Swim Meet : Issue 009

Story by hunterwolf on SoFurry

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#11 of Swim Meet

Swim Meet : Issue 9Characters copyright 2007 by their author, Hunter...

Swim Meet : Issue 9

_Characters copyright 2007 by their author, Hunterwolf.

FIRST , and MOST IMPORTANT , a HUGE thank you to all of you for being so patient, and a HUGE apology for this issue taking so long to come into being!

Alas, my workload here in Florida is immense...I have one day off compared to 2 in

Arizona...so my time is hard pressed.

Still, this series SHALL continue, for even I am interested to know what will happen next!

I hope you will enjoy Issue 9!_

ROAN awoke to a soft buzzing sound, his groggy mind flailing, trying to recognize the sound. The room was dark, the bed warm, his body still tainted by fatigue and remnants of the day's stress. Something warm and firm shifted behind him and the buzzing stopped abruptly.

"Hello?" the voice was a familiar whisper, hovering on the edges of the wolf's consciousness, teasingly out of reach of full recognition. "Sorry, I was preoccupied," the voice continued in a whisper. "Roan's dad was in a car accident."

A pause, then the whisperer continued. "He'll be ok, he's still in hospital for observation. I'm keeping him company and didn't' realize the time. I'll be home soo..." A pause again. "Yes. Yes please." Pause. "Thanks. Love you." Pause. "Bye."

His father! Accident! The memories poured back and the wolf started and sat upright, throwing off the sheets. He needed to get out of bed, needed to go to his dad! He tried to stand, but strong arms pulled him back.

"Roan!" the whisperer now barked.

Wakefulness consumed the wolf, his mind suddenly clear. "Gan?" He turned his head, saw the horse's outline alongside and above, looking down at him.

"Hey, woof," the horse said softly, brushing his nose against Roan's. "You ok?"

Roan nodded. "Yeah, just...confused," the last word came out as a sigh.

"It's ok. I'm here."

Roan nodded and relaxed, closing his eyes. "What time is it?"


"It's dark for seven!"

Gan chuckled. "That's because I closed the curtains."

"Oh yeah." He'd forgotten that. "Was that your phone buzzing?" the wolf asked.

The horse lay down too, one arm crossing the wolf's chest, holding him. Roan smiled in the darkness and murred softly. "Yup. My mom was a little upset that I hadn't come home. She was worried."

"Erf," Roan groaned. "I'm sorry, Gan. It's my fault."

The horse chuckled again. "Don't worry, when I told her why, she got very concerned about you. She asked if I wanted to sleep over tonight."

Roan's eyes sprung open. "What?"

The horse nuzzled the wolf's neck. "Yeah," he breathed, his breath tickling Roan, and the wolf giggled and twitched. "So I'm here for the night! Probably the whole weekend, if you want me here!"

"That would be nice," Roan smiled. "Um...Gan?"

"Yes, wuff?"


The horse chuckled. "So now I'm your nursemaid, too?" The movement of his lips tickled the wolf's neckfur further.

Roan kissed the horse's forehead. "Any when you get back, can you wear one of those French maid's outfits?"

Gan laughed. "No chance! But, I will wear my briefs, and only my briefs."

Roan grinned. "You look good in those!"

"Silly woof."

Roan simply mumbled contentedly.

Gan slid out of bed and padded over to the door, opening it. The passage was dark, though light peeked out form under Richard's door. The kitchen light was burning, too, though no noise came from there.

The horse considered putting on his jeans, but then shrugged and walked down the passage, peering into the kitchen. It was empty. He crossed over to the fridge, pulling out a couple cans of soda. Stepping back, he shut the door, turning to find Richard walking into the kitchen.

The horse started, dropping one of the cans, the tab of which split and began spitting soda and froth across the floor. Gan quickly set down the remaining soda and grabbed a dish cloth from a counter, picking up the spitting can and throwing it into the sink.

"Dammit," he groaned as he began mopping up.

"At least you're wearing briefs this time," Richard chuckled.

The horse blushed and finished cleaning the floor. After rinsing off his hands he turned to find Richard offering him two sodas, having retrieved a replacement from the fridge. The wolf smiled.

"Um...thanks," Gan said sheepishly, trying to avoid Richard's gaze, casting his own eyes towards the floor, realizing that Richard was wearing a pair of black briefs.

The horse gulped and averted his eyes, but the stirring his crotch was almost immediate. The adult wolf had a beautiful body, perfectly contoured and proportioned. He took the sodas, a little too fast, and forced a chuckle.

"Heh...yeah...this time I'm not naked."

Richard watched the horse make a hasty exit from the room and couldn't help but smile. Well, time for dinner, the wolf mused. What could he make that required only one paw?


ROAN lay in the darkness, his eyes closed, the closing door marking Gan's exit from the room. He rolled over into the warm spot that the horse had left, breathing in the equine's scent that lingered on the pillow. He smiled and nuzzled the pillow.

Gan could stay over the whole weekend! The thought made his spirits soar. It was what he needed, to be sure. Somefur to comfort him, be with him. His eyes popped open. Should he be so self obsessed when his father was in hospital? Sure, he was going to be fine, but it seemed, somehow, traitorous to be having erotic thoughts of Gan when his dad was just hurt, very nearly taken from him.

He chewed his lip. There was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't stay in hospital till his dad woke up. The hospital wouldn't allow it, especially when his father was in a stable condition. Still...the wolf decided to phone the hospital and check up on his father.

What was keeping Gan so long? Getting a soda shouldn't take...

