Heart of Stone CH 4: Awakening to Pain

Story by Psyche Bemused on SoFurry

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#4 of Heart of Stone

  1. Awakening to Pain

In the weeks that followed they spoke at length about what he expected from his mate, she told him what she knew of the ways of husbands and wives and how the world had changed for women. It was clear even early on that it wouldn't be easy to blend the two distinct cultures. Mary was just becoming accustomed to having her own freedom and she resisted the amount of control he thought he should have over her. He resisted her demands to retain her own life. Even though she had the entire day to do what she wanted he still seemed to know if she was hiding something from him. She disliked hiding things, but the modern world made some things necessary that a woman might have been sheltered from in ages past.

In the first week of December their points of friction had worn smooth and he asked again if she was certain, after there being such tension between them, that she wished to proceed. Mary was certain of her feelings, what they hadn't discussed yet was how precisely they would be joined. She could hardly walk into the village church with a gargoyle on her arm and whatever beliefs he had there were no officiants left. When she gathered her courage he explained gently that there was no ceremony, that it was the act of coupling and the intent behind it that bound them together. Mary had blushed deep crimson. She had carefully avoided thinking about the physical aspects of their relationship. She was curious, and she wanted to please him but none of those things kept her heart from racing at the thought. Deep down, she worried the act would be impossible.

During this quiet time, he had begun to hold her as she fell asleep. At first, Mary had a difficult time relaxing. Even in her long flannel nightgown with the high neck she felt exposed. He patiently whispered reassurances and stroked her back until she relaxed. After several nights she curled up easily against him and drifted off.

Finally, the day arrived. Much as Mary tried to keep herself calm, even Mrs. March noticed that there was something different about her. Mary wasn't exactly certain that the housekeeper believed her denials, but then, it wasn't really the older woman's business.

Mary sent her home early and tried to eat a bit of dinner, but found nothing was appealing. She took a long, hot bath and put on a simple white cotton chemise. The low neckline tied over her full breasts with a narrow, white silk ribbon. Similar ribbons acted as narrow straps with bows tied at the tops of her shoulders. A row of tiny pearl buttons ran from just under the ribbon to the ruffled hem just below her mid-thigh. The cotton was sheer enough to make any other garments obvious and she wore none. Mary's hands trembled so much when she tried to put her hair up she brushed it out and left it loose around her shoulders. She fussed in the large bathroom for a few more minutes when she heard the balcony door open. Her stomach turned over and she closed her eyes to catch her breath. After a few minutes she had calmed enough to trust her legs. She walked out into the large room.

At first, Aiden didn't notice her. He had turned the electric lights off and was just finishing lighting candles. The room had a soft, golden glow that highlighted his muscular body as he moved. She noticed a large enamel bowl on the bedside table and recognized it as one he had asked her for several days ago. She had wondered why he wanted it at the time, but she hadn't asked. Mary felt rooted to the spot as she watched him. When he finished he noticed her standing there and the smile that touched his lips turned to a look of concern.

"You look terrified child." He crossed the room to her slowly.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, finally getting her feet to move toward him. He held her close and Mary hid against his body.

"For what?" He asked and lifted her chin after she stopped trembling.

"I didn't want to be so nervous." She said softly.

"You need not apologize for something that is so natural. Will you lie down with me?" His voice was soft and he looked down at her with a small smile on his lips. Mary hesitated, she looked over at the wide bed and realized that he had pulled the covers back. She nodded and let him lead her with his hand on her back. She held the short nightgown down and settled under the covers. For the first time, he got under the covers with her. He held her in the same position as he had every evening when she was falling asleep. Mary relaxed slowly, but she did relax.

"You are beautiful." Mary felt the soft rumble of his voice as much as she heard it.

"Thank you." She blushed a little. "I hoped you would like it. I looked at some lacier ones, but none of them seemed right."

"It suits you." His lips found hers with a gentleness that made Mary tremble. She pressed closer against him, getting lost in the sensation. His lips teased hers and Mary let her fingers trace the firm muscles on his chest. "What did you do today?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. It had become usual for him to ask soon after coming in, Mary relaxed even further.

