Chapter 1: The Cage Left in the Woods

Story by Cheshier on SoFurry

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#1 of Twilight

(A story I wrote for a friend. Note I do not usually write and this is my first story, so... no judgement. lol.)

Chapter 1: The Cage Left in the Woods

By Cheshier

Twilight, in his usual attire of a shirt, blue jeans, and black leather jacket, was walking back to his home with the frost bitten winds of winter brushing over his now reddened cheeks and mid-length hazel blonde hair. He was an average human, maybe a little bit on the short side being five feet nine inches tall, a little on the scrawny side and Caucasian. His little house made for one was located near a forest but was just close enough to civilization to hear the faraway barks of the dogs of his neighbors through the night and the laugh of their all too curious children through the days he was home. He loved nature and he loved the forest, the smell of the damp woodened dirt air always livened his toned body when he had his routine outings into the woods. Twilight, at the ripe age of twenty-one, was in college for forestry in hopes of becoming a forest ranger due to his love of the forest explaining his choice of his housing area.

He was just coming home from another lousy date of a movie and cliché "nice dinner." He was a bit of a romantic but never had any luck with women. His night of rejection only hardened his heart more for any female that came his way. Twilight had an armored heart complete with a cold blue crystal colored glare, giving the people around him a bit of fear when he frequently walked the halls of his college and neighborhood. But in him was always a cry for love and the warm soft touch of another that he would be able to show affection to and drop his guard around. At last it was not to be. He believed he would be alone forever so he had spent his earlier years to prepare his heart for that long lonely road. He didn't care for chasing after some hard to get chick, it was either they wanted him with all their heart or he didn't want them at all but he did greatly want someone.

Treading on through the suburb that neighbored his home, the dark cloudy night sky was soon colored by the first snowfall of winter. The white delicate flakes caught onto his hair and leather jacket. The cold ground catching and keeping the snow in its icy state signifying that the land would be covered white by the time the winter storm was over. The snowing suburb scene was then quickly broken by the introduction of the forest with the cement under his cowboy brown boots turning into the dark dirt he loved. He breathed in the pine barked sweet aroma as his muscles relaxed to the smell, his eyes looking down the dirt road to his home.

Twilight lived alone, he liked it that way. Though, he did have friends but they always lived so far only catching up now and then on his occasional visits or on the net by coincidence. But he loved his solitude; it gave him time to think and ability to focus on his studies.

With no love to give his affection too he focused it on his family who lived an hour away and who were the same as him, down on love. His sister was a great girl loving, caring but like him her love for a guy was soon soured leaving her a single mom. Though she had been depressed for a long while, she soon got herself up and tried again. Next to his sister, Twilight had five siblings in total, three brothers and two sisters. The two oldest were brothers but they were married and lived on their own while his sisters and younger brother lived with his mom.

The woods near his home were usually quiet with the occasional rushing of white vans that drove to a science lab that was only about ten minutes from where he lived. He had no clue as to what was going on there, in their vast cemented building but he didn't care. He was a person who didn't like to stick his neck too far, although he was a person of great pride and overly cocky at times. Tonight one of the white vans stopped near not seeing Twilight walking through the woods. The white van came to a screeching stop with clouds of dirt lifting into the air as two skinny lab coated men with deep voices clicked open the doors of the car. Twilight knew something wasn't right; the air was filled with a tense devious aura. They never stopped so near, he knew if he made himself known to those men tonight would be his last night. So quickly he hid behind a tree trunk that was almost twice the width of his body peering over to view the event at the same time trying not to get caught. He could hear his heart pound and his slow breathing turn into short intakes as his eye were transfixed on the white van.

"God! Another god damn failure." The man that was stepping out of the passenger seat exclaimed. "Damn thing had to end up weak, small, and god damned runty! I just want to quickly be done with this damn project and collect my fortune! I've been at this for ten years you know? Ten god damn years!"

"Yeah, yeah, we all want to be swimming in lakes of success by now Frank, but we are getting close, real close. Not much longer and we will be in that lake of money. So just have some patience," responded the man from the driver's seat.

