Sibling love

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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Hey guys, been a month or two since I last posted anything so here goes, lets see if I still have it heh!

An angle I don't use much of an Incest/rape type story. Hope you enjoy!

"SHADOW BALL!" a beautiful Umbreon screamed out as her attack hit the Flareon on the side of his red furred face, leaving him dazed on the ground. "Don't you Dare tell me you think it isn't working out, our mateship you hear me?!" she said looking dark and imposing with her black and yellow body tense and hackles raised as she worked herself into a state.

The Flareon nodded glumly as he got back on up, long ears down and his beautiful body low to the ground; in truth he had thought it a mistake soon after he had agreed to be the attractive Umbreons mate. Back when he was looking after his sister at his old den he had begun to have feelings for his cute Flareon sister and took drastic action to get himself a mate. He was starting to regret his haste now at coming onto the first attractive Pokemon of his species to come his way. " mate, I'm sorry" the Flareon said glumly with his beautiful tail trailing on the ground as he came and lick kissed her in a false apology. He had found out that although beautiful and alluring, the Umbreon was also quite selfish and violent and really just wanted him to have babies of her own and love seemed an afterthought.

"I will not have my cubs born fatherless" the Umbreon said still in a stern voice to him as he meekly settled next to her for the night.

Later on that night when he was certain she was asleep; the Flareon quietly crept out of their den and made a silent run for it. There was only one Pokemon he wanted to be with and that was his beautiful and kind Flareon sister.

It was a warm night and a female Flareon slept on outside of her den, her beautiful cream tail draped round her red and cream furred form. Her long ears began flickering as she heard a rustling and the approach of someone coming at speed; opening her wide green eyes with a start she raised her head questioningly, ready in case of trouble when her nose twitched to a familiar scent. "It can't be?" she said as the scent grew stronger and more certain as a Flareon charged through the grass towards her "broth-eon!" she gasped as she was tackled by an over excited brother.

"Sister, I am so happy to see you" he said as he very excitedly licked her red furred face, covering every inch he could whilst his eyes brimmed with tears at her welcome scent.

She couldn't help laughing at his enthusiasm as she squirmed underneath him, he had always been so affectionate to her and she had missed him terribly when he had left. Typically her fur was of a lighter shade of red than her brothers and slightly softer as was her creamy mane. "Brother, what are you doing back here?" she said with equal happiness if not a little confusion in her voice at his been here.

Upon hearing her question he calmed right down and got on off of her "well...things weren't working out with my mate so I decided to leave her. I realised it was a mistake because when she had me to herself, all she was bothered about was using me to have cubs and little else" he then turned his head to show her the mark form her Shadow Ball attack on his left side. "S-she attacked me when I confronted her about it and I just wanted to see my sweet sister again" he said in a trembling voice.

"Aw, my poor big brother" she said crossing necks in their variation of a hug as he buried his muzzle in her thick, velvety soft creamy mane, sighing and making a small 'Eon' of happiness at been back with who he truly loved. The past few weeks with the Umbreon had only made him realise how much he really loved her.

"Sister listen, I need to tell you something I..." before he could finish he heard a rustling and the tell-tale approach of someone as he stopped mid-sentence. Turning around he saw a very handsome Jolteon come into view.

"And who might this be? A rival come to challenge me for you my love?" he said as his body crackled with electricity and his fur stood sharply on end.

Growling slightly, her brother said "who are you, what right have you to my sister" he said as he raised his hackles, mouth open ready to spew his deadly flames over him to defend his sister before she jumped in between them.

"Stop it, Eon! There is no need to fight each other, Volt, this is my brother Raise" she said indicating her brother with her head, her long ears back slightly in stress.

"Oh, so you are the gentle and caring brother that looked after this little goddess hm?" Volt said as he greeted her brother with a courtesy sniff before moving to stand back at her side. "Yes, you can very much tell you two are related Sylphia" he said to his sister with a loving rub "I am glad I don't have to fight as I have just caught us some lunch" he said, bounding back through the tall grass for a moment.

