My little War

Story by SmokeyShadow on SoFurry

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I have been working on this for over a year now 5 chapters so far written but they still need to be typed and edited plus I HATE WRITING. Lazer Burn is property of me.

My Little War

"Roger that *Sigh* alright Privet looks like your with me." I say "What about us sir?" the average size but nerdy dragon, who happens to be a sergeant, asks. "You guys take the right flank me and the Privet will take the left if you run into any trouble just radio us" " Roger that sir! Oh and my name is Cron sir." said the sergeant " Good to know sergeant." I grin as Cron gives me a funny look. " ALL RIGHT MOVE OUT!!!" 30 mins later "Hay Privet you never told me your name when we met." " Oh s...sorry sir its Drake." the privet replied shyly. " No need for apologies Drake we are at war so you can't always remember to do every thing right the first time all the time, plus you just got out of basic training so you still need time to get use to real combat to Real warfare, trust me it might take some time but you'll evenly get the hang of it." "Ok sir." says Drake. "Ok hold up here Privet we have orders to hold up near here while the artillery bombards the town, use this old house as a temporary camp but make sure to put that MG-42 you found in the window and board up the others, just incase the enemy comes this way." I tell Drake. " Yes sir right away sir!" 45 mins later. "Alright sir the windows are boarded up and the MG is in the center window like you asked." "Good work Privet you go and rest up I'll take the first watch." I tell Drake. "Think you sir" I walk up the stairs to the third floor where the Privet had set up just about an hour ago not bad for his first time. "Damn this gear is hot." I take off my vest and set it on a near by chair along with my helmet. I pulled up another chair and sat down near the window, as I am sitting there I start to look around some more and notice an oddly placed piece of flooring in the corner of the room, so I get up to go investigate and see why it was like this, as I was walking I notice what seems to be blood but it's to dark of an area so I pull out my flashlight, I turn it on *CLICK* "Yea that's blood alright" I pan my flashlight up to find a shredded, disemboweled rotting corpus of what Iam guessing was a Pony an Equestrian no doubt *Sigh* "Another civilian casualty of this retched war. He's been dead for at least four days judging by the smell. Hmmmm I wonder why the Private didn't tell me about this? No matter I'll ask him when he wakes up." I remember what I was originally doing so I continued walking to the corner of the room. when I reach the corner it becomes obvious that it's a trapdoor most likely containing items of value like rings, gold, bits, food or anything for that matter. "Shit this could also be a booby trap. I need to find something to open it with just incase." So I begin searching for anything to pry open the cover, then I see a rope laying on the floor near the window, as I walk to get the rope I look back at the dead Pony and for some reason I started to smile and even laughed a little "Ha ha ha ha haaa *Sigh That was weird, best get the rope if I want to open that cover." I walk over and pick up the rope and grab a table to hide behind, Just incase it does explode. When I reach the end of the room I put the table in the far back of the room , then I walk over to the trapdoor and tie the end of the rope to the metal handle and walk over to the table with the other end of the rope in my hand. I lay down flat on my stomach. " Here goes nothing." I hesitate for a minute then I yank the rope while pressing my head against the floor then *THUD!!!* the trapdoor lid comes off a few seconds pass, nothing, then I remember that I never turned off my flashlight, so I grab it, stand up and aim it at the trapdoor, then I hear it . "Gasp." something or somepony blurts out then ducks back into the trapdoor. I quickly grab my Desert Eagle and say "Who's there? Come our claws or hoofs in the air." Slowly a pair of claws rise up out of the trapdoor. "Well it's definitely a dragon that's for sure." I say. " Please don't hurt me." says the purple and green dragon. " Turn around and walk to me." I tell him. " Y-yes sir." He says as he turns around and starts walking to me. " What's your name hatchling ?" I ask him trying to be friendly. " Its S-Spike sir."