Foxy Lover: Part 2

Story by Ruffe on SoFurry

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#2 of Foxy Lover

This is a gay story featuring: Relationships, masturbation, fantasy. If any of this offends you, or you are not of legal age in your location, don't read it. Otherwise, enjoy, and don't forget to leave a comment ;)! -CuriuosFox.

Devin didn't quite know how to address the fox standing in front of him, so decided to just use the basics.

"Welcome to Hardee's, I'm Devin. Would you be interested in trying our new Western Bacon Thickburger?"

"No, Devin, not today," the fox said, his voice a nice resonate baritone, "but I will have the number 2 combo, with curly fries."

"Are you interested in upgrading to a medium or large size today,? Devin asked.

"No thank-you," and then mumbled something, Devin couldn't make out.

"Sorry sir, I didn't catch that."

"Nothing, just grumbling about the reasons Americans are fat. Ohh, please drop the sir, I'm not even out of High School yet," Devin's mind started doing cartwheels at the comment.

"I know, the ones that don't need it are always the ones upgrading. For here or to go?"

"For here please."

"Ok, one number two with curly fries, comes to $5.19."

"Let me guess, Curly Fries are twenty cents more huh," Devin nods to the fox while accepting his money. "Congrats on being the first human to actually be able to hold a conversation with me without stumbling or tripping over your words."

"Yeah, I was worried about that, but just figured the best plan was to follow my normal routine. Okay, 81 cents brings you to 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The cup for your drink, the soda machine is right behind you, and 78 is your order number. We'll bring it out as soon as it's ready," Devin said, starting to relax and enjoy talking to the fox.

"So you said you were in High School, where do you go? I'm a senior at Smith High just down the road" Devin says, striking up a conversation.

"Goody!" The fox exclaims, shocking Devin. "I'll at least know one person in my class when I start. Names Alex," Alex says while holding out his paw.

"Nice to meet you" Devin says, shaking the offered paw. His mind purrs at the luxurious and interesting feel of fur and paw pads. "I'll have your order out in a minute."

Then Alex turns around and his hips sway while his tail swings back and forth. Rather erotically, thought Devin. The way that tail swished over his nice, tight...

"STOP IT! I'm at work damit" Devin yells at his mind, and himself. Devin goes about waiting for Alex's food to come up. Devin takes it out to him, as it is slow, since the dinner crowd has come and gone, and the late eaters haven't come yet. Devin finds Alex in the very back in a secluded corner.

"Here you go; this is your number two combo with curly fries. Can I get you anything else?" Devin asks Alex while grabbing the number card.

"Anything that requires you to come back here again. I'd really like to see your sexy ass swinging twice" Alex says while winking at Devin.

Devine looks absolutely shocked and accidently drops the number. Alex catches the number and not so accidently rubs Devin's crotch.

"You know, no straight guy stares at another's ass that long. Not even one that's as cute and sexy as mine" Alex informs Devin, smiling mischievously. Devin continues to just stare dumbfounded. "Well, can I at least have some ranch for my curly fires at least? Pllleeeaaassse."

"S-S-S-u-re. I'll... uhm, be right back."

"Thanks, cutie,? Alex says to Devin while he heads to go grab a tub of ranch.

"OH MY GOD, he knows. Does this mean he's gay too? Does he want me too? Wonder what he?d be like in..." Devin thought to himself until one face entered his head. "Damn, I'm going out with Mellissa right now."

Yet, Devin had felt the dynamics of the relationship change, and he guessed that Mellissa felt it too. They were slowly drifting apart in the sense that the relationship, becoming less BF/GF and more like regular friends. Or, another way to look at it was that there relationship was more becoming that of brother and sister. There wasn't the same fire that they had started with. There was still a closeness or intimacy, but there was none of the sexual energy that had been there at the start. They enjoyed each other's company still, but there was no hint of mutual attraction, just being around for the talks and secret sharing. No desire for companionship, just a desire to talk and listen and share good times. Devin didn't know what to do about his relationship with Melissa. He didn't want to hurt her and lose the friendship, and he didn't want Tim to feel vindicated about the whole issue.

"Is that far off stare for me?" Alex asked Devin. Devin looked around and realized that during his musings, he had somehow made his way to the front, grabbed a couple tubs of ranch, and then walked back to Alex's table.

"No, I was just thinking of some stuff going on in my life right now" Devin said while handing the tubs of ranch to Alex. Alex looked him over, nodded, grabbed a napkin and wrote down a phone number, handing it to Devin.

"Well, as soon as you sort yourself out, I'd like to date you, but at least give me a call sometimes so we can do some friend stuff together. I can keep my paws to myself."

"Ummm, sure, that'd be great." Devin went about his duties, waved a goodbye to Alex when he left.

...Damn, the wind felt great on his face as he rode down the street. He really needed to cool down, not from work but from that damn fox. He was so hot and sexy, but then so sweet and kind, it hit Devin's heart like a cardboard box verses a freight train. Plowed right in like there was nothing there, and left Devin wanting him, BAD! He saw his house up ahead and started to slow down. He stopped at outside garage door opener, entered the code and waited while the door rose, so he could put his bike away. Right next to his car is where he put his bike.

"Heeelo Devin" his dad called from the doorway while annoyingly waving his hands.

"Hey, I'm back. Anything left from dinner?"

"Yea, it's in the fridge and needs to be reheated. How was work?"

Devin shrugged "It went okay. I feel grimy, so I?m gonna go take a shower first, and then reheat dinner."

"Okay, be sure to say hi to your mom. She didn?t think it was safe for you to be riding back this late" Devin's dad said while stepping back into the house. Devin hit the button for the garage door, hearing it close behind him. He barely got turned around before a black shape attacked him.

