Poke Paradise: Rianna

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#6 of Poke Paradise

Hey, all! This is another RP from my Poke Paradise adult RP! This chapter is thanks to Sofurry user Rexamillion! His character has a bit of fun with a big strong guy. Happy fapping!

F Blaziken x M Machamp

Around the same time when Kaito first made his appearance in Poke Paradise, a busty Blaziken followed the Ursaring into the brothel nervously. She heard some rumors about the place and was highly interested in trying out the services, queuing up in line. She was very nervous not used to going to such places before, it was a whole new experience for her.

Rose: Oh! Another customer! And a very shapely one at that. Welcome to Poke Paradise! Have any species that you have in mind? Rianna: Umm oh my well um, I don't know this is my first time here...I suppose...a fighting type would be interesting though. *blushes brightly* Rose: Well, Ms. Blaziken, we have a very popular Machamp here, if he piques your interest. Rianna: *nods* Oh wow...umm yes I...I do believe I'll go with him. Ummm I'm Rianna by the way. Rose: A pleasure to meet you. My name's Rose. Ms. Rianna, your partner's name is Miles. We also have an extensive selection of drinks. Would you like us to send you any drinks to the rooms? Rianna: Hmmm well then...I guess just surprise me hehe, I would love to meet Miles now. Rose: Alright, Ms. Rianna. Head down the left hallway, and he's in room 25. Please enjoy your stay. Rianna: Thank you Mr. Ross I'll try to hehe.

She grins with a bright blush as she heads into the hallway, approaching the room of one of the most muscular of pokémon known. Taking a deep breath she knocks upon the door and lets herself in.

Miles: Ah, a customer. And a very beautiful one at that. The name's Miles, milady.

Max takes her hand in one of his muscular palms and kisses is gently. Rianna blushed heavily as she looked into the tall muscular Machamp's eyes as he takes her hand and kisses it.

Rianna: Ohh wow hehe I didn't imagine you would be so polite too hehe. Surely everything I expected and more so far Mr. Miles. I am Rianna. A pleasure to meet you. Miles: Thank you, Ms. Rianna. Ah, our drinks are here.

A Flygon female in a French maid outfit walked in with two glasses of white wine. She placed the platter with the drinks on the table and bowed, letting herself out. Rianna smiles and takes one of the glasses and lounges back along a loveseat taking a sip

Rianna: Mmmm lovely. So, the Lopunny up front tells me your highly popular Miles, I can see why hehe....you certainly look like you've won a championship or two hehe. Miles: Yeah. I used to be a wrestler. I was a champ while I was still a Machoke. But once I evolved, I got booted from the ring. They said that it would be an unfair advantage for someone with four arms to take on someone with two. Perfectly understandable, but I needed a new job. I heard about this place, and got a job here from Rose. Of course, I knew that this place was a brothel. I secretly have a really high sex drive, and somehow was able to hide it my entire career. Rianna: Hehe, ohh really is that so...does that mean you went through ladies like candy during your career? I imagine a big guy like yourself had so many women throwing themselves at you and your.....muscle hehe.

She grins slightly rising up and stepping towards him to sit in his lap crossing her long legs.

Miles: *chuckle* Actually, not as many as you'd think. I was so popular that I'd never get time to myself. I got a few lays before my fights. I had a personal "relaxation specialist" at my request. She was a Lopunny, and she'd relieve me before my fights so nothing would happen. We got intimate a couple of times, but we were still just partners in work. Rianna: Aww. Hehe almost had yourself a serious girlfriend there huh; shame things couldn't go better between you guys. Then again, I guess if you had I'd never have you all to myself this night. Care to help me with this dress?

She giggles slightly taking a sip of her wine and leans forward. She motions to the zipper on her back.

Miles: Not at all, honey.

Miles moves one of his hands and starts running the zipper down the Blaziken's soft feathery back. He uses another to cup her head and pulls her into a kiss. He slips the dress off her and uses his remaining two hands to massage her breasts, his first hand now rubbing her shapely ass. The Blaziken groans out softly into the deep kiss with the physically powerful pokémon. She feels his powerful hands groping upon her bare chest, leaving her in her heels and black panties as she rests her hands at his sides rubbing along them slightly as she slides her tongue into his lips kissing deeper as she grinds her rear into his other hand. Miles moans into the kiss, his hand that was on her ass now rubbing her powerfully muscular leg. He breaks the kiss and moves one of his breast hands between her legs, and starts rubbing her feathery snatch. His mouth moves onto the empty breast, taking her nipple in and suckling on it. Rianna gasps out deeply feeling the hand move between her legs, parting them wide, feeling the fingers rubbing through her panties strongly as she leans her head back, feeling his strong lip around her nipple and licking around them.

