Garro - Chapter 2: Friday Night

Story by erykart on SoFurry

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#2 of Garro and Kevin

Warning: Contains references to Male-on-Male sex acts, so if you're not 18 or if this is illegal where you live, turn back now.

Here we go, it's part 2 at long last, and holy cow is it a long one. This one took a little longer to write, because I swear as soon as I posted Chapter 1 school kicked up again and I didn't have any time to write this. But it's done now, so I hope you enjoy it. Part 3 should come out sometime around Christmas once I finish my exams, so please be patient ^^;

A note on some of the dialogue: I incorporated some Japanese into the dialogue, and hopefully I got it right. I tried my best to get stuff right but this was mostly practice for myself while I study it during Uni. (Constructive Criticism is always welcome :D ) Anyways, I've rambled enough so on with the story. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I awoke the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock and slammed my hand down on the snooze button before rolling back over to fall asleep. I repeated the act once again 5 minutes later when it went off a second time. I was a pretty heavy sleeper, so it usually took a little bit for me to fully wake up. By the time I woke up, it was 7:30 and I realized I still had about an hour and a half before I had to leave for school. I let out a yawn and scratched my belly. I pulled the covers away and saw my erect cock staring up at me in all its morning glory. I smiled to myself and figured, eh, why the hell not. I have enough time to rub one out before I got up to get ready for school.

I reached down and took hold of my throbbing member. With just my index finger and thumb, I stroked myself slowly in a torturous manner. Morning wood always felt good, even from the slightest touch or motion. I moved back up over my head and rubbed my thumb over the tip, which send a tingle down my shaft straight to my balls. A few drops of pre-cum began to leak out, dripping down my hand. I brought my hand up to my mouth and stuck my tongue out to lick it, tasting the sweet liquid. It wasn't quite as strong tasting as cum, but it was still enjoyable none-the-less.

I grabbed my cock once again and started stroking again with an increasing tempo. I did my best to hold back my moans, as my dad was just across the hall. It only took a few short minutes before I was at the edge of orgasm, and I stopped myself, letting go of my organ entirely. After a moment's rest, I started jerking off once again, taking myself to the edge and stopping again. My body cried out for release, and even though it was hard to resist, I did so because I knew the more I teased myself the better it would feel. I repeated this process several more times, almost bringing myself over the edge each time and removing my hand. Finally, I furiously grabbed my cock and pounded it as hard as I could. I gasped out loud, thrusting up into my hand and firing several streams of cum, covering my round belly. I relaxed back against my bed and rubbed the cum into my fur, feeling the warmth of it as it absorbed into the skin below. There was still a bit left dripping down my side, so I scooped it up with my fingers and licked them clean.

My fur was now matted with sweat and cum, so I snuck into the bathroom before my father could see me. Thankfully, he was a heavy sleeper just like I was and I didn't even hear him stir as I crossed the hall to the bathroom. I started the shower and climbed in, scrubbing myself off; the mango-scented soap gave my body a nice smell. I rinsed the soap away and dried off, making sure my fur was completely dry. Wet fur underneath clothes tends to be rather annoying. I did a rather quick job of cleaning myself up; brushing my teeth and tusks, flossing, and combing my hair so I could fix it up when I got back to my room. The hair hung down over my shoulders so I brushed it all behind me with the back of my hand. Admittedly, it looks a bit girly when it's not tied up, but that's probably the only time that my hair really bugs me.

I scurried back to my room to go look for some clothes, and I settled on a pair of denim jeans with a white shirt and a light blue button up shirt over top of that. I left the shirt unbuttoned and went over to the mirror that was in the corner of my room to put my hair back into its tail. In the reflection of the mirror I could see the ornamental katana hanging on my wall, which was just below a framed photo of my mother. She was a beautiful woman, the kind of "pink petals falling in an orchard" kind of beautiful. The sword had been a birthday gift from her about a year before she died. It was apparently a family heirloom from her side of the family that she wanted to pass down to me. The scabbard had her family name, Taiyoo, engraved into it and it was one of my most cherished possessions. I sighed to myself, knowing that I wasn't yet over her death, and I doubted I ever would be.

