Dustin & Kai: Chp 5

Story by Aurora Australis on SoFurry

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#5 of Dustin & Kai

Dustin & Kai Chapter 5 Sorry for the long wait everyone who has been waiting. A change of plans, this chapter won't go into our friend, but will be more of Dustin and Kai developing their relationship. I know it's been awhile, so I hope this one can be as good as the others. This chapter is for my mate, the cutest fur in the world. Which makes me the luckiest fur in the world! If I am accepted to the University there, I am going to actually see him in February! We are both very excited, and nervous at the same time. I'm sure we'll have plenty more stories if we do end up meeting each other. Please enjoy this chapter. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Chp 5 "BRRRNG!!" The class bell finally rang and all the furs hurried out of their chairs, rushing to the door. Class was out once again. Kai grabbed his books, throwing them in his bag and ran for the door along with all the others. Once he finally squeezed through the classroom door, he was on his way to the front of the school to meet Dustin, where they would walk home together as usual. Dustin sighed in relief as his day was finally over. He'd had several tests and was exhausted. Looking forward to walking his best friend and mate home he smiled and grabbed his stuff. He brushed his hair back and tidied up, wanting to look his best for his Kai. Slowly the wolf walked to the front of the building and watched the shorter wolf stand anxiously on his toes. "Dusty!" Kai bounced in the air as he saw Dustin through the glass doors. Dustin smiled and greeted Kai with a nuzzle to his cheek then squeezed his shoulder, slowly running his paw down his arm to grasp Kai's paw. "Hiya babe," Dusty said. Both furs had grown accustomed to greeting each other with affection, actually getting several smiles from other furs as they cuddled and enjoyed each other's company in the hallways. "Mmm always great to see you hun," Kai squeezed the paw in his own and nuzzled into Dusty's chest, inhaling his wolf scent. "Did ya have a good day?" "Oh it was alright, could have been better with you next to me all day." Dustin smiled and brought Kai's paw up to his muzzle, kissing it. "Oh hush, with me around you wouldn't have gotten anything done." Kai giggled. "I probably wouldn't have let you hehe." He blushed as his paw was kissed. Even though Dusty did it practically every day, Kai still felt shy about it. "My day was alright, only fell asleep in three classes, woke up with drool on my desk each time." He grinned. "I should either take a towel to lay on or stop thinking about you!" Dusty chuckled and licked Kai's ear. "Perhaps you should just stop falling asleep cutie. C'mon, let's get headed home." Most of the furs had cleared out the building as they began their walk home. The sky had started growing dark as clouds thickened and threatened rain. It rained often in this country, as Dustin had become aware of over the last couple of months. He just shrugged it off as he felt a droplet hit his nose. The rain suddenly picked up into a downpour and both wolves found themselves getting soaked in a hurry. They ran fast as they could to Kai's home, but it was too late as they were both soaked head to toe, shivering in each other's arms as they reached Kai's doorstep. "Ohh you poor wet wolfie..." Dustin cuddled Kai close in his arms as they walked in the front door. "I think we should get you cleaned up and dried off. Lucky for me, I get to help you out there, I seem a little bit damp myself." He wrung out his tail, dripping water all over the front step. "Yay!" Kai exclaimed. He and Dusty always had joked before about getting to clean each other up when they chatted online. Now they finally were going to get that chance. "C'mon wolfie, let's head to the shower." They walked into the bathroom huddled against each other as Kai shut the door behind them. Each fur piled his clothes on the floor in a wet heap, and soon they stood in front of each other in only their fur. "Ooh Dusty, what a stud!" Kai grinned and looked over his friend before stepping in the tub and turning on the water, fine-tuning it to be nice and warm. "You joining me or what?" "Hehe just admiring the sexy wuffie in front of me." Kai gave him a goofy grin and pulled him inside the tub with him, drawing the curtain then pulled the faucet handle, starting up the warm stream of water to fall over them. "It's about time I got you behind a closed curtain." Kai nipped his nose and pulled Dusty tight against his body, the water beginning to flow over both of them, dripping off their fur into the tub basin. All four paws began roaming over the bodies, massaging the fur and warming the other, their chests pressed tightly together and chins on the other's shoulders, cheeks rubbing against the other. They stood like that for nearly five minutes, enjoying each other's company before Dusty finally pulled his head back and looked into Kai's eyes. He leaned his muzzle forward, hovering his lips over Kai's before gently touching them and opening his mouth slightly, slipping his tongue out and flicking it against Kai's lips. Kai shivered and murred softly before tilting his muzzle and opening his mouth into a deep kiss. The two tongues explored each other's mouths, sliding against one another and licking across gums and teeth. Dusty pulled his tongue back and gasped for breath, then dove back in taking Kai's lower lip into his mouth. He bit softly into it and suckled and licked on the soft flesh between his own lips, closing his eyes and enjoying the moment. Kai's own eyes closed as he shuddered in pleasure. Dustin released Kai's lip with a soft snap