me.

"Good evening royal young master Devlin, pleas enter" he spoke, motioning his hands for a slave boy to open the gate.

I looked over and saw a young fur, a wolf by the looks, pulling a wench to open the gates, straining abit. I kept my eye on him as I rode slowly up the gravel pathway, seeing the pathetic little mongrel panting. The gate easily weighed 100 pounds, and that wench didn't put any ease to it. I rode in, noticing some yard hands as well, there were 4 total from my view as I rode in, two of which were also furs, one, male and one female from the looks. I rode up to a small stable like post; I rode up to it and jumped down from the horse. I then proceeded to tie his rein to the post, then making my way up to the nice large doors. I knocked and waited for an answer, after a few moments an old male butler answered the door.

"Hello, I'm here to see Helix" I said,

"Ah yes, I shall send him, one moment sir" he said, closing the door.

I waited for a moment, then looked over and noticed the two gardener wolves, glancing at the younger wolf by the gate, the female's eyes tearing quietly as the male kept her close. I looked over to see the young male being beaten by the guards men, yelling at him for some reason. I looked away, not wanting to watch the discipline occur.

"Stupid fur......" I mumbled, wondering what the fur did wrong.

Just then Helix walked out and looked at me.

"Hello Friend" he said, walking down next to me, wearing a glamorous tunic with tight pants.

"Hello Helix, how are this fine day" I said, watching him walk down the steps towards me.

"I am well, its god to see a friend today, mother and father are thinking on visiting the auction tonight for new furs, you know how they like furs for servants." He spoke, shaking my hands before motioning me to walk with him about the Yard.

"So Devlin, I hear you've been partying with the peasants lately, found a girl yet?" he asked, scratching his chin.

"No..i haven't, though I'm aching to bed one sooner or later" I said, playfully bating his shoulder.

"Mmm, I recently spent the night with a man, he was so much fun" helix said, licking his lips.

I knew helix saw interest in men, and I was cool with it, though he did it in secrecy. Society was fond of homosexuality. We did not care as long as it wasn't used in public. Same rules apply with women and men. Although one rule remained prominent, never bed with a fur, ever! Though people always asked, the rule makers never said anything, stating the people who do shall be put to death and/or be banished from god's kingdom, meaning no going to heaven, figures. Though we all knew that wasn't true, people still kept to just human sexual acts. Just then a strange question floated in me and Helix's conversation.

"Say Devlin, I wonder, what it like to bed a fur?" he asked, sitting on the stone wall beside a lake, me joining him.

"Why would you ask such a thing, furs are filthy pests and lack essential that humans have." I stated, frowning at him for such a gross question.

" makes you wonder, how much fun it would be, a furry bottom, hell I've heard they even got a different shaped dick or something." He said, prodding my mind with these disturbing thouts.

"And? Are you telling me you want to fuck a fur?" I asked, wondering where his mind was, if nt his crotch, it was his ass.

"I'm not sure, but I've heard rumors that people think about it too, I mean they're slaves right? why not utilize ever part of them?" he stated, looking at me.

I rolled my eyes and he leaned in and kissed my lips softly, giving me a smile.

"Hey now....." I said before he pressed his lips closer and kissed me, this was normal for me, I had a gay beast friend, so this kind of stuff wasn't new to me. I just decided to enjoy it.

"Mmm such a good kisser" he said, breaking away and smiling.

"Heh...thanks" I said,

I knew I sort of was into guys too.....having had a friend whom was gay sorta rubbed onto me, I started liking men differently a few weeks after we met. I don't think he infected me or anything with his gayness.....I just think deep down I had these feelings and his kind love for his friend (me) was enough to breach those feelings to the surface.

"Hey Devlin, I got a dare for you" he said, looking at the lake.

"What is that?" asked, tilting my head.

"When you and your dad go to the auction tonight, pick the cutest looking fur there is....then that night when everyone is asleep, bring him up to your bed room and bed him forcefully" helix said, smirking at me.

I sat there....thinking on it. I knew I disgusted furs, but sex was sex and truly I need release, I hadn't bed with is male before, and the idea was tempting. I guess I've always been into the strange sex no one tries, deep down I felt this way anyhow. But to submit to such ideas seemed foolish, but intriguing.