The door opened, shedding dim light into the room, and Gan's figure darted in. He felt the horse's weight on the bed, and then a cold soda was pushed into his paw.

This was followed by a sudden flare of brilliance as Gan pawed the bedside lamp on.

"GAH!" Roan groaned, shutting his eyes..

"Sorry, wuff," the horse grinned.

"I was wondering if you'd gotten lost," Roan quipped, opening his eyes slowly, allowing them to adjust to the sudden light.

The horse grunted. "Ran into Richard."

The wolf stared at him. "So?"

The horse stood, wearing briefs and nothing else. "Like this."

Roan gaped, then started laughing.

"Is not funny," Gan snorted.

"Second time he's seen you like he shouldn't have! What's next, he gonna walk in on us humping?"

Gan threw the wolf a devilish grin. "If he does, he can join us!"

"I wish," the wolf chuckled.

"He looks good in black briefs," Gan smiled.

Roan nodded. "He looks better naked," popping open the soda and taking a swig. The fizzy ice cold liquid felt good sliding down his dry throat.

"He'd look even better hard!" Gan grinned, sipping his own soda.

"In the meantime, you'll have to settle for me."

The horse set down the soda can and leaned in towards the wolf. "I can live with that, sexy."

Roan winked and licked the horse's muzzle, then backed away. "Not now, stud. I wanna call the hospital, check on my dad."

Gan nodded. "Sure, Roan."

The wolf stood and pulled on his jeans and shirt, the horse following suit. Together they left the room. Richard's door was open, but the room was empty. The living room light was burning as well, Gan realized, as they walked down the passage to the kitchen.

Richard was standing by the phone, closing a telephone directory, and he looked up and smiled. "Hey, Roan. How you feeling?"

Gan noticed the adult had pulled on some slacks and a t-shirt.

Roan smiled. "Feeling a bit better, thanks."

"I've ordered some takeout. Pizza," the adult wolf said. "I assume you're staying for supper, Gan?"

The horse nodded. "I'm sleeping over, actually. My mom said I could."

The wolf smiled grew, and he nodded, but there was a hint of pain in his expression, which faded swiftly. Still, in his eyes it lingered, faint, but present. Roan took this in, unsure as to what it meant. "That's great, Gan. I'm sure Roan will enjoy that!"

Gan cast an amused glance at his friend. "Yeah, hopefully over and over again!"

Roan, in the process of swigging some soda, spluttered and choked as fizzy fluid went the wrong way. Gan laughed, slapping the wolf on the back.

"Geez, Gan!" Roan gasped. "Richard doesn't need to know that!"

"Sorry, Richard," Gan apologized, looking somewhat abashed.

"That's...that's ok, Gan," the wolf chuckled. "Oh, Roan, I phoned the hospital earlier," the adult abruptly changed the subject. Roan's ears perked. "Your dad is doing fine. His vitals are strong and have improved dramatically. He woke up about an hour ago, but since then has fallen asleep again, no doubt thanks to the painkillers and meds."

"Can we visit him?"

Richard shook his head. "Doctor says no. But we're welcome to go tomorrow morning."

Roan smiled in relief. He padded up to the wolf and gently hugged him, careful not to jar his arm.

Richard laughed. "I'm sure that with that knowledge, you can enjoy Gan over and over again with peace of mind!"

Gan laughed as Roan blushed, and the horse looked hard at the adult. "So...you're ok...with us?"

Richard nodded. "I had a chat with Roan earlier. I'm not going to turn you in or stop you from...um...enjoying time with each other."

The horse suddenly grinned, his expression wickedly mischievous. "Roan says you look hot naked!"

The young wolf spun around, consternation on his face. "Dammit, Gan! You...you..."

Richard chuckled. "Oh, I already know that Roan's been perving over me since I got here!"

The younger wolf gasped and gaped at the adult. "What? No...I..." He stopped, eyes narrowing. "You guys are evil."

Gan and Richard burst out laughing, the horse sidling up to his friend to put an arm around his shoulders. "Anything to take your mind off things, wuff," the horse smiled, and Roan, realizing that his mind had shifted from his father and his concerns for him, returned the smile. Gan cast a glance back at Richard and smirked. "Though between you and me, Richard, I'm sure our wuff wouldn't mind being pressed between you and me!"

"Neither of you could handle me," the older wolf grinned back.

Horse and wolf stared, and Richard grinned. The two friends waited for Richard to tell them it was a joke, and Richard opened his muzzle...to be cut off by the doorbell.

"Saved by the bell," the older wolf laughed. "Pizza's here!"

Richard left the two friends gaping after him. They cast silent questioning glances at each other.

"You don't think..." Roan began.

Gan shook his head. "Nah, he's just joking with us...again! Isn't he?"

Roan ponderd that for a moment, then smiled. "He's joking. I think he just wants us to be comfortable with being together. We don't have to worry about being found out. I think it's cool!" the wolf grinned. "Actually, I think he's cool!"

Richard walked back I into the kitchen empty pawed. "No pizza yet, guys. Should have realized it wouldn't be that quick! Instead, you've got a visitor, Roan."

The young wolf's ears perked up and he grinned broadly as an ursine face poked its muzzle around the corner. "Hello, guys."

The atmosphere of understanding and comfort that prevailed in the house, the acceptance and camaraderie of the furs in the kitchen, served to numb Roan's sensibilities. His judgment impaired, the wolf darted forward to hug the bear, who smiled and returned the embrace.

Gan's brow creased and a knowing look appeared in Richard's eyes.

