Full of Surprises Ch.1: A light depression

Story by Otter on SoFurry

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#1 of Full of Surprises

Full of Surprises

Alone, under the covers of a small bed, curled up into a ball, lay a midnight furred renamon. He had been there for the past few days, wasting away in that undersized bed of his, eyes swollen and red caused from the constant tears that trickled down his face. Now he just lay no more tears left to shed. Finally deciding to do something other than lay about the fox-like creature climbs out of the confined area in which had kept him hidden from the world. Deciding to exit the home which occupied his time, he left no clothes covering his body as he always was even before locking himself out of the life of the outside world. He did though, wear a collar around his neck, giving sign that he was owned by another. Fiddling with the object holding its place on his neck he walked into the city streets finding a small café which he thought may lighten up his mood. Walking into the establishment, ears twitching to the little bell that rang when the door was opened and closed, he padded over to his normal favorite window seat only to find it occupied. To his astonishment, the one taking up his favored place was someone he knew in fact someone close to him. He turned to leave but was stopped as the other spoke having turned around to notice the familiar scent. The white, black stripped fur smiled.

"Aya?, is that you?" His soft and gentle voice would call out the girlish name that the rena was known as, which most of the time he had despised to be called by that name other than by his close friends.

Aya turned on one footpad slowly to behold the white tiger friend of his "Yeah...its me Kai." He would return with a low, unhappy voice.

Kai sighed and pulled the pitch black furred friend of his down to the seat next to him "C'mon Aya, I know he's hurt you so much but you have to get over it. He's just the kind of furson you have to stay away from. He's gotten me too remember?" He would hold up his wrist showing his girly named friend A blue bracelet with silver designs and sapphire stones upon it, with the words 'To the love of my life, Kai'. "He's the type that needs 'too' much attention, and if not satisfied then he whines and complains then makes you feel bad, guilty, making you think its your fault. Please hun get over him."

Aya's head moved up and down, nodding "I know, I know. It's just...I cant help it" His gaze would fade from the other and look toward the ground "It just hurts so bad."

The soft tiger paw turned the dark fur face so the two would look eye to eye. "And you have me now, Karmen as well. And many more than just me and them hun, like your master, your other mates." He would bring a nice warm smile up onto his face, the smile the kind that just seeing would make you smile as well, which is what Aya did. Not a large smile but enough to show some type of happiness. "There we go, my sweet is smiling again. Now would you like a bit of desert?" He pushed a piece of cheesecake in front of Aya which he had been munching on before they ran into one another.

"No thanks hun." A small blush had appeared on his face from the small compliments that one of his mates had given him. "C-can we go home?" A soft sigh exited through his lips. "I'm still not up to being outside to much. But at least it wasn't a mistake this time since I ran into you."

"Aww thanks hun." The tiger smiled and stood up. His blue pirate-like vest now fully visible as well as revealing his nice thin, torso, showing how lithe he was. His sweat pants also showed his small yet lightly toned legs, white stripes sliding down each side of his pant legs down to his bare feet paw. His paw extended out, offered to the candid still seated. Aya smiled and raised his paw taking the one offered to him and pulling himself up off the chair. After which the feline led him out of the café and onto the streets. To their unknowing minds the clouds had flushed in from over the mountains, dark gray and grim. They began to walk, not to long after a light drizzle started wetting their fur.

"Need a paw?" Would come a voice from behind them. The two young furs turned around, Kai about 16 in age, Aya only a year or so older. Another, bright smile brushed over the wild cat's muzzle when he saw who was speaking.

"Daddy Dean!" He half shouted in joy. And padded over to him pulling Aya along with him, placing their bodies under the umbrella the not so old fox had held. Dean may have been Kai's daddy but he wasn't much older, he had adopted Kai even though their ages were only a few years apart but it kept them both happy. "What are you doing here daddy?" he would ask.

"Well, I had just got finished with a phone call with Sky and decided to go for a stroll. It looked like it might rain so I brought an umbrella just in case." He giggled softly "Looks like it was a good idea to bring it after all, and lucky that I ran into you two. Who is this by the way?" he would ask his adoptive son.

