Take A Chance On Me: Chapter 5

Story by Sour_Wolf on SoFurry

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Take A Chance On Me

Chapter 5: Chance FTW!!!

Jake's healing process went a moderate speed in a month, he was able to eat more and coordinate his thoughts like before without help. Chance was happy his mate was able to get out and about normally again, now he had another hand in the garage and someone smart to do all the paperwork again. Chance got a couple of angry complaints for ordering the wrong parts, he didn't know how Jake could handle all that paperwork without getting confused but he did. The SWAT Kats were called a numerous times when Jake was fully healed to battle Dr. Vipor and MAD Kat, but they were always able to get the mission accomplished and make fun of Feral's work for being the las one to arrive to do anything on the battle field. Things at the shop were moderate if not slow, business stopped for a bit giving the lovers enough time to have some privacy and alone time, which they didn't object to one bit. Inside Chance's room things were getting pretty hot, Chance was kissing his mate furiously as he thrusted into Jake's entrance over and over again. Jake's legs were wrapped around his burly lovers body as Chance went to work on his, taking in Chance's scent and loving the intoxication aroma it brought, both kats panting and caressing one another like they haven't seen each other in years. Chance increased his speed suddenly as he held onto the headboard with both of his hands and looked down on his mate narrowing his eyes and mouth opened a bit, Jake's eyes were so beautiful looking back at Chance, sweat dripping down his fur as his body moved to the rhythm of Chance's body.

"Ohhhh Jake, I'm gonna...gonna" Chance panted as he gave one final thrust inside Jake, throwing his head back and filled his lover with his seed, clenching his teeth together as he grunted though the small cracks of his choppers. Jake arched his back and closed his eyes as Chance came inside of him, the warm sensation that always made him fuzzy to his stomach. He loved Chance so much and was ready to do and try whatever he wanted when they were together, he never knew Chance was so frisky in the bed. Chance looked down at Jake again as he let go of the headboard to place them on both sides of his pillow, he kissed his lover on the lips, sliding his tongue through and massaging the insides of his mouth. Jake followed suit as he wrapped his arms around Chance's neck and placed his legs on either side of Chance's thighs, his tail was intertwined with Chance's at the end of the bed. Jake took his hands and put them on both sides of Chane's face and he pulled it back for a breather, swallowing before he spoke.

"Chance" He panted, licking his lips "I know you have a lot of energy and stamina, but 3 times in row?!?! What's with the special treatment?" Jake asked looking into Chance's deep blue eyes. They always made him feel safe and at home, not to mention the face any kat could just get lost in his gaze. Chance just kissed Jake again and again, moving down to his neck and nipping at his fur, Jake moaned and wiggled a bit and he put one of his hands behind Chance's head.

"I have something special planned for tonight, and its my little secret" Chance whispered into Jake's ear then licking at the lobe, causing Jake to gasp.

"Thats not fairrrrrrahhhhhhhhh" Jake held onto Chance as he began to pump again into his entrance. Moments later they had finished making love and Jake was in the shower while Chance was picking out some clothes for tonight, he was taking Jake to his mothers house tonight for dinner with the family. Chance was able to get in contact with Jakes parents and sister, they loved the idea and decided to meet them there as well. Though Chance has other plans for his love, he would just have to wait until it unfolded while the golden tabby just smiled with joy and excitement. Jake turned off the hot water and shoot his body for a second before grabbing his towel, he wrapped it around himself and started to pat down his fur so it wouldn't drip. He got out of the tub and headed for his room to look for some clothes, he was excited to head down to Rita's house, she made the best food ever in the country side of Megakat Farms. He also wanted to talk to her about taking care of him when he was ill, he never got the chance to fully thank her before. It was getting colder outside as the December winds blew and most of the leave already fell to the ground. There were some snow flakes in the air, but nothing too big or serious to fuss over. Jake went to his closet and took out his black sweat pants and gray long sleeve sweater, he put on a black short sleeve shirt underneath his sweater. He looked himself in the mirror that was attached to the door of his closet. He went into a cabinate inside his closet and brought out some cologne he sprayed on his neck before putting it back and shutting the doors. Chance knocked at his bedroom door to see if Jake was ready, he peeked in and stood at the doorway. Chance wore a pair of blue jeans with his wallet chain on one of the belt loops connecting to his wallet inside his back pocket. He wore a yellow long sleeve under armor shirt underneath his blue no sleeve flesse vest.

"Don't we look cute for supper tonight" Chance poked fun sticking his tongue out. He smelt something in the air as we walked towards Jake and bent down to sniffed him, having both his hands rub Jake's shoulders. Chance grew a huge smile on his face as he stood back up. "Are you wearing that cologne I really like?" Chance questioned, even though he knew the answer.

