Daddy Love (rough draft)

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Daddy and his cub get really friendly in bed and Cub learns a something new.

First off... if your not 18 git. Second, I don't have an editor and I wrote this forever ago and have been trying to edit it myself, but I'm terrible at editing my own stuff. Altogether, I think this is one of my hottest peices of writing, but it is very rough in more than one way. ^.^ If you don't like incest and gayness then don't read on. Be sure to leave me some comments.

"Oh God," he moans shivering in pleasure as he feels the hot tongue on his premature shaft. His hips thrust up instictivly agianst that wet, oh so soft, appendage that sends electricity coursing through him. It's too much and he begins to whimper. He doesn't know why it happens, but without fail every time he began to get close to the edge the whimpers and beggings would pour out of him, only escalating the closer he got to his realease.

"Please, don't stop!" he looks down at his dad's face as it bobs and licks faster. He knows his daddy would never leave him mid-orgasm, but he can't help but plead more insistanly. "Please Daddy! It feels soo good! Your mouth feels soo good!" His paws bunch up the covers as he grips them and hangs on for dear life as his dad's tongue swirls and slurps around his cocklette. His small knot throbbing and swelling to the size of an orange.

Suddenly the wonderful tonguings of his dad stop. He whimpers loudly and humps the air, looking for his daddy's maw. "Daddy! Please Daddy!" he whines loudly and looks down. His dad was shucking off his shorts and shirt, the muscular canine's cock springing into view. The cub blushes naivly as he realizes he's never seen his daddy without clothes. "Lets get you undressed to," his dad whispers with a smile, his paws helping the small husky out of his shirt and pants, the cubby doesn't noticie how his dad takes his underwear and shoves them agianst his nose, inhaling deeply. The cubs scent making him murr loudly as he lays down with his son. "We're gonna try something a little different this time okay pup?" his daddy said, nuzzlind his son holding him close, their fur pressed against each other.

"Wh-what do you wanna do daddy?" he asks looking up at his daddy with innocent unknowing. His head tilts slightly as he snuggles closer to his dad, the older fur's body heat warming his naked body. He was never allowed to be completly naked so he decided to enjoy it while it lasted. His cubhood relaxes for the moment, the cub purring quietly, enjoying the affection from his father, his knot deflate slowly as he wonders what his daddy was up to.

"Well..." his dad said with a soft smile, "I was hoping you'd be a good pup and do for me what I've been doing for you." His daddy's eyes meet his a smile flashing across the husky's muzzle. The older fur didn't want to ruin what he had with the boy, but everynight he spent with his son's cock in his mouth was bliss and torture. He'd wanted to go further from the first night, but he didn't want to scare or hurt the youngster. A look of slight confusion crosses the boy's face, his dad watching him quietly, one of the boy's ears wilting as it does when he is thinking.

"So... you want me to... put your thingy in my mouth?" he asks unsure. He looks up at his dad, returning the soft smile, hoping he'd got it right. He blushes as his daddy suddenly murrs loudly and nuzzles him hard. A subconcious murr escapes his throat as he returns the affection to his father, nuzzling into the adults broad chest. He'd guessed right! He giggles and mentally celebrated his intelligence before he realized what he'd just said. A bright red blush spread from his cheeks to his ears, the thought of his dad's cock in his small mouth making him drool.

The older husky watches his son's reaction with interest, he chuckles and can't help, but give his cub a loving nuzzle when he'd hears the cub's words. A grin spreads on his face as he watches his son's blush spread. "Don't be embarrased little one. I've done it to you and it felt good right? And you know I do it cause I love you and I know you enjoy it soo much. Soo... Do you want to make daddy feel good? It's okay to say no." He quietly mumbles the last sentece, giving his son a choice but, hoping his son wouldn't deny the request.

The cub takes a deep breath glad to feel the blush pass as he wraps his mind around what his daddy'd just asked of him. It did feel great when he put his thingy in his daddy's mouth. He still remembered that first night, how scared he was, how gentle his daddy had been with him. He was feeling the same uncertainty now. "Daddy won't hurt me," he thinks to himself, "And he makes me feel good every night... so maybe I should make him feel good to." He feels another blush begin to spread as he thinks about his daddy's cock. He'd never even seen it, and if he did this for him, he'd get to see it and more. "Hmmm...." he makes his thinking face again, knowing his daddy thinks it's adorable when he does it, "Okay daddy!" he giggles and sees his dad's smile grow twice as wide.