"hmmm and what do I get in return for this dare?" I asked, raising an eye brow.

"I'll let you play with my any time you want, as long as you share stories of how it was" he said, him obviously horned up by the idea of it.

"I'll think on it ....perv" I said, laughing, knowing it wasn't going to happen.

After a few minutes of joking around we stood up and walked back over to the front of the house, I grabbed the rein of my horse and untied him.

"I'll see you later helix, I have to go, my father expects me home so we can-dress- appropriately for the auction" I said, jumping up onto the horse and riding it off, up the gates. Helix waved goodbye and walked into his house as I rode up to the gate. I noticed the young wolf, his face bruised as he shivered, his nose bleeding slightly. The guards motioned him to open the gate, the wolf strained and managed to open the gates, his body looking weak and abused. I rode the horse out of the gates and down the road, the trees beside the road growing leave out into the road, moss hanging from them as they hung almost to the point where I could reach up from horse back. After a few minutes I arrived at my home once more, looking to see my carriage waiting before the main door. I rode the horse into the stable and tied him down before walking over to the carriage and seeing my father, waiting for me.

"I see you're late predictable" he spoke, opening the carriage door, me then climbing into the carriage with him.

I sat there, watching him as we talked about his past and my future of the house, all boring as we made our way into town.

After an hour Of waiting, the carriage came to a halt, the driver stepping out of the driver's seat and unlocking the door. The sun was setting on the fairly large town of bishop. My father and I walked down the steps into the stone street. We both walked through the small crowed of nobles and peasants as we reaches a pair of front seats. I sat beside my father as we waited for the auction to begin. There was at least 40 attending, a large stage in front of a building. The auction was taking place outside in the court yard as we waited for the crowd to settle and it to begin. After a few minutes a man wearing a fancy suit walked onto the stage, he waved his hands to silent the crowd. He stood behind a pedestal and laid a book out; he pulled a quill out and began to wright the date in. He looked up at the small crowd and grinned.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to tonight's auction, we hope you acquire the hands you need for whatever service you require. The rules of the auction are simple; payment is up front, no bashing skulls, and defiantly no stealing. Theft will result in Jail time or worse, so without further ado, let the auction begin!" he spoke, smacking the pedestal with his small gavel.

Just as he finished, his two handlers walked behind the stage, grapping a fur and pulling him into the bright lit stage, him wearing hardly suitable clothing and shackles around his wrists and feet. He looked tired, his body also malnourished and slim. His fur was a greyish black as he stood, shovering from the gusts of cold air from the night.

"This fine specimen is quite the catch, pure wolf, let's start the bid at 30 crowns" he said, looking through the crowd.

"35 Crowns" a man said, "40!" said another, my father looked at me raising a brow, and I shook my head.

"No.." I said, my father remained silent.

I know he wants me to pic the fur, even though I really wasn't interested.

"Forty Crowns going once! Going twice! Sold! To the gentlemen in the back.

A tall black hair noble stood and walked over to the stage, where he was directed into the auction house to settle payment and registration. After three more furs came to auction, I was about ready to leave, as was my father, whom looked bored and tired, and perhaps frustrated with me not wanting a fur servant. The currency of our kingdom is simple, crowns, pents, and Cali, though Cali is usually rarely used. Crowns are equivalent to 1000 pents, Cali are equivalent to 100 crowns. Mostly nobles are rich enough for crowns.

"On to the next!" the announcer shouted, the handlers bring up a young dark orange fluff ball. He stood around 6,1 and looked slim, he looked to be a fox with that fur design, but something caught my eye on this one, but I couldn't figure it out.

"This one is another male; species is fox, age appearing to be earl adult hood. We can start the bidding at 40 crowns" he spoke, the fox standing, shivering from the cold breeze and tight shackles.

My father turns to look at me, raising a brow. I took a minute, looking at him, trying to see if I wanted him or not.

"50 crowns!" a man said, having been the same one that bought the first fur from the auction.

I looked at him a bit more, then smiled and stood.

"60 crowns!" I said,

The man glared at me, then shouted again "70!"

"75!" I shouted, my father looking at me.

