is it really worth fighting? or enjoying? (part 3)

Story by the dark lord silva on SoFurry

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#3 of is it really worth fighting? or enjoying?

WOOP third one suck it bitches

anyways heres your smut enjoy it i dont normally go into detail unless its a one shot which in that case i will enjoy having a nice long detailed erotic chapter. in the mean time enjoy this

The man awoke with a groan at first. His whole body pounded with a dull ache, but he felt himself lying on something soft. It felt like grass but bedded and patted down, almost. He slowly forced his eyes open to find himself in an indentation in the ground bedded with twigs, leaves, and grass; very comfortable, yes, but how the hell did he get here? He raised his head, and what he saw kind of shocked him. He saw women--well, lizard women. They all had emerald colored scales, sensual graceful bodies, and broad curves to them that just screamed FEMALE. They even had sets of luscious breasts adorning their chests, and what REALLY got his attention was the fact that none were wearing clothing. Suffice it to say, if this were any other situation he would be MORE than happy to relax. However there was a problem. He was injured. He was stuck on the planet with no way off. These things, for all he knew, wanted to eat him and just saved him for fresh meat. So yeah, risks outweighed the benefits. That's when he looked down and realized something; his jumpsuit was gone. He blinked a few times, looking around to try and find it, and he saw it. Snagged on a twig, it must have been caught on the way here and they had torn it away. Now this isn't a problem, right? WRONG! He didn't wear anything underneath his jump suit; he found it too constricting, so as luck would have it . . . or lack thereof . . . he was naked in the middle of a tribe of lizardesses. He was hurt, he had no idea where he was, and he was tired. So yeah, he had no idea at all what to think.

Now, from the lizardesses' point of view, there was a totally different train of thought. See, just about all of them were in heat and needy. The males would migrate over to them in a few months at the apex of their heat, but in the meantime they were stuck in desperate need. As luck would have it, they found something that smells of a male, looks male--judging by the organ between his legs, that is--and most of all (this is because of different anatomy), he looked constantly ready to mate. A male lizard's reproductive organ is only exposed when it's ready to mate. Unfortunately for the human, his was out, and it was going to stay constantly like that. When the lizardesses saw him stirring, they began to approach. Their tongues flicked out to take in the air and came back in to rub against their Jacobson's organ. Oh yes, this was going to be nice . . . for them.

The man was a bit freaked out when he saw them coming his way with hungrily flicking tongues. Had they waited for him to wake up JUST to eat him? These things were vicious bitches, that was for sure. He backed up against the nest only to find his head knocking up against something. He looked up and he saw a lizardess, larger than the others; the leader, he bet. But what REALLY caught his attention was what was between her legs. It was hard to see, but one could see small beads of moisture building up. Although it was unnoticeable to the human, there was also the scent of her heat, which even though he couldn't smell it was already causing arousal in his body. Heat and blood flushed to his male organ and slowly filled it up. He looked down and a low groan came from him. HE WAS GETTING TURNED ON BY THESE LIZARDS? Granted, yes they were hot as hell, and yes they looked almost human, but . . . they looked like lizards. Isn't that technically bea . . . That's as far as his train of thought got before he felt wetness on his maleness. He groaned out loudly, feeling the warm, wet labia of one of the lizardesses press down on his manhood. They may not be that human-looking, but they felt great nevertheless.

The lizard women were indeed enjoying this. The leader of the tribe, as he had guessed, was the biggest one. However, what he didn't realize was some of the . . . traits their body's had. In order to facilitate appropriate insemination of a female, their juices have an aphrodisiac property in them. It is very strong actually, because a male lizard's foreskin is thicker and tougher than humans', which makes it harder for the liquids to affect them. For a human, it was FAR too much, and his own organ would easily be ready for the next few hours; even more as more and more aphrodisiac fluid was exposed to it. Sucks for him, rocks for the lizardesses

He groaned softly, his manhood feeling tense and hard--almost painfully aroused, blood beating through it like a raging river. The veins were pressing against the foreskin from the sheer arousal induced by the juices. 'There is no way in hell I'm turned on by this,' yet he found himself painfully aroused; so he decided to himself rather easily. 'Fuck it. It looks like a woman, it feels like a woman, and you haven't had some in a while, SO JUST GODDAMN DO IT.' That was partially the arousal talking of course, but how many people could resist a tribe of woman wanting him to fuck them? Not many men, that's for sure. However, he soon discovered something; the leader went first. She rather brutally pushed the female that was about to impale herself on him out of the way, making a loud, feral growl to the female; her mouth open and hissing out at the younger one's audacity. Her body soon turned around again, facing the male on the ground and looked down hungrily at the thick shaft between his legs. She slowly sat herself down, pressing the organ right against her folds of flesh, then slid down; taking his entire shaft with ease very quickly. He moaned out. Her insides felt hot from her heat, and the muscles felt strong and velvety; rippling across his over-engorged meat, hugging it softly, massaging it, gripping it, treating it like it was the only thing that mattered to her. He most certainly didn't complain.

That's about when she started moving her legs, pumping hard to lift herself up and down; gripping and massaging and rolling across his shaft. He moaned out, and the female above him let out long hisses of delight. His hands reached to up grab her hips instinctively and hold them as she slid up and down. Now, needless to say, when one is as artificially aroused as he is, well...he was a good bit more sensitive. This he didn't like, because he could already feel the pressure building in his loins. However, it seemed the lizardess had such little experience herself that she was also close. He could feel the muscles tightening for a delicious climax. Suddenly, she started bucking like an animal, beating against his hips with strong motions. Her flesh began to roil, tighten, and relax; massaging and gripping him with utter strength. Then he felt his own coming along: the tightening of his body, his sac pulling up tight against him, the increasing tightness, all of it; and he released into the female, his body emptying into her and a pleasurable groan coming from both. She pulled off of him after having milked him thoroughly, and he panted with satisfaction. However, there were about 9 other horny lizards, and he soon found another replacing the first; going to town on his crotch like it was nothing more than a stick for her amusement. That process was repeated for the next few hours, each woman taking him in and pleasuring themselves to a delightful orgasm. He was surprised to find himself still hard, but the pleasure kept him from thinking too much. Soon enough he found himself with 10 women sleeping around him, a lucky man--or so he thought.