Chapter 3: Consequences.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#3 of New Worlds Part 2: The Gryphon Complex

When a gryphon gets transported to the human realm, things don't always go to plan.

Especially when you're "lucky" enough to have it dumped in your lap.

Who said life was meant to be easy?

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

THE GRYPHON COMPLEX. Chapter 3: Consequences.

I rested my head back against the gryphon's flank, and took another puff of the joint K had just passed me. Letting the smoke curl idly from my mouth, I sniggered a bit involuntarily, before passing it to Pyre. Snagging it with a front paw, he brought it to his beak and deftly took a long drag. When K had first brought out the rollie, we both had looked at the gryphon, wondering how he'd go with it. Seeing our glance, he started chuckling, snagging the Zippo from the table and slipping the joint into the far edge of his beak, before closing the soft skin gently around it. Flipping the lighter lid deftly, he brought the flame to his second claw cupped around the rollie, lighting it with a quick pass. Taking a long, deep drag, smoke beginning to waft from his nares, he passed the lit joint back to K, who grinned and took a long pull himself.

"Went to college too, remember, guys" the gryphon said, laying back into the mound of cushions we'd dragged onto the rear deck, and staring out at the view to the mountains in the distance. "When you're covered in feathers and fur, you get used to being careful around open flames".

After a brief inspection of the house earlier, we'd returned to the kitchen, where K fixed us up some sandwiches. He'd already grilled Pyre about his dietary habits, finding the gryphon was basically omnivorous, although he wasn't partial to overly salty or spicy foods, stating they messed with his digestion. Flipping the lid from the cold beer I passed him from the fridge, he made his way to the deck on his remaining three legs, taking the occasional sip from the bottle as he went, while K and I followed with the first plate of sandwiches.

I'd taken time to clandestinely examine the gryphon, who had to be at least three hundred pounds of solid muscle. When on all fours, his shoulder came to my mid chest, and from tip of beak to tail, he was a good twelve foot long, with a wingspan to match. Behind his formidable facial hardware, small feathers formed, growing larger as they receded across his forehead to form a heavy, leonine mane of feathers. Sprouting from behind his large, tufted ears, they continued down his back between his wings. The feathers were a rich golden brown, with chocolate striped highlights, and a lighter tan underneath his wings. The pinfeathers were dark brown, showing obvious stippling. His mane ran down his neck before turning to fur at his chest; a deep, rich, velvety chocolate brown fur that looked coarse but soft at the same time. The feathers on his forelegs ended about half way down, just below his elbows, turning to soft, scaled flesh, which ended with surprisingly dexterous claw hands, bearing 2 inch long talons on each. Four fingers and a thumb, with dark pads on their underside, formed the same configuration as a human hand, I thought to myself. His rear legs ended in heavy tufts partially masking large, formidable paws with retractable claws. His tail, a good 4 feet long, ended in a bushy, feathery tuft.

In all, he was seriously formidable looking. All sleek muscle and energy. He was also seriously hot, a stray thought weaved its way into my conscious, which I quickly suppressed, pushing it down into my guts, which had started uncomfortably churning as I had been examining the gryphon. Jesus, David. Grow up!

Grabbing a sandwich from the pile K had made to distract myself, I munched through a banana and peanut butter monstrosity he'd created, leaning on the railing of the veranda and starting out at the vista. It's amazing the sort of view a lot of money can get you, I thought somewhat snidely, before returning my gaze outwards. I have to admit, though, it was a stunning place.

Deep in my thoughts, I didn't hear Pyre come up behind me before dropping to his haunches carefully. Uncomfortably close, I thought, his feathers brushing against my arm softly as he followed my gaze to the horizon. For such a big bastard, how can he move so silently?

The gryphon brought a sandwich up to his beak, taking a bite before munching noisily. Vegemite and cheese, I sniggered to myself. Here he was saying he didn't like salty, and he was chomping his way through a pile of pure Vitamin B evil.

"It's beautiful out here", Pyre said quietly after swallowing the mouthful.

"Yeah", I said creatively, before sneaking a peak at the creature beside me. Meeting his deep blue eyes staring at me, before he hurriedly returning his gaze to the distant mountains.

Uuuh. Otay! That was... unexpected.

K returned with another plate of sandwiches, and more beer, which we companionably ingested in silence. Personally, having not eaten since the previous day, I was ravenous, and it soon became apparent the other two weren't far behind.

"So, what do your parents do, K" said Pyre, finishing off the last of his sandwiches and returning to his beer.

"Real estate, mainly" K replied, "although they do dabble in other things, too."

He checked the gryphon over for a moment, before asking "What about yours?"