The male's stomach flutters as his son gives him the go ahead. He pulls his cub close, murring loudly as he nuzzles the semi-developed chest. He gently licks across the small pectoral. His affection makes the cub giggle and smile. Without any warning at all, almost on instinct, he kisses his young son on the lips, his tongue slipping into the young maw and tasting young innocence. He murrs loudly as he pushes his tongue deeper into the kiss, his paws hold the cub in the lip lock. Daddy was kissing him! His tummy felt funny and his head was dizzy, his small paws instinctivly knead his father's chest. The thick tongue pushes deeper into his mouth, his own tongue automatically pushes back. The new feeling of their maws mashing together, and the truth that it is his father's tongue tasting and sliding around inside his mouth, he couldn't help but murr and moan around the slick, slimy invading muscle. The pressure of his dad's paws pull him deeper into the kiss and tighter against the adult's bulging chest and ripped abs, his small soft form folding and molding against it. His young pants and churrs fill the room, his leg absent-mindedly kicking softly, his body not used to this overwhelming form of intense affection.

His father grins as he feels the young fur's body respond accordingly. He almost stops in shock when he hears his son's moans, but the small paws on his chest assure him the moans are of pleasure. He pulls back with a wet slurp when he feels his son's leg kicking reflexivly. The experienced fur notices the signs of the cub's body being overwhelmed. He watches, amused, as his son licks the air for a few seconds before slowly falling forward and resting his forhead against the adults chest, his smiling pants teasing the adult's nipple, his son's eyes glazed over in pleasure. His paw idly rubs the cub back and ass as he waits for the cub to come to. He caused his son to pass into this daze and that made him feel giddy, powerful almost, but only because he knew that the boy had loved every pleasuring second of it. The cub sighs softly, his breathing slowing down as he blinks and his eyes focus.

"Sorry daddy. I..I don't know wh-...what happened... You kissed me?" He looks up at his dad with a dumb grin on his face, his tongue lapping out reflexivly as he vividly remembers the kiss. "It feels really good daddy... I wanna do it again, but maybe next time I won't get all silly in my head." He giggles and pulls back from his dad's paws and stands on the bed, the kiss giving him courage as he stands naked in front of his daddy. His nakedness and lack of embaressment make him feel silly, making him smile as he walks up to his dad. His dad is laying on his side and looking up at the young pup, smiling at the cub's smugness. The young cub lays his small paws on his daddy's chest and pushes down firmly. The older fur yeilds and lays back slowly, looking questionly to his little one. "It's my turn to make you feel good daddy." He giggles, seeing the look of shock and joy on his father's face. He craws up his dad's thick legs, smiling as he spreads them apart and stares up at his dad's crotch, his eyes scanning over the large sheath and balls, his dad's private parts.

He was now on all fours, his head hovering over his dad's manhood. The large fur spreads his legs, his son watching the grapefruit sized testicals roll around in their hefty sack. He sits down between his dad's leg, crossing his own legs to compare his bits to his dad's and marveling over the size difference between the mammoth before him and his own smaller bits. "Take your time pup, there's no rush at all, and remember, if you don't want to do it anymore, just tell me and we'll stop." His dad's words reassure him as he slowly reaches out, his paws grabbing out for the closest part of his daddy's naugty parts. He can feel his dad's body heat before he even touches the fur, the warmth radiates against his paws, almost as if they're warming up just for him to feel. He slowly sets his paws down and touches his dad's balls. The large orbs loose in their sack, he cups first one, then the other, having to use both paws to grab all the way around each one. The amazed cub looks up to his dad and is suprised to see his dad's eyes clenched closed and a very pleasurable look on his face.

For a moment, he wonders if his father has fallen asleep, but he's surprised when his dad's eyes open and look directly at him, curiously and prideful. The youngster realizes that the whole time his eyes have been locked on his dad's face his paws have been gently squeezing and rolling the orbs around in their sac. He looks down at his paws, their movements as amazing to him as his dad's sudden awakening. He's just feeling them, exploring them. He feels their warmth and the way the fur was different from his other parts, more rough. They pulse and they seem to throb with purpose, but above all, the smell! He sniffs the musky scent in, a sudden wave of heat and pleasure smashing into him as he inhales deeply, the feelings only growing stronger as he breathes in more of his dad's musk.He leans forward, his nose leading him closer to the source of that musky scent. His nose burns, but in a good way.

Suddenly, the scent seems to triple in intensity and he opens his eyes to find himself inches away from the baby makers in his hand. He tries not to get dizzy as the scent calls to him, his nose wanting to bury itself in that sack and inhale all of the spicy male scent. His nose slowly slides forward till he lightly makes contact. His nose going haywire as he is suddenly shocked by the actual musk rubbing off on his nose. His instincts drive him forward until he's nosing hard into his father's musky sack, sniffing deeply and murring loudly without any control over himself. He takes a deep whiff and by instinct his small tongue darts out to clean his nose, but instead he catches a taste of his dad's oh so musky sack and he wants more.