Raise couldn't help but stare, looking as if he had just been hit by the most painful of thunder bolts ever as he saw his ideal scenario quickly disappear. "Sylphia, I didn't know you was already...mated" he said as he knew what that meant, he had no chance unless her mate gave her up and he didn't feel like fighting. He was too much of a soft touch for fights unless it was needed, then he was a totally different Pokemon to face.

"What? N-No, we haven't mated yet Eon!" She stuttered in embarrassment at the mention of it. "We be mated tomorrow so um, maybe you can get to know each other better whilst you are here?" she said as her cream fur bristled and the red fur around her face darkened in a blush.

Raise sank his head and said "thanks but I...I must get going sister, sorry to leave so suddenly but I have to be somewhere" he said sadly, knowing he was still too late.

"Don't be silly now, come on you need to talk to my mate, you'll like him, he is almost as sweet as you are" Sylphia said with a slight purr in her voice, though probably just friendly as she had never noticed his true feelings for her.

Later on that night after they had eaten and Raise had played nice with Volt but something didn't add up right with him. He seemed nice, almost too nice as he thought back on to the Umbreon who had been nice at first. What if he was doing the same and just wanting his sister to bare his pups? No, he couldn't let him do that to her, yes he had to rescue her and become her mate. Though in the back of his mind he knew it was just an excuse so he could have his sister, that he didn't want to lose her.

Approaching her he said "sis, get up there's...something I need to talk to you about please" he said with a more than friendly lick of her face to rouse her.

"Eon, what do you want brother? It is late and I am tired" she said in that beautiful voice of hers as she yawned hugely, flexing that lovely, fluffy tail of hers and arching her rump in the air.

"I'm sorry sis but it can't wait...can we go somewhere private please Eon?" he said nervously to her as she looked into his face with those dark green eyes of hers. She knew something was wrong but didn't know what to make of it as she followed her brother out.

As they walked through the tall grass she noticed that they was headed in the direction of a beautiful glade of trees that they used to spend their young lives frolicking and playing. "Brother, why are we coming here?" Sylphia said as it seemed a bit out of the way for just a bit of private talking. When she got no response from him she stopped, with Raise doing so at the same time "brother, what's going on here?" she said with her body tensing a little and long red ears flickering as if listening for something suspicious.

Sighing, Raise said "walk with me sister and I will explain" he said as he struggled to keep himself from pouncing her then and there as his cock poked out a bit, quickly draping his thick, bushy tail underneath himself with Sylphia narrowing her eyes but following him.

Entering the glade they strolled side by side as his sisters anger at him faded along with the fond memories of play was brought on back from been here, to which they could hear various insect and bird Pokemon in the night. "Brings back memories doesn't it sister? Of our young years of fun and games and play?" he said as he pressed himself close into his sister.

A shudder went through her cute body at the contact from him as she thought of the times when he would play with her and sometimes even pretend she was his mate as they grew up. "Yeah, you were starting to become a little frisky and said you had to leave one day, to search for a mate and a life of your own, I was so sad but knew it was best. I am happy you have come back though brother" she said happily, finding his warm scent a comfort to be around.

As they came to a particular big tree with a scorch mark on it he said "remember when we use to practice our attacks on each other and then I got a little out of control? Luckily you found this tree to hide behind" Raise said in a slight chuckle, remembering how wild he used to be.

"Yeah, and then I let your tail have it for the trouble" she chuckled as her brother looked at his tail tip at the reminder, why did they have to have such fluffy parts for a fire type? Not that he was complaining, especially when he had such a cute sister like Sylphia. Happily it had all grown back alright with no reminder other than the memory. "What did you want to talk about brother that couldn't have been said at the den?" She said with a curious look at him, a sudden thought coming to mind as last time her brother had come close to mounting her when he was last here.

"Sis I..." he licked his furred muzzle for a bit as he suddenly felt dry. "I can't let you mate with Volt, I love you too much to let him have you. I left because I was in love with you and I feared what was to become of things. But my heart felt hollow without you, I...I love you too much, eon" he said as he dipped his head sadly.

Whipping his head up as he felt her tongue lick his short red furred cheek lightly, she said "oh brother, you know we can't. I love you but as a brother and if we was to have children then what would their future be like?" she said before turning round with her bushy tail tucked between her own privates.

