Take A Chance On Me: Chapter 6

Story by Sour_Wolf on SoFurry

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Take A Chance On Me

Chapter 6: Unexpected Reunion

Chance had gotten up early to fix some cars in the garage, their spare parts had finally come in and were ready to be installed. Chance didn't want to wake his mate up so he turned off the alarm clock before heading downstairs. Chance's hands were greasy with oil as he rolled out from under a car taking his hanker chief from his pocket to rub on his hands. No one was scheduled to come in today for any pick ups, but Chance decided to get the work done early so he wouldn't have to worry about it later. He looked at the clocked and saw that it was already 10am, he put his rag in his back pocket and decided to head inside. He thought he smelled something in the kitchen, something delicious cooking. Chance walked in and threw his cap on the couch of the t.v room before shutting the door behind himself, he made his way to the kitchen to see Jake chopping up some onions on the cutting board, there was a pan of eggs cooking on the stove and something baking in the oven underneath. Chance walked to the table and took a seat.

"What are you making that smells so good?" Chance said as he poked his head in the air and sniffed a bit. Jake laughed as he put the chopped onions into the eggs.

"Just some onion eggs and bread, I don't think you had breakfast today yet." Jake said stirring his spatula on the pan, moving the eggs around the mix with the onions. Chance walked behind Jake and looked down onto the food, it look delicious. Jake looked up to see his mate and kissed him on the lips. The burly cat placed his paws on Jakes thighs and broke their kiss.

"You didn't have to do this ya know, I wanted to let you get some rest" Chance said hugging Jake, he laughed a bit before lowering the heat on the stove to low. The bread would be done in another 20 minutes, so Jake thought to grab some milk from the fridge, the cholocate colored tom kat removed Chance's paws and went over to the fridge. Taking out a carton of grade B milk he placed it on the table and went back to the little island cutting board, again Chance moved behind his love and stood over him.

"Chance, why are you stalking me?" Jake asked, he could suddenly feel something hard against his butt. Chance then held onto Jake with his left arm across Jake's torso and his right arm massaging his groin. Jake gasped as he was being felt up, getting harder by the slight touch his mate caused by touching him in that spot.

"Ohh, I dunno. Maybe its because we're going to get married and I still love to do you." Chance said as he used his hand to lower Jake's PJ pants so his entrance was only exposed. He then unzipped his jumpsuit opening and leaned against Jake entering him hard. Jake yelped as Chance was inside him so quick and without any lubricant, but felt him hitting his sweet spot as he began to fuck him. Jake leaned forward on the island knocking against it every time Chance pushed inside of him, Jake moaned loudly knowing they were the only 2 there within miles, Chance loved to hear his mate while he fucked him.

"CcccChance...what about, ahhhh...the eggs, ahhhhhh! Jake moaned as Chance increased his speed, hammering Jake into the island harder and harder until he came inside his lover, Chance bend down over his mate as they both panted for air. "Are...you happy now?" Jake laughed as he recieved a kiss on the cheek by his mate.

"A little bit" Chance said. "I could go for some eggs right about now" He laughed backing out slowly from Jake and putting their clothes back on. Jake turned around and lightly pushed Chance to the sink as he went over to the stove and removed the pan from the heater, taking out a plate from the shelf he put the eggs on it and went to the table where Chance was sitting waiting for his morning meal. The yellow tabby licked his lips as he saw the delicious eggs and onion creation made by his lover. There was a bottle of katsup next to Chance's glass of milk, Chance grabbed the bottle and poured some katsup on his eggs drooling at the sight. There was a knock at he door when Chance started to shovel the food in his mouth, Jake put the empty pan in the sink and headed towards the front door. Jake smiled as he opened the door thinking about the smudge of katsup on his nose he didn't know of, but Jake was going to lick it off anyways. When he saw who the mystery visitor was his heart stopped for what seemed like forever as his smile turned into a frown with his eyes wide., he was suddenly trapped in a large embrace by a pair of red arms with black stripes, Jake felt like the devil himself was at their house.

