Black and White and Red All Over

Story by Bevan on SoFurry

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Tobin nosed around in his older brother's room in an attempt to find out more about him. What he finds leaves him breathless.

I haven't wrote a thing in a while, and it probably shows. Though I've dabbled, I just haven't had the willpower to actually finish anything I put to paper. For the first time in ages, I sat down and wrote out a story in a single sitting. If any mistakes have slipped by, I aplogize, and will attempt correct them. Eventually. Accidentally saving it as a draft the first time around was a great start.

Tobin was sweating so much, he was beginning to worry his stripes would start to run. The heat of a blossoming summer was beating down upon him, and the humidity that accompanied it was murderous. The weight of his backpack seemed to grow with every laborious step up the pathway to his home. To the young zebra, it always seemed as though that final stretch was the longest part of the walk back from school. The very second he made it inside, he slipped the pack from his shoulder with a loud thud.

"Toby? What was that bang?" His mother called from the kitchen. He sighed. Every school day he did this, and every time she asked.

"Nothing, mom." He replied, irritation creeping into his voice. He ran a hand through his mane to coral it away from his eyes, and made a face when it came away with a coat of perspiration. He abruptly grew very aware of just how sweaty his clothes were, and how they stuck to his body in all the wrong places. "I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower."

His mother came breezing into the living room from the kitchen threshold, regarding him with bemusement and love. She had not one drop of sweat upon her brow despite the unrelenting heat. When she wrapped her arms about his shoulders and hugged him, he could smell the scents of lavender and honey.

"Your brother is in there right now, sweetie. You're gonna have to wait." She laughed when she saw the disappointment twisting across his face. "Don't be such a grouch. You know he needs to wash off after swim practice... Oh, I know." She took a step back and waved him off towards the hallway. "Why don't you go use Jamie's shower?" Tobin's disappointment morphed into elation, a grin splashing onto his face. His mom just gave him carte blanche to go into his big brother's room!

"OK." He said, trying to guard the eagerness in his tone. He brushed past his mother and briskly made his way to the cellar door. Halfway down the carpeted stairs, the stairway made an abrupt left. He raced down the stairs and into the cool darkness of the large basement room. Aside from a small bathroom and a laundry area, the whole thing was one open space. Tobin blindly groped at the wall until his fingers found an ancient light switch that snapped when he turned it on.

At once the ceiling mounted lights came to life, bathing the room in an almost dim light. The wood paneled walls were likely older than he was, and they were adorned with all manner of posters. Most of them related to cars, or musicians. A group of long haired Nordic wolves solemnly stared at him from behind his brother's aging television, their burly arms folded across their bare chests. Another poster tacked above his brother's messy bed featured a buxom blonde filly reclining upon a red Porsche 911. She wore nothing but a red towel with the Porsche logo emblazoned upon one corner, and red text beneath the poster invited the viewer to 'Take her for a ride'. He stumbled along while taking in a few of the new posters, making his way into the bathroom.

His shower was short, but blissful. The cool water carried away all the dirt and stress of the day. When he stepped out onto the fluffy floor mat, he felt like a whole new man. It was only when he was standing nude in his brother's bathroom that he realized he'd forgotten to grab a fresh set of clothes for himself. The dripping wet teen reluctantly picked up his sweat soaked boxers, then instantly cast them away.

Tobin thought of calling to his mother, but he knew she wouldn't hear him. Even when his brother was playing his stereo at full blast, those upstairs heard little more than the thrumming of the base. He reluctantly walked out into his brother's room with a white towel draped around his waist, heading over to his dresser. His top drawer was filled with nothing but junk. What it was, he couldn't say, but much of it was dirty metal that rattled nosily whenever it was moved.

He closed the drawer and moved onto the next, and found it stuffed with a amalgamation of garments. Socks here, shirts tangled with pants, but not a single pair of underwear. The frustrated teen eventually settled upon a large pair of black mesh shorts. He glanced back at the stairs before dropping his towel, and took care to tie the drawstrings around his slender waist. They hung loose and low upon his hips, but they would do.