Roan, suddenly realizing what he was doing, pulled back and grinned bashfully. He hoped Richard and Gan didn't realize that this was very un-student-teacher like behavior! Or at least put it down to a simple "thank you" hug., "Um...that was for earlier, sir," the wolf said, putting emphasis on the sir.

"I'm glad to see you doing better, Roan," the bear smiled. "I was worried, so here I am. Erm...any news on your father?" the bear asked tentatively.

Roan nodded. "Yeah, he woke up earlier, but the hospital wouldn't allow visitors. So we're going tomorrow morning."

The bear nodded and glanced at Richard, frowning. "How are you going to get there?"

Roan opened his muzzle, then clamped it shut. There was no car anymore, and Richard couldn't drive even if they had a car! "Um...probably a taxi," he mumbled.

"Nonsense," the bear rumbled. "I'll drop by tomorrow morning and give you guys a lift."

Roan smiled broadly. "Thank you, sir. Very much."

Coach Madson grinned. "Not a problem, wuff."

The endearment was not lost on Richard, nor on Gan, both harboring secret thoughts, the horse's questioning, the wolf's more that of realization.

"Do you want to join us for supper? It's just pizza," Roan offered the bear.

Coach Madson thought about it, and was about to decline when Richard stepped orward. "Of course you'll stay," he smiled disarmingly. "It's the least we can do for the time you sacrificed today."

"I wouldn't say sacrificed," the bear chuckled. "But, yeah, I havn't eaten yet, so, sure, I'll stay."

The doorbell rang, and four sets of ears perked.

"Pizza!" Richard grinned and gestured to Roan to follow him as he made to leave the kitchen again.

The young wolf padded after the adult, who winked at him. "You can thank me later."


Richard chuckled and patted the young wolf's headfur. "You and the Coach have something going on, too."

Roan felt a chill down his spine and he stopped dead in his tracks. "I...don't know what you're..."

The gaze Richard pierced Roan with shut the young wolf up. "I'm a pretty smart wuff, Roan. I can see there is more to you and the bear than just student and coach! I also know that whatever it is is consensual, because that bear cares about you a great deal!"

Richard paused at the front door. "I just thought you might like both of the males in your life to be with you, if not in bed, at least in the fur."

Roan looked distressed. Though Richard's intentions had been good, there was always that age old adage about the worse things coming from it! Richard frowned as he noticed the young wolf's anguish.

"Richard, I...but with both of them here...they don't know about each other! Well, Coach does. He knows Gan is gay, he knows we're lovers. But Gan doesn't know about Coach! I don't know how he'll...well...take it if Gan and I are making out or being cuddly.

"I don't even know if Gan would be affectionate with me, since he doesn't know about Coach, and he might not be comfortable doing something in front of him!"

Richard groaned. "Roan, I...dammit! I'm sorry. I never considered that!" Had anyfur seen the two, they would have been hard pressed to decide who looked the most distressed!

The doorbell rang again, and Richard grunted and pulled open the door. A fox, a little older than Roan and clad in pizza delivery fur outfit, stood holding two large pizza boxes, which Roan took.

Richard handed the fox money, told him to keep the change, and the fox smiled and thanked the wolf and padded off back to his car. Roan, pizza boxes in paws, followed the older wolf back to the kitchen. He dreaded having to go back in there, unsure as to how to handle anything that may crop up between him and Gan. He didn't want the bear to be jealous or left out, and despite what Coach Madson had told him before the bear had ridden him, he was afraid.

Roan glanced at the horse and the bear, the two having just finished a conversation, or rather, having abruptly ended one. The ursine looked somewhat embarrassed, while the horse's eyes sparkled.

The young wolf set down the pizzas as Richard searched through drawers for napkins.

Gan trotted over to Roan and whispered; "Can we talk somewhere, you sly bitch!"

Roan's eyebrows raised. "What?"

"You and Coach Madson!" the horse exclaimed in an urgent whisper.

Roan groaned and sighed, and aloud said; "Well since everyfur here is ending up knowing stuff, let's just get it all out in the open!"

There wasn't anything, the young wolf thought, that could go wrong with setting the record straight, letting all the cats out of the bag...well, most of them! Richard already knew a lot, and Gan knew some. Coach Madson knew a great deal as well, obviously. So what harm would it cause if everyfur present was on the same page?

Richard had turned around, looking puzzled. Coach Madson seemed concerned. Gan looked excited, eager even. Roan leaned back against a counter top and smirked.

"First off, everyfur here knows that Gan and I are lovers. Though I've ridden him, this horse has yet to claim me as his steed in return." Roan grinned broadly as Gan fidgeted, ill at ease with adults hearing about his and Roan's intimacies. "Coach, I told you about Gan and me, and Richard, well, you walked in on us in the passage this morning."

The two adults nodded.

"Richard, you were right, about me and Coach Madson." Roan winked at the bear, who looked more and more uncomfortable. "Coach Madson is very experienced, and kinda

like the energizer bunny." Roan laughed as the bear went red in the face from embarresment.

Gan gaped and Richard simply smiled knowingly.

"Don't worry, sir," Roan said, walking over to the bear and wrapping his arms around the bear's waist, hugging him. "Richard is fine with it. And Gan, well, Gan's probably jealous," the young wolf chuckled.

"Damn straight I am!" Gan nodded, his head bouncing up and down in eager agreement."

"Gaily forward," Richard corrected.

"Say what?" Gan blinked.

"Not straight. Gay-lee forward," the adult laughed, and Gan groaned.