"Jake lovely, how have you been Mr. Ferlong???" Cliff asked as he hugged the air out of his ex lover. Jake just stood there not knowing what to say or how to act towards his abusive ex. He was let go when Cliff's hands were placed on Jake's shoulders. "My you look delicious enough to eat, in more ways than one" Cliff snickered as he caught sight of Jake's engagement ring, he grabbed Jake's hand as marveled at the design and shine of the diamonds. "Absolutely stunning" Cliff said as Jake slowly withdrew his hand from his grasp, Cliff stood up tall over the chocolate colored tom and patted him on the head. "Where's the lovely Groom-To-Be?" Cliff asked, had he changed over the last couple of months since their last encounter? Jake started to loosen up and directed Cliff to the kitchen where Chance was still eating his eggs, he put his fork down and took a sip from his glass. He put his glass down, leaving it half full of milk.

"Jake, who's at the door??" Chance asked as he started to eat again.

"You old dog you, still look tough even when eating" ...Chance's ears sprung up and he dropped his fork and looked behind himself to see the tall tiger standing in the kitchen, HIS kitchen. Chance quickly looked at Jake who just shrugged his shoulders, he didn't know what to do as Cliff took a seat next to Chance and patted the tabby on the back. "Congradulations Chance, I would have never guessed you to be into toms" Cliff laughed as he shook his head. "Listen, I wanna take you both out clubbing tonight as a celebration at the Hippo, its in the downtown shopping area of Megakat City and opened up a few weeks ago. You two will love it, I'll come pick you both up at 8 tonight and we should get there about 9" Cliff said as he got up and headed towards the door after planting a kiss on Jake's forehead, the front door slammed shut leaving the two toms speechless and standing in the kitchen. Chance moved over to his lover and placed his hands on Jake's forearms and looked all over his body for any marks or bruises.

"Chance...I'm fine" Jake said, looking at his mate blankly as he saw Chance check his arms and hands, even his neck for crying out loud. Jake just shook his body to let Chance let go of him, Chance just looked at his love for a minute then stood up staring at the ground. "You know, I can take care of myself too" Jake said as he turned away from Chance and walked back upstairs, Chance looked as Jake scratched his head and went up the flight of stairs.

"I just want you to be safe bud, do you think we should go out with him tonight?" Chance asked, his tail slowly swishing in the air.

"I dunno, it would be nice to head out, but I just don't....know. As long as your there, I don't care" Jake said almost reaching the top step.

"Jake, would you dance with me tonight?" Chance smiled looking at his beloved as he stopped and looked down at Chance smiling.

"I'd love to" Jake said as he walked to his room and shut the door, Chance went back into the kitchen to clean up his plate and started to wash the dishes. Chance entered the t.v room and watched a couple of Scardy Kat episode, they always made him laugh and cheered him up but for some reason he didn't feel so entertained. The burly tomturned off the television and went upstairs to take a peek into Jake's room, his love had taken a nap on his bed curled up in a ball under his sheets, the ceiling fan blew on medium speed causing small waves of air to brush through Jake's fur. Chance entered the room and closed the door behind himself quietly as he slowly walked to Jake's bed, he could hear faint purrs in between Jakes respirations and knelt down beside the mattress to stare at his lover sleeping, so peaceful and gentle. Chance was so lucky to have someone like Jake in his life, he loved his mate so much it almost hurt him. Jake shifted in his sleep for a moment, arching his back a little and yawning and stretching his arms in different directions. Curling his toes and spreading his fingers apart, his tongue curling as his mouth opened for air, then his body relaxed and he pu his arms down and slept. The sun was setting now and Chance went to his room to pick out an outfit for tonight, he didn't trust that tiger Cliff one bit and wanted to kill him so, he was going to make sure that nothing harmful was going to happen to Jake while Chance was there...he was going to make sure of that personally. Chance went to his room to change, he put on his sleeve-less black under armor shirt that stopped at his shoulders and he wore his blue jeans with it. Chance left his room to see Jake exiting his quarters, he was wearing some Khaki shorts and a gray long sleeve shirt, it was a v-neck dipping to Jake's chest until his shoulders and around. Both looked at one another and heard Cliff downstairs. Jake extended his hand in the air towards Chance's directions.