"I miss you, mother..." I said silently to no one before continuing to get ready. I reached for the spot where I put my glasses on the table next to the mirror and I remembered that they had broken. Sighing to myself, I opened the drawer up and pulled out an older pair from a few years ago. They were a bit snug around my head, but not too much so as to cause discomfort.

I flicked my computer on, and while I waited for it to boot up I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. When I got down there, the pizza boxes from last night were still on the table so I quickly cleared those off before checking the fridge. The thing was almost bare! I growled to myself, knowing that my father probably hadn't been shopping all week. I settled for a rather unfulfilling meal of toast with strawberry jam and a banana on the side.

Hurrying back to my room, I could see my computer had finished booting up, which was idling with Azureus open and my torrents had started downloading already. With the new Gundam 00 series out I had a lot to know, the episodes, sound track, that sort of thing. I also had some machinema videos of World of Warcraft being downloaded too, so I wouldn't have to always look at the bad quality ones on YouTube. With all that running, I sat down and double clicked on the WoW icon on my start bar, logging in and loading up my Druid. I didn't really have time to play, so all I did was check my in-game mail for auction sales. I made a good bit of gold, so I sent it off to my mage alt so he could get himself some new gear and logged off.

I shut the monitor off, and after seeing the time; I realized I still had about 20 minutes before I had to leave. I heard my father's footsteps going down the hall to the kitchen, having woken up a few short minutes ago. I got my bag ready and took it into the kitchen with me, dropping it next to the door. My father was having his own meal of toast and fruit.

"Ohayo gozaimasu. (Good morning)" I greeted him politely.

"O-genki desu ka? (How're you?)" he asked, "Hana itai ka? (Is your nose sore?)"

"Iie, daijoobu. (No, I'm fine)"

"Eki desu. (That is good)" father said, smiling. We talked a bit about things like school and work; the things families usually talk about. Time seemed to pass by rather quickly as it was soon time for me to head off to school.

"Gakkoo jikan desu. (Time for school)" I let out a sigh and got up, saying good-bye before picking up my backpack and heading off. It was a bit cold out, but not so much that it would be uncomfortable. The walk to school was rather quick and uneventful, and I kept looking around hoping to see Kevin somewhere along the way but I didn't see him at all.

My morning classes were the same old thing as every other day. Thankfully, it was a Friday so I only had to endure through one more day of school before the weekend. I'd almost fallen asleep during Science, and English just dragged on forever. I think that may have been because I was excited about lunch hour. As soon as the bell rang I hurried over to the cafeteria and bought myself a sandwich with some fries. I looked around the room and didn't immediately see Kevin so I moved to an empty table as I usually did and started eating.

I was a little disappointed to be honest, as I was so excited to see the bull again. I was thinking I had gotten my hopes up for nothing when he walked into the cafeteria and looked around a bit, so I smiled and waved him over. He returned the smile and came over to my table.

"Hey Garro, how're you feeling?" Kevin asked, putting his backpack down and sitting across from me. "Good to see that your dad didn't kill you, eh?" He winked at me.

"Um...heh, yeah that's good," I laughed nervously, remembering I'd said that during my distress yesterday. "But to answer your question, I'm feeling ok. I was a little sore for most of the night yesterday but I'm doing better now. How is your first day going?" I said, and offered him some fries, which he took happily.

"Thanks. It's going all right, but I'm sure you know what it's like being the 'new kid'. I got some notes from a few people so I should be able to catch up to everyone this weekend," explained the bull. I understood well what it was like to be new to a school.

"So are you looking forward to Phys. Ed?" I asked, knowing that our first class together would be right after lunch.

"A little bit. I'm not big on competitive sports, but I don't mind the exercise,"

I was surprised by his response. I had naturally assumed that someone with Kevin's muscular build would be naturally inclined towards sports but I now realize that it's silly to make assumptions like that based on someone's appearance.

"We didn't get much of a chance to get to know each other yesterday," Kevin remarked, snapping me out of my thoughts. He was right; we probably spent less than half an hour talking to each other. "So what do you do for fun?"