Raise's breathing stopped at her dismissal before it began to beat loudly at what he had to do, if she wouldn't take him then he would have to force her to "NO, I WON'T LET YOU EOOON!"

Sylphia whipped her head right round just in time for him to pounce on her from behind with a scared "Eon!" from her as she was pinned and frightened by his suddenly aggressive attitude. "Brother wait, please don't do this you can't force me!" she said before giving another frightened "Eon!" as she felt his cock tip emerging and hardening against her.

"I can't bare to have my life with anyone else Sylphia, I had never felt such heartache when I learned you was going to mate with Volt!" He said, gripping her soft creamy mane in his mouth to stop her slipping free and wrapping his paws round her tighter. To be in such intimate contact, to feel that fur, her tail brushing underneath him, the heat of their combined bodies against each other was enough to bring him to full erection.

"Please brother, get off me, I...I..." she tried to say that she didn't love him but then why couldn't she come out with the word?

"Sis, you love me as much as I do really, I could tell before I left that you was confused but you was too young then. Face it sister why shouldn't we? Who knows each other better than us two?" He reasoned as he started to work his way underneath her tail and into that hot, wet little hole as she cried out from the intrusion.

Turning her head round she unleashed a flame thrower at him but missed and hit the tree, only further scorching the poor tree with her attack. "My dear sister, I know that you wouldn't harm me so don't kid yourself. I have waited for this for a long time and when it is over, it will make sense to you" Raise said as his member slipped further into her virgin tunnel.

Tears began forming at the corner of her eyes as she tried to struggle free, knowing she wouldn't have the heart to hurt her brother "brother...stop please! I-It huuurrrrts!" she cried, scrunching her eyes shut as he pushed himself deeper into her.

"Sister...I love you so much and can't bear to see anyone else have you. Please...don't resist dear sister" he said, putting as much love as he could into his words as possible. He was sure that she too felt the same as he did and just needed some encouragement, and if not then he would make sure to change that right now.

"Brother, stop this right now!" Silphia cried out "what will...what will other's think? What will other Pokemon think if word gets round of our mateship? Please, I don't l-love y-y..." she said unable to say it.

Raise felt a thrill of joy in his furred chest; she must have similar feelings if she couldn't say the words that would hurt him. He knew that his dear sister was telling the truth about her been unmated due to her tears of pain of her unused pussy as he drew himself back, still keeping her creamy mane gripped in his mouth so she didn't suddenly bolt off. As he plunged his considerable dick back into her, he got another cry of pain but mixed in with that was also arousal and pleasure at the feeling.

He had to go slowly into her due to the tightness so he wouldn't cause her too much discomfort but the tightness of her made him flush in pleasure. "Eon, oh sis you have no idea how-how long I have wanted this" he said as he felt her vaginal muscles grip him hungrily, causing him to Eon in pleasure again.

Sylphia's incredibly soft, bushy tail swirled as she fought to keep control of herself and occasionally brushed against his balls that had swollen and visible now through his red fur, making him cry out at the touch as his cock gave a pulse, his pre dribbling into her heating, and increasingly wet pussy. "Stop it brother, STOP!" Sylphia cried out. She could feel her lust growing as her body betrayed her; her will to stop this began to grow fainter as she started thinking of Raise as more than her brother. She tried to keep in mind how wrong this was and the consequences but she was starting to lose as he slid in and out of her. "Ah!" she cried as her eyes flew open as he leaned into the thrusts to nibble on her long ear tip, her body starting to squirm not from want of escape but out of the pleasure. To a Pokemon of a different type her body would be nearly unbearably hot but to him, it was just warm and pleasing to lie on as he mated his sister.

Their scents mingled as they both came closer to the edge, further heightening their arousal with a good amount of his pre flowing into her now eager pussy. Raise's tongue hung out of his mouth slightly at their ever increasing body heat as he lovingly lapped between her ears with his tongue. "Brother th-there is something happening inside of me!" she said as her body started trembling, feeling her release near but too innocent to understand what it meant.

"Mmh that is good sister, Eon! If you enjoyed this then you will love the next part" he said as he speeded up his thrusting, a wet slapping noise could be heard with each inward and outward thrust as her pussy began dribbling onto the grass. "Almost...Eon, almost there my sweet dear sister!" Raise cried out in euphoria as her muscles contracted almost painfully hard round him.