He walked across the room and fell back upon his brother's body, sprawling out with a sigh. It was so much cooler down here than upstairs, especially when he compared it to the room he shared with his younger brother. 'Maybe after Jamie moves out, I can have this room.' It was a bittersweet thought. That was likely years away, and while the room was nice, the thought of being without his big brother...

He idolized Jamie more than he really had cause to. He was nearly a stallion grown, and the zebra possessed a quiet confidence that Tobin lacked. He stood at six feet tall with a few inches in change, a full five or six inches taller than Tobin. In addition, he was an active teen that had steadily piled on the muscle while Tobin had... Well, not. Whereas his older brother loved doing whatever he did, and his younger brother was a swimmer, Tobin was on the thin side of average. A bit skinny, but not a beanpole.

It occurred to him then that for all he adored his brother, he didn't know much about him. He knew that he loved cars and driving. He knew that he lifted weights, and that he played video games on occasion. He also knew that he preferred to wear darker colours... But beyond that, he had few ideas. His brother had never been one for sharing things about himself with the rest of the family. All his mother's prying at the dinner table was often fruitless. He didn't even know if his brother had a girlfriend!

Tobin rolled onto his side and eyed the nightstand beside the bed. Maybe it had something that could shed some light upon the enigma that was his brother. He tentatively reached out and pulled the drawer open, but found little inside. There were a few small wrenches, a pack of gum, and... A tube of toothpaste? Tobin regarded it curiously for a second or two, then shut the drawer.

Maybe... Under the bed? He pulled himself off the edge of the bed and reached beneath it, blindly flailing about until he smacked his hand into the side of a box. Pay dirt! The elated zebra grasped at the box and pulled it out into the open, then hoisted it up onto the bed with him. The box was long, squat, and navy blue with white trim and matching font. In the center of the box was big bold text that read 'Hammerhead Boots', with a silhouette of the company's namesake circled around it. He sat up and stared down at it, his anticipation building. As long as the box was closed, anything could be inside, but the second he opened it... He almost feared finding nothing but disappointment and junk.

He drew a breath, then flipped open the lid as fast as he was able. Tobin's jaw nearly dropped off it's hinges. After a second of stunned silence, he forcefully slammed the cardboard lid shut just as quickly as he'd opened it. Did he really just see what he thought he saw? He was considering another look when he heard the sound of footsteps upon the stairs, and he nearly jumped out of his skin. Was that Jamie? He practically leaped off the bed and grabbed the box, shoving it back beneath the bed where he'd found it. Seeing no other option, he fled to the bathroom across the room and shut the door. 'Let it be mom.' He pleaded in this mind, almost praying. 'Let it be mom.'

He slumped back into the corner behind the doorway and listened, pressing one ear against the door. As the footsteps grew closer, he realized that it was not one person, but two. If it was his brother, he had company.

"Did I ever tell you how hot your mom is?" Tobin immediately recognized the playfully smug, deep voice of his brother's friend, a stallion named Adonis. They hadn't talked much, but it was a voice one didn't forget. It was strong and thoroughly masculine, and every word was equal parts arrogance and pomposity. He was one of the few friends his brother regularly brought home, though they spent much of their time in the seclusion of his brother's room. He was of a similar height and build to Jamie, but perhaps a bit taller, and a pinch more muscular. But unlike his brother, Adonis was covered head to toe in fair brown fur. His mane was a wild and silvery thing, light blonde and rich with curls. If he wasn't such a large, strong horse, he might almost look 'pretty'. As it was, his masculine nature made the stallion lean more towards a princely, regal appearance.

"Don't talk about her." His brother shot back, without much venom in his tone.

"If I didn't already have a pretty filly to mount, I probably would have bent her over the counter by now. I wonder if she'd be any louder... " His brother gave no more warnings or rebuttals. Through the door, he could hear them moving, their shoes coming off, and fragments of whispered or mumbled words.