Roan turned to look at the horse. "How did _you_figure out that there was something between Coach and me?" he asked.

"Several small things," Gan shrugged. "You hugged Coach just now, which, well, even though you've done it before, just, well, you and Coach's body language seemed...not

quite student and Coach. I've been around the block a few times, Roan, so body language is something I can pick up on easily enough.

"Also, remember me asking you if you got hard when you hugged the Coach that day of the swim meet?" The horse asked, and Roan nodded. "Well, you never really answered that question.

"And lastly, on several occasions you said you thought the Coach was hot."

The bear raised an eyebrow, and shifted a little. "Hey, I'm not some slab of beef, ya know. I'm right here!"

"Arf, sorry, sir," Roan said apologetically, then grinned. "But you do have a slab of beef!"

The bear blushed and Gan smirked. Richard shook his head and continued his search for napkins, finally finding some. Coach Madson walked over to the adult wolf to help him, saying; "I think you guys should cut Richard some slack." The bear smiled. "He's not gay, so Roan, your going on about me and you and Gan and what we've done with you isn't something he'd be keen on hearing."

Roan mumbled an apology, and Richard just smiled softly and said; "Don't worry about it!"

"So we can get nekkid in front of you?" Gan smirked, addressing the older wolf.

Richard laughed and shook his head. "Already seen you naked, Gan. Once is enough, I think."

The horse pouted, but Roan sidled up to him and hugged him, giggling.

"I'm starving! Let's chow down!" Richard declared, and the four took the pizzas and napkins into the living room, along with some sodas liberated from the chilly clutches of the fridge.

Roan and Gan took seats on one couch, Coach Madson and Richard on another. At first the air was filled with the munching of pizza and slurping of sodas. The two adults began holding a conversation, and Gan leaned back and smiled at his friend.

"So what really happened that day in the locker room?"

Roan grinned. "For covering up my hardon at the pool I stripped for him, as a thank you." Roan continued his pizza munching.

"And?" the horse prodded Gan with his elbow.

"And the next day I went down on him in his office."

Gan's eyes grew wide. "All the way?"

"No." Roan felt it wasn't his right to go into the reasons why. Indeed, there were some things that Roan felt were only for him and the bear, and he would keep it that way. "The next day, well, I'm not going to go into details, but he really rode my ass hard!" The wolf felt pressure in his groin and shifted.

Gan looked as though he were about to drool all over the slice of pizza hovering before his mouth. His eyes were wide as he digested the information, and he, too, shifted himself into a more comfortable position.

"At least now I know who the other guy was," Gan mused. "Now I know why you felt guilty. Probably didn't feel right about it afterwards."

Roan hastily swallowed the piece of pizza in his muzzle and cast a furtive glance the adult's way. They were still engrossed in their conversation, from snatches of which Roan figured it was about Richard's job.

Roan's voice lowered. "That wasn't Coach."

The horse promptly began choking on pizza, and Roan pounded the horse's back hard until the pizza dislodge and the horse swallowed correctly. The adults looked up in concern, but Roan grinned bashfully. "Piece of pizza went the wrong way."

"I'm fine," the horse coughed.

Roan's face felt hot, and he wondered for a moment what the horse would think of him. In fact, what would Coach and Richard think of him if they knew?

"Then who?" the horse breathed, fascinated.

The wolf couldn't help but grin. "Nofur you know. The night I saw you at the mall, I went to a sex shop to buy some stuff." The memories forced more blood to Roan's crotch. "The cab driver, a liger, went in and got me...what I wanted. Afterwards he came on to me, and, well, I went down on him."

Gan gaped, and he shifted once more thanks to an increased stiffness between his legs. Roan looked into the horse's eyes and repressed a chuckle.

"No, not all the way," the wolf said in response to Gan's silent question. "He went down on me in the backseat, and I finished him off in the alley," Roan grinned.

A soft plaintiff whine came from Gan. "Any idea how horny this has made me?" he asked in a husky voice.

"I think I do, yeah," the wolf smirked. "After the pizza we can go get some more >rest!"

Gan grinned. "You're on! Maybe you can show me this...stuff...you bought."

Roan winked at his friend. "Your wish is my command, master."

"Ooooh, please let it be a leash!" the horse chuckled, and Roan shrugged.

"Wait and see," the wolf smiled, and the horse began chewing faster.

Once their portions of pizza were devoured, Roan stood and stretched. He yawned. "I think I'm going to get some more sleep. Still kinda worn out."

"Yeah, right!" both Coach Madson and Richard retorted as one.

Gan chuckled as Roan stared at the adults. "That was kinda lame, Roan," to which the wolf blushed. The horse stood and took his friend's arm. "Ok, lets get you tucked into bed, puppy," he grinned.

Coach Madson smiled and waved Roan on in silent consent. Richard simply smiled.

"Thanks for the pizza, Richard," Roan smiled, and the adult nodded.

Gan nodded in agreement. "Thanks, Richard!"

The adults watched the younger furs vanish into the darkness of the passage, and each smiled as they heard two pairs of giggles before the sound of a closing door came to their ears.

"You care about him, don't you?" Coach Madson said, finishing his pizza and wiping his paws and muzzle on a napkin.

Richard smiled softly. "Yeah, I do. I mean, he's my friend's son, how can I not care when that friend is..." Richard fell swiftly silent, a haunted look in his face.

"I wasn't talking about Roan."

Richard's head shot around. 'How did you...?"