and opened his eyes to meet Kai's, and whispered, "I love you Kai." The other wolf responded by mouthing back "I love you too." Suddenly the two wolves were brought back to reality as the water turned cold. "Ack the water heater must be going out again!" Kai shivered and scrambled to shut off the cold stream as it rinsed through their fur, leaving both cold and wet. He finally managed to shut it off and they huddled in each others arms before opening the curtain and grabbing towels. One by one they dried each other's fur and wrapped each other up in a towel before heading back to Kai's room. The two wolf boys reached Kai's room still shivering slightly as Kai leaned over licking Dustin's nose. "Hey hun why don't we just snuggle under the blanket before putting some clothes back on..." He was referring to the soft, warm blanket with a picture of three feral wolves on it that Dustin gave to Kai as a present. It had been solely Dustin's blanket for several years, the one he always snuggled up under after chatting with Kai online, when he lived back in the states. He loved it because it reminded him of Kai, between the wolves in the picture and the soft, warm feel like he was actually snuggling with his mate. But Dustin decided to give it up to Kai, as something for Kai to remember him when he couldn't be there. He told Kai that if he felt lonely to just wrap that blanket around him, and it would be almost like Dustin was there himself, hugging him tightly and keeping him warm. Dustin nodded and hopped into the bed, pulling Kai down to him and throwing the blanket over the top of them. "I love you Kai, more than anyone could ever know. You have been the light in my life and the joy in my day. When I was in America, I was absolutely lost unless I was able to talk to you. Now, we're here together, and I couldn't imagine being without you." He nuzzled Kai's nose, and wrapped his paw tightly around his lover, softly rubbing up and down the wolf's back scritching gently into the fur. Kai gave an excited "ruff!" as he snuggled in with his mate. His eyes became glazed over and he sniffled a bit. "I just can't imagine life without you Dusty. I... I need you. I am so lost without you." He snuggled tighter into his best friend. "I love you so much, and I always have. I can never stop loving you. No one, and I mean no one would ever mean as much to me as you do." He placed both paws on Dustin's chest, rubbing it gently. "I couldn't... I wouldn't even try to love anyone else as much as I do you." He lowered his muzzle into Dustin's chest and licked the fur, then rested his cheek and ear against him. His tongue lapped up a patch of his chest fur, pulling it into his mouth as he softly suckled on it while listening to Dustin's heartbeat and soft breathing. He instantly fell asleep, warm and safe with his love. Dustin smiled down at the cute wolfie laying on top of him. He nuzzled into Kai's headfur, between both ears, licking each one and watching Kai sleep peacefully. It was truly an inspiration being with this young wolf, so soft and loving, sweet and tender. Kai loved as only a child could love, full of innocence and kindness. Dustin sniffled quietly as tears welled up in his eyes, weeping with joy that this fur in his arms was his. He lowered his chin to rest on Kai's head and promptly closed his eyes, falling asleep with his arms wrapped around Kai. Both boys dreamed of the other wolfie as they slept the afternoon away into early evening. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Kai's mom came in the front door, a little wet herself as the rain continued through the early evening. She began supper, roast chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and stuffing. She knew Dustin was over for dinner, as he often was. It was impossible to separate the two boys. As she walked in the bathroom she noticed two sets of soaking wet clothing on the floor. She dragged them to the dryer to dry them off. As soon as they were done she folded the two sets and brought them to Kai's room. Just as she opened the door, she noticed the boys laying together cuddled under the blanket that she knew Dusty had given Kai. "Aww how sweet." She thought to herself. She had seen the two cuddle up together, and thought of it as nothing more than best friends and even more like brothers. Deep down she had a feeling it could turn into something more, but she was just happy that her son was happy. Happy that her son found someone he could spend time with, who would take care of him, and who would love him. She placed the clothes on Kai's desk and closed the door behind her as she left to finish supper. Both boys' noses began smelling the chicken as it was nearing dinner time. Kai woke up first and noticed he had drooled on Dusty's chest. "Oops, hehe" Kai giggled and grabbed a towel to clean up his mess. He began ruffling Dusty's chestfur with his paw as he leaned forward pecking him on the lips. "Wake up sleepy-head. I think dinner's ready." Dustin awoke with a smile on his face and kissed Kai back. The both noticed their clothes dry and on Kai's desk. "Oh, my mum must've dried them for us... Wait, did she see us sleeping together, naked??" "I would bet so... umm we'd better get dressed." Both of them threw on their clothes before going out to the kitchen, each a little worried what Kai's mom would say about seeing the two together. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> That's the end of chapter 5! Hope you liked it, we'll see next time what Kai's mom has to say, or if she'll mention it to Dusty's parents too. Please email me what you think, send your comments or thoughts to [email protected] I would absolutely love to hear what you have to say. Until next time, enjoy!