Chances : Chapter 4

Story by Quies on SoFurry

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#4 of Chances

Bleh and done~

I woke up at the sound of a loud moan, with a start I quickly sat up to see what was going on. Looking at my left is see the gorgeous wolf who seems very confused and in large amounts of pain. I snacked on him last night. I let out a loud moan as I slapped my paw onto my face, "Ah... I forgot to break mesmer and dye my fur back". I let out a grunt as I looked over Chase who is holding onto his head like it is going to explode, "I am sooooooooo sorry....". Getting up I quickly sat on the large wolf as he groaned in pain, sitting on the nicely defined abs I leaned in close to him and eventually pressed my lips against his. Closing my eyes I concentrate on soothing the pain in the wolf's head, sending magic from my lips to his.


Hearing my name I opened my eyes, Chase seems to be doing much better, though I can tell that he is still suffering from some minor headaches. "Glad you're feeling better".

"W-What happened? Why are you in my bed?". The question caused me to blush slightly, so far everything has not gone the way it should. I was supposed to finish up my little snack, break mesmer, and get back home to dye my fur back. But instead, the wolf is awake, looking at a pure white husky on top of him, in his own bed.

'What got over me last night...'.

I feel my brain start working, trying to find a excuse for all of this Chase is witnessing. The first thought was just do a mind wipe, lock up the wolf's memories of this incident, 'But he was mesmerized the whole night, I am not sure his mind will be able to take anymore abuse'. I can only manage a whimper as I stared at the confused wolf in front of me.

Chase looks at Fyren who is on top of him, all these questions instantly popped up in his head. The two just sat there and stared at each other, both naked as they tried to think of something to do, or at least say. As Chase looks closer at the husky, he notices that the fur is completely white and eyes are blue, 'Why is his fur all white, wasn't it black and white the other day? Why is my head hurting so much? Why don't I remember anything from last night? What did we do? Oh god... did we have sex?' The last thought lingered in the wolf's head as he knew that two people naked on the same bed most probably means they did. Though trying to think things through Chase felt his sheath stir up, he is usually not a morning wood person, but the sight of a cute naked husky in front of him is rather hard to resist, there is just something about the husky that is hard to resist.


Fyren looked at the wolf with worried eyes hoping this isn't too much of a shock for the wolf. Chase was rather surprised he is keeping calm at all this, he should be flipping out at the sight of a naked guy in the same bed as him. 'I am pretty sure I am not gay the last time I checked...' conjuring up a image of a regular naked guy in his head he did not feel any arousal at all, 'Still not gay... but maybe, just maybe...'.

Fyren squirmed slightly as he tries to think of a way out of this. 'I might as well spill the beans... I can always mind wipe him later...', as the husky was going to say something the wolf's next words caught him by surprise.

"I think I am in love with you..."

Fyren was speechless as he felt his heart skip a beat, 'W-what did he just say?! Maybe the mesmer damaged his head, maybe he isn't all there... mayb-', the husky wasn't able to complete his thoughts as he felt Chase pulled him in, pressing lips against lips. After that the husky could not but melt into the passionate kiss, responding to it with a kiss back. Murring softly, Fyren slowly wraps his arms around Chase's neck holding onto the muscled mass as the two played with their muzzles, tongue slipping in each other's mouth, making them both shiver in pleasure. Chase pulled back slowly and looks at Fyren in the eyes, his heart body seem to be rewarding him with pleasure that ripples throughout his body.

"I am not sure if this is love... Heck, I never thought I will fall for a guy, but will you go out with me?"

Fyren still not able to find words just nodded, his face flushed pink as he feels himself pulled into a hug by the wolf, chest pressed against the defined chested of the wolf.

After a minute in that position Chase whispered softly into the husky's ears, "You still have a lot of explaining to do"

Fyren gulped as he nodded again, this is going to be a heck of a explanation...

The two sat on the couch in the living room now fully dressed. Their eyes meeting as Chase tries to think of a possible explanation for the abnormalities surrounding the husky, like his fur for example. But since the wolf was never the one to think things through he asked the question. "So your fur... and eyes... is what I am seeing real?", the husky nodded as he brought his leg up and sat Indian style on the couch. "Yeah... It is just what I am... I guess...".

"What? So you are not a husky?"

Fyren can only blush as he feels the eyes on his body, though dressed now he felt himself exposed in front of the wolf. "No no no, I am pure one hundred percent husky. Through and bred, It is just my family... has different needs then normal people...".

"What sort of needs?"

"Mostly life essence, stuff like blood or er... sperm..." The husky blushed, though he goes and hunt for life essence at least two times a week, he never had a source question him about it.