Of course, being a teenager my mind was in the gutter and I grinned a little. I shook my lustful thoughts out of my head and answered, "Um, not a whole lot really. I'm a gamer mostly, so that's usually what I do when I'm at home. Sometimes I draw too, but I don't think I'm very good at it."

"Oh? Do you have any art on you that I could see?" Kevin asked politely. I shook my head in response.

"I don't have anything on me," I lied. I knew full well I had a binder with margins full of doodles, I was just nervous about letting someone else see them. "Maybe you could come over to my house after classes and I could show you some?" Today was Friday, so it wasn't like either of us had some curfew or something.

"Sounds like a plan, I don't know anyone here yet and I hate being alone," he replied.

The discussion seemed a bit one sided at this point and I was feeling a little uncomfortable about it, so I shifted the spotlight onto him. "What about you? What do you do with your spare time?"

"Well I do have a decent collection of games, and I'm ashamed to admit it but I also have a small collection of Marvel comics that I enjoy reading." Kevin smiled, and I could've sworn I saw a bit of red under his fur. It was kind of cute for a big guy like that to be embarrassed about something. "I like to lift weights though, and as you can see it's really starting to pay off." he flexed an arm and I could feel the heat in my cheeks as I blushed. I was thankful that it's really hard to see whether I was blushing or not under my black fur. However, I couldn't help thinking that he was just showing off to the chubby nerd as some primitive sign of dominance. I shook the thought out of my head; I shouldn't be thinking like that...Kevin is different from other jocks. Isn't he?

"Is something wrong?" the bull had a concerned look on his face. I realized that I was frowning and relaxed a bit.

"No, nothing is wrong," I said, covering my anxiety with a smile, "My mind was just wandering a bit."

"We only have a few more minutes before class so maybe we should head over to the gym," Kevin stood up and put his backpack on. I followed him reluctantly. Phys. Ed. was my least favourite course, because Billy and Matt were in the same class. Not to mention the incident from yesterday was causing me a great deal of concern over what would happen in class.

We were a bit early and I was thankful for that. The change room was always a personal hell for me, and I bet now things would be even worse. I showed him the lockers we could use to put our stuff away in, and I did my best to change into my other set of clothes quickly. I snuck a few glances at Kevin as he changed, watching his tail swish idly back and forth over his well-toned butt. I could feel that familiar tingling sensation in my pants and I cleared my head of such thoughts before things got out of hand.

The two of us left the locker room as several of the other students began to trickle in. I noticed Billy was amongst them and he sneered at me. I just turned away and tried to ignore it. When I next looked up at Kevin, he was staring so intensely at the bear it was as if he was trying to bore a hole through his head.

"Please, just let it're more likely to get into trouble than Billy. This school wouldn't punish one of its top athletes, even if he is a total douche bag," I explained to Kevin, knowing that he probably had no idea about how much athleticism was valued here.

He turned to face me, and the features on his face softened. "Doesn't it bother you that he gets away with so much?" he asked, and I just shrugged.

"I figure if I let it bother me, it'd just drive me nuts trying to wrap my head around the idiocy of it all," I replied. It wasn't something I liked to be apathetic about, but I honestly didn't know, nor care, about what I could do. I just wanted to get through high school without causing too much trouble.

* * * * *

The teacher, a tall grey wolf with a swimmers build, blew his whistle and we all gathered around him, waiting expectantly to hear what he had to say. "Alright boys and girls, with the fields taken up by the other two P.E. classes we'll be staying inside today. The name of the game is dodgeball! One team for each half of the gymnasium. If you get hit, sit out on the side until the round is over, if you cross the mid-line, you're out. If you catch a ball, the person who threw it is out. Ricochets will take both participants out. And yes, it's ok to block with a ball you're already holding."

My shoulders sagged upon hearing this. I knew I was going to be a target almost immediately for Billy and his small circle of friends, especially if the others knew about yesterday. There's one thing I'm grateful for though, and it's the fact that I still have decent reflexes and a good reaction time. I just can't move my body as fast as I need to.

