A Complete Makeover

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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A Complete Makeover © 2004 Nameless * * * Part 1 - Awakening in a strange place Part 2 - Beautifying body... Part 3 - ... and mind... Part 4 - And what else? * * *

Part 1 - Awakening in a strange place * * * My head hurts. "Just how much did I drink yesterday?" I wonder. My arms hurt as well. There is a horrible taste in my mouth. Then my eyes snap open when I realize that I am not lying in my bed, not even in the bed of that cheap hotel, but standing upright with my arms above my head. Actually, I have been hanging on them and they hurt, especially the wrists. It takes me a moment to adjust to the light that seems to flood the room the moment I open my eyes. It feels as if someone was stabbing them with red-hot needles. I squeeze them shut, winching in pain. When they have adjusted enough to open them again, I look around. And I realize that I am standing in a bare room. That I am completely nude. I try to move my arms, but they are tied above my head. I try to close my widely spread legs, only to find that I can't do that either, they are held in place by shackles. Terrified, I scream "Hmmmph!" Only to find that I can't even scream properly, a rubber ball fills my mouth. I try to spit it out, but I can't, it is securely fastened in place. I panic and try to break free. I trash around, but I am tied too well, I can't get free. After a few minutes I have to give up. I am out of breath and I have not accomplished anything except hurt my wrists and ankles. I hang my head and cry, bitter tears run down my cheeks. After a few minutes, I have no more tears and my eyes hurt. My head hurts unbearably. I want to lie down and curl up in a ball. My stomach churns, I don't know how I manage to avoid vomiting (and suffocating). When the headache recedes enough to allow me to open my eyes again, I look around and try to figure out my situation. I am right in the middle of a room that is about 5 meters square. The walls are concrete, the floor seems to be some kind of plastic, dozens of spotlights set into the high ceiling illuminate it brightly, most of them focused on me. The only special feature I can see is that the wall in front of me looks more like glass than plaster. It could be a video screen or a polarized window. I cringe at the thought that someone might sit behind it and watch my nude body. That somebody might enjoy watching my helpless struggles. There seems to be a door in the wall behind me, but I can't get a good look. My neck is cramped and I can't turn my head very far before it begins to hurt. Then I realize that there is a rather heavy collar around my neck. I can't see what it is made of, but it feels like leather. I stand there (it's not like I have any choice in the matter) and wait for something to happen and wonder what has happened to me. "I must have been abducted, that much is clear. I can't think of anything else, at least. And, I fear... by slavers... what will they do to me? Force me to work in a brothel?" Given my current attire, I don't think that they'll want me to work in their computer department. For a long time nothing much happens. I become aware of a growing need to relieve myself. I wonder how long I will be able to hold back, I don't exactly fancy standing in my own piss. At least my headache is slowly receding. My stomach settles as well, only now it is complaining about a decided lack of food. "_ God! Am I thirsty! " For a long while nothing happens. There is nothing for me to do except speculate about my fate. Suddenly the door opens. I twist in my bonds, trying to see who entered. It is a GELF (Genetically Engineered Life Form), a vixen to be exact. The only piece of attire on her person is a heavy leather collar. She stops in front of me. I feel my face heat up as she appraises me. "Hmmmph!" I try to beg her to let me free, but I can't speak, gagged the way I am. She shakes her head and comments "Tears don't become you, kit. We can't have that. You have to look pretty... or would you prefer to spend the rest of your life in this room." I shiver in fear at her words. She shakes her head once more, then she walks back to the door. Straining in my bonds to see her, I watch from the corner of my eye as she kneels next to the door. She leans forward and touches her collar to the wall. When she leans back, several drawers open. She gets up and picks a wide belt from one of them. I yelp in surprise when she swats my backside "Keep your head forward, kit!" Embarrassed at being caught doing something forbidden, I hastily turn my head forward once more. "Trust me, kit, you would not want anyone else catching you when you try to look behind you." A moment later her arms encircle my waist and she fastens the belt around it. I shiver when she inhales, her nose must be almost touching my neck and sighs contentedly. Her paws linger on my hips a few moments longer than needed, as if she were reluctant to remove them. I blush at the implications of that. I can hear her walk around behind me, then her arms encircle my waist once more. Looking down, I see her attach a sack of some kind to the belt. He paw taps my backside once more and she says "If you have to relieve yourself, do so now. It may be quite a while until you get another chance. You don't want to soil the floor." I gulp in fear, something in her voice tells me that I really would not enjoy whatever punishment I would get for this. "_But... relieve myself right in front of her?" A moment later she stands in front of me again, a washcloth in her paws. My face burns as I relieve my painfully full bladder while she wipes the tears from my face and chest. She is surprisingly gentle. My face heats up even more when I realize just how much my breasts perk up under her careful ministrations. "Why does this excite me so much? I'm not a lesbian, am I?" She sniffs significantly and gives me a sad smile. My ears start burning "She can't smell my excitement, can she? ...She surely can, unless her sense of smell is not anywhere as good as it is said to be in her species." Somehow she managed to convey the message that she would love to... play with me a little longer, but that she is not allowed to. Whenever she touches me, her fingers linger just a moment longer than strictly necessary. She steps around me once more. A moment later she grabs my hair (gently) and begins to brush it, humming tunelessly as she works out the tangles. Then she steps back in front of me and brushes the hair out of my face. She studies my face for a moment and comments "Much better." She sticks the brush under the belt. I wonder what she is up to. She looks at me, lowers her eyes to my crotch for a moment and asks "Finished?" I nod and she removes the sack hanging from the belt. I can hear her dump its contents somewhere behind me. I squeal and jump in surprise when she begins to clean me. She works quickly and gently, but also manages to put an erotic spin on the procedure. As she wipes my ass, I can't stop thinking that she would love to take much more time. I wonder if my face can get any hotter without spontaneously combusting. I sigh in relief when she is finished. I can hear her wash her paws, then she stands in front of me again. She considers my face and comments "No, the red eyes really don't become you." A moment later she returns with a spray bottle in her paw. "Keep your eyes open!" She squeezes a quick spray into my eyes and they stop burning almost immediately. She considers my face, retrieves the brush from my belt and brushes a few stray hairs out of my face. "Much better." She takes a step back and says "All right, kit. Let's talk. Well, I guess I'll talk and you'll listen. Do you want to know what you are doing here?" I have been wondering about this, so I nod. Not that I have much hope that I'll like the answers. "Good. I would have had to tell you, even if you did not want to hear it..." She pauses a moment as if trying to remember what she was supposed to tell me "You are now the property of Ajunta Personnel Resources Inc. For what's it worth, the company motto is 'Even if our service does not fully please you, our wares' (service) surely will.'." She gives me a sad grin. I realize "I am one of the 'wares' she is talking about!" and shiver at the thought. "As I said, you are now their property, a slave. We are currently in one of the display rooms, you are to be sold as soon as they can find a buyer." "A display room?" I blush at the thought when I realize that she is standing off to my right on purpose, so that she would not block the view of anyone sitting behind the window (or a camera positioned there). She gives me a grin "I think it should not take them too long to find a buyer for you, you are rather pretty. And you smell good." She leers at me "I'm sure you'd taste good, I'd really like to find out..." The sincere regret in her voice makes me blush more I thought possible. She shakes her head and goes on "You may not like to become someone's sex toy, but it is a lot better than being here, trust me." She pauses for a moment "You'll be wondering how you came here, I guess." I nod and she goes on "Seems that you got a loan to go to college a few years back. And that you had problems paying the rates. Anyway, your bank decided that you would not be able to pay it back and sold it to a credit recovery bureau. When you did not reply to the letters they sent, they decided to take other measures to recover their investment." I stare at her at her in horror, suddenly remembering those letters. They had looked so much like any other ad letter for some get-rich scheme that I had thrown them away without really reading them. "How could I have been that stupid?" "Well, you believed that story about having won a holiday weekend on the Bermuda islands, didn't you. Incidentally a place where it is legal to enslave a debtor who can't pay his debts. When you signed the papers for the holiday tour, you gave them everything they to start the legal proceedings. You did not read them very well, did you? By the time you checked into your hotel, the recovery bureau had received the warrant to enslave you and put you up for sale while one of their agents collected you. I don't know exactly how, he probably spiked your drink or something. Anyway, you were bought by this company and brought here." I stare at her in horror "This is supposed to be legal?" I try to wrap my mind around it, but I can't. I don't want to believe this, but it has the ring of truth. At least the vixen standing next to me seems to believe it. "What's going to happen next?" She pauses for a moment "Kit, you are going to be sold as a sex slave." I shiver and groan in distress. She gives me a sad smile and sighs "Believe me, if there was anything I could do to save you from this fate, I would do it, but I can't. I'm a slave, just like you. What I want does not make does not really affect what I have to do. If I don't fancy getting whipped or worse, I have to do what I am told to and nothing else." I shiver in fear at her words, but even more so at her tone. "You may not want to become someone's sex slave, but there are even worse fates..." I whimper in distress. "You want to be sold as soon as possible. Trust me on this. They have set an initial price for you, and they'll slowly reduce it until someone buys you." I whimper again "Why?" and make a questioning noise. "Why? Simple: The more your owner pays for you, the more you will be worth to him, the better he will care for you. You don't want to, say, be snatched up on the cheap by someone looking for the main star for a snuff flick." My blood almost freezes in my veins at that. "Well, that's it." She pats my head "Chin up, kit! Try to look pretty and pray that someone will buy you soon." She smiles at me and ruffles my hair. Somehow that makes me feel a little better. Then she seems to remember the brush she had been holding all the time and brushes the hair out of my face again. She considers my face, suddenly she starts grinning mischievously. " Hmmmph!" I nearly jump out of my skin when she starts to brush my public hair! The brush sends electric shivers through my body when it brushes over my nether lips. I stare at her, shocked and suddenly panting. She gives me another grin and walks behind me once more. I can hear her rummage around in the drawers, then the door opens. A moment later she is gone. I am alone again. Alone, shaken and terrified. For a long while nothing happens. I am alone, alone with my shame, wondering how the touch of that vixen could excite me so much. I want to stop thinking about her, but I can't. My heart skips a beat when the door opens once more. I think I can hear two people, I want to turn my head to look at them, but then I remember the warning the vixen gave me and I shiver in fear. I want to look, but I'm too afraid. "What do you think, Mr. Kovasco?" A male voice asks. "Hmmm, the butt is not bad, but I'm not really sure she is what I am looking for." "Two men!" I realize with horror "And I'm completely naked!" My face begins to heat up. "Still, why don't you have a look?" "Why not?" They walk around me and stop in front of me. The one who has spoken first is clearly a salesman. I hate him from the first moment, he has the shifty air of a used-car salesman. "A used-women salesman." I wonder where that thought came from. For a moment