"Pick me up and Tango" Jake laughed as Chance took his hand and lifted his mate down the stairs and out the door. They entered Cliffs rental car and started their trip to the city, all three were mostly quiet as Chance sat in the passenger seat and Jake behind him. Cliff was going off about his company but the other two didn't really pay much attention to him as they just wanted to get to the club, they finally arrived at Hippo, there was a long line outside of the club. Cliff just got out of the car and headed towards the bouncer whispering something in his ear, they he waved the couple over and they were able to get inside. Jake though he offered some sex or something if the kat would let them in. Hippo was a 2 level bar and dance floor club, very large and wide like a warehouse and they had a private V.I.P section in th back for people with big money, Chance noticed they were heading back there and held onto Jake's hand who was following close behind. It was an all gay club for kats, they wore whatever and did whatever there, Jake could see someone getting a blowjob at the bar and everyone around them were either watching or just passing by getting some drinks. The V.I.P section was pretty much a large booth, it looked like a large bed with seats on the edges and a large soft center, Cliff hopped onto the center and laughed a bit as he called over a shot boy, a sexy white colored kat only wearing a thongs and carrying around shot glasses.

"Three Hypnotic Bombs" Cliff said and the kat went to get their drinks. "Come on you two, have some fun" Cliff smiled as he took Chance's hand and dragged him to the dance floor, it was crowded. He got behind Chance and started to dance, Jake saw the two and laughed before being dragged to the dance floor by a random tom, Chance this time gave the snicker. He started to grind with Cliff and began to enjoy himself, it looked like he was in the up and up and respecting their space. After and hour or so, Chance and Cliff went back to the booth and sat down, brushing off the sweat and taking sips of their drinks. "Man, can you bend like a champ" Cliff laughed as he slapped Chance on the back, Chance just laughed and took another shot of his drink.

"Well you got that groove, I just go along with it" Chance said putting his empty shot glass down.

"You know, Jake is very special to me. I wouldn't have let him be handed to just anyone, I knew you would eventually come and save him"

"What from you?" Chance joked, even though he was trying to tell the truth but hid it in a smile.

"You got it, and your such a cutie" Cliff said rubbing the back of Chance's head with his paw, Chance just relaxed as he was getting the head rub, he looked over at Cliff who suddenly had his face to Chance's and planted a kiss on the tabby's lips. Chance was shocked and pulled back after a minute.

"You do remember I'm married right?" Chance laughed taking another shot. Cliff just smiled.

"Call it a good luck kiss" Cliff winked, Chance brushed it off until he tunred around and saw Jake look at him for a moment before fully entering the booth.

"Jake!" Chance said as he got up. Jake just blinked twice before fanning himself with his paws.

"Man, it hot and getting late. You guys ready to go?" Jake said huffing really hard, taking a couple of shots before walking out of the booth towards the entrance. Chance was shocked, did he see what Cliff had done? Chance went after Jake before being held at the arms by Cliffs hands, he felt two stings on them like a mosquito bit him. Cliff leaned in and whispered.

"Things will get interesting tonight" He let go of Chance and headed towards the exit, then Chance followed suit rubbing his arms at the spot where they stung the most. Jake was at the car already waiting for the other two to come, they did after a couple of minutes and Jake pondered whether or not to drive enough. Everyone had been drinking that night but Cliff swore he was o.k to drive so there was really no other choice in the matter, Chance had his ears down as he came up to his mate trying to nuzzle against Jake for a minute, but Jake just moved away from his mate. They both sat in the back seat as Cliff started the car and drove back to the garage, Chance was feeling light headed and had his head against Jake's shoulder, but Jake brushed it off and looked out the window.

"Jaaaake..." Chance moaned as he shook his head and stared around, he knew he didn't drink too much tonight but it felt like he did. Chance shot a glare at Jake who didn't look at him. Chance tried to hold his hand too, but again was shot down by his lover as Jake crossed his arms now, Chance was getting really bummed out now, but couldn't explain the sudden emotions he was feeling right now. The long car ride ended after an hour as Cliff pulled up to the garage, Jake got out of the car and headed inside the house, Chance just looked dazed as he saw his mate leave him alone, he got out the other end and stumbled to the door. Cliff just laughed as he backed out of the garage and drove back to the city. Chance closed the door behind himself and slowly made his way to the kitchen here Jake was pacing and drinking a can of milk, he shot an evil glare at Chance, Chance just leaned against the wall with his hands in his pocket looking down with his ears pointing down.

"Jake, just please don't be made at me, please Jake" Chance whispered as he had trouble leaning against the frame, he kept losing his balance and it was making him a bit mad.

"Don't be mad, at what...you, you kissing Cliff?!?!...Why would I be mad at that" Jake said as he finished his can of milk and saw Chance stumble to keep balance. "And your drunk off your ass" Jake put his can in the garbage and looked at Chance, he was gritting his teeth a bit and breathing heavily.