"You know I only use it for nights like tonight, even though I'm not sure whats going to happen tonight but I wanna be ready just in case" Jake stuck his tongue out this time. Chance just laughed as he patted is lover on the head and walked out of the room to start the truck.

"Hurry up, we want to get an early start before the sun sets" Chance yelled as he stepped out of the house. Jake looked around his room and grabbed his wallet, house keys and a couple of mints before running downstairs and out the door. The kats were off on the road, the clouds darkened causing the sky to gray, but it looked peaceful from teh ground, if they has taken the TurboKat then that would have been nice, but then there would come all the questions about how they obtained it. Chance looked over to Jake as he was reading the insurance information on the truck, he had a cute facial expression when he was reading something. Chance just smiled and paid attention to the road again. They made good time to Rita's house and finally arrived after an hour, there were cars parked on the side and in front of the house. Jake thought he recognized 2 of the cars, the shiny blue and black Mazda's. Once the truck had stopped Jake quickly went out and inspected them, Chance knew he was on to his surprise...or was he?

"Chance, this is..." Jake gasped as he looked at his mate with a smile. Chance ran over to Jake and picked his body up and spun him around a few times before carrying him up the porch. He set Jake down and knocked the door, again it was Anna who answered the door in her yellow one piece skirt. She opened the screen door and tugged them both inside before slamming it shut. Anna took a deep breath and shouted their arrival, suddenly a stampede of kats came into the living room to greet them. Jake was the first to say anything when we saw his mother, the lovely white furred shekat in a black dress, he went over to her and gave her the biggest hug. He felt a large hand on his shoulder and looked up to see his father, the tall chocolate kat in a fine looking business suit smiled at his son and ruffled his hair. Jake use to hate it when he did that but just smiled, someone hugged him from behind. Jake turned around to see his lovely sister Daisey, stunning light black fur wearing a lovely white dress. He faced his sister and gave a big hug, its been years since they've seen one another and Jake swore he was about to cry. Chance greeted his siblings and they laughed and joked, then shook hands with Jake's father finally meeting him in person after the many phone calls he gave, he also shook his mothers hand and kissed it too. She just laughed as smiled. Everyone waited as Rita and Jackie were setting the large dinner table in the kitchen. They all went inside the kitchen and grabbed a seat as they stood behind it, Rita was at the head of one side and Jake at the other, Chance sitting right next to him a the end, everyone else picked a spot and waited for the prayer. Rita asked everyone to join hands as she bowed her head and closed her eyes, they did the same. When it was over they all sat down and started to serve themselves.

"So Chance, did you ever get to go to that Old Car Expo they had at the convention center?" Ian Asked.

"I love your dress!! Where did you get it??" Anna marveled at Daisey's dressed and they both hit it off with the chatting.

"I always thought Jake was going to be a fat kat, he was so big when he was little" Jake's mother told Rita, Jake lowered his ears and tried not to choke on his chicken.

"You know big bro, I still remember that one time you broke your leg falling off the roof of the house when you told mom you just fell out of the tree" Adam snickered at his brother who looked shocked that he remembered. Jackie laughed as Rita shot an angry look at her son. Chance just froze with his spoon about to enter his mouth and he smiled at his mother blushing.

"Oh don't worry Chance, I'll give you some Kat Tar later" Rita said as she buttered her bread. Chance just took a deep breath as his siblings laughed at him.

"Jake, you should really eat more, you've always been so skinny, I know that didn't come from my genes" Jake's father stated, only to feel an evil eye stare at him from his wife. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his face as he stuffed his mouth quickly.

"I thought so" Jake's mother said as she drank some more wine, Daisey and Jake just laughed and continued to chow down.

"Adam, I think you should stick with the water for the rest of the night" Jackie said trying to take Adam's glass of wine away.

"I swwrrrr I cannnn handle myelf" Adam slurred as he drank some more wine.

"So if you take the wire to the computer's networking processor..." Chance was explaining to Jackie when she stopped staring at her intoxicated brother.

About an hour and a half later, everyone had full stomachs and enough to drink. Daisey and Anna were probably the only ones who didn't have anything alcoholic like the wine, but Adam was wasted like anything. Ian and Chance laughed at his brother, Rita just signed knowing this would happen...again. Dessert and coffee were brought to the table by Jackie, some frosted Rasberry cake that Chance loved. Jake just had some coffee and watched Chance gobble down 3 slices, he had some frosting on the bottom of his lip so Jake took his finger and wiped it off for him. Chance just smiled at his love.