I close my eyes in humiliation at the appraising way this Mr. Kovasco looks at me. I shiver, I can feel his gaze travel up and down my nude body, almost as if he was touching me. Even his gaze feels slimy. I don't even try to beg him to release me, something in his eyes tells me he would much rather beat me than give me the time of day. I shiver in fear when our eyes meet for a moment. I look down hastily. "Hmmm, she does not look too bad, but she is not really my type." For a moment relief floods me. "As you wish, Mr. Kovasco. But you know that we can make her perfectly suited to your tastes. One never knows, maybe you'd like to try her out. But there are plenty of others as well..." "Try me out?" I shiver at the lack of emotion in the salesman's voice. "Try me out? Like a TV at the shopping mall? What is he going to do, drop his pants and fuck me right here, in front of that clerk? God, please not this!" "Well, why not..." " Noooooo!" I scream into the gag as he reaches for my breasts. For a moment I evade him by bending back as far as my bonds allow. "Feisty wench, isn't she?" The salesman comments, an amused grin on his face. His customer steps closer, grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. The look in his eyes sends a cold shiver down my spine. The look in his eyes tells me that this is not a man I want to be angry with me. That he is someone who might buy me just to torture me to death if I anger him. After a moment I lower my eyes and let my body relax, bringing it closer to him. He gives my jaw a painful squeeze, then he releases it. I lower my head, ashamed at my own fear, I am afraid to meet his cruel eyes, even by accident. I pray silently "Please don't buy me! God, please let him choose someone else!" When his hands close on my breasts, I don't move. I do my best not to show the pain as he squeezes them painfully, his fingernails digging into my nipples. I am almost glad I am gagged, I can barely stifle a scream as I bite down on the gag. As much as I try, I can't hide my pain completely. I shiver violently at his evil chuckle. As much as his touch hurts and disgusts me, I find that my body reacts to his massage, that my breasts harden. "Not too bad, reasonably firm if a little small." There is hardly any emotion in his voice, just a general disdain for anyone he considers his inferior, specifically me. I wonder if he really considers me a human being or just a toy to amuse him. A toy that he would just as easily break as play with if he thought that this would bring him more pleasure. My face, which must have been deathly white a few moments ago begins to burn in shame. I don't want him to like me, but his offhand comment still hurts. After a minute of squeezing he releases my breasts. His hands move down my body until he cups my ass cheeks. He squeezes them for a few moments "Too flabby for me." He moves his hands to my front until his thumbs meet at the top of my sex. As he slowly moves them downwards, rubbing my nether lips, I realize that I am panting heavily and that my cunt feels hot and damp. My face must be redder than a ripe tomato. "God, I can't stand this, please strike me dead!" Of course nothing of the sort happen. He moves his right hand up along my stomach, until it cups my breast once more, all the while rubbing my nether lips with his left thumb and dragging the other fingers through my public hair. He shifts his grip and suddenly his fingers invade my sex. I yelp in shock, even though I was expecting (and dreading) this. I want to bury myself in shame at his comment "At least the slut is hot and wet inside." His fingers explore my sex, sending electric shivers up my spine, while his other hand continues to knead my breasts. I find it more and more difficult to get enough air, breathing only through my nose. My whole body feels hot. And suddenly I find myself moving my hips in sync with his fingers. Suddenly his fingers close on my clit and squeeze it painfully hard. I take a deep breath, wanting to scream at the sudden pain. My scream of pain has barely started when it turns into a primal howl of ecstasy as a sharp and incredibly intense orgasm hits me and the pain is washed away by other, much more intense sensations. I trash helplessly in my bonds as a wave of pleasure washes over me. It vanishes almost as quickly as it came, leaving me totally drained and barely conscious. For an unknown time I hang like a sack, all my muscles turned to rubber. When I slowly become aware of my surroundings again, the first thing I notice is the pain in my arms and wrists. The next thing I notice are my tormentor's fingers, caressing me with almost cruel gentleness. For a moment regret fills me when he withdraws his fingers from my gently throbbing sex, leaving behind an unwelcome emptiness. Bemused and fascinated, I watch as he slowly draws his hand up my belly, leaving behind a glistening trail. I am still breathing heavily, yet I somehow manage to sigh in pleasure as his wet fingers brush over my left nipple. I can't help but follow them as he raises them to his mouth. For a tiny moment our eyes meet and I shiver at the cruel gentleness in them, as much in fear as in pleasure. Then his tongue brushes over his fingers, licking up my juices. "Yuck! She tastes horrible!" His voice hits me like a slap, wounding me to the core. When his hand hits my cheek a moment later, it hurts a million times less. He wipes his hand, first on my face, then on my breasts, filling my nose with the smell of my sex. Before I have really realized what has happened, he has turned away from me. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kovasco, let me show you something else. I'm sure we can find something more to your taste." The salesman walks out of my field of vision a moment later. There is a click, the sound of running water and that of someone washing his hands. I am still staring at the wall in front of me in shock when the door closes and I am alone again. The casual rejection hurt me like a knife, even though I am incredibly glad that this... Asshole did not buy me. Never in my life have I felt that ashamed. As much for the easy way he had with my body, the way I yielded to his touch, as for the fact that I was not good enough for him. Drained, mentally and physically, I cry bitter tears. A few, painfully few. "_ That Asshole! How could he treat me like that!" He treated me just as if I was... goods, not a person. As if I was some gadget in the electronics shack, something someone would pick up, press a few buttons and then discard in favor of something better. A sarcastic voice in the back of my head comments "_And, boy! Did you like to have your buttons pressed, slut!" I sob in anger and embarrassment. I wonder why his rejection hurt me so much, but I can't figure it out. "I don't taste that bad, do I?" For a long while I am alone with my thoughts, alternately sobbing and blushing at the thought of his fingers touching me. I gasp in surprise when the door opens once more. I try to figure out who is standing behind me without turning my head. When the vixen suddenly stands in front of me, I expel the breath I had not noticed I had been holding. She moves close to me, her nose only a few centimeters from my face and takes a deep breath "Mmmm... you smell good, girl." I'm suddenly blushing so badly, my hair must be turning red. She inhales my scent a few more times and comments "Had a good time, didn't you? Lucky girl!" She takes another sniff and shakes her head sadly "How I would love to lick you clean... too bad I'm not allowed to taste you." I don't know if it is even possible, but I think my blush deepens even more at that. She moves behind me and a moment later I hear the click as she unlocks the drawers. She returns a moment later with a washcloth in her paws. She cleans me up, first my face, then my breasts. By the time she is finished, they are almost painfully hard, my heart is throbbing and I am panting hard. When she kneels to clean my thighs, I notice just how hot and wet my sex feels. When she stands up, I am shocked to realize just how disappointed I am that she never touched my sex, only my belly and thighs. Then I realize that while she cleaned most of my juices, she left enough that anyone who steps close to me will notice that I have had an orgasm in the recent past. I cringe at the thought. A moment later she stands in front of me again and chides me "Girl, I told you not to cry. Your eyes look horrible." Suddenly I feel bad at the note of disappointment in her voice. She sprays my eyes "Much better." She combs my hair. With a mischievous grin she makes as if she would brush my public hair as well, but refrains from actually doing so. Then she looks me up and down and nods her head in satisfaction and gives me an encouraging grin. She puts away her tools and a moment later she is gone. * * *

Part 2 - Beautifying body... * * * For a long time I am alone with my thoughts, alone with my fears. Somehow I manage not to cry, but I am growing more and more afraid. I jump a little when the door opens once more. Footsteps (I think two people, probably male), then the door closes again and a male voice asks "How about this one, Mr. Miller?" "Hmmm..." I can feel his eyes on my backside, appraising my body. I want to see his face so badly, but the vixen's warning sends a shiver of fear down my spine and I keep looking straight ahead. I shiver when his finger touches my neck, right below the collar, he moved so quietly that I did not notice him closing the distance. He rests his finger there, then he slowly moves it down my spine, stopping at each vertebrae for a fraction of a second. His light and gentle touch is rather pleasant, for a moment I don't even mind standing nude before him. I sigh in pleasure as his finger moves down the small of my back. He stops when his finger reaches my coccyx and sniffs. "Hmmm, it smells rather interesting in here..." Suddenly my ears are burning as I remember just what I smell of. But as much as his comment embarrasses me, the hint of gentle amusement in his voice reassures me somewhat. "Maybe he will be nice to me, if he... buys me..." I can hear him inhale a few times more, then he moves his finger further down, the tip of his fingers just inside the cleft between my butt cheeks (but not so deep that it would touch my anus). I begin to wonder how much further he is going to go. An electric shiver runs through my body when his finger reaches my vagina. He pokes the tip in, then he withdraws it. For a moment it feels strange, not being touched by him any more. I listen to his breathing, wondering what he will do next. I hear a tiny slurping noise right behind me (he must be standing close to me, less than half a meter away). I can't make any sense of it until I hear his satisfied "Hmmm..." and I realize that he must have licked my juices off his finger. My ears (which had cooled down a little in the meantime) suddenly burn extremely hot once more. I feel incredibly embarrassed, but at the same time the fact that he enjoyed my taste fills me with happiness and a sense of rehabilitation. "Asshole, hear! I don't taste that bad, after all!" I stare at the wall, wondering what made me think this. I jerk a little when he puts his hands around my upper arm. Turning my head just a tiny little bit, I can see the tips of his fingers. They look elegant and well manicured. Somehow that makes me feel better about him, as does the fact that his light touch is surprisingly pleasant. A part of me is scared to death but another part of me wants him to keep touching me, wants him to touch me everywhere. His hands move down slowly, I shiver when his thumbs touch my neck, first above the collar, then below. Then his hands move further down, gently rubbing my shoulder blades. He moves his hands apart until the tips of his fingers touch the base my breasts. Suddenly I realize that I am panting and... that I wish for him to take my breasts into his hands. But he moves his hands down my sides until they rest on my hips. After a long moment he encircles my butt cheeks, squeezing them gently. His voice startles me "Nice skin. And a cute butt." His hands stay there for a minute, then he moves them up once more, the tips of his thumbs rubbing my skin right next to the spine. I sigh in pleasure when he cups my breasts and squeeze them gently. For a moment I close my eyes, content to bask in the feelings his touch give me. When the tip of his nose touches my neck, I realize with a start that my crotch is feeling hot and wet. That I... want him to take me. "What have they done to me?" I wonder, sure that my captors must have done something to make me that horny. The pleased noises he makes as he inhales the smell of my skin and hair fill turn me on even more. When he releases me and steps back I somehow feel cheated. He comments "Not bad. I think I may have found something..." Suddenly they stand in front of me. After a cursory look I ignore the clerk and turn my attention to the other person. To... my future master. I don't know how I know, but I am sure that he will buy me. The feeling scares me and excites me at the same time. He is handsome, a little older than me, but not too old, my guess is that he is in his early thirties. He looks like someone who takes good care of his body. The smile on his lips is gentle, but with a tiny hint of cruelty. I am still out of breath and I can tell that he enjoys the way