Sky Ocean Chapter 12

Story by Hraefn on SoFurry

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#12 of Sky Ocean

Chapter 12

The young she wolf lets out a gasp of pleasure as gentle talons caress her fur. Her muzzle presses against the avian's parted beak, their tongues meeting in a passionate lust driven dance of pure ecstasy. She moans into the kiss as those nimble talons gently massage her flanks, slowly working their way to her breasts. Finding their mark, they slide to the base of her shirt. In primal need, the avian shreds the thin piece of fabric, exposing her soft, furred orbs. With a grin of lust he lowers his beak, gently caressing her left breast with his long avian tongue as he tenderly massages her right. She wimpers in pleasure and hugs his feathered head to her chest. His roving talons slowly slide down her slender waist, his claws hooking the straps of her panties...and slicing right through...allowing the flimsy garment to fall away, exposing her womanhood, hot with desperate need... She sensuously traces her paws over his well toned bare torso, feeling every well developed muscle beneath his gleaming white plumage. She moves lower and lower, finally brushing the waist of his pants. With a lust filled grin and a lick of her lips she plays with the clasp...then the zipper. She slowly slides them down his powerful legs, gasping as his manhood comes into view. Her grin is returned as he descends upon her. She lets out a howl of pleasure as she is enveloped in the warmth of familiar white wings...

"GAAHH!" Harvy bolted upright in bed panting desperately for air, her face flushed and a cold sweat slicking her fur. "For the love of Gaea!" She screamed into the empty room as she collapsed onto her bed in frustration. Whether it be from having the dream to begin with...or waking up before it got...interesting...she was too scared to think about. She looked up when she heard a light knocking at her door. "Everything alright sweety?" She groaned at the sound of her concerned mother's voice. "Just FINE mom..." The older wolf sounded relieved. "Okay then. Breakfast will be ready soon honey!" Harvy let out a sigh as she hopped out of bed, her lazy gaze drifting over to the calendar on the wall. "Heat three..." She mumbled to herself in misery. She wondered how Gar's week was going... A blush quickly spread as images from her most recent dream came flooding back to her. She shook her head in exasperation. Dear Gaea this was so mortifying. She was truly greatful the raven didn't have to see her like this...

Gar sighed in boredom as he stared out the window he was currently seated beside. It wasn't that Mr. Bright's class was boring. On the contrary it was his favorite class. It just seemed less...enticing...without his dear friend there with him. It was already wednesday and he wouldn't be able to see the cheerful young wolf again until the weekend. He sighed again and turned back to his work, as he absently wondered how Harvy was doing. Again losing interest in the painfully simple assignment before him, he glanced around the room. The totems in this class had been fairly decent to him as of late. Most likely thanks to Mr. Bright. He smiled at the weasel at the front of the room who had his face buried in a rather thick book. A slight frown crossed his face as he thought about the other totems in the school. Although it was a welcome relief to no longer need to worry about physical attacks...he almost preffered it to the cold and downright fearful attitudes he'd been met with since the incident.

He sighed in resignation as he recalled how a group of freshman literally fled in fear of him as he walked down the hall. Apparently the story around school was that he was psychotic, unpredictable, and dangerous. He shook his head solemnly and tried to force the thoughts from his mind. It did him no good and plenty of harm to dwell, he knew that. He supposed he was just feeling a bit more melancholy than usual due to the absence of his favorite wolf. He looked up in mild surprise when the bell sounded. He glanced at his half completed assignment with a sigh and quickly finished it with little effort. Mr. Bright gave him a warm smile and a nod as he placed the paper on his desk and exited the classroom. So destracted was he by his thoughts that he didn't notice a petite young bluejay girl running toward him. Next thing he knew he was lying on the ground, a dull ache making it's way through his back. He felt something warm on top of him...something that suddenly shifted upright into a sitting position as a feminine voice sounded in his ears. "...Ow..."

Gar opened his eyes and looked up, coming beak to beak with the aforementioned petite bluejay girl. The much smaller bird's eyes widened in shock with a hint of fear as she stared at Gar. Her eyes were blue, but not like Gar's icy, pale blue pools. Hers were a warm, deep blue much like her brilliant plumage. She was dressed in a rather simple but 'cute' outfit consisting of a pair of skinny blue jeans, a white tube top which showed off her slender and well toned mid riff, and a denim vest which she wore unbuttoned. Her foot talons were bare. In comparison Gar probably looked like a bum with his usual black patchwork pants, sleevless black shirt, leather bracelets fingerless gloves and worn out old talon 'socks.' The jay stared for a few moments before the crest of plumage at her head flared in obvious fear and she let out an 'eep!' of terror. Regaining his composure, Gar put on his warmest smile as he offered her a talon to help her up. She stared at the alabastor talon before looking again into his ethereal blue eyes and promptly breaking into a sprint as she fled in terror of the white raven.