He and I both knew we could afford it, being nobles were had millions of crowns, but furs usually costa round 40-50. It's rare for the price to get so high.

"90!" the man said, looking at me with a smirk.

I sighed, looking at my father whom showed hardly attention, figuring if I was going to drain money it better be for a decent cause.

"100 crowns!" I said,

The other man was about to say something, but held his tongue, not wanting to spend so much for one fur.

"100 crowns, going once, twice, sold! To the two gents in the front, come collect now or at the end of the auction." He said, as I stood up, and walked to the back of the stage, were the fox was going, my father followed.

We both stepped into the auction house, and walked in and saw a few desks with people jotting down words onto documents, some filing, and some talking to handlers and customers. We walked over and stood before a man with a paper and quill writing on parchment, stamping seals, and counting currency, he looked up at me and stopped writing.

"How may I help you?" he asked, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"We're here to purchase and collect a fur" my father said, standing beside me.

He nodded and pulled two documents out of his desk and placed them both on the table.

"That will be 100 crowns" he said, as my father pulled out a small pouch and pushes the crowns towards the clerk. After a few minutes of the clerk counting, he pushed the two documents to us.

"Just sign these and meet the handlers, show them your copy and they will give you the fur, shackles and key come with." he spoke, going back to writing down forms of some sort.

My father took a quill and handed it to me; I gave him a puzzled look.

"He's going to be your servant and your responsibility" he said, handing me the pen and documents.

I sighed, knowing this was just going to be a total chore, washing this mongrel and taking care of it, nothing but an animal...a beast. I jotted down my signature onto the paper and handed them to the man, he stamped them both and handed me back one, giving me a smile.

"Enjoy your night sir, handler pens are behind the stage" he said, as we both walked out, greeted by the cold night breeze, and dimly lit town of torches and bon fires.

I walked forward towards the pens, my father following, fiddling with his pipe, as he began to puff small clouds of smoke, enjoying his Tabaco. I walked over to the pen were two handlers stood, holding sharpen blade like spears in their hands, wearing protective leather armor on their chests and legs.

"Hello.....I'm here to collect my fur" I said, my father standing beside me.

"Got the forms?" one of them said, stepping forward, holding out his hand.

"Yeah, here" I said, handing him the rolled up document.

He checked it, seeing the authentic seal, he nodded and handed it back to me.

"Ok, one moment, " he said as he and the other handler opened the door, the furs inside Moving back, abit scared as they walked in. The fox was backed up against a male and female, both holding him as the handler walked close to them.

"C'mon, get out of the way" he said, the older fox, looking at him.

"P...please....let us say...good bye" he said, holding the fox we purchased.

The handler looked at them, then me and my father.

"Want to let the furs, say their goodbyes?" he asked, smirking, the two older foxes looking at us, their eyes begging to let them say good bye.

I went to speak, but my father interrupted

"Let them" he spoke, the handler letting go of the younger fox, him hugging his mother and father, all three of them spending there last moment.

After a few minutes of them both talking with him, the handler grabbed the younger fox and directed to the door of the pen. They snapped shackles on his wrists and ankles, and clipped a collar like vice around his neck. Chains dangled as he was directed out of the holding cell, they closed the cell door, the mother and father, both crying softly, his mother watching his son walk with the handler to ,e and my father.

"Here's the keys" he said handing them to me "got some rope to for you to tie to your carriage, give me a second to fetch it" he said, placing the chains in my hand as the fox stood there, his eyes directed at the dusty ground.

I watched the fox closely as my father walked around him, looking at him, examining the property of his son, seeing if it was worth the cost. Just then the handler came back with rope, he handed it to me.

"Have a nice evening you both" he said as we started to walk away

"You too good sir" My father said, as he led us both back to the carriage, the fox walked, silently, wearing only a small worn out tunic and pants, Both patchy and worn out.

We walked to the carriage as my father stepped in; I went to get in as well before he stopped me.

"Tie to fur up first" he said, opening a book and smoking his pipe.