"Tch! Yeah, no thanks to Mr. fucking President!" The passenger seat man then scuttled his way to the back of the van to swing open the door of the trunk as his hands then meet something inside it with a clunk sounding like metal. "Fuck this thing is heavy. Hey! Hurry up and help me with this damned thing so we can get back."

"Yeah, hold on." The driver seat man said with a sigh as he walk up next the man helping out with what ever was kept in the back of the white van. Next thing Twilight saw was a glint of the mysterious heavy object they were carrying out, finding it, to be a rusty old cage with some black fuzzy ball shaking furiously in the middle of it. Twilight rubbed his eyes squinting thinking maybe it would help him adjust to the dark enabling him to make out what was caged, but to no avail he continued to watch with growing curiosity and eerie feelings. The men only walked about twenty five steps before they dropped it with a loud bang that echoed through the forest the little ball screeching shaking even stronger.

"Fuck that damn thing is heavy, nearly broke my god damned back. Lets just leave it hear, I'm sure its going to die soon by the smell of it. Besides no one lives here anyways." The lab coated man said unknowingly as Twilight watched wondering what was trapped in the iron box.

"Yeah I agree I'm tried as hell lets just get back." The men soon slumped back into the van holding their backs and drove away leaving a trail of dirt clouds as there head lights revealed their way back to their lab.

Waiting till he could no longer see the light of the van Twilight finally step out behind the tree standing for a moment or two gazing at the thing shadowed inside the cage left to die in a forest. "Is it an animal?" He asked himself. "What kind?" He then stepped slowly towards the cage the twigs and leaves snapping under his weight. The black furry thing caught his moments and once again shook furiously in fear. Twilight was soon right next to the cage that was about thigh knee high, bending over into it seeing how the bars were in tight parallels. The moon hit the furred thing letting Twilight make out its gold eyes, staring helplessly at him for any sudden movements and pointed ears twitching also realizing that black of its fur was just grime and dirt. "Poor thing, you must have been abused and tested in that damned place huh?" He spoke to it softly reaching his hand out to let it smell him but only to see it back away with a whine folding its ears and tightening its long tail wrapping around its body. "Ah, sorry can't trust me huh?" Twilight felt sorry for it as a strong compassion over came his body while he stared into its frightened eyes. "Don't worry I'll get you better unlike those pigs who abused you in that forsaken lab and left you here to die."

His home was near and his mind was set on caring for the hurt creature, so he then pulled at the cage letting it slide along the forest floor all the way to his little one person house. It clanked and clunked along the way bumping every now and then against an exposed root. The men were right it was heavy, it took him thirty minutes just to pull it a few dozen meters while he stopped every now and then catching his breath. But his mind just grazed over his tired muscles when he reached the door of his home, the instinct to care and protect surged through his body overcoming his need to rest after a long day.

He rushed quickly into his house whisking to his so called living room his hand rummaging through boxes of his unpacked property leaving the cage right at his open door. The frosted air rushed in with flakes of snow wetting the entrance but he didn't care. There was a lock on that cage and he was looking for a cutter in the boxes, tossing clothes, books, cups and plates aside before he knew it he had form a fort of things all around him. He finally found it in the last box placed at the very bottom and with wasted time he grabbed it and ran back kneeling in front of the cage the creature backing away from him with its over-sized dirt covered paws. The jaws of the cutter were then clamped down on the lock, and with a quick strain Twilight used all of the power in his body he could muster to cut right through the lock. It was a success as the lock was cut with a snapping song dropping to the ground with a click.

Twilight's heart pounded, his blood rushed. The door to the creature was finally open. He knew that this thing was not any ordinary creature its size and shape curled up shivering had alerted him so. "A mutated animal maybe," he though. With a shake of his head he forced himself out of his trance gathering up courage to take out the creature from its cage.