He licks and licks those wonderful orbs over and over, his tongue wiggles and writhes to reach all of his creator's musk and to have it. His paws on clench to the thighs beside his head, kneading them deeply as he licks and sniffs and tastes and smells his dad's scent. The moans and pants of his dad don't register in the young pups ears as he continus to give his dad a tongue bath from heaven. The older fur's body tenses and arches off the bed with each eager lick from that oh so tender mouth. His legs twitching in time with those kneading paws, working their way into the muscles underneath, his large paws gripping handfuls of the bed sheets as he tries not to lose his mind.

The pup tries to find more of that glorious scent, his tongue searching deep and wide, but not finding any more. He whimpers and slowly sits up, his face fur sticking up at odd angles, the fur around his mouth coated in a light layer of saliva and the reminants of his dad's musk, his panting slowing down as he breathes in fresh air. His eyes look over his dad and he realizes his daddy enjoyed it as much, or more, as he did. He watches as his dad's abs tenses with each loud hard pant, his paws still clenching the sheets for dear life as he slowly opens his eyes and he flashes a large toothy smile to his son. The messy fur only makes the cub cuter to the fur. The thoughts of how his fur got so messy making him grin lustily and reach down to pet the cub between the ears, getting a nuzzling against his paw in return for the affection, the cub smearing the musk onto the adult's paw. "That was fun daddy!" He smiles and licks his lips, realizing his face is a hot sticky mess, his tongue licking out to clean what fur was in reach. Small hidden drops of musk in his face fur make his tongue stretch itself to reach every last drop of the delicious liquid scent.

He sits still and watches his daddy pant and recover, knowing he made his daddy feel good makes him feel great and he can't help but smile. "So... More daddy?" His face lights up eagerly as he asks his dad for permission to continue, his original Exploration not forgotten. He can hear as his dad's breathing quicken slightly as he leans forward again. His own breath speeding up slightly as he skips the inspection with his paws and plants one long lick from the bottom of the, now clean, sac to the base of the sheath, his tongue tasting the remaining hints of that delicious smell, but also tasting something else. He licked again and again, that delicious musk and something else... something... salty? He thought about this for a moment and decids it doesm't taste bad, as a matter of fact the more he tastes it, the better it seems to taste. His tongue begins licking its way up the length of sheath, the taste getting stronger as he gets closer to the top, his nose smelling the different scent now. He looks up at his dad who is looking down at him with a murring smile and gives him a nod of encouragement.

He knows from his own bits that the fur on the outside was like a pocket and inside was his thingy. He looks at the top and sees the opening and slowly slips his tongue inside the taste must stronger there. His tongue reaches in to taste more of the interesting substance. As he licks deeper and deeper his tongue manages to run across a pointy soft object. Curiousity getting the better of him he couldn't help but to keep licking it, trying to feel out what it is with his tongue. The object seems to move towards his tongue with each lick and also it seems to getting harder, he could almost see what it it and he licks at it excitedly.

With a sudden shock he realizes what he's been licking at, just in time for it to push out the tip and almost four inches of the shaft slip out into the air, the rest of the sheath swelling with promise of more to come. He reaches out with a paw, marvelling at how big it is. His paw can't grab around it. He has to use both paws to get a grip around the monster. He looks up at his dad again, with both shock and pride. This is his dad's and it's huge and he came from it.

His dad also has a streak of pride as he sees the cubs eyes light up with awe and respect for his manhood. Those small paws gently squeeze and hold his shaft sending little ripples of pleasure up and down his back. He can feel the rest of his length begging to be let out, but he doesn't want to rush the little one. He had already suprised older fur with his enthusiasm. When he felt that tongue lapping at his sack he knew the boy was going to be a natural. The way that tongue made him feel wasn't going to soon be forgotten. He watches as the boy slowly runs his paws up and down the shaft and sheath, the swollen bulb of flesh hidden beneath that thin layer of fur bulges his sheath out towards the base. Those curious little paws slowly run over it only to slide back up to the exposed tip. "You okay pup?" he asks, the pups stunned silence worrying him a bit.

"It's so big daddy! And there's still more, right?" he gently pulls the sheath down a bit, exposing more of the throbbing shaft. His nose twitches in excitment. "Can I pull it all out?" His eyes unneccarily getting bigger and pleading. He isn't aware that it was his dad that wants to beg and plead. He waits till his dad nods slowly and he immediatly begins to pull that furry sleeve down with ease, wondering as more and more shaft becomes visible.

Suddnely, the sheath seems to tighten up and it almost seemed like the shaft is too big for it's home. He looks at it and realizs that it suddenly gets bigger at the bottom, like his did, only much bigger. He looks up at his dad, whimpering lightly and pulling softly on the sheath. He was having some trouble. His dad grins and takes the small cub's paws in his hands and wraps them around the sheath covered ball of meat. "Push down real hard," his dad instructs,"You'll have to push the fur down and around the bottom part. Do you think you can do it?" The little cub nods eagerly. Feeling he's been given a job to do, and he would do it.

