Teenage Antics-- Elevator Error

Story by Asa fox on SoFurry

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Sleep deprivation is a funny thing. Supposedly, 24 hours without sleep is equal to a .05% blood alcohol content. A night without sleep is what lead to two foxes trying something a little more out of the box. Or inside, depending on how you look at it.

"Why did we have to do this on a school night?" Aaron scolded on the way to the bus stop.

"We had fun, didn't we?"

"Ha," he laughed dryly. "I suppose."

Raine managed to get half an hour of shut-eye on the way to the school, courtesy of Aaron's shoulder.

"You're lucky you're cute." Aaron whispered into Raine's ear. The soft words tickled the sensitive canal and his ears flicked in response.

The foxes still had the biggest challenge ahead of them: sitting through class. They dragged themselves through the halls to their respective rooms and collapsed into their desks. Raine continued his nap while Aaron struggled to keep his eyes open. Truth be told, Aaron actually liked school. He didn't want to disrespect his teachers. Unlike Raine, on the other paw, who was perfectly content with drooling on the desk and proving to those damn florescent lights that they can't keep him up with their incessant buzzing and bright, unnatual light.

Sleep or no sleep, the day seemed to drag on for the two. Aaron found himself using his yawns in prayer for a break at lunch time. When it finally did roll around he waited in the hall for Raine. The fur on the side of Raine's face fought against it's normal downward flow.

"Someone's been napping." Aaron said.

"Shut up, I'm tired."

"Haa, fine. Do you really want to go to lunch?"

"No," Raine yawned. "But I'm hungry."

"I packed a lunch, if you just want to chill in the library."

Raine grined and wagged his fluffy, orange tail. "Yes, quiet. That would be nice, I mean."

"Good." Aaron said.

As they rounded the corner to go up the stairs Raine stopped at the entrance and moaned.

"Ugh, do we have to take the stairs?"

"Well, the elevators are for the handicapped kids."


"We're not handicapped, silly." Aaron said as he rustled Raine's messy fur.

"What are they gonna do? Kick us out of school?"

"You're gonna win this regardless so I'm going to pretend that detention doesn't exist."

"Good boy." Raine said. Then he gave Aaron a peck on the cheek.

Raine stood at the brush silver doors and stabbed the button with his finger until they parted. The elevator was maybe 5 feet by 5 feet and didn't have the normal comfort of lyric-less music to fill the air. The room jerked slightly and lifted them up to the second floor. Raine zoned out and let his mind wander in the silence. Suddenly he found himself patting Aaron on the arm.

"Hey, I'm getting an..." he paused for a moment and bit his lip. "Idea..."

Aaron laughed a little at first.

"Wait, here? now?"

Raine just continued to bite his lip and smile.

"No! God, I'm tired. And you're just begging to get caught!"

"Oh come on, I bet I could stop it."

He turned to the panel with the lit floor buttons and his gaze met the emergency stop switch. His finger extended towards it but Aaron slapped it away. He was smiling but he said sternly "Please, stop. Not today."

"So tomorrow then?" Raine beamed.

"Sleep on it. Your judgement is obviously compromised."

"Obviously." Raine echoed.

The rest of lunch was spent cuddling in the back corner of the library and munching on the food Aaron brought.

Aaron got home exhausted, which was normal, but he was more so than usual. He let himself fall back onto his bed and drift away. His mind wandered and settled on Raine's proposition. His paw crawled below his waistline but he resisted the urge to paw off. God forbid his mom or whoever were to walk in.

That night Raine dreamed of his black foxy. He couldn't understand exactly what was going on, but he knew it was sexual in some way. It always is. He woke in the morning with a ferocious hard-on that threatened to free itself from his boxers.

"You see what you do to me, Aaron?" He mumbled to himself. "This demands to be dealt with. He pulled his boxers just below his butt and gripped the 7 1/2 inches of length. He worked it as he played with his balls and rubbed his tailhole. Raine can be slow to start, but he's a strong finisher. His cock spat cum up onto his chest, then drained onto his stomach.

"Ah," he said to himself. "much better."

After cleaning up and resuming his normal morning routines, he waited for Aaron at the bus stop.

"Someone looks happy today." Aaron said as he approached.

"I started the day off right today."

"Oh, have you now?"

Raine kissed Aaron deeply on the lips.

"Ok, now I have."

Aaron chuckled. "Can't argue with that."

There was a moment of silence which of course Raine had to break.

"So...about today..."

"Ha, well, I guess I think I might be up for it if you really want to."

Raine hugged Aaron and whispered "Yesss."

Waiting in class was almost painful. The excitement was palatable. It had the distinct taste of fox DNA. But you hunker down and try to focus on equations or whatever and the time will pass. The lunch bell rang and Aaron was stricken with the anxiety over the possability that they might get caught. He was convinced that it was under control and well worth the risk.

Raine wrapped himself around Aaron's arm and walked him to the brush silver elevator doors. As they waited for the room to open Raine looked up at Aaron and asked "Ya ready?"

Aaron gave a nervous chuckle and said "Yeah, of course."

A high pitch ding gave notice that the door was about to open. They stepped inside and waited for their privacy to become assured. The doors slid shut and Raine waited for the elevator to move up a little before initiating the "breaks".

Raine turned with a smile stretched across his muzzle. Aaron leaned against the wall facing the doors. Raine moved in close and wrapped his arms around Aaron's small waist. Aaron rested his arms on Raine's shoulders and kissed him. He kissed him like the rest of the world didn't matter and it was just them right there, right then. Raine nibbled at Aaron's neck and made him laugh.

"That tickles." Aaron said.

Raine smelled his foxy and whispered "Good."

"We have to make this quick." Aaron said.

Raine didn't respond; he didn't want to. Too much talking might ruin the magic. He just knelt down and worked at the jeans that separated them. Raine nuzzled the lump that emerged from the thin fabric of the boxers and kissed it. He bit the elastic and tugged it down until Aaron's sizeable cock was pointing him right in the face. Raine kissed it in an eliptical motion, suckling it a little more with every pass. It was a good fit, as if that's where it was supposed to be all along.

After he lubricated it thoroughly he slipped out of his pants and crawled up onto Aaron. Aaron lifted him by his ass and spread his cheeks for his dick to snake its way in. Raine gripped his shoulder and shuddered as gravity took over and Aaron was instantly balls deep in Raine. Aaron repeated the process until his arms couldn't keep up. He slid down the wall until Raine could get some traction and work himself up and down Aaron's foxy cock.

Aaron rubbed Raine's chest and gently pushed him away. He kissed Raine and hunched over to get his muzzle around Raines pleading dick. Raine continued to move up and down, helping Aaron suck him off and fuck him at the same time.

"Damn, you're amazing." Raine said.

Aaron mumbled a little, but continued to suck the girth. Raine's tailhole tightened and cum spilled and filled Aaron's muzzle to the brim of his throat. Aaron sucked it all in and swallowed.

Aaron picked Raine up and laid him out so he could use the back wall for leverage. He fought the urge to finish, but he eventually gave in and pasted Raine's intestines with ounces of fox semen.

The foxes caught their breath and realized the elevator had become stuffy from the heat of their activities. They composed themselves, made out a little (just a little) and exited the elevator. Hand in hand, Aaron said "I should really listen to you more."

"That you should." Raine said. "That you should."

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