Slowly his hand reached for a bar of the iron cage wrapping around it firmly as he then forced opened the swinging latch. His heart skipped as his other hand grabbed gently for the shaking body before him feeling the grim and dirt on the fur of the animal rub on to him. Carefully he pulled it out making sure to hold it under its arms. Finally when all of the creatures shaking body was pulled out of the rusted iron box he stood up revealing all of the animal in the light that shined from the inside of his house. What he saw made his heart skip again and adrenaline rush even faster through his body. It looked like a cat, fur all over, but strangely yet it was also built a bit human like, with paw like hands and paw like feet. It had pointed ears and a long tail that fluffed out at the end. It was a neko. A thing he believed to only exist in his fantasies. It whimpered and shook furiously in his human size hold as he gazed upon its fragile body. It was definitely female, its small furred breasts perking from its chest and fleshy slit exposed to him. The neko was small probably barely coming up to his waist in height, it was in bad shape. Its ribs protruded and limbs scrawny complete with irregular heaving of her chest. His heart pained seeing its shape and hurt look of its half lidded eyes.

"Those bastards," he exhaled.

He wanted so bad to nurse it, so bad to see it with life but one thing was first he needed to clean it. She smelt sour and the dirt and grim had now gotten all over his clothes and exposed body, hair, face hands alike.

Quickly love was flushing out of his cold young bodied heart as he slammed the door and rushed the poor shaking cat-girl into his shower tub passing right by his kitchen and living area, his whole house resembling a one room apartment. Twilight gently laid the trembling neko on the floor of his tub as he turned the faucet to a luke-warm temperature letting the water cascade into the tub. The creature just balled up in the middle of the tub shaking as the water traveled up to wet her paws making her inch back.

"Cute... extremely...," twilight thought to himself his heart heaving in pride for this little bodied neko. He saw the little furry back away but knowing that she needed to be clean to be healthy he gently pushed her back near the running water as he poured and lathered up shampoo into her grimed fur coat. Starting from her head working his way to her back and to his tail he worked the grim and dirt away. He was a bit embarrassed to clean her private parts, though already have seen them, the thought of cleaning them made his face flush with a familiar feeling tingle in his loins. It was female, not only that but a very cute neko female with a very innocent cute cat face. This, all of this, made his blood burn but he knew that she needed to be fully clean. So with a heavy heart he poured some soup to one hand as he then lovingly flipped the little creature on to her back exposing her still unclean torso. Next he worked the shampoo starting at her stomach with his heart pounding as his hand instinctively rubbed its way to one of her small breasts. His crotched bulged slightly feeling how her furred chest felt so soft, like jelly filled skin, in his kneading palm, her frail body withering under his touch as he then moved to the next one feeling how her tiny nipple hardened.

"Oh god... is she getting... aroused?" His heart leapt and loins flared from this thought, the bulge encased in his jeans slowly getting ever more evident. Twilight's hand stopped, his breaths a bit heavy, as he felt that her chest was clean enough. Dread and the ever growing excitement washed over him as he knew the last place to clean was between her legs.

Slowly and cautiously he slid his almost giant like hands down her little furred body feeling how her ribs bumped out sickly. Then his touch soon came across the softest flesh he had ever touched. Cautiously Twilight rubbed the soap up and down her slit; his sex hardening to the way the lips of her flesh clung to his finger. Temptation was taking over as he then slightly dipped the tip of his finger into the beautiful creature amazed shocked and greatly aroused that it felt like it was sucking on him, the creature still shaking and mewing under his sinful touch. Ever since a young age Twilight had been strangely attracted to nekos, he spent much of his maturing time pawing off to the images of cat-girls taking him and wondering blissfully how it felt. Deep down he was even more attracted to the creatures than his own. Now he had one before him and couldn't help but take a bit of advantage.

"No-no no, I shouldn't be doing this... she is-she is sick." In realization of his shameful wrong doing Twilight quickly retracted his hand, his mind beating himself for the act. Knowing that he had a long way to nurse her back to full health he shook and focused his mind to his task at hand, quickly rinsing the frail animal before him. With a towel he lifted the creature out of the tub and placed her gently on the mat next to it to be towel dried.