my chest is heaving. He looks me up and down for at least a minute before he takes my chin to examine my face. A shiver of fear and desire runs through me when our eyes meet. I try to smile, but the gag in my mouth makes it difficult. When he releases my chin an immeasurable time later, I lower my head. He lets his hands roam over my body briefly, then he steps back and says in his curiously gentle voice "Nice. Not quite perfect, but pretty good. I think I'll take her." A wave of pleasure washes over me at that, almost giving me an orgasm. When it subsides, I wonder what is happening to me. "I can't be that happy to become somebody's slave, can I? Ok, compared to the first one he seems to be really nice, but..." I raise my head again and examine his face, trying to figure out if he will be gentle with me. "On the other hand, he is someone who will buy a slave. I don't think I would want to be a slave to anyone who would keep slaves, but... Then again, I don't think I have any say in the matter..." I am panting, my whole body feels hot. "A good choice, Mr. Miller. I'm sure you will have many pleasant hours with her. Now, why don't we see what we can do to make her perfect for you?" "Yes, lets." "Make me perfect?" I wonder "What will they do to me?" Suddenly I feel icy cold. Suddenly the lights are dimmed, throwing the room into a shadowy gloom. Except for a few spotlights that keep me... well, in the spotlight. My Master moves to stand on my left, his right hand resting on my hip. With a start I realize that I have suddenly begun to think of him as my Master. Even when I'm only thinking the word, I can hear the capital 'M'. A flickering disturbance in the air in front of me resolves itself into a holographic likeness of myself. My virtual double (who is attired just as I am, wearing only a collar) stands perfectly still for a long moment, then she (I?) opens her eyes and looks at me. I stare at her in wonder, she is so perfectly modeled, I would not have doubted for a moment that she was real if I had not seen her form. Somehow I can't help but think of the image as a person, as me, yet not me. Her eyes move down my body, appraising me, I can even feel their imaginative caress. Then she raises her eyes again until they meet mine. She gives me a smile full of lust and licks her lips in a perfectly suggestive manner. I find myself starting to sweat as I realize that I want her to pleasure me, want to feel her tongue on my body. A terribly long moment later she turns away and begins to walk (without moving from the spot, of course) while slowly turning to allow us to view her from every direction. Her walk is pure seduction, I can hardly take my eyes from the swaying hips. "If I walked like that through Nerdistan (a part of the cube farm where I work), I would drown in the drool, even if I was wearing clothes." Again, I wonder what made me think something like that. "Correction, used to work, unless this is only a weird dream." Watching my virtual double sway seductively is almost hypnotic to me. For an unknown time I can't tear my eyes from her, until my trance is rudely interrupted when the clerk asks "I guess you'd want her tits to be bigger..." "Yes." My master answers. I tremble as the realization that they plan to rearrange my body. And that I'll have to watch them plan what is to become of me, without having any say in the matter. "Please, don't do anything too extreme!" I pray. "How big can you make them?" "Very big. Grossly big, if you ask me. None of our customers has ever gotten close to what was possible." The clerk answers "Let's have a look at what is possible." He taps his data pad a few times and my breasts begin to grow. "Ok, not mine, my double's, but it almost feels as if he was really affecting mine." "I like them firm." My master says and the clerk makes a few adjustments that make them perk up noticeably. For a few seconds they look really nice, the way I would have liked them, but they soon reach a size that I would not really like to have. As big as Lara Croft's in the latest game. And my breasts keep on growing. Soon they are as big as Lara's with the 'secret' cheat-mode enabled. They are really starting to look gross. Even though they are clearly very firm, they begin to loose the fight against gravity. My double keeps on walking, but when I look at her face, she is beginning to look uncomfortable and strained. My breasts are almost as big as cow udders when the clerk comments "That is about the largest size that we have ever sold." For a moment I pity the poor woman who had to live like this, but soon concern for my own fate downs out every other concern. The lowest part of my double's breasts is now almost level with her navel. The strain is now clearly visible in every line of her body, she even has to lean back to keep her balance. Just before the breasts reach her public hair, my virtual double suddenly topples and crashes into the ground. I stare at her twitching form in shock. "I guess we have reached her limit." My double looks up, her eyes pleading. "So it seems. At least for someone with her frame. With skeletal and muscle upgrades she could take more, but it would be easier and cheaper to start with a bigger girl in the first place." "That's ok. That looked rather gross at the end. And I did not really want them very big anyway." I breathe a sigh of relief when he says "Let's start over." I don't even mind the way his hand squeezes my butt. The clerk taps his data pad and my double dissolves, only to reappear a few seconds later, looking exactly like me again. "All right, how big do you want her tits?" "Hmmm..." My future master turns to me and gently cups my left breast. His touch feels so good, I lean forward a little instinctively. He grins at me, lightly squeezes my breast and asks "You like that, kitten, don't you?" Suddenly ashamed of myself, I blush, but somehow I can't prevent my head from nodding in agreement. "Good." His pleased smile makes me feel warm all over "I think you'll get plenty of opportunities to enjoy this." His smile makes me feel so good, yet I shudder at the tiny hint of cruelty in it. He squeezes both my breast and my butt "As will I." When he moves his hand away from my breast, I can barely stop myself from following it as far as my bonds allow. Fascinated, I stare at his hand as he moves it around in front of my breast, trying to imagine how it would feel in his hand at different sizes. Finally his hand stops about a centimeter in front of it and he declares "I'd like her to be that big." I breathe a sigh of relief. "This much?" The clerk muses. He sounds disappointed at how little my breasts are going to be enlarged. "As you wish." He taps his data pad a few times and the breasts of my virtual double enlarge to the requested size. "Like this?" He asks "Or would you like them a little smaller or bigger? Or firmer?" My double moves around, arching her back and turning this way and that. I can't tear my eyes off her chest. I'm scared and excited at the same time, she looks just the way I have always wanted myself to look. If someone had offered to make me look like that a week ago, I would have happily paid a few grand for it. (I never wanted implants and genetic manipulation for body-enhancement is quite expensive and/or restricted.) "Hmmm..." My master cups my breast once more. Suddenly the breasts of my double perk up even more and the clerk say "This is what she'll look like when she is aroused." He turns to me and grins "Which will probably be most of the time." Suddenly I feel hot all over and my face starts burning as I realize that my own breasts are almost as hard as my double's. "Perfect." A shiver runs down my spine as my master seals my fate with that word. "Exactly like that." "Fine." "Anything else you'd like to improve?" The clerk asks. My master moves to stand in front of me and looks me up and down. He puts his hands on my thighs and moves them slowly up my body. I shiver at his touch, scared yet incredibly excited at the same time. By the time his thumbs meet at my throat I am almost panting. He moves his hands back to my hips and declares "The hips could be a little wider... Just a little, though." With that he turns back to look at my virtual double, absently putting his hand on my butt once more. "Like this?" The clerk asks as my double's hips widen somewhat. "Too much. Say half of that." I stare at my double's hips as they return to their original size and widen once more, this time less than before. "That's it." "Good. Would you like to grow her bones or just increase the tissue?" "Hmmm..." He puts his hands on my hips once more, this time standing behind me and squeezes them gently "Half of each. They could stand to be a little softer, but not too much." "Very good." "Anything else?" "Hmmm... Let me think..." I have to endure his groping hands for at least a full minute as he thinks about it. Actually, I am scared of him, but the touch of his hands is pleasant. So pleasant that I find myself leaning into his touch. Finally he says "Her hair is too dark." "What's wrong with my hair? It's a pretty shade of auburn?" "Is this better?" The clerk asks as the hair of my virtual double turns blonde, almost white. "Please not." I shake my head, but just a little, I'm afraid to do more. "No. Start from her original color and make it lighter." The image changes to reflect my master's request. "A little lighter." Relief fills me when he says "Just right." The hair is barely on the 'blond' side of the line that divides blond from brown. With the slight red tinge, it almost looks like copper. "Rather pretty, actually." I have to admit. "And make it a little more wavy... Yes, just like that." And a few seconds later "Nice, but too boring. Put in a few brighter and darker strains." I shiver, it is so scary and fascinating as my body (only my virtual double, but I don't doubt that they will have any problems making my real body match it) changes. I am mostly pleased with what my future master is doing to me, at least compared to what could have been. "What about her bush? Do you want it to match her hair? Or would you prefer to have is permanently shaved?" "No, that's fine the way it is. On second thought, lighten the color, but just a little... Yes, like that." * * *

Part 3 - ... and mind... * * * "Anything else you'd like to change about her body? Fuller lips? Eye color? Anything else?" "No, I think we can leave her like the way she is." "All right. Then let us have a look at her behavioral parameters." A cold shiver runs down my spine "Behavioral parameters? Are they going to mess up my mind as well?" "Ok, let's see... She rates a high zero on obedience." "What does that mean?" I'm wondering as well. The thought of them screwing up my brain scares me more than anything. "Please leave me alone!" I want to beg, but I keep silent, not that I could have said anything anyway. The way my master squeezes my butt suddenly frightens me. But... it somehow reassures me at the same time and I realize that the more obedient I appear to be, the less he will want to mess up my mind. So I hope, at least. "You did not read the brochure, did you?" "Ummm... not really. The pictures were rather more interesting than the text..." The clerk gives him a suffering look, then he shrugs his shoulders and asks "Would you like me to explain it, then?" "Yes, please." "Ok, we use a scale of -10 to +10, with zero being the normal human average. Most humans would not rate more than +-1 or +-2 on any of the parameters. Anything more than that might be considered unusual or even a mental illness. Except for a few unusual cases such a rating would only be achieved with drugs or intensive conditioning and training." "So you'd give her a mental illness if you turned these parameters too much?" "In a way. Someone who is totally obedient would have a hard time living a normal life. On the other hand, this is not a problem for a slave, rather it is a desirable trait for her." "I see." The slightly doubtful tone with which my master says this gives me a little hope that he is not really comfortable with this, that he will not screw up my mind too badly. "So, what does that mean? A slave with a positive score in obedience would be considered to be anywhere from quite obedient to absolutely obedient. At +1 it feels natural to her to obey, obeying makes her feel good. On the other hand, it she would be ashamed when she is trying to disobey, making her relatively unlikely for her to even try to. But she would not have any problem disobeying if she put her mind to it for some reason, for example if she is commanded to hurt herself." "At +2 the compulsion to obey her master is quite a bit stronger. Even thinking about disobeying would make her feel rotten. Still, at this level she will not have any real problem mustering the willpower to disobey. Most female slaves will naturally reach a score of +2 in obedience after some time, at least for commands given by their master, even without any explicit training." "At +4 it is nearly impossible for her to disobey any command, even if it is revolting to her. If she has a strong will, she may still disobey any command, but it would be extremely unlikely unless a obeying a command would clearly endanger her life. Normal obedience training will often bring a slave to this level." I shiver as the clerk talks about destroying my mind as if it was nothing more than adding options to a car. "How