Take A Chance On Me:Chapter 2

Story by Sour_Wolf on SoFurry

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Take A Chance On Me

Chapter 2: Healing Old Wounds, Making a New Start

Jake stirred in his sleep; he was overwhelmed by what happened with Cliff in his hummer, what he could have done, and then Chance's reaction when he came home. He scared the living daylight out of him, but Jake felt so safe and at home when he was near his burly friend. Jake lost consciousness, but felt like he was being lifted so easily by someone. (Was it Chance?) Jake thought to himself, he would have liked that. Jake opened his eyes a little and could have sworn he saw Chance next to him petting him on the head. He the felt something on his lips when he blinked, warm and soft to the touch yet delicious to the taste.......it was Chance! Jake finally fell asleep after he received his kiss. But even in his dreams he was haunted by Cliff, his hands all over the dark furred tom in ways he didn't like. He didn't mean to lead Cliff on, he thought they would just have some fun reconnecting and chatting with one another after a brutal breakup. But Jake got his hopes up again and it could have cost him a lot, maybe even his life. Jake tossed and turned in his sleep, whimpering and sweating as he tried to make himself comfortable. His eyes shot open and he wanted to yell, but he just sat up quickly and in hailed the air around him. He started to pant and his eyes teared up again. Jake could feel his face was sore from the assault Cliff gave him in the hummer, Jake whimpered and tears flowed down his fur again. His left hand was tugged along with his body into a warm embrace. It was Chance, he hugged his partner tightly. Jake saw the clock on his nightstand behind Chance, it was about to turn 9am.

"Just let it out Jake, it's all right. You're safe now" Chance whispered into Jake's ear. Jake felt so secure now and did as he was told, muffling his cries into Chance's muscle shirt and sobbing at heart. His upper body was hidden underneath Chance's arms, only his head was exposed onto Chance's shoulder where he sought comfort. Chance just sat there and comforted his crush as he let out his emotions onto him. It pained Chance to see Jake so hurt and upset, he never liked nor wanted to see Jake like this. His friend for years and someone he truly cares about was hurt, there was nothing Chance could do but hold him tightly and rub his head. Jake stopped sobbing after a bit and just sniffed for a while. His tears soon stopped along with it, his hands were on Chance's chest and he was trapped in his embrace, he loved the feeling.

"Chance..." Jake said breaking the silence between them. "I...I was so scared Chance. I thought he was actually going to...to" Jake choke as he shook his head and closed his eyes tightly. Chance had an idea of what Jake was talking about when he saw how Jake's shirt was ripped down through the middle. There was some light bruising around his thighs, but more around his neck that were darker and stung Jake's skin to the touch. "I was such a fool to think he changed, I didn't think...I'm so stupid" Jake said. Chance pulled Jake's head out of his shoulder so they were looking directly at one another.

"You're not stupid, you're the smartest person I know Jake. Believe you me, you just wanted to be friends again, but it looks like he wanted more and you didn't want him to have it." Chance said as he took the bed sheet that was covering Jake as he slept and use one end to brush Jake's nose and dry his eyes. "If he ever touched you again Jake, I won't regret what I'll do to him" Chance spat out in one breath. Jake's ears pointed down as he was worried for his friend, Cliff got a lot stronger since he's been away.

"Please don't Chance, it was just..." Jake was cut off by Chances finger which was placed over his lips.

"No, he doesn't deserve your love or your time. You shouldn't give it to him either" Chance said in a stern tone. He was being serious, just like a parent would to their child. Jake closed his mouth and nodded to his friend, Chance let go of Jake so he could be more comfortable on his bed. Jake rubbed his face and winced at the pain that came with it. Chance didn't like the sight of his friend being taken advantage of by someone bigger and stronger than him, sure Jake could have handled himself like he did, but who knows how many outcomes there could have been, and Chance always thought of the bad ones. Jake had remembered what Chance had done before he fainted and turned to look at the golden colored tom and his blue eyes. He was thinking deeply, always having a certain cute look to it when he did. Jake just smiled. Chance caught himself drifting off and saw Jake staring at him, he turned away only to blush a bit when he did.

"Jake...there was something I wanted to tell you before you went out last night, the real reason I got dressed up a bit was because..." Chance looked back at Jake who was listening with all interest. Chance couldn't put it into words clearly and continued to stutter. "I know this may be a bad time, but you know that I...well you make me feel complete, I mean you complete me...but..." Chance was getting annoyed with himself. Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing, was it true that Chance liked him...liked him like him?? Chance finally shook his head and grabbed the smaller tom's body close to him. Their eyes meeting and seconds were precious to Chance. He slowly lowered his head and met with Jake's lips onto his own. Jake was shocked and couldn't think of anything to say or do. Chance pulled the kiss off and looked into Jake's eyes. Jakes licked his bottom lip afterwards and put his hand on Chance's cheek.