"Sorry..." Twilight shamefully apologized as he rubbed the towel all over making sure that she wouldn't catch a cold from staying wet. "I... shouldn't have taken advantage of you..." The whole time the neko was balled up on the mat trembling from fear and mistrust which only pained Twilight's heart more. "God... I'm a horrible person..." As he rubbed and dried the creature's fur Twilight soon found out the true color of the fur. Once blacked by dirt was now pink, soft, fluffy and silky. Twilight awed at the beauty of the tiny neko before him that forced the affection out of his heart as his hands patted its small head that winced from his movements.

"You are too cute." He stated gazing at the shaking form, his eyes tracing its weak limbs as his instinct to protect emerged again. Knowing that the creature needed nourishment he lifted her up in his arms cradling its trembling body to the kitchen with its eyes darting around the room. Laying it down in front of the fridge he fished out a jug of milk, pouring some into a bowl, and placing it before the pink ball of fur. Even after several moments later the little neko did not make motion for the food before it, just staying curled and shaking eyes glancing back and forth from the human male standing over it to the bowl of milk that tantalized its stomach.

She did hunger strongly for the milk but was too frightened to even reach for it, scared that the human would hurt her fragile body like the men in the white coats. Strangely she felt something different from him, strangely his eyes showed love but not wanting to take the risk she would back away till he was out of site.

Sighing Twilight knew that he just needed to give the neko some space and time to get use to her new home and to him. So standing back up he walked back to the bathroom to wash the grim and dirt that had been transferred to his body while he had handled the poor animal. After getting clean he walked out of the bathroom toweling his face glancing over to the kitchen seeing the now empty bowl and the still shaking figure before it, this caused him to smile with his heart pound in relief. This was a start but she will surely get better under his care.

During his affectionate stare for his new housemate the exhausting evening finally hit him, his muscles screaming for rest. So he then decided to head for bed only after he poured another bowl for the tiny creature that was starting to work its way into his armored heart. He didn't think he was going to able to sleep but once his head met the blue cased pillow he was out.

The sunlight hit his eyes urging him to wake; wanting a bit more time to rest he rolled over but failed to escape the sun that now baked at his back. Twilight gave up the fight, stretching and yawning as he opened his eyes to find the sleeping cat-girl at the foot of his bed her breathing slow and rhythmic. He grinned; his doubt of the events of last night being a dream faded away. It was time for school, inside he wanted to stay and care for the frail creature he took in but he knew that if he wanted to have the resources to house her he needed to finish college. So unwillingly he left for school leaving another bowl of milk and a can of tuna in the kitchen.

She stirred to wake seconds after Twilight had left the house, her stomach growling for food. So weakly she yawn with a stretch arching her tiny stomach up towards the ceiling smelling the aroma of the nourishment twilight had left float into her nose. Her body was tiny and frail, being smaller than normal nekos and sick from all the tests that had been forced upon her. The creature soon slinked off the bed her limbs trembled weakly as she made her way to the kitchen where the smell of food originated from. Her ears pinned back eyes keeping a look out for the human that had taken her in. Seeing how the male was not here she bent down for the food lapping at the milk and nibbling at the food until she had left nothing left, but as soon as she finished her sick body yearned for sleep yet again quickly rolling up and resting right on the kitchen floor.

Twilight rushed in the door, letting the winter winds brush in, only to find the little creature fast asleep next to the now empty bowl and can of food that he had left earlier this morning. He smiled as he kneeled over patting its soft head watching as it nuzzled against his palm unconsciously but once it had realized who she was rubbing against she winced back trembling once again causing him to laugh.

"How have you been sleepy head?" He asked smiling not expecting for it to respond in any way.

"D-don't hurt me..." It peeped in a weak high pitched soft voice inching away with its ears pinned closely to its head. This weak frightened look hurt his chest. She had been so abused to fear anyone around her but perseveringly he assured the trembling creature petting it gently.