I groaned and tied the end of the rope to a bar handle on the side of the carriage, I then walked grabbed the fox's hands and tied his shackles with the rope. He showed little resistance as he was tied. Once he was all tied I stepped up into the carriage and signaled the driver to go. Within a few minutes we were off, going a decent speed, the fox keeping up with us as he walked beside the carriage. After a few miles I noticed he was wobbling a bit, it then occurred he might not have eaten in a while based on his frail body and slim figure. I looked at my father, whom was reading his book peacefully.

"Father, what shall we name him?" I asked

He looked up, a smile on his face.

"He's name him whatever you please, just ......try to pick a reasonable name please" he spoke, going back to his book.

IT was then I heard a yelp as I looked back to see the fox had fallen down, him now being dragged through the dirt road. Whining and yelping.

"Father, the fur!" I said, about to jump out.

"Leave him....he needs to learn we don't stop for anyone"

"I guess you're right..." I said as the fur was dragged through the dirty, trying to regain his stance as he kept hitting the dirt.

This kept on for a few miles, Soon we reached the gates of our house and rode in, stopping before the front door.

"Devlin....take the fur through the back door and into the kitchen, clean him, get him dressed, and get him fed" he said, exiting the carriage and walking into the house.

I sighed and stood out, and walked over to see the fox wheezing, him having a few scraps and bruises.

"Get up fur" I said, kicking his side to get his attention.

He motioned up, trying to regain his posture as he wobbled; he defiantly looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks, nor bathed. I stood there, waiting for him to cllect himself.

"Cmon fur...its cold and id rather be inside" I said, as he manged to stand, his tail tucked.

"Good, follow me" I said, walking around the house to the back entrance, I had his chains in my hand as I walked, him trying to follow, limping in a way.

As we reached the back door, I noticed Chef Andy, tending to a small garden.

"Hey chef andy, I need your help" I said

"What can I do for you young maste....." he said as he saw the fur, standing behind me.

" I see you got yourself a new servant eh Young master?" he said, wiping the dirt onto his pants and walking over.

"Yeah, he's quiet though.....doesnt talk much" I said, standing there, the fox's eyes focused on the ground.

"Hmmm, maybe he just needs warming up too, take him inside, so we may feed the poor thing, he looks starved" he said, walking through the back door and into the kitchen.

I followed him in, the fox padding in as we entered the kitchen, the furnace having been warming the house relived us of the cold. As we entered the brick/sone kitchen Andy looked at us both

"So Yougn master Devlin, what shall you two eat" he said, prepairing his cooking stations.

"Welll um...." I looked at the fox "what do you furs eat?" I asked, but got no reponce, he just looked at me, hi hands at his sides,tail still tucked.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, trying to get him to talk

he just stood there, his tail still tucked.

"Devlin,sir, perhaps he's just scared and not used to humans, ill make him something he will like,most furs like it" Andrew said, as he began to cook.

"Alright...I guess ill get him cleaned and clothed" I said, grabbing his chains and pulling him up the stair, him having abit fo trouble, walking on the slick marble flooring.

As we made it up the stairs, I walked us over to my personal bathing room, opening the door and walking in. The room was vast, like my bedroom, complimented with a nice size tub, big enough for ten people. I walked us over, him still beside me as I closed the door behind us, locking it. I walked over to the bathtub and began to pump the hot water into the tub, groaning for usually someone else did this for me, guess I was to do it myself. The fox just stood there, his ears flicking about as he watched me pump the hot water into the tub. There being a large heated water source above the furnace, making it nice and warm. As soon as the tub was filled, I turned around, wiping the sweat from my brow and looked at him.

"Ok, let's get your shackles off" I aside, walking over and inserting the key into each shackle on both his wrists and ankles.

As I undid them both, they came to the floor, clattering together as the fox rubbed his wrists, them slightly bruised awell as his ankles. That's also when I noticed his feet were slightly different, guessing that's how animals walked, on the balls of there feet.

"Ok, strip your cloths" I said, waiting for himt o comply.

He just stood there, his ears pinned, his tail tucked, not sure what to do.

"Did you hear me?" I said, waiting for him to do it.

After a minute of him not doing as I say I glared and walked forward and grabbed his shirt and slammed him into the wall

"Look fur! I'm not playing, do as I say or ill whip you till you break!" I shouted, making him whimper and nod slowly, tears flowing down his eyes as I let go.