"Hey, Tipper, down girl. Yes I'm glad to see you" reaching down to pet the easily excited Labrador. "Wanna belly rub?" He asked, while the dog went to her back. He stroked her belly, making sure to keep his arm free of the moving paw that she did to show she was enjoying the attention. He got up and started through the house. He saw that his mom was on the computer, as the light in the office/spare bedroom was on.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Devin" she said as he walked in and gave her a hug. "Oooo, go take a shower, you stink."

"Thanks, nice to see you too" while walking out the door. He got to his room and stripped down to his boxer briefs, grabbed a new pair, and headed into his bathroom, shivering from the cold tile on his warm feet. He grabbed the nozzles and turned the hot on only, waiting for it to warm up. The new on demand hot water system his parents had installed was both a blessing and a curse. The blessing was that he never ran out of hot water, but the curse was it took forever to get hot water, especially in the mornings.

As Devin waited for the water to warm up, he thought of Alex. His cute and charming attitude, the sweet smile, and the way his ass and tail swayed, made Alex juicy and irresistible. He felt his emotions start to rise, but that wasn't the only thing, as his cock decided not to feel left out. He gently started to rub before he even realized it, and stopped, he wasn't going to fantasize about the hot fox, he was loyal to Mellissa. He felt the water, turned on a little cold to make the water temperature perfect, and then stepped under the comforting spray. Devin ran his hands over his body, helping the water get rid of the grime before he wetted his hair down and then put the shampoo in. He got a good lather up, let it soak for a second, and then rinsed it clean, feeling his hair become smooth and clean.

Devin then reached for the bar of soap and began to wash and scrub his body, first his arms and torso, then legs, and then his crotch. While he was washing his crotch, his thoughts drifted through the day. When he hit the part with Alex, he couldn't help but get hard and start to rub more vigorously. He thought of how Alex's warm tongue and nuzzle would slowly kiss and work over his cock, before engulfing it. Alex's tongue would begin to slowly work over his hard length, while Alex's finger gently rubbed his pucker before gently pushing in and exploring the secret depths. Devin moaned as the finger and hot muzzle did a number on his poor genitals. Before long, he moaned louder, tensed up, and started launching his marines, sending them out into the world. As he came down, he realized it was his finger toying with his hole, and only his hand, not Alex's muzzle. He looked across and could see his load slowly going down the wall.

"That was amazing, better than any fantasy before. Ohh no, even better than those about Melissa. Why did I just do that?" He thought to himself before sliding down the wall and crying, feeling both scared and confused...

...Devin slowly awake to the sound of his alarm clock blaring into his ears, telling him it was time to regain consciousness. He groaned, and hit the snooze, wishing he could break the damn machine for destroying his wonderful dream. At least in it everything was going well, but that was all he could recall now. He stretched and looked at the time.

"What the Fuck. Its 9:00, why the hell am I up this early?" Devin was about to fall back asleep when he remembered that he was meeting Melissa at 11:00 for lunch. Damn, his bed was so warm and inviting, but alas, he did need to see Melissa. Breaking up was something you did in person. Though he was worried how she would take it. But he couldn't deny that he wasn't straight, not even bi. Alex had shown him one thing, he was gay, and he wanted to be with men; especially Alex, with all of his cute and adorable fur. He was so scared two days ago, when the realization wrenched him from the soft cocoon of his, forcing himself to confront his very being. But he was better now, and much happier and secure. Two days off from work had really helped him in sorting things out.

He walked into the bathroom and put his head under the sink and soaked his hair in water. He reached out and groped around for his towel. When found he begin to dry his hair down to a moist state where he could style it. He liked to style his hair with an off-center part, he liked the way it made his bangs kind of curl across his forehead, but didn't scream nerd at the part. He put on some deodorant, pulled on a pair of khakis and a nice button shirt. The shirt was a light blue color with darker blue and white vertical strips. Helped to lengthen his torso and make him seem a little taller. He put on his shoes and saw that is was 9:30, so he had sometime to burn before meeting Mellissa. He headed out into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of bread and chugged down a glass of juice, a breakfast for champions. He headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and on the way turned on his Game Cube.

Devin walked out of the bathroom, his breath all minty and fresh from the brushing and the burning of a Listerine rinse. If any bacteria were still alive in there, they deserved to be if they could survive that. He grabbed his controller and turned the TV on, sitting on his futon and starting to work on beating the crap out of his competitors in "Super Smash Brothers: Melee." After an hour of beating the crap out of his opponents, and winning two times, Devin saw that it was time to go. Time to see Mellissa, and do the dirty deed. He hated doing this to Mellissa, but he hated the idea of continuing to lead her on more. He was worried about how she would take it, and would their friendship withstand the breakup. He grabbed his jacket, walked into the garage, started the door rising and climbed into his car. Started the engine, and after backing out of the driveway, started to make his way to Pizza Hut.

When he got there, it was 5 till, and Mellissa's car wasn't there yet. Devin waited in his car for Mellissa to show up, though he wasn't eager to begin this event. He was just wondering when he should tell her, before, during, or after lunch. As Devin thinks about this, he realizes that doing it after would be best, allow them more privacy. Devin looked around again and saw Mellissa pull in. He got out of his car and heads to hers.

"Hey there! How's my man?" Mellissa inquired.

"Good, how are you today?"

"Ohh, pretty good now that I get a free lunch. You're buying, right?" Devin shakes his head at this last statement.

"I always count on it; you never buy your own food." Devin countered, earning himself a playful hit on the shoulder. They walked into the restaurant and while being waited to be seated, heard the door open. Devin wasn't really curious about who was there; just ignoring the family's mundane talk till he heard this:

"Will you stop playing with that damn tail of yours." Devin turned around and there was Alex. When Alex notices Devin standing there with Mellissa, he gave a little grin and a wink to Devin...