"Y-you can speak?" He reacted with a hint of shock and pain from her request. "I am not going to hurt you. I want to get you better so you have nothing to fear." Twilight spoke in his low soothing voice as he reassured her petting her head gently feeling it still tremble. "I know you can't trust me that easily but that's okay. I'll show you that I just want to get you better and protect you from those men okay? But for now just get rest eat so you can get better." Twilight requested as he set his leather jacket on to the kitchen table while he plated more food.

Days went on as her body slowly filled out from the food he fed her. Her once sickly body with the fail limbs and protruding ribs was now full and shaped. His frequent outings and dates had stopped once this tiny creature came into his life. He spent his evening caring for her trying to gain the poor creature's trust. But sadly Twilight's relationship had changed little with the pink furred neko-girl. She didn't tremble anymore but their evenings together were quite but that didn't stop his growing love and his affectionate caresses from finding her.

"I still don't know what to call you. Have a name?" Twilight asked while toweling her exposed body after a shower, breaking the usual quiet evening trying to hide his bulging attracting he had for her. Every time he showed her was torture for his sexual urges as he tried to ignore her small soft furred breasts under his rubbing towel and as he tried to advert his gaze from the creature's pink fleshy slit. Some days Twilight thought he even heard little moans and mews from this beautiful creature but shook it off as his ears playing tricks. He wanted her, this fact only growing with the passing days as he rubbed his hands on her chest and between her legs with a towel. This time he was able to win against his temptation drying her and placing the towel on the rack.

It had taken her several moments but she responded to his question, "Yume..."

"Your name is Yume huh? Why are you still scared of me?" He asked in concern as he petted her cute little head still knelt beside her.

"Because... I like you a lot..."

"That's a bad thing?"

"I don't know... People like you hurt me..."

"I am nothing like them. I'm taking care of you not hurting you."

"I know... that's why I like you..." Yume squeaked as she then nuzzled her head into his chest, with folded ears, and swaying tail showing her affection for the first time.

Twilight's heart skipped and pounded as the emotion of happiness filled his body wrapping his human muscled arms around the little creature nuzzling him. "I like you too." He smiled as he kissed the top of her head then cradling her to his bed. "For now let's get some sleep."

Morning brought a faint sweet smell as Twilight stretched and yawned to the morning sun. He didn't know what the sent was but he knew that it heated his body evident by his morning hard on peeking through a pant leg of his boxers. Turning over he found Yume unconsciously curl into his bare chest for warmth causing him guilt of his arousal. "God, I want her." He though as he hugged her curled tiny pink furred body closer while he stared at her exposed body. Twilight was only able to bask in the moment for a few minutes before he was once again out the door heading for school.

Yume uncurled stretching her limbs clawing lightly at the sheets as her mouth hung open yawning. Something was changing in her, her body was maturing from the kitten she was a just days ago. She woke up with a light tingling feeling between her legs causing her to tilt her head as she inspected herself in puzzlement. Her sex was dripping clear liquid that smelled faintly of candy and sweet and tasted of it too as she too a quick lick. But not giving it a second thought she crawled off the bed with her small body and swayed her tail to the kitchen to eat at the food Twilight had placed for her.

Twilight was home again with snow coating his clothes, which quickly melted and dripped to the floor as he stepped into his heated one person home. The scent was stronger as he inhaled the air that filled his home causing his loins to strangely stir yet again. "Hello Yume I'm home!" He exclaimed closing the door ignoring the affect the scent had over him. Twilight soon heard the quick padding of Yume's feet as she ran to him nuzzling herself into his crotch only because of her height. This made Twilight sweat uncomfortable and afraid that she would find out about his growing arousal, so he patted her head and quickly lifted her up as she again nuzzled his face and neck making him laugh. "Hey, you're very affectionate today."

"I donno... I just missed you a lot today... I was waiting all day..." Yume squeaked trying to explaining herself with red cheeks under her fur as she caught herself from grinding her aching flesh into Twilight's torso.