"But it wasn't...wasn't my fault" Chance said as he lift his head up, his vision was a bit blurry as he slowly made his way to Jake, only to fall onto his knee and grasp onto one of the chairs from the table causing a loud *thud* sound to echo. Jake just sighed and walked past him about to head upstairs. Chance was getting really upset and shot straight up, finding his balance for a moment before turning around to see Jake walk up the steps. "Don't walk away for me when I'm talking to you Jake" Chance slurred, Jake looked at him for a moment, wondering if he actually just said that before continuing up his room. Chance made his way to the TV room and held onto the rail of the steps, Jake had closed the door of his room. Chance was drooling on the side of his mouth and crawled up the steps in a hurry, busting his leg and knee on the wooden stairs a couple of time, but it didn't seem to bother the kat much as he came to Jake's room, he opened the door to see Jake changed in his PJ's about to go to sleep.

"Get out Chance, we'll talk about this in the morning" Jake said going to his lover and pushing him on his chest lightly towards the door again. Chance was grunting heavily until he got to the frame of the door and shouted at his lover.

"DON'T PUSH ME AROUND" His voice echoed in the the house and garage, Jake backed up a bit surprised at his lovers anger. He looked into Chance's eyes and saw his lovely blue eyes were dilated and semi glazed. Chance breaths became rapid as he came closer to Jake holding onto his mate tight by the arms. Jake struggled to break free, but Chance had the obvious edge over him.

"Chance, let me go" Jake said, but Chance only brought him to a deep kiss, his tongue entered Jake's mouth uninvited and Jake turned his head to the side. "Stop it Chance, right NOW!" Jake yelled before being pushed onto his bed hard by Chance, a rather hard shove as Jake caught his breath while his body bouncing a bit on the mattress. "What's the matter with you Chance?" Jake asked panting and sitting up to see his lover slouched over and looking at Jake with anger in his eyes. With a sudden burst of energy, Chance hopped onto the bed and on top of Jake, holding down his arms on both sides. Chance started to lick the side of Jake's neck, but Jake was squirming underneath his strength. "Stop It Chance, Right Now!" Jake said before Chance's grip got tighter on his wrists, causing Jake to yelp for a minute and close his eyes in pain.

Chance made face contact with his scared lover, looking into his amber eyes that were filling up with tears, he didn't know what to do or say as pure lust took over him. He released his hold on Jake only to flip around his lover onto his stomach and remove his undergaments with his claws, scratching at Jake's fur in the process.

"Chance, please don't so this" Jake was crying now, there was something wrong with his lover, he would never do anything like this before. Jake tried to crawl away but stopped when something penetrated him hard and fast, his eyed widened as he screamed in pain. Chance was fully erect and inside of Jake, holding his position for a minute drunkenly absorbing the heat that surrounded his member. Jake continue to scream and get lose, but Chance held him down by his shoulders and began to pump furiously into his mate. Jake held onto the bed sheets and sobbed, knowing Chance wasn't going to stop anytime soon, he felt heat coming from the side of his face, Chance's head was breathing down his neck with grunts and moans and he raped Jake, Jake just turned his head away. Chance quickly pulled out, causing Jake to yelp again in pain, a small trickle of blood seeped out from Jakes entrance and onto his sheets, also dripped some from Chance's member. Chance was heating up badly and took off his shirt like he was in the NBA, he flipped Jake around onto his back violently, shoving his body against the headboard. Jake tried to fight Chance of, but he used one of his paws to trap both of Jakes hands above his head. Jake was fully naked now, Chance stuck two of his fingers inside of Jake, exploring his sore and bloody hole making the poor kat cry and wiggle around. Chance then took Jake's member into his mouth completely, sucking hard and fast, swirling his tongue around the shaft and head of Jake's member.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Jake screamed as he came inside Chance's mouth, the tabby engulfed all of his seed down his throat and let the remaining slip down the side of his mouth. Jake panted as Chance removed his fingers from his entrance, but soon realized it wasn't over yet. Chance held his hand on Jakes chest as he inserted himself into Jake's entrance once again, causing more pain and damage to his lover. He thrusted harder and faster than he ever had before, soon he was on the verge of an orgasm. Chance drunkenly howled as he came inside his lover, continuing to pump as his seed flowed inside of the chocolate colored tom. When he was finished Chance's hand let go of Jake's arm as he scooted back towards the headboard curled in a little ball. "Hh.h.h.oow could yyyouuu Chc..c.c.c.hannn.ce?" Jake cried as he looked at his lover, eyes dropping slowly as he tried to get closer to Jake.