"Put... Right... Or... " His curiosity ate at him, and he eventually crept up to the place where the door met the frame. It hadn't quite closed all the way, and Tobin eased the door open just a bit more to peek into the bedroom. The first thing he saw was Adonis. He was near the center of the room, facing the door, with his body turned just to the side... And he was wearing nothing more than a grin of utter superiority. His brother was on his knees before him, with Adonis' long, girthy cock half-buried in his mouth. From where he was he could just make out Adonis' medial ring as it pressed against his brother's puckered black lips. It was almost as though he were kissing it. He could see a slender red collar hanging around his brother's muscular neck, nearly concealed by his hanging black mane. In his off hand, Adonis held the leash that had been attached to it.

He stood there and stared, his eyes wide to the lurid details being poured into his mind. Most of his brother's back was to him, and his hips were slanted backwards. His posture made his striped ass flex against the pair of crimson lace panties that he wore, his tail hiked over the low cut waist. On his muscular legs he wore a pair of dark stockings that had matching red ribbon bows on the inside thighs. They were just as bright as the rosy blush washing across his brother's cheeks.

"You're such a good little cocksucker." Adonis huffed at his brother, using the leash as leverage to tug his brother further onto his turgid dick. Inch by inch he fed it to Jamie, who somehow swallowed the enormous piece of horse meat as easily as a fish swallowed water. 'Lots of practice.' A voice whispered, an unwanted thought. 'He's had a lot of practice.' He could feel his throat going dry as Adonis seated his heavy nuts against his brother's chin, his nose buried in the blonde stallion's thick pubic fur.

Tobin had seen porn before. It wasn't the first time he'd seen a naked person, or sex, but he'd never seen it live and up close! He sure as hell hadn't seen much of men together, let alone like... Like this. He found himself unable to move or look away as the scene continued to unfold, like a dream he couldn't wake up from. He watched as Adonis began to rock himself against his brother's face, slapping his hefty nuts against his face. Every other thrust was accompanied by little wet pops whenever the suction was broken. Adonis grabbed a handful of Jamie's mane and drew him back. When the flared head of his cock slipped from his mouth, Tobin could see many strands of clear, viscous fluid bridging the gap.

"I haven't cum in a week... I've been saving a nice fat load for my filly. You've been such a good girl... I think I'll stud you today. Would you like that?" His brother nodded at once, his cheek brushing across the leaking head of Adonis' dick.

"Y-Yes." He stuttered. He'd never heard Jamie stutter before.

"Yes what?" Adonis replied with a yank of the leash.

"Y-Yes sir, I... Would like you to fuck me." The muted, submissive words from the cowed zebra echoed in his head. It wasn't just the words themselves, but the tone, that of a plea honeyed with sweet lust.

"Better... Stand up, and lay down on the bed. I want to see how pretty you look in your new panties." His brother rose up at once and did as he was told, moving over to the bed. When he laid down upon his back with his legs splayed wide, Tobin could see a new side of his brother. His massive ebon erection jutted out of the lace panties, spilling out across athletic, milky white stomach. His balls were still hidden within, but they bulged visibly against the fabric. Tobin shifted his stance and bit his lip when he felt the cool, silky smooth mesh of his borrowed shorts brushing against his rising cock. When had he started getting hard?

"Such a pretty girl." Adonis breathed, his pale, golden tail flickering in excitement as he circled around to the foot of Jamie's bed. He used his hands to usher his brother's legs upon, clamoring onto the bed between them. His fingers pushed upon the back of Jamie's thighs and folded them in upon his body, lifting his ass off the bed. Tobin's heart began to beat like a war drum as he watched Adonis' dick skim across the red lace between his brother's legs, stopped only by his lacy underwear. He stared into his brother's lidded, baby blue eye with a lecherous grin upon his face. "Take them down, slow."

