locker room surprise

Story by foxyaus11 on SoFurry

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This is my first story attempt, hope you like it :3

Leave suggestions if you want, trying to get better at this :-)

Kyle let out a sigh as he dragged into the police locker room. Three domestic disturbances, two robberies, a shooting and dealing with the lower rungs of society made for a long Friday and made him feel especially dirty, inside and out. Luckily, as the 2 big German Sheppard's made their way out the door he had the locker room all to himself. He recognized the GSD's as Cody and Dan, the clowns of the late night shift; they were always the last out so he would be undisturbed tonight.

Normally he was out the door as soon as his shift was over, but tonight he got stuck taking a theft suspect down to county, being the new fur on the shift he got the fun job of making all the late shift jail runs. Although he was a cop he didn't really fit in with the majority of cops, they were always so arrogant. He knew it helped them deal with the stress but it didn't mean he had to like it.

Sometimes Kyle thought he was too much of a fox to be a cop, in public he had to be stoic, show no emotion, take charge of the situation and be dominant, especially around other cops. Sure, he was clever enough fake it, but it takes its toll and he just wasn't in the mood to deal with other cops right now.

Most of the time he had to rush through changing and showering wasn't even an option. He had to concentrate on keeping his eyes on his locker, or the floor or the ceiling, anything else besides the other officers; changing, showering or just standing there talking... completely naked. He couldn't have a repeat of what happened in high school...his last locker room experience ended his normal high school life and got him shipped out of state to a boarding school so his parents could hide what happened.

Kyle quickly shook his head to clear out the memory as he lazily walked to his locker, his police gear and exhaustion weighing him down. Glancing around one last time to make sure he was alone he sighed loudly then slipped off his protective vest dropping it in his locker with a thud, then peeled off the rest of his uniform, his work belt then boots, police shirt, pants and underwear and dropped them in with the vest.

Kyle was a classic fox in every sense of the word, black paws and feet leading into soft orange fur on most of his legs, arms and back then slowly turning white as it reached his chest and groin. Only 5'8" he wasn't very tall for an officer but he was in great shape and quick like most foxes. He put his hands on his hips twisting to the left and right to make his back pop then breathed in deeply as he stretched his arms high into the air, his tail rising in unison, stretching out his tired muscles.

It felt good to be out of that uniform, it was his last day of work this week and all he could think about was his nice warm bed and fuzzy body pillow waiting for him at home, well that and a toy or two hidden in his closet. He thought of the last item with a little smile as he picked up a towel and shuffled over to the showers. "If I can wait that long" he thought with a grin feeling his tail perk up and wag softly infused with a little fox energy from the idea. After all, he had to hide his foxiness all week, "My weekend starts now" he thought as he entered the showers.

Alex clenched his teeth and growled as he barged into the locker room. "This day couldn't get any worse!" he thought as he shut door behind him. "Captains office second time this week, must be some sort of record" he said to himself with clenched paws as he walked over to his locker. The decently tall, 6'1", grey wolf quickly slid his uniform off and hung it in his locker revealing a toned and muscular body, totally grey minus a small rainbow paw print tattoo on the front of his right thigh, just below the belt line. All he could think about as he stripped was what he should have said to the captain. "Everyone would be better off if we prevented crime instead of waiting to clean up after it... I could have stopped two repeat criminals tonight it he would have let me go after them... too "risky" for the captain though" he said making mocking quotation marks with his paws, "take the rest of your week off? What am I going to do, just sit around? I should be out on the street" he said growling with mild disgust as he buried his forehead into his palms rubbing his blue eyes softly.

Alex came from a police family; his father and grandfather had been on the force and certain things were expected from a third generation cop, graduating number one from the academy, most arrests on your shift, getting promoted, not getting in trouble, eventually find a girl so the cycle could and repeat. It was good enough for his parents so it's good enough for him right? Well, one and two check. Three, four and especially five, "we'll see..." he whispered softly as he stared blankly at the family photo taped in his locker. He blinked a few times trying to push the thought back down, focusing on work instead.