Twilight smiled happy knowing he was missed as he got dinner ready carrying Yume's light small body in one arm. Yume was thinking hard and surprised at herself for showing such affection to the male human holding her safely in he strong arms. While she nuzzled him she sniffed in his musk. Lately it was very pungent to her now sensitive nose. The scent defined sharply telling Yume he was male forcing the tingle of her sex to turn into a burn. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew her body needed him but why was lost to her just the burning of her bright pink slit.

Once they were done with dinner twilight cleaned Yume yet again. The scent now constantly bothered him as he dried her, it forced his eyes to stay locked staring at her small fur covered breasts and unusually puffy pussy lips while Yume's licks at his hands only caused his erection to strain painfully against his jeans. So trying to keep Yume out of his lustful grasps he rushed them to sleep his flesh peeking out down the pant leg yet again under the covers. His intense need for this creature's tiny body to wrap around his flesh kept him up for minutes as his eyes feasted on her sleeping form his hands feeling her silky fur as he stroked her head but he controlled his need, falling fast asleep inhaling that intoxicating scent.

Yume tossed and turned in the middle of the night the burning of her slit forcing her to wake sweating and panting. It hurt and leaked, her fingers gliding down its puffy lips sending waves of pleasure as the texture of her padded fingers rubbed against them. It burned so much that she mewed as she stared at the clear liquid covering the tips of her fingers. She needed the male human sleeping beside her who was twice her size. She needed to be mounted and mated. She needed Twilight to fill her with his human flesh. She was, for the first time in her young life in heat. Yume gazed upon Twilight's bare chest realizing how his musk was predominantly strong this moment but what was the source? She wanted to know, so she bent over sniffing at his neck giving a quick lick unsatisfied to find that it was not the source of the smell that fueled the burning of her small sex between her legs. Slowly she sniffed her way down his body across his abs and to his crotch where she inhaled deeply where the human male's scent choked her lungs. She had found the source only to bend over painfully from the burning sensation. Instinctively her hands grabbed the end of the blanket revealing his almost naked form only his boxers covering his smooth muscled body from her yearning eyes. Next she licked the outside of his boxers stirring up his resting flesh before her hands unbuttoned the opening her tongue darting out of her short muzzle and lapping at his now exposed flesh. Her tongue explored the contours of the spongy flesh, dancing across the slit. Her juices dripped onto the bed sheets while her heat drove her to lap at the male human's flesh watching as it pumped with blood erecting to its full seven and a half inches. Yume lapped her way from the base to the blunt head of Twilight's penis indulging how spicy and fleshy it tasted gazing up to see if he made any movements as she then swallowed all she could take into her small pink furred muzzle sucking, with her tongue running the underside coaxing out his sweet salty pre.

Twilight moaned his body feeling the pleasure that was forced upon him, stirring him from his sleep. He shook the grasp of sleep from his mind realizing the pleasure was not just a dream. As he forced himself up his gazed found Yume between his tights lapping at his throbbing flesh that stuck out of his boxers in a cat like position. One of her padded paw gripped his right inner thigh for stability as the other barely even wrapped around his thick flesh while her tongue lashed up and down his pre dripping member. His heart pounded loudly, his body tensing from the sensation of her slick tongue, his hands balling up the sheets to his side as he moaned seeing the heated scene. "Yume... y-you shouldn't be doing that..." He spoke in pants his moral getting a hold of him. "Y-you don't want your first time with me do you...You are only doing this c-cause your in heat... I could smell it since two days ago..." He continued to say trying to control his lust.

She looked up with a sorry look her ears pinned back stopping her treatment to his slick flesh to talk. "B-but it hurts... I need you... I really like you a lot... please..." Yume pleaded her tiny hands messaging her petite breasts in her heat before him, her back arching letting Twilight's eyes view her tiny dripping cunt.

Twilight gasped at this picture her sweet scent intoxicating his mind, his cock painfully pulsing for it to be crammed inside her tiny body. He was stump on words shushed by the desire to mount the small female creature in front of him as his hand reached up to stroke her furry legs before his hand cupped her slit feeling how her pre dripped in his palm. It was radiating heat. His palm made complete contact. It was soft, wet, he so badly wanted it as he ground his palm into her tiny flesh her body squirming, dripping, and grinding back into his palm while Yume cried gripping firmly at the forearm of his hand with pinned ears, clenched eyes, and gapping mouth.