"Chance, what was the big surprise you wanted to share with everyone??" Ian asked as he took a sip of his coffee. Chance placed his fork on the table and took his napkin to wiped his mouth.

"You mean this isn't the surprise Chance?" Jake cocked an eyebrow as he looked at his mate. Chance shook his head and raised his glass.

"If everyone would give me their attention...you too Adam" Chance chuckled at his drunk brother, Adam's forehead was on the table, his hand searched around his space for his glass. Jackie gave him her empty one and took his wine filled glass. Everyone raised their glass in the Ferlong family, the Clawson's and Jake were confused, apparently they did that when someone has something important to tell so they joined in.

"If life we always think the end is so far away when its closer to us than we could ever imagine. I know that for a fact, and sometime we forget to cherish the important things we care for, always taking them for granted and not respecting their presence. The same goes for love, we never know what to do or how to feel until the moments there" Chance looked at Jake remembering the night he first kissed him when Jake was in his arms, he smiled at the thought and Jake smiled at Chance. "I've found love with Jake, and its the only thing I really need to keep me going through the hard times and when I'm down, and I don't ever want that to be taken for granted..." Chance stopped as he put his glass down and got out of his seat to move to Jakes side, he started to get down on one knee... there was a loud gasping sound that swept the room by everyone, Adam looked up and gave one himself and his ears perked up to the sight.

"No...freakin'...way!!" Anna, Daisey and Jackie said simultaneously. Jake slowly lowered his glass and felt tears building up in his eyes, Chance's tail rummaged though his vest pocket and brought out a small black box and dropped it into Chance's open palm. Chance opened it up to reveile the golden ring with 10 diamonds surrounding the larger cut diamond in the middle. Jake gasped as he saw the ring, Chance looked at his lover.

"Never, ever... take that for granted. Jake...would you do me the honor of being your perminate mate and be my Jake Ferlong?" Chance asked as he took Jake's paw and placed the ring on his finger, it was a perfect fit. Tears flowed down Jake's face as he nodded his head, he was speechless but summoned enough strength to talk.

"Yes" Jake choked, "Yes I will Chance" With that Chance got up from the floor and lifted his mate to stand with him, he kissed Jake passionately, there was clapping and crying from both the skekat mothers. Chance broke the kiss and smiled down at his mate, he felt two hands on his face suddenly and something tugging on his vest from the back as he was thrown away from Jake. Anna, Daisey and Jackie surrounded Jake admiring the ring and giving him big hugs giggling like they were school shekats again. Chance just looked at them from the floor with a blank stare; he was helped up by Jake's father and given a big hug, also one from Jake's mother who was sobbing up an ocean. Rita got up and hugged her son.

"I'm so proud of you, and your father would have been too for using his proposal speech" Rita kissed Chance on the cheek. He smiled and blushed.

"Are you sure I didn't skip a line?? I was so nervous I didn't think about going in the order of what the paper said or..."Chance was cut off by his mother's finger over his lips. She looked up at her son with tears falling down her face now.

"You made Jake feel as happy as I did many years ago, and that's all that matters my boy" Rita said, Chance started to tear up when he hugged his mother. Ian came over to his brother carrying Adam on his side, they all hugged and punched Chance on the arm congratulating him. Chance looked over to see Jake's mother squeezing the life out of her son crying, his father was able to get her off of him so he could have a go at the boy. Jake's sister gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged her older brother; Chance's sisters did the same with Chance. It was a wonderful night as they congratulated the couple and argued over who's house they'll have the wedding at, one by one the guests started to leave, only Rita was left with the newly weds.

"I'll go start the car" Chance said as he snuck a kiss to Jake and headed out the door. Jake was helping Rita put all the dished into the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen table. Jake finished putting away all the plates and sat down for a minute, Rita threw the empty bottle of wine into the recycling bin underneath her sink. There were so many from Adam she just shook her head and laughed.

"Ms. Clawson..." Jake said as gazed at her. "I never got to say, "Thank You" for helping me when I was ill a while ago. I put Chance into a worried red alert state for a long time and he was suffering so much." Jake signed thinking about the many hours of sleep Chance had lost taking care of him. Rita walked over to the table and sat next to her new son in law. "I just dont know what to say now, its so odd. In my head and heart I have some ideas but now...its different" Jake looked down at the floor holding his hands and his ears went down, he felt so guilty for not having said anything before.

"Jake, I'm going to tell you a story, its not one Chance likes so much so don't tell him we had story-time" She said as she walked over to the coffee pot and grabbed a mug, she poured herself a cup and turned around to look at Jake still slumped up. His ears raised up a little to listen better to his mother-in-law. "Now look at me Jake" Rita said in a strong stern voice, must have been where Chance got it from. It sounded like she was angry with him Jake thought in his head as he looked at her.