"So you go around giving people blow jobs?" Chase seeing the husky fold his ears back knew he hit a sore spot. "I... I am sorry I am just trying to wrap my head around this..." Looking at the squirming husky he couldn't help but add a few words "And if you can help it... Just ask me to give you sper-rrrrrr life essence". The husky nodded in agreement, after all, this wolf declared his love for him, and now that they are together it is only natural. "I am not being too selfish am I?"

The husky let out a smile, "No, now that I found a partner I don't have to go around looking anymore, and it's only proper..."

Chase chuckles and said jokingly, "Good I don't know what to think when my boyfriend goes around giving random strangers blow jobs". Fyren couldn't help but blush furiously at the word boyfriend.

"He he... It sure sounds weird saying boyfriend with I joke about gays all my life, then again I don't think I am gay, I just fell for someone who happens to be a guy, I mean... I don't like the idea of getting with another guy at all...".

As the wolf was about to ask another question, he felt his stomach growl, and remembered he haven't at breakfast yet. Fyren let out a small laugh as he got up and starts head for the kitchen he seen the wolf go into last night. "The questions can wait, how about I make something to eat first? After all, you did treat me to a sandwich last night". Chase wagged his tail as his stomach grumbled again, making him blush lightly under his black fur. "That would be great!".

The air smelled of bacon and eggs, since this was the only food Fyren learned how to cook thanks to Jinn. The two ate on the couch, not bothering with the table since they both wanted to watch TV. As the wolf flipped through the channels with a plate on his free hand, Fyren stopped the wolf as soon as he saw what was showing on a history channel.

"Middle ages documentary?" said Chase questioningly.

Fyren smiled as he stared at the screen while eating, "It reminds me of old days, even though some of the things are inaccurate".

"Old days? So how old are you again?"

"A few hundred... I lost count, things like that is rather boring after a while"

"A few hundred?! What the heck are you anyways?"

Fyren made a face as he tries to put together his knowledge together to explain what he is. "It's confusing but I guess the closest you can get are vampires or incubuses, there are just so many names and so many accounts in so many places that we don't really bother naming our being as a whole. It's not like we are the only beings that normal people didn't know about."

"So there are more guys like you?!"

Fyren just replied with a casual "yeah".

The wolf took a bite out of the scrambled eggs on his plate. Lightly salted, just the way the wolf likes. "So do you have any kind of abilities? I don't know... saaaay turning into bats?"

Fyren let out a laugh almost choking on his food as he looks at the wolf with an amused look. "Haha, I can imagine why you ask that. After all media these days portray vampires with supernatural abilities, the vampires told in stories are probably people like me but prey on the blood of the living as form of receiving life essence."

"So can you?"

"No and yes... It depends on the person."

"What you mean?"

"We use magic, it's not an ability obtain through race, the type of magic depends on the user."

Chase nods, having gotten used to hearing these unnatural things being explained to him. "You think I can do magic?"

Fyren's face seem to stiffen as he looks up from his food, "Yes, but I won't let you"

Chase gave a confused look, slightly disappointed. "Why?"

"The use of magic has its price Chase, for normal furs, the price of magic is taking bit of your soul, which will shorten your life span. Hence magic is the devil's work is taught to the disciples of Farr as a first rule. For a magical being like me, magic only drains our energy."

"Ah that's too bad, so what magic do you do?" said Chase, who is finishing up his plate.

"Mostly mind magic"

"So I am guessing that headache earlier was because of you?"

Fyren gave the wolf an apologetic, "Yes sorry..."

Chase lets out a chuckle as he looks at the husky squirm, "Not that I mind, I mean... I probably enjoyed myself last night"

Fyren blushed as he quickly stood up and picked up both trays to place them on the sink. 'If he can make me blush like this, then I am sure I am not wrong to accept his confession, though... he was rather blunt about it... even by my standards.'

Chase continues to watch the documentary as the husky went to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

"...Inspired change in the secular church. The ideals that it was based upon were brought to the papacy by Pope Leo IX, and provided the ideology of the clerical independence that lead to the Investiture Controversy in the late 11th century. This involved Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV, who initially clashed over episcopal appointments, disputes that turned into a battle over the ideas of investiture, clerical marriage, and simony. The emperor saw the protection of the Church as one of his responsibilities as well as wanting to preserve the right to appoint his own choices as bishops within his lands."

As the dishes are cleaned and placed in the cabinet he found them in, Fyren notices a calendar on the fridge. Wiping his hands as he got closer he reads the words for tomorrow. "Sunday... mom and dad coming home", as he walks back to the couch he notices the wolf still on the couch watching the documentary, now on a section on the beliefs of that time."