At first it seems he can't get a grip and his paws just slide down the sheath and knot. "You have to grip it real hard and push it down, like when you put on a sweater." He listens to his dad's words and with a sense of determination he tightens his grip on the obstruction. The moans and pants of his dad go unnoticed yet again. He takes a deep breath then pushes, but the furry sleeve won't move. He leans forward and uses his body weight to add some force and slowly it begins to part and slide down the large orb. He's got about half way down. He hears a gasp and he stops and lets it slide back up thinking he's hurt his dad, whimpers come quietly from him as he apologizes. "I'm sorry daddy! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

His dad laughs. The laughter filling the room and the cub's whimpers stop to be replaced with a look of confusion. "You didn't hurt me pup. I just gasped cause your paws felt good," he rubs the cubs shoulder reassuringly. Taking the cubs paws in his hand he puts them back on his knot. "Try agian, and this time don't stop. I promise you're not hurting me." He smiles and layes back down, laying quietly and waiting for his cub to decide what to do. He murrs as he feels those paws squeezing again, their tightness makes him pant. He feels the pressure return as the boy leans forward and pushes down, the sheath sliding down, a small sigh escaping his lips as those paws squeeze past the half way mark, his sheath easily sliding to stick behind his knot as he smiles at his boy. His cock pulsing and throbbing from the extra tightness on his sensative knot. He grins as he can feel those eyes sliding up and down his 12 inches of meat and that wasn't including the four inch long six inch wide knot. "If you rub your paws up and down it, it feels good, and don't be afraid to give the round part a few squeezes."

He'd been staring at the large organ wondering if he's ever get that big, and how was he supposed to get this thing into his mouth? His dad's suggestion snaps him out of his stunned trance. Slowly he starts stroking up and down the shaft, having to stand on his knees to be able to reach all of it. His paws grab the knot and squeeze gently at first. "Daddy said it feels good when I squeeze...", he think to himself. Without any warning to him the gentle pressure sliding up and down his cock slips lower to his knot and becomes an intense squeezing around his sensative knot. He begin humping the air hard, those paws only cling tighter the harder he thrusts, his moans and yips fill the room as the waves of pure pleasure slam his body. His hips jerk hard, yanking the knot out of that Soft sweet vice and he lays panting. His mind is still reeling from the unexpected stimulation as he hears a giggle.

"Your hips jump to daddy! Like mine, only alot faster!", he hears his son say this and has to chuckle himself. The boy knew what he was doing when he'd done what he did. He was still panting as he feels those paws return their attention to his shaft, this time with more speed and pressure, The young boys tongue sticks out with the effort he wis putting into stroking all of that man meat.

Suddenly, the paws stops towards the tip and he feel a distinct tugging that told him his cock was being pulled down. He slowly opens his eyes and they are riveted to his boys eyes that are begging his daddy to give him some sign of approval and permission. He nods once, panting softly as their eye contact remained unbroken. The young cub points the tip of that big stick towards his mouth and slowly lowers his head onto it. Letting the taste seep into his tongue. He softly suckles on the tip, his tongue flicking at that tip, his eyes letting his daddy know that he is liking having that cock in his mouth. Slowly, cautiously, he bobs down once, his eyes staying connected with his dad's as he tries going down more. On the third time down something different happens. He suddenly gets a burst of a salty taste in his mouth and he can't help but close his eyes and murr at the taste as he sucks harder, hoping to get more of that delicious taste. He slides down again, and again another burst of pre fills his maw, his dad watching him intensly.

The sight of his little boy milking his cock for pre was almost enough to drive him over the edge, He feels the boy slowly sliding lower and lower, his lips stretching over the girthy shaft, his teeth occasionally sliding over it, but not enough to hurt, just tease. Suddenly the boy gags and pulks up, coughing slightly embarresed, but mostly shocked as he could see the shinly layer of saliva; he's managed to take the first three inches. He is excited to try again, his paws pulling the cock back into his maw, his tongue sucking the shaft back into that tight warm mouth. This time when he reaches his limit he fights the instinct to gag and instead tries to let the tip sit in the back of his throat till he can swallow right, then he slides forward again till he has to stop. He works his way down and up the shaft, slowly taking more and more. The moans from his dad only encourage him to take more and more.