"Do you really...?"

"Yes" Chance interrupted. His eyes were getting teary now; Jake smiled and leaned up to meet Chance's lips. They kissed passionately as Chance held Jake close to him. They broke their kiss off to breath a little. "I've loved you for so long; I was just, being stupid not to tell you" Chance said as he hugged Jake tightly, sniffing his essence and ruffling his fur. There was a knock at the door downstairs. They didn't want to leave one another at the moment, but it could have been a customer with their car. Jake's forehead was meeting Chance's forehead.

"We'll have plenty of time for discussion later Chance" Jake said as he kissed his tom again, Chance didn't ague as he let go of Jake and watched him get changed and head downstairs. Chance went into his room and got changed into his jumpsuit; he had spent an hour fixing the door he knocked down last night before heading down to the garage to open up. They had their first customer of the day with a broken beetle; looks like the axle broke in the front end. This could need a new part; Jake went to the office to fill out the paperwork while Chance gave the car a thorough look. Once the owner had left they put the car aside to make room for others to come. It was about noon time now, Saturdays don't bring in much business for some reason, but the mechanics didn't mind that much. Most of their profits went back to repaying Feral and the Enforcers debt, what they had left was what they used to live on. It only gets real bad when business is real slow, then they need cash. Jake spent most of his time in the office, in and out picking up broken down cars, in and out of the garage with Chance all day. Every time they met one another they had a quick kiss or Chance would nuzzle his nose on Jake's head with a deep purr. Jake laughed at the gesture and continued to his workplace in the office. Chance went back to the garage after hearing someone yelling outside. He took off his cap to play with his hair for a second and put it back on before heading out the door. He was wondering who was hollering so loud for their service, when he tuned the corner he saw Cliff's hummer parked a few inches away from him with Cliff next to the drivers door. He was wearing a fancy looking suit, about emerald green Chance guessed, with a red stripped tie and some shiny red dress shoes. His top button of his shirt was undone and his tie hung down some, Cliff also wore some black Oakley Sunglasses. He saw Chance and walked towards him nonchalantly, over towering the yellow tabby at about 2 more inches. Chance was burning on the inside, he was trying so hard not to rush over to the tiger and beat the living hell out of him for what he was going to do to Jake last night. But he had to remember he was at work now, his emotions and hatred for this kat had to wait.

"Hey there Chance, you look like you've seen a ghost" Cliff laughed as he patted Chance on the back. Chance grinned and gave a faint smile.

(I'd like to make you into one) Chance though. "Naw, just had a rough night at the bar Cliff" Chance said as he went over to the hummer with Cliff to see what was wrong with the car. Cliff popped the engine.

"I think it needs some oil inside of it, and the transmission has been acting up, it's getting hard to go past 50 miles per hour on the road. Would you check it over and see what's wrong with it?" Cliff asked knowing Chance would say yes.

"Sure, let bring it into the garage and I'll get started" Chance said, Cliff got inside and drove it into the garage then stopped. Change opened the hood again and started to work his magic. The sooner he was done the sooner cliff would leave.

"I'm just going to take a walk around the junk yard, is that ok?" Cliff asked as he paced in a circle looking bored.

"Sure, be careful not to go inside, Jake caught a cold last night and has been feeling down since this morning" Chance lied, he couldn't think of anything to say but that, he wished he had more time to think of a actual good excuse.

"Poor thing, I should have escorted him home last night and not gotten so wasted" Cliff laughed to himself as he left the garage. Chance was under the hood of the car clenching his fist tight with the wrench in his hand and gritting his teeth at the sound of the tiger's voice. After changing the oil, Chance took a look at the transmission. Jake was inside finishing the sending supply forms for the beetle's new axle; he was humming to himself with a smile on his face. He still couldn't get over that wonderful knowledge that Chance was into him. It was just energetic and lovely; he never thought Chance was that kind of kat, Jake always thought he likes those pretty shekats and all. But man, how wonders never cease to amaze him, even now. Jake finished the forms and headed out to the garage to see Change before he took a shower. He opened the door that lead into the garage and saw the hummer that belonged to Cliff; Jake dropped his papers and froze dead in his track. Chance looked at the door to see Jake scared shitless; he went over to Jake and brought him back inside the house.