Thankfully, Kevin and me were on the same team with 11 others, with another 13 players on the other side of the gym. A netted sack of soft nerf balls was lugged out of the equipment closet and the teacher started tossing them out, before blowing his whistle to start the game. Almost immediately a ball flew towards me, but it was off-center a bit so all I add to do was lean to the left a bit to avoid it. Kevin snagged the ball as it bounced off the ground and he hurled it back where it came from, pegging Matt square in the shoulder. The wolf walked sullenly over to the bench along the wall to await the next game.

As the first round progressed the teams' sizes each dwindled until there was only a few of us left. The last little bit had dragged on considerably, neither side getting any shots in so the teacher blew the whistle again and had everyone start the next round. This time I had a ball to start off with, and after the initial barrage that I managed to block easily. I tossed the ball across the gym, attempting to take down Billy but the bear easily got it, taking me out. I growled silently to myself and went over to the bench. Before I even sat down a ball flew and hit me in the head, and cheer went up from several of the other teams members.

The coach took notice of this, however, and shouted at the offender, a moose, to take a seat. His head hung low and I smiled openly, knowing that even if I was out I had gotten the last laugh in a sense.

Kevin was still in the round for a short while, managing to take out Rick and Billy at the same time with a ricochet. I cheered a little, but soon realized afterwards that it may have been a bad decision as Billy shot me a look that sent chills down my spine. I guess he didn't like losing to the nerd...or the nerd's friend. After a few more minutes of back and forth, our team ended up coming out on top and the teacher started the final round for the day.

Kevin and I managed to last several minutes into the round before things started to get interesting. Balls flew in from numerous directions rather quickly, and I soon realized that Billy, Matt, Rick, and the moose were purposefully targeting the two of us. At once point I almost ran into the path of an oncoming shot, but when I stopped there was another one coming right at me. I was expecting to be taken out, so when Kevin jumped in front of me and blocked the shot, I was a bit surprised. None the less, I didn't let my amazement steal away my advantage. I sprung out from behind the large bull and tossed my own ball, smacking a surprised Billy right in the face.

"Yatta! (Alright!)" I exclaimed involuntarily, throwing both my hands up triumphantly. It may not be quite as good as revenge for when he hit me yesterday, but seeing the look on his face, that utter expression of surprise and defeat, was satisfying enough for me.

With Billy out of the game, the rest of his team quickly lost and we ended gym class a few minutes early. I hung back a bit, and asked Kevin to wait with me. Thankfully, he didn't question my decision to avoid the change room. Once Billy and his friends had left we slipped into the change room to change before heading off to Math class.

"We have a new student joining us today. His name is Kevin Cole," the teacher said, introducing him to the class. A few people responded with a "Hi Kevin" almost in unison, before the bull took a spot beside me.

The class was boring to say the least, where we practiced the same linear equations from yesterday. Time seemed to drag on and on, but eventually the final bell for the day rang and we headed off on the way home.

"So uh...did you still want to come over tonight?" I asked as we started for home.

"Of course! It'll be nice to get out of the house. I've been stuck there all week while we've gotten settled," Kevin said, walking alongside of me.

For the first few minutes we were just chatting a bit about the day, some of which included our mutual dislike for all things mathematical. We could hear a set of tires screech around the corner behind us and a car drove past us. In it was Billy, driving by and giving us both the finger, before he sped off.

"Yareyare, (Good grief)" I muttered, and Kevin gave me a weird look. "Oh, heh means 'good grief.' I guess I said that a little louder than I meant to."

When we got to my house I found the door locked. It was a little unusual, especially since my father usually only worked days and was home before me. I dug out my house key from my pocket and opened the door. Kevin followed me in and we headed into the kitchen.

"Otoosan, koko ni ka? (Father, are you here?)," I shouted, and only heard silence. "Kikai na... (Weird...)"

"Um...Garro?" Kevin said, and I turned to look behind me. He was staring at the bulletin board that was above the counter. "This note seems out of place, but I can't read it." He pulled the tack out and handed the paper to me. It was hand-written in Japanese on lined paper, which certainly was out of place considering we usually put small post-its for doctor's appointments and bills and the like on there. "What does it say?" he asked.