He couldn't breathe! Something was wrong. He starts to panic and he looks to his dad who realizes what's happening. "Take a deep breath through your nose." The calm in his dad's voice is enough to help him relax and he does as he's told. He swallows a few times and takes a deep breath, his lungs filling up again as he slowly slides off the cock. "You have to remember to relax if you're going to try to take a lot of it, okay?" He rubs a drop of pre from the corner of the cubs mouth and chuckles, "You're getting pretty good." He nods towards his cock, the top five inches coated with a thick layer of spit, a few beads drip down and slip into his crotch. "Do you want to try again?" He askes hopefully. The little boy nods and smiles as he easily slips the first three inches into his mouth, his eyes closing in concentration as he tries to re-gain the extra two inches.

He concentrates on swallowing and letting his throat adjust to the girth. He has to stop every few seconds and take a deep breath through his nose to remind himself he can still breathe with the cock in his throat. He can hear his dad's moans and pants and can feel his cock throbbing in time with his pulse, the steady rythm racing every few seconds as he bobs lower on the length. He doesn't realize he is murring until he feels his dad's paws skritching behind his ears. He fights the urge to lift his head and nuzzle the paw.

"You're doing great, you're making me feel really good and look how much you've got down!" He smiles as he sees the look on his cubs face. His eyes looking down and widening as he realizes he'd made it half way down the shaft and he was breathing fine, his tounge lapping up the underside of his dad's cock. He can't help but take a mental photograph of the moment, his son, kneeling with half his cock buried in his gullet, his tongue eagerly lapping away, his eyes shining with accomplishment. "Do you think you can take more?" He askes suddenly, the cub getting caught off gaurd by the question. "I can help you, and it'll feel really good for me, but it'll be really hard to get used to... and it might hurt at first, but once you get used to it, it'll be a piece of cake." He grins and tries to impress how serious he is. "But only if you're a hundered percent sure you'll be able to handle it."

He listenes to his dad talking and realizes that this was serious grown up stuff, but if it'll make his daddy feel good then it might be worth it. He suckles on his naugty pacifier, thinking hard before he nods quickly, bobbing lower on the cock. His dad looks at him and asks again, "Are you really really sure?" The serious look on his dad's face almost changes his mind, but he gives him a cock filled smile and another quick nod. He swallows around the already deeply buried shaft and tries to relax. He murrs as he feels his dad's paws gently rubbing his ears, working from the tip down till both paws are resting on the back of his head. He feels his dad gently push down, helping the pup slip down, giving gentle rubs when he starts to gag.

He moans as he feels the cub's throat slide down more, his paws pull the cub down, slowly feeding his cock into his boy's mouth. Suddenly the cub stops and tenses up, his eyes look up at his dad with a whimper. "It's okay pup. This is the part I told you about." He rubs the cubs head softly, helping the cub relax. "Try and relax, I'm gonna push deeper into you. Okay? It'll hurt a little, but once it pushes past you'll get used to it." He keeps rubbing his son's head as he pushes down firmly, his cock mashing against the cub's tensed throat muscles, his throat trying to keep out the fleshy invader. The cub's deep breaths quickly turned into muffled whimpers as he feels his throat fighting with his dad's cock. His dad's teeth clenching as he continues trying to push in, his cock tip mashed hard against those muscles. A snarl forms in his throat as he suddenly jerks the startled cubs head down, his hips thrusting upwards, the cub lets out a yelp, his dad's cock tip slaming past the clenched muscles. He whines as he feels his throat spasming around the thick intuder. "Keep breathing, just in little breaths. Not deep breaths, just little slow breaths." His dad's voice guides him through the momentary panic as he slows his breathing. He can feel his breath squeeze around the pulsing dog cock. His dad's calming words and loving rubs help him relax, the burning strain on the muscles inside dull down to an uncomfortably full feeling. With a small sigh his muscles finally go slack, an inch of the shaft slides in with the tip, the cub's breathing settles into a steady rythm as he feels his dad's paws start pushing agian, this time a little more urgently. He begins to whimper at first, the fear of that burning sensation makes him whine quietly until he realizes the shaft was already in. Now, it slides in with ease, the cub's throat swallows and tenses around the cock as it slides deeper. His eyes watch as his dad pulls him down that shaft, lower and lower. He can feel it going deeper inside him than he ever knew he could feel. His dad's tensed hips were getting closer, the thick bulbous knot looming near, his dad's paws stop pushing as his fully erect knot kisses his son's lips, his hips spasm before finally relaxing with a whine from his dad.

He can feel his cock buried deep inside his son, the smooth stong muscles knead and milk his cock with each swallow from the cub. As he pulls his son down deeper, his canine instincts kick in and his hips begin to thrust, trying to knot that tight wet vice wrapped around his manhood. His mind races with the pleasure that would course through him as he would knot that cub's maw, but the thought of scaring his little cub makes him fight the urges. His hips tense and jerk as he holds his hips still, his knot pushes gently against those silky lips, his paws betray him and he grips the bed sheets and holds on to them, even as his hips push the knot agianst the already stretched cub maw. His hips go limp as he finally gains control of them, his knot pulls back from that tempting maw.