Pyre dropped his head briefly before continuing. "They died when I was pretty young, actually. I don't remember them much. My aunt and uncle raised me. They were cool, though. Helped me get through college, and were always pretty proud of my achievements. Next best thing to the real thing."

A pang went through me at his comments, bringing with it a momentary sympathy and understanding. Having been adopted, I had never known my real parents; something that had always caused me some anguish. While my step folk were awesome, somehow, it wasn't quite the same, so I knew how he felt.

"So, why quantum physics?" I blurted out, trying to break the awkward moment.

Pyre looked at me gratefully, seeing the avenue of escape I'd thrown him. "Yeah, well it seemed to be going places. I mean, there's only so much you can do out at the colonies, and space is pretty boring. It seemed the last real line of pure research."

Colonies? Space? Umm, Wot?

K beat me to the question "Err, what do you mean, colonies? As in, space colonies?"

The gryphon nodded, "Yep. All fourteen systems. Why? Don't you have any here?"

K snorted a nose full of beer, while I began laughing.

"Yeah, about that" I said "The people on this planet couldn't organise a shit in an outhouse properly, let alone coordinating space exploration! We have satellites, and an orbiting space station. Went to the moon in the 60's. That's about it. Since then, humans seem too hell bent on fighting amongst themselves rather than direct their resources at anything as unimaginably creative as space travel!"

Pyre seemed a bit taken back. "But, in your lab, you were doing transference experiments! That's pretty advanced stuff!"

I shook my head. "Sorry to disappoint, but I'm a junior assistant there. The Professor is the one with all the brains. He's the guru behind all that research, although the idiots running the place seem to think otherwise. His funding has been cut so often, he's barely able to make progress anymore. It's a joke."

Pyre looked dejected, his head dropping as his ears folded flat on his skull. "So, me coming here was an... accident?"

I nodded in sympathy.

"So how do I get back?" he asked morosely, and I leaned over and gave him a pat.

"We'll think of something, mate" I said, trying to cheer him up. Then an idle thought crossed my mind.

"I think he knows about you, though" I said, not really considering the matter until now. "He had one of your feathers in his jacket. When he was leaving the hospital room, he made some pretty pointed inferences that he knew I wasn't telling him everything that happened"

Pyre looked thoughtful for a moment. "Do you think he can help me?"

I considered the question. "If anyone can, he can. The real question is, can we trust him enough to let him in on this?"

Rolling the idea through my mind, I considered my relationship with the Prof, and his dedication to his research, before answering my own question.

"Hmm, I reckon so. The guy is totally absorbed in his work. Anything else is a distraction. I think we can trust him. More to the point, he's obsessive. If we don't fill him in, he'd be hounding us about it, and might cause more hassles. Yeah, I'd trust him to help us"

Pyre considered it for a few seconds. "I trust you, David. If you think he can help me, then let's ask him." He grinned, ears perking back up again, before continuing in a dry voice. "Besides, if he's an arsehole, I can always eat him, huh!"

K choked on his sandwich, while the gryphon began laughing uproariously, slapping him on his back to clear his airways.

Damn smart arse.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The afternoon began to blur after that. With a carton of beer absorbed between us, and the joints having kicked in quite pleasantly, I left the pair in their nest of cushions on the veranda, returning to the house proper to chase down a toilet.

Ablutions complete, I returned to the deck, finding the very happy, and obviously stoned gryphon had swiped my cushions! Laying on his side with head raised unsteadily, and with wings tucked behind him, his tail was twitching constantly as, after giving me a chirping smirk, he pointed at K, and said in a solemn voice "He took them!", before the pair fell back laughing hysterically.

"Works for me" I slurred, being the worst for my own indulgences, and dropped down to snuggle against the gryphon's belly, draping an arm over his rump to steady myself.

The gryphon froze for a second, before again breaking out in laughter. K, eyeing me suspiciously, soon followed, passing the joint back for another round.

Things became pretty crazy after that. We began exchanging stories, with K telling of the time in tenth grade we let off the stink bombs in the gym locker room, but things went wrong and they called in the police thinking it was a terrorist attack. I told of the time we super glued the fake dog turd outside the shop I was working at, seeing everyone dodge around it until the poor cleaning woman had to get on her hands and knees to scrape at it with a metal spatula. Pyre's stories were the best, though, with his tales of high school misdemeanours having us in stitches.

"Oh, not the coffee!! For the love of God, don't drink the coffee!" K cried out after one especially great story, and we all broke up in hysterical laughter.

However, it wasn't long until K, head lolling further with every breath, dropped into a doze, his loud snoring breaking the peace. Chuckling quietly, and having trouble keeping awake myself, I turned to the gryphon only to find his eyes firmly closed, and quiet churrs escaping his slightly open beak.