"Tonight was a slowly night" he thought, only one theft arrest at the end of the shift, his face quickly turning into a grimace again thinking about the other two suspects that got away. Despite his best efforts and a police car that now had severe tire damage he couldn't go after them, all this leading to his third captain visit this week. "This might put a stain on my record" he thought feeling some pressure in his chest "Oh well." "I am way too tired to care right now... and at least I get to sleep in this weekend for a change... After a nice hot shower" he said grinning as he picked up his towel and walked through the empty locker room to the showers, wagging his bushy gray tail softly.

Kyle was too lost in his own thoughts to hear the door close or even to notice the big wolf standing at the shower entrance, staring at him. All he could think about was the buff blurry face husky in his fantasy roughly plowing into his backside, simulated weakly by Kyle's own fingers, as he quickly jerked his pulsing 7 inch fox member with his other paw. Resting his white chest against the wall he could almost feel the husky thrusting into him over and over putting the subby fox in his place. Empty locker room or no he hadn't planned on this happening but after a long week of being big tough police fox he needed this. He moaned through his teeth resting his right cheek against the wall as he felt his member throb in his paw inching closer to release. Closing his eyes he moved his intruding paw from his backside and rested it against the wall for added support pushing his butt out for his fantasy husky feeling the much needed relief imminent as his knot swelled and throbbed.

With a loud yip his eyes shot open and tail dropped feeling fur press against his upper back, trapping his chest against the grey tiled shower wall. "Who... Who is it?!" he managed to get out in a quick series of barks. "Shhhh" the stranger whispered softly as he nosed the back of the fox's neck, "I noticed you were enjoying yourself and thought you would prefer the real thing to skinny fox fingers" resting his fully erect 9 inch pink wolf cock against the fox's lower back making a shiver run up Kyle's spine. "A..Alex, is that you?... You're gay!?" Kyle said in slight disbelief feeling his body loosen up a little from the shock. "Only for cute foxes" he replied in a teasing voice still nosing the fox's neck.

"Really? You didn't know? We have been on the same shift for like 4 months and I have a very obvious tattoo." Alex said in a playfully tone "I don't look around in the locker room... I tend to get too excited and it doesn't end well" Kyle replied weakly. "Well" Alex cut him off pushing his length against Kyle's butt cheek making Kyle stand a little straighter against the wall "Is it obvious enough now?" Kyle replied with a softly growl "y..yeah.... you can't be serious..., what if someone comes in?" he whispered, flattening his ears. Grinning Alex started to nibble at them while reaching a paw around to the fox's soft white tummy gently rubbing it as he slid it lower and lower. "It's during a shift, no one will be back here until morning" he whispered in between nibbles "and besides, you didn't get to finish, I bet all that pent up fox seed is just screaming for release" softly squeezing Kyle's orbs as he slowly rubbed his member up and down against the fox's toned butt.

Alex gave the fox's balls one last quick squeeze then started to run his fingers up and down the sensitive underside of the fox's fully erect member teasing a soft moan out of the pinned fox and making a glob of pre leak out. "Are you sure?.. I'll stop if you want... probably... maybe..." he whispered into the fox's ear, still stroking his member, teasing a pulse out of it every so often. "Alex...I..." was all Kyle could say before the wolf sandwiched his big cock between the fox's cheeks and slid it up and down slowly enticing another moan out of Kyle. "I watched you for a few seconds when I came in, I know how bad you want it... a thick warm member deep inside your tight hole" Alex whispered. "Its right here" he said as he pushed it against the fox's butt firmly "it's all yours."

Kyle blushed bright red through his fur and half closed his eyes letting out a soft moan as he lifted his tail out of the way pushing his butt towards the bigger wolf in submission. "Good fox" Alex said with a lusty growl as he pulled his hips back, slowly letting his pre lubed tip rest against the fox's waiting hole. Giving the fox's neck a quick nip he started to flex his hips forward pushing his pointy tip against the soft ring of muscles the fox had already loosened a little.