would you like her mind? Stirred, shaken or crushed?" "At +6 it is practically impossible to avoid obeying any command that does not involve suicide or self-mutilation. At +10, if you put a gun in her hand and told her to shoot herself she would say ' Yes, Master!' and do it. Unless, of course you had told her to be silent, in that case she would just shoot herself." I'm panting and trembling with fear by now. My master squeezes my buttock, I'm not quite sure whether to reassure me or to warn me. A few tears trickle down my cheeks, but I manage to keep myself from panicking, if only barely. "A slave with a negative score in obedience has a hard time to obey commands. At -1 she would mostly just be a 'bad' girl, while at -10 she would almost automatically do the opposite of what she was told to. Not really very useful, unless you want her to be part of a freak show." "I'm not really sure about this, what do you suggest?" "Let's see..." The clerk mused "No one has ever found a real use for a slave with a lower score than -2. Unless you really like your slave to put up a fight, you probably won't want her to have a negative score." "What exactly is the point of making a slave rebellious?" "Some people like the 'challenge' of making her obey, like to fight her resistance. Most of those who give her a negative score on obedience compensate by giving her a high score on her sex drive. And the only way she can get those cravings satisfied is by being a good and obedient girl. I guess some people like to watch her fight the urge to disobey." *Whimper* "What else? A score in 'sex drive'? Are they going to turn me into a robot who only thinks of getting laid?" "I don't think I'd like this." "Ok. Most people give their slave a score between 0 and 4 or so. Above 6 or so she won't have much of a personality left. At obedience 10 she won't have any initiative. If you don't tell her to do something, she would just stand around like a robot that has been switched off. Quite possibly until she starves or something. There are quite a few possible problems with making her that obedient, so I would not recommend it for general use." "Problems?" "One problem is that she will obey commands from anyone. We can customize the obedience somewhat, giving her an obedience score of about two extra levels for commands given by you personally or for a clearly defined group of people. But if someone tells her to give him the bag she is carrying and you aren't around to countermand the command, she probably would do it." "I see." "Mostly such high obedience scores are only used for slave that are working in groups under supervision. On tasks that they really would not like to do." *Whimper* "Ok. Would I have problems with her if I leave her the way she is, or should I make her more obedient?" "Well, that depends. As it is, she will probably obey you as long as it is in her best interest to do so. She might want to escape or something, but as long as you keep her on a tight leash and make it clear to her that trying to disobey would only mean punishment and her chances of actually getting away with it are very slim, then she probably won't try anything. After a while she would most likely progress to a score between +1 and +3 on her own, as she gets used to obeying you, particularly if you punish her for misbehaving and reward her for obeying." "All right." He turns to me, takes my chin and makes me look him in the eye for at least half a minute. When he releases me I want to look away, but I am too afraid to do so "Ok, girl, are you a good girl or do I have to turn you into one?" Terrified, I nod and want to say "Please, I'll do everything you want if you don't scramble my brains." "You'll obey me?" I nod again. "All right, I believe you, but you'd better not make me regret this..." Hope and dread fills me. "If you have problems, you can always send her in for retraining..." The clerk says. "Do you have a VR system?" "Yes." "Then we can also send you a one-shot training video. Depending on the quality of your VR system, it can be used to train her up to level 3 or so in a few hours." "Good to know." When he looks back at me, I want to hide, I'm suddenly so afraid. "Do you want to be my obedient slave, girl?" I stare at him for a long moment, then I nod vigorously. I don't want to, but I am afraid that I will regret any other answer. "You love to obey me?" Once more I nod, afraid of the consequences if I don't. "Fine." I breathe a sigh of relief. My master turns to the clerk while his hand squeezes my butt. I make myself lean into his touch. Truth to tell, I rather enjoy his touch, but at the same time I am still very much afraid of him. "Can we do a little something to reward her? To make her happy when she obeys me?" "Hmmm, yes we can do that. So you just want her to feel good when she obeys you, but not actually instill obedience into her?" "Exactly." *Whimper* "Only you, or other people as well?" "This should apply only for me." "Fine. One thing you should keep in mind: To make this really effective, you will have to praise her and show her that she is making you happy when she behaves well. At least every now and then." "I see... well, I don't have a problem with that." I don't know what to feel, I'm afraid because apparently they are going to use conditioning of some sort on me, but on the other hand, my master may not be that bad if he thinks about praising me when I please him. *Mmmm* I squeal in surprise when he cups my right breast and squeezes it gently. A few moments later I am almost purring, his touch is so unbelievably exciting. "You like that, don't you?" I nod, not able to meet his eyes. "Good girl." He gives my nipple a hard squeeze that leaves me trembling and breathless. "All right, that's that. What else?" "The next most important thing is her sex drive. Of course, some owners think that this is more important than obedience. She is currently rated at 1 for males and 0 for females." "I'm rated at 1 for males? I'm pretty sure they have already done something to increase that. I'm know that I was never as horny as I am feeling just now... And 0 for other woman? That would make me bisexual... I'm pretty sure I was not like that either..." "Do you use a similar scale for this?" "Pretty much. 0 is the human average, someone with that score enjoys sex and will usually fuck with a partner she finds agreeable. Someone with a score of 1 enjoys sex a lot and would find most partners agreeable. Actually the average human has a score of 0 in respect to members of her preferred sex and -1 for the other sex. Someone with a score of 2 would usually be called a 'slut', someone who sleeps with just about anyone at the drop of a hat. She isn't addicted, but would probably not be happy if she has to go without for longer periods of time. A woman with a score of 3 would have sex almost every chance she gets. She could be considered to be mentally addicted and she would not call any day without sex a good day. After a few days without she would feel really bad. She would masturbate several times a day if she can't get any regular sex. Unless of course she has reasons not to, such as being forbidden to do so." "Hmmm..." When my future master squeezes my butt, I realize that I have been thinking about him, about having sex with him. "At level 4 she begins to be considered physically addicted. At level 6 and above she would think about sex almost all the time, at higher levels she would think of practically nothing else. Except for what she has to do to get more. Level 8 is about the equivalent of being dependant on Heroine or Crack. She would begin to crave sex only minutes after the afterglow fades." "There is more than that?" "Yes. At level 10 she would basically live in one of three states: Having sex, basking in the afterglow or desperately craving more. Anything else is just a distraction, even vital things like food or sleep. In many cases she would not go to sleep on her own, but rather go on until she passes out from fatigue." *Whimper* I shiver in fear of such a fate "Please don't do that to me!" "If she isn't commanded to eat, she would eat way too little to keep her healthy." "That sounds as if this would be more trouble than it is worth." "Usually yes. The only kind of situation where such an extreme sex drive makes sense is for a woman who works in a brothel or something like that. But even there a score of 6 or so usually makes more sense. Actually very few slaves get a score of more than 7." "I can imagine." I want to beg my master not to make me one of those. The tone of his voice reassures me somewhat in that regard, but I won't know until he actually decides and tells us. "Also, slaves who are that much addicted to sex tend to wear out rather quickly unless their owner takes very good care of them. We performed an interesting experiment on one of the first woman that we trained to level 10: Her duty was to keep 'up' the soldiers' morale in a base in some third-world country. There were a lot of bored soldiers and only a small group of slaves to keep them happy. They gave her a switch and then told all the soldiers that they were only allowed to have sex with her if she asked them first. She had to take the initiative in this, they were not allowed to put any kind of pressure on her. And they had to give her five good whacks on her cunt after they fucked her." A cold shiver runs down my spine when I hear this. "What happened?" "They had to stop it after a day or so, her cunt was a bloody mess, she had passed out from the pain several times and she was in serious danger of being damaged beyond their doctors' abilities to repair." "What happened to her?" "They put her in the hospital to let her heal. They had to keep her sedated, whenever she was even marginally conscious she only begged for sex. When she was healed, she continued working there, of course. Deliriously happy according to all reports. For a time, at least, the slaves there usually did not last very long." *Whimper* I'm trembling in terror at the thought of such a fate. "All right. I know I don't want anything like that. So what do you suggest?" I breathe a sigh of relief at this. "Well, that depends on what you want from her. But I have not told you about the negative levels yet. Let's get that out of the way before I answer." "Ok. But why would anyone want a slave who does not want to have sex?" "Very few people, actually. At -1 she is basically uninterested in sex. She'd have some fun and would find an orgasm pleasant, but otherwise she would find the whole thing vaguely unpleasant. Actually, women do enjoy an orgasm even at -10, but she would find everything surrounding so unpleasant, even repulsive that she would do anything in her power to avoid it. At -2 she would find sex so unpleasant that she would not do it on her own, unless there are strong reasons to do it. At level -3 or below she would be so repulsed that she would have to be commanded to do it or know that she is going to be punished if she does not. Some owners enjoy knowing that the femme they have sex with does not enjoy it and is only forcing herself to do it, to beg for it to avoid serious punishment. Some prefer to rape an unwilling slave." *Whimper* "Crazy." A wave of affection for my future master washes over me. With that one word he has reassured me that he does not plan to do this to me. I don't fancy turning into a horny slut who does not think of anything but the next fuck, but compared to beg to be raped... "Well, we take pride in providing whatever our customers want without making a judgment about them." "Or without the least respect to the woman you sell." The salesman gives him a tight smile "At -6 or below the having sex is so unpleasant that the slave has to be tied down or otherwise overpowered. Unless she has a very high score in obedience so that the compulsion to obey will override her disgust. At -10 the whole thing is so traumatic to her that one good fuck is enough to turn her into a nervous wreck." "I don't see any point in that. " "If one uses a memory-wipe drug or a long-term memory blocking implant, then one can use the slave again. But most slaves with such low scores don't last all that long, the stress burns them out sooner or later." I am trembling in terror, I have never before heard anything that terrible. Anything that could conceivably happen to me. "I don't want any of that." " Thank you!" I am greatly relieved to hear that. "So, should I leave her the way she is or should I make her crazy for sex?" "As I said, that depends. If you plan for her to entertain your guests or servants regularly or if you enjoy watching her go at it with other slaves, then you will probably want to give her a very active sex drive. The higher her score, the quicker she will go from satisfied to ready, willing, eager and desperate for sex. The higher her score the quicker she will be ready to serve someone else. On the other hand, you will not be able to keep her happy on your own if she gets a score of 4 or more. Unless you are 'Mr. Stud' himself or have some sort of artificially enhanced equipment. And nothing else to do all day long. She would be pretty depressed if you don't spend a lot of time and 'effort' to keep her satisfied, but unless her score is 6 or higher, she won't get any permanent problems if she does not get enough sex. If you don't expect anything else but sex from her, then this is not usually a problem, she