"Not too much really. There was a response to one of my messages on a board but it's not very specific and I don't think it will pan out. I found a statuary auction that's coming up in a few months too. They advertise an 'authentic stone gargoyle', I don't know what that means but they should be sending a catalog with pictures." She looked up at him and he smiled softly.

"I had hoped you would take some time to relax." He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face. Mary lowered her eyes.

"I had a hot bath, but I don't think relaxing was a good idea for me today." His arms tightened around her.

"You know that you can change your mind, I will not be angry with you." He spoke softly and Mary felt her body mold to his.

"I don't want to change my mind. I just feel inadequate."

"How?" He rubbed her lower back with his knuckles, she could hear the concern in his voice.

"I don't think I can please you." She whispered.

"I expect nothing of you Mary." She looked up at him, unsure what to make of his statement. "I knew when I first kissed you that you were untouched. The fact that you would agree to be my mate means more to me than I can express in your language." Mary snuggled against his chest, her eyes closed.

"In my language?" She asked after a moment. His hand stroked down over her hip and Mary held her breath as it continued down over one slim thigh and then back up.

"We have a tongue all our own, though it surprises me I have not mentioned it." The tension left her body again and a smile touched his lips.

"I guess I never thought about it. You speak English so well I thought that it was your native language." Mary blushed as she shifted and the hem of the nightgown rose a little.

"Do you see the symbols on my rings?" He turned his head and Mary looked closely at the wide steel hoops They were graduated sizes, the largest in his earlobe and the smallest at the pointed tip of his ear. There were symbols etched into the metal that she could just make out in the soft light. She nodded. "Those are blessings in my own language, as well as my lineage."

"What do they say?" She was curious.

"That I am the eldest son of a warrior chieftain called Darius." His hand moved up over her hip, one large thumb stroked the front of her flat stomach just below her navel. Mary gasped and trembled but didn't pull away from him. A smile touched his lips. "He wishes me long life, success in battle, the protection of brave men when the sun shines, and a number of other things."

"Do all males and females wear a symbol like that?" She allowed his lips to tease over hers, he untied one of the bows in the slim ribbon straps, then the other. Mary blushed dark crimson again and held the front of the nightgown over her breasts.

"Only males, and then where they are placed and the number of them varies by clan and lineage." He touched her now bare shoulders softly. Mary trembled and relaxed, the pads of his fingers were soft against her skin. Her apprehension hadn't gone away, but he touched her so carefully it was impossible to remain tense.

His lips brushed hers again and then grew gently insistent. Mary moaned softly as his tongue explored her mouth. One hand caressed her ribs, his thumb moving toward her sternum, not touching the underside of her breast, but coming close enough to make Mary arch. At first she resisted when he pressed her onto her back, but she sensed a new hunger in his kiss and his hand pressed a little more firmly. Mary turned slowly, she heard her heart pounding in her ears. He looked down into her eyes and stroked the back of her hand softly. Mary realized she was clutching the cotton tightly, she relaxed her grip and then moved her hand away.

His lips touched her bare shoulders softly, traveling along her collarbone from the right, then the left. Mary moaned softly and squirmed a little as goosebumps rose on her skin. His lips and tongue traveled down the exposed front of her chest, and teased along the edges of the nightgown. Mary caught her lower lip between her teeth, but did stop him when he untied the narrow ribbon. A little whimper escaped her lips when his fingers started working at the pearl buttons. They were too small for him to manage, so he sliced through the threads holding them on. Mary tried not to tremble, but the tension in her body made that impossible. He placed one soft kiss over her heart and then sat up and arranged his wings so that he could gather her into he arms.

Mary moved carefully and was grateful when he wrapped the blanket around her.

"What did your Aunt tell you about the coupling of lovers?" He asked, his eyes on hers. Mary shook her heard and turned deep red. "I would not ask such a question but you are terrified. I do not doubt your feelings for me, but I do not know how to ease your fears if I do not know what they are." She heard the concern in his voice. Mary was silent for a moment, trying to decide how to frame her answer.

"That it's awful." Her whisper was barely audible. "Painful and humiliating and decent women didn't ever enjoy it. They have to just let their husbands do what they want."

"Oh child," His voice was sad and soft and his arms tightened around her. Mary hadn't realized that she was near tears. "A spinster should never have been entrusted with the care of a young woman." Slowly Mary closed her eyes and her tight grip on the chemise relaxed. When Mary had relaxed enough so that her body was molded to his, he began to gently explain.