Laying back against his flank comfortable, I snuggled in to the warm fur, head spinning from my excesses. My hand, seemingly of its own accord, began lightly tracing circles on the gryphon's thigh, and my muddled brain gazed with fascination at the patterns left behind. The fur was amazing, soft and warm, with an almost indescribable musky fragrance, and I found myself gently pressing my face into his side, breathing deeply of his scent, my hand continuing to stroke his side, stroking down his thigh across his lower belly towards his inner leg...

Suddenly jolted back to the present, my addled brain gained some clarity, and I brought my hand back sharply. Shit!! I thought, what was I doing?

My reverie was broken by a voice that shocked me speechless.

"Please don't stop" it said quietly, and I felt the bulk underneath me stir fitfully. "That feels so nice. Please."

I turned my head sharply around to meet the deepest blue eyes of the gryphon, gazing pleadingly into my own.

I moved to get up, stuttering an apology, when I felt the gryphon adjust his position, bringing a wing around his body to cradle me against him. He sighed, stroking me gently with the feathery appendage, before leaning back again.

"David." He said quietly, his speech slightly slurred from his intoxication. "I haven't had anyone look at me like you do in a long, long time. It makes me feel really good. So do your hands, too. I really like you, David. Please...don't stop"

I stared at him in shock, having trouble believing what he'd said. Taking my hesitation as refusal, his ears began dropping sadly, and he turned his eyes away. When he raised a wing to let me go, I nearly did so.

But I didn't. For the love of me, I don't know why, but I didn't.

Grasping his wing gently, I brought it back across my shoulders, running my hands gently on the under surface, tracing the feathers back towards his body. I saw his eyes open wide, ears flattening back and beak gaping slightly, before he let out a soft groan and lay back fully on his side.

I began caressing his chest where the feathers gave way to fur, and his breathing sharpened, giving a small gasp as I rested my face against his side and began breathing in deeply.

My God, he smelt good! Musk, and warm fur, and a deeper spicy odour mixed into a cocktail that sent my olfactory senses into overdrive.

Shuddering slightly as the early evening air hit my skin, I sat back briefly, pulling my t-shirt off and dropping it besides us. Taking a deep, nervous breath, my pants and underpants followed, and I found myself lying naked against the big creature who had opened an eye to follow me nervously.

Reaching out a hand, I stroked along his cheek gently, before caressing his ear, running my fingers gently through the mane of feathers, and he shut his eyes in bliss.

"Are you sure about this, Pyre?" I asked him, and he opened his eyes to gaze back into mine, nodding gently, before nuzzling his cheek into my palm. I leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on his beak, which was surprisingly warm underneath my lips. When he moved to respond, I pressed my hand against his neck, stroking through the feathers, and whispered to him "In a bit, beautiful." before nuzzling down his neck back towards his chest.

My hands, too, seemingly of their own accord, returned to tracing through his feathers and fur, as he groaned slightly under my ministrations. When my hands began moving downwards to rest against his lower stomach, stroking through the dense fur, he drew a sharp breath, before he raised himself up briefly, tucking the wing he'd been lying on tightly against his flank, and rolling onto his back, hind legs splayed apart. Spreading the wing that had covered me across the floor for balance, he pressed down into the cushions, letting out a sigh of contentment.

I let my gaze drift down his stomach towards his groin; an area that had secretly obsessed me since I first saw him. My fingers pressed into the fur on his stomach, searching for and eventually finding the rows of nipples hidden deep within. I softly rolled one between my fingers, eliciting another gasp from the gryphon, before bringing my mouth down to burrow through the fur after them. Taking one between my lips, I gave it a firm suckle, feeling it begin to swell in arousal. Through his skin, I could feel the heavy throb of his heartbeat, along with a deep thrum vibrating through his frame which I realised, with surprise, was him purring.

I almost giggled, but resisted, as I didn't want to break the moment.

"Gods, you're fucking sexy" I whispered into the fur of his stomach, and he gave a quiet, nervous laugh, before gasping as my lips moved lower, travelling down his stomach before brushing lightly across his fur covered sheath. Forepaws grasping at the empty air, he arched upwards, as my lips caressed the fur downwards, before gently nuzzling his furry testicles.

"Oh Gods, David!" he gasped, as my lips began fondling the skin covered orbs. I smiled into his fur, enjoying the pleasure he was feeling at my touch, before I slid my hands up his sheath, to the tip, pressing a finger slightly into the opening. Feeling a faint wetness, I brought the finger to my lips, tasting the salty, musky and slightly metallic tang of his natural lubricants, before carefully sliding his sheath down towards the base, exposing his partially erect penis to the cool evening air.