Taking a step back, I watch him remove his tunic, slowly taking it off as he undid his torn up pants. Now naked, I look at him, examining his detailed body. He had green eyes, his ears fully black, is belly fur was dirty white, but im sure once he was clean, it would be plain white, his arms had black socks mid arm down, and his calves to his toes were black aswell. The rest was a dark rusty orange colored fur. His sheath was a nice size, though normally I would stare, it was very different from my own, making my curiosity spike abit.

"Now get in the tub" I said, pointing to the tub.

He padded over to the tub and stepped in, slowly sinking into the water as he sat, his lower half submerged. I grab a bar of soap and lathered my hands to get all soapy, I started to wash his fur, cleaning him, not caring to be gentle as I rouchly stricked the dirt, oil, and blood from his fur. I washed him completely, but when I reached his sheath I stopped. I loked up at him, knoticing him not crying as much anymore, he looked at me, directly in the eye, as I startd to wash his sheath, he gave me a look of -please don't hurt me- . I washed his sheath, then released the drain, the dirty, furry water draining.

"Cmon, up, out of the tub" I said, grabbing a cloth towel, and bringing it over to him.

I watched him step out as I dried his fur, making sure he was all clean. After he was all dry, I looked at him, he looked a little fluffy, but his fur settled down, still a bit damp, I grabbed a body robe and hand it to him.

"We don't have clothing for furs, but I'm sure this will suffice till our custom tailor arrives tomorrow" I said, him nodding.

"Do you even speak at all?" I asked

"Y...yes" he muttered, his eyes looking down at the floor.

"Ah good, for a second I was beginning to think I waste my father's currency on you" I said, before walking out of the bathroom, him following closely.

As we walked down the hall, him wearing a robe, I looked out of the corners of my eyes to make sure he was still following, I saw him rubbing his robe, fascinated with it. I guess he never wore anything like it, or thought he would. We walked to the kitchen were Andy had finished some dinner for us; he made rice and steak, one of my favorites. He served us both, as I motioned the fur to the table.

"Sit fur" I said, as I sat in my own chair, the fire place roaring with both light and heat.

The fur timidly sat, his tail still tucked as he sat, looking at the delicious meal. As I dug into my food, I looked across the table, seeing the fur staring at his food. I tilted my head and lowered the fork, and placed it on my plate.

"Are you going to eat?" I asked, him quickly looking up at me

"S..sorry....the handlers don't let us eat unless they tell us to...." He said, looking down.

"Well if food is presented to you, it's for you, unless said otherwise." I said, as chef Andrew returned, holding a bottle of Red wine.

"Drink Young master?" he asked

"Why yes, pour me and the fur a glass if you would" I said, resuming my eating as the fur slowly picked up the utensils and started eating the rice.

Andrew poured us both glasses of Red Wine, I dragged the glass after he finished and began to drink, savoring the taste. On the other hand, or should I say paw, the fur stared at the glass, not sure what was in the glass.

"Fur, have you not drank wine before?" asked, looking at him

"....what is wine" he said, sniffing it

"It's the drink of nobles, go on, indulge" I said, taking another sip from the pristine glass.

The fox paused for a moment, then pulled it up to his lips and drank some, then more, then the rest.

"Oh my...slow down fur, you're going to get.." I stopped as I thought on it, maybe it would be best if he were drunk, help him forget his grief and be more open so I could see how he ticked.

"I feel....*groans* weird" the fur said, holding his stomach.

"I would assume so" I said, finishing my glass.

"Well it's late, time for me to return to my bedroom for some rest" I said, standing, the fox looking at me.

"Oh, come with me" I said, walking out of the dining hall and up the main staircase.

The fox stood and followed me, his tail drooped abit as he followed. I lead him to my bedroom, where I sat on my bed, him standing before me. In my head I was abit interested in examining him closer, egar to see that furry sheath again. I wasn't sure why though. As we entered my room, the fox stood, his tail wagging slowly, looking at me.

"Fox, Strip down and sit on the bed" I said, walking over to my closet

"W...why?" he asked, a sense of nervousness in his throat.

I looked at him, abit frustrated with him questioning me.