"When two trust each other, they can share a great deal of pleasure. All I ask is that you trust me." His talons traced through her hair.

"I do trust you." Mary said, still not able to look at him. Her face hot and red. "I just worry that I...can't. That it will be too painful, and then that I'll disappoint you."

"You will not disappoint me, child. We are very different, neither of us can change that, but I promise that I will not rush you. We have all of tonight, all of tomorrow night, and every night from now on." Finally Mary managed to look up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He kissed her softly and Mary's lips parted easily for his gentle tongue.

"You have nothing to apologize for." His lips nibbled on hers again and Mary felt her body relax completely. She shifted against him, nearly baring one breast. Mary's first instinct was to cover herself again but she found that she wasn't nearly as frightened after hearing his reassuring words. She gave in to the kiss completely. His fingers tugged the fabric down a bit more, uncovering her nipple. She gasped softly against his lips at the little shock of sensation that traveled through her body. She found she couldn't form words to explain her feelings.

"You are an innocent, and I think that your aunt told you things that had no basis in fact. What could you do but believe her when you knew no better?" The back of one knuckle stroked lightly over her breast. Mary gasped softly as the light touch moved down next to her nipple. His lips teased hers and Mary arched as the cool, smooth back of one talon traced around her hard nipple.

His hand continued down, removing the rest of the buttons. Mary blushed deeply but moved off of his lap, allowing him to take away the cotton garment. He tossed aside the loincloth he always wore as well. Mary could feel her heart beginning to pound again, but this time her apprehension was mixed with excitement. His light touch on her nipple had warmed her in pleasant and unexpected ways. She held the blankets lightly over her breasts.

He kissed her softly and pulled the blanket down. His lips followed the path of the blanket. His tongue traced circles around first one nipple and then the other, drawing soft, gasping moans from Mary. She lay back, her eyes closed, one hand rested on the back of his large head. Her back arched when he suckled her right nipple softly. She pressed her legs together and was shocked by the slick wet feeling on her thighs. His mouth continued teasing her nipples and breasts, Mary barely noticed when he pushed the covers down low, leaving only her newly-shaved mound covered. It had been the one thing he had asked of her and even as nervous as she was Mary had to admit that she liked the smooth feeling.

He growled softly and his mouth continued down, tracing her abdominal muscles with his broad, soft tongue. His tongue swirled around the depression of her navel, making Mary squirm and whimper. He looked up at her from under his heavy brow and realized her whimper was not from discomfort. He went back to exploring her body and when he reached the edge of the blanket he pushed it away completely. Mary squirmed and moved to cover herself with her hands and her raised knee.

Aiden kissed the back of her hand and some of the tension left her body, he moved back up her body, his lips grazed her skin lightly until he got to the side of her neck.

"Let me taste you." His deep whisper rasped in her ear. He moved her hand aside but Mary resisted when he tried to open her legs. One knuckle rubbed softly on the front of her mound, Mary's eyes widened and her back arched as the sensation spread through her. "Trust me, child." He whispered.

Mary tried but it took a few more minutes of his soft teasing touches and whispered reassurances. He moved down her body again, holding her open wide. Mary blushed deeply and hid her face under the pillows. She could feel him staring at her completely exposed and oozing womanhood. Mary began to struggle but he held her firmly and his soft tongue caressed the crease of her leg, so close to the wet, delicate folds of flesh. She gasped in shock and his tongue tickled her over her open slit. The pressure on the backs of her thighs held her still as his tongue explored, dipping inside a little more deeply each time.

Somewhere on the edge of her awareness she heard his low growl as his tongue found the sensitive little nub hidden deep in her folds. He took the tiny button between his lips and sucked softly, making Mary arch and cry out, her hands gripping the sheets tightly, tension building almost painfully in her lower belly. Just as that tension was about to overwhelm her he pulled away, his tongue lapping and teasing it again. Mary whimpered with need, though need of what precisely she wasn't sure. He applied just a tiny bit more pressure and the gathering tension was too much to bear. She cried out and pressed against his mouth.

