Vore Night (Full)

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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"I really don't know," a trainer said while sitting on a bench with someone he just had just battle by his self, with his one and only Pokémon. The female grass type snake Pokémon was now inside her pokeball, sleeping and healing from the wounds she had gotten from the human, who really didn't seen like human with the way he fought. Looking over, he couldn't help but look at the scars going along his arms and a bit of his neck, they looked deep, deep and old since they were as red as the spot light. They couldn't be easy to hide, not these kind. Though the young man bet the brown hair trainer, hair so long they would cover his eyes at time, one being green, the other blue. His blue open sweater with the sigh of a Pokéball on the left side and darker blue jeans dirty as he helped his fallen Pokémon and friend. Looking at the man as he drank from a water bottle, his black hair stuck up like he was shocked by a lighting Pokémon. He wore a black sleeveless shirt and deep blue jeans, and gasped loudly as he threw the now empty bottle in the trash bin. "I mean, do you truly think the world is changing for the better?"

"I believe so very much,"Brandonanswered looking over at him. "Johnny was it?" he nodded slightly asBrandonwent on. "Look, when I first got Tundra, I never thought that we would become mates, the same with Twilight. The reason I took Tundra with me at first was because...our pasts, there we pretty much the same, we understood each other greatly, we knew each others bounders."

"You're...pasts?" he asked asBrandonlooked at him.

"I don't know you that much, so I won't say alright, anyway. It's a known fact that when a Pokémon and his or her trainer are with each other for such a long time, like we were...bounds are made. And it just so happen that our bounds were to become mates."

"But she is a Pokémon!"

"What's your point?" askedBrandon. "Remember when blacks and whites couldn't drink form the same tap for god sake!"Brandonsighed softly and looked up. "The world will always change, will it be for good or bad, and it depends on those who work on it. We are moving in a slow pace right now, but soon...soon the world will be very different."

"You do know you just sounded like a bad guy off a cheesy cartoon show?"

"And you do know I can easily slap you upside the head from here?"Brandonlaughed as well as Johnny as the scar human stood up. "Well I better go, tell Saki she did a good job at fighting, but she should work on her speed more." Johnny only nodded his head slightly, watching asBrandonmade his way off while waving his hand behind him in a friendly jester, once he was gone, and Johnny looking down at the Pokéball beside him, he then took it in his hands; and then started to make his way home.

Once home, he took the ball from his pocket and pressed the button to release his only Pokémon. A flash of red easily seen flowing though the dimly lit room, as a Pokémon, with the shape of a snake; coiled up on the floor, before deep orange eyes locked onto the trainer. The body of the grass type easily towered him, the body being a mixture of deep green, a grayish green, and gold. The tips of the tail seemed to be almost a collection of leaves. The Serperior looked down from her trainer, letting out a small sound of displeased since she had lost in the battle of a human. Johnny saw her face filled with unhappiness as he went over and petted her head slightly.

"Hey it's alright girl," he told her still petting her head and neck. "He's the type of human who have a very strange power, him just being stronger means he had a little more training then what we've done; we'll get better, you'll see." That seemed to make her a little happier as she moved closer and then started to nuzzle at his neck and chin, making small purr like noises as he laughed slightly. Since Johnny didn't have the money, he could not understand what his Pokémon was saying, but it didn't bother ether of them, they seemed to know what the other was thinking and saying; in their own way. He laughed and petted her head once more before rubbing his chin. "Hey how about this? You go pick a movie you want to watch and I'll go make you some poffins you love alright?" her head perked right up at the sound of poffins, she loved the poffins he made and nodded her head while making happy Pokémon sounds at him as he laughed slightly.

After a while of cooking, he brought the bowl of her poffins and a bowl of popcorn for himself, the Serperior was laying along the sofa, taking pretty much the whole space, the only way he could sit on it, was to sit in front of her body; which he did. Once on the sofa and using her body as a back cushion, she curled her tail around his waist and moved her head toward her bowl, snaking her head toward one and snapping the poffin in her mouth. Johnny eating his own food slowly as the movie of a trainer and her Pokémon going around the world to be the best team easily forgotten after a while, they had seen the movie many times before, and in hind sight, Serperior didn't want to watch it, just to make her trainer sleep. After a while, he indeed started to nod off, his head would jerk when he would wake up a bit, but soon, the days events slowly took hold of him, and was sleeping.

Waiting for a while, the one eye that he could see watched him, unblinking until he sound of light snoring came from his lips. A small grin came over her lips, her pink tongue flicking out as a slight hiss came from her lips. Unknown to Johnny or toBrandon, the very trainer she fought hours ago, she knew his two mates Tundra and Twilight, and heard of the story of where Tundra rapedBrandon. After thinking to herself for this for weeks on end, she knew what she was going to do, and she was going to put her plan into action. Slowly worming her body away from the sleeping human so not to wake him, she slide to the floor and 'stood' between his slightly opened legs, eyeing what she would be getting to see for the first time. Grabbing the hem of his pants with her teeth, she slowly pulled them down, stopping when he heard the human moan in his sleep but did not wake. Making sure to go even slowly, she got them off and down by his ankles. Slowly and carefully, she got the pants off his ankles and put them on the floor away from them, and then went to his boxers, doing the same, but a lot easier now because of how loose the boxers were. She took a huge sniff, smelling his musk easily as her eyes fluttered slightly. She wanted this, badly.