His paws finally unclasp from the bed. He moves slowly and uses a gentle touch as he carreses his son's bulging cheek. The other paw, lightly rubs between his ears. Satisfied that he has control of himself again he scritches behind those perked ears, muffled murring fills the room as the young cub murrs, the vibration work around his dad's shaft, the older fur murrs loudly in time with his son. He pants as his cock is teased and toyed with with swallows and murrs. "You're such a good boy, taking all of daddy's cock like a big boy," he chuckled as he hears his pup try to yip and nod, only getting out a "Mph!" and a head bob. "Daddy feels really good and you're doing a great job. Maybe you want to try sucking and pulling on it with your maw?" He smiles at the thought, hastily adding, "And don't forget to be careful with your teeth please."

He watches as his son lines up his entire body with the cock in his maw and begins to rock back an forth slowly, his paws and tongue rubbing what he can't get to in his position. "It does bend you know," He chuckles at the look of confusion that flashes across the cubs face to be replaced with the understanding that although his dad's cock is firm and big, it's also flexible. He pushes himself back down till he's facing the knot once again. He lickes at it, remembering what happened when he had squeezed it.

He can feel that silk maw nearing his sensative knot again and he tenses up, his eyes clench as he concentrates on not losing to his instincs so easily. His paws lay on his thighs beside his son's head, slowly he kneads his own thighs with sexual tension. He wants to use that knot soo bad, to just abandon all reason and just give in to the rut. To plow the wet hole before him with all he has until his knot is buried deep and swollen stuck. But it's his cub. He loves him too much. That's the last thought that passes through his mind as the world drops out from under him.

"N-no!", he yelps as he feels those small paws suddenly wrap around his knot and squeeze hard, forcing his dad's hips to jerk wildly, his shaft slurps in and out with wet shlucks as his son's paws keep their velvet grip, the more he bucks and yips the tighter those paws seemed to become. He whines loudly with worry for his son, but those paws are squeezing rolling waves of forced pleasure out of him, his legs join in with his hips, his thrusts becoming stronger and more direct, that knot jerks and throbs in his paws. He only grips it tighter, his entire upper body being lifted with the force of his dad's thrusts. The whining moans and whimpering yipping assure him his dad is loving it. He can feel the cock throb and pulse in time with those thrusts, the salty taste fills his throat and slids down to warm his tummy. He swallows and sucks around the tensing cock wanting to literally throw his dad over the edge. He doesn't feel his dad's paws till it's too late. His dad's paws yank his head down, his hips thust hard towards the cubs maw, a popping noise followed by a small meaty slap and quiet whimpers. His dad's knot is now inside his mouth, his cheeks bludge enormously as his nose is buried in his dad's crotch. His dad's balls rest on the stunned cub's chin. The meaty slaps and whimpers following got louder as his dad's paws, keep him flush and pinned down with the knot in his maw, but now those hips that had been thrusting were now grinding agiainst his maw, The knot twisting and turning inside his maw. He suddently feels the hips change direction and with a loud pop that bulb of flesh pulls out of his mouth, his gasp filling the room as the knot is slammed back in again. He yips and realizes that this was what he'd actually wanted to happen, he moans as his dad's hips yank the knot out again and readied themselves to thrust. He clenches his lips shut and grins as his dad's hips force that ball of meat into his maw anyways. This time however, he closes his maw quickly and trapped the knot there and he squeezes his cub maw down around the knot, making sure not to hurt his daddy, but his maw grip slams his dad's body with pleasure as that mouth squeezes a million times harder than his paws could ever have.

He arches up into his son's maw and howls as his balls scrunch tight to his cock base, his cock swells and tenses up inside his son's throat, his paws hold his head down and tight as he grinds his way through his orgasm, his load shooting through his cock. He blushes as he felt his tummy suddenly get warm and a little more full then he remembers. He can feel each load of cum blast inside him, his maw slowly lets his dad's swollen knot go. He opens his maw to pull back and gasps as he hadn't realized the knot had swelled with the orgasm and was now locked behind his teeth. He tries to yank his head back, the knot refusing to bulge, each jerk sends another jet of cream shooting from his cock and a pain in his teeth. He sighs and grins as he looks at his dad, laying spread eagle, a smile on his face, his cock knotted inside his mouth and cumming slowly but steadily. He was panting and his hips still tensed softly from the sudden shock of the forced orgasm ravaging his body as he'd tryed to fight it.

He opens his eyes slowly and looks down and grins as he sees his son's knotted maw. "That's what you get. I'm holding myself back so I don't hurt you and you go and make me lose control anyways. Just be glad it's just your maw and not your gullet or you'd be in trouble." He pants and murrs as he felt how tight the knotting was made. With a little more hip thrusting he would've pushed the knot into the boys throat and it would've swollen and choked the over eager cub.