For a few delicious minutes the world receded into a pleasure haze and Mary wondered how she had lived so long without knowing that sensation. His tongue teased her softly and the tension left her muscles. Mary found that she no longer struggled against his hands. His tongue moved down and began to press inside her. Mary whimpered sharply and tensed again. Not even her own slim fingers had pressed into that small opening, his tongue felt shockingly large. His grip tightened on her legs and the discomfort faded. Mary moaned deeply and arched up tentatively under him. His tongue moved inside her, building that tension quickly again. Her hips moved up and he pressed down and she was overwhelmed again, though with less intensity than before. He licked her softly and moved next to her again. He kept the covers around his waist and wrapped her up as well. Mary snuggled against him, reveling in the sensation of his warm body against her bare skin.

"Why didn't she tell me?" She whispered after a few minutes.

"I do not know, sweet one." He traced light circles on her back, starting from her shoulders and moving down slowly to just before the swell of her bottom. Mary arched against him. "Perhaps she did not know. You said she found no mate of her own."

"I guess that's true." Mary felt all the tension leaving her body and she drifted off the to sound of his heartbeat. She wasn't certain that she slept, but she did feel comfortable, safe and warm. When she woke again he was pulling her body over his so that she was straddling his hips. Mary looked at him uncertainly. He kissed her lightly and she noticed a new flavor on his lips. It took her a moment to realize it was the taste of her own juices. She jumped when something brushed against her inner thigh. One arm held her still. She put her head down on his chest again when she realized it was his tail.

In the last few weeks Mary had gotten more used to being touched by his thick tail and she was surprised how strong it was, and how delicately he could use it. The blunt tip brushed against her outer lips and Mary looked up at him uncertainly.

"This is how you-?" She cried out when his tail pressed into her folds. She tried to squirm forward but his arm held her tightly and the tip found her little nub. Mary gripped his shoulders tightly and his mouth found hers. She had no doubt that he owned this moment, and for all her assertions of independence she was most comfortable when he was in charge. Her mouth took on a new hunger when his tail started to build her tension again, her hips pressed against him, rocking. When she was right on the edge he pulled back. Mary whimpered with need.

He placed the broad tip at her entrance and pressed firmly. She cried out in pain as he started to press inside her. His arms held her tightly. She heard him telling her to relax, to breathe and to trust him.

"Stop! Please!" She sobbed. Mary felt like she was being torn, and that sensation terrified her. He stopped, but kept himself buried deep inside her. He rubbed her lower back softly, Mary felt her body relaxing, and the pain easing. His lips found hers again and slowly he pressed forward. She whimpered and trembled but didn't struggle anymore. Finally, he was as deep inside her as her body would allow. He moved carefully inside her. The pain faded quickly and Mary moaned against his chest, she pressed down hesitantly. He smiled and took her carefully, building that tension again and then releasing it, leaving Mary trembling. He pulled out of her carefully and Mary whimpered. He laid her on the mattress but Mary held on to him.

"Don't go." Her voice was weak, her tone plaintive. He smiled down at her.

"Just for a moment, child." He dipped a soft cloth in a bowl of water and cleaned off the end of his tail. He rinsed the cloth and then turned to her. "The herbs in the water will soothe your ache." He pulled the covers back and Mary looked away but let him open her legs wide again. She jumped when he placed the cool, damp cloth over her sore opening. She relaxed against his hand. He cleaned her gently and the ache did ease. Mary opened her eyes in time to see the blood that covered the cloth. Her stomach turned and she groaned. He rinsed the cloth and held it against her again, Mary shivered slightly. He took the cloth away again and then gathered her into his arms. Mary snuggled close.

This time, Mary did sleep for awhile. She awoke to the sensation of his hand caressing her back gently, but absently. She realized that he had either blown out most of the candles, or they had gone out on their own. When she looked up at him, his eyebrows were drawn together.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly. He smiled at her.

"I should be asking that of you." He smiled and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Mary moved a bit, reconnecting with her own body. She tried not to let on that she felt a dull, throbbing ache between her legs.

"I'm fine." She said softly, relaxing against him. She was still surprised to feel the side of his bare hip against her body, but she liked the warm feeling of his skin. Her hand stroked down over his stomach. His eyes closed as her fingertips explored the firm muscles, then the depression of his navel. Mary fingers touched him lightly, drifting lower. His soft, growling moan took her by surprise, his large hand closed around her wrist. She looked up at him, confused. "I'm not allowed to touch you?"

