The Meeting

Story by Kronden Kiantu Calaun Jouslor on SoFurry

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The Meeting

By: Kronden Kiantu Calaun Jouslor

The hard days at work never seem to pay off, Josh walked slowly home from Hot Racers, where he rebuilds cars into hotrods and street racers and other random custom jobs. He wiped the grease from his paws with an old dirty rag as he came up to the door to his apartment building, opened the glass door and walked up the 12 flights of stairs to the top floor then down the hall to the last apartment on the corner.

He opened the door and walked inside a very well kept apartment with wooden floors and white walls. The furniture well arranged around the entertainment center his parents left to him, among many other things when they passed on. A sigh passed his lips as the feeling of loneliness slipped over him again. The apartment still had that empty feeling. "Why is it so hard to find someone in this town..." he said to himself and the walls, then answered his own question in his mind. Because everyone here is strait... that's why. With a shake of his head he walked to his bedroom and stripped down for his shower.

Tossing his clothes into the hamper he looked in his full-length mirror and over his body. Fur, black as night, covered his well-muscled 6'2" frame of a black panther. He shook his head again wondering how he is going to make it here or if he will have to move again. The hiss of the shower came as he slipped under the warm water and let it soak into his fur. A sudden sigh of relief came from him as he relaxed, the dirt and sweat from the days work slowly washed out of his fur as he soaped down. The light peppermint smell of the soap tickled his nose and a shudder when up his body. Loving the feel of his claws running trough his fur he worked the lather in deep and soon rinsed off.

He started to purr softly as he lightly massaged his large sheath and hanging balls to match. Soon the dark red tip of his cock started to peek out from inside of his sheath as he stroked himself and became erect. He looked down at the nine inches of his member. Bering one of few big cat anthros that still have a true sheath from not being interbred so much. He growled happily as his paw closed around the thick base of his cock and slowly slid up to the large head that he lightly ran a claw over sending a shudder from his loins up his spine.

His paw started to move faster, and he braced himself against the wall, the water still running over his body as he pawed himself to orgasm. Slowly his balls started to tighten, and he panted heavily. He gripped his cock firmly and stroked it hard and soon let out a deep growl and felt his body tighten and his cock erupted with his seed. He milked the last bit of cum out of his softening shaft. He brought his paw up to his muzzle, and his tongue lapped over his paw cleaning it. He never quite knew why he loved his own taste but decided he must be doing something right. He then realized his fur was still a bit sticky and rinsed his paw off.

He got out of the shower, dried off, then walked to his dresser and gave his thick fur a thorough brushing and looked in the mirror again over his body and smiled to himself. He put on a pair of knee length shorts, cut off on the ends and a white body-tight T-shirt and then put on his dark brown shoes and grabbed his wallet and backpack and walked out the door of his apartment and locked it behind him.

After about a half an hour of walking he came to Maratath's Coffee Shop, his favorite place to come for coffee, though this is his first time coming past 6p.m. He looked around and noticed the place was packed and there was no place to sit. He growled to himself and his face showed blatant disappointment. Suddenly he saw a fox over in the corner booth wave to him. He didn't recognize the fox but walked over to him anyway. He noticed the fox had the normal red colorings of a one, only his seemed very rich and thick, he could smell the woodland scent of the fox from where he stood at the edge of the table. Slightly caught off guard as he stared at the 6 foot, light build of the fox, muscular, but not quite as muscular as him, but still nice.

"Well, are you going to stand there or will you have a seat?" Josh jumped slightly as he was slapped out of his dreamy state and he nodded and took a seat with a slightly silly grin, glad for his black fur that hid his blush. A waitress, one in a dark brown apron with coffee shop's name written across it, came up and looked at josh, "What will you be having Josh?" Joshed smiled as he recognized the lovely cheetah that always gets his coffee for him in the morning when he comes in before work. "I'll have a mocha chillate' with 2 extra shots of espresso, Maria." She smiled, "I'll have in here in a moment."

The cheetah trotted off and he turned to the fox and smiled, "Thank you, I came in and thought I would never get a seat. I'm Josh." The fox smiled and nodded slightly, "Yes, it is hard to find a place to sit any time from 5 to 8, I'm Max, pleased to meet you." He extended a paw over the table and Josh took it and shook it firmly as he always does. Max thought to himself many naughty thoughts but really didn't want to piss off a black panther that seems to be able to back himself up quite well.

The waitress returned and set a large mug on the table in front of Josh and offered more coffee to Max, Max nodded and his mug was filled. She turned back to Josh, "What brings you in here at this time of day?" he smiled and looks at her, "Ah I was bored at home and I finished the Honda Civic today so I thought I'd treat myself to something. How late do you work here?" he slipped 15 dollars to her, 7 of which was a tip, she was always good to him. "I work until 8 then head to the gym." He never really noticed how well toned she was for a female cheetah until she mentioned the gym and he smiled, "Well that is a long day, over 12 hours." She nodded and gave an over exaggerated sigh as he placed the back of her paw to her forehead, "Oh but this little kitty must do what she must to survive in this cruel world." All three of them chuckled and she kissed Josh softly on the nose-pad and looked at max, "This is that mechanic I told you about, the one who fixed my car and didn't even charge me anything. Hope you two have fun chatting." She smiled and padded off.