"Musuoko, watashi wa shigotochuu osoi kon'ya. Ashita uchi arimasu. Kono wa okane tabemono no tame ni desu. Guddonaito! (Son, I'm working late tonight. I'll be home tomorrow. That money is for food. Have a good night!)" I translated it for Kevin, and as I was speaking I noticed a twenty on the counter. "Well at least we won't have to eat left over pizza or sandwich meat from several days ago." I snatched the twenty and put it in my pocket.

"So he's not going to be home for the night huh? What do you want to do?" Kevin asked me, and honestly I didn't know. This was probably the first time I'd ever had a friend over...actually, it was the first time having a friend since we immigrated here.

"I'm...not sure," I laughed nervously. "Any suggestions? I'm kind of new to this..."

I saw a grin spread across his face, but it wasn't the typical kind of 'nice, toothy smile' seemed, different somehow, but being as socially inept as I was I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well we could get some food. Something nice, ya know, other than pizza. I could spring a few bucks for a movie rental so we don't need to dip into the twenty for one," suggested Kevin, and I thought it was a pretty good idea.

"Sure, that works for me. There's a small strip of stores about 3 blocks down from here that have a few places we could go to. Um, let's see..." I thought for a moment about everything that was there, "There's a Rogers Video, Quiznos, a Safeway, and a KFC/Taco Bell. Everything we could possibly need. Let's put our backpacks in my room and we can head off."

"Sounds good to me." Kevin followed me out of the kitchen and down the hallway to my bedroom. It wasn't that greatly furnished, with just the bed, desk, and full size mirror taking up most of the space. I hadn't mentioned it earlier, but I had larger drawings taped to my walls, some of them digitally scanned then colored, but most of them were black and white sketches. A good number of them were anime/manga in nature, but a few were character designs of a novel I was working on. Kevin took a moment to look at some of them and I just put out backpacks to the side.

"Wow, it must've taken forever to learn to draw this good,"

I blushed at the compliment, "Well, I've been drawing since I was a little kid." Kevin continued to look around the room until he came upon the wall-mounted katana with my mother's photo pinned up above it.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but, who is that in the picture?"

"Um, it's my mother. She...passed away a few years ago from cancer," I said, trying my best to mask how sad thinking about it made me feel. I wasn't doing a very good job of it because I could feel a few tears slide down my cheeks. I never really cried that much about it, but I guess all the pent up emotions, and actually speaking it out loud to someone were the catalysts and the next thing I knew I was unable to stop the tears from flowing freely.

"Oh jeez, I'm sorry man," Kevin said with concern written on his face, and he stepped towards me.

"(sniff) No, no, it's ok really, there's (sniff) no need to apologize. I just haven't cried about it in so long I guess the question set me off again...oh god, I miss her..." the next thing I knew, Kevin pulled me into a hug, and I buried my face in his chest. He felt so warm, and I felt safe in those powerful arms of his. I sighed and eventually stopped crying.

"Are you going to be ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks." I wiped away from of the remaining tears with my arm.

"Let's go get some food and a good movie. That'll cheer you up, right?" Kevin released me from the hug, although unless my mind was playing tricks on me, I could've sworn there was a bit of hesitation.

"Yeah it will. You're a good friend, Kevin," I said. "I just need to wash my face quickly and we'll go." I darted over to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face from the running faucet. I wiped the water away with one of the towels on the shelf to the side and took a few deep breaths. Everything will be ok, Garro...I kept telling myself that.

"Alright, let's go," I said as I left the bathroom with Kevin in tow.

I locked the door behind me as we left and started walking down the block to the small complex. We were silent for most of it, me lost in my thoughts and Kevin not wishing to bother me. As we got closer though, I started to come out of my stupor and began talking again.

"So, where did you want to eat?" I asked, wanting to break the silence, "I'm not a fan of KFC or Taco Bell. The food there is way to greasy."