Looking toward his body, she grinned as she saw what she wanted limp right now, his cock laid on his belly slightly, being the size of a human normal for his age of close to seven in a half inches, some hair around his member as his ball sack hung loosely on the sofa. She hissed once more as she took a huge sniff at where the musk truly came from. Her tongue making it's way out before slowly licking from the base all the way up to the tip; it shuddered a bit from the lick, Johnny sighing in his sleep. Lucking again and again, the Pokémon made her trainer's cock slick with her spit as she gave oral to the human, her eyes closed the whole time as her tail slowly wrapping around his legs making sure that if he did in fact wake up he couldn't move. Moving her mouth away for a moment, she started to wrap her whole body around him.

Johnny groaned and started to wake up slightly, his eyes fluttering until he felt the feeling of being wrapped up, looking down he found that he was without pants, this shocking him, even more when his Pokémon turned to look at him with her eyes, a wide grin on her face. Before he could ask what she was doing, she leaned back down and softly licked his tip causing him to moan slightly and jerk.

"S...stop this right now!" he demanded, his voice shaking as well as his hands trying to grab her, but her hold was too tight, he couldn't move. Her groaned out again, not that he wanted to as her tongue made its way over his tip once more, he leaned back, wiggling in her coils as he tried to escape, more moans coming from him as her licks went harder, sometimes she even went as far as to lick his balls. His hips would jerk up when her tongue would play with his tip, flicking the tongue over his cock head a few times before going back to licking the sides and underside of his member. At long last, he slowly stopped his fighting, it was no use anyway, and she was just too strong, so h allowed her to do whatever she wanted. She gave a small smile feeling him stop fighting, looking back and hissing slightly while also giving him a look as he just watched as her jaws opened, his cock going inside her mouth.

He jerked and moaned as more and more of his cock went inside of her mouth. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him, his eyes glazing over as she licked and sucked him, causing small moans and groans from his lips as he was starting to like it a bit. His legs trying to open up more to give her more room, she gave a small pressure with her coils, reminding him that she was in control, but loosened the coils all the same to allow his legs some movement. Bobbing her head, she sucked him off, her eyes closed as she drooled on the side of her mouth as she sucked; the wet sloppy sound of her lips as she releases him to lick the tip a few times before she began to snack on his meat once more. Serperior jaws worked over him slowly but giving him bliss he never thought he would get from a Pokémon, the way her muscles worked around his penis, it made his eyes nearly roll into the back of his head, at times her time would reach so far out of her mouth that she would lick at the balls hanging down below him, causing them to jerk as he got closer and closer to Cumming. His hands clutched at the sofa, his breathing becoming harder and heavier as pre leaked down into her throat causing the Pokémon to again purr in her own little way. At last, thrusting his hips up and giving a small cry, he came.

His hips jerked all the way to the back of her throat, the tip of his penis twitching and jerking a swell as the rest of his body as he gave the Pokémon his cum which she hissed over the meat in her mouth drinking it down with ease. Johnny groaned and slightly hiccupped with every jerk of his hip as the greatest bliss blew from between his legs. He didn't even know he could cum this much at all! When at last, he was dry, Serperior removed her mouth from his now softening member, rolling the cum in her mouth a bit, getting the taste of it inside of her taste buds before lifting her head up in the air and swallowing it down slowly. Johnny watched the whole time, laughing slightly at the sight before she turned to him and moved closer, licking his cheek before moving her coils around him; he though that he would be released...but that was not the case.

Her head now down on his feet she gave him a large grin while hissing, tighten her coils once more as he gasped and jerked, trying to get out, but it was impossible. Her mouth opening wide, she took his feet into her mouth, swallowing them down her body as he started to freak out; she was going to eat him?! He tried to roll away but Serperior found it much better when he fought back. Her grip as hard as iron as she ate him slowly, not biting him but voring him whole like all snake would. She took it very slow, making his fear all the higher as he rolled them off the sofa onto the floor. He screamed, called out for anyone for help, but no one came. Her nose was touching his waist now, her neck bulging with his legs, she would open her mouth before moving forward and close her mouth over the next few inches she had in her mouth. Now that his hands were somewhat free he started to punch at her, but her tail got him again, bringing them into her mouth as well as she got faster now. He started to scream louder, kicking his feet inside of her as she ate him more and more. She then rolled and curled slightly to hold him still. Her lips to his neck, then his chin, his mouth and nose, until at last, the world was dark around him.

Screaming he jerked up on the sofa, drenched in sweat as Serperior who was laying behind him in the spot where she was when the movie started jerked up thinking someone was attacking him. Looking around, she found no one and looked to him with a questioning look. He looked down, finding his pants on and the movie still playing, near the end as he leaned back and sighed loudly. It was all just a dream...a weird horrible dream. He looked over at Serperior seeing her give him a look as he slightly laughed. "Sorry," he answered her as she blinked. "I was just having...a bad dream I guess." She only nodded her head and leaned her head back on the sofa arm watching the movie as Johnny sighed and leaned back, about to wipe his cheek when he felt something, moving his hand to look at it, he though it was sweat. But it was not. Between his fingers were spit and he couldn't see it, but Serperior was grinning widely as she looked at him from the edge of her eye.

My first ever Vore story I think I did pretty well. This was a commission LONG since overdue, I am sorry Johnny1988