The bear shrugged and laughed comradely. "Just something I noticed at the hospital, when the doctor came into the room. And the glances you were giving Roan and Gan as they were sitting, whispering together; seemed to me like you were watching something painfully similar to a part of your past.

"Either that or you like teenage furs too!" Coach Madson grinned.

Richard's shoulders slumped. "Yeah, I'm gay. I'm attracted to Scott."

"As in seriously attracted?"

Richard shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't sorted that part out yet. I like him, and I'd like to rekindle what we shared in college, but I don't know if it's just a yearning to recapture lost youth, or something more."

"So Scott is actually gay?" the bear asked.

Richard shook his head. "When we were roommates in college, he found out I was gay. He seemed very curious, so I showed him some ropes. We fooled around with each other, and with some other guys, but then Laura came onto the scene and Scott fell in love.

"I was both hurt and happy. I'd lost Scott, but I still had other guys to fool around with. I was happy Scott had found somefur he could really connect with. He was the first "straight" fur I'd introduced to the pleasures of male sex," Richard chuckled. "I guess it made him more special than the other guys."

"And then he got married."

Richard nodded. "A few years after they graduated college, he and Laura tied the knot. They had Roan, and it seemed all was going to be well with them, until..."

A strangled sob escaped Richard's muzzle and the bear's paw came to rest on his knee in a simple gesture of comfort. "Richard?"

The wolf shook his head. "I almost got Scott killed," he growled angrily.

The bear frowned. "I don't understand? Today? Or when Roan's mom was..." he paused, unwilling to utter further words on that subject.

"Today. I caused the accident."

Coach Madson sat, stunned. "I thought...I thought the ram was at fault."

Richard nodded. "He was. Technically. But if I...Scott would have been able to avoid the collision, but for me." Richard stared at the floor, silent, and the bear waited, giving the wolf time to compose his thoughts. Long minutes passed, and Richard said in a soft voice; "I came onto Scott in the car. I touched him...intimately. Scott was surprised, he focused his attention on me, not on the road. If he had, he would have realized the ram wasn't going to stop and could have hit the brakes in time."

"Is that a definite? That Scott would have avoided the accident?"

Richard nodded, then shook his head. "I guess not. Maybe. I mean, he would have been able to take some sort of evasive action. But because he was looking at me, talking to me, he couldn't...didn't."

"Richard, look at me," the bear growled, and when the wolf turned his head, the bear smiled warmly. "The ram was at fault, not you. Even if Scott had time to brake or do something, there was no certainty the accident could have been avoided."

"But it could have!" the wolf snapped.

"Scott's going to be fine, Richard. At worst, a lost car. Insurance will cover that. Scott is alive, that is what matters. Are you and Scott close?"

Richard looked away. "We're not...lovers, or anything like that."

"I didn't mean that, Richard. Are you close friends?"

Richard nodded. "Yes."

"Would Scott hold this against you?"

The wolf shook his head. "I know he'll forgive me."

"Then you have nothing to worry about!" the bear smiled broadly, hoping to alleviate the wolf's concerns and fears.

"I don't think Roan will."

Coach Madson opened his mouth to speak, but the puzzle pieces fell into place and he shut his muzzle. Roan had lost his mother in an accident, had almost lost his father, too. He remembered how Roan had lost his temper with the ram, that he'd pulled a gun on him. How would the young wolf view Richard, knowing that the adult wolf had been a factor in the accident?

"Roan's got a sharp mind, and a caring heart," the bear began.

Richard's head spun around, his eyes wild. "And he pulled a pistol on the fur he thought responsible for the accident!"

"The ram was responsible!"

Richard shook his head furiously. "No, dammit. I was!"

"Richard, look, the ram broke several safety rules of the road. The ram was responsible for driving into the car! What if you'd never touched Scott? What if you'd asked him a simple question, like, "Where's a good place to eat"? If Scott had turned his head to look at you to answer, and the accident happened, are you the one responsible?"

"That's different," the wolf grumbled.

"No, it isn't!" The bear stood and faced the wolf, staring down at him. "It was a shitty timing, sure. But you could not have foreseen the accident. So Scott's attention wasn't on the road in front of him at the time of the accident! Any number of things could have drawn his attention! You're beating yourself up because you feel guilty, but you don't have to. You shouldn't!"

Gazing down at the distraught wolf brought into sharp focus another wolf, younger, also distressed, in a locker room not several days past! The same upwelling of concern, of affection, filled him, startled him.

Richard looked up, frowned as he saw something clashing in the ursine's eyes, then shrugged it off to his own distress and said; "I guess you have a point, Russell.

Still, I feel...guilty."

"And that you do tells me a great deal about you, Richard. And what I see is good."

"Aw shucks," the wolf drawled. "Now you done gone made me blush!"

Coach Madson laughed, and moments later Richard joined in, the infectiousness of humor striking home! Richard suddenly winced, and the bear leaned forward in concern.


"Just my shoulder. Need to take more painkillers and get some rest."

The bear nodded. "That's a good idea."

Richard stood. "Leave the pizza boxes, I'll clear 'em tomorrow. By the way, what time can you be here?"

The bear pondered for moment. "9am?"

"Sounds good," the wolf smiled. "I really appreciate the offer. I'm sure Roan does too."

The bear glanced around at soda cans and pizza boxes. "Look, you take your meds and get some rest. I'll clean up here quickly and see myself out."

"No, don't."

The bear grinned. "And how's a one armed wolf gonna stop a buff bear like me?"

Richard ran his eyes up and down the bear's figure. "With difficulty!" he laughed.