Gar stared after her with a look of shock and puzzlement on his face. He sighed in deep resignation as he realized things were worse than he had imagined. With a shrug he began to head for his next class when his right foot talon struck something. Looking down he saw that the frightened jay had dropped her science book. Frowning slightly, he quickly picked it up and flipped open the cover. After a few seconds he'd found what he was looking for. The name written within was, 'Corrie Trill.' Gar looked around briefly before letting out another sigh. It couldn't be helped. He had to return it to her. He just prayed she'd let him get a sentence out before running away again...

"This isn't funny Sammy!" Harvy yelled into her cell phone for what felt like the thousandth time. The mid afternoon found the 'heat stricken' young wolf lounging on her bed speaking with her old friend Sammy from Nebraska. Sammy was a VERY mischievous bobcat with a very sociable and party going personality. Harvy could recal countless pranks she'd fallen victim to, all set up by the wild feline. Still, she always wound up calling her old friend whenever she was undergoing a particularly frustrating heat cycle. Having another female to talk to helped immensely and Sammy was something of an expert on the subject of sexuality. Which is a polite way of saying she was a totally shameless nymphomaniac. Harvy swore she could see the frisky cat's impish grin. "Oh I beg to differ Harv! It is VERY funny!" She erupted into teasing laughter once again, making Harvy sigh in exasperation. "It's WEIRD Sammy! I'm having wet dreams about my BEST FRIEND who isn't even CANINE!"

The cat chuckled again. "It's really not THAT weird and you know it Harv! Look at me! I've been with cats, dogs, birds, lizards, deer, MICE, and even a few horses...hubah hubah..." Harvy rolled her eyes. "But you're a total NYMPHO..." The cat giggled sheepishly. "Not gonna' argue!" Harvy groaned in exasperation. It didn't seem like this conversation was really going anywhere. "But we aren't really talking right? I mean I'm in heat so it's just the hormones making me all loopy...right?" The cat paused for a moment before responding. "Well technically if it was the hormones talkin' you should be dreamin' of big hunky canines...not birds..." Harvy gulped. "Besides, I thought you said you were having dreams about him even BEFORE you went into heat..." Harvy face pawed with a groan. "I don't know WHY I told you that..." The cat snickered. "Because you LOOOVE me!"

Harvy snorted indignantly. The cat took on a calmer tone. "Seriously though Harv, based on what you've told me about him the guy sounds INCREDIBLE. He's got it all, kind, gentle, compassionate, REALLY smart, writes POETRY, and if you're descriptions are accurate, he's TOTALLY FREAKIN' GORGEOUS!" Harvy groaned again. "I didn't say that Sammy!" The cat snickered knowingly. "You might as well have!" The cat gasped suddenly, making Harvy both worried and curious. "What?" Lecherous giggling filled her ears. "You got a picture?" Harvy paled. "...Yes...actually..." She thought back to the day Gar had shown her around town. She had snapped a photo of him with her cell phone when they were in the bookstore. The cat could barely contain her excitement. "Ooh! Ooh! Lemme see! Lemme see!" Harvy sighed in defeat and sent the picture.

A few seconds later a deafening squeal pierced her ears. "DEAR GAEA!!!!!! Harv! This guy is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!!!!!" Harvy quirked a brow as an intense blush filled her cheeks. "R-really?" The cat scoffed. "As if you really need ME to tell you Harv! MAN! HE IS YUMMY!!!! Look at those feathers! Look at those abs! And his EYES! Dear Gaea!" Harvy gulped. Her blush deepened when Sammy mentioned his eyes. She knew they were truly something special. The cat squealed again. "Seriously girl! You lucked out! No way in HELL are there any guys like that over here!" Harvy listened intently to the cat's words. "Hell if you don't nab him maybe I'll come down for a visit and-" Harvy cut her off. "Hell no! You stay AWAY from him!" She 'eeped!' when she realized she'd fallen into the cat's trap. "HAHAHA! I KNEW it! You wanna' jump his hollow bones!" The wolf shrieked in total mortification. "Stop teasing me Sammy!"

The cat stifled her laughter with some effort. "...Haha...-ehem-...Okay I'm sorry I'm sorry! In my sincere and PROFESSIONAL girl...are in LOVE." Harvy gulped as the words sank in. Her cheeks felt like a furnace and her ears pinned flat against her head. Her voice came out as a squeak. "" The cat snickered again. "Yep..." Harvy face pawed. No way. How could this be? Sighing in a mixture of confusion and resignation she collapsed onto her bed. "Thanks Sammy...I think I need some time to...sort this out..." The cat took on a cheerful tone. "Hang in there girl! Good luck and keep me posted! I wanna' hear some juicy stories later 'kay?" Harvy groaned at her friend's antics. "Yeah...sure to you later...bye." With that she ended the call and absently tossed her phone onto the bed. Mixed emotions swirled within her as she contemplated her friend's words.