"I know that you are curious child, and I have dreamed of your touch as I have dreamed of nothing else in these long years." He kissed her palm. "After you may explore to your heart's content."

Mary blushed and squirmed uneasily.

"Are you in pain?" He asked softly. She lowered her eyes and he kissed her forehead softly. "Lie on your back." He sat up, keeping the covers wrapped around his waist.

"No." Mary retreated from him. He looked at her curiously.

"We discussed obedience, did we not?" He stroked her cheek softly. There was no threat in his voice, but there was a definite expectation that she would comply or explain.

"That water is-" Mary found she didn't want to say it. "Is dirty." He smiled softly.

"I changed it while you slept." He stroked her blushing cheek softly. His voice was soft, but his tone was firm. "Move closer child." Mary hesitated but slid over. She opened her legs. He pulled the blanket down and Mary turned away. Her arms covered her breasts and he bent one knee up, opening her even wider. He pressed the cool, damp cloth over her entrance again. Mary gasped sharply and squirmed until her body became used to the cold sensation and the pressure of his hand. She relaxed and moaned softly as the ache eased. Mary turned a little more, so that she was facing him.

"Where did you find herbs this time of year?" She asked softly. He took the cloth away, rinsed it and put it back in place. She gasped again and shivered but didn't try and pull away.

"I collected them this summer." Mary looked up at him. He read the question in her eyes and smiled. "They have other uses. It is the way of my kind to heal ourselves with herbs. My mother came from a clan of healers, and she taught me some of their ways." He took the cloth away again and got back into bed. Mary snuggled close.

"How come this bed fits you so well?" It was a silly question, but it was one that had been playing on her mind since that first night he comforted her from her nightmare.

"Because it is my bed." He was on his side now, Mary snuggled comfortably against his chest. "Ambrose told me that as soon as our situation was know this room was occupied by the master of the house."

"Why did you need a bed? I thought you spent your days outside." Her eyes were closed.

"I do, as do all of my kind. But, when I spent intimate time with my mate we were more comfortable here." She heard the small smile in his voice.

"Do you want it back?" She was drifting near sleep again, but it was still early. She was sure the deep relaxation and the easing of the ache had something to do with it. "I mean I could move my things to some other room. There are at least a dozen." His chuckle rumbled softly.

"One might say that I do have it back." He kissed her softly.

"True." A blush bloomed on Mary's cheeks. "I guess I haven't started thinking in those terms yet."

He kissed her softly and then his lips took on a new firmness, Mary trembled and felt her body respond to his touch. His fingers squeezed her breasts gently and she gasped and arched against him when his talons tickled her hard nipples. Mary could feel the now familiar wetness growing between her legs again, she pushed aside memories of the painful sensation of being opened by his tail and gave herself over to the pleasure of his touch. Mary moaned against his mouth, her tongue stroking his. Aiden pulled one of the pillows down and moved her onto her back with her hips propped up on it. The position and her relaxation made it impossible to keep her legs together. He moved over her and settled between them and Mary suddenly felt very small and very scared. His mouth left hers and he looked down at her. The soft candlelight caught his eyes and she saw the worry in them.

"What?" She asked, shifting uneasily under him.

"I fear I will injure you beyond your ability to forgive." Mary kissed his arm softly, because it was all she could reach.

"I'm scared, I can't hide that." She was blushing and she felt her heart pounding but she forced herself to look up at him. "But you know I trust you."

"I do not question that child." He kissed the side of her neck softly and Mary relaxed. One hand stroked over her chest, her fingers finding the tip of his right nipple and he growled softly as she pinched. His lips found hers again, Mary's tongue caressed his lips and his mouth became hungrier again. He rested on his arm, the other hand explored her carefully and Mary arched under his touch. When his talons lightly stroked over her slightly open lower lips Mary gasped and felt her juices building more quickly. She was breathing faster when he looked down at her again. "Mary-"

"Please." Her heart was pounding, and it was all that she was able to say. He kissed her softly and slid down between her legs. Mary relaxed and opened her legs wider when his lips brushed the front of her mound.