"Hey, is it true succubus's steals the amount of years you live every time you have sex with one?"

Fyren perked his ears up at the question, "Ah no, like I said, the church teaches against magic, what better way, than to make people fear of beings who take in life essence?"

"Ah I see"

Fyren walks around the couch and sat next to the wolf, "Your parents are coming home tomorrow?"

"Yeah, they have been gone for about a week now."

"Do they... should they... know? About us?"

That seem to capture Chases attention, he lets out a little moan as he totally forgot about what other people will think. "No! They can't... I don't think that telling them will be such a good idea, and at school too... This is going to be just too much shock for everyone."

Fyren nods, he doesn't mind that their relationship is a secret. He has seen what peoples intolerance can do over the decades, and the last thing he needs is the wolf to be burdened. "That's fine with me, I can just pose as a friend of yours in front of everyone"

"Thanks" Chase leaned in and gives the husky a soft peck to the cheek, which made Fyren turn pink.

"No worries, let's just make this work for the both of us." Fyren replied, pressing his nose against Chases.

The phone rang few minutes later as the two sat together watching the TV, the channel having been switched a few times already. Chase lets out a light sigh as he felt the weight of the husky move off him so he can do answer the house phone.


"Chase! Man whats up? You didn't answer your cell phone."

"Ah sorry dude, phones upstairs I didn't hear"

"So anyways, you wanta hangout tonight? Sydney is having a party at her place"

"You think she can let me bring a friend? I'm kinda hanging out with someone right now."

"I dunno you go ask her, I am just lettering you know about the party"

"Ok, I see you later then, later"


Chase hung the phone up before calling out to the husky on the couch, "Hey Fie, You wanta go out to a party later tonight?"


"Ok just let me call Sydney to see if I can bring you over too"

Chase jogged up to his room to retrieve his cellphone. Looking into his contacts he found Sydney's number and called it. A couple of rings later a slightly pitched and girly voice answered.

"Hey Chase!"

"Hey Sydney, can I bring a friend over to the party tonight?"

"Huh? Yeah, I guess, who?"

"You know the new husky?"

"Ah yeah, I seen him at school yesterday I think, kinda cute?"

"Yes ver-erm... cute... I guess..." Chase quickly caught himself before talking out of place.

"Ah then sure invite him over"

"Ok thanks!" as Chase was about to hang up he heard the girl on the other end quickly shouted "Wait!"

"Hrm? Whats up?"

"Courtney's wondering if you are going to get with her tonight after the party, she said that she is going to bring extra condoms, I do hope you are not going to go out with that bitch, I swear her attitude is getting worse every time I see her, did you kno-"

"Ah tell her no" Chase quickly interrupted before the girl before she went into full story mode. 'Not like I want to now...' thought Chase as his thoughts wandered around Fyren for a quick second.

"Ah good, that slut needs to learn some self-restraint, I mean... She already blew the whole football team last ye-"

"Ah ok, bye!" Chase quickly hung up and let out a sigh. Stepping down the stairs Chase walked over to the couch and sat back at his spot. He lets out a content sigh as he feels the husky lean back against him again. Wrapping an arm around Fyren's shoulder he pulls the dog close to him. "Plans all set for tonight, what you wanta do before the party?"

Fyren shrugged as he felt warm and safe under the wolf's arms. "I don't know, don't really know this town like you"

Chase nudged at the husky so he can get up again. Fyren let out a light grunt as he shifted again so the wolf can get up. Chase walked back up the stairs and picked up a stuffed bag and brought it downstairs. Settling back down on the couch he reaches in the bag and pulls out what seems like a pipe. Fyren rose an eyebrow, "You smoke?"

"Yeah, sorry if it bothers you, I can hold off until later if you want?"

Fyren shrugged as he leans back against the wolf, "Ah no, I don't mind, just got me by surprise was all."

Stuffing the pipe with some greens, Chase pulls out a lighter and lit the top of the packed patch while inhaling in the smoke. Fyren let a light sniff of the air, "Weed?"

Chase seems to relax as he lets out a puff of smoke, "Yeah, like I said I can stop if you want"

"No no it's fine, really"

"You want to smoke?"

"Ha ha no, I am not the type to smoke, but I don't mind it."

Chase lets out an easygoing grin as he replied "Good, I wasn't going to give you any anyways"

The two cuddled together on the couch as the smoke swirled above them. The smoke slowly taking effect on the husky as he felt his body and mind more relaxed than before.