"Are you questioning me fur?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"N..n,no" he said, peeling the robe off his body and ayign it on the floor, before walking nude over to the bed, sitting on the side of it.

"Good fur...Now what shall we name you" I said, walking over to him

"I about.....Jacob?" I said, trying to think of names.

The fox looked at him, and slightly nodded his head.

"ok.." he said, as I patted his head.

"Jacob, for bedding arrangements, you can sleep on the other side of the bed tonight, tomrow you can get your own room" I said, sitting beside him.

"Ok.." he said, sliding to the other side of the bed.

"Good" I said, taking my tunic and pants off, just my undergarments on as I pulled the wool blanket onto me, grabbing the candle beside my bed and blowing it out.

"Good night Jacob" I said, closing my eyes.

I awoke, looking up, seeing the dark ceiling, the moon light from the window shinning into the room, giving minimal lighting. I blinked my eyes a few times before sitting up, looking around the room, I then noticed the fox sleeping beside me, he was curled up beneath the blanket, his body shinning in the moon light, his fur reflecting the light slightly. I laid my head back against my pillow, and felt something, I wrapped my hands around my harden cock.

"Damn...." I whispered to myself, feeling horny as hell for some reason.

I began to stroke myself, my circumcised cock, 6 inches, wanting Relief. I groaned as I started rubbing it, moaning softly. Just then a thought popped into my head, I turned my head over to the fox, his muzzle drooling slightly, as his maw was agape.

"Hmmm.......I wonder" I said, slipping out of bed, and walking around the bed to where his head laid,

I looked down at him, the moon light reflecting from the window on his face. I grabbed his muzzle and rubbed his maw, the idea becoming intriguing as I stroked my even harder member. I stopped rubbing his maw and walked over to the door, making sure it was locked; I felt the door and acknowledged it was indeed locked. I walked back over to my closet and grabbed some folded sheets. I then walked back over to the sleeping fox, I grabbed his paws and tied them together, using the sheets as rope, he hadn't noticed, guessing he was a deep sleeper. After his hands were tied I walked back over to his face and smiled, his lower lip drooling slightly.

"Heh.....this will be fun....just got to watch those teeth, they look sharp as hell" I said, stroking my throbbing cock.

I reached down and guided his head towards the end of the bed, so his head was hanging over the edge as I held his mouth open. I slowly inserted my cock, the warm moist maw sending chills as his hot breath enveloped around my sensitive cock. I felt my tip touch his tongue, the damp tongue making me moan quietly. As soon as I reached half hilt into his mouth, I forced his maw closed around it, watching for the teeth as my cock felt a enclose f hot moist mouth.

"Ohhh...fuck..." I moaned the feeling completely out of this world, like nothing I ever felt before.

I looked down as I felt the warm maw, moaning slightly to myself, abit in disbelief of what I was doing, and how could I lower myself to allowing my cock to be fed to a fur. But something inside me told me this was right.....but I couldn't put my finger on why it was. As I moaned and felt myself getting more excited, I heard a sound; I quickly looked down to see the Jacob's eyes flittering awake.

"Mmm mmmm !! M!!M!M!" he said, pulling back his eyes wide as he saw what was happening.

"Shut up and Stop Moving" I said quietly, but sternly, grabbing his scruff and holding him on my cock, whimpers and yelps escaping around my concealed cock.

"Look...Your gonna let me have my way with you, or ill be sure to make use of the hot Iron we used to brand our horses on your furry rear, got me!" I whispered forcefully into his ear, making his yelping and whimpering come to a halt, his eyes tearing slightly, his body shaking in fear.

"Good pup" I said, my cock still throbbing in his mouth.

"Now suck like a baby to his mother's tit" I said, pushing myself abit deeper into his maw.

He responded and started to suck, earn a few murrs and moans from me. I tilted my head back and enjoyed it, savoring the feeling as he sucked. I put a hand on his head and started pushing his head up and down my shaft, getting close to Cuming. His tongue gave me an excellent feel as my cock shaft sided up and down it, my tip popping in and out of his throat.

"Ooh ooh....AGH!" I loudly moaned as my cock flooded his mouth.