Gar let out a nervous sigh as he strolled down the hall. It had been simple enough to find the jay's locker number after looking up her name in the school directory. He now made his way over to the locker in question, knowing the petite avian would have to stop there before her next class. He quickly located the locker and stood just around the corner so as not to alarm her with his presence. After several minutes of waiting he finally spotted a blue form swiftly striding up to the locker. Taking a deep, nervous breath, Gar stepped out from his hiding place and approached her. "My sincerest apologies for my earlier carelessness. I do hope you were not injured." The jay 'eeped!' and turned around sharply, her eyes widening in shock as she saw Gar standing before her. With fear evident in her face she began quickly backing away from him, failing to notice a discarded bottle that had missed the nearby trashcan. She slipped and braced herself for a punishing impact but it never came.

She opened her eyes in puzzlement and found herself looking up at Gar as he gently held her in his arms, having gracefully caught her. She stared through wide, trembling eyes as he spoke. "Are you alright?" She nodded dumbly. The raven smiled sweetly and the jay noticed for the first time just how beautiful and kind his eyes were. He gently pulled her up and released her, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he held out her science book. "I do forgot this." Looking at the book in his bleached talon, she blushed and timidly accepted it. "...Th-thank you..." Gar nodded warmly and she felt her cheeks heat up again. He gave a slight bow before turning to leave. He paused for a moment and looked over his shoulder at the still stunned bluejay. "On gentle winds the bluejay sways, the light of hope through sunless days, On wings of hope she'll forever be, forever young and forever free..."

He finished with a warm smile before continuing on his way, leaving the young jay with a rapidly beating heart and a deep blush. Gently touching her arm where the white raven had held her, she broke out into small happy grin. Shaken out of her reverie by the sounding warning bell, she quickly collected her things and raced off to her next class, thoughts of the enchanting raven filling her head...

Harvy let out another groan as she lay on her bed, her face buried in her pillow. Was she love...with Gar? In many ways it made perfect sense and in many others it felt...well right...but still! It seemed...odd. She tried to imagine a romantic relationship with Gar. It seemed...VERY...appealing but what would her mother think? Sure she was VERY fond of Gar and she was greatful for that but he was an avian...not a canine. Would her mother really be okay with such a relationship? She knew that interspecies relationships were becoming more common in recent times but there was still a bit of a stigma attatched to them. Even in the most supportive communities they were seen as unusual, at least in terms of long term romances as opposed to one night stands. Sammy came to mind at that thought. As her thoughts lingered on the bobcat, she thought back to her words. Sammy truly didn't judge anyone, she realized. In fact if the frisky feline ever did decide to settle down she imagined species would be her LAST concern.

She groaned again in frustration. She was thinking herself in circles. She sat upright when she heard a familiar knocking at her door. "Honey? Is everything alright?" Harvy paused for a minute before answering truthfully. "...Not really..." A second later her door gently opened and Mrs. Sellow enterd with a frown of worry on her face. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Harvy sighed and fell back onto her bed. "I just finished talking with Sammy and what she said got me thinking..." Mrs. Sellow walked over to the bed and sat down beside her daughter. "About?" Harvy winced and turned away from her mother as she answered. "...Love..." The older wolf smiled warmly. "Oh? And does this pertain to anyone in particular?" Harvy looked at her mother with slight panic in her eyes. "'s someone I'm not sure I SHOULD love..." The older wolf grinned knowingly. "Someone of a different species?"

The younger wolf nodded. Mrs. Sellow's grin widened. "Someone with gorgeous white feathers, sexy abs and breathtaking blue eyes?" Harvy bolted upright in shock and embarassment before face pawing with a groan. Why should she even be surprised? "Dammit..." She grumbled as the older wolf chuckled warmly. "Oh honey! I'm sorry but you are just so obvious! I've known for a while now hun..." Harvy stared at her mother increduously. "H-how?! I just figured it out today!" The older wolf grinned and gave her daughter a wink. "You mean you just ADMITTED it today sweety..." Harvy groaned again before locking eyes with her mother in silent question. The older wolf engulfed her in a furry hug. "Honey I don't care about Gar's species... All I care about is your happiness. Your happiness ALWAYS comes first sweety." Harvy smiled lovingly at her mother as tears began to form in her eyes.

She looked away briefly as doubt crossed her face. " it really okay? I mean-" The older wolf cut her off. "Honey. You're just looking for excuses because you're scared." Harvy gasped in shock. Was she? Thinking back she realized her mother was right. She was scared. The older wolf patted her lovingly on the head. "Tell him how you feel sweety. You owe it to yourself." Harvy smiled with a look of conviction on her face. The older wolf broke out into a lecherous grin as she whispered into her daughter's ear. "He really IS a sexy hunk of birdy honey...If I were your age I'd jump him myself..." She finished with a slow sultry lick of her lips. Harvy's face paled as she stared blankly at the snickering older wolf in complete mortification. "MOM! What the HELL?!"