Rianna: Ohhhhh Miles! Mmmm you're definitely going to get a revisit from me at this rate oohhh!

Miles moans around Rianna's breast, pleasuring his dirty birdy. His cock starts getting hard, but he's got two, one over the other. The Blaziken moans deeper as the fingers kept rubbing over her slit, before feeling some large bulges pressing against her lower back, widening her eyes

Rianna: Ohhh my..is that what I think I feel...and ...am I counting right...Oh my...this....will be interesting in..ooohhh deed..ohhmmmm.

Miles released himself from Rianna's breast, still attacking the rest of her body with his hands.

Miles: That's about the usual reaction. Gained the second one when I evolved. Don't know how, don't really care. All I know is that I can please a girl even better now.

Miles lays Rianna down on the bed, and faces her dripping cunt. He dives right in, his large tongue running along every hill and valley. Her eyes widened as she winds up upon the bed with her legs draped over his powerful shoulders, moaning out deeply as she felt his strong tongue dive into her pussy, leaning her head back in her moans of pleasure.

Rianna: OHhhhhhh Miles mmmm...ohhh that feels soooo good mmmm! Miles: For being so shy before, you really turned into a screamer. Not that I mind at all.

Miles puts a couple of fingers into Rianna's pussy, fingering her for a little bit. He pulls them out, then rubs them around her tailhole before slipping them in. He goes back to licking her, now diving his tongue into her. Rianna cried out sharply feeling the lubricated via juices fingers pry into her tight rear hole making her shudder slightly at the awkward feeling not used to taking it there much, but relaxes and tries to take it, moaning ever more as the tongue returns to her pussy, chest heaving heavily in pleasure

Rianna: Ohhh fuck mmmmm! Miles: Cum on, baby, cum for Miles.

Feeling the heavy fingering of her tight anus, and the tongue lapping hard in her tight wet pussy, made her tremble and moan upon the bed sheets whimpering in pleasure.

Rianna: Ohhhh OHhh yes..keep going ohhh soo close ..soo..almost..ahhh.. gonna... gonna.. ohhh . OHh.. OHH!

Miles quickly clamps his mouth around Rianna's pussy lips, drinking her juices. They tasted a bit spicy, a trait he learned all fire types had. She screamed out loudly as her body arched a bit pressing her pussy firmly to his lips as she cried out in her intense pleasure dripping her juices into his wanting maw as her hands grasp upon the bed sheets tightly.

Rianna: AHhhhhhhh! Ahhh! Ahhh Yess yesss YEEEEeesSSSSSSSSSS!!!

Miles kept drinking until Rianna stopped squirting. He pulled off, but not before licking the last of the cum from her dampened crotch feathers.

Miles: Wow, I've never had a female before that came that much. It must have been a while since your last time, hasn't it?

She couldn't stop herself from blushing heavily from the question, nodding slightly.

Rianna: Ohhhh you have NO idea, how hard it is to find a good man like yourself Miles hehe. Miles: Aw, back to your shy self? *chuckle*

Miles leaned back on one of his arms, fully showing off his two 11-inchers.

Miles: I know you're dying for a taste of these.

Rianna blushed heavily and licks her lips a bit and crawls on over next to him.

Rianna: Hmmm well..I might as well while I'm here hehe.

She grins and winks to the Machamp before leaning down, wrapping her lips around the top most cock while her hand strokes the other up and down, in pace with her lips moving back and forth sucking deeply on the hard cock.

Miles: *moans* You're pretty damn good, Rianna.

Miles reaches behind Rianna and starts rubbing her tight buns, rubbing her head with another hand. She moans softly feeling the hand rubbing her rear as she suckles firmly upon the member sliding up and down upon it. As she continues to stroke that other member with her hand her tongue rubbing heavily on the underside of the hard shaft, her eyes looking up to the powerful fighter, knowing her body was a twig to his power. Miles moans again, feeling the expert Blaziken work his cock over.

Miles: I'm sure my other cock wants some attention from that hot mouth of yours, Rianna.

She murrs slightly grinning wide as she slides off the hard cock, leaving her warm trail of saliva coating it before diving down upon the other, taking it a quarter of the way in her mouth sucking firmly upon it.

Miles: That's it, honey, you're incredible.