As the torrents of my balls flooded hi mouth I felt him gaging around my cock, trying to pull away. I held him on it, him frantically trying to pull away, coughing madly around my cock. I finally felt my last drop in his mouth and let him go, him flying backwards onto his back on the bed. He coughed and gaged, his mouth leaking my seed as he panted, looking at me, fear in his eyes. But that wasn't the only thing I saw.......I saw a shimmer of lust.

"Heh.......Nice maw, but that's just appetizer, now for the main course" I said, moving closer to the fox, my cock still hard and dripping left overs.

" more" he said, trying to sit up, as I pushed him back down.

I kept my left paw on him, stroking my hard cock, my eyes looking down at his body. His arms were tied together behind his back from before, his body facing me, flat on the bed, tail tucked, covering both his tailhole and sheath.

"Remove your tail Jacob" I said, rubbing my hard erection on his furry thigh.

"Please....don't" he said, his eyes begging me.

"Fine, have it your way" I grabbed his tail and yanked it out of the way, him yelping loudly, making me glare,

"Shut up!" I quietly shouted, trying to get him to stop.

He grew silent, wanting to scream help but who would come, he was this person's property now, and he owned him. Devlin leaned forward, and pushes his tip against the fox's tailhole, making the fox bite his lower lip, cum still on it. Devlin smiled and pushed his tip in making the fox yip, his tailhole stretching around the new member, causing him some pain. I gritted my teeth as my cock slowly sank into him, hilting him.

"Fuuuck ........your tight" I said, my breath panting as the fox laid benith me, looking up at me, his cock emerging from his sheath.

"You like this don't you fox?" I said, looking at him, him looking back at me.

We kept our eyes locked for a moment as I pulled out slowly, then thrusting back in, making him grunt. I repeated this again, pulling out then thrusting back in. Each thrust got a grunt from him, soon after a few more the grunt was mixed with moans. I watched him pant as I started picking up pace, my mind going feral on me, as I reverted to instincts. My body pushed myself fin and out, with greater speed as the fox moaned beneath me, keeping a steady pace, feeling the urge to go faster and deeper. Jacob was groaning and moaning as my cock started to make him moan like a bitch in heat, his body shivering with each thrust of human flesh in him.

"Ugh....." I moaned, my body shaking as I fucked, getting close.

"oooooh" Jacob moaned, his teeth clamping shut as his own cock shot Globs of fox seed into the air, hitting my chin.

As soon as he came I felt his tailhole clench, sending me over the edge as I shoved myself as deep as I could, pumping loads of human cum into his bowels.

"....gawd" I said, sucking air in as I sweat, my body shimmering in the light of the moon.

Jacob laid beneath me, looking up at me, a smile surfacing on his muzzle. I looked down, his green eyes gazing at me. I leand in and laid my head on his chest, the sound of his fast heart beating, up and down his lungs went, making me feel at peace.

"Um.....Sir?" Jacob said, fidgeting abit

I sighed and looked at him

"Yes Jacob?"

"Can you untie my's starting to hurt" he said

"Hmmm I suppose" I said, pulling my cock out of his tailhole, cum leaking out as I flipped him over and started undoing the sheets.

After a few minutes of fiddling with them I managed to free him, him sitting up on his bum feeling his wrist.

"Look ......this never happened ...ok?" I said, yawning, my eye feeling heavy.

"Yes sir, you have something on your lip he said, pointing at my lip.

"Oh...heh..." I said, licking my lips, the fox cum tasting strange, warm and sticky, not to mention thick.

I swallowed the cum and smiled, laying back onto my side of the bed, yawning, ready for some more sleep.

"Good night sir" Jacob said, sitting beside me.

"Yes...goodnight" I said, drifting into sleep.

I stirred, soon awaking; I looked up at the ceiling, stretching my limbs as I slide out of bed, standing. My vision was hazy; I guess it was because of what happened last night. I walked over to the bathroom, thinking it would help to splash some water in my eyes. As I reached the bathroom I looked down and grabbed some water, I splashed the water in my eyes, rubbing them. I looked into the mirror and froze.....staring back was a fur....a fox.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted, steeping back into the wall.

I started to panic, my face consisting of a muzzle and a black wet nose, including tall black ears covering the top of my head. My heart was racing as I felt them, my eyes now green instead of blue.