He grunts as he feels his knot slide out of that tight little mouth. "C'mon, you can stop sucking on the rest of it, I get that you like sucking on it, but now it's super sensative and you-" He yips as the cub slides off the rest of his cock with one fluid motion, those smooth tight muscles gripping at his shaft, the tightness makes his entire body tense as his cock slides out with one last lick and a kiss on the, now bright red, tip from his cub. He sighs and pants as he pulls the cub close to cuddle into his side.

Suddenly the adult husky rolls over and pins his cub down, his arms not even phased by the cubs feeble attempt to squirm out of the adult's grasp. He grunts as he doubled his efforts, a small growl escaping out of his throat as he pants and goes limp, admitting defeat with a whimper. He looks up to his dad with pleading eyes, begging not to be eaten by the older fur, he knows he isn't in any actual danger, but he might be in trouble for almost hurting himself. He knew that his dad would start thrusting and humping without contol, but he did it anyways, because he knew it would tip his dad into exctasy. Which it had.

"Now, seeing as you were being a naughty cub, I think a spanking is in order." He grins as he looks down at the blushing cub. He'd noticed his son's little tents a long time ago, but he'd never said anything till now. Lifting himself off the cub, he scoops up the pup and bends him over his knee. His son's cock already starts to swell as he rubs the boy's ass, murring as he feels it all over, the boy lifting his tail without intending to, unintentionally making it easier for his hand to fly down and swat against the boys ass. The suddeness of it making him yip and bounce on his dad's knee. His cubby cock fully erect and bobbing against his dad's thigh. As his dad lifted his hand again the boy drops his tail, knowing his dad would never hit his tail. "Lift your tail young man. You know you want to." He grins as his pup blushs even more, his tail rising and curling against his back. The slap shakes the bed, the cubby yipping out in "pain" as his small erection teases his dad's knee. His ass turning a perfectly rosy red, a light handprint visible. "You know, I don't think this counts, cause you're enjoying it. I might have to do something new." , He pretends to think, he's already made up his mind as to what he has in store for the little cub.

Without another word he tosses his son onto the bed, the small cub letting out a small squeak as he falls, giggling as he feels the bed catch him. He crawls on the bed and spreads the younger one's legs, grinning as the cubby cock is barely receding back into his sheath. "Well we can't have that can we." He thought to himself as he leans over the boys exposed crotch, his tongue slipping out to plant a long lick from the boys taint to his sheath opening, a yip of pleasure coming from the small cub. "That's right, just another day of daddy sucking cubby" He grins to himself, the thought of doing what he was about to makes him almost feel guilty. He leans down and starts tongue bathing the little boy's sack and sheath. The adult's broad tongue able to wrap around the young cubby's bits. The pup's eyes cross as that tongue reachs inside his sheath, licking and rubbing and sucking the juvinile cock out into the open. The small shaft pushes out, quickly swelling, and pulsing, big paws reach down to pull the knot out of the sheath before it swells too much. The little cub's knot always seems so eager to balloon out that it was usually fully swollen before the rest of his shaft. He leans down, his tongue lapping along the exposed shaft, murring as he licks the member all over, listinging to his cub's gasps and pants, each lick is followed by a soft moan.

"P-please daddy?", he hears his cub plead quietly for the teasing to end, knowing he has the cub exactly where he wants him. He ignores the begging eyes and keeps licking, slowly working his way to tip, making it look like he will finally suck that cocklette only to start licking his way back down, his cub's pleads get louder, "Daddy, please? Please, daddy. Please put it in your mouth daddy. Like I put yours in my mouth. Please?" The older fur looks up as he can hear a small whimper different from the others, the cubs eyes are watery now and he can see the pent up tention in his cub's body, the boys entire body tenses in time with the pulses of his throbbing cubhood. Looking down at his meat lollipop he's been enjoying, he realizes that he's wored the boy up to the max, his little cock bright red as it tries to fill with more blood, the knot a dark purple. He watchs as the viens that cover the appendage pulse and throb rapidly, the little boy's whimpers coming louder now as a small tear slides down his cheek.

A loud shluck is heard as his dad's mouth, not only wraps around his cock but, engulfs the needy cub's fuck stick. The cub can't help buy yip loudly, his eye's opening widely as he smiles, the tears in his eyes dissapearing as he watches his dad take his entire cock. He pants as his dad begins to bob, slowly at first, not wanting to irritate the over inflated cock tip that was sure to be sensative, his suspisions confirmed when the tip hit the back of his throat and the cub sat up and wrapped his arms around his dad's head, his legs kicking up onto his dad's shoulders as he yips and begins to thrust, face fucking his dad roughly.