will be deliriously happy whenever you allow her to serve you. If you want her to be useful for other tasks as well, then a score of 1 or 2 is usually enough." "Hmmm... Mostly I want her to serve me personally. Maybe entertain a guest every now and then. And to do other work around the house, maybe even as someone to talk to. We'll have to see how that goes." Relief floods me, I want to hug my future master. I harbor no illusions that I am going to be happy with him. But compared to what could have happened to me... Besides, his touch feels so good... "I may be away for extended periods of time every now and then as well. I would not really want her to climb up the walls or something." "If you allow her to pleasure herself, that would take most of the edge off her craving. But I would recommend leaving her sex drive the way it is, or to increase it only a little. With her current scores she will be happy to serve you or other males and should not have any problems with femmes. You could also increase her score for you personally by 1. She would like pleasuring others, but what she really craves would be you." "You think she would be fun enough the way she is? Without making her any more... horny?" "Well..." He gives me a nasty smile and looks me up and down. My face begins to burn when I realize what how I look. "Just look at her... Her cunt wouldn't be that wet and her tits wouldn't be that perky if she didn't want to get it really hard." "Really?" My future master turns to me and regards me with at least partially faked surprise. Then he reaches for my breast and squeezes it, takes the nipple between his fingers to test its hardness. For several seconds I can't breathe as a wave of incredible humiliation and pleasure washes over me. "I think she would not press herself against you like that if she did not want you. Just look at that dreamy look on her face." "You may be onto something..." For a moment I feel an incredible loss as he releases me. Then I squeak in surprise when his fingers invade my sex. I can't help staring at his dripping wet fingers when he regards them "Really dripping wet..." He licks them "And good-tasting too..." He considers me for several seconds "So you really think she wants me to fuck her? So much that I would not have to have her trained?" "I'm pretty sure... You could always ask her..." He turns to me again and asks "Well, girl, do you want me to fuck you?" I stare at him for several seconds, then I nod. Never in my life have I felt that humiliated, but I feel that I have to do this if I don't want them to turn me into a sex robot. When he does not react, I nod again, harder this time, make what pleading noises I can and bring my body as close to him as my bonds allow. I'm beginning to sweat when he finally smiles and comments "Maybe you were right after all." "I told you so." He takes my chin and looks me in the eye "You really want me to fuck you?" Again I nod. Ashamed of myself I lower my eyes. After a few seconds he gives my chin a gentle but insistent squeeze, forcing me to look at him once more. When I finally do, he says "If you ask real nice..." With that he removes unlocks the straps holding the gag in my mouth, removes it and passes it on to the clerk who takes it wordlessly. I stare at him, unsure what to say. "Please..." I don't know what else to say, somehow my brain feels totally frozen. "Please..." "Well, if you don't want me..." "No!" I almost scream, suddenly desperate "Please, I want to have sex with you. I really do." "Yes? Really? With whom?" "With whom?" I wonder what he means. "With you." Suddenly I remember what the vixen told me. "Please, I want to have sex with you..." I can't help myself and lower my eyes as I add "Master." A moment later I plead " Fuck me, Master! Please!" After a few terribly long seconds he says "All right." He steps in front of me and loosely wraps his arms around me. It feels so good. A small voice in the back of my head screams how wrong all this is, how wrong it is to throw myself at a man out of fear, but the intense pleasure I feel at his touch drowns it out. Our bodies are still separated by a few centimeters. I look up at his face and wonder what comes next. After a few moments I realize that he is not going to kiss me, that he waits for me to take the initiative. I think about this for a moment, wondering what that means for our 'relationship'. Nothing really positive, I realize. He only does it to make me prove how much I 'really want him', make me beg for it. I wonder if I should try to assert my independence and wait for him to make the first move. But I quickly realize that I don't have a choice, not if I want to keep my mind more or less unscrambled. "If I don't pretend that I want him badly, I will show him that I have just lied to him. He might even change his mind about not turning me into an obedient sex toy. I have made my choice, now I have to go through with this, no matter how humiliating or painful it is, anything else would only end up being even more horrible." I close the distance between us, pressing my body against his. I turn up my head to look at him, give him my best faked smile and kiss him full on the lips, doing my best to fake as much passion as I can. Actually I don't have to fake all that much, my body is eager for him and I find the taste of his lips almost irresistible. After a few moments he hugs me tightly and begins to kiss me back seriously. When he releases me some time later, I am completely out of breath and my whole body is tingling. " Wow!" He takes half a step back and looks me up and down. He smiles and comments "Not bad. Not bad at all." "May I?" The clerk asks, crouches down and frees my legs. Then he steps back once more. When my master opens his trousers a moment later his almost fully erect member pops into view. I stare at it, fascinated and horrified at the same time " What?!? He intends to take me right here, in front of that salesman?" Before I can utter a protest, he grabs my ass and lifts me. I squeal in surprise when he drops me, impaling me on his cock. He shifts his grip on me, then he begins to fuck me, hard and rough. For a moment his thrusts hurt me, but soon I don't care any more as my mind is overwhelmed by a powerful wave of pleasure and I basically stop thinking. I don't have any idea how long we were at it, but I think it was rather short. He comes and shoots his load into me, sending me over the edge. I scream (I'm pretty certain I did, but my recollection of those moments is rather hazy) as I have the most intense orgasm of my life. My muscles suddenly feel as weak as a newborn's, leaving me dangling bonelessly. For a glorious minute he continues to kiss me as I bathe in the afterglow, then he pulls out of me and takes a step back. I moan indignantly at the sudden unwelcome emptiness in my sex, but I am too dazed to do anything else. "That was good, girl." He says as he takes my chin, making me look at him. A warm glow suffuses me at the praise and I smile at him. (I think that was what he said, my brain refused to work properly for a while.) "Would you like to clean me up?" I nod, totally dazed and inexplicably happy at the chance to get more of his smell and taste and to make him happy. "Let me help you." The clerk says and steps behind me. A small voice in the back of my head tries to tell me that I should be bothered at having sex in front of other people, but I ignore it. My master puts his hands under my arms. I moan in pleasure as his thumbs caress my breasts. He holds me as the clerk disconnects the shackles from the cables. I sag bonelessly, if my master had not supported me, I would have fallen. I don't even try to resist as the clerk guides my arms behind my back and fastens the shackles together. When he is done, my master gently lowers me, until I am kneeling in front of him, staring in fascination at his semi-erect cock. I am barely strong enough to remain kneeling. Inhaling his male smell and the smells of our coupling makes me happy. I lean forward a little and kiss the tip of his malehood, somehow it seems the right thing to do. Then I begin to lick it, savoring the taste. To my dazed mind it tastes like the nectar of the gods. As I lick his cock, my brain slowly begins to work again. I realize that most of what I am licking up are actually my own juices. I begin to find that somewhat disgusting, but not enough to stop. As the daze recedes and I continue to lick up our mingled juices, I find the task less and less pleasant and more and more disgusting. But before I can bring myself to stop, the realization that stopping now would be a really bad idea hits me. That it might anger my master and make him decide that if I were not obedient on my own, that he would need to help things along. The pleasant afterglow is suddenly blown away by an icy fear. I have to force myself to continue the now thoroughly disgusting task of cleaning his cock, barely able not to gag at the taste. My only consolation is that I am already nearly finished. "I don't see any other way, but pretending to be crazy for him, anything else might get my brains scrambled." I force myself to kiss the tip and make myself smile before I sit back and look up at him. He looks down at me, then he closes his trousers. I almost sigh in relief as his cock disappears from my view. He asks "Did you enjoy my cock?" I nod, but that seems not to be enough for him, he comments "You may speak." It takes a lot of willpower to say "Yes, Master, I enjoyed this. I love your taste." He stares at me for a long moment. I am quite sure that he knows I am lying, but he only says " Get up!" I do so. For a moment I wonder if I should try to run or something, but the certainty that I don't have any chance crushes my will to resist before I have even really started thinking about it. My master (by now I have begun to think about him that way, I am sure that he is going to buy me) puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me up and down. Taps on the inside of my ankles make me spread my legs. Before I have realized what has happened, the clerk as secured my legs again. He says "I think we will have a lot of fun together." I smile at him. My smile is half forced, half automatic, the implied praise makes me happy but at the same time I am disgusted. "You forgot something." He wipes it from my chin and holds his finger in front of my mouth. I lick it up without even thinking about it. "More of his cum." I realize, half enjoying the taste, half disgusted. "They must have already done something to me. I'm sure I would not have behaved like this otherwise." I am certain of that. I don't want to think about the consequences of this. The clerk unlocks the bonds holding my wrists together, brings my right arm up and attaches it to the cable hanging from the ceiling. I don't even try to struggle as he repeats the procedure with my left arm, leaving me completely defenseless once more. Not that I did have any real possibility of resisting successfully while I was tied up less severely. He swats my ass playfully and chuckles, then he returns to his position in front of me. "Did you enjoy fucking me?" "Yes, Master." I want to look at the floor, but something tells me that I should not. That I should rather force myself to smile. He smiles back at me. While his smile is not cruel, it has some nasty undertones. He caresses my breasts for a minute. By the time he takes his hands away and asks "Do you want to do it again?" I am almost moaning in pleasure and for a moment I am terribly unhappy that he has stopped. I don't have to lie when I say "Yes, Master." A part of me wonders if it would not have been better to have had to lie. He smiles and says "Good." Then he holds out his hand and the clerk gives him the gag. He looks the rubber ball, at me, and his smile suddenly turns a tad nasty. I don't have to wonder for long what an idea he just had. With one hand he spreads my labia and with the other he pushes the ball into my sex and masturbates me with it. "No!" I protest weakly when he pulls it out just before his ministrations send me over the edge. Panting and moaning in distress it takes me a little time to return to the present. When I open my eyes, he grins at me, holding the gag in front of my mouth. Something in his eyes tells me that I had better overcome my sudden disgust as the smell of my own sex fills my nose and let him put the dripping wet rubber ball into my mouth. I know that even if I don't do it this time, I will do it the next time he wants this from me, that he will make sure I am properly obedient. I shiver and open my mouth. But he just grins at me. Totally humiliated, I have to lean forward and take the ball into my mouth and bite down on it. He fastens the straps around my head, securing it in place. The slightly condescending pat on my cheek and the comment "Good girl." complete my total humiliation. If anything the pleasure I feel at his praise makes it even worse. "Well?" The clerk asks. I gag at the taste in my mouth as my humiliation is made even worse by the fact that a third person has watched all this. "Not bad, not bad at all..." "Do you think she was hot enough or should we turn her up a little more?" "Hmmm, I think she is fine the way she is. Maybe I'll want a little more later, but for the time being she is fine." He glances at me. I shiver at the implied message "You will please me well, one way or another." "Oh. Well, fine." The