"God... you're so hot..." He commented breathlessly with his heart jumping and pounding. Twilight then rubbed his hand back towards his body only to worm the tip of his middle finger into the tight hole of her puffy slit.

Yume gasped her body jumped as he felt his thick digit wedge its way inside of her. That was what her body wanted, to be filled her body telling her to shove it deeper. Listening to her body she then thrusted at his finger, with a bit of a struggle the ring of her entrance gave way her cunt now slowly encasing it.

Twilight's pulsing tool jumped as Yume's tight cunt sucked in his finger. She was tight and dangerously slick feeling like it was almost on the verge of cutting off the circulation to his finger the pre rolling down his arm as he pulled his finger out putting it under his nose inhaling her tantalizing heat. Twilight stuck his entire pre-covered digit in his mouth swallowing and tasting the candy flavored intoxicator moaning.

Yume then moved to straddle the human male that lay before her aiming the blunt head of its cock at the small hole of her tiny body. Her body told her to take him to force that thick red flesh into her pussy to quench the burning of her slit.

Twilight watched in a daze gripping the sheets, restraining to slam her kitty body down his throbbing spear but he knew that he would soon feel her wrapped around him so he just laid there heavily breathing ready to feel his tool sink into the extra tight tunnel held in Yume's neko body. "Yume..." He moaned in concern for her possibly too small cunt.

Yume mewed and whined as she used her weight to impale herself down twilight's human sized flesh into her tiny neko cunt. She had to struggle, sweat rolling down her fur as she felt the head of his cock trying to force its way into her. With a loud moan she felt the ring of her sex stretch and slip over the head of his member.

Twilight threw his head back, his toned chest raised, crying out in pleasure to the feeling of how the throbbing head of his thick member slipped through the slick fleshy barrier, the creature that possessed it arched above him mewing. His mind clouded in pleasure, the fact of Yume taking him with her small body all by herself only caused him to grow painfully hard with in her. He needed her and couldn't wait any longer. Twilight's restraint of his body broke as he sat up, gripped her frail shoulders and pulled on to him sinking into her extra tight cunt which was barely able to stretch for him. "Fuck!" He cursed with clenched eyes exclaiming how good it felt to finally feel Yume's neko flesh sheath thick rod. Her small body was hot, tight, deliciously wet, and suckling, something that he had never been able to imagine. "G-god..." He moaned staying still letting Yume's half sized cat body get use to his seven and a half inches of human length. "Sorry... I couldn't hold it..." Twilight apologized knowing that his forceful act greatly pained her. He couldn't help but awe with his mouth gapping open at the strength of her flesh's constriction around his shaft as he sat still.

Yume felt her body forcefully slide down Twilight's ragging rod, her walls suddenly stretched around his human cock forcing her to cry out and body to tremble from the initial pain. Finally the burning lessened, her slit leaking profusely around their tight union as her body adjusted to his girth. She felt so full, like she was stretched thinly around his searing hot member. At first it was very painful, feeling as though he had almost ripped her apart but some how her body was able to handle is size, though the hard throbbing flesh now clearly penetrated all the way into her womb causing a slight bulge, where it was perfect for him to plant his seed. A few moments past as Yume's wet cunt adjusted to his seven and a half inch length and two inch diameter thickness that was filling most of her body; how it warmly throbbed in her injecting its pre for easier penetration. What a sight it would be to see a small femme cat impaled upon a much larger male human. Most of the pain was now gone for Yume, a sensation of incredible pleasure replacing it, thinking that she was now ready to be truly mated she tried to cutely squirm upon him for that pleasure of flesh sliding against flesh causing her to mew in pleasure with clenched eyes and curling tail as she used her body to take him for her heat.