"Bro...BROTH-EOOOOOONN!!" Sylphia cried out, experiencing her first ever orgasm as her muscles rippled and massaged her brothers cock lovingly. His entire back end was coated in his sisters love juices as she cried out with each wave of pleasure rolled through her body, pumping and clenching her pussy round his cock as if her body had a mind of its own, wanting her brothers seed deep in her.

"S-SYLPHIAAAA!" he cried out as he buried himself a final time as he hit his peak, his shaft pumping and pulsing his seed deep within her blazing hot body.

The sound of their mating could be heard for a mile as they gave twin screams of their lust, completely lost in the moment Sylphia twisted her head to lap at her brother's muzzle lovingly with eyes clouded over in pleasure.

As he came down from his peak Raise collapsed on top of her as her walls continued milking his throbbing shaft, causing her to collapse with a surprised Eon. Raise couldn't remember ever having such a powerful orgasm as he felt his sister squirm and wriggle beneath him. "Sister...that was were so hot and tight but most importantly I felt real love for you, you are now mated to me, my dear sweet sister" raise said as he buried his muzzle in her thick mane, inhaling the scent he loved and held close to his heart.

Sylphia could still feel her heart roaring in her ears as she breathed heavily, still unable to find any words to describe what had just happened as her pussy kept lovingly milking her brothers cock for all she was worth and keeping him hard. "Broth-er" she gasped as she tried to speak before Raise wrapped his front paws round her chest and hugged her tight.

"Shh sister...just relax in the moment please" he said as he felt himself finally starting to soften inside of her, their mixed cum starting to leak out through her newly stretched pussy.

Despite everything, Sylphia had to concede that it did feel very right been with him as she started crying. Raise suddenly began to feel very ashamed of himself at having forced this upon her, he hadn't been thinking he was just lonely hearted and wanted who he held closest to himself. " must really hate me don't you? I am...really sorry, eon" he said as his ears went low and he got off of her, pulling his softening penis out of her as a good amount of cum watered the ground. Getting up he turned round with his cream tail trailing on the ground "if you no longer want to see me then I understand" Raise said with a sinking feeling that he had lost her for good now.

He was therefore surprised when he was slinking away with his head hung close to the ground when she said "" Sylphia choked as tears still shone in her eyes as she looked at him in confusion. "I don't know what to think any more but I...I think I have always loved you" she said getting up wobbly on four shaky legs with her dark green eyes bright and seeming to hold him in place. "I was afraid...afraid of what our love would bring about, of what others would think if they knew" she said in a quiet voice as she leaned into her brother, rubbing her head into his mane and sighing at his scent that always made her feel safe.

Raise swung his head round to stare lovingly at his sister as his own dark eyes brimmed with tears of happiness at seeing his sister snuggled up to him. Rather than using words to comfort her he used his tongue to lick and clean away her tears that had ran and made her red fur a darker colour, causing her to giggle at his touch.

"We had better clean up in the pool" Raise said as he nuzzled her with her sighing happily, not wanting to pull away from her brothers comforting scent.

Standing up, she wobbled as though she had taken too much poke-nip, feeling the after effects from her orgasm. Standing beside his sister he braced Sylphia until she had regained her balance "thank you brother" she said with a lick kiss before trotting off, never leaving his side.

"You'll feel better once we have a wash Sylphia" he said as he felt their sweat soaked furs mingling and pressing to each other uncomfortably from their exertions. In truth the younger Flareon could have made it on her own, but she wanted to have as much contact with her older brother as possible. They had been apart for months and she wanted to make up for lost time she could have if she knew it would have felt so right.

As they entered a clear spot that was surrounded by tall Cedar and Oak trees as they entered the water with twin sighs as the water cooled down their respective privates and pierced through their fur to cool them down and wash the grime and sweat away. "Sis, come here a moment please? I want to try something out I saw some humans do when I was out foraging for me and my mate, well ex-mate" he said with a love filled look at his sister.