clerk sounds disappointed. I guess the more the screw my mind the more they can charge. "We have a few more things we can customize about her..." "Yes?" "You seemed to enjoy it when she licked you clean..." "Yeah, that was nice." The pleased and slightly dreamy tone of his voice makes me happy and makes me want to strangle him at the same time. "She is rated 0 on enjoying the smell of a male and the taste of his cum. A high 0, but still 0. And a low 0 for females. We can change that, the scale is the same as for the other parameters." "What exactly do you mean by 'smell of a male' in this context?" "Well, at a score of 10 she would want to keep her nose pressed to your 'male parts' continuously. She'll also enjoy your smell in general, but that specifically. The more you are turned on, the better. The smell of your cum most of all." "Aha... Do you think I should change this?" "Again, that depends on what you want. As it is, you'll have to 'encourage' her to 'suck up to you'. Given that she'll enjoy obeying you and making you happy, it won't take a lot of 'encouragement', a hint or two should usually be enough. If you give her a score of 1 or 2, then she'll enjoy it a lot. Either smelling you, sucking you off or both. She'll probably ask for it on her own, at least sometimes. When she does not take the initiative, a little hint should be enough to get her to act. If you give her a higher score, then she'll beg for it if she does not otherwise get her fix." "I see." "Another popular option is the 'negative - positive' setting. She'll dislike your smell, but will have to tough it out to get at the 'creamy filling' she'll absolutely crave." "Aha. No, I don't think I like that last one." He turns to me, hooks his thumbs in his belt and asks "Do you want to suck me off?" I stare at him, disgusted by the idea. But after a few seconds I get a grip on myself and realize that he'll probably won't make me do it, not right now at least, but if I don't want to do it, then he'll make me want to. I force myself to nod. He considers me, then he pats my cheek and says "Sorry, but you'll have to wait a little bit longer." I am greatly relieved when he turns to the salesman "I think I'll leave her the way she is. She seems to be rather eager anyway." "As you wish. As I said before, if you find her less than totally pleasing, then you can have her trained up later on. Or, if you really don't enjoy her, you can return her. You'll lose a little money in the exchange, but she would make a nice down payment on a your next girl." "You buy back... 'used' slaves?" I wonder why they are discussing all these things here, in front of me. "Yes. It would be rather silly to 'destroy' a slave whom you aren't really satisfied with when there are plenty of others who might be waiting for someone just like her. Or who don't want to spend quite as much on a new girl." I realize why they are telling me all this: To tell me that if I don't please my master, there may be a much worse fate in store for me. "How much we pay for her depends on her condition, of course. There is a market for 'damaged' and cheap slaves." I shiver, I don't want to know what such an owner would do to me. I know that I would not enjoy finding out. "How long would I able to keep her before she'll be too old?" "That depends on her condition." The salesman gives me a look that tells me he knows that this is having exactly the effect on me he wants to achieve "She could be as old as 50 or even 60." "You would buy a slave that old? Would anyone want to have her?" "Well, with the right gene therapy we can make her look like 30. And a little training to make her suitably horny..." "You can make her that much younger? And you are not marketing that therapy? You could earn a lot of money with that?" Just the question I was asking myself as well. "We could... If it did not put a huge strain on her system. She'll look young, but her health will deteriorate rather quickly afterwards. After the 'therapy' she'll have a heart attack or some other massive organ failure within three to five years. Some people who buy a cheap slave don't seem to mind that for some reason..." I shiver at his tone of voice. I am sure he knows that she'll not have anywhere that long to live after they sell her to such an owner. "I see." "All right." The salesman looks at his data pad and comments "I think that are the main points. Unless you have anything else you'd like to customize about her, that is..." "Do you have any suggestions?" "We covered her looks and the main points about her behavior. You may want to have other modifications to customize her behavior. If you enjoy certain things particularly well, you may want to give her a complimentary like or dislike. If you are absolutely crazy about anchovies, for example and want her to like them as well, we can make sure she does. Or, if you prefer her to detest them, we can do that as well. Some owners customize the way her slave feels pain, for example to make her particularly sensitive or less sensitive to pain. Others make her more sensitive but less sensitive to extreme pain. So she won't pass out so quickly. Another popular option is an increased rate of healing, this is especially popular combined with the previous modification..." "No, I think I'll pass on that one. I don't particularly enjoy causing someone else pain." For a moment I want to hug him. Of course he did not say the second part out aloud "... but I'm not adverse to doing it either." "In case you are wondering, almost all of these modifications have a drawback that make them unsuitable for general use. You could give her an implant that can affect and override most of her nervous system. With that you could paralyze her at will, her whole body or the different members individually, turn off or override her senses, get her horny and ready to cum at the press of a button, there are all kinds of funny things you could do to her..." I shiver in fear at idea. A moment later I want to hug and kiss my future master. "I don't want something like that either." "If not that, maybe you'd enjoy spanking her gently with your bare hands and want her to enjoy it as well... We can make sure she'll come before her ass really starts hurting... Or that she'll get absolutely incredible orgasms is she is spanked, but only if she is spanked hard, really hard." A shiver of excitement runs through me at the thought of my master's hands on my backside and a sudden warmth suffuses my loins. I'm not sure what I would have said if he asked me if I wanted to try that, but I am still relieved when he does not react. The salesman shrugs his shoulders "Well, that leaves giving her other skills. Kinky or otherwise. If you want her to be able to cook, speak a foreign language, whatever. We can't make her a master at it, but implant her with the needed theoretical knowledge and give her a basic level of skill." "I'll have to think about that one." "You can look at her profile to see what she is already good at. It'll take a few hours to start her beautification treatment, so you'll have plenty of time to think about it." "Fine." "Well, then, unless you can think of anything else, we are done here. Unless you want to spend a little more time with her, that is..." "Hmmm..." He takes his hand from my waist and turns to stand in front of me. He grins at me and looks me up and down. I'm torn between wanting to feel his hands on my body a little longer and wanting this to be over. Not that I have any say in the matter. "There is one more thing I have been wondering..." * * *

Part 4 - And what else? * * * "Yes?" The salesman asks, anticipation in his voice. I shiver as a sudden dread fills me, somehow I am sure that I am not going to enjoy whatever he is going to say, that I am not going to enjoy what it will mean for me. My future master takes his time, obviously enjoying my discomfort. As his eyes drop to take in my lower body, I become acutely aware and ashamed of how wet my sex and my thighs are. My master looks at me and says "I wonder what she'll look like as a cat-girl?" "A cat-girl?" The salesman asks, then he turns to my virtual double "Why don't we have a look..." "You can really turn her into one?" "Sure. No big problem there. It'll just take a few days for the genetic changes and the forced body growth, maybe up to two weeks, depending on how extensive the changes you want are. And it'll cost extra, of course." "There are different options for this?" "Yes. Especially for a 'Freak'. That's the technical term we use for a slave who is genetically a human, has some of the features of an animal, but is not a true GELF. Let's start out from her current state and work 'up', as it were. If we wanted to, we could make her all but indistinguishable from a feline GELF." I stare at him, speechless and shocked. "Technical term my ass!" I can't even think properly, this feels like a hammer blow to my head. "Let's start with the basics: ears and a tail. Every cat-girl has those." As he says this, my virtual double starts to change, furry ears grow out of the top of her head and a tail starts swinging between her legs. "What color would you like to use for her fur? Should it be striped?" "Hmmm, use the same color as her hair, just a little lighter... On second thought, make her hair a tad darker, to give a little more contrast. Yes, that's nice. No stripes, thank you." "How about giving one of her ears a black tip?" My double changes in response to his manipulations. "Ohhh, now that is just cute. Perfect!" "Tail as well?" "Yes. Nice." I stare at them, my mind is still frozen by shock. "Will she be able to purr?" "Sure. If you want to, that is. If you want to, we'll modify her larynx to make her able to purr properly. It will make her voice a little rough, similar to the one a feline GELF has. She'll almost have a 'permanent purr' in her voice. Most owners find that very sexy." He taps a button on his data pad and my virtual double says "Please, Master, make love to me. Meow!" The voice is still recognizably my own, but completely different as well. The feral hunger in it shocks me. "Is that really I?" I wonder, horrified at the way 'my' voice sounds, familiar and totally foreign at the same time. My master looks at me and smiles "Yes, she sounds quite sexy. I like it." But he does not see the tears that begin to form in my eyes, his attention has turned to my virtual double once more. "Fine, we'll include that option, then. Then we have the muscle and bone package to allow her to move like a feline. Not quite like a real cat or even like a feline GELF, but pretty close. It changes her looks a little, but not too much, mainly her legs. Her feet will become digitgrade and her upper and lower legs will be shortened a little to keep her height the same." I can't really see a difference, I can't see a lot at all, my eyes are full of tears. But I can tell that her walk changes somewhat. "Hmmm. Looks nice, but I'm not quite sure about that. Let's look at the other options first." "All right. You can give her proper paws. Either with or without claws. We can also give you her override for the claws, so you can prevent her from using them if she's been a bad kitty. One drawback is that her digits will become rather stubby and less dexterous than normal human ones. That might prevent her from properly using some skills. On the other hand some owners find the kitty paws rather pleasant." "She looks a little strange with those feet and paws, but not unpleasant. Rather endearing, in fact." "You'll have to get the muscle option to go with the feet or 'hind paws'. Otherwise she won't be able to walk properly." "Ok, I'll take it, then." By now I can hardly see anything. A sob escapes my lips and I sniff as my nose starts running, suddenly making it difficult to breathe. My master must have noticed, suddenly he takes my chin, forcing me to look at him "Why are you crying, girl? Don't you want to be pretty for me?" At first I shake my head, but the sad, disappointed look in his eyes makes me feel bad. Something in me wants him to be happy. I stare at him, torn between horror and the desire to please him as I struggle to breathe through my almost blocked nose. "Calm down, girl." My master says "You have trouble breathing, don't you?" At my nod he removes the gag from my mouth, letting me breathe again. His fingers gently caress my face and ruffle my hair, calming me. After a while he produces a handkerchief and lets me blow my nose. He wipes the tears from my face and asks "Are you feeling better?" in his incredibly gentle voice. I nod, not sure if I am allowed to speak, then I add in a small voice "Thank you, Master." Somehow it feels the right thing to say. "That's more like it." He pats my head. When he holds the gag in front of my face, I take it into my mouth almost without thinking and hold still while he ties it shut. A part of me recoils in horror at how good and right it feels to be gagged by my master, to obey his every command, it almost seems as if a voice in the back of my head whispers "Your Master wants you to have this. You know it is right and proper to obey him. It makes you happy to make him happy." He gently touches my face and asks "Why are you unhappy, girl? I'm going to pay a lot of money to make you pretty, you should be happy not sad." I stare at him, not knowing what to think. A part of me wants to be happy, a part of me feels as if he just gave me an expensive