One hand rested on his head, the fingers on her other hand caressed the smooth surface of his curling horns. His tongue teased the nub of her pleasure and Mary drew a sharp breath, she pressed forward against his mouth. He teased her with feather-light flicks of the very tip of his tongue and firm, licking strokes that made her tremble. He pressed the tip of his tongue inside her again and this time the discomfort faded as quickly as it registered. He waited until she was on the edge and then pulled away.

His mouth traveled back up the front of her body and his mouth took possession of hers. Mary felt something hard and impossibly wide pressing lightly against her entrance, her eyes widened as he rubbed against her softly. He began to press harder and Mary gripped his shoulders when the pressure became painful. She whimpered sharply. He held her in place and the terrible fear that had gripped her in the bathroom returned.

"I love you child, do not forget that." He whispered softly and pressed hard against her. Mary tensed and cried out. One hand slid under her body and gripped one shoulder, holding her in place. He pushed harder and the tearing feeling returned, only it was worse this time. Her fingernails bit firmly into his back and he continued the hard, painful pressure. Mary started to cry and he growled and pressed against her forcefully. The pain overwhelmed her and Mary screamed and started to struggle. He held her in place and growled again, pushing deeper into her body, tearing her further. He was moving deeper inside her, despite Mary's agonized screams. When he was a deep inside as her body would allow he stopped and cradled her against his chest. Mary's sobs were shaking her body and he held her until she quieted again.

When he started to move inside her the pain hadn't subsided fully and her tears started again. He held her tightly and took his pleasure despite Mary's pained cries. Finally the agony receded and she clung to him, feeling the sensations start to change. She heard his pleasure sounds, felt her body starting to relax. He pressed deep inside her and the animalistic growl frightened Mary. It was the first time since she met him that he seemed more beast than man. Her arms and legs tightened around him and she whimpered with fresh pain as his hot semen stung her torn flesh. He cradled her gently and carefully pulled out of her. By the time he retreated from her completely, Mary felt lightheaded and she shivered against him.

She closed her eyes and let him move her body. He laid her back against mattress. She whimpered sharply when he pressed the cool cloth against her. On the edges of her consciousness she could hear him whispering, though she couldn't understand what he was saying. She felt the tension leaving her muscles as he washed her gently. She could feel him staring at her swollen, bruised vulva. Mary was almost beyond being embarrassed by the close inspection. The throbbing ache began at her knees and moved up into her lower stomach. The prospect that he would relieve a small part of some of that ache was enough to keep her exposed to his eyes. He pressed the cool cloth against her again.

"Open your eyes child, so I know that you can still look at me." Mary forced her eyes open, her hand trembled as she stroked his cheek. "Have I broken your trust?"

"No." She moved closer, trembling. She forced a small smile. "I'm cold though." He pulled the blanket around her and Mary pressed closer to his warm body. She closed her eyes and relaxed against him. After a few minutes he took the cloth away. Mary pressed close against him, the feeling of safety she felt in his arms was unchanged. She squirmed slightly when she felt the uncomfortable sticky wetness on her thighs. She moved away from him reluctantly.

"Do you wish me to leave?" He asked softly.

"That's the last thing I would want. I just need to use the bathroom." She kissed his lower lip softly. Mary found her nightgown and wrapped it around herself. Each step reawakened the ache in her body. When she returned he had a few more of the candles were glowing. The light in the room was still soft, but it was a little brighter than before. She curled up in his arms and tossed the nightgown aside. His fingers slipped inside the waist of her panties.

"I was enjoying the feeling of your skin." His voice was soft, but what he meant was clear.

"I," She looked up into his eyes, hesitant to tell him. "I'm bleeding." She said it softly and hid her blush against his shoulder.

He held her tightly and Mary relaxed, her body molded to his. He pulled the blankets around her shoulders.

"Don't leave." She said softly.

"I won't, dearest one." He looked down at her, one hand slid into the panties to cup her bottom. Mary blushed a little but stayed where she was.

"I mean in the morning." She said. He chuckled softly.

"I must child. You would not wish to awake to an object of stone, but I give my word that I will not leave until I absolutely have to." He stroked her hair, and Mary drifted off again. This time, her sleep was much deeper than before.