He swallowed around the cock that was now breeding his mouth, smiling to himself as he watched his cubs hips jerk and push, sliding the meat deeper into his maw, his throat swallowing around the tip while his tongue sneaked licks at that teasing knot. He could feel the paws on the back of his head gripping tightly as moans filled the room, no whimpering this time, just pure pleasure coming out of the cubs open maw as he started humping faster, but deeper still.

"Time for your punishment little one.", he thought to himself, as he slipped two fingers into his maw, along side the young, eagerly thrusting cock. The cub too deep in pleasure to notice anything more than a temporary change in tightness. The adult grins as he pulls them out, his fingers coated in a mixture of saliva and cubby precum as they silently slip underneath both cub and father. The older fur prepares himself, knowing it was going to be rough on both of them, but he owed the little fucker one for forcing him into the earlier rut. Remembering that, he lined up the fingers with his cubs exposed and virgin tail hole and plowed them both deep in.

A yip and a loud whine filled the room as the cub's tight tail hole was forced open by those slick digits. The young fur's tail wrapping around his dad's wrist as he countinued to hump his dad's maw, the pain in his ass driving him to thrust harder, trying to outdo pain with pleasure. The fingers seemed, for a moment, to be sliding out, the cub's body relaxing and letting them slide out without any restance only to bark as they plunged back in, those young anus muscles too slow, only able to clench once they're fully hilted inside him. The cub couldn't help but keep breeding his father's mouth, hoping that somehow the pain in his bum would ease. That hope fading as his father began to pull and push those fingers in and out, the resitance of that ring of muscle futile as they powered through everytime. He gripped his fathers head harder, his hips moved faster, and the cub's whines filled the room as his body was being fought over by pain and pleasure. His father gave no mercy as he used those finger to violate his son's tailhole, stretching and plowing the cub's insides like he wasn't a virgin. He gagged for a moment as his son pushes his cock deeper, the length now thrustin in and out of his throat, those hips trying to bury the boy's bone deep.

A few minutes of this treatment and the cub's body couldn't take it and his hips were now slamming into his dad's maw, the cub using his knot to fuck his dad's mouth, the constant popping as it slipped in and out. His face clenched in intense concentration as he tried to breed the hole before him, his instincts driving his crazy as he finally throws himself into the rut, loud yips coming from him as he thrusts wildly his cock fully fucking his dad's face.

The older fur began to gag as his throat was fucked roughly by his younger cub, he'd been waiting for this, but he hadn't expected the cub to be so rough, the cub's thrusts slamming his pelvis against his dad's face and grinding his dick deep inside that warm, wet throat, his dad gagging accasionally. He swallowed hard around the rough meat gag and changed the angle of his fingers, he'd been intentionally stretching the boy, wanting the cub to experience the full rutt. The feeling of pure instinct driving you to breed your bitch till she was filled with your cock and nothing else.

As the finger's angle changed so did the feelings that were coming from down below. The cub's hips suddenly changed directions, no longer just pushing to plow his dad's face, now they were pushing down onto those fingers, his yips turning into short gasps of pleasure as he slammed his young prostate down on those fingers. His hips now slammed into his dad's mouth, pulling back hard onto those electric fingers, the double pleasure causing the cub to hump faster, his hips swinging wildly as he used his entire body to slam his hips back and forth.

He could see the young cub was fully exherting himself in the rutt and decided to help him along. As the cub's hips plowed forward he pushed his fingers forward and into the the now tender cub prostate. The boy's face clenched as he ground against his dad's face, pulling him down on that cock hard and deep dicking his dad's throat, the finger's constant pressure finally tipping the rutting cub into orgasm, a howl ripping out of his throat as his cock and know pulsed jets of cum out into his father's throat. The fingers mercilessly pressing on that sweet spot and forcing the boy to shoot harder than he ever had, his hips tensed with the intense orgasm, whining softly as his cock became over sensative. The fingers forcing his to keep squirting as he slowly pulled out of his dad's mouth that tongue lapping out to give the tip a goodbye lick, the cub's eyes crossing and a shudder rippling through him as he feels those two fingers slide out of his slightly gaping hole, after winking a few time the cub manages to tighten his tail hole shut, panting and laying back on the bed, his cock quickly retreating into his sheath, probably hiding from that naugty daddy.

He felt his daddy snuggle up to his side and a few minutes later the cub dared to open his eyes, catching his father sucking the taste of his cub's tailhole off his fingers. He murred quietly, letting his dad know he was back from that wonderful land of sexual bliss. He felt his daddy's paw on his tummy rubbing in slow circles, the cub's murring increasing. He snuggled into his daddy's chest, knowing that tonight had been special for both of them. Those arms wrapped around the naked cub and held him close as they both blissfully slipped into deep sleep. The small cub fighting it only for a moment, "I love you daddy."