"Listen Jake, he's here but he thinks you're sick. He wont come into the house as long as I'm here, go up to your room and get to bed for me, I'll close once I get this guy's car out of here." Chance said as he held onto Jake who looked deeply into Chance's eyes.

"Are you sure Chance? I want you to be with me" Jake said as his eyes narrowed. Chance kissed his forehead and hugged his friend. "Just yell for me if you need anything" Chance said, with that Jake ran upstairs and locked the door behind him. Chance gave a sigh and went back to the car. Chance saw Cliff return from the corner of the garage.

"Enjoy your stroll?" Chance said joking at the tiger.

"How can you guys stand it here, it's so boring." Cliff asked as he used one of his hankies from his pocket to wipe the sweat off his fur.

"We get by I guess, your hummers going to been a new computer system. We can order the part but it'll take about 3 days. Do you mind?" chance asked.

"Of course no, I'm going to be in town for a while so I have plenty of time. Maybe when Jake is well I can take him out again" Cliff said as he took out his cell phone. Chance was biting his lip and trying hard not to attack the beast for talking about his partner and acting like the didn't do anything wrong. Cliff was dialing for a taxi cab; it would be at the garage in 5 minutes. "Man, the taxi service around here is quick." Cliff said as he hung up the phone. "I'll be seeing you kats real soon" Cliff said as he waited outside for his ride. Chance just headed inside and locked the door behind him. They were done with work for the day like chance told Jake, chance took off his hat and lightly strolled up to Jake' room. The door was still a little flimsy, chance knocked on the door. He heard light footsteps coming to the door, it opened with an eye peeking in the crack.

"It's me Jake, not Dark Kat" Chance smiled. Jake opened the door completely to let Chance in, Jake was in his while sweat pants that had extra fabric dragging at his feet and his white short sleeve shirt. This was a gift from Chance for his birthday 3 months ago, his tail swished around happily as he closed the door. "He's not gone for good, but I'll make sure he stays away from you" Chance said as he sat down on Jake's bed, he looked at his partner in awe. "Stunning in white are we?" Chance laughed, he knew it would match Jake's fur tone perfectly.

"Hey, it's about time I wore this. Besides, it's pretty comfortable and soft" Jake said as he sat next to Chance, bouncing a bit as he landed on the mattress. They sat there in silence for a bit before Jake spoke up. "You know...you don't have to protect me all the time Chance, I'm a bit kat too" Jake said.

"I know, but I just don't know what I would do if I let anything happen to you on my watch" Chance sighed, he looked down at his hands, they were a bit dirty from the cars he worked on. "I just, I just want to be there for you Jake" Chance said in a low tone, but Jake heard every word.

"What do you want to be Chance? Just tell me" Jake said as he grabbed Chance's paw with his own. The other paw cupped Chance's cheek and turned it so they were eye-to-eye. "Be honest Chance, like you always have been with me" Jake said looking into his partners eyes.

"I want to be your mate. I want to love you and protect you, to be with you through thick and thin like when we are in the skies fighting evil. I want to be the one to love you, the only one to love you" Chance said, he paused a bit feeling a weird sensation in his stomach after expressing his deepest feeling to his crush, no...his love. Jake smiled and kissed Chance on the lips, it was deeper as Chance grew bold by slipping his tongue into Jake's mouth and loving the warm wetness he felt with his exploring muscle. Jake didn't hesitate to repeat the action; he laid Chance down slowly on his bed and climbed on top of the muscular kat with ease. They continued to make out then, kissing one another and exploring each others mouth. Chance put his paws on both sides of Jake's hips and began to caress his thighs and back. Jake was so smooth and slender in form, it drove Chance wild. Jake unzipped Chance's uniform top and took off his wife beater, he licked and nibbled on Chance's nipple getting it hard, Chance was moaning at the sensation of what his partner was doing. He placed his own paw below Jake's pants and messages the firm and smooth bottom, below his tail was his entrance which he frequently stroked. Jake was moaning and panting, Chance rolled over so he could be on top of his love. He kissed a trail going down Jake's chest and onto his crotch, Chance removed his white pants and under ware to reviled Jake's member at full erection, it seemed to be at a nice average 7 1/2 inches. Jake closed his eyes and moaned as Chance took in the scent and licked his member to the very tip before taking it into his mouth. Jake gasped as Chance was circling the head of his member with his tongue, the hot heat he felt from his partners mouth moved as eloquently as it went down deeper, deeper onto his length. Chance took his hands onto both of Jake's legs and spread them a bit so he could begin licking the inner thighs.

