is it really worth fighting? or enjoying? (part 2)

Story by the dark lord silva on SoFurry

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#2 of is it really worth fighting? or enjoying?

part 2. mmm looks like its getting sexy dont yall?

The man awoke, a deep thumping in his head. Sparks flew all around him from damaged

panels, controls, and lights. He opened his eyes a bit more and saw a jagged piece of rock

inches from his face. He blinked and shivered, realizing he could be very . . . very . . . VERY

dead right now. He gingerly unbuckled the tattered remains of the seat belt and groaned as he

felt bruises along his chest, left from the strong deceleration of the crash and the digging of the

nylon straps. They saved his life, but it hurt like hell.

He hobbled out of the chair, limping softly and trying to relieve his muscles from the shock of the crash. The exit portal behind the cockpit seemed to have suffered some catastrophic failure; by that he meant a huge-ass dent was in it, making it impossible to open. Luckily, there were a

number of exits; some were escape pods and others were cargo ports.

He lifted his arm to brush away some debris from a wall mounted console, AND WHAT DO YOU

KNOW? It was cracked to hell and back. He grumbled and went to its side, yanking off the

paper map and looking through its holed surface. The nearest one was just in the cryo chamber.

Great, he had to go in with the dead bodies. He sighed and folded the map up into the tattered

remains of his jumpsuit, hiding it snuggly inside one of the few remaining pockets, and walked

out into the corridor heading to the aft of the vessel.

Lucky for him, the door leading to the cryo chamber was reinforced. The console next to it was

still active with flashing emergency lights, most of them dealing with the lack of life signs. He

shook his head grimly and hit the open button. The door didn't move at first, and he hit the

button again. It still didn't move. He grumbled and straight kicked the button and the door

opened with a squeal. "'Bout damn time," he said to no one in particular.

He walked through the door into the shattered remains of the cryo chamber, seeing tubes with

cracked surfaces from the crash -or worse- from the people that where inside trying to get out

and survive. It didn't matter though. They were dead; he couldn't help them. He needed to get

out and find out what planet he was on. He knew one thing though; the planet was definitely

habitable. The air wasn't killing him, so he could breathe. There were trees and grass, and it

wasn't too hot; maybe a bit humid and warm, but not unbearably so.

He saw the port. It was damaged, yes. However, it was not overly so; if you would call half of it

torn away and scorched thusly, that is. He walked to it and pressed the other half of it, and it fell away, so being damaged had a good side to it. He looked down and saw what he had feared: a cliff; shattered and damaged, smoking from heat, and not too far of a jump. He just hoped it held. He looked back for a moment, took 10 steps back, and ran; charging straight through the door and making a big leap, landing on the rocky cliff. As he landed, his leg gave out on him and he tumbled down the cliff, rolling into bushes and hitting a tree. He groaned softly and shook his

head, trying to think.

Just then, he heard a rustling. He thought it was just rubble or debris or something as he knew it wasn't a colonized system. There where no ships or satellites in orbit when he arrived, and

animals would have been scared to hell and back by the crash. That was when he felt warm

hands on his shoulders and felt himself being dragged, strong hands. He was too tired to try

anything. He needed sleep, the thoughts of a concussion FAR outside of his thoughts as his

eyes drooped and he fell into peaceful slumber.

Had he been awake, he might have been surprised to see what was dragging him; it was a

human shaped animal, anthromorphic is the term. It was a female lizardess, completely naked

but seeming to ripple with strong, taught muscles. Dragging the male away, the female could

smell blood on him. It looked suspiciously like her species, at least in shape; so its feral mind

was trying to bring it to the rest of the tribe of lizardesses. Letting the male sleep, she easily

drug him through the brush. Little did he know, he had quite the time ahead of him. See,

lizardesses of this world live separately from the males. It protects the children and eggs. This,

however, meant that when the lizardesses go into heat, they become rather needy. This man

doesn't even know the time he has ahead of him, whether he likes it or not...