"Yes ma'am" Jake said sitting up, hands on his knees.

"My children lot their father when they were growing up, lets see...if I remember correctly Ian was about 18 that time, Chance was 15, Adam 14 and Jackie about 9, leaving Anna at 5 years old. I don't know if you can imagine no father and a single mother of all these kats now can you?" She asked taking another sip of her coffee. Jake shook his head, he and Daisey always had their parents by their sides. "Well, Mr. Ferlong died while on a assignment with the Enforcers, Major Feral who was Lt. Feral's father directly handed me his uniform at the funeral complimenting Mr. Ferlongs bravery and commitment to the force and the citizens of Megakat City. Things were quiet around the house for a while, Ian was off to college and became distant with the family. Chance took a lot of responsibility when he left and sacrificed a lot of his time taking care of the other kats in the house. Making sure they got fed, did their homework and went to bed on time and not once did he complain about it. When Chance was about 17 he was starting to real depressed at school and at the house, he didn't want to go to church anymore for some reason. He went out one night and didn't come back until the break of day, he was punished but continued to do so. One afternoon when we were both in his room I scolded him about his late night activities, he refused to tell me what he was doing and I got angry with him so I did something I never did to any of my children and struck him on the face." Rita said as she swirled the last bit of liquid in her cup. Jake was listening on ever word, she really didn't seem like the kind of person to strike her kids, even once!

"What happened next?" Jake asked.

"Well, he didn't talk to me for a bit at home. Of course I was working at the hospital most of the time and I trust my kids to be responsible and safe when I'm gone, one night I came home early and had finished supper, I walked upstairs about to go to bed when I heard some crying in Chance's room. I peeked inside to see Chance ripping the pages out a book, I noticed it was the Bible and went inside the room to stop him. He did once I entered and threw the book at the wall. I asked him why did he take his anger out on the book, he just sat at his bed choking his sobs back, I closed the door so the other kids wouldn't hear out conversaton. I picked up his bible and the pages he ripped out and began to read it, and thats when I found why the depression and mischief. My son was a homosexual, but his beliefs mixed up his head and depressed him, thinking he couldn't get into heaven. I sat with my baby and talked to him.

"I wanna see dad again momma, but I don't think I can" Chance said as he hugged his mother crying. She patted his head and stroked his ears cradling her son. Rita was at a lose too, she never had to deal with something like this in her life. They were such a close family and always helped one another out when things got rough. Rita looked down at her baby, he had grown up, lifting weights and taking such good care of himself, the poor thing has done so much and asks for so little in his life.

"Chance, if you believe you've lived your life happily and as a good person. You'll get into heaven, and I wont go if you dont." Rita said, Chance looked up at his mother shocked and worried.

"But...but that means" the kitten gapsed..

"Yes, it means I wont be able to see your father, or the rest of my children or friends, or my parents when the time comes. But I wont leave my baby at the gate just for being himself and caring about others" Rita said, Chance closed his eyes and hugged his mother again. He didn't know if he should feel guilty or happy, he just sobbed his worries away. Rita continued to pet her sons head until he calmed down and fell asleep in her arms, she put chance to bed like he was a little kat and left the room.

Rita placed her dirty cup in the sink and decided to wash it in the morning.

"You see Jake, Chance worked so hard and came upon something that scared him. He didn't know what to do or who to go to, so he started to act up. He had a lot on his mind and a lot to say, but didn't think he had any listeners. If you build up that courage and determination to speak your mind, you'll never be at that mental block." Rita walked over to Jake and gave him a kiss on the head. "Now go, I'll see you around more often Jake."

Jake got up and hugged his new relative and headed outside to the truck and it looked like it snowed a bit during dinner, Chance was standing outside waiting for him on the passenger side. He opened the door for Jake and closed it when he got it. Chance hopped into the drivers seat and began to drive off. Rita looked outside to see them off and saw in the snow 3 sets of prints. Chance's when he went to the car, but it seemed like he came back inside, then Jake's when he left, it puzzled Rita as she closed the door and headed for bed.

Back at the garage, Jake on his side his his arm over Chance's belly sleeping and purring. Chance was laying on his back with his hands behind his head thinking to himself, then he looked down at Jake and smiled. Chance could see the ring on Jakes paw digit that was on his stomach, it shinned in the moonlight. Chance closed his eyes and thought back on that day, a tear drop fell from the corner of his eye and he sniffed.

"I love you Momma" he whispered to himself as he surrendered to the darkness of his mind and slept.