"Hmm, well, we could get something at the Safeway but then we'd have to actually cook something and to be honest I'm feeling lazy after such a busy week. Quiznos ok with you?" Kevin said, and I agreed with him. It wouldn't be as good as a home-cooked meal, but I didn't feel like cooking any more than he did.

We decided to go to Rogers Video first, grabbing a copy of Transformers, something neither of us had seen yet but had both heard good things about, and then went to Quiznos. I got myself a chicken sub while Kevin got himself ham and turkey. I gave him an odd look as I paid for it and he just replied, "Sorry, but I love the taste of ham." I smiled to myself, ignoring the innuendo.

We headed back to my house as quickly as possible, not wanting the food to cool off before we got to eat it. When we got back I headed in and put my food on the table so I could start the DVD up. We ate our food in silence as the movie started, sitting at opposite ends of the couch. As the movie progressed I noticed that Kevin had slowly inched closer to me none too discretely. I found it to be rather amusing, considering a big bull like him isn't going to be able to move about without someone taking notice. By the time the movie had ended he was only a few inches away from me. I pretended not to notice at all though, because I wasn't entirely sure as to why he moved.

"Not too bad of a movie, huh?" I asked him. Overall it was very visually stimulating, but I was disappointed that the Transformers themselves got so little camera time in comparison to the other characters.

"Yeah it was pretty good, considering the crappy line-up we've had this last year," he replied, and there was a short silence before he spoke up again, "I think the company is a lot better though..."

I turned to look at Kevin, and the bull was sporting a sly grin. He moved in and planted a kiss on me. It surprised me but I offered no resistance, moving into his embrace. I pulled him down on top of me and we laid on the couch. His tongue made an attempt to get into my mouth and I let him in, our tongues dancing together. I used my hands and explored his body as we kissed, feeling the well-toned muscles in his arms and back, and marvelling at how soft his fur felt. I had become hard almost instantly when he kissed me, and my cock was straining against my pants. I needed to get it out, and I could tell that Kevin was having similar thoughts as he raised himself up a little to unzip his pants without breaking the kiss. The bull's cock sprung out and smacked me in the stomach, his pre seeping through my shirt. It was an impressive size, and I could already tell it was larger than my own in both length and girth. He moved to undo my pants but I grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Let's move to my bed," I said. Kevin stood up and moved to pull me to my feet as well, when his monster of a cock distracted me. "On second thought..."

I moved my head forward and took in his scent. It smelt similar to the rest of him, except it was much stronger. I stuck my tongue out and gave the head a lick, eliciting a moan from Kevin. His pre-cum tasted good and I knew I had to have more of it. I took his head into my mouth and began sucking on it while I stroked the lower half of his cock. Kevin gasped and moaned, leaning forward to support himself with his hand on the backrest of the couch. I took more of him into my mouth, as much as I could without gagging and began bobbing my head up and down the length of his shaft. Kevin shuddered a bit and moaned loudly as I continued slurping at his cock. He placed his hand on the back of my head, preventing me from moving.

"Ah...please, if you keep that up I'm gonna..." Kevin said, panting. I wanted to make him cum and take his load, but I also didn't want this to end so soon. The bull decided for me, pulling his member out of my mouth and motioning towards the hallway. "Let's go to your room." He said longingly.

I followed him to my room, watching him remove his clothing when he got there. His tail swished eagerly from side to side over top of his toned ass. He turned to face me, and asked, "What's wrong? Don't I get to see you naked too?"

I blushed, suddenly feeling self-conscious about myself, "O-ok..." I took my over-shirt off and tossed it over the back of my computer chair. I hesitated in lifting my shirt up, worried that Kevin would laugh at my weight. It only lasted a minute though as I removed my shirt, and then moved to undo my pants. I groaned slightly as my cock popped out of my jeans as I pulled them down, feeling relief at last that it was no longer trapped within my clothes.

Kevin looked me over, reaching out to run his hand across my chest. "Wow, you're hot..." I could feel my face grow warm again.

"N-not as beautiful as you are," I smiled weakly.