She murrs softly around the member, bobbing her head up and down coating those first few inches in her saliva, slurping upon it as she strokes the other now in her hand firmly, feeling just how rock hard his muscled member was.

Miles: *grunt* Get ready, Rianna! I'm gonna cum!

Rianna bobbed up and down faster on the member jerking her hand faster along the other as she tries to bring the powerful fighter over his edge moaning at bringing such a bruiser to such pleasure.

Miles: Here I cum!

Miles grunts loudly as he fires off his first volley of shots, cum spraying out of both cocks. The one in Rianna's mouth quickly fills up, and keeps coming, while the second one rains musky cum onto the horny Blaziken. She grunts roughly around the cock, struggling to swallow some before she had to come up, releasing just in time to get a face full of Champ seed feeling the warm seed raining down upon her form. Miles finishes cumming, panting hotly.

Rianna: Ahhhhh sooo much! Miles: It's been a while since I came that hard.

She blushed heavily, her feathery body dotted with spurts of seed, she bunches her chest up with her hands seed dripped over them as she massaged it into her

Rianna: Ohhhhh yah heh, I've never received that much for sure hehe. To think it's only the beginning hehe. Miles: Well, now for the main event.

Miles lifts Rianna's ass up, and starts rubbing his cocks between her legs, one sliding between her hot pussy lips, the other running along her tight tailhole. Rianna gasped as she felt those powerful arms take firm hold of her, lifting her up and hovering her over his dual massive tools.

Rianna: Oh my this is going to be intereSTIING OHH!

She gasps out loudly feeling the member slide between her pussy lips, trembling slightly as she felt the other threatening to take her tight rear end any moment as well. She blushes heavily looking up to the massive fighter.

Rianna: OHHhh God, mmfff g..go easy on me hun...I...I don't often get it through that other end much. Miles: Don't worry, I'll go at your pace.

Miles lines up his upper cock, and slides in gently, filling her up. He keeps hotdogging his other cock, slipping over her sensitive tailhole. The Blaziken woman moans out loudly as the long powerful member slid deep inside of her tight pussy, her juices dripping along its length as she grasps her hands firmly to his shoulders as she leans over him panting heavily.

Rianna: Ohhh god..so...big ohhh Not...many males with this ohhhh ability over me. OHhhhh fuck! Miles: How about I take that other hole for a ride?

Miles slowly slips his lower cock into the Blaziken's tailhole, stopping when he hilted to let her adjust to his size. Rianna's eyes widened as she gasps out loudly feeling the massive cock squeeze into her tight rarely used ass, gasping and panting heavily as she forces herself to endure the massive member delving deep inside her, dropping upon the powerful chest as she struggles to handle it.

Rianna: Ahhhhhh God...OHhh fuck I...I've never...felt..so full ahhhh! Miles: Don't worry, Rianna, I won't move until you're ready.

Miles leans down and pulls Rianna into a kiss, caressing her arms and back with his upper arms. She groans softly kissing the powerful four armed fighter back deeply, slowly stretching around the thick long member impaled deep inside of her, taking a deep breath as she slowly gets used to it.

Rianna: Ohhhh god, might...take a moment heh..never...so big....before..ugh. Miles: Take your time. We're in no rush.

Miles tries to help Rianna relax by taking her nipple back into his mouth and suckling on it, while he caresses and tweaks the other with a large hand. Rianna groans out feeling the strong hand and firm sucking upon her breasts. Her own hands gently run over his powerful chest feeling over his buff muscles. Taking a deep breath she would slowly begin to move herself up a bit groaning feeling the members shift inside her.

Miles: You ready, honey?

She takes a deep breath as she nods her head.

Rianna: O..okay..just...take it slow and work up please..still..pretty massive you know heh god fuck never felt so plugged. Miles: *chuckle* I'll go slow.

Miles slowly slid himself out to the tip, before pushing back in, beign sure to not go too fast, despite the intense tightness he was feeling. He kept this up, two of his hands now massaging Rianna's breasts. MIles slowly sped up, his Blaziken partner now panting in pleasure. He soon pounded her, the Blaziken squealing and moaning. He eventually hit his peak, pushing all the way in, filling both of her holes with his seed. Rianna cawed out, cumming and making her pussy spasm around Miles. Both of them eventually came down, Rianna passing out from an intense orgasm.

Miles: Whoops, maybe I went a bit too far.

He checks her vitals, and she's fine, just passed out. He cleans her up, and puts her in his bed, and climbs in with her, cuddling with her.

Miles: I know I have a repeat customer here.