"J.j.j.jaaake??" Chance choked as he collapsed right in front of his love. Jake cried for a minute, not taking his eyes off of Chance before he knew his baby needed help. He summoned all of his strength to get up, his entrance and insides were burning and stung every time he moved. He didn't bother to put clothes on and stumbled out the door and down the steps to get to get to the phone and call for an ambulance, he could hear moans coming from upstairs as he talked to the operator, Jake was scare to go back upstairs and the sound of chance sent chills up his spine. Jake hung up the phone and waited for the ambulance to arrive, he sat of the sofa hugging himself crying, wishing Chance could be with him to comfort him, but he was the one who did all of this to him. Jake was so hurt, he saw the flashing light from outside as knocking followed soon after, Jake opened the door and they came in the house. One checked on Jake while the other went upstairs to check on Chance.

"Hey Harry, we got another drug overdose up here!" The paramedic said.

"Drug overdose? But Chance doesn't do any kind of drugs" Jake said as he was being check out by the first paramedic.

"We'll explain more on the way to the hospital, right now you and your friend need to come with us" He said. Jake nodded as he was led into the ambulance, soon after they brought Chance in on a stretcher attached to an oxygen mask. Jake hesitantly put his hand on Chance's chest, his eyes began to open slowly.

"J...ja..ke" Chance slurred, Jake only shed more tears looking onto his partner. They had arrived at the hospital and Chance was taken to intensive care right away to flush the toxins out of his system. Jake was sent to a sterile room to be examined by a doctor, before he went inside Jake made a call to Chance's mother Rita, who was on her way over.

~ Hours Later ~

Jake was released with some medications to help his internal wounds, Chance was stable and resting in one of the rooms on the 3rd floor. Jake was waiting in the hallway for Rita whom he called while he was waiting to be examined by the doctor, she came up the flight of stairs with Adam and his his friend Nail. They rushed over to where Jake was.

"What happened honey?" Rita asked kneeling in front of Jake, his eyes had dark circles underneath them. He explained what he knew and what had happened, then started to cry again. The three gasped, Rita held onto Jake and rocked him as he sobbed, Adam and Nail looked at one another. They knew Chance never used drug, nor would he, but what Jake told them made them suspect something was up. Nail decided to stay with Jake while Rita and Adam went to see Chance. They found his room and went inside to see Chance dazed staring off into the distance, the doctor looked at the two and knew they were relatives. "Good evening doctor, please tell me whats happened with my son" Rita asked standing next to her baby, brushing his hair with her fingers, he looked so drained of energy and life.

"Well ma'am, its another drug overdose victim. Apparently there's a new drug going around thats mixed with Kat Nip, causing Kats to act differently depending on what drug is mixed with it. It only takes a small liquid amount to take effect, and its injected through tiny needles onto the skin." The doctor said as showed the marks on Chance's arms through his fur, Rita recognized them before, they were the same ones on Jake a month ago. "This kat was given 2 doses of the stuff, who knows what he could have done, its amazing he's alive right now" The doctor said as he left the room. Adam and Rita went to Chance to ask him some questions.

"Hey big brother, it's Adam. How are you feeling?" Chance looked at Adam briefly before shaking his head, he found it hard to speak. He tried to open his mouth and say something, but nothing was coming out.

"Chance baby, what do you remember last before you were brought here?" Rita asked, bringing up a cup and straw to Chance's mouth, water rushed through as he sucked it and took a deep breath. Chance closed his eyes to think.

"Jake..." Chance panted with a raspy voice. "I heard Jake...he was screaming and crying about something...and there was some blood I think...." Chance said, "Where's my mate momma, where is.....Jake?". Rita and Adam exchanged looks of worry. Chance had raped Jake when he was intoxicated, Rita patted her son on the head before breaking the news to her son of his actions. Chance looked at his mother as his eyes widen, he turned to his brother who had a sad expression on his face with his ears lowered looking at his elder brother, holding his hand. Jake and Nail were in the lobby when they could hear screams coming from down the hall, Jake covered his ears and closed his eyes...he knew Chance had found out, but wish he didn't.