"Shoo! Go sleep!"

Richard laughed. "Yes, sir, Coach, sir!"

Coach Madson chuckled and shook his head, and began clearing up as the wolf vanished into the passage. It didn't take long for the bear to tidy up the living room and dump the trash in the kitchen. He switched off the kitchen and living room lights and approached the front door, which was unlocked.

The door closed behind him, the latch locked into place, and the bear stood, back to the door, still inside the house. Thoughts and emotions warred within him, and he padded down the passage, guided by light from under a door towards the passage's end.

The bear paused in front of the door. What was he doing? Bedding Roan was one thing, but sex with Richard? Besides, Richard liked Scott. The bear glanced at what had to be Roan's room, it being the only other closed door in the passage.

One unforeseen consequence had come from his sex with Roan; a desire to be with another male, again. It had been a long time since the bear had enjoyed another male as he had Roan. It wasn't as though he could just walk into any gay club and pick up guys. His position as coach was tentative enough without chancing a parent or student seeing him with another male, or outside a gay club somewhere.

A dull throbbing in his crotch drove home the fact that the ursine was becoming aroused at the thoughts of his and Roan's rutting. He wondered if Roan and Gan would like a threesome with him, and the sudden stiffening of his ursine meat forced the bear to adjust himself.

Then again, Richard was also very alone right now, and beating himself up as well. The bear didn't feel right about sliding between the covers with Roan and Gan while Richard lay in solitude with only his thoughts and shadows for company.

The bear turned away, and stopped again, reason squaring off once more against desire, and he growled softly and hung his head in defeat.

RICHARD stood by the side of the bed, naked. He'd just taken a couple of pills, chasing them down with a glass of water. The bed looked so inviting, yet so cold. He thought of Roan and Gan, cuddled together, holding one another, possibly, no, certainly, doing much more.

"Scott..." he breathed.

Behind him, the door opened silently, but the soft click of door handle being turned alerted the wolf, who glanced over his shoulder, half expecting his friend, half expecting Roan or Gan.

Coach Madson stood in the doorway, framed by shadow. Heedless of the fact that he was naked, Richard turned and raised an eyebrow, his front fully bared to the ursine, whose eyes took in everything with ravenous appreciation.

"Russell? What's wrong?"

The bear stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. "I may not be Scott, but, well, if you'd like someone to hold tonight..." the bear's voice trailed off.

Richard blinked in stunned realization. "Uh, Russell, I...I..."

The bear raised his paw, his expression sheepish. "Sorry, Richard. This was...inconsiderate. I'll go. Sorry."

Richard almost jumped forward. "NO!" The wolf grimaced at the sound, plaintiff as it was. "Don't...don't go. I'd like that. For tonight."

"Are you sure?" the bear asked.

The canine's answer was a gradual stiffening of his wolfhood, which Richard hastily

overed up, moving a paw in front of him as he blushed.

"I'll take that as a yes," the bear smiled and walked forward, reaching out to gently move the wolf's arm, revealing the rock hard shaft saluting the bear. "Lie back and relax, Richard. Let me take care of this," Coach Madson smiled coyly, brushing the back of his paw along the length of the wolf's cock.

The wolf's body shuddered, and a soft whimper of need escaped his lips. "Yes, coach, sir."

The bear raised an eyebrow. "Coach?" He chuckled. "What is it with wolves and coach fetishes?"

Richard grinned, blushing. "I had a crush on my high school football coach. Never...did anything about it. Still..." the wolf's voice trailed off, a nostalgic haze filling his mind.

Coach Madson's paw grasped the wolf's quivering cock firmly, pulling the wolf's mind back to the present. "I think you need some personal training then, wuff," the bear smirked.

Richard nodded eagerly, head bobbing up and down like an excited pup. "Yes, sir. I do, coach, sir."

As Richard sat on the edge of the bed, his cock jutting up between his legs, Coach Madson began shedding his clothes as swiftly as ursinely possible. The last item of clothing to be cast aside were his boxers, and as they hit the floor, Richard moved, kneeling before the bear, his eyes glued to the thick slab of bear cock standing at attention before him.

The bear grinned, placing a hand on the wolf's head. "Since I'm a swim coach, Richard, let's see how long you can hold your breath!"

Richard nodded, his tongue exploring the veined thickness rising from the bear's ripe ball sacs, a pillar of male sex. Coach Madson's body shivered as the warm caress of the wolf's tongue glided over and around his shaft, the tip of it probing for a moment the opening at the tip of the bear's cock.

The wolf used his healthy arm to push at the bear's inner thighs, and Coach Madson omplied, spreading them, allowing the wolf to lap slowly, torturously slowly, at the now swinging ball sacs, his nose nuzzling where cock met sacs.

Coach Madson felt his cock being pulled down to a 90 degree angle, and then the warm moistness as wolf muzzle engulfed his bearhood, inch after delicious male inch swallowed by eager mouth, the tongue sliding over the meaty treat seductively.

The bear couldn't handle the wolf's slow ministrations and began thrusting excitedly into the wolf's mouth, slick, thick cock plunging deep, brushing the roof of Richard's muzzle, the balls thwacking the lower jaw.

As Coach Madson gazed lustfully down at Richard, the wolf looked up, their eyes meeting, holding, burning. Seeing the wolf hungrily slurping at his dick, the bear's blood surged, his balls ached with heavy need, and he pulled his cock out of ichard's muzzle

The wolf licked his lips, his gaze moving from the bear's to eye the wet cock before him, thick and ripe and and quivering.