He could see his big brother shivering as his hands lowered across his body and hooked his thumbs into the waistband. As instructed, he took them down gingerly, just far enough along his thighs to expose his ass entirely. Adonis leaned down until their snouts nearly touched, then spoke a command just loudly enough that Tobin could make out the words.

"Guide your stud, little filly." Tobin's heart skipped a beat, his eyes following his brother's hand as it obediently cupped the end of Adonis' glistening prick and guided downward. He couldn't see exactly where it was going, but he could guess. He watched with rapt attention as Adonis' hips shifted forward, then sunk his cock halfway into Jamie's ass in one quick motion. When his brother shuddered and moaned in delight, Tobin trembled, intimately aware of the throbbing erection now raging in his shorts.

Adonis' chest heaved and the horse let out a pleased whicker, his expression that very embodiment of pleasure and self-assurance. He wore a thin smile upon his face as he drove the rest of himself into his brother's body, so swiftly that Tobin was amazed how fast his brother took his girthy cock. 'Practice.' The voice whispered again. 'Lots and lots of practice...' The weight of the stallion pressing down upon his folded body pushed it inward even further, his legs directed high into the air. He never would have guessed that his brother was so flexible...

The bed creaked in protest as Adonis' ground his hips against Jamie's ass, making the zebra coo like a delighted little girl. He took one hand off one of Jamie's thighs, then grabbed the zebra's lengthy black dick. His brother gasped and shot a spurt of pre-cum onto his own chest, his face twisting with joy. When his lips parted, Adonis shoved the head of Jamie's dick right into the zebra's mouth.

"Suck." He ordered in a lusty breath, and Jamie's lips immediately began to nurse. When Adonis drew his hips back, the ebon shaft nearly slipped out of his muzzle... But it was promptly stuffed right back in again when he slammed his cock into Jamie's ass. Tobin fumbled a hand down to his waist and undid the tie holding his shorts upon. The shorts fell, but hung upon the hefty erection jutting out from between his thighs. He cast them onto the floor and took his dick into his hand, biting his lip to keep himself from moaning. Just touching his swollen cock was enough to make his dick jump. When his stroke hit his medial ring, his legs shook and a bolt of pleasure unlike anything he'd yet experienced shot through his mind. At once the young zebra began to jerk off with a crazed ecstasy coursing through him, his mind filled with a boiling lust.

The headboard of Jamie's bed smacking against the wall beat out a steady tempo that all three of them followed. Adonis was moaning loud and proud without a care given to the possibility of getting caught. It was almost as though he wanted the world to know that Jamie was his, and he was claiming his mare. The stallion's wild, frenetic rutting looked painful to endure... But upon his brother's face, he saw only need, a desperate yearning for sweet release. Tobin's fingers rose and fell upon his cock with a need of his own, an all encompassing desire. His throbbing dick had started to trickle a steady stream of pre across his fingers. In his mind, he was chanting a steady mantra. 'Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him.'

Adonis was the first of them to go. His platinum tail hiked up and he let out a mighty whicker. The look upon his regal features as he hit his peak was one of exquisite pleasure. He drove himself into Tobin's brother with such gusto that Jamie nearly choked upon his own dick. Then that ebon shaft sprang to life between his lips. He could see his brother squeezing his eyes shut, his moans muffled... His flushed cheeks were soon bulging as Jamie emptied his nuts into his mouth. When Adonis leaned back, his shaft slipped free of his mouth and began painting his face with a rope after rope.

Tobin felt his flare swell just seconds before tumbling over the edge, his orgasm hitting him like a hammer. It forced the air from his lips in a shuddering moan that reverberated off the bathroom walls. He could feel his dick jerking within his grasping fingers as it fired again and again with surprising vigor. He was breathless by the time his climax began to ebb, his cum running down the door in front of him... Wait, had he moaned?

His eyes shot open as he'd realized what he'd done, the pleasure replaced with sheer terror. Though the crack in the door, he could see two pairs of eyes staring at him from across the room.