The wolf's thick member bent slightly as the fox's hole tried to resist but then quickly gave way to lust and wolf pre, plunging the wolfs head into the fox, stirring a deep moan from the wolf as his sensitive tip was surrounded and squeezed by the warm rump. Kyle let out a soft yelp and closed his eyes tight as the wolf cock spread his hole wider than his fingers had prepared him for. He moaned and shivered as the wolf slowly buried the rest of his 9 inches into him, making his rock hard fox cock pulse and leak pre into the stream of hot water surrounding the furs. The wolf paused as he hilted his sheath against the subby fox under him, letting Kyle get used to his size and also to enjoy the fox's muscles trying to fight back, squeezing and massaging his full length making it leak even more warm pre into the already slick passage.

Alex released the fox and put a paw on either side against the wall resting his chin on Kyle's shoulder, then he quickly pulled his hips back and slammed his length into the needy fox over and over, slow at first then building as the fox could take it. All Kyle could do to keep from falling over from the larger wolfs fierce pounding was putting his paws next to the wolf's and spreading his legs wider for support giving the wolf even more of an angle to hump into him. Closing his eyes tight the fox yipped at first then started to moan in time with the wolf's humps shivering as his big member quickly thrust in and out of his tight backside softly tickling his prostate every few humps making his knees weak and his member throb wildly.

The fox whimpered softly, wanting to jerk so bad, but if he moved his paws off the wall the wolf's thrusts might knock him down. Kyle looked down at his pulsing fully knotted member swinging back and forth under him then bit his lip and whimpered louder. Closing his eyes he could barely stand the wolf's cock bumping his prostate feeling another shiver go down his spine. He was so... close before he was interrupted, he needed release so bad. He couldn't stand it anymore! With a growl he leaned forward resting his soft white chest fur against the wall for support, freeing his hands. Moaning happily the fox started to quickly jerk his pulsing member with one paw and squeeze and tug his balls with the other feeling himself close to release.

With an amused smirk the wolf watched the subby fox whimper and whine under him enjoying tormenting the fox in such a pleasurable way. Alex grinned as the fox lowered himself against the wall lining his butt up perfectly with the wolf's hips. He quickly took his paws off the wall and rested them on the fox's cute butt, squeezing and groping it as he let his hips do the work, quickly thrusting and sliding his full length in and out of the fox hitting his sensitive prostate with every thrust. Alex leaned his head back and moaned softly into air as he humped into the fox, his knot starting to swell and pop in and out of the tight fox hole, tormenting the fox even more. After a few minutes of torture the fox couldn't take it anymore, with closed eyes he bit his lip trying to hold back a loud moan as his member erupted thick sticky fox seed all over his paws and the gray wall in front of him. Burst after burst of fox cum pulsed out of his throbbing tip making him shutter all over and squeeze tight around the wolfs intruding member buried deep in his rump.

Alex's knees gave slightly and he gasped softly the fox's passage suddenly clamped down on this member pushing the big wolf over the edge. With a loud growl he humped as deep into the fox he could, without tying, and leaned over him wrapping his paws around his waist and biting his shoulder softly holding him in place. The wolf humped hard a few times as his balls emptied long thick bursts of wolf cum into the shivering and moaning fox under him. Resting his chin on the fox's shoulder Alex panted softly still humping every few seconds milking as much pleasure out of the fox he could feeling his member pulse occasionally as he finished draining his balls.

Panting softly, both furs slowly broke away from each other, Alex's member slowly pulling out of the fox and flopping against his leg, a stream of seed slowly dribbling down his thigh until it would get washed away by the water. Kyle turned around and leaned against the wall for support, his legs burning from the weight of the bigger wolf on him and light headed from such a strong and needed release. Blushing he smiled weakly at the wolf, seeing him naked for the first time since he had been on the shift. "So what are you doing this weekend?" Kyle managed to say between pants as he leaned against the wall. "Captain gave me the weekend off... So I'm Up for anything" Alex replied with a toothy grin, giving the fox a once over and still panting a little as he stood straight with his paws on his hips. Smirking back the fox grabbed his towel and starting to walk to his locker swaying his rump back and forth noticeably, "my place is free" he replied over his shoulder. "At least I found something to do this weekend" Alex thought with a smirk as he starred at the fox's butt then followed him out.