"Ohhhh, Chance...ahhhh" Jake moaned louder as Chance repeated hitting Jake's sweet spot. The burly tabby smiled for a second before returning back to making his partner feel like he was in heaven. Chance stopped for a minute to flip Jake onto his stomach, he had his ass in the air and Chance went to work on his entrance. He moved away Jake's tail and saw is whole, so small and tight from the outside, Chance began to lick the entrance with his tongue, burring it as deep as it would go. Jake squirmed and moaned some more, holding onto the bed sheets as he twitched every time Chance would dig deeper with his tongue. Chance was using his free paw to finish undressing and was now butt naked on Jake's bed. His erect member of 8 1/2 inches was leaking pre come; some had gotten on his boxers when he was removing them. Chance was long as he was thick, his big bulky body also blessed him with what others called, "a monster" as his enforcer friends would say when they would shower with the kat, Jake agreed. He took what little he could get from himself and stroked his penis with his liquid. He spat on his hand and applied that onto his member as well, once he though he was ready to enter his mate as Chance mounted his lover and started to nip at his neck.

"Are you ready?" Chance panted into Jake's ear as he licked his ear lobe. Jake moaned and nodded, he was ready to be Chance's mate. He could feel Chance's member slowly working its way into him, Jake hissed a bit at the pain and held onto the sheets gripping them tightly as Chance continued to enter him. He stopped for a second when he saw a tear on the side of Jake's eye, but he wanted to be inside of him so badly, he was almost in. Jake was so warm and tight, Chance felt like his head was about to explode, the heat surrounding his member was more than what he expected, he wanted more of it. He pushed into his mate further until he was fully buried within his partner. Jake arched his back and gasped as Chance was fully inside of him, he had never felt anything like this and it scared Jake with excitement, but drove him mad with lust. Chance licked at his neck and started to pump into his mate, slowly at first so they would both get comfortable with it, then later Chance went faster and harder. He soon stood on his knees and was fucking his partner as Jake held onto the sheets of his bed tight in his grasp. Chance was slapping into Jake's ass at a medium speed rhythm, pulling out until almost the top of his member and then driving it back inside.

"Oh yeah Jake, your so... tight!" Chance huffed as he continued to fuck Jake, sweating now from the friction they were creating. Chance's muscles were bulging as he thrusted into his lover.

"Oh gods Chance, I need you now!!!!!" Jake moaned as he could feel Chance's hand creep around his own member and started to stroke while he was being pounded by Chance, both toms were sweating bullets and steam was rising off their combined bodies. Through the window the sun was starting to set in a lovely shade of yellow and orange that beamed in the room where the two lovers were, giving them illumination. Jake was on the verge of exploding all over the bed soon, Chance could feel it and he lifted Jake onto his knees along with Chance. Chance then put his hands under the younger tom's legs and lifted him and continued to make love to Jake. Jake had his arms behind his lover's neck and held on while Chance pumped faster and deeper into Jake than he did before. Jake didn't let go of Chance as he sent round after round of semen onto the bed below them, yelling Chance's name in pleasure during the eruption. That was all Chance needed to hear for him to get closer too.

"AH JAKE!!!!!" Chance screamed as he came inside his partner with a thundering roar, his member was fully engulfed by Jake's entrance. He waited until ever last drop was drained before slowly lowering Jake's legs back onto the bed, both breathing hard and fast, after a couple of minutes basking in their afterglow Chance slowly withdrew his member from the entrance. Jake leaned against Chance's body, and Chance leaded his head on Jake's shoulder. Both kats were sweating up a storm and their body temperatures elevated really high. Jake supported his mate's weight as he caught his breath. He could feel some of Chance's sperm leek down onto his leg from his entrance; he did come a lot inside of him. Chance's member was getting limp in between Jake's legs, they both slowly laid down on the mattress together. Curling up side by side, facing one another and tails intertwine in the air. Chance pulled the blanket sheet over the two to cool down. Chance looked at his tired mate with love and thanks, he was so happy now that he has a mate to call his own. A love that was worth dying for, Jake started to drift off into sleep and chance stroked his head. "I love you Jake, I always will" Chance nuzzled Jake's head purring deeply into his fur as he closed his eyes.

"I *yawn* love you too Chance, my mate" Jake said as licked the side of Chance's face before drifting off to sleep, his light purring helped Chance get to sleep quicker than he had expected. It was about 8pm and the night was cool.