"W-what the hell was you doing in a human dwelling? What if they caught you and turned you into one of their slaves?" Sylphia said fearfully, shuddering at the thought as it was well known what they was used for once captured by the humans. She gave an Eon of surprise as r brother suddenly angled his muzzle and slipped his tongue into her open mouth.

She tried to pull out at first but as she felt her brother's tongue caressing her mouth she couldn't repress a shiver of delight and moaned into their version of the kiss. Pushing her tongue forward hesitantly she began to feel around her brothers own muzzle. Being siblings she thought his would feel and taste the same as her own but it was so much more unique and exciting at the same time, becoming bolder as she went on.

Unable to suppress a grin of happiness at his sister's enthusiasm he lay there in the shallows with her, panting despite the cold water that should have them shivering by now. Then he realised that their combined body heat was so great that it was warming the water itself up as they felt themselves staring lustily at each other again through the kiss through half open eyes.

They started breathing heavily through their noses as the passion overtook them, their breathing becoming hot and rapid before Sylphia's brother pulled back "brother...that was just...wonderful" she panted, looking away in embarrassment. "But I still don't approve of you looking in on humans, that was stupid and dangerous" she said, cheekily splashing her brother with her front paw.

Dodging her splash by ducking under he got a mouthful of water before surfacing and spitting it at her, making her giggle at his actions. Her laugh was like music to his ears but then he sobered up "come on sis, lets dry up" he said in a tone that made her wonder.

Getting out of the shallow pool they both shook themselves dry and let their natural body heat dry the rest of them off as they began fluffing up, more so around their manes and tails. Raise smiled at the site before getting serious as he approached his sister "Sylphia, I love you...with all my heart and you are the one I want to start a family with. I know it will be frowned upon and we will have to move and leave the old den behind, too many Pokemon know us and will make us suffer for it. Knowing that, do you love me and want me to be your mate and brother?" he said as he looked at her, letting his lighter green eyes show his feelings he had to her.

"I..." Sylphia said as she looked at her brother with a mixture of feelings going through her. What could she do? She loved her handsome brother, maybe always had but hadn't known it yet to have a family with him? "I...can't brother. I love you so much it hurts but I just can't. What would become of our cubs that get born from such a coupling?" she said with tears gleaming in her eyes.

His long ears down and tail just stopping from trailing the floor he approached her and licked her muzzle gently "I understand sister, I wish it didn't have to be but I will respect your choice" he said, unable to help the feeling he had just made a complete mess of everything as he walked through the trees.

Sylphia stood there with her four legs trembling as tears formed in her eyes at seeing her brother leave in such a state, she was confused. Why did he have to go and do this to them both? It was too cruel that the one each loved the most seemed never to be. Suddenly though a strike of lightning caught her attention in the direction her brother was going "oh no" Sylphia said quietly as she ran in the direction as she feared what had happened.

As she entered the spot where she could smell her brother she could also smell bunt fur "brother!" she cried out as she saw him on the ground unconscious having still been damp and off his guard.

"Not a very good protector your mate is he?" came a voice she knew. "How could you choose your brother to be your mate over me?" Volt said from behind her, looking dangerous with his body arched and electricity crackling over him.

"Volt please, it's not what you...EON!" she cried out as he jumped on top of her, pinning her as he got in position to mate her.

"Spare me the lies, I heard your voices as you mated with each other, and the place reeks of your sex" he said with a dangerous edge to his voice, his dick slipping into her slowly.

"No, please I have had enough today, please I am sorry I hurt you but...I love him! He isn't my real brother" she cried out as he paused in mid mating as he looked down at her.

"Liar, I have a good nose and can smell you are related and when I am done with you I will finish your brother off and make you mine!" he said as his dick hardened in her to its fullest, though not as big as her bother he wasn't been gentle with her. "Ooh, you feel good" he said as he felt her mane tickle through his short fur, a brief bit of electricity coursing over his fur, making her cry in pain but he seemingly didn't seem to care as he went at her with wild abandon.

"Get off...of my SISTER!" a cry came from behind them. Whipping his head round in fright Volt saw Raise standing shakily on his legs, clearly wounded but defiant as he opened his mouth, letting a jet of flames pulse forth and slamming into him, knocking him off his sister with a cry from her muzzle.