present. But the bigger part of my mind screams "He is turning me into a freaky Monster!" I am frozen in indecision, in the end I can't do anything but stare at him. He shakes his head and chides "Oh, well, girl. You are not making this any easier. It may take you a while, but you'll figure out that I am only doing this for you. We will have a lot of fun together. I know that you only want to make me happy, why would you want to look any less beautiful than you could be?" I stare at him, for a moment certain that he has lost his mind if he thinks that I'll want to look like a freak, just because he finds it attractive. But then the slightly sad look in his eyes hits me and a desire to please him, to make him happy wells up in me. He turns away, leaving me wondering how long I'll be able to fight whatever they are doing to me, now long until I'll be happy to be his toy. The hand he puts on my waist feels so good, so reassuring. "Ok, where were we?" "You decided to give her proper paws and hind legs. Did you want her to have claws?" "Yes." "With an override?" "I don't think so..." He turns to me again "You would not think of trying to attack me, would you?" I stare at him, suddenly I have a vision of myself ripping out his throat and feeding on his entails. For a moment I revel in it. Then a wave of nausea hits me, almost making me throw up the non-existing contents of my stomach. Suddenly I feel disgust at myself, for even thinking about hurting my master. An undefined cold fear fills me, for an almost eternal moment I can't breathe. When I have calmed down a little, I shake my head weakly. I don't have the claws yet, I don't want them, I don't want to be turned into a half-cat freak with claws, but the thought of being effectively de-clawed is almost unbearable. "Good girl. I know you can't stand the thought of hurting me." His praise fills me with happiness. He turns to the salesman, leaving me wondering what they have done to me, how they have already messed with my mind. I can't believe that my feelings and my reaction to all these things happening to me are really my own. "Ok, claws it is. How far up her arms and legs do you want the fur to grow? Do you want it to have a pattern, like, say stripes, spots or irregular splotches?" "Maybe a little more fur... Nice... A little more on her legs... Great. And a few black and white spots... Perfect." As I stare at my virtual double, a strange lassitude overcomes me. Somehow I don't care any more what I will look like. It won't make any difference, I'll only be a sex toy anyway. "Would you like her to have fur on the rest of her body? Or only in a few places?" "No, I don't think so." "Then there is her face. We can turn it into a cat's face or give her slightly cat-like features." As he talks, the face starts to shift back and forth between my own and a cat's. It looks really weird, but for some reason it fails to horrify me. I wonder why I think that it should. "We can also use other feline species as a template, that will give her a slightly different look. Then there are her eyes, you could make them a little bigger. That makes her look cute and adorable. Quite a few owners enjoy that." He grins lustily "Of course, that will make it very difficult to resist when she begs you to have sex with her. You can also turn her eyes into real cat's eyes. Then there are her teeth and tongue." When my double opens her mouth, it is filled with needle-sharp teeth that somehow manage to look not only daintily and feminine, but quite dangerous as well. "You'd better be careful if you give her those teeth... The rough tongue is a rather popular option." The grin he gives me leaves no doubt why it is so popular. "Hmmm, I want the teeth and tongue. As for the face, I think it looks quite pretty the way it is. But maybe a slight cast... Yes." "Good." The salesman chuckles "Do you want whiskers with that?" "Yes." I shiver as the realization that I won't be going home ever again, that won't see my parents or my boyfriend ever again, hits me. For a moment I can't breathe. And even if I did... would they be able to love this... monster? I have a sudden vision of them chasing me away. "Fine. I think that covers the main points. Unless you have any further modifications you'd like to make? Play with her fur pattern, that kind of thing..." "Hmmm... No, I think she'll be just fine, the way she is. The way she will be." "Well, let's see..." He taps on his data pad for a moment "It will take about two weeks for us to finish her up." "Ok, I had hoped to have her entertain me tonight, but I guess if I want a custom job, I'll have to wait." "Well, if you want, we can wait until tomorrow before we start on her, so you could enjoy her today. You'll just have to make do with how she looks right now." "No." "You'll have a complimentary entertainment to keep you company until your plane leaves tomorrow, of course." I gape at him when I realize that by 'complimentary entertainment' he means a person. "Or at least what is left of one after they have turned her into a sex toy." "Fine. One question: Will it hurt her? The transformation, that is?" "During the process, no. She'll be sedated or in VR training the whole time. It will take about two days of VR training to get her accustomed to her new body. You can select ten days worth of additional training for her. Free of charge." He looks at me thoughtfully and goes on "She'll be a little sore and tired for a few days after the procedure, but nothing that a light painkiller and a stimulant won't cure." "Aha. And long-term?" "That's difficult to say. All those genetic modifications increase the chances of having medical problems somewhere down the road, she'll have a higher chance of getting cancer or a heart attack, but not enough to really matter." "What do you mean with that?" The fact that my future master apparently cares enough for my well being to ask these questions (and the fact that he does not sound too pleased to find out it will harm me) makes me feel good. But I'm quite sure he will not let it stop him. "I don't know the exact figures, but it's not like she is sure to develop cancer. It's more like having a 5% likelihood rather than only 1%. If you really care about her well being, make sure she gets checked up regularly. If you have her entertain others, then it is usually a good idea to test her for STD's regularly. The most likely problems can be treated easily enough if they are found early on." "I see." "If you really care about this, we can offer to give her a genetic screening and adjust the genetic modifications to avoid any problems we find. This will add about two or three days to the procedure and approximately double the price, but then the risk of problems is only a little higher than normal. If you really wanted to, we could get in touch with a specialist for genetic design and reassemble her DNA from the ground up. But that will add at least two weeks and cost about five to ten times as much as the basic procedure. I'd have to check with my boss before I can give you exact figures, we do this so rarely." "I wonder why." "I see." My new master looks me up and down "I want to start her treatment today, but I think I'd like a little private time with my kitten before..." "Sure. I'll collect the files and get the paperwork ready. You will find everything on the computer in your suite. Good bye and have a lot of fun with your new toy." With that he walks past me and leaves the room. The door clicks shut somewhere behind me and I turn my attention back to the man standing in front of me. "My owner." I shudder at the thought, half in horror, half in excitement. "It seems we have a little time for each other, Kitten." It seems this is what he is going to call me. It feels so strange, somehow fitting considering what I am about to become. I don't know what to think about it, this is what my boyfriend calls me. Called me, I guess, I doubt I'll ever see him again. I wonder how that will affect my memories of him. My master stands in front of me, looking down at me. He grins at me, pleasant but with a tiny hint of cruelty, then he reaches for my throat. He unlocks the straps that hold the gag in place, removes it from my mouth and drops it. "You don't like what I am doing to you, don't you Kitten?" I stare at him, unsure of what to say. "Be honest, I'll know it if you are not, trust me on that." He does not have to add "And you can trust me you won't enjoy it when I find out that you have lied to me." "No, I don't... Master." "I don't expect you to be happy about it now. But you'd better learn to enjoy it." "How can you expect me to do that?" "Do you have any idea why I am buying you?" He puts his hands on my waist, the thumbs barely not touching my nether lips. I shiver in sudden fear and excitement. "To be your... sex slave?" "Yes. Do you think I'm going to enjoy you?" "Not if I have anything to say about it!" "Feisty wench, aren't you, my pussycat?" I inhale sharply as he brushes one of his thumbs over my lips sending an electrical shiver through my crotch and up my spine. I look down, ashamed and dispirited "But I doubt you'll let me have any say in the matter, Master." I add in a small voice. "Actually I'll leave it up to you. I won't force you to have sex with me. Not directly at least." "Why would I want to, then?" "Well, this will be one reason..." I moan involuntarily as he pokes several fingers into my sex. He masturbates me for an endless moment but stops before I can come. I stare at him angrily as he licks my juices off one of his fingers, then he traces his hand all over my body, leaving behind a wet trail. "The other reason is that I reward people who serve me well." His voice suddenly changes "And I get rid of those who don't." I shiver in sudden fear. I don't have any doubt what he means by that. "I have some friends. Well, business associates actually. I found it useful to give them a present every now and then. I know that some of them have rather... 'rough' tastes. Some of them like to hunt 'big game'." His grin almost freezes my blood, but somehow it also angers me. "So you'll kill me if I don't beg you to rape me?" I almost snarl, angry and frightened. After a moment I add "Master?" "If it comes to that, yes." I stare at him, I want to scream at him, to tell him to go fuck himself, but I am too afraid. Before I can say anything, he continues "I'll give you time to settle in, but if I don't get some enjoyment out of you after a while, if I'll have to get rid of you sooner rather than later... If an investment doesn't pay off, I get rid of it." He pauses significantly before he goes on "Can you tell me why I should pay a lot extra for the genetic screening?" I stare at him, at a loss what to say. Finally I ask "You'd... you'd really pay for it... pay a lot of money to... keep me healthy?" "Yes, I am really considering it. But I don't pay for something if I won't get any benefit from it." I swallow, trying to figure out what all that means for me "So, you intend for me to... serve you for a long time? Paying for this won't make any difference in the next few years. From what I understood." "That was the idea, that you'll serve me for a long time, that is. We'll have to see how it goes. But if I can't be reasonably sure that I'll enjoy your company..." "If... if you care enough to do that, why do you have to do this to me in the first place? To turn me into a... freak? Am I not pretty enough? I kinda liked the changes you did to me first. I don't like the fact that I have no say in the matter, but at least these made me look sexy. But this?" "All right, Kitten. Let me be frank. You are my property, or at least you will be once I finish the paperwork and write the check. There will be some things I will let you decide, but when I make a decision, you'll have to accept it. Is that clear?" I swallow and bow my head "Yes, Master." Then I gasp when he brushes his thumbs over my sex, sending a shiver of excitement through my body. And making abundantly clear who is in charge. When he goes on, his voice is gentle again "If I was not able to turn you into this," He nods at my virtual double. Or more like an image of the freak I am going to be "then I would be plenty pleased with how you look right now." He smiles at me "As it is, I have decided to turn you into this beautiful creature of my dreams. Because I can. Because I want you to be the lover I have been dreaming of." For a moment I can barely breathe as an incredible pleasure warms me. "You... you think I am beautiful... like that?" "Yes, I do." "I... don't know what to say..." "Take your time..." He puts a hand on my neck and kneads it gently, pleasantly while one of the fingers of his other hand scratches my public hair and the thumb presses lightly against my sex. My very wet sex. It feels so good. When he asks "Well?" sometime later, I have no idea how long it has been since I last spoke. I take a deep breath and shake my head. It fails to clear my mind, but it helps a little. Finally I ask "So you want me to promise that I'll be a good girl and to pretend to want you to fuck my brains out." "Not quite. I want you to want me, not only pretend to." "I don't know..." I fall silent for a moment "I don't know if I can promise that. I don't know what to think." "Tell me, perhaps I can help you work it out." He stops caressing me but does not remove his hands from my body. I wonder if I should be honest with him, then I decide to, remembering his warning "I hate you. For what you are doing to me. For making me your slave. I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive you. But... whatever they have already done to me... it feels so good when you touch me. I wonder if I could loose myself in this. To stop thinking about the fact that I have no say in all this and enjoy the feeling, enjoy the sex. I just don't know." He smiles at me "Well, basically you have two choices: You can try to 'keep your old self' and fight me as much as you can." He brushes his thumb across my sex, making me moan in pleasure. "You'll have a rather unpleasant time of it, at least when you are not screaming as you orgasm. I'll probably get a lot of fun out of you that way. Or, you could try to concentrate on really pleasing me. As I said, I reward good service, I'd do my best to return the pleasure you give me. I can't promise that you'll be happy, but you'll have a much easier time of it. And I'd get a lot more pleasure out of it. You'll be my slave, but if you please me well you'll live like a princess." He waits for a moment before he asks "Well?" I am silent for a long time, but finally I make a decision. "I'd like to try, Master. I don't know if I will be able to do it, but I'll... try?" "If you can't? Would you agree to get a little... ummm... 