"Stand up," the bear ordered, his voice deep, husky and raw.

The wolf stood, his cockhead slick with pre, several thin trails of it slithering down his shaft to be lost in the furryness of his balls.

"Turn around, slowly," the bear grunted, his eyes wild. The scent the bear exuded was musk and oak, a heady scent that coyly pulled at the wolf's senses.

Richard turned, smiling, allowing the bear to devour his body, his musculature, his ass and cock and legs and abs with his eyes. His tail swished in eager excitement, and suddenly Richard felt the bear's warmth pressed against his back, a thick shaft pressing against the cleft of his asscheeks, one paw reaching around to grasp and stroke his wolfhood, the other pulling the wolf's chest back, and breath, warm and fast, tickling his neckfur.

"I want you!" the bear's voice was thick with desire. Ursine hand clenched over canine cock, inciting a yelp of enthusiasm from the wolf.

"I'm yours, coach," the wolf murmured, eyes half closed as he let himself go, loosing himself in the comfort of being held, of being wanted, of having the musky scent of another male mingling with his own.

The bear's paws caressed the wolf's chest fur, fingers pawing at chest, a grinding crotch pressing hard and eager against a firm rump. Coach Madson's breath was warm against Richard's neckfur, warm and ragged and fast. Richard's healthy paw reached back to stroke the fleshy musculature of the bear's thigh, eliciting a grunt of appreciation from the ursine.

A moment of hesitation, of uncertainty, crept silently and swiftly between the two adults, a moment that each unknowingly shared, where doubts and second thoughts mingled and reached out with barbed tendrils, seeking dark places to plant their roots. But their individual libidos were too potent, too energetic, for anything but lust to take hold.

Coach Madson reached down, took hold of his fleshy sword of lust, and began positioning it, getting ready to ride. Richard's legs spread and he leaned forward a little, silent consent, silent affirmation, of what the two would share.

The bear wanted the entry to be gentle, slow and tender, but upon his thick head parting the puckered wolf rim, he lost control, and the penetration was fast and deep and violently forced aside the ring to claim the darkness beyond, spearing the wolf, hilting deep, and a long, loud moan of eagerness slipped from ursine muzzle, to mingle with the shuddering rasp of breath that exploded from between canine lips.

The ursine's hips were pistons, jackhammering a volley of ass-plundering thrusts into the moaning wolf, impaling the canine on a meaty skewer, a thick, slick slab of engorged flesh that pounded away eagerly, as pendulous balls thick with seed swayed back and forth in time with the pounding hips.

Richard grunted loudly, losing himself in the moment, in the act of sex, sweaty male on male fucking, with him as the ploughed male-bitch! His tailhole ached with the sudden and forceful rutting, the coach's cock lubed only by saliva and smeared pre.

The rim of his ass and the walls within pulled at the bear's shaft as it slid free and plunged back inside, a movement that repeated over and over again, picking up tempo as the bear rode his wolf wildly, a heavy slapping sound filling the room as hips met with rump.

Richard's moans came faster as the bear slammed himself into the wolf, and when the ursine paw clasped over his jerking cock, he gritted his teeth, forcing himself to keep his grunts as quiet as possible, even as his cock jumped and he howled softly, his ass clenching around Coach Madson's dick, ropes of sticky seed spraying over the bedsheets.

The clenching ass prompted Coach Madson to deliver several stunningly heavy thrusts, each one claiming a closer rung to orgasm, and when Richard had seeded the sheets, his balls spent, the bear delivered his load eagerly, and with continued heavy thrusts, biting softly on the wolf's shoulder as he emptied himself.

Slowly the bear pulled his thick cock free, and Richard grunted as his ring spat out the bear's cockhead, following it with several spurts of ursine cum. Coach Madson panted heavily, leaning on the wolf as he spread his cum around Richard's rump cleft with a paw.

The bear planted several kisses on the wolf's neck, tender and loving, and Richard turned to smile, his face flushed, and the bear brought his muzzle to the wolf's, and their kiss was deep and passionate.

"Let's get you into bed, Richard," Coach Madson grinned, stepping around the wolf to pull back the sheets.

"How was I, Coach?" the wolf batted his eyelids.

The bear chuckled softly. "I'll have you on my team anyday, wuff, though I think some more personal training will be required!"

The wolf started to laugh, but a yawn replaced it, and the bed looked so comfortable! He slid onto the bed, allowed the bear to slide in next to him, leaving the sheets off since their bodies were still hot from their sex, as brief as it had been.

Richard cuddle close to the bear. He smiled. "I wish I could have held out longer, Russell. But...it's been a while since I was with...another. I just couldn't hold out!"

Coach Madson chuckled and nuzzled the wolf's headfur. "It's been a while for me too. Roan was the first in a very long time, and he's managed to get my blood stirring again!"

"I'm glad you chose me to release your libido, stud. You can nail me again anytime!"

The bear laughed, but didn't reply, and the two simply lay, each with their own thoughts, until sleep pulled at them with velvet paws that couldn't be denied.

Before they fell into deep slumber, Richard twitched and murmured something.

"What was that?" Coach Madson asked.

"Can you get the light?"

The bear grinned. "Sure thing." He stood, padded over and snapped off the light, then made his way back to a warm and welcome embrace, and the dreams of that night were good.

MOONLIGHT lapped zephyr-like at the firmly clenched hand that slide up and down a well greased fleshy pole. The fur moaned, closing his eyes, allowing his mind to wander, to conjure up an image of a young wolf replacing his hand.