The bull pulled me into a hug, feeling his warm body pressed up against mine. He reached behind me and grabbed my ass, pulling me closer to him and grinding cocks together. I let out a moan as I could feel his cock throb against mine. I looked up at him and kissed him, our tongues meeting again as we continued to rub up against each other, gasping into each other's mouths. My whole body felt like it was tingling as we stood there and made out in my room.

This went on for several minutes, with Kevin leading most of it. He reached down and grabbed both our cocks in one of his large hands, stroking us both at the same time. It felt amazing; a million times better than any time I had ever jerked myself off. He moved at a fevered pitch as we continued to kiss, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

Suddenly, he stopped. "Have you got any lube?" he asked lustfully.

"Um, yeah...but I don't think I could take someone as big as you," I said honestly, even though I wanted to be filled by that cock of his.

Kevin chuckled, "Well, I had something else in mind..." I caught on almost instantly, moving over to the nightstand next to my bed to get out the bottle of lube I used on myself sometimes. As I was doing that, Kevin had moved to my bed and gotten onto all fours, in a "doggy-style" position. He lifted his tail slightly and wiggled his ass a little.

"You know you want it..." he looked at me with eyes full of desire, and I was more than happy to oblige.

I popped the lid open and squirted a bit of the seemingly ice-cold gel onto my fingers. I moved to the bed, getting in behind him.

"This will be a bit cold..." I moved a finger towards his puckered hole and pressed against it. I could feel him tense up on contact and he gasped suddenly.

"Oh jeez, that's so cold!" he exclaimed.

I smiled to myself, having gotten used to the gel long ago. "Just relax..." I pushed my finger in slowly, feeling him tighten around my digit. As I got further in I hit something and Kevin moaned. I'd found his prostate. "You ready for two?"

"Skip the second one and shove that cock in me, now!" demanded Kevin, almost completely over-taken by his lust. I lubed up my cock and inched towards him, lining up with his tail hole.

"Will you go slow?" he asked, and I nodded my head, even though he probably couldn't see me.

I pressed my cock up against his hole and pushed in. Kevin grunted in pain and I stopped, but begged me to keep going. I kept moving slowly until I hilted myself inside of the bull. I could feel him clench up around my cock, eliciting a moan from me.

"Oh's so tight," I gasped.

I clutched Kevin's hips, pulling myself almost all the way out before thrusting all the way back in, my body slamming into his ass. The bull groaned each time I drove my cock all the way into him. I picked up speed, and my balls slammed against Kevin's with each thrust I knew I wasn't going to last long; I didn't last very long when I jerked off, and this felt so much better. I could feel sweat begin to drip down my face and fall into the small of his back. I continued to jackhammer into his ass, fucking him as fast as I could. The bed squeaked beneath us as I kept on increasing my tempo, and we were both moaning each time I drove my cock all the way in. It was so warm and so tight inside him I couldn't last much longer...

"Oh...Oooh, I'm going to cum!" I moaned as I thrust into Kevin a few more times. On the last one I thrust as hard as I could, driving my cock as far as it would go. I could feel my member throb and pulse, shooting my load into the bull's ass. I could feel my entire body relax and I slumped down on top of him.

Kevin pulled himself off of my cock and flipped over, jerking himself off wildly. "That was...amazing. Now, I-I've got a treat...for you, open wide!" he said being moans. "Here it..." he didn't even have time to finish speaking before his cock erupted, firing several jets of cum up towards my face. Some of them landed into my mouth, which I gulped down greedily, but most of it painted my snout. Kevin's cum tasted amazing, even better than my own.

When he came down from his climax, Kevin pulled me down on top of him. Before given me a kiss, he licked up the cum that had hit me in the face and shared it with me as we kissed passionately. Our tongues danced together, and I could taste more of him while we kissed.

As he broke the kiss, Kevin said, "That was absolutely fantastic..." I nodded in agreement, running a hand up over his six-pack and chest. "I'm glad I met you, Garro."

"Me too," I replied, kissing him again before falling asleep on top of him, within his warm embrace. I couldn't believe how much had changed within the last two days, but I certainly wasn't going to complain.