'relationship training'?" A cold shudder runs down my spine, he must be referring to the brainwashing they were talking about earlier. For a moment I want to tell him to fuck himself, but... what choice do I have? It's not like I could stop him if he decided to do it without my approval. I look down at my feet, at my bare body, at his hand that is so deliciously tormenting me, at the bulge in his pants. I don't want to do this, but I feel that I have no choice. I look up at him once more "I want to make you happy, Master. Whatever it takes." It is a lie and the truth. One look at his face is enough to know that he knows this as well. I lean forward, stand on tiptoes, turn my head up and kiss him. It seems the right thing to do. He hesitates only a moment before he puts his arms around me and kisses me back. For a while I can lose myself in the feelings. After a long while he releases me. I don't want him to, but there is nothing I can do. We look at each other, both of us out of breath. "Did you enjoy that, Kitten?" "Yes, Master." "So did I." He looks at me, then he puts his hands on my breasts and squeezes them gently. I moan when he leans forward, kisses my left nipple and bites it, hard enough to hurt, but not so hard that it stops being pleasant. After a while he turns his attention to my right breast. I want to put my arms around him so much, want to hold him, but my bonds don't allow it. When he stands up again, I am out of breath and thoroughly aroused. I whimper in disappointment. He grins at me, gives my breasts a final squeeze and releases me. I lean forward as far as I can, trying not to let him go. "Nice." He looks me over for a minute, then he comments "You are quite a screamer. I like that." "What?" "I mean, you scream when you come. I like that in a woman. You sounded real cute." "You liked that?" I stammer. Suddenly I know what he wants from me. "Yes, I liked that a lot." I balk at the idea of begging him to get me off so he can listen to my screams. But before I can say anything, I realize that this is a test of sorts. I'll have to ask for it, unless I want to tell him that what I just promised was a lie. "Do I even have any dignity left to lose?" I wonder "He's going to fuck me uncountable times in the near future. And I'll have to beg him for it, because I'll be hurt or killed sooner or later if he stops. But why do I have to start now?" [Note: This scene (and others) are described a bit more analytically than the viewpoint character would experience them at the time, more like how she would think of them afterwards.] I swallow and force myself to smile "I'd love to let you listen to me scream, Master. But... I'll need you to help me..." "I'd love to, Kitten." He leans forward and kisses my nose. Then he turns around and taps a spot on the wall. A control menu appears and he taps several buttons. My virtual double winks out and the wall in front of me turns into a mirror. He walks around me to stand behind me, puts his arms around me and kisses my neck. I lean back, enjoying the feeling. He whispers "Close your eyes, Kitten." I obey. He cups my breasts and begins to massage them while kissing my neck and shoulders. It feels so good, even more intense than before, with my eyes closed there is nothing to distract me from his ministrations. He takes his time, concentrating on my breasts for a while. I am soon panting and moaning. "Keep your mouth open, Kitten. I want to hear how much you enjoy this." I obey, I could hardly keep my mouth closed before. I moan loudly, in time with the massage he gives my body. His right hand drops lower, massaging my belly, teasing me. I moan and twist and turn in my bonds, wanting more, trying to speed things along. But he continues to deliciously torture me. I yip in surprise and pleasure when he draws several of his fingers through my sex. It is almost enough to send me to heaven. Almost. I groan in distress when he goes back to rubbing my belly. Then he twirls my public hair around his fingers, scratches my mons, and massages my things and hips. Torturing me ah so deliciously. Every now and then his fingers brush over my labia, sometimes they dip into my sex for a moment, sometimes not. But never granting me release. I moan and groan almost continuously. I'm a sweaty bundle of nerves, caught somewhere between heaven and hell. Again and again he brings me close. Time and again he stops just before I can come. My wrists hurt from all that straining against my bonds, but I hardly notice that. Tears of pain, pleasure and despair fill my eyes. When he finally makes me climax, he manages to take me by surprise. He digs deep into my sex and squeezes my clit. I scream as I come, I throw my head back and howl in ecstasy, thrashing wildly in my bonds. Wave after wave of pleasure washes over me. I almost pass out from the intense feelings, or maybe I do, I can't really tell. While I slowly return to the present, my master continues to hold me, continues to kiss and caress me. My wrists and my right upper arm hurt, I must have pulled a muscle, but I am too spent to even think about taking the weight off my arms, my legs feel like rubber. Even the pain does not stop me from basking in the pleasant warmth that suffuses my whole body. I can't tell how much time has passed until I get myself together enough to put my own weight back on my feet. My master takes this as his cue, as a signal that I am back in the present, that we are finished. He gives my breast a last squeeze, brushes his hand over my sex one last time and kisses my neck. Then he whispers "Open your eyes, Kitten." I start to open them lazily, still basking in the afterglow. But when it registers what I am seeing, they fly open in shock. Thunderous applause greets me, row upon row of people, mostly men, but a few females as well, are looking at me, clapping their hands and cheering! I am totally stunned by the sudden humiliation, the blood shoots into my face and ears almost hard enough to burst the vessels. I feel so humiliated, I can't even breathe. My master steps to my right, puts one hand on my arm and bows. More applause greets him. I cringe at the eyes of all those people, devouring my ravished body, I want the earth to swallow me, but of course it does no such thing. After a while my master turns to face me and raises his hand to my face. It fills my nose with the smell of my juices, dripping from his fingers. "He wants me to lick it clean!" I look at him, but the grin he gives me only confirms it. The idea disgusts and humiliates me, but at the same time a desire to please him fills me. I don't know why I do it, but suddenly I find myself licking his fingers. "I don't taste too bad." Is the only thing I can think. Doing this disgusts me and pleases me at the same time. The pleased smile on my master's lips makes me feel warm all over. Kissing and licking his fingers feels good. There is more applause when he removes his fingers and shows his now-clean hand to the audience. More applause when he kisses me. He grins at me and says "You were magnificent, Kitten." There is only one more thing left to do to complete my humiliation "Thank you, Master." My throat burns so much I can barely speak. More applause, then it fades as the glass in front of me turns opaque, turns back into a mirror. Leaving me to wonder if those people really watched me or if this was just a projection, meant to humiliate me. I stare at the reflection of my body, glistening with sweat, at my brightly glowing face. At the puddle between my legs. "Here, Kitten." My master holds a cup to my mouth. I drink gratefully. The drink has a slightly sharp tangy taste. It feels so good, my throat stops hurting almost immediately, there must have been some kind of painkiller in it. Whatever, after what I have been through, my body needs the fluid, I drink the whole cup without even pausing to breathe. I'm totally out of breath when I finish it. *Pant* *Pant* "Thank" *Pant* "you" *Pant* "Master." *Pant* "My pleasure, Kitten." He drops the empty cup and kisses my cheek. "Did... did they really... watch me?" He gives me a mysterious grin and asks "Does it really matter?" For a second I want to scream at him "Yes! It does matter!", but suddenly I wonder. "Does it really matter?" I know what my master wants to hear. The more I think about it, the less it matters. "No, Master. I was just wondering..." He kisses my cheek again, making me glad to have said the right thing. "You were fantastic... There are a few friends I just have to show the recording..." My face burns once more, but only for a few moments. He smiles at me and muses "I wonder how that will feel once you have your proper body. I want to make you purr." I swallow at the thought, but then an exciting tingling feeling washes over me for a moment "I can't wait to find out, Master." I gasp "What made me say that." "Soon, Kitten, soon." He looks me over "I'd love to spend more time with you, but I have other things to attend to." He considers me before he goes on "That clerk said you'd have a lot of time for learning while you are going through your beautification. Is there anything you'd like to learn? Anything you always wanted to do, but never had time for?" "Ummm..." "It should be something you will be able to do, of course." I stare at my master, not knowing what to think. One moment he is the worst Asshole I know, the next he seems to really care for me. "I don't really know..." "Well, you have a minute to think of something." He grins at me "If you can't think of anything, I can always sign you up for the 'Fellation 101' lecture." " Ugh!" I swallow "Please not!" I don't dare to say it, I have the impression he might sign me up for that just to spite me if I do. I try to think of something else. Of course he might sign me up for this anyway. "Well?" "Ummm... yes, painting!" At the moment I can't think of anything else, I liked to paint as a child, but once I got into high school I rarely had time for it. "Painting? Why not?" "Thank you, Master." "Hmmm..." He studies my face "I somehow get the impression that you did not like my suggestion... Wouldn't you like to learn something that might help you please me better?" "What do I say now?" I wonder "Will it make any difference? Or is he going to talk me into a corner until I beg him to let me take that lesson?" I look at him, trying to keep my anxiety from showing on my face as I struggle to find something to say. "I don't particularly care for this, but what I really want is to please you, Master. If you think this is the best way, then... I'll be happy to. But maybe you could find something else that would bring you more pleasure." What else can I say? "Ok, fair enough." He says, his face unreadable "I'll keep that in mind. Any suggestions?" "Ummm..." I'm sure I'll have to think of something. Suddenly I have an idea "Dancing? It would be a pity to spend so much money to make me as agile as a cat and then let it go to waste..." "Hmmm..." His sudden smile fills me with happiness and turns me on when I realize that he's trying to imagine watching me as I dance in front of him. Nude, of course. "Yes..." I shiver with excitement, suddenly I want to dance, to show off my body. "What is happening to me? What have they done to me?" I wonder as my body begins to sway, moving as seductively as my bonds allow. "Yes, I like that idea. I like it a lot, Kitten. I like the way you think." He smiles, pats my cheek and scratches my ear. I beam at him, happy at his praise. A small part of me shivers in horror "He's treating you like a pet! And you like it, you slut!" "All right, dancing it is. And painting." His grin turns a little nasty "And I'll think of a few surprises for my kitten as well." He considers me for a moment, then he pokes his finger into my sex. I can't take my eyes of his wet finger as he lifts it to his mouth and licks it. "I can hardly await seeing you again, Kitten. Bye!" With that he turns around and heads towards the door. "I look forward to serving you, Master!" I call after him. A moment later the door clicks shut, leaving me alone. "What made me say that?" The End