He wondered for a moment why she would talk with other about him but he shrugged it off and looked at the fox and Max broke the silence. "Well I am glad to finally meet you, I hear you are quite good with cars?" He smiled again and rested back taking a sip of his drink and nodded, "I'm ok with them. I play around with them here and there." He fox covered a slight giggle and placed a 10 on the table and stood up, "I am gonna go for a walk, gets to crowded in here. Would you like to join me?" Josh looked up at the fox with a questioning look on his face but said nothing and stood.

They walked out of the shop and he turned toward the main park and slowly walked along the sidewalk in silence until Max finally broke it again, this time in a very surprising way. "So, how does one so handsome as yourself not have a mate?" Josh tripped over himself and fell to the ground. He quickly was back up on his feet and he looked at Max again a surprised yet not angry look on his face. "Well I guess that was the wrong question." Max looked somewhat worriedly at the panther as Josh regained his ground and composure. "No... it was just unexpected. I take it you know Maria pretty well..." Max just smiled and nodded, "We talk a lot."

Josh looked up at the sky and shrugs, "I guess I could just never find the right person to be with you know... this town doesn't offer much if anything from what I have seen that is my type." Max tilted his head and smiled, "Same here. I have been here 10 years and found none I can be with. It's rather saddening but I cope."

The two went on talking as they found a bench in the park, their conversation roamed from cars to buildings to their past to their future to art and music and finally back to the present. Neither of them noticed they had been chatting for over 4 hours until Joshed looked at his clock and let out a small growl and turned to Max who seemed to have become his best friend in the past 5 hours. "Damn... it's 12 p.m. already, I should be getting home..." Max looked at the panther and over his velvet fur then looked at the time himself. "Well, would you walk back to the shop with me so I can pick up my car?" Josh nodded and they walked back still taking up a storm and when they got to his car josh's jaw dropped and Max had a look of complete horror on his face. His brand new and fully upgraded Dodge viper has been vandalized. Knowing that it was too late to do anything about it for right now he hung his head and just looked at the ground hopelessly as Josh went over it and looked at the damage.

"They got most of the interior and the engine, wheels are gone and breaks as well... Call the cops?" Max looked up and shook his head, "You should know the cops hate furs... They won't do anything about this and just leave me with the burden... Great... and I have a 45 minute drive home... much less a walk." Josh looked around and finally said, "Hey, if you want, I am only a 30 minute walk from here. You can stay at my place and tomorrow I'll have a truck come out here and pick it up and take it back to the shop, Eddie and I should be able to fix it up and most likely the stolen parts will come to our shop anyway..."

Max smiled his lovely bright smile and nodded, "Thank you, I'll pay you well for it." Josh shook his head and smiled, "You and Maria are the only people I have been able to talk with at all since I moved here 4 years back... For you, it is free. I'll work on it in my spare time which I get a lot of at the shop when we are in-between cars. If I don't get any of the parts back... All I ask is payment for the parts." Max couldn't help it and flung his arms around Josh, Josh was surprised but loved the feel of someone holding him and he hugged back. After about 3 minutes he realized he should let go and they parted and walked to his house talking about the car and how to take care of it and such.

Josh opened the door to his apartment and tosses his stuff off to the side table and Max set his down on the table. Max liked the apartment, "Well kept, a lovely place. How did you get a corner?" Josh was taking off his shirt and shoes when the question was asked, "I knew a friend who worked here and got me in, he was shot a few days after I got the place..." he hung his head a bit then walked to the kitchen in just his pants, loving the cool floor on the pads of his feet as he started to pour a drink for himself then asked Max if he would like anything. "Coke?" Max asked and Josh popped open a can of coke and poured it for Max and took his glass of milk to the table and set the two glasses down as he walked to his TV stand and picked up the remote and suddenly Max came up behind him. Josh turned around and looked at the fox, for the first time Max had the sheepish smile on his face as he looked awkwardly around and finally spoke.

"Maria told me something else... I know why you can't find your type." Josh looked at Max for a moment and then tilted his head in question. "She told me you are... gay... and that I should meet you." Josh was caught my surprise but before he could speak Max spoke again. "I'm glad I did meet you." Suddenly Josh was taken in the fox's arms again and Josh let his arms fall around the fox and they held each other again. Soon Max slipped away with that still awkward look on his face and Josh had a huge grin on his face as he slipped over to the couch and sat down, patting the place right next to him as he grabbed the remote and turned on some music.

Max slid up next to Josh and Josh let his arm rest around max and pull max to him. Max turned his head to look up at Josh, "I guess you can tell why I could never find my type around here..." They smiled at each other and Josh nuzzled him softly and they soon drifted off to sleep on the couch as the music flowed through the air. That night they spoke of more things, this time on a deeper level. Both thought in unison, I'm so glad I found him... perhaps this will lead to new grounds...


[email protected]

This is only the beginning, There story will continue, I promise.