The tip of his penis was slightly pointed, and covered in fleshy barbs which were slightly stiff, but not hard. His shaft tapered from the top, swelling at the base to form a large fleshy bulb, veins and ridges running from tip to knot. His sheath, now stretched tightly behind the swelling, formed a folded mass of soft fur beyond which the fleshy lining inside everted, continuing on to become the soft, flexible skin covering his shaft.

It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

Grasping the base behind the knot gently, I lowered my mouth to the tip, kissing it carefully, before running my tongue along the shaft to the base. Pyre gasped again, his rear legs arching, and claws flexing and retracting, as I slowly began caressing his shaft with my tongue in long, delicate swipes from base to tip. He began leaking a significant amount of precum from his slit like urethra, which I swirled in my mouth like honey dew. It was even better than I hoped, the taste sending my senses spiralling, and urging me to take him deeper and deeper, trying to swallow as much of his considerable 12 inches into my throat.

With the movement of my lips, his tip scraping the roof of my mouth, and the tongue caressing along the ridges of his shaft, he began an involuntary bucking of his hips, trying to send his penis further down my throat with every thrust. My hand pressed on his stomach prevented him penetrating too deeply, but with every moment his ragged breathing became more and more harsh until after several minutes, with a caw-like cry, he arched his back, wings pressed firmly on the floor, and came deeply into my throat.

His orgasm was almost indescribable! The heat from his organ intensified, and the tip began pulsing against the roof of my mouth, before releasing jet after jet of thick semen down to the back of my throat. I gagged momentarily at the volume, before tightening my lips around his shaft and quickly began swallowing as fast as I could, my free hand squeezing firmly behind the swelling knot as he pumped his seed into my mouth. With a cry not unlike that of a screaming eagle, he finally fell back to the pillows, exhausted, as his fluids slowed, finally to a trickle. Sighing in satisfaction, I carefully cleaned his shaft and tip with my tongue, enjoying the scraping of the fleshy barbs on my tastebuds, releasing him with a sigh, to fall back against him on the cushions.

For a few seconds, we just lay there enjoying the moment, before he reached across and gathered me up, cradling me against his chest as he gently nuzzled into my hair. I wrapped my arms as far as I could around him, caressing his shoulders and with my face pressed into his feathery mane, and sighed a deep, satisfying breath.

It was the most incredible, amazing experience of my life, and I loved him for sharing it with me.

His breathing slowly settled, before he began making light, choking noises into my hair. Looking up in concern, I was startled to see large, hot tears falling from his eyes, to soak the soft feathers of his cheek.

Reaching a hand up to his face, I gently wiped them away, as he began a hiccoughing apology at his reaction. When I asked him what was wrong, his response was to bury his beak into my hair again, hiding his eyes from view, as the sobs subsided, and his breathing stilled.

Stroking his mane softly, I said to him "Are you OK?".

He sighed, breathing deeply of my scent, before replying almost inaudibly "Yes. I just... That was... you're amazing!"

I giggled softly, hugging him close, before turning to place my back against the tight muscles of his chest. His arms, wrapped around my waist, began a slow, gentle caressing of my skin, claws so softly running across my flesh as to send shivers along my spine.

His soft voice spoke again in my ear. "No one has ever made me feel like that, David. Ever." He sighed, hugging me close.

"Never" I asked him in surprise.

He shook his head. "No. At home I'm not considered all that attractive."

I drew back, looking at him in astonishment! "What the hell? You're the most gorgeous guy I've ever met!! Fuck, you get me hard sharing a room with you! Couldn't you tell how attracted I was to you?"

He gazed down at me with those impossibly deep blue eyes, before sighing "Gryphons like rough, athletic partners. They always look for the biggest, strongest, toughest mate. I never have felt that way, and it makes me unattractive in their eyes. Hell, for a gryphon, I'm pretty puny."

I pondered that, thinking if Pyre was small, I'd hate to meet a big gryphon!

Snuggling back against him, which resulted in him drawing me in tight to his chest, I sighed in pleasure "Well, you're all the gryphon I'd ever want to handle, gorgeous. I think you're stunning. Believe me, I'm no catch myself. The fact you even noticed me, or thought of me in this way, when my own kind rarely do, is the greatest of compliments. Just... well... just promise to stay with me tonight, and we'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. OK?"

He burrowed his head into my hair again, nodding, as I felt his beak caress the soft skin of my neck, causing me to shiver involuntarily. Gods, how could anyone this incredible hot think they weren't sexy!

With the arms of my lover wrapped tightly around me, his warm breath on my neck, and his soft wing covering my naked body, we fell asleep to the soft sounds of each other's breathing.

Let tomorrow come. We were prepared to face it together.

Continued in Chapter 4: J'adore mi amour.