"Daddy, this is Aya" The happy voice spoke, motioning his eye to the Rena, whom nodded and held out a paw. Dean took the paw and shook it. "And Aya this is my daddy, Dean."

"Nice to meet you, Aya" He would nod, his voice kind and subtle, seeming to be one that would hardly ever raise/lower in any anger or other type of mood that would seem down.

"Likewise." Aya smiled in his response his grip firm against the fox's paw "Glad you came along, I wouldn't like to clean my fur to much with the mood I've been in lately. Thanks" he would keep his smile but his eyes showed that of sadness which was easily seen. Though the older creature wouldn't bother to ask what was wrong since his son had given him a look showing that he would handle it. Instead of more speech the three walked close together, Aya's paw in Kai's, Dean holding the umbrella up to cover them from the watery sky. After a semi-long walk they made it to Kai's home where Dean would leave them after getting them to the house. They waved goodbye and he took his leave. A few moments afterwards Aya sighed and plopped down on the couch, only a few feet to the side of the door.

"Hun I know just what you need." The voice sounded, lightly perky.

The rena ears twitched "What would that be hun?"

Without answering he sat sideways on the couch and turned Aya, and pulled his hips between the sweat panted tiger legs. The feline head leaned forward letting out a soft whisper into the black ear "This." After the one word answer the very soft paws of his came up and rested upon the dark fur shoulders of one of his loves. He moved them back and forth toward then away from the neck, the light padded paws brushing through the short fur causing Aya to shudder, soon after closing his eyes and relaxing for the first time all week. Next, the pads changed direction, heading downward going over the upper lightly toned, muscled back of the canine body. They caress over the upper back, moving down a little before Kai began to kneed his knuckles into Aya's upper backside area. The fox let out a moan, half of pain the other half pleasure, it hurt from the knots his muscles had built up through the stressful week but it felt so good that the kneading of the knuckles were making them disappear. The lovely massage continued on for around 10 minutes or so before most of the knots had vanished.

Aya moaned again and blushed under his fur as he felt the paws moving around his waist to his stomach. "H-hun what are you doing now?" He would ask trying to look back at the feline. But, before he could he felt the paw move down to his thick furred sheath causing the blush to darken yet still lay hidden under the midnight coloring of his fur. "H-hun?" he tried asking again his voice lower and a little squeaky from the sudden action, his sheath beginning to swell, growing larger until the tip of his pink member poked out becoming visible to the world around. A now visible blush was apparent on the very embarrassed yet happy face of Aya. A gasp escaped through his lips now semi-erect from the actions. Kai's paw let go of the sheath and moved up to the tender half sized cock that was growing larger by the second. He began to stroke it a few moments later the arousal of the candid stood fully erect. The strokes began to get slightly faster having been annoyingly slow, yet very teasing at the same time. The pads dragged down the base of the erection then pressed up against the tip. He rubbed his thumb over the tip which began to leak pre. With a quick action the free tiger paw grabbed the black sac that hung below the cock he played with causing a large spurt of pre to lube up his paw. "Oh god hun" Aya moaned, arching his back into the air, head laying back on the feline shoulder.

Kai leaned his head over and licked the long tender renamon neck, which activated another spurt of pre, making Aya close his eyes semi-tight. The grip on his sac tightened lightly, he fiddled with the sac moving both of his balls around in the gentle paw causing more pleasure to the fox. The pre covered paw was now sliding easily and quickly up and down the shaft that was oh so close to a climax. A knot began to form at the base of the arousal, growing a few inches large. The stripped paw gripped it sending more pre out of the tip of the dick. Kai stroked the knot mainly, more than the rest of the shaft. About another thirty seconds of pawing at it a very large moan was heard from Aya's muzzle, his orgasm hit and a load of thick creamy fox juice shot out landing over both creatures legs the tiger paw and the couch.

"Th-thank you Kai" Aya would mumble weakly before completely losing sight and body movement, having lost almost all energy from the orgasm, sending him to his sleep for the night. Kai would smile and kiss his cheek then lean back on the couch, lick the sticky liquid off his paw then hold the messy canine in his arms falling asleep not to long after him. A smile on both of their faces.