Getting up shakily Volt said with venom "I'll remember this, I'll let every Pokemon around know about your sick relationship and see how you live by been labelled freaks then" he said with a thunder bolt in front of them to stop them from following him as he fled out of the glade.

As they watched him leave, knowing they was in no state to follow him Sylphia heard her brother collapse with a gasp as his attack had taken it out of him in his state. He normally could have taken an attack like that but he had still been damp from the water and it had magnified the lightning attack.

"No, brother hang on, please I love you" she said shakily as he lost consciousness. Wondering what to do, she heard something they normally avoided, humans. "Hold on dear brother, I'll be back, Eon" she said as she raced towards the humans.

Spying the humans, she recognised them as Pokemon rangers "what luck, Eon" she said as she approached them.

"Oh, what a cute little Flareon" the ranger said as she came bouncing up to him with her eyes wide and bushy tail going, knowing that would get their attention. As she tried talking to them, making lots of Eon and Flare noises to them he said "you want me to follow you?" he said as she Eoned loudly and ran where her brother was.

As he came upon where she stopped he saw another Flareon on the floor "uh oh, this looks bad, is this your friend" he asked as Sylphia made numerous Flare and Eon sounds "god, why do humans have to ask such thick questions?" She thought to herself.

"I'm sorry but we'll have to take you back in a Pokeball for now until we get back to the centre" he said apologetically knowing a wild Pokemon wouldn't like it. Sylphia braced herself, praying they could help her brother and this wasn't for nothing, otherwise she would have made things worse still.


A few weeks later on and they were at a Pokemon centre where Raise had made a full recovery. The people at the centre had determined they were mates as shortly after Raise had recovered they greeted each other with much love and happiness. After nearly losing him, Sylphia was certain now that she wanted his cubs, it didn't matter if they was blood if no one knew.

"Ohh, bro-ther!" Sylphia cried out as they mated for the third time that day, since Raise's recovery she had been more than happy to mate with her brother. She had no doubt anymore that it was who she trusted and wanted to be with. If love is someone you can trust to be by your side and care for forever then she was certain of this now.

" always feel" Raise panted as he felt her contracting round his cock. Despite having mated her countless times she was still just as tight as the first time and it was always so pleasurable for each of them as Raise hung his tongue out of his mouth, a good bit of drool splashing on the floor to join his sisters drool who panted hotly, tongue out and tails happily twined.

Arching her head as she felt her brothers thrusting's bring her to the peak, she found herself assaulted all over her face by his tongue as he licked lovingly and passionately in which she returned with equal love. They knew they were safe, mating at the centre. Last time a human poked his head in they both blackened him quite badly for his interruption.

They was in a type of artificial garden at the centre that was closed off so they couldn't escape, not that they was bothered right now as no Pokemon they met at the centre knew them so couldn't say for sure that they was related at all.

"E-EOOONN!!" Sylphia cried out, burying her muzzle in his creamy mane as she cried out, tears of pleasure showing in her eyes as her brother thrust into her frantically, wanting to get off as well.

"Mmh, nearly sis, good girl!" he cried as he felt her blazing hot privates pull him in almost to the point where he thought his tight balls would slip in too. She seemed as addicted to mating as he was now she had gotten over her fear of been found out and able to show her love for her brother more openly. Crying out with a final thrust into her, he let his load fill his sister up until their legs gave out and collapsed together on the floor, panting as they rode out their orgasms, loving the other sibling with trembling licks and nuzzles.

Calming down, the siblings remained in intimate contact with Raise wrapping his forepaws round her furred front, making her snuggle into him more. "Big brother...I can't think of anyone else I would be happier with" she purred, sighing a little Eon on happiness in her brothers company.

"Me too sis, and I heard we will soon be released from this prison and into our old place, that is when we make a run for it when the doors open and begin our new life sis" he said as he just enjoyed relaxing with his beautiful sister.

"Until then brother, lets enjoy ourselves" Sylphia sighed as she felt his cock soften and slip out of her "and one more's not just sister now, but life-mate" she said with a tender lick of his muzzle.

"Life-mate huh?...yeah I like that" he said nuzzling contentedly with her, content they both had each other, now and forever.