Twilight grunted feeling how her small erratic moves did nothing but send pleasure through out his body her extremely tight wet cunt sliding around him. But it wasn't enough with the scent of her heat intoxicating his mind, he wanted more of the sweet body, he wanted to thrust deeply and pull back to expose his length to the cold winter air only to scream in pleasure as it plunged back into it's heated fleshy sheath with in her furred body. He wanted to fuck her for all he was worth. So his hands found her small supple hips grasping them, with little strength he lifted her cat like body up his pulsing cock only keeping his bulbous head with in her puffy snatch and for a moment he watched how her glistening pre traveled down his shaft before he slammed her down cursing loudly only to repeat it over and over in rhythm. His body tensed to every movement of hot pleasure showing his muscles rippling under his smooth skin. Twilight was already so close to his climax from the sexual scene, sweating and straining to keep the pleasure from peaking but he wanted the moment to last so he used all of his will to love the creature that loved him.

Yume cried out in pleasure as she simultaneously arched and thrashed about above him to their mating. She felt the lips of her cunt slide along his shaft and her walls pulled around his flesh with every upward movement as her heat agreed to the humans want. With every downward movement her tight snatch slurped and suckled in his flesh wanting it to deeply fill her as the blunt head of Twilight's human cock smashed the walls of there sensitive womb making her mew, ears pin back, and paws grip firmly at his forearms. Yet with all of their pleasure, their sweat rolling down their bodies, and their breaths steaming the winter air her heat called for more of Twilight's human body as she slid off his now deep purple throbbing member. She then trembled with want as she bent her tiny pink body down on all fours presenting her heat stricken cunt to the human male, her tail shaking as it swayed with her head looking back.

Twilight moaned and his flesh, silken with the neko's juices, jumped as the beautiful creature before him presenting her inflamed dripping cunt, hips lifted as high as her body aloud her. Needing no further invitations to mount her the human male clumsily got up kneeling, spreading his legs to get low enough behind the tiny creature to aim his pre leaking head once again at the creature's tight pussy. Before he penetrated her he rubbed the head of his member along her lips, they moaned in unison, gathering up her natural lubricant before he rammed home yelling, his strength shoving the neko beneath him forward.

"Fuck... god... so tight." Twilight grunted as his hips pummeled her over and over unrelentingly, the pleasure causing his body to bend right over her covering her like a cave, his face against the mattress as his hands gripped her hips driving her hard into his ragging flesh.

Yume yelled and mewed under him as she was mated fiercely clawing at the sheets feeling thick human boy fill her repeatedly mashing against her walls fulfilling the need of her heat. Her back arching as she trusted back crying in pleasure, her fur brushing his abs and thighs as her tongue licked the sweating chest of the human towering over her thanking him for mating her. She was so tight that Twilight was barely able to move but using his human strength he just forced her slick tunnel to slide and pull up down his shaft. She was close so tight.

Twilight could hold out no longer as he balls retracted tight to his shaft signaling the coming of his release.

"Cum!" He commanded to the beautiful creature beneath him as he pulled all of his flesh from her snatch just before he slammed and hilted one final time into her tight dripping hot cunt cursing and yelling loudly as he felt his flesh expand pumping his seed planting it right inside her womb.

Yume hearing the male's command came fiercely tearing the sheets to shreds as her sex clamped down on the male's pulsing flesh vacuuming for his milk feeling how with every throb of his member sent another torrent of cum into her womb as her cum spurted on to his lower abdomen.

To Twilight the climax felt like hours as the body of the creature drained his human body. But soon he felt the intense pleasure start to reside his spurts turning into a dribble as he felt their juices stream out of her sides of their tight union. He then fell over to the side exhausted breathing heavily as Yume fell with him still embedded. Listening to her pants, he kissed the back of her head as they soon drifted off to sleep.

"... I-I love you Twilight..." Yume weakly squeaked before the grasps of sleep pulled her under.

"I love you too." Twilight smiled rubbing his palm along her bulging furred belly as he soon drifted off to sleep still deep with in her sheath.

In the end Twilight's heart was unarmored by the creature that strangely appeared into his life destroying his once long lonely road and in return for his love she unconditionally loved him back.