In the lust engulfed mind, paw became muzzle, and he reached down to grasp his own balls, squeezing gently, luxuriating in the feel of sensitive globes slipping through his fingers.

Faster and firmer the muzzle/hand teased his shaft, warm and slick and quivering for more. The fur envisaged eager eyes gazing up at him, begging him silently, thanking him silently, for more of his engorged cock.

"Oh, puppy, suck me! Suck me harder my little bitch!"

Harder clenched the muzzle/hand, pulling at the flesh and skin of the shuddering member, red and swollen and bordering on the verge of violent and sudden exaltation.

The fur turned over, his cock now free, and he grasped a pillow and pulled it under his hips, folding it up and laying atop it, his cock sliding, with a brief delay of squirming into position, between the two sides, snug and tight.

"Yes, puppy, yes! Spread your boy-pussy for me! Mmmmm. Ungh! Fuck, yes, bitch, so tight. Fuck yeah!"

His dick delved into the silken shadows of the pillow, leaving them wet and cold against the heat that surged lustfully along the excited rod of meat that cleaved the pillow/ass of a young wolf. Awkwardly, the fur reached down to press his paw against the pillow, making it tighter, firmer, against his dick. He spread his legs, reaching back while he humped to finger his own hole softly, teasing it, exploring the outer rim of his tailhole, to a place never before visited by cock or finger or even toy.

He grunted loudly, wildly, as he pierced himself, sliding an inch of forefinger into himself, feeling the walls clench down, attempting to pull and swallow the digit into his most private and personal and virginal of places!

His hips churned energetically, pounding at the pillow/ass that hungrily devoured his throbbing cock. Shivers of unrestrained delight surged along the length of the slick dick so that he could feel it in his balls, effervescent lust swirling and boiling within the fur clad sacs, miniature pools of creamy seed simmering silently, anxious for release!

"Oh, baby, yes! Spread your legs for me, puppy. Make me cum, pup, babe. Oh, oh yes!"

The wolf below him bucked and writhed in ecstatic pleasure as the thick cock plundered his tailhole raw, delving deep and hard, forcing aside the well fucked puckered rim, youthful gates the opened willingly, eagerly, for his questing lance of lust.

Moonlight danced with shadows over a rippling back corded with muscle. Sweat dappled his fur as the night warmth melded with his own body heat as he rutted, impaling his young wolf's ass while his own finger impaled him in turn.

His mind and body in synch, the fur saw and felt only a young and eager wolf, legs splayed, butt raised in offering t his lusting cock, well fucked, deeply impaled, moaning and gasping as thick and slick meat slid in and out of him, claiming his ass, claiming _him_k as the fur's own, a forbidden conquest of mind and desire.

"Fuck me harder, stud!" the fur heard the young wolf yelp, and he complied, the bed creaking under the onslaught he unleashed into a young, firm ass.

"You've been a bad pup, haven't you, boy?" His voice was thick and dripping with molten lust.

The mind-wolf nodded his young head, looked back with eyes bright and willing and hungry for more.

"Yes, I have! Teach me a lesson! My ass is yours! I am yours, to fuck, rape and abuse as you please!"

The young wolf's eyes shone with pleading desire, begging the fur to ravage him, use him and then cast him aside, wet with leaking seed.

The image, normally, would have shocked, but tonight it provoked, enticed and swamped him in a sea of carnal and pleasurable thoughts. And the pitiful whimpering of reason fell on deaf ears, for all the fur heard was the siren voiced young wolf beseeching him to plough his boy-bitch-ass raw!

The orgasm was sudden and powerful, consuming the fur in its throes, his back arched, head flung back in a primal roar of exultant release, his seed exploding into his wolf's ass violently, his rump and thigh muscles quivering as locked and loaded sacs emptied themselves, firing the sticky, creamy seed along a pulsing cock that spat the pearly white streams into a soft and wet embrace.

"UNGH! FUCK! Yeah, yeah, YEAH! TAKE MY LOAD, PUPPY! FUCK!" he howled/roared, casting his fervent grunts to the shadowed room around him.

His eyes clenched shut, and he saw only a yapping young wolf being filled with spurt after thick viscous spurt of cum, thrusting his tender young rump back against the fur's hips, swallowing as much of his meat as possible.

"Thanks, stud! I'm yours! Your puppy! Your bitch!"

UNGH! UNGH! UNGH! He grunted, pumping his little boy-bitch hard and wild, sowing his seed in the pup he ruled!

"Yes, baby," he moaned softly as the orgasmic tremors in his body subsided and he slumped forward, panting, gasping for breath as his cock slid from its soft sheath of heaven and oozed the rest of his load on the sheets. "Yes, you are!"

Moonlight caressed him gently, lulling him into a sense of fatigued tranquility. Guilt, when it came, for come it did, met that fatigue and was summarily dismissed. The pillow was wet beneath him, the cum matting and seeping into his stomach fur, but he was too worn out to care.

The room, dark and silent save for his breathing, seemed suddenly cold. He reached beneath him, brushed his fingers over the pillow tenderly, calling to mind a young canine face, yearning for its smile, its kiss.

"Roan," he breathed, and sleep took him.

_To be continued...

More twists and turns and possible relations suddenly explode into being...and who is this fur who lusts after our young wuff? More importantly, will this fur's thoughts become reality? And how will the sex between Richard and Coach Madson affect Richard and Scott?

Stay tuned for more!

Again, thoughts, comments and bottle of Captain Morgan are welcome!_