"This....this isn't is a dream" I said, panicking as I walked around. I looked down to see my naked self, my once slick skin now fur, orange fur. I saw my feet were different, for I was walking on the balls of them, and my was gone. Replacing it was a furry sheath, white, and thick. I touched it and gasped... behind me, my long bushy tail laid drooped.

"Oh my gods....." I said, my eyes tearing up.

All of a sudden I heard a voice coming from the hall, it reached the door, I lunged to lock it but was too late

"Sir Can we.............." Jacob said, standing, staring, his eyes widen.

"Um......who are you?" he asked, abit shocked, walking in and closing the door behind him.

I took me a moment to regain my voice

"'s me" I said "Devlin!"

"" he said, backing away, his mouth agape

"I don't know, .......I.....I woke up....and I walked into here and now...this!" I said, panicking.

"What could have done this to you..." he said, both curious and in shock from this incident

"Oh god what am I going to do......" I said, rocking in place, nervous of how I'll be seen.

"Um.....when I was a kit.....I heard stories about this sorta thing.....there was an elder in my parent's tribe.....she might still be around....maybe she will know something about this?" Jacob said, standing beside him

" far is this...tribe?" I asked, crying slightly, hearing movement outside the bathroom, it was probably one of the maids looking to clean the hall.

"It's far...way outside the kingdom of nobles..... I might be able to get us there...but it would be a long trip....especially of foot" he said, looking at me

"Fine....we'll go...I can't risk my father seeing me like this, or any of the other, but first we need cloths, go to my bedroom and get me some cloths from my closet, you'll see a bag in the closet, grab it and head down stairs to chef Andy, tell him I need the bag filled with food. Ok?" I said, rubbing my arm.

"Yeah...I'll do it" he said, walking out of the bathroom and into my room.

A few minutes past before he returned, holding a tunic, and pants, he handed them to me left. After dressing I looked to see the cloths Shute, I opened it and slide down into he basement, landing in some damp clothing. The fall didn't bother me much; as I stood I walked through the basement and out the back door. I waited a few minutes beside the outside door, I saw Jacob coming out, holding the bag. He padded over, fully dressed , wearing a tunic aswell. HE handed the bag to me and smiled.

"We're set, let's go" he said, rushing me as we walked off of the property and onto he dirt road.

"Look Jacob, we need to keep off the main roads, once we exit the noble's kingdom, we should be fine. Furs here get caught and sold if were found." I said, him nodding in agreement

"Yeah, we can use an old route I heard most runaway furs use." He said, leading me through the thick dense forest.

"Ok...I hope this works" I said, as we ran,

As we ran we made it a few miles, before stopping for a breath, me tearing slightly, confused by it all, wishing this never happened. Jacob panted and looked at me, noticing my eyes tearing, looking at me.

"What's wrong Sir?" he asked, padding over to me and placing a paw on me.

I flung my arms in the air and looked at him

"ALL OF THIS!, IM A FUCKIN ANIMAL!" I yelled, him stepping back abit.

"I'm...I'm sorry you feel this way" he said, looking at me, his ears pinned.

"I just want this gone......I wanan find your elder and have her fix it!" I shouted, my voice showing emotional pain.

Jacob nodded and leaned forward and hugged me, pulling me close in a tight imbrance. I was about to push away before he spoke.

"I'll help you find a way to fix this...I promise" he said, holding me tight

"Why...why are you being so kind to me? I're just some slave I bought..." I said, my muzzle leaning against his neck.

"You don't know why?" he asked, putting a paw on my neck, rubbing my fur.

"Why..?" my eyes were looking straight into his eyes,

"Because.....You and me...last took me as your mate" he said, looking at me

I was mate. I was confused but for some reason this felt indeed right, to me it felt right....why, I couldn't understand. He rubbed my fur as I nodded, my eyes still watery.

"Jacob....I uh.....thanks" I said, looking at him, the trees of the forest around me felt like they were swirling around me, my stomach full of butterflies. Fore I never felt this feeling before..with anyone.

He just nodded and smiled, placing a kiss onto my forehead.

"C'mon Devlin...we have a long journey ahead of us"